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Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All

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OOC Warning: Use of naughty language and Big Daddy Horne



December 21st, 2012 3:14am


The residence of Septimus Stubbs




The sound of heavy pounding at the door was loud enough to probably wake the neighbors. It was certainly loud enough to get nearby dogs barking.


'Well shit. It is the apocalypse.' were the first thoughts running through the mind of Septimus Stubbs when cracked open an eye and was roused from his sleep. Soon he probably wish it was something as delightful as that.




It only seemed to make the pounding louder and the rather irritated Aussie pulled himself from bed and flung open the door. "I said go aw...." Needless to say when half awake this is the last thing one would want to see at this time of the morning.




What it made it even better is the fact said man in question looked piss drunk with bloodshot eyes and the looked like he might lurch forward and crush poor Septimus under him.


BDH: "I want to start a company."


SS: "....well that is nice, mate. Why the hell are you telling me this and shouldn't you be in a ditch or something. Ya smell horrible."


BDH: "Th....this is important. I need help."


The big man placed his hand on Septimus who quickly brushed it away. He was getting more irritated by the moment.


SS: "No shit ya need help. Go sleep it off or something."


BDH: "That wasn't what I...not what I meant. Book for me. I got cash."


SS: "That's magical, mate. You woke me up at the bum**** hour of three to ask me to book?"


BDH: "It's important. I told ya it was important."


SS: "So ya say. Look, go sober yerself up and give me a call, mate. Maybe by then ya will have come to yer senses. If ya are serious still then we will talk. I am going the hell back to bed."


The door was slammed in the face of the big man. The last sight Septimus saw was a bit of a harrowing one. Was Big Daddy Horne smiling? Oh shit, he just might be serious.


"Oh merry ****ing Christmas to me...."


OOC: Will still do MPWF as well, but this idea popped in my head one night and I had to give it a go. Alcohol was involved.

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December 26th, 2012 Early Evening


Old Howler's Bar




Damned if the big old fart wasn't serious. Septimus is still dubious to how Big Daddy Horne got the cash to where he could start up a promotion, but he somehow did and it wasn't the booze that gave him the idea. He called stone cold sober the next day and this little meeting was set up.


We now join this conversation already in progress.


"I want to be champion."


"That is wonderful, mate. I would like to be making money if I do this so I would be the first to say hell no."


"I want to be champion."


".....yer fourty-six. You never could wrestle to begin with. I am not exactly a spry one these days and I can work better than alot of the 'wrestlers' we have out there in the indies. That being said I wouldn't even put the belt on myself."


It seems the explanation is slowly sinking into the brainmeats of Big Daddy Horne as he actually looks to contemplate. With a sigh Septimus rubs the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes.


"Look, I know you are pissed about lack of work. If you want to be the star I will tell you we are gonna go broke fast. If you were such a draw you would still be with APW, mate."


"They don't know what they are missing out on."


"Oh I am pretty sure they do. Pull yer head out yer ass and let us get serious."


Septimus is starting to think Big Daddy Horne didn't think this through so well. The big man is stubborn and quite frankly probably not the guy that should be running things unless the plan was just running things into the ground.


"Look, you wanted me to book. Let me do the hirings and set this up. You came to me because of my experience, right?"


"Well, yeah. We should find the biggest men and that will get people to come see us!"


"I am starting to wonder how you have been in the business so long...oh right. Yer size. We can't just have all big guys stinking up the ring. We gotta find our niche, mate. Get a blend. Maybe even look to some help from Comedian. Hell, perhaps ask Halloween Knight if we can borrow some of his guys at times."


The mention of the latter really twisted the big man's underoos into a knot.


"The flippy floppy guys? Who wants to see them?"


"Uh, they seem to be doing fine if you ask me. We aren't going to have friends in RAW or APW. We gotta maybe look at seeing what kinda deal we can worth with the other guys."


"I am starting to wonder if you really know what to do. Maybe DIW guys. Everyone loves a good brawler, but the flippy floppy guys?"


He hasn't even agreed to be the actual booker and already he has all the headaches of being one. The whiskey he was having is quickly pounded so another could be ordered.


"A week. That is all I need. I'll show you who I can grab then you can decide if I am the man for the job."


