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GSW - Through the Looking Glass

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4:59pm, Tuesday, Week 1, January 2013

1100 West Artesia Boulevard, Compton, California: The Warehouse



Brother Grimm and Honey Golightly


"Look, don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with your promotion, nor am I implying that you can't run it perfectly by yourself. In fact, if you ignore everything I say right now, I know that you can, and will, run a great promotion which will probably revitalize and redefine the hardcore scene. All I'm offering is to add <em>more</em> on top of that. Every show needs its ups and downs, it's high points and its low points. The girls are there to offer the low points. After a half hour straight of screaming at your guys slamming each other's heads in with cinder blocks, a pair of t*ts and some *ss is the best thing to keep your fans interested in the show while they take a breather. A few more girls aren't going to change anything other than giving the guys something extra to watch." <em>Don't ramble.</em> I admonished myself. I wasn't going to get a second chance.


"I get it, there's no point in trying to sell t*ts and *ss is if you've got no t*ts and *ss to sell. You don't have to tell me that. I've been doing this kind of sh*t since you were taking off your pants for singles." I didn't bother to correct him. Truth be told, I didn't even really believe that he had made a genuine mistake. He was just trying to throw me. "Still, that's no good reason to start a whole division." He shook his head, but he didn't sell it hard enough. He knew I had something to offer, I just had to make the deal a little sweeter.


"I get what you're saying, but it's not just about the girls. Hell, it's not even about the girls at all, as I can't even <em>officially</em> offer to work on setting up contracts between you and them anymore, as we've already officially wrapped up all contract dealings." I hoped I hadn't over sold it.


"Officially?" He threw a glance over the top of his shades. I think he didn't even realize that he just bit right down on the hook.


"Officially." I repeated, tapping my nose like such a gesture had some kine of meaning. Whatever power he thought I had <em>unofficially</em>, well, so long as I didn't tell him, he could fill in anything he wanted. "And that's not all. I know you've had had trouble with sponsors. Every promotion that strays outside the expected and tries to deliver a really interesting product does. Still, I've got contacts built up from half a decade in the business. I can probably get you somewhere near ten grand in sponsors if the cards are right. Plus I've got some final supplies that can help, from ring and stage equipment to everything to start properly filming your matches."


Again he shook his head, but rather than saying what I wanted to hear, he asked the question I didn't. "Your company is in the ground, why the hell would I want you running mine?" It was the obvious question, but all I could do was give him the straight truth. Funny how that was a weakness rather than a strength.


"My company is in the ground because I took strippers, dancers and hostesses and turned them into real wrestlers. My company is in the ground because I got too damn stubborn and ran my company the way I wanted to." I stood up, placed my hands on the table, leaning in as far as I could and finished, "My company is in the ground because I started to give a damn about the industry, and I know damn well that you can't fault me for that, so you can either blow me off because you know I'm trying to do the same thing as you, or you hire me because of it." I still don't know if I oversold those lines. I also still don't know if they were really honest.


For a second, I thought he was going to ask me to leave, but then I saw the faint smile at the corner of his lips. "You better be as good as you claim." He put his hand out and I shook it.


"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed." I pulled the bottom of my jacket taunt and smiled. "Now, if we've reached an agreement, I have some people to call."


As soon as I was outside, I lit a cigarette and took a long drag. The last few years were not good ones. Perhaps that was the world telling me that my own little brand of wrestling just wasn't viable. My career, my savings and even my good name had been pillaged and tarnished in an attempt to save a dying company. Perhaps I was just too stubborn to let go of something that was already dead. I dropped and stomped out the half finished cigarette, and turned my head up to stare into the quickly darkening sky. Still, we no longer panic with every new dusk, as we know that it always brings a new dawn with it. Perhaps it was now time for my own new dawn to start rising.

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Who to hire?


