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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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All right, I'm going to try and get in on this for this season, though it will be harder to keep up with so many more shows.



La Muerte Negra vs. White Wasp


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Matty Wills


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Francis Burke vs. Dexter Mattell


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Australian People's Party vs. The Rising Suns II


Open Challenge to the Momentum Division

Lanny Williams vs. ???

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La Muerte Negra vs. White Wasp

Hvy division > Tag Team Division


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Matty Wills


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Francis Burke vs. Dexter Mattell


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Australian People's Party vs. The Rising Suns II


Open Challenge to the Momentum Division

Lanny Williams vs. ???

Crushed in heroic fashion

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Its taken me a while but Ive finally caught up on this.


And Im glad to say Im not disappointed at all after the hype. In fact you've even got me thinking about doing a new diary...


Anyway given how ace X-calibre is and how much you hate his mask heres an alt of him I picked up (dont know who the artist is Im afraid):



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Please? I have a soft spot for Matty.


Dex vs Matty in the final, which leads to Dex hitting on Rose at some point.


Rising Suns should have more overness, since you have Jimmy Stratosphere.


I have a soft spot for Matty too, and I think there's a long list of people that will be chatting up his sister. The rising suns are a weird case, Jimmy's over but Fuyu has 0 overness and works puro style - it's going to be a challenge to get him up the card even with a solid partner.


- I flipped a coin. It rolled under the couch.


- Pity win for the APP, as they didn't have any luck in Season 1. Should be (a bit) more known to the crowd.



Ah, I love your prediction descriptions. As I mentioned above, the APP are actually more over with the crowd as a whole, and work styles that gel with the product, so end up a bit higher up the card by default anyway.


That's worse than the death throes of WCW.




Mostly because of Motty being there. Kerr has promise, but Stoppard isn't ready for any sort of title shot.


Motty's not in The Rising Suns, hence the 'II'. He wanted a bit too much cash and wasn't as good in the ring as Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi.


All right, I'm going to try and get in on this for this season, though it will be harder to keep up with so many more shows.


Great to hear, and great to have you along for the ride! :)


I've been following this since near the beginning and I have to say this is currently the best dynasty that this sub-forum has to offer. Great job, Belton.


Especially considering I hardly go outside the WMMA3 Dynasty section lol.


I'm glad I could convert you, and thank you so much for the compliment.


Its taken me a while but Ive finally caught up on this.


And Im glad to say Im not disappointed at all after the hype. In fact you've even got me thinking about doing a new diary...


Anyway given how ace X-calibre is and how much you hate his mask heres an alt of him I picked up (dont know who the artist is Im afraid):




There's hype!? Where? Ooh, I like that render and mask design. I have a new render of mine I'll be using soon though (which I'm really excited about), but I'll use that in the meantime.


Show's pretty much finished, it's a bit longer (and took me longer) than it should be since I've had a break... I keep doing that whenever i have time off. :/ I'll get the blog post up soon and the show tonight.


Thank you so much again for all the kind words and I'm frankly kind of astounded at the amount of predictions (and new readers). Here's to DOTM for February! ;)

EDIT: I forgot to say, but I apologize in advance as the next month is a little awkwardly paced: I'm trying to debut everyone, hold a tournament, and cope with the financial stress of running 4 extra full length shows (I outgrew the 200 seat Dojo after two shows, and made 5k profit at the end of the month, woohoo.). It'll mainly be composed of a bunch of micro-feuds till March, (Mainly to determine #1 Contenders to the Heavy/Tag belts, and X/LMN buildup) where I can actually start booking shows with more purpose than 'get everyone on the show and don't spend any money'.

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I was very hesitant to hire him based on his personality; but in 5 shows there hasn't been a single incident - though he's a very negative influence backstage. He's very capable of good matches though, even with 0 overness he carried MoJax to a 53/D+ dark match I held before one of the shows.
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From the desk of Jordan James:




After a well-earned 2 weeks off, most of which I spent hungover after the 24 hour long afterparty post Zeroversary! (it's better that I don't go into detail about that, but we're banned from ever staying in the motel across from Marv's ever again, one of us got arrested - I'm not going to say who - but it involved Boo sneezing out puke, Artie's accent breaking down into Irish peasant and hitting on one of the bar staff, naming her the godmother to his first born, drunken wrestling, drunken singing with a guitar, Azazel donning a morphsuit, more drunken wrestling resulting in a broken headboard that Hatemonger kept freaking out about, all night... and the next morning Mojax and I woke up in matching top hats that we have no recollection of acquiring...) Now, it was the first week of Season 2, and I had 3 days to get our first show together.


