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Unlimited Pro Wrestling (or Fink's World of Wrestling - FWOW Baby)

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(Credit for Luchador Canadiense for the logo, banner and event names/images)

OOC: There will be some language in this diary, thought it would be beneficial to let everyone know this now.



Standing in front of a mirror in his bathroom, Fink Finkelton takes a deep breath and speaks into his toothbrush.


Fink: Hello everybody and welcome to MAIN EVENT, the premier show here at Fink’s World of Wrestling, with our host with the most… me, Fink Finkelton. We have a stacked card for you tonight in front of a sell-out capacity crowd of 30,000 here at Thames Valley Corner…


Knock... knock... knock


Room-mate: Fink, hurry up, I have to be at work in half an hour!


Fink: Tonight the F-WOW Heavyweight Championship is defended inside a steel cage as…


Bang... bang… bang


Room-mate: Fink, I’m not telling you again mate, hurry the **** up, if you are talking to yourself I am going to smack you!


Fink: The wrestling world will change tonight, there can only be one winner…




Room-mate: Get the **** out you knob! Every ****ing day is the same! Get a ****ing job instead of making me late for mine! F-WOW? You sound like a complete bender son. Get a ****ing grip. If I have no rent by the end of this month, I am kicking you the **** out you prick!


Fink: I have a job Steve, you know I do.


Steve: Jobs pay actual ****ing money Fink, you make two thirds of sod all ****ing about pretending to play wrestling. In fact you don’t even do that, look at the state of you, you talk through wrestling matches like you know what the **** you are doing!


Fink: It won’t be such a joke when you see my name on your TV Steve, you loved wrestling once and you will shit a brick when you see me presenting the best in the world.


Steve: Get the **** out Fink, I can’t be arsed with you anymore, I get more conversation from the ****ing couch, I want all your stuff gone by the time I get in… actually I take that back... you own nothing… just go.


It was this conversation that lead to the start of F-WOW, Fink’s World of Wrestling… more commonly known (to everybody except Fink) as Unlimited Pro Wrestling.



Changes made to existing database:

• Fink’s ‘Announcing’ skill has been improved so he can at least call a match (his auto push is as an ‘Announcer’ which he can’t do with the default value of 0.

• Relationship with 2 workers has been created for story purposes.

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Later that day, sat at the bar, Fink was talking to his friend, fellow wrestling enthusiast and UK wrestling referee, Scott Gregory.


Fink: So yeah the prick kicked me out, now I have nothing, literally nothing.


Scott Gregory: Fink, you have talked about a wrestling promotion for the past few years, since you have nothing, why not give it a go mate, there is nothing to lose now really.


Fink: Ha cheers mate, none taken. I wouldn’t really know where to start, I would need to hire people and get stuff set up like a ring and what have you…


Scott: Stop being a fanny mate, you know a few independent guys, I wouldn’t mind refereeing for you as long as it doesn’t interfere with 21CW, you know my brother Mike has just got into training, he could work for you. You know how to set up a ring too you great soft shite, you have done it that many times, we could do it together even.


Fink: Ah **** it, let’s have a go… Fink’s World of Wrestling is born!


Fink raises his glass.


Scott: I am not raising my glass to that mate. That is a shocking name ha.


Fink: Don’t besmirch the name of F-WOW mate!


Scott: We will work on it.

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As Christmas and New Year of 2012 passed, the 23 year old Fink gathered a little money for a deposit on a wrestling ring and even negotiated a venue for possible events. With the help of his friend’s Scott and Michael Gregory, a roster was starting to develop too. Back in the same old pub, stood at the bar, Fink and Scott Gregory run through the roster the new wrestling promotion that was “going to take the UK wrestling scene by the bollocks” (Fink, Dec 2012), Unlimited Pro Wrestling.


Scott: So let’s just run down the roster list again mate, I just want to make sure you are covered.


