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Richard Eisen, SWF


So I wake up, have my oats or whatever the **** Sam Strong would say two decades ago, pet my children and say my prayers. Whatever.


How many people refused my negotiations?




Nobuhito Ogiwara, Yasuhide Tayama, Kimitada Ohishi, Ieshige Nishio, MAYA, Tiger Fuyuki, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Takesi Yamanaka.






One of them.


All work for WEXXV. EVERY ****ING ONE OF THEM. And of course Crippler Ray Kingman and Alfredo Menendez want to retire in peace, just to really screw in the nail. Right.


Also, South of the Border rejected my agreement, which means this is war.




A few other negotiations have run into competition, which is to be expected. Some I don't care to win. Steven Parker, however?


It's me, FCW, USPW, and their little league game. Yes, they're competing with their developmental territory. I laugh at him.


Oh, and Pee-Wee Germaine took over TCW's school of suck. That...why?


Right, Steven Parker. I contacted him, restated the same offer, and he's only considering me. Just wanted to make sure of that, as the kid really is "The Future." And if I get Dark Angel, well...




We recently had a house show, apparently; I don't book those much, aside from bits of data here and there. No chemistry found, sadly.




Ted Brady doesn't want to be in development anymore, even though he still can improve. I assume this means he's too old to be there; I'll try to get him to be a trainer.




No, it's not his age. Hm...




I sent him back down to work on his Rumble skills.


Spencer Spade wants to come onto the main roster. Unfortunately, his psychology sucks.




Spencer Spade has dropped to Lightweight, triggering growth:

4 Athleticism, 4 Power, 4 Star Quality (96!), 4 Sex Appeal.


I also gave him a week off to curb his annoyance. He's still irritated, but the sting should leave soon. Unfortunately, he's just going to be a bright little jobber for his career. Now Lenny Brown...

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Richard Eisen, SWF


It occurs to me that with 20 wrestlers over-budget and more to come, I ought to mitigate the assured morale issues I will soon be having.


Given that until March I wil only have five shows per month, and given that I cannot brand my roster (artificially) until I get more television, I need to organize who to send on vacation and who I can send to development.


To Development:

Mainstream Hernandez

Rafael Ruiz(train)

Sky King

Air Attack Weasel

Nathan Coleman

Silver Shark(train)

and then the game fried wtf

JD Morgan

Genio Verde

Johnny Martin

Fumihiro Ota

Grandmaster Phunk

Masked Cougar

Roger Cage

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


I have a feeling that Mr. Eisen there is going to war with South of the Border. Jorge Ibanez is a fairly isolated man, content to control Mexico (and the world, if he would have it) by his own money-lending hands. It is effective, if not nuanced.


For that matter, South of the Border Professional Wrestling is going to beat me to International for our respective home regions. Granted, Mexico has far fewer regions of emphasis, which is largely the cause of their success, but looking at their shows, at Champagne Lover...


If all the National companies would band against Richard Eisen, he would fall so, so fast. North of the Border with their Sean McFly, me in the States, Lover down South, and...anyone, really, for Japan. We would block him out of every discernible region. Twenty-First Century Wrestling would likely become his only target, and that at Cult...it would be something more fair of a fight.


To sleep then, perchance to dream this dream...




Pee-Wee Germaine isn't the best owner for Total Championship Schooling, only because he has strong commitments to CZCW as their referee. Other than that, he is a fantastic guy. Even if he wasn't a great booker, he'll use the guys and they'll learn. That's the point. And he won't cause any trouble.




Demand-TV Mexico feel we aren't big enough for them. Pity. Seleccion Mexico should bite, and I sent a feeler to Rivera Pay Television for insurance.

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Sam Strong, USPW


Huh. Lots of stuff on the 'web today, lots of shows out there. But hey, QAW, what are they doing? Training up some women? I like that; it will help my daughter greatly. I'm sure I already offered, but I'll once again ask that they join me as a daughter company; regardless, I'm poaching the best of their roster.




Hannah Potter went to CGC. Huh. Steven Parker got a bid from ULLW, which is nice...OH DARN!






He's considering both SWF and me, along with FCW and ULLW pulling token bids, it seems. He doesn't want to go to development, but he's perfect as the foil for Nicky Champion...


