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Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All

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Thanks for the positive comments. It has been fun so far and I got some ideas for the next few shows. When it starts getting to where the company can start to afford more talent or the like I might start getting ideas from you all on who to grab. Possibly more to come tonight or tomorrow that will lead into the next show.
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February 3rd, 2013 Early Evening


Whiskey Jack's Wafflehouse





The two men are hunkered at a table with several empty shot glasses and empty plates mostly surrounding Big Daddy Horne who happens to be in a jovial mood. Septimus Stubbs on the other hand keeps looking over some papers and he keeps shaking his head while showing a look of disbelief.


"Don't tug on me, mate. You promise you didn't stiff someone out of their pay?"


"Of course not. This is with all of the expenses for rental of equipment, the venue's fees as well as paying all workers."


"I don't know how we did it. We actually made money. We threw up a stinker and we still made money!"


"You almost act disappointed. Aren't you the one that planned everything and set it up? You wanted to lose money?"


"Not wanted, mate. I am just not used to putting on a show and actually making something. At best I hope to break even. The sponsers I managed to get to help us saved our ass, though. We gotta keep em happy."


"I want to do another show later this month. Make sure to bring everyone back."


"Not everyone, mate. I got another referee in mind. Herbie is a nice guy and all, but he looked like a retarded sloth out there. We don't have many good wrestlers, but we at least have to try and make our staff look competent."


"Do what you need. We are still going to put the title on Sulphur, right?"



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Headline: Bad Boys of Australia Holding Another Show


Perth Web Wrestling recieved an email today from Big Daddy Horne. He is going to be holding another show that will continue the tournament for the promotion's first champion. Laird Lounge will once again host the event and there are still plenty of tickets available, no surprise. Below are some of the 'amazing' matches that will be going on that evening.


Bad Boys of Autralia: Culture Shock


National Championship Semi - Final matches:


Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson


Dexter Mattell vs Francis Burke


Also on the Card:


Australian Devil and Azazel vs Adrian McGhee and Vortex


Big Daddy Horne vs D-Pod


Septimus Stubbs vs Jake D'Angelo


If you liked this story check out the following articles:


- Herbie H. Reedman 'My middle name isn't ****ing Hancock!'


- Big Harv and his Big House of Pancakes idea


- Warmonger 'Going Green'

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Nice start and really interesting roster too. It will be fun to see what can happen when Big Daddy Horne is your top guy. :)



National Championship Semi - Final matches:


Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson

I just don´t see Sulphur getting into finals as that match would likely main event the next show.


Dexter Mattell vs Francis Burke

Could go either way but since I picked Robertson on the other Semi-final match-up I go with heel here.


Also on the Card:


Australian Devil and Azazel vs Adrian McGhee and Vortex

McGhee was in the tournament and Vortex won that triple thread match which makes me assume that they are slighly higher on pecking order.


Big Daddy Horne vs D-Pod

Horne won´t be losing his debut match.


Septimus Stubbs vs Jake D'Angelo

Hard to say much about D´Angelo´s performance so far as it´s pretty hopeless to get decent match out from Sulphur. That said I expect Stubbs to pick up the win here because as far as I know, he´s one of the more talented guys in the roster.

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Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson - Sulpher is terrible, but then again...

Dexter Mattell vs Francis Burke - Burke is simply better

Australian Devil and Azazel vs Adrian McGhee and Vortex - More interesting characters, probably higher up the order too

Big Daddy Horne vs D-Pod - Can't see the owner taking a loss, despite how terrible he is

Septimus Stubbs vs Jake D'Angelo - Tough one. I tossed a coin.

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Bad Boys of Autralia: Culture Shock


National Championship Semi - Final matches:


Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson


Dexter Mattell vs Francis Burke


Also on the Card:


Australian Devil and Azazel vs Adrian McGhee and Vortex

Big Daddy Horne vs D-Pod


Septimus Stubbs vs Jake D'Angelo

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Bad Boys of Australia: Culture Shock!


Laird Lounge


Attendees: 14


Much like last time the place is sparse with people coming to watch the action and the same rickety table is set up with a microphone on a broken stand and a rather worn out CD player. London Platten is nicely dressed and sitting in his beat up folding chair ready to do announcing work. There are two guys with hand cameras ready to record as the new referee is announced before things get under way. Sadly he is probably better known than almost anyone minus Big Daddy Horne and Septimus Stubbs.





