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NWF: Another Cornellovolution!!!!!!!!!!!

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2013 Year in Summary(November)


Our SuckerPunch event continued with their 3rd edition again from the Caledonian Club, Scotland.



Northern Lights got another practice match as this time they defeated the newly formed team of Curtis Jenkins and Arthur T. Turtle, Team Amazement.




Suicide Agent got some revenge back for the Agents as he managed to defeat Glen Ward. This feud had been gaining good momentum but so far The Agents have been on the losing side but tonight it seemed that it was about to change. Let's see whether they can continue their form.




Nigel Svensson and Dwayne Dark hooked up for the 3rd time for the Rising Star title, this time in a Last Man Standing match so that we get a definite winner. The match lived up to it's billing. It was a match between Nigel's painful stretching style versus Dwayne's street brawl. In the end, Nigel had to bow down due to relentless attacks. Barry Griffin was unavailable due to his tour with GCG and Billy Robinson was locked up in his room by Street Saints so there was nobody to help Nigel and he fell to the three on- one attack.




Sharp & Heath continued their winning ways this time once again defeating Your New Favorite Team for the Dynamic Duo titles.




Billy Robinson finally got a title shot as he took on Edward Cornell in the main event. But once again, the match broke down and the hatred of this two for each other prevented the match to be decisive.

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2013 Year in Summary(November)




The high voltage shows continued with On the Edge from Paddington Club.



In the opening match, Glen Ward defeated Curtis Jenkins. The match was simply to give some momentum to Glen and match practice to Curtis.



Davey London won a difficult match against Nigel Svensson. London had been found wanting in his blood feud against his former partner, Davey Celtic so this was a way to regain some of the momentum that he had lost.



Dwayne Dark faced another tough test when he faced Barry Griffin for his Rising Star Championship. Having seen off Nigel Svensson in three very close matches, Dwayne was determined to keep hold of the belt and in the end this determination paid off as for the first time in this feud between the Saints and Prophets, we saw Dwayne winning cleanly with two successive Darkness Falls over Barry. Prophets might have the momentum but Dwayne is the champ and this feud continues to boil.



Sharp & Heath continued their good run this time retaining the Dynamic Duo titles in a triple threat ladder match against Elimination Agents and Addams Family. When Sharp & Heath first debuted in NWF, they had 79 experience as a tag team. Now till the end of this year, they are already up to 90 experience and looking good to achieve max experience bu the 1st quarter of 2014.



Davey Celtic was also in a match as he fought Johny Highspot, another tough competitor but during the course of the match, we saw London racing in and knocking Highspot with a loaded boot, thereby drawing the DQ and handing Celtic his loss.Celtic was furious but London just smirked and went away frustrating Celtic even more.




The main event was a tag match as Billy Robinson and the Masked Man took on the Cornell-tourage of Edward Cornell and Punisher Paul Hughes. If Cornell-tourage lost, the person with the winning pin will be the contender for the title at the last event of 2013, Final Clash.

Both Billy and the Masked Man attacked the other two relentlessly but Edward always managed to sneak out and Punisher had to bear the brunt of all attacks. Edward even tried to remove the mask of the mystery man but was unsuccessful. Finally, with Billy taking Edward out of the ring, Mystery Man hit an armbar and Punisher was forced to tap.

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2013 Year in Summary(December)



Our SuckerPunch event continued to raise our profile in Scotland.


Melanie Florence, our GM disgusted with her inability to take the title from Edward promised that last month of 2013 would make things much more tough for Cornell. The SuckerPunch show and our last show of 2013, Final Clash would take place within 2 days of each other so Edward will first defend his title in a triple threat ladder match against Davey Celtic and Davey London and if he survives, two days later in Final Clash, he will defend his title against the Masked Man in a Cage.



Having overcome Curtis Jenkins in the last event, Glen Ward was given an opportunity to win the Rising Star Championship against Dwayne Dark. Glen fought valiantly but finally had to succumb to the street brawl style of Dwayne Dark.




Jon Michael Sharp took on Suicide Agent in a rare singles match for the champs and for a change, it was good to see no interference from Addams Family.In the end, Jon took the match with a Flying Cross Body.




Next up it was the Prophets, Billy Robinson and Nigel Svensson who took on Addams Family and after some resistance, Prophets took the win when Billy made Kalvin Addams tap to his Capital City Crucifix.




Both the tag champs were in singles action tonight as Martin Heath took on Johny Highspot and just like his partner , won the match with is signature Flying Fist Drop.