Of course, that left the question of who to hire. I had four slots to fill and a dozen possibilities. Alexis was turning into a legitimate wrestler in her own right at QAW, while Tamara and Candy Floss were both still unemployed. After a moment, I wrote Tamara off. She was probably going to want a bit more than we could offer. Candy probably wasn't a good fit for the crowd either, and, honestly, the both of them really could fend for themselves. Lora Washington was also annoyingly a misfit for the crowd too. I really did want some minorities so the line between the men and women would be less visible. Still, that's why I only left myself the four slots. Another two workers could be brought in to fill out the women's division in such a way that it wouldn't look so separated from the men.


Alison. I wrote down her name and underlined it. She was beautiful, she had the right personality, and I knew that she didn't really want to go back to stripping. Roxy likewise got a circle around her name. She was a natural match, a good worker, and she was always enjoyable to be around. Amy Galaxy I went back and fourth on. She was a decent enough fit, but she had been one of the older members of the roster. She was really dedicating herself to becoming a wrestler, but she just wasn't a match to some of the other girls. For every upside with her, there was a downside.


Of course, that left the Neptune Twins, Coco, Vampella and Sprite who I knew were willing to work. Britney and Krissy were both unlikely to want to step back into the ring, and I knew the Dharma wouldn't. Maybe she would be willing to work as a valet though? She has such charm on camera that it was a tempting thought.


As for minority talent, I had a few names. Maribel Mercado, Teresa Perez and Juana Huracàn were all decent workers who had come out of Mexico to work for QAW. Of the three, it would be hard to choose between Teresa and Maribel, as Teresa seemed the best raw fit, but might be too conservative. Juana, however, was pretty over in Mexico, meaning she would probably want more, and her skill set just didn't mesh with GSW, making her easily the worst pick of the three. Elsa Calvo also looked like a decent prospect from Mexico, being very young, having been in a couple of independent shows, being truly bilingual to boot. A green card shouldn't be too hard to arrange. Susan Lee was an older, but a very good pick for a good black female wrestler. On the other hand, she was probably the only black female wrestler that I could find, so that's not saying a whole lot.


{OOC: So, tell me who you'd like to see (if you care). I've already selected most of the girls I personally want (assuming none of them say no), but I've got one slot open for the former BSC girls, and one slot open for the 'minority girls'. I hate to phrase it like that (doubly so being a minority myself that dislikes affirmative action, although for different reasons than most minorities do), but it's a legitimate concern in such a situation I think.}

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Shaking things up


2:54pm, Sunday, Week 1, January 2013

Video Conference



Brother Grimm, MC Motormouth, Honey Golightly


"Yea, yea, we can see you fine." Motormouth really fit his name. "I get the whole gotta introduce each other and all that sh*t, but I don't know quite how much there is to do with talking about changin' things up." He spoke a mile a minute. "It just seems to me that things are running fine as they are, and if you're really bringing in new sponsors, we're gonna have no worry about meeting budget even if we're bringin' in new girls." And I could barely think a word in edgewise, let alone say one.


"Motormouth." Grimm cut in. "Shut up." Then then motioned to his screen for me to continue.


"Thank you. Now, as I was saying, part of keeping a company like this, a part that I always had trouble with, is cutting the fat. This means everything from firing workers that aren't preforming up to standard," I put my hand up as Motormouth looked to start unload another spiel on his thoughts, "to reducing costs on the shows themselves. Now, Mr. Caves is a good announcer, but GSW is not at a stage were it needs a good announcer, and he is by no means essential to the company. Likewise, I think we should be looking to dropping a worker or two, as for who, we've already talked about some options." Grimm nodded, as he'd already told me that he was quickly coming to regret hiring workers with certain legal problems, and didn't want me to rehire them. "Now, as for CZCW..."


"Look, I already told you. I don't want to get caught up in any more drama bullshit. I don't want to make any deals with any other companies."


"Okay, fine." There was no getting anywhere with him, and, in fact, if it hadn't been an absolute for him to hire me, I doubt that he would have been willing to even allow me to start a women's division. "Then, onto the last topic at hand, the backstage. Now, I know this may sound like a bit much, but, for the most part, I want you to stay out of it. Let me handle all the incidents and all the drama. If I'm going to be in control of the workers, I <em>need</em> to be in control of the workers, not just in control when you aren't looking."