"I still want to be champion."


"Eat me."

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Headline: A New Year a New Company


It appears today that Big Daddy Horne made an announcement to us here at Perth Web Wrestling that he has decided to create his own company. Little is known about details beyond the veteran Septimus Stubbs is also involved and will be acting as booker. No one is sure why Big Daddy Horne has decided to do this and many wonder if a new company can survive given the current landscape of wrestling in Australia.


RAW continues to dominate with APW still managing to garner a good following. Can Big Daddy Horne pull something off like The Comedian and manage to find an alternative to what the two large companies have? So far there are no announcingments on who will be on the roster, but we were told to expect a show near the end of this month. When we tried to contact Septimus for comments and what to expect we were left with the following comment before he hung up.


"What is that ****er thinking!?"


More news as we get it.


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Headline: Company Has A Name


A few days after finding out about a new company headed by Big Daddy Horne we have gotten the official name for it. It will be known as The Bad Boys of Australia and their first show will be held in about two weeks. Perth Web Wrestling was still trying to get details on who we might expect to see as well as what sort of product we could expect. No real details were given beyond that other than while the name may sound like they are trying to copy Deep Impact Wrestling's hardcore style, the product is going to try and be a good alternative to any other company that currently holds shows.


When asked who he plans to have as the figurehead of the company he just gave us a wink after saying 'I think you can make a good guess'. When we reached out to Septimus Stubbs to see if such plans were already in motion the response we got was a bit too profanity filled to post here. The below link is a good, work safe, way to think of how his response went.



We shall try to get more news on the Bad Boys of Australia before the show.


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Early January, 2013 Lunchtime


Halley's Burgerdog




Big Daddy Horne stares at a piece of paper given to him by Septimus Stubbs. He is surrounded by several empty containers compared to the single drink that rests in front of partner in crime. His brow furrows and he has been reading the names there over and over again.


"I don't know any of these guys. Shouldn't we get Blaze Maximum? Hey, Switchblade and D.O.A need work too."


There is a sigh and Septimus shakes his head. He did not want this conversation, but he knew he had to have it sooner rather than later.


"We don't need some steriod freak being around ruining the new kids I want to bring in. Switchblade I would consider on his own because I have worked with him after his release. he is a good guy, but not really our price range, mate."


"Still, can't we find....ohhhh."


He points out to one name with a greasy digit as he shows the paper to Septimus. For the first time the big man seems pleased about something.


"This one shows promise!"


There is a smirk and Septimus has to keep himself from rolling his eyes. He was reluctant to even put that name down, but he knew he had to get someone that Big Daddy Horne could get behind.


"I figured ya would. Look, we got alot of hungry guys listed on there I can get to work for us pretty cheap. We give em a shot and after a few shows if they don't work out we can try to change things up. Gotta trust yer booker, mate."


"Can we put the title on this guy first if I can't have it?"




(OOC Note: Roster to come later today or tomorrow depending when I find time.)

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Bad Boys of Australia


The Starting Roster







Name: London Platten

Job: Announcer


Probably the most professional looking member of the entire group. A bit uncharismatic, but he can provide decent commentary as far as play by play goes.




Name: Herbie H(ancock?) Reedman

Job: Referee


Young and cheap. That enough gives him a job for a long time here as referee. Given the company he is more than adequate to get the job done.




Name: Taniko Jo

Job: Manager

Disposition: Heel


One of the few managers brought in. Specializes in bossing the big guys around. Won't subject her to managing Horne unless she wants to.




Name: Ceri Dordevich

Job: Manager

Disposition: Heel


A few ideas for her. Probably the most charismatic of the managers brought in and might turn out to be a hit if we can find the right wrestler to pair her with. Worst case she might provide good colour commentary.




Name: Melissa Abernathy

Job: Manager

Disposition: Face


Pretty face and decent on the mic. Will find one of the more bland faces to team her with. Already have someone in mind.



The Wrestlers




Name: Big Daddy Horne

Disposition: Heel

Theme: Steak - Big Bear


The owner and sadly the biggest draw of the performers. Getting old and any real mobility he had is fading fast.