The main event was a special one. With all the three participants master of the ladder match(Edward has not lost a ladder match in NWF while Anglo-Scots Connection did not lose it either during their title reign), it made for some beautiful spots and moves. Additionally, since this time it was every man for himself, it made the match more dynamic. When Edward went for his retrieval attempt, lights went off and the Masked Man came to spotlight standing on the ramp and just after few seconds, lights went off again and he went away. With both the Davey's more concerned with hurting each other rather than going for the title, Edward got another opportunity but as he was climbing the ladder, we saw Hugh de Aske running in and tried to shake Edward off but the champ held on and a kick to the face later, managed to retrieve the belt and retain the title.

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That brings us to our last show of 2013 and this show will be written in full as there are some significant events that took place during the show.


After the show, i will be doing the world summary of wrestling in 2013 post as well as the End of the Year awards and there is a big news for NWF at the awards.

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Yes, folks the video vault is back and for our last event, we have two very explosive promos for you to look at.







We see Edward Cornell sitting in his room. He finishes up his drink in one go and look towards the camera. His eyes are all red which indicates he is quite drunk.





How are you morons doing huh?? You must be enjoying seeing me in such condition, confined to my rooms, forced to drink away my sorrow. But you are forgetting one thing, I am still the champion.


He shows his belt and laughs in a maniacal manner.



This belt belongs to me and nobody will be taking this away from me. I started this year as champ and will be ending this year as champ as well. But, all of you out there seems to think otherwise. This masked man who has come to NWF seems to create enough enigma amongst your thick brains which leads you to believe that he will be taking the gold from me as I am afraid of him. Really?? You think I will be afraid of this brain dead jackass whose only business is to interfere in my matches?? That’s a biggest joke I have ever heard in a long time. If anything, that man is a coward who hides his face and of course it is Hugh who suddenly thinks he can play Jekyll and Hyde with me and force myself to give up. Come on Hugh, you should know better. Over the last 12 months, many have tried but failed to conquer the Cornell-o-volution. Hell, our GM, Melanie even tried to take outside help from the so-called alliance but what happened?? I closed that path as well. But I am sick and tired of interference, sick and tired of you poking your nose in my affairs. So, to end it all I raise the stakes of our match. In, Final Clash, you and me will be fighting in a Mask vs. Title Cage Match and when you lose your mask, people will be able to see your foolishness Hugh, they will see the stinking pile of shit that you have become. Ha ha!!!Hugh, you should have known that however hard you try, I will always be ONE….STEP……AHEAD!!







This time in the Video Vault , we see Davey London in his flashy attire breaking out dancing moves like nobody else’s business, gyrating his hips to Saturday Night Fever.

But as the camera close in, we see Davey tears apart his clothing and becomes deadly serious.






Anglo-Scots Connection, the first ever Dynamic Duo champions of NWF. The dominating champions who took on all comers , entertained their fans and became the cornerstone of the division and then Boom!!! everything changed. We went downhill, lost the titles, failed to reclaim it and our team broke down. What happened London?? We promised each other that Davey Celtic and Davey London, the Anglo-Scots Connection would never break down, regain our glory days and become the best tag team in all of UK, perhaps the world but what happened London?? Just because you got pinned twice in two successive title matches, you lost your cool!! You started blaming me!!!You proclaimed yourself as the man to carry our team!!! Well, London it makes me sad that you did all of this. I never boasted of my achievements when we were winning titles and adulation from the fans even though I had more than my fair share of successful pins. I never claimed to be the better of us because to me, we both were equal. But you could not take it could you?? You could not digest our loss so you needed a scapegoat and you thought it would be fine if you make me that scapegoat isn’t it?? Well, I am really sorry that things had to come to this but you have left me with no other option. We were like brothers and yet you stabbed me in the back, just because of a loss. Couldn’t we tried once again to become a champ?? Couldn’t we London?? Anyways, it seems this has to end. There’s no other choice. So, I talked with Melanie today and in Final Clash, you and me will fight it out for one last time and the loser leaves NWF immediately. Sorry, brother, it was good knowing you.

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After those couple of promos that has got everyone's heart beating in anticipation, we thought we will let you preview the card, so here are the matches for Final Clash:



1. Nigel Svensson vs. Glen Ward


With both Prophets and Glen Ward's alliance firmly in driver's seat in their personal feuds, who will come out on top and build up momentum for next year??



2. Dynamic Duo Championship 4 way TLC Match: Sharp & Heath© vs. Addams Family vs. Elimination Agents vs. Northern Lights


The biggest ever test for our champs. Can they survive 3 other teams and tables, ladders and chairs to end the year on a high??



3. Loser Leaves NWF: Davey Celtic vs. Davey London


Ever since the sensational break-up of the former tag champs, Anglo-Scots Connection, these two have been at each other's throat. Who will remain in the promotion by the end of the night??