"Fine it's all yours." He put his hands in the air.


"Good, then if that's done, I've got the schedule for Lockdown..."

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7:53pm, Sunday, Week 3, January 2013

270 East Clark Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada: The Simmons Center



Mexico's Finest, E-Z, Honey Golightly


It was just a few minutes before the show started, and I thought we were going to manage to go without any real problems. The, of course, everything goes to hell.


There was a screech of metal twisting from the locker room, followed by a, "Don't f*cking touch me you little b*tch!".


"Just... Just get the f*ck out of my face. I just don't want to f*cking deal with this sh*t."


"Oh, so now it's back to being a little b*tch and just running away? You know why anyone can walk over you whenever the f*ck they want? It's because you're just a f*cking piece of sh*t!"


I stepped into the room just as E-Z stepped right into Mexico's face.


"Hey!" I yelled. They hesitated, but didn't back down. "Step the f*ck back and take a breath."


"Don't tell me what to do b*tch."


"Get the f*ck out."




"I said, get the f*ck out of here. Pack up your stuff and get the f*ck out of my sight. Your attitude isn't worth dealing with, and you're not working here anymore."


There was a moment of stunned silence, then, "Fine, what the f*ck ever."


{OOC: I actually do want to retain a good part of the core GSW roster, I swear. However, there was just too much stacked against Mexico's Finest. He had legal troubles (which Grimm had banned me from rehiring), he was a negative in my already heinous backstage (low 50s, which, honestly, I don't really plan on fixing), and he's an overpaid Main Eventer (which I need to cut from anyways). His extreme liberalism (meaning he's one of the few willing to do Death Matches), being his only real major upside, just wasn't enough to struggle with him.}

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I like the idea of bringing in my T&A, which I think makes sense! Be interesting to see where you take GSW. There's 3/4 versions of GSW on the go at the moment, each one different enough!

Yea, It's key risque and high T&A, completely maxed out, so (IMO) there <em>needs</em> to be someone other than Kandii to shake her ass in the ring. Plus, even with Sex Appeal gimped, it'll still rates higher than pretty much anything else GSW can put out immediately (for me at least, but I'm a shitty booker).


Also, definitely looks like we're going to be writing Grimm in very different ways. I looked at Brother Grimm, and, well, <em>I</em> love the old fairy tails...


Also, that's kinda why I liked running my old BSC diary. I was (pretty much) the only show in town.

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GSW Lockdown

3rd Sunday of January 2013: The Simmon Center




Honey Golightly


I stepped out and was reminded of the BSC just as we were starting up, with a tiny arena barely a quarter full. That was a good feeling. The crowd, however, looked confused, and rather far from pleased, as it was a my entrance was rather divorced from the usual fare for GSW.


"Ladies and gentlemen." I half yelled into the microphone, holding my voice a few notes deeper and more commanding then my natural tone. I then paused, sticking my nose as high in the air as I could without literally tilting my head back and glaring down it, before raising the microphone to my mouth a second time. "I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. B*tches and Motherf*ckers! I am the new commissioner of SoCal Wrestling, and there are going to be some changes!"


There was a roar from the small crowd, and for a second, I thought there might be a possibility of someone taking a bit of an offence at a little, white girl saying certain things, and storming the stage. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised that they seemed to get a kick out of it, so I ramped it up a little. "So, this little shit hole is my new joint until I can get a better place. For the time being however, I guess I'll be giving you your show."


I then took a moment to rant against the fans in general, calling to the back that I was taking over announcing and that Clifford, despite being a good worker, was fired. I decided against announcing Mexico's Finest's firing, to avoid the crowd turning on me. It was hard to really remember that I wasn't playing a true heel, as GSW's product didn't have such a hard line between the two.


Still, after a few minutes of ranting, I brought out the high point of my talk. "However, don't get it in your head that I'm such a hard ass, and that I'm going to tear down this promotion. In fact, I really do want you to all have fun, and to prove it, I'm going to give you all a present. So," I turned to face the backstage, "let's bring out the girls!"