Name: Septimus Stubbs

Disposition: Heel

Theme: Karma to Burn - Waiting on the Western World


Head Booker and acting Road Agent. He is full of anger, but given who he has to deal with is that really a surprise? Actually one of the best workers and despite his age he hasn't slowed down at all.




Name: Adrian McGhee

Disposition: Heel

Theme: Airborne - Runnin' Wild


Unproven rookie that at least has a good look. This will be his first taste in finding out if the world of wrestling is right for him.




Name: Australian Devil

Disposition: Face

Theme: Sweet - Ballroom Blitz


High flier with only about a year of experience. We can just hope he can limit his botches so no one gets hurt. Possible tag team plans for him.




Name: Azazel

Disposition: Face

Theme: Altaria - Warrior


One of Halloween Knight's boys. ZEN was a bit too full so he didn't get signed. Another high flier that will need some ring work, but might have more potential than Australian Devil.




Name: Dexter Mattell

Disposition: Heel

Theme: Genuflect - Kill Shot


A rookie with alot of potential. Perhaps of all the rookies he is the one that we might have to worry about losing to a bigger, better company one day.




Name: D-Pod

Disposition: Face

Theme: LL cool J - Rock the Bells


The best talker of the group. If he could work his ring skills to match he could be a pretty good star as well.




Name: Francis Burke

Disposition: Face

Theme: Bang Camaro - Nightlife Commando


A pretty good wrestler and a 'veteran' compared to alot of the other guys in the company. Should be able to provide good matches and seems to connect with the crowd pretty well.




Name: Frankie Robertson

Disposition: Face

Theme: Emerald Sun - We Won't Fall


Has the potential to be the top face of the company. Surprised he hasn't ended up somewhere by now. He would fit in DIW well enough, but instead has landed on this roster.





Name: Jake D'Angelo

Disposition: Face

Theme: Kamchatka - Seed


Smallish brawler that can also work well against the high fliers that were brought in. Despite being around for five years there isn't too much known about him, but he seems reliable and safe.




Name: Sulphur

Disposition: Heel

Theme: Clutch - Impetus


A big guy brought in to appease BDH and his love of having some sort of monster. He is imposing, but in the ring he is pretty bad. He is at least more mobile than BDH at this point. That isn't saying much.




Name: Vortex

Disposition: Heel

Theme: Battle Beast - Show Me How to Die


Another rookie with some nice potential. He has added some technical skills as well as being a good high flier. Has a good look as well.

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Headline: Bad Boys of Australia Announce First Event


It was announced to Perth Web Wrestling today over email that Big Daddy Horne that the first event by his new company will be held in two weeks! He is calling it One Wild Night and it will be held in Laird Lounge which has a max capacity of three hundred patrons.


We are unsure how many people are expected and if he named his show that because he is unsure if his promotion will last more than one night. It is understood that there will be four matches going on that night which is the start of the tournament for the Bad Boys of Australia National Title, but there are many other wrestlers that may show before and during this the time of the show. Below are the tournament matches. Seeing the names there show that will be quite the event.


Bad Boys of Australia National Title Tournament Quarterfinals


Jake D'Angelo vs Sulpher


Septimus Stubbs vs Frankie Robertson


Francis Burke vs Adrian McGhee


Dexter Mattell vs D-Pod


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This has sooo much potential it scares me... I love me some Aussie action and Sulpher is in!? Wow, then so am i.


Jake D'Angelo vs Sulpher

I'll be the guy in the Sulpher shirt and the Crimson sign!

Septimus Stubbs vs Frankie Robertson

Frankie is cool ... Looks better in an Ape suit though but Stubbs is the man.

Francis Burke vs Adrian McGhee

The Bat out of Hell gets the V

Dexter Mattell vs D-Pod

Never used either of these guys in my hundreds of Aussie games ... Coin toss says Dexter.

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Jake D'Angelo vs Sulpher - Push the monsters and keep kayfabe BDH happy

Septimus Stubbs vs Frankie Robertson - Keep the best at the top... for now

Francis Burke vs Adrian McGhee - Obvious decision I think

Dexter Mattell vs D-Pod - I'm not sure about either of these guys, so I'm going with the rookie

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Jake D'Angelo vs Sulpher

I see great things in Sulpher's future as long as BDH is in charge.