4. Rising Star Championship: Dwayne Dark© vs. Billy Robinson


With the year about to end, will Billy win the title to gain some glory for the Prophets or will Dwayne continue to shine for the Saints??



5. NWF Heavyweight Championship Mask vs. Title Cage Match: Edward Cornell© vs. Masked Man


With Melanie punishing Edward making him wrestle in two tough matches in three days, Edward raise the stakes much higher making it a mask vs. title. Will we see the unmasking of the mystery man or will Edward finally lose the title that he had held all year long.

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Saturday, Week 3, December 2013
Location: Parliament Square(Southern England)
Attendance: 442 


As usual, Melanie comes up to the stage with a mic and starts the show.


Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your unwavering support that you gave to NWF. It was a really good year for us. We raised our popularity, showcased the best wrestling matches in UK and triggered revolutionary projects like the King of Indies-UK and the Trans-Border Wrestling Alliance. Even our new website offering, the Video Vault was  a big hit with all of you and we have only you to thank for this showering of love. As much as it seems to be all rosy for NWF, there is still one issue that I cannot get out of my head. Our champ. From the day 1 itself, he has been manipulating his way to glory and I have been sick and tired of it. But,as you know, all’s well that ends well so tonight it will be the end of Cornell. Eddie, you think you know all the answers, you think you have found another way out. Just wait till the end of the night and you will be surprised big time…..Now ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the show.

Grade: 49 

This business between masked man and our champ has been intriguing everybody. Edward seems of the opinion that Hugh de Aske is the masked man and there may be some truth to it as we have never seen both of them at the same place and same time but there is still some doubt in my mind whether he is right or not??


Mr. Cornell is always right, Bernie. He will finish this shitty game that Hugh is trying to play and he will do it tonight.


Don’t be so sure Philip, you might just be surprised.

Nigel Svensson vs. Glen Ward

This was a very close match between the two as both preferred a similar style of wrestling. While Nigel wrestled in his Wigan style of grappling, hitting stiff forearm blows and painful locks, Glen on the other hand used his judo skills to perfection, downing Nigel with a variety of throws and trips to the mat. In the end, Glen went for his Judo choke sleeper but Nigel countered and locked in his feared Nigel Lock (hyperextension arm lock) which gave no chance of survival to Glen.
Winner: Nigel Svensson (via submission in 12:37)
Grade: 42


After all the three teams had made their entrances, the champs Sharp & Heath 
 really raised the awesome quotient of the night by making a spectacular entrance. Both of them came down from the rafters draped in Union Jacks to God Save the Queen and upon landing on the ramp, triggered fireworks in Union Jack colors i.e red, white and blue. It really felt like a big match.
Grade : 31

4 way Dynamic Duo TLC Match: Sharp & Heath vs. Northern Lights vs. Elimination Agents vs. Addams Family

Addams Family and Elimination Agents started brawling right at the sound of the bell, both teams knocking each other out of the ring. The action continued on the ramp as Suicide was double teamed by Kalvin and Jimmi and double back body dropped on the ramp. When they were celebrating, they did not see Genocide who hit a impactful Flying Cross Body from the top turnbuckle to take out both the members.

In the meanwhile, Northern Lights were duking it out with Sharp & Heath, hitting their brawl based moves and forcing the champs to retreat.

The end came when Alton was climbing the ladder as he was the only man left in the ring. From out of nowhere, we saw Jon and Sharp springboarding on the top rope and delivering a double dropkick on the ladder in the process shaking it. Alton could not get out in time and so, he was forced to see himself steadily going out of the ring on the ladder and crashing through a table kept in the ringside.

From there, it was easy for the champs as Jon Michael Sharp climbed the ladder and retrieved the belts chalking up another successful defence for them.
Winner: Sharp & Heath(Jon Michael Sharp via retrieval of belt in 13:20)
Sharp & Heath makes Defense No. 7 of their Dynamic Duo titles.
Grade: 36




Wow, that was a great match and next up we have another epic confrontation. It’s Davey Celtic vs. Davey London, former friends and tag champs turned hateful enemies, the loser leaves NWF.


Oh yes, I have been looking forward to this one all night. It’s so sad that Anglo-Scots Connection had to explode like this but it’s their own choice, we have nothing to say.


Two lions cannot live in the same den but in this case, there is only one lion and that is Davey London. He will eat Davey Celtic alive.

Loser Leaves NWF: Davey Celtic vs. Davey London

All the confrontations, all the blame games, all the rants had finally come to this. Davey Celtic and Davey London, in possibly their final NWF match, atleast for one of them.