Something I'd been considering doing for a while was a weekly show that we'd broadcast on the internet for free. Sure, we'd lose out on DVD sales and we'd spent a lot more paying everyone, but it would let us have more cohesive storylines and more time to build up our bigger shows. To cut costs, we'd transformed the PWZ Dojo from a brutal sweatshop into a passable venue. It was still a tiny concrete floored warehouse in the middle of an industrial estate, still smelled of sweat and mildew, and was ~40 degrees Celsius/~100F year round, but we polished it up enough that we could pack in 200 people, the ring, and have enough room to set up a filming/production table and a backstage area.


Our first show was scheduled for a Wednesday night, and would be edited and uploaded (hopefully) Thursday night. The setup was very simple - one hard camera on a tripod on top of the production table and one handheld camera. We'd film backstage promos before and after the show and edit them in between segments after. One complaint that had kept popping up about our DVDs was that there was no commentary - I had considered doing some for these shows that we could dub live, but to keep costs to a minimum for the time being I decided against it.


As some of the rookies had day jobs, nearly everyone got to the venue in the late afternoon, which strapped us for time. Walking into the locker room was very weird with so many new faces - some I'd only contacted via e-mail - so I took the time to meet everybody personally and welcome them all to the PWZ family. Unfortunately since time was a bit tight I didn't have a chance to really chat with anyone or hold a big welcome speech, which would have been nice. I was so swamped with getting the show together on time that I'd have to put aside the formalities.


I went over the card with the boys with an hour and a half before doors opened - Lanny really wasn't happy that he had to work with someone who hadn't had a match before let alone in a main event (only just finding out), and let me know about it. I'm sure he'd get over it soon. He was in a terrible mood while he put together the rest of the card though.


We had to carefully script the three opening matches almost move for move, but they were mercifully short for the rookies. Jimmy and Marcus should be able to carry the tag match on their own, so Lanny just gave them a basic outline. Once I was happy with everything, with a half hour spare I taped the backstage segments I needed - Lanny walking through the locker room looking annoyed at all the new rookies (wasn't hard since he'd had the shits all afternoon) and a promo with Dutch DeRue and The Rising Suns. I didn't really have time to script anything for them, so I had Fuyu and Jimmy ramble in Japanese (Jimmy's Japanese is nearly as bad as mine, which was funny - Fuyu is fluent though) while Dutch, bless him, ran around like an idiot trying to translate. Wasn't fantastic, but we all had a chuckle. With 5 minutes till doors opened I quickly got changed and got as settled in as I could backstage, praying that tonight went well...

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Great introduction on Season 2 and especially a good overview over your new roster and how it will be divided. I'm happy to see Vortex and Brodie Lachlan soon in your shows, although I'm a little bit surprised that you managed to take the latter under contract, since he has a written contract with RAW, doesn't he?


It's also nice that your PPV's will have defining themes, as that will give them more uniqueness. I'm really looking forward to Season 2!


--- predictions; without reasoning since I don't want to post them too late...


La Muerte Negra vs. White Wasp


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Matty Wills


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Francis Burke vs. Dexter Mattell


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Australian People's Party vs. The Rising Suns II


Open Challenge to the Momentum Division

Lanny Williams vs. ???

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Great introduction on Season 2 and especially a good overview over your new roster and how it will be divided. I'm happy to see Vortex and Brodie Lachlan soon in your shows, although I'm a little bit surprised that you managed to take the latter under contract, since he has a written contract with RAW, doesn't he?


It's also nice that your PPV's will have defining themes, as that will give them more uniqueness. I'm really looking forward to Season 2!


Thanks! :) Brodie was on a PPA with RAW, which surprised me - I dug through my backups and his contract expired last September, they only resigned him on a PPA deal as I guess it would be cheaper for them, he'd earn more money working in another company, and he'd work for them over anyone else... he also has a 0-42 record in RAW. Ouch.