Waybe Shimmelbusch seems happy to be there. Afterall he is getting a paycheck once again and given how bad Herbie was almost anyone can be an improvement. With the introductions out of the way as well as welcoming the crowd being done the show is ready to begin.






Australian Devil and Azazel vs Vortex and Adrian McGhee


Azazel and Australian Devil actually come out in similar tights and are announced as Heaven and Hell. Adrian comes out on his own and soon Vortex slinks out afterwards. It is a tale of two teams and surprisingly Azazel and Australian Devil seem to be very much on the same page. Adrian for the most part was left to actually fend for himself most of the match. Vortex seemed more intent on slinking about on the outside and seemed infatuated with a few fans.


Highlight of the match is when Australian Devil happens when Vortex is finally in the ring and a bit prone on the corner as a dazed Adrien McGhee was recovering on the outside a bit of ways away from the ring. Devil gets a run as if he is going to corner charge, but gets enough air to leap over Vortex and the post to clear both and land right on a surprised Adrian and wiping both men out. Azazel looks to capitalize and try to take out Vortex, but it seems the strange wrestler was playing possum and manages to catch Azazel in a swinging DDT and get the win.


Winners: Adrian McGhee and Vortex


Rating: 10




Afterwards Vortex hands around and he soon slinks over to where London is sitting. The announcer looks unsure as he stands up and takes the mic. He seems nervous as Vortex seems intent on just running a hand along the arm of his jacket. He then sits on the desk and just stares at London intently. Unsure what to do it seems London does his best to improvise and attempt an interview.


London: "Ahem, well a great win for you and your partner tonight. How do you feel after that one, Vortex?"


The black clad wrestler says nothing into the mic and reaches out to touch at London's cheek which makes the announcer step back and try to compose himself.


London: "W...well how about last week? What made you come out after Jake D'angelo?"


Once again the reply isn't there and finally Vortex hops off the desk. He just leans in uncomfortably close once again and he looks about before giving London a light slap across the face that sends the announcer staggering back in surprise. Vortex just seems to titter lightly and he slips back about some of the fans to look them over before finally going into the back. Poor London and the fans are left unsure what to think as London attempts to get the show back on track.


Rating: 15






Septimus Stubbs vs Jake D'angelo


Old Stubby didn't seem to be in a good mood and seeing Jake in a rather happy disposition didn't seem to help it. From the bell he went right after the younger wrestler and he started beating him from pillar to post. Offense was almost next to none as Jake more looked to be just trying to get away so he can even attempt to recover and rethink his situation. Some vicious elbows from Stubby busted Jake open as well and it was not long after that he fell to the Stubby Piledriver.


Winner: Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 17




Septimus isn't finished and he sets Jake up for not one, but two more Stubby Piledrivers and the poor man is left in a heap. The irate veteran moves over to grab the mic from London's desk and he wanders back over to the ring as he points.


"I hope you liked what you just saw here you, Frankie. You pissed off the wrong man and I am going to kick you shitstickered pussy ass until you can no longer wrestle. This is far from over and if you think I did this to a guy I only mildly dislike just think of the type of hell I am going to deliver when I get my hands on you!"


He tosses the microphone back to London and then he slides back in and stomps on Jake D'Angelo a bit more before finallys talking off. Two people from the back come out and help the unconcious Jake out of the ring and to the back.


Rating: 19






Big Daddy Horne vs D-Pod


The owner gets his first match with his own company and it seems D-Pod drew the short straw on who gets to face him. The youth certainly didn't seem eager to slip in and when he finally did he actually did well enough against the slow, plodding veteran. Speed only got D-Pod so far in the end. He was finally caught by a big boot and it stunned him enough that the big man finally started to treat the younger wrestler like a rag doll. One big slam followed by a Big Daddy's Spash. Gives this match a merciful end.


Winner: Big Daddy Horne


Rating: 18 (?!?!?!?!?!)