They started the match measuring each other with their eyes, for almost a minute before Davey Celtic extended his hand for one last handshake. The crowd was hot for the match .London extended his hand as well but just as they were about to shake, he kicked Celtic in the guts before viciously punching him in the back that forced Celtic to fall down. London kept the pressure whipping Celtic off the ropes and hitting with a high knee. This got him an early two count.


Celtic made his comeback hitting a couple of lariats which got him some near falls but London stopped the momentum locking Celtic in a very swift London Bridge but Celtic was able to reach the bottom rope. This continued with neither men clearly dominating until Celtic went for his Celtic Cross(cross face) but London escaped and countered with a deadly looking Rocks of London (Diamond Cutter).

The match was over just like that and Celtic would be out of NWF.
Winner: Davey London (via pinfall in 13:37)
Grade: 30




Celtic is out!!! Celtic is out of NWF!! Tonight both were vicious but London had that extra edge in his step which made him the winner.


As much as I hate to admit but London was the better wrestler, so he stays and sadly it is a long walk back for Celtic.

I told you
Rising Star Championship: Dwayne Dark vs. Billy Robinson

Having defeated both Nigel Svensson and Barry Griffin, Dwayne took Billy Robinson this time in hope of completing a hattrick of wins over Prophets.

Though Prophets have been dominating in their feud with the Saints, one thing which they failed was to take the Rising Star title from Dwayne. It was become evident that Dwayne was single handedly carrying his group and sooner or later he had to bow down to the pressure but today, it was not to be. With only the second clean match we have ever seen between these two groups minus any interferences on both sides, we saw Dwayne matching Billy move for move, hold for hold and in the end chalked up another fine win with his patented Darkness Falls(Gore).
Winner: Dwayne Dark (via pinfall in 12:20)
Dwayne Dark makes Defense No. 6 of his Rising Star title.
Grade: 35


Chalk up another one for Dwayne. He had been mightily impressive in this year.


Yes, that’s true but the Street Saints have been doing very badly and the pressure will get to Dwayne, just wait for it and then we will see how this bromance exists between Northern Lights and Dwayne.


Yes, that’s true but we have to admit that he has been one of our breakout stars this year. He won the King of Indies, became the 1st ever Rising Star champion and has held the belt ever since. We with him all the best for 2014 and now time for the main event. 

Next up was the main event. We are shown the promo of Edward that was put up on Video Vault. It was as explosive as his shoot promo in 21CW which led to our formation.Melanie and Philip put in a little wager that if Edward loses, Philip will leave NWF.
Grade: 47 

NWF Heavyweight Championship Mask vs. Title Cage Match: Edward Cornell vs. Masked Man

Edward Cornell made his entry first.

Then once again the lights went out and the arena was pitch dark. When the lights came in, we saw the Masked Man standing in the middle of the ring. With Edward trying to punch him in the face, his attempt was blocked and the Masked one hit a short arm clothesline.

With the cage locked, now the war started to gain full steam. Edward smashed the Man repeatedly on the cage wall but each time the Man came back and inflicted his own punishment.

One particular move we saw with Edward trying to Irish whip the Man to the ropes, he was countered and instead German Suplexed to the steel wall. Edward’ back was cut pretty badly.

The match continued and Edward once again with his scheming ways found a way out and was about to deliver the Black Lightning when the lights went out again and this time when it came back, we saw none other than Hugh standing on the ramp. Edward was shocked to see him and when he turned around, it became more shocking as the Masked Man was still there.


With this revelation that Edward was completely wrong and Hugh was not the Man, he got lost and cried manically. After that, it was a formality as the Man got hold of him and DDT’d him down the mat. He went upto the top rope and delivered a neat legdrop on Cornell. Apparently not satisfied with this, he went up again and came down with another legdrop on the lifeless body of Cornell. An easy 3 count followed and the Masked Man had become the champion.

Winner: Masked Man (via pinfall in 16:37)
Masked Man wins the NWF Heavyweight Championship
Grade: 49

After the match was finished, we saw Melanie and Bernie shouting happily while on the other hand Philip was devastated. His hero has lost and he had to leave NWF as a result of his wager.

Melanie joined Hugh and the Masked Man in the ring and gave them a tight hug before presenting the belt to the new champ.

Well, Cornell!! You see you did not had to raise the stakes so much. Anyway I was going to reveal the face. You got played at your game Edward. Now how does it feel?? So, Mr. Champ, should I do the honours

The Masked Man gave a firm nod and Melanie removed the mask and the entire arena went berserk.



Oh my god!! It’s UK Dragon!! Wow!! Amazing just amazing. Remember one thing folks, you have witnesses history tonight and what a way to end 2013. We will be back next year with more action. Bye Bye from all of us.