I upped the offer and dropped the non-compete clause; given I expect him to be reliably used, and, of course, Persephone being here, I think he'll be fine.




Hm. It seems fans buy James Justice more than Nicky Champion, even with his greater popularity.

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NOTBPW Big City Brawl</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em><strong>NOTBPW Womens' Title</strong></em></p><p><em>

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original vs. Brooke Tyler vs. Suzanne Brazzle</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>NOTBPW Tag Team Title</strong></em></p><p><em>

Julian Watson/Jared Johnson© vs. Steve Flash/Shooter Sean Deeley</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Duane Stone vs. Steve DeColt</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>NOTBPW Canadian Title</strong></em></p><p><em>

Sean McFly© vs. ???</em></p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Alex DeColt, CGC</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

So, looks like Jeremy's got his big show tonight. We can pick it up tomorrow and keep the fans happy. I hope.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett just joined us. Aw, had an alliteration going there...Point being, our undercard just got a hell of a lot more power. Speaking of that, by the way, Donte Dunn's got an offer from 4C. I hope he takes it.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

Why haven't I been looking for Katie Cameron earlier?!</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> BCG's Jailbreak Tour was ****.</p><p> </p><p> ~~~</p><p> </p><p> Lily Snyder will be leaving us tomorrow.</p><p> </p><p> ~~~</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35213" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Press Release:<p> WEXXV Signings!</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">Nobuharu Yokokawa for $710/$530.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> Sojuro Sen for $820/$610.</span></p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35213" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>To: Everyone staying with the company<p> Subject: Hustle, Loyalty, Respect</p><p> </p><p> Dear Concerned Individuals,</p><p> </p><p> I understand why those of you not included in this message would jump to SWF; after all, they offer guaranteed money at a level far in excess of my own. I have said previously many times that I would have the utmost respect for anyone leaving us for Burning Hammer, Pride, or GCG. Granted, GCG is in the Modern Japan Movement, but that is beside the point. Actually, they are only Regional now. That is...odd.</p><p> </p><p> The present point is that I understand why people are not "loyal" to this company; they are loyal to their careers. I already said that had I been able to find steady work anywhere else, I would not be here with you. I do value your loyalty, of course, and while I myself would not have been loyal to this company in a previous life, now I most certainly am.</p><p> </p><p> You and we, us, together we are this company. I guarantee you-except you, Burning EXILE, if this reaches you. You are ****-that I will do <em>everything</em> in my power to keep this company alive and keep your contract meaningful. We succeed together. And we succeed in <strong>spite</strong> of our "superiors".</p><p> </p><p> We must walk forward with respect. Understand why I have yet to attack Richard Eisen directly; professional wrestling is dirty enough without petty feuds exploding into "the real world." See how they have fallen-yes, in spite of a rise-by attacking us. Divine right states that we must maintain our honor, our respect.</p><p> </p><p> As for the hustle part of this email? Some white guy in the United States keeps rambling about it. Given that to "hustle" someone is to steal their **** or some stupid "hooded gangster" language, I do not understand his meaning.</p><p> </p><p> And given that he is a fake gangster rapper man, "hustle" does <em>not</em> mean to move quickly. As in the song.</p><p> </p><p> Which, by the way, I need to purchase the rights to.</p></div></blockquote><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">asd</span>
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tristram Day, RAW</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

.52, down from .54. Again, .50 is the tipping point for us. Our last show <em>was</em> something less than desirable, but certainly acceptable.</p><p> </p><p>

As to our ambitions, my goal first is to achieve Australian monopoly, not unlike Jeff Nova in the British Isles. The network would <strong>love</strong> to control all current and future wrestling television in our area of influence. Spreading Internationally is, perhaps unfortunately, far from my current grasp. Not only would at-home expansion need to reach unimaginable levels, but the benefits of going abroad are rather paltry; again, I am an arm of the network, thus my goals are their goals.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

We now have 33 wrestlers beyond what is necessary for a company of our size. Five more, by my count, and that means we have more men on the roster than another company our size would need. That is...fine. We will cull the herd later if necessary.</p>

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<p><em>Day_Tristram.update.roster.wages.mrz</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

----</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Update roster to</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

written contract</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

....</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.........</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Negotiation set</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

....</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Request receive user input</em></p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jeff Nova, 21CW</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

With UK Dragon joining us officially, now no one "on the roster" is not "on the roster."</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

Oh. Guess that was it. /shrug</p>

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Recording...soon. Now, ish. Gotta add a few angles, did some tests...