D-Pod is helped to the back and Big Daddy Horne is a bit slow to go back himself. He is still around ringside when Taniko Jo comes out with her manmonster known as Sulphur. She has a bit of a wry grin as she looks at the big man and she gives a coy wave as they pass by and get in the ring, Taniko only pausing to grab the microphone on the way.


Taniko Jo: "Everyone, I want you to see your future champion. They could just give him the title now, but at this point he just loves destroying everyone put in his path. He loves making Taniko Jo happy."


She just smiles and reaches up to stroke at his chin as she leans back against Sulphur's massive frame and lets out a bit of a laugh.


Taniko Jo: "Frankie Robertson? You may have been lucky last month, but you have no faced a man like this. You can't beat Taniko Jo's monster, but I think I will enjoy seeing you try."


She just laughs again and she holds up the microphone up as Sulphur glances downwards and breaths heavily into it. He looks focused to say the least as he lets out a low growl of a voice and only says one word.




Rating: 53






National Championship Semi-Final:


Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Frankie Robertson


Frankie comes out with a determined look and honestly the fire he shows catches Sulphur by surprise. The fans are getting behind him as he actually manages to batter on the big man and have the upper hand. Taniko Jo is livid as she tries to get her manmonster to fight back to the point she doesn't realize another large figure is coming out. Big Daddy Horne is back and he looks as if maybe he isn't done with Frankie after last week. As he tries to get in the ring, Wayne is distracted which allows another man to slip into the ring. Frankie is twirled about and he is in shock to see a rather angry Septimus Stubbs who slugs him right in the mush with what looks like brass knuckles. He then nails the Stubby Piledriver and slips out quickly as Big Daddy Horne stops attempting to get in. Sulphur recovers this time and he capitalizes on the downed Frankie, hitting the Depths of Hell for extra measuring and getting the pin. A delighted Taniko Jo slips in and celebrates with Sulphur while Septimus Stubbs has a shit eating grin on his face while motioning for Big Daddy Horne to follow.


Winner: Sulphur


Rating: 15




It looks as if Big Daddy Horne isn't done, though and he gets into the ring. He just grins at Sulphur and he gives a thumbs down to the prone Frankie Robertson. Another Depths of Hell is administered and Big Daddy's Splash adds insult to injury. Jake D'Angelo actually might have gotten off easier. It seems Septimus Stubbs was right that Frankie was going to take one hell of a beating.


Rating: 47







National Championship Semi-Final:


Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Dexter Mattell


Francis and Melissa both seemed a bit cautious and they waited far away from the ring for the big men to clear out. Taniko did taunt the pair a bit in passing, but no beatings took place. Dexter came out looking confident after his win from last month and the two lock up. If anything Dexter looked like the slight better worker in this case, but both performed well enough. As the match progressed the woman from last month emerged to watch Dexter intently.


The match itself was good, but perhaps a bit too long. Francis looked to be getting worn down and he might have fun out of gas if not for Dexter making a rookie mistake and missing a big charge that sends him staggering backwards. Francis manages to grab on and get a running start to do his Flipping Neck Breaker and he gets the pin.


Winner: Francis Burke


Rating: 17





After the match both Burke and Melissa celebrated in the ring. The woman that had been watching looks slightly upset and she goes to help Dexter out of the ring and whispers something before helping him to the back. Burke and Melissa leave the ring to shake hands with the few people around ringside as London wishes everyone a safe ride home and says next month a champion will be crowned.


Rating: 12




Final Thoughts:


- Heaven and Hell look like a promising tag team and their styles made them much more watchable as a team instead of as singles competitors.


- Francis is a good talent, but needs to work on his conditioning.


- Sulphur is a bad talent that needs more conditioning....among other things.


- Jake D'Angelo and Frankie Robertson were beat down badly. Will either return?


Final Rating: 23

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Early March, 2013 Late Evening


Drop Bear Burgers and Beer




The duo of both owner and booker once again are settled down at the bar while going over paperwork of earnings and such. Septimus has a usual dour look on his face while Big Daddy Horne still seems rather pleased with himself.


"Still making money, mate. I still think we need to improve in areas, but damned if it a bit hard given how much we are barely getting in profit. You kinda hurt us by deciding to give yerself a big payday."


"I made more in APW. I am a star and the owner. I think it is fair to make as much as I do."