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World of Wrestling(2013)



End of Year Awards



Wrestler of the Year - Steve DeColt(2)

Tag Team of the Year - Champagne Lover & El Leon

Young Wrestler of the Year - Bussho Makiguchi(2)

Veteran Wrestler of the Year - Christian Faith

Female Wrestler of the Year - Shiori Jippensha(2)

Independent Wrestler of the Year - Hidekazu(2)

Company of the Year - NOTBPW(2)

Most Improved Company of the Year - Hinote Dojo

Match of the Year - Johny Bloodstone defeated Sean McFly at NOTBPW Championship Wrestling(99)

Card of the Year - NOTBPW Summer Smash(90)

Manager of the Year - Phoebe Plumbridge

Announcer of the Year - Duane Fry(3)

Color Commentator of the Year - NWF's very own Melanie Florence

Referee of the Year - Darren Smith(3)


NWF Wrestlers in Power 500


Barry Griffin - #418

UK Dragon - #425



So we had two of our veterans in Power 500 which is not at all good but the big news for us, Melanie Florence breaks the monopoly of Emma Chase and wins the Color Commentator of the Year award. Here's hoping 2014 becomes a lot more profitable for us.

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World of Wrestling(2013)



Top 5 Companies in World





(Pride Glory Honor Wrestling)


PGHW Glory Crown


Eisaku Kunomasu (July 2013 - ) (Defenses-3)




PGHW Glory Tag Crown


KitoGuchi(Chojiro Kitoaji + Bussho Makiguchi)(April 2012 - )(Defenses- 9)




PGHW Historical Japan


Stone Yoshikawa (September 2013 - )(Defenses-3)




PGHW International


Akinori Kwakami (November 2013 - )(Defenses-5)






(Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods)


Burning Junior Championship


Elemental III(September 2012 - )(Defenses-17)



Burning Junior Tag Team


Marihito Masuko + Elemental III(March 2013 - )(Defenses-7)



Burning World Championship


Tadiyuki Kikkawa(April 2012 - )(Defenses-7)



Burning World Tag Team


Nissho Yuasa + Atsumori Takemura(December 2013 - )(Defenses-0)



King of Fighters


Tasuku Iesada(October 2012 - )(Defenses-3)







(United States Pro Wrestling)


USPW World


Nicky Champion(October 2012 - )(Defenses-15)



USPW World Tag Team


Towers of Power(Mick Muscles + Danny Rushmore)(February 2013 - )(Defenses-9)



USPW National


T-Rex(December 2013 - )(Defenses-3)



USPW Television


Mick Muscles(February 2013 - )(Defenses-13)



USPW Women's


Belle Bryden(December 2013 - )(Defenses-2)







(Total Championship Wrestling)



TCW World Heavyweight


Ricky Dale Johnson(October 2013 - )(Defenses-2)



TCW World Tag Team


New Wave(Scout + Guide)(March 2013 - )(Defenses - 3)



TCW International


Joel Bryant(November 2013 - )(Defenses-2)



TCW All-Action


Chance Fortune(August 2013 - )(Defenses-6)




1. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/LogoBanners/SWF_alt1_zps0d4b30ae.jpg

(Supreme Wrestling Federation)



SWF World Heavyweight


Steve Frehley(July 2012 - )(Defenses-16)



SWF World Tag Team


All-Americans(Des Davids + American Machine)(March 2013 - )(Defenses-9)



SWF North American


Brandon James(September 2013 - )(Defenses-4)

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Ok, so with that couple of posts,2013 has ended.



Next couple of posts will feature roster updates and write-ups featuring our champions and after that, we officially start the 2014 season.



If anybody is reading this, kindly let me know if you feel any changes are required in the show format or not and if anything else you want to see in this dynasty

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2014 season



Main Eventers


Edward Cornell

UK Dragon

Davey London

Billy Robinson

Martin Heath



Upper Midcarders


Barry Griffin

Davey London

Dwayne Dark

Jon Michael Sharp

Nigel Svensson





Alton Vicious

Genocide Agent

Glen Ward

Jacques Du Pont

Jimmi Addams

Kalvin Addams

Suicide Agent

Jonni Lowlife



Lower Midcarders



Arthur T. Turtle

Curtis Jenkins

J K Lee

Punisher Paul Hughes

Riddick Jordan






Bad News Bruno

Pierre Du Pont




Tag Teams


Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp + Martin Heath)

Elimination Agents(Suicide Agent + Genocide Agent)

Addams Family(Kalvin Addams + Jimmi Addams)

Northern Lights(Alton Vicious + Riddick Jordan)

Team Amazement(Curtis Jenkins + Arthur T. Turtle)