Fink: No bother mate, well first off it’s your brother “The Ladies Favourite” Michael Gregory, he agreed with mate’s rates for $270 a show so I am happy with that, I think it is wise keeping with the gimmick he has but I would like to turn it up a bit, make him a bit more outrageous than the generic ladies’ man gimmick you see. I want him to serenade the ladies with his thrusting dance moves and such. Do you think he will go for it?


Scott: I think he will love it mate, you saw what he was like when he was pissed over Christmas and on New Year’s Eve. He loves a bit of it.


Fink: Next up, a tag team of “The Bad Man” Alton Vicious and “Unstoppable” Roddick Jordan, The Northern Lights. A team that haven’t been going for long but I think they could go pretty far if they apply themselves, again about $200 - $230 each I don’t think I could have gone wrong.


Scott: Good shout mate, I have seen them in a couple of shows and they look like they could do a decent job, no doubt.


Fink: One of the more expense guys but coming from Europe is Bad News Bruno, he is a huge guy and I couldn’t say no, only problem is that he is $500 a show though.


Scott: Ouch, well just keep an eye on him, no doubt he will serve purpose for that monster type character should we need it! We do need to be careful though because the bloke doesn’t know a lick of English which could cause problems.


Fink: Yeah speaking of the possibility causing problems, I brought in Glen Ward, “The Angry Man” himself, $330 an appearance. He is great at that whole ‘Straight-Edge’ thing that everyone seems to love at the moment.


Scott: The lad has an ego on him no doubt but he can go, he has a lot of experience too which is invaluable at this level, I suppose.


Fink: I do like the idea of having a mix of vets and rookies though and with this I figured I should give a chance to that lad we saw at that show in Ipswich, “The Specialist” JK Lee. I was blown away by him, he agreed for $300.


Scott: I was trying to convince the powers that be at 21CW to give him a shot right after we saw him so they do have him on record. He is a great talent for his age, certainly in these parts.


Fink: Another tag team, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath, they will be going by the name The Wild Riders, the most expensive lads on the roster, $520 and $570 respectively.


Scott: Good team, definitely… The Wild Riders?


Fink: Shut up, next another new lad but someone who I hope can make a good impact, Leighton Buzzard, bargain at $200.


Scott: That’s fair play mate, he is green but I think he has enough to develop well.


Fink: Do you remember that young lad we met when we went up north, “The Suicide Kid” Maxwell Bleak? I got him too for $140.


Scott: That boy was absolutely insane; I just remember his suicide dives, mental mate.


Fink: If you remember, we continued up and saw a couple of shows in Scotland.


Scott: I knew you would get him… Meathead McAulie.


Fink: I had to make, 6’5 and at around 23 stone, he was stuff of legend. I was thinking I could partner him as a manager. Him or Bruno anyway at some point, I love the idea of a brute with a mouthpiece, anyway Meathead has joined for $300.


Scott: Fair enough mate, I have to admit, he was a sight to behold.


Fink: The last two lads are “The Swansea Kid” Neville Jones, that really tall, lanky guy who could really move, I got him for $220. The final person is Vic Walker, again, good experience and a very reliable worker, he signed for $310.


Scott: For what it is mate, that is a pretty decent roster you have, you going for any staff of anything?


Fink: Well in terms of a road agent to help the lads plan the matches, I was thinking Tyrone Hughes, he did a decent job while MOSC was kicking about so I am hoping he will sign for about $670. Also from MOSC, Lawrence Young who can commentate on the shows along with me for the shows we put onto DVD, brought him in for $570. As a referee obviously I want you in. Scott Gregory in UPW sounds good to me, payment isn’t a problem, what are you on at 21CW? I will match it.


Scott: You don’t have to do that mate, I am on about $600 with 21CW, settle on $450?


Fink: $500, you’re a mate, I'm not going to take advantage son.


Scott: $480?


Fink: Sounds good, thanks a lot. Well let’s get planning on our first show.