"You aren't a star, mate. None of us are. Maybe some future stars are in our ranks, but face it. Yer washed up."


"If you weren't good at what you did I would just-"


A hand is raised and Septimus cuts the big man off. While Horne plays a tough guy it seems that he isn't really one to mess with a angered Septimus who has been known to be someone that is as tough out of the ring as he is in it.


"You would be out of business by now, mate. How lovely would that title look when you don't have people to show it off to?"


The larger man lets out an indignant snort, but he just nods. The man made his money off his size, not his business savvy and at his age he knows he won't be getting hired elsewhere any time soon.


"Fine....so what exactly happened with D'Angelo?"


"He said he wasn't a good fit, mate. He rather go back to the indies which is why I made sure to stiff him a bit on his way out."


"Well how about Bob Shrunkle for a repla-"


"I would rather slam my cock in a sliding glass door than pay what he wants. I got a new kid I want to give a tryout. I got alot of work to do on plans for the next show."


"I am anxious to see how people react to Sulphur winning."



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Gotta say it's great reading your diary and seeing you use workers that I haven't thought about using in my dynasty - I like the look of Azazel, he has a good personality and he's cheap too, and I'm intrigued to see where you take him. Had my eyes on Francis (though he's pricy) and Dex too. I like the way you write Vortex too, makes me laugh.


Is it just me or are you getting really low ratings for no reason? I'm running mainstream/traditional/lucha in my PWZ diary and I can count on one hand the matches I've had that were under 20 in my first year, but I think I have a lot more cash to play with though, so there's that.

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Gotta say it's great reading your diary and seeing you use workers that I haven't thought about using in my dynasty - I like the look of Azazel, he has a good personality and he's cheap too, and I'm intrigued to see where you take him. Had my eyes on Francis (though he's pricy) and Dex too. I like the way you write Vortex too, makes me laugh.


Is it just me or are you getting really low ratings for no reason? I'm running mainstream/traditional/lucha in my PWZ diary and I can count on one hand the matches I've had that were under 20 in my first year, but I think I have a lot more cash to play with though, so there's that.


Well I think pop is part of it. This is a company that is bigger on pop than performance and most of the guys are rookies with no pop to mention starting out. Alot of guys are bad when it comes to ring work starting out too. I think there will be some better matches coming out when proper guys are teamed up. Sulphur is never gonna get anything worthy match wise and people like Azazel and Australian Devil are bad as far as psychology and such goes. Right now the best three I really have are Septimus Stubbs, Frankie Robertson and Dexter Mattell. Francis is good, but he needs some work on Stamina. The plus side to Azazel and Australian Devil is they got excellent chemistry as a team so they will be doing tag matches to try and cover flaws as they gain experience.


I figure once some more money can come in and I can afford workers with some pop and ones that aren't so bad in the ring things will start to show improvement. This early on the low ratings aren't a big deal because really anything will raise my popularity in the region at this point.


I think the funniest part is London Platten has gained the most popularity since the start. He went from 6 in Western Australia to 15 after the first two shows.


Also take into consideration that Big Daddy Horne doesn't want to be thrifty. He wants big names and he doesn't think of money loss. Septimus is thinking of long term and how to sustain things with a group of rookies that might turn out to be good performers in the future. BDH is more of the instant gratification which is why he is wanting a title to act like he is top dog as well as give someone like Sulphur, who he sees as a big thing despite him being horrible, such a push right now.

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Headline: Bad Boys of Australia to Crown First National Champion


With two shows run it seems that Big Daddy Horne's new promotion will finally have a champion. The tournament consisted of eight independent talents going for the gold and it has come down to the monster known as Sulphur and one of the more popular indy talents in Francis Burke. It seems to be your standard David vs Goliath match that has been seen several times before.


Despite this it seems that the promotion has been drawing in some interest. The shows have been sparse, but the DVD distribution has been fair for company mostly full of wrestlers that have yet to make their mark. There have been no rumors if the company losing money at a high rate yet as well here at Perth Web Wrestling so it may seem that the Bad Boys of Australia will be around at least for awhile longer. Below is the card for their next show.