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Thursday, Week 1, February 2014


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Cyberslam! Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




The show opens with a well produced video highlight reel opening sequence, with pictures of PWZ's older and newer stars interspersed with short bursts of action from the last year. And we're... taped... from the PWZ Dojo for the first show of Season 2! There's no commentary, which I found a bit odd, and I hope it's something they fix soon. First impressions - the Dojo is very small, and everyone's packed in there - the wrestlers are basically entering through the crowd. It's well lit though and doesn't come across too badly, and the capacity crowd (200 or so) is hot. Has a very cult/underground feel to it.



La Muerte Negra vs. White Wasp

Double debut match to kick off the show, and it's pretty obvious right away that this is a squash, since La Muerte Negra actually gets an entrance. White Wasp has a superheroesque lucha gimmick complete with flowing silver cape and mask. Was pretty much designed to show off LMN's offence, which wasn't too bad. LMN hit a neat chokeslam backbreaker and a very high angle wristclutch exploder suplex for the win. The match was a bit too short to really get off the ground sadly, but that might have been a good thing given the experience of the two.


La Muerte Negra defeated White Wasp in 5:46 by pinfall with an Exploder.(E)


After booting Wasp unceremoniously out of the the ring, LMN gets on the mic, and cuts a promo with a jarring Australian accent.

Muerte: Tonight, I demonstrated complete domination, just like I did to X-Calibre at Zeroversary, and just like I'll continue to do as long as I'm in Pro Wrestling Zero. You'll all find out soon enough what I am, and what I have come here to do. I will cleanse through corruption till there is nothing left. It's time for you to become part of my beautiful death.(D-)

Lanny Williams is shown walking backstage earlier today. He walks through the locker room that is full of rookies, grimaces, then shakes his head in disgust. (D+)

We're shown a very brief video of three workers who will be in action next week - Caleb, Pat Rigsby, and Vortex - each with a very short 10 second promo to introduce themselves and where they are from, and a short highlight reel of each wrestling in a triple threat together in the empty Dojo. (N/A)


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Matty Wills


In this match and the one following it, we're treated to a brief graphic introducing the workers beforehand with basic statistics, hometown/height/weight/etc. - and they get about 10 seconds to cut a promo in an inset video while they make their entrances. Demarcus is out first to a generic gangster beat. He's a little overweight and donning a do-rag and a singlet-shorts street clothes combo. Matty is out next with his admittedly kinda cute twin sister Rose, and he helps her up onto the apron before twirling her around and giving her a high five for good luck. Matty barely gets between the ropes before Lee dives on offence, pummeling him with forearms and tossing him into the corner to continue the beatdown. Rose tries and fails to get the crowd on Matty's side, and he manages to duck a clothesline into a switchback schoolboy for a very near fall. Lee launches himself from the floor with a dropkick, taunts Matty to get to his feet then hits a beautiful looking jumping diamond cutter/neckbreaker to the back of Mattys's head. It's good for a three. Messy double debut, with the crowd not quite knowing who to cheer for, and the match not being particularly exciting either.


Demarcus Lee defeated Matty Wills in 5:59 by pinfall with a Snap Back.(F+)


We're taken to a video promo that looks like it's pulled straight from a mid 90s puroresu VHS. JIMI and FUYU cut an intense promo in Japanese, with a lost Dutch DeRue translating by saying "Screw it, we're gonna kill em!" (F+)



Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Francis Burke vs. Dexter Mattell


Francis Burke is out first and gets the second biggest crowd reaction of the show so far. Most wrestling fans here have some idea who he is since he's been around for ages on the indies. A very oiled up Dex Mattell is out next with Ceri Dordevich, who runs her hands all over his chest as he awkwardly dances. Gross. As he climbs between the ropes he gyrates and unleashes a barrage of pelvic thrusts, which gets a few female whistles buried among predominantly male boos. Not much to the match really, and it's another sad case of a far too short match for PWZ standards. Burke launched Mattell up with a back brody drop at one point which led to him landing with a very wet sounding bump that left a oily person-sized mark on the canvas. After a long stalling suplex in the middle, Burke went to the second rope and hit a flying blockbuster that was good for three.


