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Eight Faces of Eiden

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All Action Title:

Bart Biggins vs. Brett Biggins vs. Randy Bumfhole vs. Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois vs. Huey Cannonball


Remo vs. Lobster Warrior (#1 Contender if Remo wins)


Vengeance vs. Christian Faith (#1 Contender)


Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce (Gilmore's choice)


Angry Gilmore vs. Rich Money (Eisen's choice)




Valiant is ambushed by Chase Agency?


Sister attacks and strips sister!(Jessie and Kristen are sisters)


Eric Eisen and Gilmore Argue!


Frehley beats up a Contender! (Faith, Remo, Vengeance)

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Bart Biggins vs. Brett Biggins vs. Randy Bumfhole vs. Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois vs. Huey Cannonball


Remo vs. Lobster Warrior (#1 Contender if Remo wins)


Vengeance vs. Christian Faith (#1 Contender)


Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce (Gilmore's choice)


Angry Gilmore vs. Rich Money (Eisen's choice)

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Tommy Cornell, TCW

Right, I have another show to book and 7 more people...

Got my OLLIE agreement; going to have a few crossovers tonight, then. Also odd to see Professor Nero working for PSW; I imagine we might have a war on our hands soon.




Far fewer crossovers than I would like, though I imagine in about a week or two, we will have a few Mexican-area workers on our roster able to get a Lopez or Flores.




Oh, right. I'm going to bankrupt the company. At least I'm going to be second place to Richard. That's...almost a compliment.


Press Release:

TCW Signings!


Kid Toma for $4,880 written

Akima Brave for $5,420 written


Press Release:

Canada 1-Choice Tommy's First Choice?


Congrats to the Brit for finally getting Pay-Per-View over to Canada. He's been the king of television deals (by that we mean some ****ing nice television size for the company) for quite some time; might as well spread the love, eh?




But seriously, why would you go for Medium when you can clearly handle the demands of a Large carrier, Tommy? Same as in the States! Someone's been smoking the blarney stone if you know what I'm saying.





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To: Sam Strong

Subject: Why haven't you picked up "The Future"?


Dear Sam Strong,


You already have his girlfriend on your roster; why are you not interested in Steven Parker? Great guy, young, big chance to be a headliner for you and give you some youth to play against your Nicky Champion. Only will cost around 4, maybe 5 thousand dollars. If you don't jump by...Thursday, I'm offering him a contract.



I hate hot chocolate so ****ing much...
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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


TCW All Action Title:

Overhead Wires

Sammy Bach© vs. El Mitico Jr vs. Jay Chord vs. Akima Brave


TCW International Title:

Aaron Andrews© vs. Phoenix I vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Edd Stone


Eddie Peak vs. Joshua Taylor


Rick Law vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Tommy Cornell vs. Rocky Golden vs. Joey Minnesota




Peak and ??? Alliance!


The Syndicate and Freedom Fighters Brawl!

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Sam Strong, USPW


To: Tommy Cornell

Subject: Re: The Future


Oh. Yeah.


And for good measure, I'm going after Titan to reform The Gods of Thunder. Probably to send to development for a bit, but...




And I hate Richard. But I have a feeling that will pass.

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TCW All Action Title:

Overhead Wires

Sammy Bach© vs. El Mitico Jr vs. Jay Chord vs. Akima Brave


TCW International Title:

Aaron Andrews© vs. Phoenix I vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Edd Stone


Eddie Peak vs. Joshua Taylor


Rick Law vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Tommy Cornell vs. Rocky Golden vs. Joey Minnesota




Peak and Joey Minnesota! Alliance!


The Syndicate and Freedom Fighters Brawl!

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Overhead Wires

Sammy Bach© vs. El Mitico Jr vs. Jay Chord vs. Akima Brave


TCW International Title:

Aaron Andrews© vs. Phoenix I vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Edd Stone


Eddie Peak vs. Joshua Taylor


Rick Law vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Tommy Cornell vs. Rocky Golden vs. Joey Minnesota




Peak and Law Alliance!


The Syndicate and Freedom Fighters Brawl!

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


I see that CGC accepted my trade, yes, and apparently they want me to use Brooke Tyler for some reason. Presumably, I actually use women wrestlers, so that-well, if that is the case, Alex, why would you hire her?




Right. Sean's connected to Eric, and if you have Eric, he probably wanted Brooke there for moral support. I...presume?




So that is how Mr. Eisen feels. Rather brash of him, perhaps rude is a proper word, but not an opinion I feel he should be sharing.