{Rating: C/Honey Golightly's new Rich Businesswoman gimmick got a B-}



Roxy Kitten, Alison Capone, Amy Galaxy, Elsa Calvo


The four of them came down the ramp and stepped into the ring, each wearing a silk robe. They got a minute total of meet and greet, saying high to the fans up close, and teasing them, before I threw a little tantrum and ordered them to all get into the ring. From there it was just a bit of strutting and preening before I let them each get a shot at dancing. A minute each of dancing to their own entrance music to wordless establish their characters while stripping down to a bikini under their ring attire. It wasn't the strangest thing I've asked them to do.


was up first of course, starting slow and nervous, with the lights just playing over the ring and crowd, before really getting into the swing of things and letting it come out full force while the started to really dance with her and even strobe. By the end of her bit, the crowd seemed naturally inclined to root for the little shy girl. {Amy Galaxy's new Underdog gimmick got a B-}


followed her, but instead of dancing lights, we cut out everything but two spot lights which stayed centered dead on her while she swayed and twisted to the beat. Unlike Amy, who danced for the crowd, no one could doubt that Alison danced for anyone other than herself. I honestly still can't tell whether or not she enjoys it, although I guess it's not quite that simple. The fans, however, seemed to really love it. {Alison Capone's new Loner gimmick got a B-}


was third in line. Honestly, it was difficult to get a read on her. My girls I'd known for years. I'd only traded two sentences with Elsa, leaving Grimm to fill her in on what we had planned for her character. Still, her hips could definitely move. The little skit she put to in her dance ('Can everyone stop getting shot?!') from the music really helped to define her slightly wacky and certainly unstable character, which the fans ate right up. {Elsa Calvo's new Extremist gimmick got a B-}


Finally, Roxy Kitten was the last up, and, if you had to say anything about Roxy, it would have to be that she knew how to dance. It wasn't to music that the crowd normally listed to, but Grimm and I agreed that GSW should take a step back from the rap scene to get some breathing room, and keep focused on the counterculture points, and Roxy was as about as counterculture as you could get. However, I was surprised. Not at how much the crowd disliked, but instead at how quickly they took to her. After hearing it once, they were chanting her name by the end of her dance. {Roxy Kitten's new Anarchist gimmick got an A}


I was thankful too, as we'd already planned on giving Roxy the win for a leg up. Once they were headed up stage, I added, "And don't worry, they'll be back boys, in <em>two</em> matches tonight, the winners of which will face off next month for the GSW Women's Championship!"

{Rating: D}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Cheech%20Kong.jpghttp://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Devyn%20Retribution.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Top%20Dolla.jpghttp://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Drop%20Kix.jpg

and Drop Kix


With the the introduction of the girls taken care of, Motormouth and I took seats at a table nearby to provide live commentary. "So, Motormouth, I guess your going to be helping with the who's who here?"


"Exactly, and tonight we have more than an hour of straight wrestling for all the great fans here in Vegas." Trading banter with Motormouth came fairly easily, although I do have to admit it was different experiance to actually talk about wrestling, and I almost found myself playing Color to MC, rather than the other way around. Still, I think I managed to seat myself comfortably with the crowd even as they hated on pretty much everyone other than Top Dolla, who, out of the four, was definately the crowd favorite. They did give a bit of a cheer when Drop Kix hit Devyn with a Cannonball Legdrop, following it with a three count.

{Rating: F+ ~ Winners: Top Dolla and Drop Kix}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/LatiNoFear.jpghttp://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/MexiCain.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/E-Z.jpghttp://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Sanchez%20Villano.jpg



It also felt strange to have no real segue from one match to the next, just having the workers walk off while the next entrance starts. I nearly jumped when the crowd uniformly booed Brown Pride when their music hit, but as the match really started, I noticed it was only MexiCain they were crapping on, which struck me as rather strange, considering that he and LatiNoFear were nearly indistinguishable wrestlers to me.