Francis Burke defeated Dexter Mattell in 6:18 by pinfall with a Flying Flip Neckbreaker. (E)




Lori cut a promo hyping her team of The Australian People's Party taking on The Rising Suns II in a tag match.


Lori: You are looking at three of the hottest new personalities in Pro Wrestling Zero - the new, the improved, The Australian Party People... The Australian People's Party! We know you're familiar with the 100% Party Punk Rocker, the premier high flyer in all of Australia... Matt Stoppard! And some of you might know the Pierced Playboy, Marcus Kerr...


Marcus Kerr takes the microphone.


Marcus: And if you didn't know - you know now - the beautiful Lori!


Lori scrunches up her face at the compliment and snatches the microphone back.


Lori: And tonight, my boys here are gonna party hard and whoop these two Godzilla movie villain wannabes, then go on to win the title four weeks from now at Inception! Mark my words!


Their music hit, and all three shuffled and breakdanced together which lead into the next match. Honestly, not a bad promo, but nobody in the crowd really cared - Matt's been treated as a jobber in PWZ so far, and Kerr's had one match here which he lost. Lori used to manage Wes Dobberly in DIW, I think she still does... but I think only the smarks in the crowd know that - DIW doesn't have a lot of crossover in fanbase otherwise. (F+)


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Australian People's Party vs. The Rising Suns II


The APP are out first with their new manager Lori Cooper, who I've seen at some DIW shows. She's good at what she does. Dutch DeRue is out next, tripping all overhimself in faux-worship of his clients, bowing and preying as they make their way though the entrance curtain. TRS have cool facemask/jacket entrance gimmicks, which really give them an air of mystique and make them seem really intimidating. That's something I never thought I'd say about Jimmy Stratosphere. FUYU, born Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, is quite a bit taller and bigger than Jimmy, and has a gaze that could melt steel.


JIMI starts us off opposite Matt Stoppard, and immediately reminds everyone why he was so entertaining when he was still a part of APW, engaging in a sweet rope running spot with the world's highest leapfrog and a stiff dropkick that sends Stoppard to the floor. JIMI rolls out as well, prompting Kerr and FUYU to enter the ring as the legal men. Say what you like about lucha tag rules, but the non-stop action is great. Kerr and FUYU trade stiff kicks, with FUYU obviously having the edge on power. He takes Kerr down with a stiff roundhouse, then goes to work on the canvas, demonstrating impressive mat work.


The finish came when Stoppard came in for a save on Kerr, pulling FUYU off of his partner then back body dropping FUYU over the top rope to the apron when he rushed in. JIMI leapt into the ring as the legal man and ran at Stoppard as well, but Kerr swept JIMI's legs, forcing him to dropkick his partner off the apron. Stoppard bailed to the outside, making Kerr the legal man, who then locked on a dragon sleeper for a submission victory. Man, that was a pretty good match - Kerr and Stoppard work brilliantly together and are on the ball the whole time. Bit of a shock victory, I must say - got a good pop from the crowd.


The Australian People's Party defeated The Rising Suns II in 12:01 when Marcus Kerr defeated Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi by submission. (D-)



Lanny Williams is in the ring with a microphone.


Lanny Williams: Y'know, I had high hopes for today, I really did. I thought I'd come to the PWZ Dojo to see what this Cyberslam! thing was all about, since I heard there were a lot of new rookies debuting that I could mould into my image - but frankly, I'm disgusted. These 'rookies' are the biggest jokes I've ever seen in wrestling. This business is one that I helped create - that I build with my blood, sweat, and tears. And backstage you've got some idiot with an afro, a midget dressed up as a vampire, a 'surfer' - yeah, greeeat gimmick kid - two kids with faces full of metal, a couple of horror movie rejects and a couple of muppets in bandanas.


You know, back in my day, we didn't do any of this shit. We came out to the ring and we wrestled. This was a sport, not a circus... Look, I know a lot of you back there are hungry, and want to make a name for yourself... make an impact... make a... mark. How about one of you comes out here and make a name for yourself by having Lanny Williams make you tap the hell out in less than a minute. And heck, I can stomp your face into the canvas too if you want, cause that's the only way you're making a mark!