Septimus Stubbs vs Frankie Robertson

As much as I love Frankie... not yet.


Francis Burke vs Adrian McGhee

Francis. No doubter in my opinion.


Dexter Mattell vs D-Pod

I really am not sure on this one.

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This has sooo much potential it scares me... I love me some Aussie action and Sulpher is in!? Wow, then so am i.


Sulpher is so bad it feels so right to use him. I can really only imagine this is the kind of 'amazing' promotion BDH would want and Stubbs just going INSANE at having to try and make it all work.

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Bad Boys of Australia: One Wild Night


Laird Lounge: 9 Strong


The place is mostly empty and there are actually more wrestlers and staff than there are fans. The ring looks a bit on the worn out side and there is a small table set up where London Platten is sitting at with a microphone and a CD player. It looks like part of his announcing duties are also to play the wrestlers out to the ring. Folding chairs are set about close enough for those that came to get a close look at the action, but also far away enough that they won't have a wrestler fall on them. No wants a 'Big Daddy Horne fell out of the ring and onto me' lawsuit.


Before things fully got started fans were 'treated' to a three way bout.




Vortex vs Azazel vs Australian Devil


Three rookies that have some flashes of brilliance to go with a ton of bad. Vortex looked the best out of the three while the Australian Devil is lucky to not be named the Botchmanian Devil. Highlight of the match is Vortex backflipping over the top rope to the outside to wipe out Azazel. Vortex then managed to nail Australian Devil with a swinging DDT to get the pinfall.


Winner: Vortex


Rating: 9




The show proper gets started a few minutes later when it is realized the nine fans that came in are the only ones coming. Most seem to be here out of curiousity while there is one out there that apparently knows who one of wrestlers is because he is actually wearing a shirt with Sulphur's mug on it. London welcomes everyone to the show before settling back down behind his rickety announce table and he hits play on the CD player. D-Pod is soon out and he heads for the ring, only stopping to grab London's mic to use since it is the only one in house.




"Ladies and Gentle....oh there aren't any ladies. Gentlemen! Welcome to the show. For those who do not know I am the man with the fro that you folks can call D-Pod. Now I won't talk to long because there is a match about to go on and I am here to show you all I can do. Get excited everyone because this one will be fun. Let's do this!"


If anything he has the charisma to get the people somewhat interested and they seemed to enjoy what little he had to say. They at least seem interested in the match now.


Rating: 28






Australian National Title Tournament Round 1:


D-Pod vs Dexter Mattell


Dexter comes out looking like the rather cocky individual and he just mocks D-Pod when he gets into the ring. The cockiness is met with a slap and the two start to wrestle. D-Pod may be good on the mic, but he needs work in the ring. Dexter on the other hand looked to be rather competent and was the one leading the match. A few moments in a woman comes out and seems intent on watching the match at first, but judging by the way she is looking she has eyes for Dexter. Not only that at one point she grabs D-Pod's foot when he comes off the ropes and faceplants him when the ref is being a bit distracted. Dexter quickly capitalizes and locks in the STF to get the win as the woman looks rather pleased as she heads back to where she came.


Winner: Dexter Mattell


Rating: 15






Soon after D-Pod has hobbled off another woman emerges. She too grabs London's mic and she remains at ringside for now.


"I see we have a few peons actually showing up tonight. It would be more if they know the greatness of Taniko Jo. Instead you few will get to witness the man I will take to the top of this promotion. They may as well give him the title now. Taniko Jo brings you....Sulphur!"




The big brute of a man lumbers out and the single fan in the Sulphur shirt is going wild. The others look impressed by the size of the towering Aussie. He stops by Taniko and then hefts her up to easily hold her on a shoulder so she can more easily address the crowd.


"At least one fan knows greatness when he sees it. Tonight marks the beginning of a new era. Tonight Taniko Jo will lead Sulphur to the next round!"


Really the reaction the pair gets might be the best one could hope for from such a small crowd. Taniko did her part well and The sheer brutish looks of Sulphur really sell him as a monster.