Foreign Legion(Pierre Du Pont + Jacques Du Pont)





Street Saints (Dwayne Dark/Tara Green/Alton Vicious/Riddick Jordan)


Prophets of Wrestling(Barry Griffin/Nigel Svensson/Billy Robinson)


Cornell-tourage(Edward Cornell/Bad News Bruno/Punisher Paul Hughes)

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NWF Heavyweight Championship



UK Dragon - Current Champion (December 2013 - )





Edward Cornell - previous champion(February 2013 - December 2013)(Defenses - 10)



Scenario - Edward Cornell, the owner of the company was also the 1st ever champion of the promotion. His reign was defined by countless sneak attacks, constant interferences from his side and his devious ways of keeping the title at every cost. He brought in Bad New Bruno and Punisher Paul Hughes to be part of his protection ring and carved out unique ways to defeat his opponent, which included bribing our previous referee, Scotty Gregory to trigger a fast count which stopped the likes of outside challengers like Raphael, Edward always believed in one thing , he was always ONE-----STEP---AHEAD. He kept Melanie Florence on the bay, triggered anger within the Trans-Border Wrestling Alliance(a revolutionary alliance of sorts, which was founded by NWF/RIPW/FCW/CILL), when he triggered a screwjob on Raphael(RIPW) which forced the other promotions of the alliance to stop sending their workers until and unless Edward was the champ. He continued to strengthen his protection ring, hiring the services of newly formed Street Saints to take out his rivals. But, the turning point came when a masked man entered into the fray. It began to play heavily on Edward's mind and he was shown a different picture where he thought Hugh was playing the masked man. The plan of Melanie finally worked when at the last show of the year, Edward finally lost to the masked man when both him and Hugh showed up together, shocking Edward to no end. The masked man was then revealed as UK Dragon. With UK Dragon as the champ, we hope NWF goes to greater heights.




NWF Dynamic Duo Championship



Sharp & Heath - Current Champion(August 2013 - )(Defenses - 8)




Anglo-Scots Connection - Previous Champion(February 2013 - August 2013)(Defenses-4)


Scenario - The Dynamic Duo titles were first introduced in February when Anglo-Scots Connection won it. They continued to defend it against all comers and their gimmick of two dancing studs was a hit with the crowd. On the other hand, the patriotic duo of Sharp & Heath was slowly becoming the breakout team of the year, rising up the tag mountain gradually and they finally won the titles from the Anglo-Scots Connection in August. After, they lost the title and failed to reclaim it, tensions started between the two and it finally came to head when Davey London turned on Celtic. They wrestled in a series of matches and finally the feud came to end at the last show of the year when London won a Loser Leaves NWF match and Davey Celtic had to leave the promotion.


Also, Glen Ward promoting his brand of straight-edge goodness brought in Addams Family to feud with Elimination Agents. With other teams like Team Amazement, Foreign Legion , Northern Lights and others in contention, tag team scene is looking good for 2014.




NWF Rising Star Championship



Dwayne Dark - Current Champion(September 2013 - )(Defenses-7)



Scenario - This title was introduced during the launch of our second show, SuckerPunch as a secondary singles title. Dwayne Dark, who came to NWF after winning the King of Indies after which he was awarded a contract, won the title and had held it so far. Dwayne Dark was our rising star of the year in true sense. He became the King of Indies, won the Rising Star title and formed the Street Saints alongwith Tara Green and Northern Lights. He was then occupied for the later part of 2013 in Street Saint's feud against Prophets which gave us some marquee match-ups as well as some great moments. It also helped the feud that Dwayne had great chemistry with all the three members of Prophets. Though the Prophets enjoyed the upper hand in this hot feud which was one of the major storylines of the promotion, Dwayne Dark remained the champion which balanced out the feud. With new season coming up, this feud looks to continue and we are eagerly waiting to see who takes the title from Dwayne.

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Ok, for people following this for the 1st time, i am using the default Cornellverse database and i have started with NWF who is in the default database as a future promotion. I have also imported all the British companies from Boltinho's brilliant Cverse:XL mode to give myself some competition.


My current schedule is running two shows every month where apart from my main shows thatwe run from Southern England, a supporting show called SuckerPunch is run every month from other areas to bring our popularity up.


We also have our annual tournament titled King of Indies-UK in April where we give opportunities to indy workers and the winner is awarded a NWF contract.



Our Monthly Shows:













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2014 starts with our 1st SuckerPunch show of the year from Scotland. Some great match-ups have been announced for the card and we at NWF.com bring you the preview of the card:


1. Dwayne Dark vs. Curtis Jenkins for NWF Rising Star Championship


Dwayne Dark gets his 1st challenge of the new season when he takes on Curtis Jenkins for his title. It looks like a cakewalk for Dwayne but will Curtis rise up to the challenge??