Bad Boys of Australia: Sole Survivor


Main Event for the Bad Boys of Australia National Title


Sulphur vs Francis Burke


Also in Action


Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod


Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne


Dexter Mattell vs ???


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Main Event for the Bad Boys of Australia National Title


Sulphur vs Francis Burke

I still don´t see Sulphur getting the belt no-matter what Horne says. :p


Also in Action


Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod

No idea to be honest.


Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

I really like the team of Heaven or Hell but they are jobbers still and aren´t going to go over against two of your more over talents.


Dexter Mattell vs ???

You said that Mattell is one of your best guys so I´d assume that he gets the win.

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Sulphur vs Francis Burke - You know what? I think he may actually do it.

Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod - I thought this was weird, considering McGhee and Vortex teamed up last time.

Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne - Awesome.

Dexter Mattell vs ??? - If it's Halloween Knight or some shit that's awesome!

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Main Event for the Bad Boys of Australia National Title


Sulphur vs Francis Burke - I honestly don't see Francis as champ potential at this point in his career. Sulphur will be a terrible champion, but his angles are good and he'll still get over quickly.


Also in Action


Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod - anyone's match, odd matchup


Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne - Stubby and Horne are unstoppable, especially against jobbers


Dexter Mattell vs ??? please be Simonson, Williamson, Smithson or Knight

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This dynasty is much better than expected. Australia isn't my favourite (or even remotely known) location, but two quality dynasties taking very different views on it has made it far more appealing. BDH clashing with Stubbs is the lodestone around which this story spins... and I dig it.



Sulphur vs Francis Burke - Stubbs holds the book and makes the final decision. Suck it Big Daddy... that reads as dirtier than intended.


Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod - The antics of the Vortex secure him a slightly disturbing (for the fans) victory.


Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne - BDH ain't lying down fer none o' them flippy floppys! 'n neither is the bookerman.


Dexter Mattell vs ??? - I never bet against ?... how can I bet against ?x3? I can't!

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Sulphur vs Francis Burke

Francis may the the future star of all the world (at least in my mind), Sulphur must be champ. It just has to be.


Also in Action


Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod

Random guess really


Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

Yeah, I can't see Big Daddy being on the losing side here.


Dexter Mattell vs ???

I have a feeling Mr. Squiggles is the guy you are trying out you mentioned earlier. Dex is too good to be falling to random dudes.

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Sulphur vs Francis Burke

Sulpher is the greatest thing since bread was sliced!!

Also in Action


Adrian McGhee vs Vortex vs D-Pod


Heaven or Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

Real tag name versus Hardcore Legend and the man they call Horne ... Easy decision!

Dexter Mattell vs ???

Always Mr Squiggle gets the V

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Bad Boys of Australia: Sole Survivor!


Laird Lounge


17 Attendees



The setting is much the same, but the crowd slowly grows even if it might be a friend bringing another friend along. It looks like they finally saved up enough to give the referee a proper shirt now instead of him just being dressed like a random fan that was asked to do the job. Platten as always is dressed well and really stands out among the overall usual poor quality of the ring, announce desk, etc. Once the few people in the lounge settle down it seems things are about to kick off.







Dexter Mattell comes out looking rather cool and confident while on his way to the ring despite not know who he could be facing this evening. He came very close to being a finalist for the title bout later tonight and he was last seen leaving with a woman who has been watching his matches intently since the companies first show. He stops by the announce desk to grab the mic and he wanders around the ring as he looks at the fans.


"As you saw last month I may not have won, but I became this close to being a champion. And if you think that was a fluke then you aren't quite right in the heads. What you see here is a future champion and a man that will bring this company to prominence."


He grins some as he struts his stuff and gets a few boos from the small gathering and he seems to enjoy getting some practice on a small crowd.


"You will see me in the main event again. And I have someone that is here to watch me climb to the top and rule over the Bad Boys of Australia promotion for years to come."




The woman that helped Dexter to the back and has been watching his matches comes out. She seems just as confident and cocky as Dexter as she gives him a small kiss on the cheek and plucks the microphone from his hand.


"For those who live under a rock you might need a name. I'm Ceri Dordevich and this man has something that no one else in this locker room has. A bright future. I saw it the moment he stepped in this ring and tonight if you haven't been lucky to see what he can do then you will finally get to experience greatness first hand."