Rating: 51






Australian National Title Tournament Round 1:


Jake D'Angelo vs Sulphur with Taniko Jo


Sulphur doesn't exactly wrestle. He just sort of pushes his opponent about and awkwardly punches or headbutts them. Jake does his best to sell it at least. The crowd didn't really seem behind either man and were for the most part quiet. Most of the noise came from Taniko Jo's shouting as she commanded her meat wall about the ring. Jake finally did seem to daze the monster and he tries to capitalize, but then down to the ring came Vortex who just slinked about and seemingly stalked Jake from the outside. The distraction combined with the sheer power of Sulphur was too much to overcome. At least one fan goes home happy when the big man hits his Depths of Hell chokeslam and gets the pin.


Winner: Sulphur


Rating: 9






Sulphur is very slow too leave and he is still celebrating his victory when the music for Francis Burke hits. He comes out holding hands with Melissa Abernathy and the pair wave to the few fans present. Sulphur doesn't appear to like to be interrupted and he stands in Burke's way. Melissa backs away and Francis seems unsure what to do and he tries to go around only to be grabbed by a big, meaty hand. Sulphur decides his path of destruction wasn't over and he beat down Francis with a few headbutts and one giant chop before finally leaving. Of course Taniko Jo gloated some at Melissa the entire time before giving a cackle and leaving with her monster.


Rating: 36






Australian National Title Tournament Round 1:


Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Adrian McGhee


Adrian comes out with a large grin at seeing Melissa kneeled over Francis as she tries to help him recover. The biker steps over and pulls Melissa out of the way and begins to work over Francis after rolling him into the ring. He is oozing confidence to the point it is no surprise that he misses a corner charge and it allows Burke a moment to recover and start to fight back. Adrian is very rough to watch in the ring, but Burke helped keep the match together. Just when it seemed Adrian was getting the advantage again he is caught with a surprise roll-up and Burke gets the win despite the beating he took.


Winner: Francis Burke


Rating: 19






Septimus Stubbs comes to the ring and he doesn't look happy. Then again does he ever look happy? He pushes at London a bit and he takes the mic as he climbs into the ring. He sneers a bit and rolls his eyes.


"Really? This is what I have to deal with? I have been wrestling for over twenty years and this is what I get? I have to wrestle in front of this few people and on top of it against some dawdlin' dickstretched piece of mufftaffy that thinks he has paid his dues enough to get a chance for a title. Well he is about to learn a harsh lesson. I am not here to be a nice guy. I am here to kick ass and right now Frankie Robertson, you little twat, you are going to be the first to get a beatdown from me."


Seems like the fans are more into the fluff between the matches than the matches themselves. Given the talent of most wrestlers so far that isn't a big surprise.


Rating :22






Australian National Title Tournament Round 1:


Septimus Stubbs vs Frankie Robertson


Frankie doesn't even get to the ring for the fight to start. Septimus meets him on the outside and the two just go at it. Both workers are going all out and they actually seem to be getting the fans interested in a match for the first time all night. It easily beats out the previous matches, but given who is involved that isn't saying much. Septimus' anger might get the better of him because it allows Frankie to get the better of the veteran a few times. The final time is the one that counts because it allows him to lock on a triangle choke and even the resilient Septimus Stubbs is forced to tap out.


Winner: Frankie Robertson


Rating: 24






After such a hard fought match Frankie was trying to recover. During that time he failed to notice a hulking figure emerge and make his way to the ring. Frankie finally gets to his feet and turns around right into the large hams that are known as Big Daddy Horne's hands and he is hefted up and then laid out. It looks like the boss isn't happy at all as he rolls Frankie out of the ring and he goes to help Stubbs up.


The crowd looking pleased could be one of two things. They either enjoyed the show as a whole, or they are glad Big Daddy Horne didn't attempt any 'wrestling' there.


Rating: 19





Final Thoughts:


Sulphur on beatdowns: Good. Sulphur in Ring: BAD


Alot of new prospects need more ring time. Frankie, Francis, Dexter and Septimus all handled themselves well, but the rest have issues they need to resolve.


Septimus Stubbs is a very spry 43 year old.


Herbie H Reedman isn't as good of ref as he was thought to be.


In reality things could be much worse.


Final Rating: 26

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