Sanchez threw a few too many no sells for me to really think well of him, and botched a jump from the top rope where LatiNoFear was supposed to be throwing him, causing them both to just sort of tumble to the ground. Still, there was a decent pop when MexiCain hit Sanchez with an All-Or-Nothing Headbutt and went for the pin. As they left back up the ramp though, Motormouth cut our mics for a second and whispered to me that that was not how Sanchez normally preformed. It was mildly surprised to me that he took a moment out of the show to say that, and while I wasn't happy about leaving some dead air, it did speak volumes about how the roster had already started to come together, or maybe it was just MC's personality.

{Rating: E ~ Winners: Brown Pride}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Alison%20Capone.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Elsa%20Calvo.jpg



I was a bit taken aback at how this match seemd to come off to the fans. For a while I thought I had been overly optimistic about the girls, as they did not catch the crowds attention like I thought they should. However, they seemed at least as interested as they had in the last couple of matches, so I wasn't yet willing to write it off as a failure yet.


"...right into the turnbuckle. That's a beautiful hit. And there she goes, nailing Alison with her Bulldog."


"The b*tch hit her with her what now?! I don't see no damn dog in that ring!"

{Rating: E- ~ Winner: Elsa Calvo}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Kandii%20Quarter.jpghttp://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Busta%20Capp.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Gravedigga.jpg

Busta Capp (w/Kandii) vs. Gravedigga


I was surprised to find out that Busta and Kandii were actually an item when I first talked to them, as they played so well of each other. Honestly, I'm still not sure that they aren't.


As for the match, it was decent fair for the promotion, but as it dragged on, the audiance seemed to just get board with it. By the end they seemed to be pretty evenly split between boos and just not caring. Even the ending, with Gravedigga missing his Flying Headbutt, only to stagger up straight into a Mafia Kick, which was a pretty spectacular sight to me, barely got any attention.

{Rating: F+ ~ Winner: Busta Capp}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Boneyard.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Cali%20Slick.jpg

Boneyard vs.


The one thing I learned from seeing him in action was that, despite his apparent popularity, the crowd did not like to see Boneyard actually wrestle. They booed him from the moment the match started, all the way to when he Choke Slammed Cali down for the three count. I honestly wasn't surprised though. Boneyard was not a wrestler. The only thing he really had was presence, but he had more presence.

{Rating: E- ~ Winner: Boneyard}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Roxy%20Kitten.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Amy%20Galaxy.jpg

Roxy Kitten vs.


Seeing this match made me smile. Amy and Roxy never really got to work together back at the BSC, but not a lot could make me happier than seeing them. One thing that I did remind myself to work on was tweaking thier moves. When Roxy hit her Backstage Pass, a simple snap suplex, it really struck me as very mild compared to most of the finishers I'd seen that night. I did smile after how quick the crowd seemed to take to the girls though. Despite what I had told Grimm, it was a major worry of mine that they would hate to see girls in the ring.

{Rating: D- ~ Winner: Roxy Kitten}


GSW American Championship

http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Fro%20Sure.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Hard-1.jpg



This was the grand finale of the show, and was a bit of a premature shot on starting up a fued. I would have prefered that we work the angles a bit more before showing a match, but GSW had no real running fueds, or at least none that were going to be viable for more than a few showes, so we took the chance at just dropping all the half baked storylines for a whole new set.


I actually enjoyed the match too. Hard-1 was a good brawler, and Fro Sure knew how to connect to the crowd. I wanted to keep the two of them together as much as I could until Hard-1's skills rubbed off on Fro enough that someone would poach him. Just the thought of that, when Christine came in my office with such a sheepish look, saying that PSW had made her an offer, nearly forced me to stop commentating from almost breaking out in laughter. The crowd actually got too its feet too, when Fro sure hit the Sure Thing and jumped up on a turn buckle to celebrate.


However, they still cared less than I had hoped for when Hard-1 grabbed him from the buckle and threw him to the ground though. It was just a few kicks and stomps before Moore stpped in and pulled him off though, leaving them pretty tied in the storyline.

{Rating: E ~ Winner: Fro Sure/Angle Rating: E-}


{Final Rating: E+}





Roxy Kitten, Top Dolla, Boneyard


After we had ended the show, I gave the group a good talk. It was the first chance I'd gotten to see them all at once and talk to them as a crowd, so I made a good show of it, complementing Roxy and Top Dolla on doing well for their positions, and saying to Boneyard that no matter how the crowd treated him, in the end they still enjoyed the match, and that was what it all boiled down to.