Still not going to edit things and make sounds and such, because that's work and this diary sucks and deprecation etc. Oh well. Hopefully people are reading. Or not.


Also, now I can find the topic easierly...more easily when I poast the videos.


God I'm such a camwhore.

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NOTBPW Tag Team Championship:

The Aces© vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Steve Flash


NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Brooke Tyler TURN THE MIKE DOWN AFTER I ASK WHO WILL WIN.



Steve DeColt promo


NOTBPW Canadian Championship:

Sean McFly© vs. Jack DeColt


Dan Stone Jr vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Steve puts Dan through a table

Steve DeColt vs. Duane Stone

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NOTBPW Tag Team Championship:

The Aces© vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Steve Flash


NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Brooke Tyler TURN THE MIKE DOWN AFTER I ASK WHO WILL WIN.


(Bonus Video where I get really pissed that Steve DeColt not speaking French somehow gives him a penalty. Also where I savescum like hell and drop my attendance >_>


Also lower the sound volume >_>


A lot >___________>)


Steve DeColt promo


NOTBPW Canadian Championship:

Sean McFly© vs. Jack DeColt


Dan Stone Jr vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Steve puts Dan through a table


Steve DeColt vs. Duane Stone




The Show Overall and Speeches: JEFF NOVA!

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NOTBPW Big City Brawl: The Talksies


NOTBPW Tag Team Championship:

The Aces© vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Steve Flash


The Aces are strong, young champions, not entirely unlike a younger Can-Ams, actually. Tragic that Love's in decline...


Young though they are, and a bit uncultured, one could say, (if one talks weirdly) to face one of the better technicians in the company (yeah, Sean's really nice. Capable brawler, by the way.) is not easy. Jared's not that far behind, though, and their work early into the goings-on and what-nots is impressive. Jimmy Stone with a hand on his back, one could say.


Then there's a puro brawler with good chain work against Steve Flash. Flash is capable everywhere, ignoring of course his superb performance skills. Not a Stone or anything, but just under that level.


So really, it's performance versus fire.


Unfortunately, Flash is the weak link; he shows his age, and Tiger Claw DDT don't take no ****.



NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Brooke Tyler


This was the test of Brooke Tyler. Failure, but that's to be expected. It's a debut of a rookie; who does very well in their true debut?


Suzanne Brazzle continues to be the dark horse of the division; I know that Tamara is more popular-and talented she is-but Brazzle has more upside in terms of...well, of the little bonuses she brings.


Not time for McFly to drop it, though.



Steve DeColt can't speak French. Sure, he did well, talked about an upcoming match with McFly, but I hate Quebec. So there.



NOTBPW Canadian Championship:

Sean McFly© vs. Jack DeColt


This match was a lot worse than it should have been. The story is that this one-off trade was supposed to show that Jack DeColt, a DeColt, is here to mess things up. Maybe tease an alliance with Steve.


Since Jack doesn't play the heel at all, and he's not as popular as our upper roster, and I didn't build this up very well...yeah. Not as good as it could have been.


Decent defense, just...it's a great match, but kind of underwhelming for Sean, y'know?



Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr


Dan's out, effectively, since he's PPV-only. Unless I can have him commit to more shows, he's going to lose a lot. I want to keep his popularity high, though, and Steve vs. Dan will always draw, (so I might have him win that one) but here...


Well, as the hype crew noted, Johnny's on a tear the likes we haven't seen in a few years. Sure, got some injuries mounting, but...well, when you're hot, you go over, right?


Again, an excellent match, but less than what I expected. Him and Duane pulled better than this at the go-home. Actually, pulled the best match we've done this year. Now that I check...Duane's been a part of our top three. Huh.



And Steve props himself up a bit more, putting Dan through a table.