2. Barry Griffin + Billy Robinson vs. Northern Lights


With the defining feud of 2013 looking good to carry over in the new season, we get the 1st match up of 2014 between these two stables when Barry Griffin & Billy Robinson takes on Northern Lights. Who will fire the 1st salvo in this blood feud??



3. Sharp & Heath vs. ??? for the NWF Dynamic Duo Championship


With Cornell no more the champion, TBWA is up and running again as all the other members have withdrawn their forced isolation of NWF. Now, one of the teams from a member promotion have challenged Sharp & Heath for their titles. We don't know the challengers but we do know that they will present a tough contest to our champions.




4. Hugh de Aske vs. Glen Ward


With Hugh playing a major role in downing Cornell, he is back to active competition having achieved a major victory over the owner. He takes on Glen Ward. Who will win??




5. UK Dragon vs. Edward Cornell for NWF Heavyweight Championship


A rematch from the last show of 2013, Edward gets his last chance to win back the title and if he fails, he cannot challenge for the title till UK Dragon remains the champ.




OOC: The write-ups for SuckerPunch will be shorter than the normal shows.

Also, if anybody wants to predict, they can do so. There is also a bonus question, who will be the challengers to Sharp & Heath?? As you know, they are from one of our alliance members and they belong to one of the US member of the Alliance.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/nwf2banner_zpseea5d410.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Suckerpunch</span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p>Held at Parliament Square(Southern England)</p><p> Wednesday, Week 3, January 2014 </p><p> Attendance: 484</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Pre-Show</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/PunisherPaulHughes_zps61322e77.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/BadNewsBruno_zps6fe7e4d2.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs. </span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/GenocideAgent_zpsda973f14.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/SuicideAgent_zps313ef13c.jpg</span><p> <strong>Cornell-tourage vs. Elimination Agents</strong></p><p> </p><p> In an extremely poor match, The Elimination Agents defeated Punisher Paul Hughes and Bad News Bruno in 12:19 when Suicide Agent defeated Bad News Bruno by pinfall with a Full Nelson Slam.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade:</strong> <strong>34</strong> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/JimmiAddams_zps4824aebe.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/KalvinAddams_zpsd6e7df8e.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs.</span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/PierreDuPont_alt1_zps9a84ed9b.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/JacquesDuPont_alt1_zps8f9bc1ed.jpg</span><p> <strong>Addams Family vs. Foreign Legion</strong></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Addams Family defeated The Foreign Legion in 11:10 when Kalvin Addams defeated Jacques DuPont by pinfall with a Flying Bulldog.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 34</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Main Show</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Melanie Florence comes out and addresses the fans chronicling the important matches in the show.<p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 51</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/DwayneDark_zpsc44fa284.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs.</span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/CurtisJenkins_zpsfe554f69.jpg</span><p> <strong>NWF Rising Star Championship: Dwayne Dark vs. Curtis Jenkins</strong></p><p> </p><p> In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Dwayne Dark defeated Curtis Jenkins in 11:30 by pinfall with a Darkness Falls. </p><p> Dwayne Dark makes defence number 7 of his NWF Rising Star Championship title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 38</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/BarryGriffin_zps4e984947.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/BillyRobinson_alt1_zpseaf4c894.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs.</span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/RiddickJordan_zps9d1c6ea6.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/AltonVicious_zps226b9fb9.jpg</span><p> <strong>Prophets(Barry Griffin + Billy Robinson) vs. Northern Lights</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Barry Griffin and Billy Robinson defeated The Northern Lights in 12:54 when Barry Griffin defeated Riddick Jordan by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade:38</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Edward Cornell has an interview, in which he goes off on a rant about how much he hates UK Dragon<p> </p><p> <strong>Grade:48</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/MartinHeath_zpsfdb6f8b4.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/JonMichaelSharp_zps849536e0.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs.</span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/KashmirSingh_zpsb5e43de4.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/KirkJameson_zps4f8f710a.jpg</span><p> <strong>NWF Dynamic Duo Championship: Sharp & Heath vs. Sweet N Sour(Kashmir Singh + Kirk Jameson)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> (The mystery challengers from FCW are Sweet N Sour)</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Sharp & Heath defeated Sweet N Sour in 12:27 when Jon Michael Sharp defeated The Sensational Singh by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body. </p><p> Sharp & Heath make defence number 8 of their NWF Dynamic Duo Championship titles.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 41</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/HughDeAske_zps3a6e04fc.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs.</span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/GlenWard_zps0dbecbb6.jpg</span><p> <strong>Hugh de Aske vs. Glen Ward</strong></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Hugh defeated Glen Ward in 11:34 by pinfall with a Cut-Throat Driver.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 48</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/EdwardCornell_alt-1_zps505017ff.jpg</span> <span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">Vs.</span></span> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/UKDragon_zps98e20a1a.jpg</span><p> <strong>NWF Heavyweight Championship: Edward Cornell vs. UK Dragon</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, UK Dragon defeated Edward Cornell in 16:06 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop. </p><p> UK Dragon makes defence number 1 of his NWF World Heavyweight Championship title.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 50</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">OVERALL GRADE:49</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/NWFcom_zps2c447e65.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> As usual the Video Vault is in business once again. Let's find out who we have in our Vault today.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Arial"><span style="font-size:12px">VIDEO VAULT</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><em>Video #1</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/EdwardCornell_alt-1_zps505017ff.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Once again, Edward Cornell is seen sitting in his plush room with a can of Carlsberg in his hand.</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Edward</strong>: <span style="color:Red">Well played Mel, well played. You fooled me, took my title and now you have prevented me to get a title shot once again. Congratulations, you have managed to slay the legend, the harbinger of Cornell-o-volution. This calls for a party isn't it?? So, how are you celebrating Mel?? Going down and dirty with your boys?? What else are you doing Mel?? Tell me.............Well forget it, it doesn't matter whatever you are doing but let me tell you one thing which i have repeated frrom day one of this company, i run this company and i damn well know how to pick up the pieces when the chips are down and just like all the morons who are watching this video know you should also know that i am always ONE............STEP...........AHEAD.</span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> Enjoy your celebration while it lasts Mel as i have a big surprise in store for you. You see form is temporary, class is permanent and i am MASTERCLASS.</span></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35208" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><em>Video#2</em></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/BarryGriffin_zps4e984947.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/BillyRobinson_alt1_zpseaf4c894.jpg</span><span>http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/NigelSvensson_zpsf12c1f60.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>We see all the Prophets doing extensive training in the gym. Barry takes a break and while drinking Gatorade, he speaks:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Barry</strong>: <span style="color:Blue">You see, we are the Prophets. What you see here is the same you see in the ring. We have never been about gimmicks or showboating. We believe in the tradition of wrestling , we hit the ring, wrestle circles around our opponents and then go back. We don't care if there was enough flash or enough wow moments, we care about giving our 110% every day and nobody can take it away from us. Now, Dwayne, even though i hate your guts but i agree that even though we have been beating the hell out of your rag tag bunch of cronies, you are still a title holder and that makes you superior than us in terms of prestige. Well, that is about to change as me and Nigel are officially declaring our intent to win the tag belts and we will not rest until we have done that and Billy will be helping us by taking care of your cronies. So, boys, be ready here we come. </span></p></div></blockquote>
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Glen Ward vs. Alton Vicious