I understand that everyone is technically in competition with every other company. The fact that I am in a "working agreement" with Alex is in opposition with this, and the fact that developmental territories exist is slightly in opposition to this fact. Yet I walk this line every day, I understand the business and work not in line with it.


To insult my family by implying-nay, stating-that Nationalizing ourselves in Canada is a bad thing is what truly bothers me.


We can be competitive in our area of influence. We are competitive. We are the National company of Canada. That is enough to make a profit, be solvent, and train any of the next generation of workers. In Canada.


Is having access to the entire world, the ability to influence people to change the areas in which they work, really that much of an achievement? I understand that some, like Mr. Eisen himself, would want to control the world. But we...well, look at it this way: there are about 5 companies at National size right now. There are around 40 companies in existence (ignoring the true independent shows). That's a 1/7 ratio. We are in the 12.5 percentile. We are a high B, maybe a B+. Why is that considered a bad thing?


Press Release:

NOTBPW Signings!


Vixxen for $5,990

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Ryu Kajahara


No Kaneie Komine, sadly. Too small we are (and too small we are).


To: Tommy Cornell

Subject: Kid Toma


Dear Mr. Cornell,


I was going to make that man into a Japanese superstar. You think you can do better? Fine. Recall that I still have Hell Monkey for seven months, even if I probably will not use him for that time.


The key there is probably.


Also that my product is far too easy to "accidentally" cause injury.


And, also, that I have no loyalty to my roster.


Particularly those going to your company.


Press Release:

WEXXV Signings!


Tiger Fuyuki for $940 per appearance/$730 downside

Dark Eagle for $2,180 per appearance/$1,980 downside


Press Conference:

Ryu Kajahara on Dark Eagle's Time Decline


Ryu: Eagles fly, and even if the darkest of them is in decline, and even if he no longer is relevant, he has much to teach.




Ryu: No, I have not clipped his wings. Yes, I do think he could defeat Toshiharu Hyobanshi, particularly if Koji Kojima would lend his hand.




Ryu: What in the devils of your bowels makes you ask about Kaneie Komine? He is far more important than you and will easily spend vast fortunes to kill you.




Ryu: I can neither confirm nor deny that Kaneie has anything to do with the Yakuza. Particularly because I do not know what a "Yakuza" is.




Ryu: And why would I know anything about that?




Ryu: Let me rephrase: assuming there is some sort of group that would kill me for mentioning them-and, in fact, you mentioned them-why the ****ing **** would I talk about them?




Ryu: No, I am not saying they are going to kill you. Again, who is "they?" Also, furthermore, if you do not redirect this line of inquiry back to my latest signing, I will kill you.




Ryu: Fine. I am part of this "Yakuza" that I do not know exists. Perhaps they do, but they have not made their presence clear to me, at least in terms, certainly, of illegal activity. Perhaps they are my sponsors, in which case, I would certainly love to be part of the illustrious organization that has faith in my booking strategy. However, that is not the "Yakuza" that you described. Again, I speak not for them because you're a ****ing idiot.




Ryu: Clearly I was facetious, as to imply, seriously, a causal relationship between your idiocy and my being a member of any club, aside from the "**** you" club, is stupid. Now shut the **** up and get me a sandwich.








Ryu: Necrophilia is merely a ramification of your lack of acquiring a sandwich for me; I take no pleasure in desecrating your wife's corpse.




Ryu: Remains, then.

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Tristram Day, RAW


ZEN has refused my offer to be their parent company. That is understandable; being a child company to us would imply ownershiip transferring to the network, and Halloween Knight is unlikely to want that.


In other news, tomorrow brings a dozen new workers to the company.

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Richard Eisen, Backstage




Richard: Look, Jerry-


Jerry: -and he said that I was just a chickenshi-


Richard: JERRY!


That shut him up.


Richard: I don't care. I don't care about what he said or why you got so angry. Doesn't matter. I'm disappointed that someone who isn't portrayed as someone...well, you aren't Tom, right?


Jerry: What?


Richard: Tom Gilmore. Angry Gilmore.


Jerry: Oh. Ohhhh...


Richard: Yeah. Don't pull crap like this.


"Yeah, whatever you say boss."

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SWF Supreme TV


Pre Show:


Remo vs. Lobster Warrior


Matches like this are why I consider Lobster Warrior irreplaceable and Remo one of our long-term stas. Lobby is the most consistent professional wrestler I have ever seen. Never has an off night, which means quality ratings on television even when he holds back some (everyone does). Can't replace that.


And Remo? Don't got crazy stamina (neither does Lobby), but he can work a main event match if it's booked slow. And I did.