Ooh man, hot promo. I love Lanny's angry veteran character, it's got a lot of mileage and he has plenty of targets with all these new debutees. After a tense half a minute or so, music hits and Surfer Dude Lucas comes out the the ring, ready for the challenge. Lanny gives the nod to Jackson, and this match is underway! (D)


Open Challenge to the Momentum Division

Lanny Williams vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


After a lengthy feeling out process, the two finally lock up, and Lanny immediately takes Lucas down to the mat with a headlock. Lucas, with a good half a foot and the power advantage as well, fights to his feet only for the vet to take the rookie down a second time. This process repeats itself, with Lanny looking quite agitated. Lucas finally gets to his feet and sinches in a waistlock, then dumps Lanny on his head with a backdrop. Lanny no sells and starts laying in stiff kicks! Oh my God... huge stiff kicks to Lucas, who bails out of the ring. Lanny is furious, while Lucas is laid back and relaxed as possible for someone who just got kicked full force in the thigh four times. Jackson manages to get Lanny to back off and calm down a little before starting a delayed 20 count on the outside as Lanny kicks the bottom rope and hits the turnbuckles with his fists.


Lucas finally gets back in the ring only to be met by stomps, and Lanny pulls Lucas up by his hair and tosses him backward into the corner before lighting him up with an assault of chops to Lucas' chest. I lost count in the mid twenties. Lucas slaps Lanny in the face in a brief gap between chops then hits a massive clothesline, taking Lanny down. Lanny's immediately back up to his feet and both men trade blows, leading to a big knee to the gut and a snap suplex from Lucas that only gets a one count.


Lanny's up again and takes Lucas by surprise with a fireman's carry takeover and then keeps Lucas on the mat for a good 5 minutes, chaining from hold to hold every time Lucas would try to get up, and dragging him back to the centre every time he reached the ropes. The finish came when Lucas finally escaped a nasty looking armbar and hit his finisher, the Spinning Angled Slam which still only got a one-count. Lanny got straight up to his feet again and started laying in fists in the corner. Literally out of nowhere, and I had to actually pause the video and rewatch it a couple of times - Lucas ducked under a Lanny Williams left hook, spun and (BAM!) hit a lightning fast stiff spinning back fist that connected with Lanny's jaw, taking Lanny straight down to the canvas, and immediately went for a pin for a three count. There was a massive, massive pop once everyone had realised what happened, and Lucas bailed from the ring before Lanny came to.


The show faded out with Lucas' hand held high in victory, chest bloodied where his skin had broken after all of Lanny's chops - I could even make out some handprints. Hmm, I'm not sure what happened there, but Lanny wasn't into the match at all and no sold all of Lucas' offence, and it really suffered without him carrying the rookie. There were some awkward spots but the match was very stiff which managed to keep it from being too much of a trainwreck. I'm still trying to figure out Lanny got knocked out at the end of the match or if it was a work.

Surfer Dude Lucas defeated Lanny Williams in 17:51 by pinfall with a Spinning Backfist. (E)


Hmm, not a terrible show overall, but not great. Definitely not the PWZ I'm used to, that's for sure, but I'm liking that they introduced 8 new workers in the one show - it's a little hard to keep track of, but all of the characters have very distinct characters which help them stand out. The tag match was the best match on the show, which isn't saying much, but it was entertaining - if the APP can get over and if Matt Stoppard gets a little more experience under his belt, they'll be a very good addition to the tag division. I'm not sure how I feel about TSR2 yet. The opener and tournament matches were fine for what they were, but with so many debuts the crowd didn't seem to care that much. The main event is still confusing me. Was Lanny hot over losing to a rookie? Was there something that happened backstage? Did Lucas accidentally screw up? I don't know, but the finish looked amazing in kayfabe - hopefully PWZ run with it. Overall? A (D-). Just.

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Nice. Given how this show went, I'll be interested to see where you go from here.