The booing is pretty good given the smaller crowd and there is even a 'We want Sulphur!' shout that makes both Dexter and Ceri roll their eyes. Dexter takes the microphone back and he motions to the door where the wrestlers come in from.


"Now I apparently have a surprise. I know you must be nervous to take on a man like me, but come on now. Don't be ashamed to lose to greatness."


Rating: 28






Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Matty Wills


The fans let out a decisive 'who!?' when the young man known as Matty Wills is announced. Dexter is just laughing as he watches Matty get in the ring. He mocks him a bit, but then pays for it when Matty just opens up a can on him as soon as the bell rings. For being an unknown and also looking to be young he actually wrestles much of a style that was more popular back before he was born.


Dexter is actually left scrambling for his life many a times as Matty uses various submission holds to ground his opponent. It takes a distraction from Ceri to allow Dexter to finally get the upper hand and even then the two are very evenly matched. They are even given a good amount of time to work one another over and show off their stuff, but Dexter proves to be the better man, of course it might help that Ceri distracted the ref so Dexter could get a low blow in, as he locks in an STF on Matty who is forced to submit.


Given who the pair was the crowd actually got rather into the match and it was a good first showing for Matty.


Winner: Dexter Mattell


Rating: 19






Heaven and Hell vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne


The only true tag team this company seems to have get the bad luck of facing off with two hard hitting veterans. The nervousness must have gotten to both members of Heaven and Hell because they just couldn't seem to keep a good rhythm when they did manage to string together some offense against Septimus. Things broke down quick when Horne was tagged in and both of the high fliers could do little to stop the big man's slow motion rampage. Horne tossed Azazel out of the ring and then tossed Australian Devil right into the awaiting arms of Septimus Stubbs who hits the Stubby Piledriver and puts the young duo out of their misery.


Winners: Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne


Rating: 14




Afterwards Stubbs asks for the mic as he and Big Daddy Horne stand in the ring. He snags it away from Platten's hand and he looks about the crowd as he points a finger about at them.


"I told you all last month that I am not a nice guy. I told you all last month that Frankie Robertson would regret getting on my bad side. And tonight it looks like Frankie isn't going to be here after what I did to him. Everyone better be on notice. You **** with Septimus Stubbs you won't be in this business for long. Not when me and Big Daddy Horne here are proficient in ending careers. And Frakie? I hope you just try to show your face again sometime. I will remove it with my own bare hands you limp-dicked ham and egger."


He tosses the mic back out of the ring and he slaps Big Daddy Horne on the back as he motions the big man to follow him back to the back.


Rating: 40






D-Pod vs Vortex vs Adrian McGhee


Adrian seems to have a bone to pick with Vortex after last week. He was the one stuck taking a beating as his 'partner' just paced around and eventually stole the win. Vortex seems to not even care about the frustration directed towards him and he actually pulls a chair up to sit next to a suddenly nervous London Platten.


When Adrian goes after Vortex, he is cut off by D-Pod who looks to want and try to impress. While his ring skills need work, he is certainly good at getting the fans behind him and care about what he does. This is more of a singles match as those two go at it and Vortex lazily drapes himself on London. London manages to keep a straight face and keep calling the action up until he has to get out of dodge when D-Pod tosses Adrian out then leaps over the top rope and over the announce table to land on Vortex who finally gets pulled into the fray.


It turns into chaos on the outside for a bit, but the trio manage to all get back in the ring and start going at it. D-Pod and Adrian double team Vortex quite a bit, but then Adrian gets cocky and turns on D-Pod to throw him out of the ring and try to put Vortex away himself. He turns right around into a stiff kick from Vortex who then hits a swinging DDT on Adrian and gets the pin over him. So much for there ever being a partnership there.


Winner: Vortex


Rating: 12






Taniko Jo comes out and then there is actually quite a bit of cheering as Sulphur emerges behind her. She looks pleased as can be as she leads the behemoth to the ring. She takes London's mic and she motions to the big man again as usual when introducing him.


"May Taniko Jo present to you the first ever Bad Boys of Australia National Champion!"