Scott: What we’re you calling it again?


Fink: You don’t remember? UPW Presents…



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As we get to the end of January, Fink was determined to get the show off to a flier so he handed out… fliers. Everybody who passed through the London Underground that day must have received a poster advertising the first ever UPW show. Literally thousands of people will have seen the “stacked” card for the final Saturday of January.


Scott: Alright Fink, not long to go until the big show, you have everything sorted?


Fink: I think so mate, just sorted the card last night and handing out these here posters:




UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

“The Angry Man” Glen Ward vs. Jon Michael Sharp


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Riddick Jordan vs. JK Lee


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Meathead McAullie vs. Maxwell Bleak


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Three-Way Dance Match

Alton Vicious vs. Neville Jones vs. Leighton Buzzard


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Bad News Bruno vs. Martin Heath


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Michael Gregory vs. Vic Walker



Scott: Any idea who is going to go all the way?


Fink: I have plans yeah but in all honesty, since it is the first night, someone could really go out and impress me or someone could not perform as good as I had hoped so it could all change. First Contact will help me decide who is going to end up with the belt, no doubt. That is a couple of months away though and I need to focus on this show.

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UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

“The Angry Man” Glen Ward vs. Jon Michael Sharp


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Riddick Jordan vs. JK Lee


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Meathead McAullie vs. Maxwell Bleak


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Three-Way Dance Match

Alton Vicious vs. Neville Jones vs. Leighton Buzzard


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Bad News Bruno vs. Martin Heath


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Michael Gregory vs. Vic Walker



Loving this so far mate, keep it going

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UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

“The Angry Man” Glen Ward vs. Jon Michael Sharp


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Riddick Jordan vs. JK Lee


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Meathead McAullie vs. Maxwell Bleak


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Three-Way Dance Match

Alton Vicious vs. Neville Jones vs. Leighton Buzzard


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Bad News Bruno vs. Martin Heath


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Michael Gregory vs. Vic Walker

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Really enjoyed the first post, will be reading this.


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

“The Angry Man” Glen Ward vs. Jon Michael Sharp


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Riddick Jordan vs. JK Lee


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Meathead McAullie vs. Maxwell Bleak


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Three-Way Dance Match

Alton Vicious vs. Neville Jones vs. Leighton Buzzard


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Bad News Bruno vs. Martin Heath


UPW Capital Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Michael Gregory vs. Vic Walker

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UPW First Contact








Vic Walker: Fink, you got a minute?


Fink: No problem Vic, what can I do for you?


Vic: I’m not normally a grass mate but my rental car to get here was crashed by JK Lee and I don’t have the money to get it fixed, the knob head refused to pay for it too.


Fink: You’re joking? What a prat! No bother mate, I will have a word with JK, this is ridiculous.


Fink spots JK Lee in the back not looking overly pleased with himself.




Fink: JK! What the **** you playing at!


JK: I know what you’re going to say Fink, and please don’t go on about it, I feel shit enough.


Fink: Well you’re going to feel even shitter because I am fining you 25% of your wage tonight to go towards Vic’s car.


JK: I understand mate.



Main Show:



Glen Ward comes out to start the show, The Angry man is looking as angry as ever. He looks around at the 72 people in the crowd and lets them know they are involved in something special, UPW, a promotion that centres itself around him. Ward lets the crowd know that in a few short months, he will make this company look legitimate as he will be standing with the UPW Captial Championship around his waist.




Match 1

Maxwell Bleak vs. Meathead McAullie

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Meathead McAullie defeated Maxwell Bleak in 9:48 by pinfall with a Running Big Boot.

Winner: Meathead McAullie




Match 2

Alton Vicious vs. Leighton Buzzard vs. Neville Jones

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Alton Vicious defeated Neville Jones and Leighton Buzzard in 9:27 when Alton Vicious defeated Leighton Buzzard by pinfall with a Vicious Snap.