Funny thing is? They don't got chemistry. This match was a terrible idea. Did what it needed to, but could have been so, so much better.

-Remo moves into the PPV main event.

-I need to swap Lobby's gimmick.


Emma Chase calls out Valiant, who gets jumped and beaten down by Rogue and Brandon James. This sets up James/Rogue against Valiant/Bruce, which I had already advertised at the big event.

-Chase and James need new gimmicks.

-Chase had a rare off-segment.


SWF Shooting Star Title:

Quadruple B vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Marc DuBois vs. Huey Cannonball

I really don't care for Marc anymore, and I really don't care about the belt. I thought he already had the title, and I could not tell you who actually was the champion.

-Bart has Kristen to help him, but Brett was off his game. Again, I believe.

-QuadB suck, Huey sucks. And Marc. I am angry.



Vengeance vs. Christian Faith


Aging Vengeance and aged Faith. A fantastic match, given those parameters, and fitting of a much higher calling. Possibly. A semi-main, perhaps. But is Faith ready to retire, or has he no popularity left to gain? Regardless, he advances to the previously-confirmed triple threat at When Hell Freezes Over.


-Faith might want a new gimmick.



For those who hate my son, he improvised very well in his argument with Angry Gilmore, who was very poor in his efforts. I have no idea why he has the title, but I am pleased that Eric has been part of the story. The North American Title will not be tainted by his poor reign.


-Both need better gimmicks.



Jack Bruce vs. Eric Eisen


Admittedly, neither man has ever been a king of performances. It's not what got Jack famous, and that's not what has made Eric such a polarizing character. So yes, the match did drift a touch.


After a solid 20 minutes, my son had had enough with Angry Gilmore's little game, and he took to a blatant low blow to knock down Bruce and end the charade, even with a loss.


-Both need new gimmicks and new opponents.



Angry Gilmore vs. Rich Money


This is the reason why Rich is indispensable; he has every quality to be a long-term main event talent. In the ring, out of it, brilliant worker. And a strong business mind-as much as professional wrestling is a scripted physical sport, Rich actually has a fair number of solid investments. Were I a venture capitalist, (it is a fun business-type term to say) he would be the first person in the wrestling world I would call, and only...maybe fifth on the list including all my contacts.


Gilmore is once again pulled to a better match than he deserves; he got attacked with a chair by my son, and when the referee got knocked down, Gilmore tried to take the chair from Eric. He succeeded, but only in whipping the chair into Rich's face. As Gilmore surveyed the damage, Eric bailed from the ring, mocking the baby-faced champion for his evil efforts. Regardless, Tom did get the fall after the referee awakened.


-Nothing to say; Rich doesn't have a great gimmick, but he's not being dragged down by it either. Tom, as noted previously, is.



Post Show:


Kristen Pearce does some verbal smackdown on Jessie. It is terrible. All over the place, no flow at all. Jessie enters the ring, and her sister gets the better of her. After much hair-pulling and such womenly fighting maneuvers, Kristen is the one to get the upper hand, stripping Jessie to just her bra and panties.


Were we just a bit more risque, Jessie would be quite the successful pinup girl. And were I unfaithful and unscrupulous, I would **** her every chance I got.


-What is there to say? Kristen is terrible on the microphone, and actually made Jessie look good. Which...oh whatever.



Steve Frehley beat down Remo backstage, perhaps implying that his big foe will not be the one to take the title come Thursday.



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Tommy Cornell, TCW




I'm glad you avoided the temptation to over-react.






Jason and Scout. I'm keeping a list.






I had to separate the two and lead Concepcion Gomez away from the area of the incident.


Tommy: I'm assuming this isn't one of those "catfights" that I hear the Yanks are all head-over-heels for.


Gomez: I speak passable English, so this is going to go so ****ing well.


Tommy: I know that both of you are in your thirties, so I'm assuming you weren't trying to provoke Eve Grunge into a girl fight where the two of you would strip each other to the enjoyment of the males backstage.


Gomez: The **** is wrong with you, esse?


Tommy: How about we handwave the language and accents?


Gomez: Agreed.


Tommy: I understand that you are not particularly social, and that because of your...lack of social skills, you do not get along with others.


Gomez: You think? You're an idiot.


Tommy: And you are supposed to be a model for our fledgling women's division.


Gomez: **** if I care. I want the money; I'll wrestle whoever you want.


Tommy: How about I fine you?


Gomez: "Fine, I'll be more considerate in the future."