Battle between the leader of Straight Edge and the street tough member of Saints. Who will win??




Dwayne Dark vs. Arthur T. Turtle for NWF Rising Star Championship


Last show, Dwayne defeated Curtis to retain his title. This time, his partner has challenged Dwayne. Can he go that extra mile and score an upset??




Billy Robinson vs. Riddick Jordan


The battle continues between the Prophets and Saints and this time Billy takes on the other member of Northern Lights, Riddick Jordan.




Davey London vs. Jonni Lowlife


Battle between former tag team stars as both look to start their singles career without their partners. While London forced his partner, Davey Celtic to leave NWF, a deadly injury forced Highspot to walk away from wrestling leaving Jonni behind. Who will start with a win to their name??




Sharp & Heath vs. Prophets(Barry Griffin + Nigel Svensson) for NWF Dynamic Duo Championship

NWF management have agreed to award the Prophets a title match on the condition that if they lose, they have to start all over again to get a second chance. Will the Prophets grab the bull by its horn or will they be staring towards a long road??




Hugh de Aske vs. UK Dragon for NWF Heavyweight Championship


With Hugh having a big hand in helping UK Dragon to the title, he has chosen personally by Dragon to be his latest challenger. But don't for one second think that this will be a friendly match as when these two get into the ring, all bets will come off.


Plus Edward Cornell has claimed he has a surprise in store for Melanie Florence and the champ. What will it be??







OOC: Those who want to predict can do so. Event logo courtesy of Metal Gear Yoshi.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok folks this post is for those handful of people who used to follow this shitty dynasty.


I am officially ending this as i have had not motivation to write for NWF given my recent penchant for Thunderverse and my drive for my other diary which has made me neglect this for too long to the point that i am unable to go back to this.


So, even though nobody cares for this one, i am still officially bringing an end to this.

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