Winner: Alton Vicious



Match 3

JK Lee vs. Roddick Jordan

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, JK Lee defeated Riddick Jordan in 8:16 by submission with a Crossface.

Winner: JK Lee



Match 4

Michael Gregory vs. Vic Walker

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Vic Walker defeated Michael Gregory in 8:14 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT.

Winner: Vic Walker




Martin Heath comes out to the ring and lets the crowd know how proud he is to be part of UPW a revolutionary new company that is unlimited in talent and unlimited in potential. Tonight he faces a monsterous challenge as he goes up against Bam News Bruno.



Match 5

Bad News Bruno vs. Martin Heath

In an extremely poor match, Martin Heath defeated Bad News Bruno in 11:26 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.

Winner: Martin Heath




Martin Heath gets his hand raised by referee Scott Gregory but the celebration is short-lived at the monster Bruno, looking irate, attacks the victor, destroying him in the process. Gregory tries to pull the monster off but clearly to no avail,it took the appearance of Heath’s friend Jon Michael Sharp to make the brute walk away.




After helping his friend to the back, Jon Michael Sharp comes back to the ring and grabs a microphone. He lets the crowd know that this sort of action will be nipped in the bud and when he becomes UPW Capital Champion he will make sure that this sort of scum does not infest what could be a truly great promotion.



Match 6 (Main Event)

Glen Ward vs. Jon Michael Sharp

In an extremely poor match, Glen Ward defeated Jon Michael Sharp in 14:26 by submission with a Judo Choke-Sleeper.

Winner: Glen Ward




Glen Ward grabs a microphone and addresses the crowd for the second time tonight. He gives the crowd notice that tonight was proof that he can go all the way and in a strange way he envies them as they get to see him, next month, prove once again that he is the best UPW has to offer.



Overall Rating: E-






Fink: Good show lads, you should be really proud of yourselves. In particular I want to let Martin Heath and Glen Ward you put on a sterling performance. JK, I never want to see a performance like the one you showed before the show ever again, yes you put on a good display in the ring, but you are now on your first strike. I want everyone to know that I will be as fair as I possibly can be, but this will be a 3 strike and you’re out rule.


Scott: Last thing is the prediction contest lads. As you know, some of the fans of UPW sent us their predictions, if everyone gets 100% we need to think of how obvious we are running things, if everyone is getting 0%, we are a little too unorthadox. As you all know and agreed, the winner will get to ask a UPW of their choice whatever they want whether kayfabe of reality. So here are the results:


TheEffect: 5/6

Occasional_Z: 5/6

Midnightnick 4/6


Fink: Because of the tie, both lads can ask a question who whoever they want.


OOC: So that's show one done, took a long time to write as I really couldn't decide on a layout and if I am honest, I am still not 100% sure on what is there. If anyone would like to offer their 2 cents, I would be appreciative.

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Woot, love it but the colour you used to write the UPW Capital Champion in was quite hard to read.


Question to JK Lee:

"Why the car JK, why?!"


JK: Wasn't like it was my fault mate, it was Vic's stupid clapped out Fiesta. This is what happens when he spends all his money at the local scrappy "doing up" his car instead of just buying a new one. We were on the M25 and his bloody wheel falls off. Absolute numpty then blamed me for the whole thing just because I was driving. In my defense, the girls in the car over were well impressed at first until I got right up their arse (the car that is of course). It was all an accident though, but I accepted Fink's fine, Fiesta parts aren't really hard to come by, expecially for his piece of sh*t excuse of a car.

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A few days after First Contact, Fink and Scott Gregory sit back at their local and go over the show and also look towards February’s show.


Fink: I can’t believe the success of that show, I feel so alive from it.


Scott: You did well mate, I was glad to be a part of it, how much did it cost you though, that is the concern.