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling




Eve Grunge vs. Kaede Sugiyama

Both women, particularly Ms. Sugiyama, have some good gimmick work. That is the best I can say for this match; nobody cared, it was not particularly good...god no. Grunge won it, thankfully, with a Violet Dream rather quickly.

-94 rating for Kaede Sugiyama. I do not understand the math, but hitting an A at any time is a good thing.

-Eve cannot go all out.

-Kaede/Alicia for Malice?


American Buffalo vs. Benny Benson vs. The New Wave vs. The Machines

I picked around 16 minutes for the match, and it appears that the crowd viewed that as too long. Given what the two tag teams have done against each other, I have low expecations for the two singles wrestlers. Granted, they are both part of teams, but I think this bodes poorly for my teams in general splitting into singles wrestlers.


That said, American Buffalo hit The Stampede on Benny Benson for the win.

-The Machines are the only ones that do not need new gimmicks.


TCW International Title:

Aaron Andrews© vs. Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Edd Stone

I hate baiting-and-switching the fans, but Phoenix I was working in OLLIE tonight. Unfortunate, as I would have liked his performance to help these young workers.


Aaron over Huggins with a Flying Body Press.

-Edd has a poor gimmick and cannot deal with going all out.

-Freddy seemed the most stable in the ring.

-The Party Animals are helped by their respective managers.


Koshiro Ino vs. Ernest Youngman

Ugh. Not a terrible debut for Youngman at all, and I made it purposely short, but Ernest and Koshiro do not have working chemistry. What would have been a surprising bid (with the short time, note) for best pre-show match instead is rather lackluster.


Regardless, on talent alone (Ino's) this match did quite decently. For the pre-show. Obviously Ino won.

-Ernest is a bad ass. Not in the ring; he still has plenty of issues. But it's a solid gimmick, complemented by Ino's.

-Youngman, unsurprisingly, should not call a match in the ring. I will disregard Robert if I keep him in the dark matches so that he can learn more quickly.



All Action Title: Overhead Wires

Sammy Bach© vs. El Mitico Jr vs. Jay Chord vs. Akima Brave


A fantastic match, aside from the fact that apparently only Sammy Bach should be in this kind of match. I never claim that I am a perfect booker.


Style issues aside (and gimmick issues, noted later), it was a solid enough match. Plenty of young and old talent fighting in the lower reaches of the card; had it been a normal match, I would be pleasantly content with this match's reception.


Bach retains, which would have been a terrible decision if I had changed it, given the style.


-Akima has an alright gimmick; Mitico's is slightly subpar. Or rather, he is slightly hurt by it, which I think is actually par for more wrestlers. I hate golf. ****ing Scots.

-Everyone but Akima has a poor gimmick, actually; his is slightly good, as I already said.

-Akima and Jay should not go all out, yet.

-Mitico's good attitude makes him look like the star of this group.



Eddie Peak vs. Joshua Taylor


Bloody ****! Poor chemistry again?!




And here I was wanting to push Peak. He won, regardless.


-Taylor needs a new gimmick.

-Eddie does not like being pushed? Does not like fighting smaller wrestlers?



Rick Law vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


This is better. Not exceptional, but better.


Ricky was a bit off tonight, which is unfortunate. Bryan's the lynchpin of the performance, though, so I suppose that is alright.


We know that Bryan and Ricky do not like each other; one might ask if Joey Minnesota would get involved with Rick Law. He did, taking him out of the match.


Partially due to the distraction of Joey's attack, Ricky was able to get Vessey down for the three.



Tommy Cornell vs. Rocky Golden vs. Joey Minnesota


Not exceptional, but right at the level I would want for a stable main event. And I had simulated this match a number of times (by that I mean we had worked it over the week) with mixed results.


Rocky's...odd. He doesn't quite fit the type of product we have, but I thought that myself and Joey would be able to carry him to something nice. I was, clearly, correct.


One might predict that Rick Law would pay back Joey in this match. That is correct; it allowed me to trap him in the Guilt Trip after I had thrown Rocky out of the ring.


-All three of us could use a new gimmick, though I don't particularly need one.



Me and Wolf stared down Ricky and Joey in the ring. Of note, Wolf had some trouble holding up his side of the match, and Ricky did pretty well, flowing off the extemporaneous wordplay.


Sadly, I do not think this segment did so well; fortunately we are not currently in a storyline with each other.


-Sad segment; we all could do better.





Remember how I wanted to push Eddie Peak? More proof that is a bad idea.


I let Troy [Tornado] and Eddie work an alliance. Eddie? A mess. Thought he was good on the microphone.