Sulphur raises his large arms and he stomps around the ring, shouting a few things to the fans that are booing him then giving a nod to the one man wearing a Sulphur shirt that looks home made.


"Taniko Jo wanted the belt right now, but apparently Francis Burke really thinks he has a chance. Cute, but stupid. Why risk getting your career ended when you could be healthy and wrestle again without worry of Sulphur getting your hands on you? Don't worry, Francis. Sulphur will make it quick and painful."


Rating: 51








Bad Boys of Australia National Champion Final: Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy


The fans are a bit split actually on this one as the two stare at one another and get ready for the bell to ring. Francis tries to use his speed to wear the slow moving Sulphur down as both women cheer from outside the ring. Sulphur does finally get his hands on the smaller Burke and starts to use his power to gain the upper hand. Taniko is already gloating the match is over when a corner charge comes up empty and Sulphur runs into the turnbuckles which allows Burke to start getting some offense in.


This does not seem to sit well with at least one person in back as Big Daddy Horne starts to plod out. He starts to distract the referee as Taniko tries to use this time to get herself a chair. Out of nowhere Frankie Robertson comes and pushes Taniko down as he grabs the chair himself. Sulphur pushes Burke off and goes after Frankie, but he takes a powerful chair shot to the head that sends him staggering back. Big Daddy Horne realizes what is going on and instead tries to go after Frankie. The damage has been done and Francis actually gets the dazed Sulphur locked up and hits his flipping neckbreaker. He goes for the cover just as Big Daddy Horne eats a chairshot that grounds him and the Taniko Jo is screaming as the ref counts to three. Francis Burke wins!


Winner and New Champion: Francis Burke


Rating: 16




Big Daddy eats another chair shot as Septimus Stubbs charges in and dives into Frankie. The two start fighting all over the place and the whole lounge is in chaos. Francis seems surprised he just won as Melissa is hugging onto him tightly and cheering. Taniko Jo is a screaming mess as she is denied being the manager of a champion. Sulphur and Horne are still laid out as Frankie and Septimus brawl about and eventually outside of the lounge. Several men from the locker room spill out to try to get those two pulled apart.


Rating: 33




London looks like he is ready to go congratulate the new champ when the lights go off. The fans are a bit perplexed as a television in the corner comes on and starts playing. There is a dark room with a single swinging lightbulb that keeps a face from being fully seen. There are several clips that keep being shown that are face paced and it is hard to make out who all they could be. Finally a hand reaches to stop that lightbulb from swinging and a half lit face leans in only to say two words.




"We're coming."




-The two rookies Dexter Mattell and Matty Wills put on better matches than pretty much all the veteran talent. Given who the veteran talents are that is no big surprise.


-Francis gets to be the first champ. Can he gain some momentum and keep it?


-Just who all is coming and what are their intentions?


Final Rating: 24

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Headline: Bad Boys of Australia and ZEN!?


One of the members of Perth Web Wrestling as in attendance to see a new champion crowned for the upstart promotion Bad Boys of Australia only to get a surprise at the end. A video was shown with the owner of ZEN, Halloween Knight, speaking only two words 'We're coming'. Further investigation has found that Septimus Stubbs reached out for a partnership that would allow them to exchange talents and hopefully give some variety to a company that has a rather small roster.


Halloween Knight himself commented he does not have time for his schedule to show up himself, but he has promised around five members of the ZEN roster will show up at the next show known as Bad Boys of Australia: Enter the ZEN. Septimus Stubbs is hoping to maybe make this a yearly attraction depending on if Big Daddy Horne's company stays afloat for that long. Bad Boys of Australia National Champion, Francis Burke, will be defending his belt against an outsider for this one and Halloween Knight has picked one of his up and coming talents, Pink Spider, to take on the newly crowned champ and to see if he can take the belt back with him to ZEN. The card is below.


Bad Boys of Australia: Enter the ZEN


National Champion Match


Francis Burke © vs Pink Spider (ZEN)


Ultimate Punishment


Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne


Also in Action


Matty Wills vs Vortex


Heaven and Hell vs Warp-Jump (Toady and Hallowarped) (ZEN)


D-Pod and Suburban Legend (ZEN) vs Dexter Mattell and Damian Dastardly (ZEN)


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