Ugh, yeah it wasn't great - I had to debut a whole bunch of people with 0 overness. The main event was booked as a time limit draw, with Lanny dominating, and he wasn't happy with that - so I booked him to lose, which made him furious, then he buried the match as a result. I'm impressed with the tag match though, I didn't see them pulling in the D range. With a proper main event, this show would have been better, but if Lanny doesn't want to put over rookies and build a new generation of stars...


The Cyberslam! grades are going to be far lower than my monthly shows, but at least they've all been in the D range so far. I'm at the start of March in-game, and Inception was actually my best show since Wrestlepocalypse last year (and my second best event ever) which means I'm still winning regional battles and gaining bunches of overness.

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Ugh, yeah it wasn't great - I had to debut a whole bunch of people with 0 overness. The main event was booked as a time limit draw, with Lanny dominating, and he wasn't happy with that - so I booked him to lose, which made him furious, then he buried the match as a result. I'm impressed with the tag match though, I didn't see them pulling in the D range. With a proper main event, this show would have been better, but if Lanny doesn't want to put over rookies and build a new generation of stars...


The Cyberslam! grades are going to be far lower than my monthly shows, but at least they've all been in the D range so far. I'm at the start of March in-game, and Inception was actually my best show since Wrestlepocalypse last year (and my second best event ever) which means I'm still winning regional battles and gaining bunches of overness.


That's good news, at least. I'm honestly not surprised that Lanny didn't want to put over a complete unknown. A bit of a difference between a bright young prospect, and debut of the Job Squad, ya know? Surfer Dude Lucas may well be a great prospect in time, but I certainly think he would have benefited more from a clean loss here, ya know?

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That's good news, at least. I'm honestly not surprised that Lanny didn't want to put over a complete unknown. A bit of a difference between a bright young prospect, and debut of the Job Squad, ya know? Surfer Dude Lucas may well be a great prospect in time, but I certainly think he would have benefited more from a clean loss here, ya know?


Well, Lanny beating the crap out of him for 20 minutes and the match being a draw wasn't that bad of an idea, I thought... I wasn't expecting him to lose originally, and I didn't like his attitude. Lanny's old too and will probably retire soon so I needed him to rub off on the rookies, I thought a draw would work better to get Lucas over.


Irony? I expected Lucas to jump from 0 overness to 15-20, but he only went to 10. What I didn't expect was the APP both getting massive gains from what wasn't that big of a win: Matt went from 2 to 17(!)... and Marcus Kerr went from 4 to 23(!!)... Jimmy Stratosphere was only 21 (dropping to 19), and Fuyu was 0.


Grumpier, bitterererer Lanny is fantastic!


I know, right!? Knowing he was actually pissed off made the promo so much better than it was; his character is actually an expat of one I used myself a couple of years back, so it's very very easy to write and one with a lot of mileage with so many new guys coming in.

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Well, Lanny beating the crap out of him for 20 minutes and the match being a draw wasn't that bad of an idea, I thought... I wasn't expecting him to lose originally, and I didn't like his attitude. Lanny's old too and will probably retire soon so I needed him to rub off on the rookies, I thought a draw would work better to get Lucas over.


Irony? I expected Lucas to jump from 0 overness to 15-20, but he only went to 10. What I didn't expect was the APP both getting massive gains from what wasn't that big of a win: Matt went from 2 to 17(!)... and Marcus Kerr went from 4 to 23(!!)... Jimmy Stratosphere was only 21 (dropping to 19), and Fuyu was 0.


Hot damn. That's a great jump for the APP, no question. And no real loss it seems. At least that was a successful match all around, then!

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Uhm... first of all... your match report says that Matty defeats Lee with his diamond cutter/neckbreaker combo, but then you write "Demarcus Lee defeated Matty Wills" - that's a little contradictory. ^^


And now to something that's probably the greatest praise one can expect from me in this whole dynasty area: YOU'RE SO F***ING AMAZING! I don't exactly know how you do it, though I have some assumptions, but you somehow managed to provide every single one of the guys you just introduced with a tangible, comprehensible and unique character, even though the fewest of them had time on the microphone. That probably has something to do with your totally awesome match write-ups, as they put across your workers so damn well. Accordingly, it's so enjoyable to read your shows and so easy to dip into and witness them that you only deserve the highest praise possible!


Lanny Williams' defeat has been a huge shock and I'm curious about how this development will affect the near future of your shows.