{Roxy and Top Dolla were both complimented on a good performance, while Boneyard was given some encouragement. Roxy was pleased, Top Dolla was pleased, Boneyard was pleased.}


{OOC: So, I'll fill out the details of the roster (theme songs and the roster list in the second/third posts) as we continue, partly because I'm going to have to drop a number of workers due to Grimm's demand that I can't hire/rehire workers with law problems. I'd rather drop them soon too, as opposed to making use of them, so that I don't put in work on getting them over/momentum only to find that they have one match left and no one good to lose to.}

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Interesting take on the GSW backstory! I personally think the war between two deathmatch promotions in Los Angeles is one of the most interesting in TEW13 (which is odd because I hate that style irl). The only thing that irks me a bit is how many of the wrestlers' entrance music is hardcore rap, which is more of a midwest thing. Unless maybe you're building on the parallel of a fictional rapper starting a deathmatch promotion and Insane Clown Posse doing that Juggalo wrestling crap for real? idk, it's a fictional universe after all.
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Well written, easy to read.


Very nice.


Thanks. I'm using a bit of a simplistic appearance, but I think it works nicely for GSW's hardcore no frills image (or, at least, the hardcore no frills image that I'm going to be trying to work into them.)


Interesting take on the GSW backstory! I personally think the war between two deathmatch promotions in Los Angeles is one of the most interesting in TEW13 (which is odd because I hate that style irl). The only thing that irks me a bit is how many of the wrestlers' entrance music is hardcore rap, which is more of a midwest thing. Unless maybe you're building on the parallel of a fictional rapper starting a deathmatch promotion and Insane Clown Posse doing that Juggalo wrestling crap for real? idk, it's a fictional universe after all.


Yea, I really like this short of heavy war situation that the two new promotions find themselves in too. I saw it and I knew that I was going to be playing GSW one way or the other.


As for the choice of music, I'll be honest, it's highly inspired by my own knowledge and tastes. I'm a metal head (eh, mostly) and most of my knowledge of rap comes from UK garage scene, from rap metal or from the late 80s early (to mid) 90s rap scene. Now there will be a justification for the less expected choice of music (which I should be able to get to in the next 2~3 shows), but it does honestly come after I've already decided to not heavily slant the music towards modern rap. Don't get me wrong, if there wasn't a justification, I would have gone with all modern rap, but the justification does come after the decision.

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8:22am, Monday, Week 1, Febuary 2013

Phone Call



Honey Golightly and Brother Grimm


"Yea, that's what I said. Every single one of them is on the fence, and if we don't keep delivering, they are going to drop us."


"I thought you said that they were going back us all the way."


"They will."


"You just said-"


"I said that all we need to do to keep them in our hand is to keep delivering. That was already our game plan, so it's not like anything has changed. Hell, we could do the same song and dance we did last week, and they will keep tossing us checks. That's good enough for them. But you know who that's not good enough for? That's not good enough for us."




"Yea us. Even if you own the show, I'm putting blood, sweat and tears into it too. I'm invested in it."


"You mean like you were invested in your last promotion?"


"Yea, like I was invested in my last promotion, the one that I took from Vegas sideshow to contributor to the wrestling scene. The one that I made last five times longer than even the most generous guess gave me from the start. And I'm saying that we do the same thing here that worked there. We need to run more shows."


"We're barely affording the shows we are running. How the hell are we supposed to run more?"


"That's easy, we drop our show times to around an hour each. We'll mostly be cutting the second billing, taking a huge chunk out of our worker costs, and we'll be doubling our apparent content to both the fans and our sponsors. Look, right now the west coast wrestling market is saturated. We're losing people to not just Invincible Pro, but also the Coastal Zone and even Triple A. We need to kick it up, because right now, for every fan we get, we lose another one. I mean, it won't even affect yours or Motormouth's MCing jobs, as I'll only need one of you at any given show."