Fink: No concern at all mate, going over everything I mate just over $4,000. Well chuffed with that, I thought it would take a long, long time to start actually making anything so this is a treat. It means I can start my plan.


Scott: Plan?


Fink: Yeah I noticed the locker room wasn’t as happy as it could have been. I heard mumblings of people not being able to find the venue or know of anywhere to stay so I am going to organise that from now on. It should make people a little happier at least.


Scott: Good shout mate. Have you got any ideas for this month’s show?


Fink: Actually yeah, I want the Capital Championship to be won in a simple one-on-one match, a bit more traditional. Our next show, named MERCILESS, will have two number 1 contender matches, both will be a three-way dance, here is the whole card.


Fink pulled out a piece of paper with the card for February and placed it on the bar for Scott to peruse.




Number One Contender Three Way Dance

Alton Vicious vs. Martin Heath vs. Meathead McAullie


Number One Contender Three Way Dance

Glen Ward vs. JK Lee vs. Vic Walker


1 on 1 Match

Jon Michael Sharp vs. Riddick Jordan

A chance to view two members of the two resident tag teams of UPW, the victor will no doubt help his team get a little momentum in the soon to be utilised tag division.


1 on 1 Match

Bad News Bruno vs. Leighton Buzzard

Bruno sent shockwaves in UPW’s first show when he provided a vicious attack to Martin Heath. At Merciless he faces tough competition against Leighton Buzzard.


1 on 1 Match

Maxwell Bleak vs. Michael Gregory

The Ladies Favourite takes on The Suicide Kid, but who will prevail and capture their first UPW win.


Scott: Sweet, now that it sorted, there is something I need to bring up with you, nothing major, just something to keep an eye on.


Fink: Shoot mate, what’s happened?


Scott: Glen Ward, he is trying to play a little bit of the political game with the lads, no-one is really appreciating it. No action is needed with it just yet but I think it is just something you should watch out for.


Fink: *Sigh* OK mate, thanks for letting me know.


OOC: As with the last show, it may take a few days to get the next one up, lot of work and what have you, I hope to get a fair bit done over the weekend though as the missus is working all weekend which should enabel me to get ahead by quite a few shows and work on write up's and decide on a format etc.

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Good show


If I can still ask my question, I got one I always wanted to ask Glen Ward


"Why so angry?"


Alton Vicious vs Martin Heath vs Meathead McAullie


Glen Ward vs JK Lee vs Vic Walker


Jon Michael Sharp vs Riddick Jordan


Bad News Bruno vs Leighton Buzzard


Maxwell Bleak VS Michael Gregory

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If I can still ask my question, I got one I always wanted to ask Glen Ward


"Why so angry?"


Ward: Because I am so under-appreciated and undervalued when I am clearly the best wrestler in this country. Now **** off!

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UPW Merciless







As the ring was being set up, the game room in the Paddington Club was full of voices and cheering as the entire roster surrounded the big screen, playing the PlayStation set up by Meathead McAullie.


Meathead: Heh, that’s 4-0 bonnie lad, yoor shyte at Feefa son.


Fink: Hmmm, bollocks to you all.


All: Weeeeeeyyyyy


Meathead: Think we hit a nerve there boys.


Main Show:


Match 1

John Michael Sharp vs. Riddick Jordan

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Jon Michael Sharp defeated Riddick Jordan in 8:31 by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body.

Winner: Jon Michael Sharp




Neville Jones makes his way to the ring with a very arrogant, smug look on his face which is received with a chorus of boo’s from the crowd. Jones indicates that his intention tonight, as the only man in UPW without a match tonight, is to sit back and watch what UPW has to offer in terms of talent. Jones states that as he didn’t get pinned at First Contact then he technically hasn’t lost any match and is still undefeated in UPW and long shall it continue. The undefeated streak he will be going on could not be accomplished by an Englishman, it can only be accomplished from the talent of the Welsh!