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Uhm... first of all... your match report says that Matty defeats Lee with his diamond cutter/neckbreaker combo, but then you write "Demarcus Lee defeated Matty Wills" - that's a little contradictory. ^^


OzMonster is still drunk from the Zeroversary afterparty, apparently. Fixed. Demarcus, sadly, did in fact go over. On consulting Oz about it, his excuse is (It's more likely he was just staring at Rose the whole time) that 'they are both bald and the footage is blurry'. We're shooting all subsequent Cyberslam!s in HD so this doesn't happen again.


And now to something that's probably the greatest praise one can expect from me in this whole dynasty area: YOU'RE SO F***ING AMAZING! I don't exactly know how you do it, though I have some assumptions, but you somehow managed to provide every single one of the guys you just introduced with a tangible, comprehensible and unique character, even though the fewest of them had time on the microphone. That probably has something to do with your totally awesome match write-ups, as they put across your workers so damn well. Accordingly, it's so enjoyable to read your shows and so easy to dip into and witness them that you only deserve the highest praise possible!


Lanny Williams' defeat has been a huge shock and I'm curious about how this development will affect the near future of your shows.


Whoa, thank you. That means a lot. Assumptions? Do tell.


Giving everyone a distinct character is something that always works in wrestling - people care more about a jobbing clown, or a jobber with a show on youtube in Zack Ryder's case, whatever - and it's something that works. Compare the Funkasaurus with Generic Big Guy #X... compare Husky Harris (AKA Generic Big Guy #X) with Bray Wyatt and so on. If I can do that through match writeups, even better - I'm still terrified of giving half of the rookies a microphone at this stage.


And thank you again.


Yeah, I'm not sure what's going to happen, Lanny is quite angry with me - Lucky he's on a 3 year contract, I have 2 years to soften him back up before I need to resign him (though he'll probably retire by then). The worst part is Lucas didn't gain that much overness from it, but at least with that instant knock out backfist he has another level to his character. :)

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson


Beeker wins week 1 of Predictions going 5/5 so gets 1 point. I'll do them a little differently this season, giving 1 point to the most accurate for the week and 1 point to multiple people if it's a draw.

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Whoa, thank you. That means a lot. Assumptions? Do tell.

That match write-up thing was the assumption :D and, of course, your very lively backstage and show reports.


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb

It's 50:50 here, probably, but I'm a huge fan of Vortex and thus hope that he wins!


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas

Either by DQ 'cause Lanny Williams interfers or by a clean victory. You just can't let him lose after his upset win last show.


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half

You will need a very strong tag team and that could be The Apocalypse, but I've got a feeling that you maybe want to use them in order to give another team a decent push, and that could be Half and Half.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson

You won't let him win. I'm sure you won't. But... I can't bet against him. He's simply too nice. It's impossible. Screw the prediction contest!

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Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb


Vortex is pretty cool...Caleb...not so much.


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


You don't KO Lanny Williams to lose in a quarter final of a second rate tournament :p


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half


I feel like the Apocalypse need to look stronger...Hate in particular looks like a little bitch. I really only like half of Half and Half anyway...HalloWarped is boss!


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson


Like you'd pass up another Knight vs MoJax match :p Sorry Boo...but you will remain the loveable underdog!

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Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb

- Via countout when Caleb is too short to figure out how to get into the ring. Also, I know him from Voeltzwagoner's dynasty.


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas

- How angry would Lanny be if Lucas immediately lost to a Rigsby? Not even PWZ and Belton are that crazy! Lanny might punch a kangaroo!


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half

- Only... it'll be Hatemonger and Azarel as they've bonded over being face paint artists for children's parties! The new team name will be called Half and Hate.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson

- Knight and MoJax have good matches together. This might be the swansong for Knight before he heads back to achieve ZEN in New Zealand. A bit of training for Boo - on performance, then some in-ring training for MoJax. Everybody wins. Except Boo.

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Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb - Guessing here.


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas - Pretty much what Beeker said.


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half - Gotta go with the the younger guys, especially since they are in need of the win here.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson - Knight's gotta pick up the win here, though, I think Boo needs a few wins in the near future.

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Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson

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