Steve DeColt vs. Duane Stone


Yeah, Steve goes over because he's that **** popular. Third-best match of the year thus far, by the way, and I think...I think this will stay in the top 20. Good work, can't really complain. Well...I can, but this is excellent given Steve's limitations and relative lack of popularity (as in, he's not freakishly popular the world over).




Overall: 89


Best show of the month thus far; precisely what I needed. Singled out Dan because...he's my brother. Sean is, as I said, impeccable. And Sean...well, that went weird. He's impeccable too.

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Richard Eisen, SWF




I go to war with South of the Border Professional Wrestling. That is a story deserving of my comment. Rather, if it mattered at all, it would be.


I will say nothing else aside from this sentence on USPW.




The Wrestle Peace Festival did well; Tadakuni Toshusai over Seiji Jimbo in the main event cemented it, with Roy Edison over Emerald Angel just before being a nice treat. Many other workers attended, of course, and...and I think they would have done Master Kitozon proud.




"Aces High" apparently dislikes some of GSW's top workers and their lack of payment. Initial contacts for development state that he is uninterested. Too bad, kid.




Somebody stole Steve Parker...




Hm, let's look at the people who I need to negotiate with...




Oh.12:40 AM. Yeah...let's wait for today to do that.

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Technically Richard Eisen, SWF

Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Marcos Flores for $14,550 written

Soul Taker for $15,970 written

Brains McGhee for $480/$480

Hiroshi Morisue for $880/$880

Isao Takemura for $760/$760

Machiko Matsuda for $220/$220

Mamoru Nagahama for $890/$890

Miwako Katsukawa for $170/$170

Sakura Sada for $230/$230

Taheiji Konoe for $340/$340

Toyokuni Hardcore for $630/$630

Washi Heat for $3,480 developmental

Kit Hatoyama for $5,790 written

Boo Smithson for $3,500 developmental

El Critico for $8,620 written

KAZ for $2,710 written

Magnum Kobe for $1,380/$1,380

Nicolas Lopez for $12,960 written

Silver Tiger for $3,740 developmental

Beetle Kimura for $2,290 developmental

Tsuneyo Yanagimoto for $2,070 developmental

Kimitada Yanagita for $1,880 written

Owen Oldacre for $4,460 written

Stone Yoshikawa for $3,250 written

Wildfire Blaze for $7,950 developmental

Devilfish for $1,880 developmental

East Coast Panther for $1,520 developmental

Kamikaze for $1,520 developmental

Atlantis Jr for $6,260 written

Dermot O'Logical for $1,810 developmental

Agueda Alonso for $900 developmental

Elle for $880 developmental

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Richard Eisen, SWF


Hm. I just looked at the roster, and here's what I see:


  • No "Next Big Things". Troublesome, as Christian Faith is bound to retire soon and I need someone to whom he can bequeath the throne.
  • No Icons in the USA. Jack Bruce was formerly that level, but I have killed his popularity in the interest of his involvement in the Chase Agency storyline. I probably should knock him out of it, possibly with a heel turn on Valiant.
  • Speaking of that storyline, Valiant has dropped in popularity as well. Who has gained? Rogue, most certainly, has breached the main event. Brandon James is now cemented as actually slightly more popular than Christian Faith.
  • Faith has proven that he can still gain popularity, albeit perhaps slowly, and he can certainly still kill his way to a wave of momentum, as he is now riding a tide of veritable perfection.
  • Brandon James will have the title before the year is over.

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


I think Richard's gone off the rocker. This is far too many actions in too short a time, all without the preparation needed to succeed. If this is to continue-and I stress that there is very little certainty in that, yet-we would see a changing of the guard quite soon.




The Wrestle Peace Festival is...difficult to explain. While I do miss Master Kitozon's work, and that of many of our past wrestlers, in truth he lived a rather full life. Shawn Gonzalez, though not as influential to the world-yet quite influential for a number of workers today-was a far greater loss in terms of what he had yet to offer. Master Kitozon left behind a legacy; Shawn left behind a lot of grieving fans.


Thus I find myself a bit confused, mentally; while the wrestling at any event is good or bad on its own merits, I find myself wondering if the Wrestle Peace festival is...what is it for, really?




The Cali Dragons will be able to make our next show. I think they will debut, and...yes, they will have a title shot. Make people take notice, yes?

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