Now Troy? I've heard him have the crowd in the palm of his hands before. Tonight? He did decently, he enjoyed the freedom, he did well.


Not a "bad" segment, but the two together do not give me main event confidence.



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Richard Eisen, SWF


Now that was a




hell of a




show for













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To: Ryu Kajahara

Subject: Apology


Dear Mr. Kajahara,


As you may know, last night my presentation of "SWF Supreme TV" took some shots at you. It would appear that such action was deemed "classless" by the media and fans, and as such it would behoove me to apologize to you. Thus, I am sorry.


-Richard Eisen

wait for it...
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Breaking News!

Richard Eisen is a pansy!


As you may know, last night my presentation of "SWF Supreme TV" took some shots at you. It would appear that such action was deemed "classless" by the media and fans, and as such it would behoove me to apologize to you. Thus, I am sorry.


The preceding email was sent from Richard Eisen to Ryu Kajahara, the owners of SWF and WEXXV, respectively. Apparently, Richard only feels bad because he was caught, because we, "the media and fans," found Eisen's actions to be in bad taste and not at all what a proper wrestling program should be showcasing.


Particularly due to the size disparity between the two companies.


What this means is that if, if no one had said anything about it, Richard would be fine and would not have apologized at all.


Thus, if you still don't follow me, Richard doesn't feel bad at all about what he did! It's false sincerity! He has no regret! RYU KAJAHARA IS THE GOOD GUY IN ALL THIS!


First it was the rumors of Kajahara drowning kittens, and now random potshots on the show? It's not as though Richard's the nicest businessman, but surely he's successful enough to not strike out...right?

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Richard Eisen, SWF


SOTBPW has passed us in Influence. Not important, as everyone already has written contracts, but a reminder that I should be more careful with my...aggressive tendencies.


Speaking of that, PSW and OLLIE are now at war with us-rather, us with them. Excellent. I can end the wrath of DaVE finally and knock out a TCW ally.




Extranjero Loco has walked out on OLLIE due to a pay dispute. He strongly dislikes Phoenix I. He's shortlisted for later.


Similarly, Dragon Del Arco...Blue Dragon Kid, whatever, didn't show up to CILL. Not for pay reasons, but I might as well lock him down while the press is hot on him. Development, of course, but a good kid. I think.




Along with a number of "this person works for us" emails, I see that Seleccion Mexico (whatever it's called) refused us due to working with a rival (too bad) and that we hit 12.63 this week. That's up from 12.34. I am happy.


Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Cindy for $1,040 developmental

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Marc DuBois released from SWF!


It was announced earlier today from SWF headquarters that Marc DuBois would not longer be under contract to them. Owner Richard Eisen said, "Creative differences and utilization of the young athlete's abilities led to the difficult decision of not having him be a part of the roster currently. I understand there will likely be some sort of rumor floating about as to what precisely I mean by this or that particular word I am saying, but I want to quell all of that talk immediately: Marc DuBois is not under my contract anymore. Thus, he can do whatever the hell he wants. It is not my business whatsoever."


As to the rumor mill grinding forward, we do not at this time have any idea what caused this unheard-of split between the young blue chipper and Mr. Eisen. If he had had a daughter, we would speculate perhaps the two had been secretly dating.




You read it here first: Eric Eisen is gay for DuBois!

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Tommy Cornell, TCW




I hate to say it, but apparently Ryu Kajahara knows what the bloody hell he's doing. Twice now, twice he's rebuffed the much larger, much...well, much better Richard Eisen.


The man is a genius.


Actually, he is inordinately lucky. There is no bloody way in hell that man knows what the **** he is doing. Still, perhaps I should have paired with him...




Another decent showing from us; it is not enough to push us to "International" at home, but more than enough to help us abroad. I think I need to build to Malice, and that means...hm...Ricky/Joey vs. Wolf/Cornell would work, of course, but I could swap Vessey in for Hawkins, just to not repeat the last year.


Or six.


Wolf would be free to battle Rocky, then, but I don't think that is a good idea. Aside from the fact that the two would not be able to put together a good match-rather, excellence, which is precisely what I need, especially since we are currently getting beaten soundly by one Mr. Eisen-Troy! Rocky vs. Troy Tornado, maybe Koshiro Ino and Rocky vs. Tornado and Peak! Excellent!


Then what to do with Wolf? Problematic...




6.98, down from 7.16. Not much of a drop, but troubling that we have lost the important seventh point.




Ah, yes. Greg Gauge and Hell Monkey (hello Mr. Kajahara) are now officially ours. Keith will come along before the week is done, as well. Along with many others.

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