There was a long sigh from the other end of the line, then Grimm changed the subject. I'd won.


"So, what about those guys you were talking about last week?"


"I'm not making any moves to contact anyone until we've cleaned out the guys you've requested to have removed. Some of the guys appear to be off the market though. Perez I know signed a deal with SWF, and I think Keith is planning on making a move to Japan. But there are plenty of skilled guys floating around that can fill the same roles. Don't worry, I've got this."

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7:14pm, Sunday, Week 2, Febuary 2013

270 East Clark Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada: The Simmons Center



Honey Golightly and Sanchez Villano


"Why the hell is everyone <em>outside</em> the damn locker rooms. Did you guys see a f*cking spider or something? You guys need to get dressed."


"F*ck that. Sanchez made it impossible to stay in there." Moore said, to the nods of a few of the other guys.


"It can't be that-" I forced my way past them, but upon opening the door I was forced to shut my mouth for the fear that if I opened it, I would hurl. In the middle of the room was Sanchez.


"Look, I'm f*cking sorry, but it's just a natural bodily function." He waved me off after a glance.


"All I'm going to say is that maybe you should change your diet a little. Something like this is not natural."


"You know what? F*ck that, and f*ck you too." He stormed out of the room without a glance back.




{So, yea, I've got a backstage rating in the 50s. Someone is going to fart up the place every damn night, so I'm probably going to skip these for the most part, unless something genuinely interesting comes out of them.}

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GSW Death Sentence

2nd Sunday of Febuary 2013: The Simmon Center




Announcers: Honey Golightly and Brother Grimm


GSW West Coast Championship

http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Sanchez%20Villano.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Drop%20Kix.jpg

vs. Drop Kix


Grimm and I stepped and had barely any time for banter before Sanchez's music hit. Running an hour long show left us very little room to work with to keep the story lines going while still using a good portion of our workers. In fact, I was a annoyed that I had to cut the segments I had planned between Grimm and me because of time. Still, that's part of show business.


Our first match of the night was a rather simple and obvious squash. Drop Kix is a good worker, but Sanchez is just more over with the crowd. So, we had a few minutes of Sanchez manhandling Drop, another few minutes where Drop gets a second wind, and then a vicious knee to the jaw from Sanchez, letting Sanchez pick up the three count.

{Rating: E ~ Winner: Sanchez Villano}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Aces%20High.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Mobstar.jpg

vs. Mobstar


The second match was a singles bout between two tag competitors. The crowd seemed to like their brawling, even if it was pretty lackluster on Aces' part. I was honestly a bit surprised at how decent a worker Mobster was during the whole match. He was a good, versatile worker. Still, in the end, it was Aces that hit him with the Dead Man's Hand to pick up the three count to a few scattered boos, directed more at Aces than the match itself.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Aces High}



Hard-1 and Elsa Calvo


Our next bit was on the screen, rather than in the ring. The camera showed Elsa stretching for her upcoming match, then a pan out to show Hard-1 entering the room.


"Hey chica. I was watching you at the show last month, and I've got to say, you looked good." His grin was as about as smug as I could image someone ever looking.


Elsa spun around and got straight in Hard-1's face. "Puta, you making fun of me?" The accent she used threw me a little. I hadn't yet heard Elsa speak Spanish, but I did tell her to drop slang and Spanish words through out everything she said, as though she only spoke English in a haphazard, unlearned fashion.


"Whoa, I'm just saying that I liked what I saw last month. I ain't making for of you babe."


"Oh? You liked what you saw did you? And what did you see?" Elsa backed off.


His shit eating grin was already pasted back on his face. "I just saw a girl that knew how to handle herself. I'm looking around at the new girls that are coming on, and they all look so touchy and weak like little bitches, and then there you go up, and I know a girl like you can handle herself, so I just came in and wanted to ask if you wanted to go out after the show tonight?"


"Sure puta, I'll come out with you tonight."

{Rating: E-}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/E-Z.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Devyn%20Retribution.jpg

E-Z vs.