Match 2

Maxwell Bleak vs. Michael Gregory

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Michael Gregory defeated Maxwell Bleak in 7:44 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.

Winner: Michael Gregory



Match 3

Bad News Bruno vs. Leighton Buzzard

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Bad News Bruno defeated Leighton Buzzard in 10:42 by pinfall with a Choke Bomb.

Winner: Bad News Bruno




The match is over but that doesn’t stop Bad News Bruno from continuing the assault. A series of Choke Bomb’s innihilate Leighton Buzzard to a chorus of jeering from the crowd and Bruno leaves satisfied with what he accomplished.




Martin Heath enters the ring a little too late, the damage is done, Buzzard is being helped to the back and Heath takes a microphone. He lets the fans know that this sort of action will not be tolerated and once he becomes UPW Capitol Champion, he will never allow the sort of behaviour being displayed by Bad News Bruno to continue.



Match 4

Alton Vicious vs. Martin Heath vs. Meathead McAullie

In an extremely poor match, Martin Heath defeated Alton Vicious and Meathead McAullie in 13:58 when Martin Heath defeated Alton Vicious by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.

Winner: Martin Heath




Glen Ward enters the ring in preparation for his three-way dance match. Much like last month, he takes the microphone and lets everyone know that he is one step closer to being the champion of UPW and legitimising the company. He thanks the fans for coming to a truly momentous night tonight as they can all say “I was there when Glen Ward was on his way to greatness”.



Match 5 (Main Event)

Glen Ward vs. JK Lee vs. Vic Walker

In an extremely poor match, Glen Ward defeated JK Lee and Vic Walker in 16:27 when Glen Ward defeated JK Lee by submission with a Judo Choke-Sleeper.

Winner: Glen Ward




For the second month running Glen Ward, as cocky as ever, takes the microphone twice in one night. As he is about to speak, he is interrupted by Martin Heath. The two give each other a verbal back and forth on why they will be walking away with the UPW Capital Championship which will be decided next month.



Overall Rating: E






Fink: In my opinion lads, that was a better show than last month and you should be proud once again. Sharpie, I know you had a bit of an off night tonight but I know you can pull that back, you can do it mate. Heath, sterling performance again lad, very pleased with what I saw from you. Well done boys!


Scott: Finally lads, the competition results are in, so here we go:


Occasional Z: 5/5

TheEffect: 4/5

Jaded: 3/5

Midnightnick: 3/5


Fink: This means that Occasional Z gets to ask any lad here a question of his choosing.


OOC: So that's Merciless, as with the previous show, any critiques on layout or anything that would make things easier on the eyes for you, the reader, then please do not hesitate to let me know. I will not take it personally. I want it to be as enjoyable as possible for those reading.

Thanks to all those reading so far, the predictions rewards will get better I imagine with an end of year reward as soon as I decide what it will be, most likely a roster hiring if that intrigues.

The next show is already written but I am wanting to pace this thing out as I am really enjoying writing this up and don't want to over-burn it.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/UPW/FinkFinkleton.jpg</span><span>http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/UPW/ScottyGregory.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em>Later, Fink and Scott were sat at their local bar once again, discussing UPW.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Fink</span>: I have to say, I am well pleased with the way Meathead got everybody involved in the tournament the other night, he is a good lad that lad.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Scott</span>: Yeah we had fun with it, you were shite.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Fink</span>: Whatever, I win overall as we made money again, over $3,000, an excellent trend so far! A couple of people from our first show came back again too, we are getting more popular in the South.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Scott</span>: A really promising start mate, the only thing left to do is sort the card for our next show.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Fink</span>: Already done mate, our next show, NO ESCAPE will host the following:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35206" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/UPW/UPW_NoEscape.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <strong>UPW Capital Championship Cage Match</strong></p><p><strong> Glen Ward vs. Martin Heath</strong></p><p> The final of the tournament takes place inside a Steel Cage, Glen Ward has announced himself as the very best in the company and want nothing more than to prove it by becoming the first ever UPW Capital Champion. Martin Heath has seen and been victim to some despicable acts so far and has vowed to put a stop to it by being the face of the company and the champ. As can be imagines with the name of the show, you can’t win the match by escaping the cage, the UPW Capital Championship can only be won by pin fall or submission.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>JK Lee vs. Michael Gregory </strong></p><p> JK Lee was unfortunate to not reach the final of the UPW Capital Championship Tournament, but a loss in a triple threat semi-final is nothing to be ashamed of. Tonight, “The Ladies’ Favourite” Michael Gregory wants to add insult to “The Specialist” as he himself is coming from the back of an impressive win, last month, over Maxwell Bleak.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Neville Jones vs. Vic Walker</strong></p><p> “The Swansea Kid” Neville Jones, still firmly believes that he is undefeated in the company (albeit he lost) and will be fresh from not having a match last month. Vic Walker, will be looking to get back in the title picture from his unsuccessful tournament campaign by securing a win.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Meathead McAullie & Bad News Bruno vs. Maxwell Bleak & Leighton Buzzard</strong></p><p> Meathead McAullie & Bad News Bruno are two of the most threatening individuals in the world when they are on their own, when teaming up one can only imagine the destruction they can cause. “The Suicide Kid” Maxwell Bleak and his partner Leighton Buzzard have speed and stamina on their side however and have a whole lot of heart.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Alton Vicious vs. Jon Michael Sharp</strong></p><p> Many predicated Alton Vicious to go all the way in the UPW Capital Championship Tournament, like many however, he could get passed the triple threat semi-finals. “The Bad Man”, with his partner Riddick Jordan by his side will be looking to seek revenge from one of the other tag specialists in the UPW, the man who beat Jordan at Merciless, Jon Michael Sharp.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Scott</span>: Glad that is all sorted, oh and I have news about <span style="color:#006400;">Jon Michael Sharp</span>, I hear since your words after the show, he has really been hitting the gym, more specifically, the weights.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Fink</span>: It really shows, he doesn't look like a lightweight anymore, that much is obvious. Fair play to him for the dedication though.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">OOC: As with everything else I have done so far, it will be a little while before the show if posted (even though I have it written out), I want to get through some more of the shows in-game before posting and be a little more ahead. I am away next weekend so will try and get it up on Wednesday, 'try' being the word </span><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-size:8px;">. As always, feedback, no matter how small is always encouraged as it helps me learn as I go, still fairly new to diary writing after only a couple of projects.</span></p>
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<p>Cool, I get to ask another question!</p><p> </p><p>

To Meathead McAullie;</p><p> </p><p>

"You're pretty handy at FIFA - what formation do you use and why?"</p><p> </p><p>

It's a good read this Fox, I like the layout and the backstage segments are ace.</p><p> </p><p>

Quick picks for No Escape</p><p> </p><p>


Michael Gregory</p><p>


Meathead/Bad News</p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/UPW/MeatheadMcAullie.jpg</span><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Occasional_Z" data-cite="Occasional_Z" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35206" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>To Meathead McAullie;<p> </p><p> "You're pretty handy at FIFA - what formation do you use and why?"</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Meathead McAullie</span>: My FIFA days began long ago in the early days, I moved to Pro Evo back when it was known as ISS '98 but aroun Fifa '08 jumped back. I play a simple 4-4-2 but with insanely quick full backs and wingers anything less than 90 in acceleration and pace will not do. Didnt need any trickery against Fink, just knock it ahead and sprint with these lads and he was done for, 4-0 and he was lucky.</p><p> </p><p> Saying that, Leighton Buzzard was up 6-zip by halftime over Tyrone Hughes, he packed in after that saying it was a 'young un's game', I think he cried shortly afterwards!</p><p> </p><p> If you are ever at one of our shows, give me a shout, we can have a session bonnie lad.</p>
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