We cut straight back to E-Z's entrance. Once Devyn was in the ring, I could tell there was just no way the match was going to go well. They constantly swapped between no sells and oversells of every punch and hold, and every time one took a moment to pander to the crowd, the other was out of position for the next sequence, and they ended up just scrapping their way through the match until E-Z hit Devyn with his Elbow Drop.

{Rating: F+ ~ Winner: E-Z}



Sanchez Villano and Roxy Kitten


We jumped back to the screen after the match, where Roxy was getting ready, however, when the pan showed Sanchez, it lingered a moment longer than it had with Hard-1 one to show his already smug grin.


"Hey babe-"


"F*ck off." Roxy didn't even look up.


His grin didn't even begin to slip. "Hey, I'm just saying-"


"I said f*ck off." Having to say it a second time, Roxy and got up in his face.


Sanchez took a half step backward, but the smile on his face did not fade. "Hey babe, I'm the West Coast Champion, you might want to check that shit."


She tossed her hands up and tried to make her way past him. When she was stepping past him though, he grabber her by the wrist. However, rather than put him in control of the situation, it ended up with her flipping him over her shoulder onto the ground and walking out as her song started up. I was relieved when it got a decent pop from the crowd.

{Rating: E+}


GSW Womens Championship

http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Roxy%20Kitten.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Elsa%20Calvo.jpg

Roxy Kitten vs.


Unfortunately, the crowd cared less about the girls in ring action, and, to make matters worse, we were running near the end and their set was a lot of playing to the crowd to get them worked up, when they already were. In the end, it was just a mismanaged match, and that fell on me. Still, it was a decent showing, and should work in getting them known to the crowd.


Then, as Roxy was celebrating her new championship win, Elsa hit her from the back, and they rolled around in a cat fight until Elsa finally managed to rip Roxy's top off. Sending her running to the backstage.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Roxy Kitten/Angle Rating: D}


http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Deaf%20Touch.jpg vs. http://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Hard-1.jpghttp://roafiles.webs.com/TEW%20Diary%20Pics/Elsa%20Calvo%20Quarter.jpg



Our last match of the night was a good showing. Deaf Touch and Hard-1 put on good lot early piece, where they kept chasing each other, with Elsa adding to Hard-1's corner, both by helping him and by throwing him off. On the downside, the match just took to long to build. I had planned to give it twenty minutes to start, but that quickly dwindled into fifteen, but we never managed to get around to changing the match itself to accommodate, so Hard-1's Mafia Kick seemed to just come out of left field before he picked up the win.

{Rating: E ~ Winner: Hard-1}



Hard-1 (w/Elsa Calvo)


After Deaf Touch hard rolled out of the ring and headed up the ramp, Hard-1 came up the the desk and snatched up one of the mics. The first part of his rant was pretty typical, saying how Fro Sure did not deserve his title, and his win was a fluke. Then Elsa got a microphone.


"So, you want another match with that little bitch that kicked your ass last month, right?" She crossed her arms and leaned up against the ring, holding the mic up only to speak.


"I thought you were going to be on my side." Hard-1 flustered.


However that only made Elsa smile. "Hey puta, you ain't put your dick in it yet, so don't think you own me. I'm just making sure it's that little bitch that hasn't yet figured out the sixties are over." She ruffled her hair around with that last comment, talking about Fro Sure's afro.


"Yea. The only reason he's won is because of luck. I should the the American Champion."


"Then we'll get you that title."


Hard-1's face broke out in a wide smile. "You here that Fro Sure?" He started walking back up the ramp. "We're coming for you."


Elsa waited until Hard-1 was most of the way up the ramp before adding, "Yea, puta. First we're going to get you your title, and then..." She let her sentence trail as she dropped the mic and followed him up with a swagger.

{Rating: E-}


{Final Rating: E+}




{This show did <em>not</em> raise our popularity, so I may try to use a bit of a cheap tactic on the next show (something I wanted to save, but, well, I did just set up a good reason.) Also, encouraged Devyn, Aces and told Hard-1 that they can do better. The former two seemed pleased, while Hard-1 didn't seemed concerned. Plus I resigned Boneyard's contract}

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