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Kajahara CLAW! 1


Nobuhito Ogiwara vs. Dallas McWade


Ieshige Nishio/Takesi Yamanaka vs. Zeshin Makioka/Koichi Kajiwara


WEXXV King of Death Matches Title:

Tatsukichi Shichirobei© vs. Battle Sakata


WEXXV Blood Brothers Title:

Mamoru Nagahama/Matsudaira Morioka© vs. Henry Lee/Doug Peak


Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. Yasuhide Tayama


WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title:

Hiroshi Morisue© vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi




Arakida Attacks Kajahara!


Senmatsu Destroys EXILE!

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Nobuhito Ogiwara vs. Dallas McWade


Ieshige Nishio/Takesi Yamanaka vs. Zeshin Makioka/Koichi Kajiwara


WEXXV King of Death Matches Title:

Tatsukichi Shichirobei© vs. Battle Sakata


WEXXV Blood Brothers Title:

Mamoru Nagahama/Matsudaira Morioka© vs. Henry Lee/Doug Peak


Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. Yasuhide Tayama


WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title:

Hiroshi Morisue© vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi




Arakida Attacks Kajahara!


Senmatsu Destroys EXILE!

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Tristram Day, RAW


RAW Attitude! drew a .54 rating. I am not overly pleased with that number-I would have preferred above 1.0-but above half a point is the benchmark I needed to surpass as reported to me via the network.


Swoop McCarthy is being negotiated by APW; apparently this offer is being seriously considered. I will commence with locking him down to a Written contract.




Press Release:

RAW Signings!


Mitch Y. Bryson for $2,600 written

Debonair David Peterson for $5,790 written

Maurice Jackson for $3,280 written

Max Forbes for $2,290 written

Nathan McKenzie for $6,280 written

Original Lone Rider for $9,310 written

Stephanie Drucker for $2,290 written




Press Release:

RAW signs with 1-Choice TV


Tristram Day, owner of The Australian Sports Network subsidiary, Revolution Australian Wrestling, has notified the press that he has signed his company to a 6 month deal where RAW will receive 10% of the PPV revenue from their now-PPV-sized events. When asked to comment, he said: "I believe The A.S.N. will be most pleased with our progress."

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Jeff Nova, 21CW




Ryu: Hello.


Nova: Who the hell is this?


Ryu: I am Ryu Kajahara, owner of Wrestling Engine Twenty-Five.


Nova: That's...in Japan, aye?


Ryu: You are correct with our location.


Nova: Why are you calling me?


Ryu: I believe I have something you need.


Nova: You sound like a man, and I am very, very sure I don't need that.


Ryu: What?


Nova: What do you have?


Ryu: I believe I have something you need, and I know that you, you have something that I require.


Nova: What the hell do you have?


Ryu: You, friend, have fiscal stability with a proven formula to remain remarkably solvent.




Ryu: Oh yes, apologies.




Ryu: Wrestlers.


Nova: ...


Ryu: Is that an agreement?


Nova: Was that your ****ing offer?


Ryu: Ah, no. Apologies, again. I have a menagerie of a particular type of wrestler that I believe you would find most helpful.


Nova: You just said I was financially stable. Why would I need wrestlers from you?


Ryu: Need? Ah, perhaps I misspoke, yes. Want? Could utilize?


Nova: Ten seconds 'fore I hang this phone and string it up your arse.


Ryu: A bit of a temper, and yet relevant.


Nova: Eight.


Ryu: Hardcore.


Nova: Seven.


Ryu: I believe that you previously had something of a division, something like that, wherein hardcore wrestling was quite common.


Nova: Two.


Ryu: Think back three years, to what your company has done! What belts you have that are retired!


Nova: ...


Ryu: While you are not of need, I certainly could provide you with wrestlers on loan. At your want.


Nova: Interesting.


Ryu: Assuming you ever revitalize that sector of your company, I could at the least allow a bevy of appropriate talent in short order.


Nova: And in return?


Ryu: Aside from the occasional wrestler, I would ask that if, if I find myself in need of financing, that you allow me to remain afloat.


Nova: A loan?


Ryu: Loans are repaid. A mutual understanding.


Nova: I'm not keeping you from going under.


Ryu: No, not as such.


Nova: "As such?"


Ryu: It is possible I have expanded beyond my current capabilities. It is possible that the shift from a "traditional" touring schedule to the more modern year-long model will have initial costs. By funding me, you guarantee my continued existence and, of course, my continued help.


Nova: So...


Ryu: So if we are in agreement, I get emergency funds and you get desirable contracts.


Nova: I suppose that-


Ryu: -and I would allow you to purchase the company first among anyone else if we ever go bankrupt or require more than $30,000 in any month.


Nova: I do like the idea of an accumulation of power.


Ryu: Then we are agreed?


Nova: Yes.


Ryu: My thanks.


Nova: ...yeah, that.


Well...I suppose that won't get any worse, aye? Need to make some divisions to the company, some brands. And I know just the people to do that.


Press Release:

21CW Signings!


UK Dragon for $4,670 written

Highland Warrior for $4,530 written

Uppercut Bailey for $3,090 written

Rolling Johnny Stones for $10,190 written

Oleg Dorosklov for $4,650 written

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<p><span style="font-family:Garamond;">Does Richard still hate Nemesis?</span></p><p> </p><p>

Hey guys, talking on my little blog here. Weblog. An essay on the web. Whatever the **** we're calling it.</p><p> </p><p>

Just fyi, I was going to get all philosophical and start talking about survival on a deserted island (aside from oneself, of course). Really stimulating, really long, and so, <em>soooooo</em> far off the topic, that I decided to wait until I had come off the acid or whatever the **** was making me ****ing wasted.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, with Nemesis back in the business at IPW, one has to ask why The Big Dick hasn't tackled that company and made it his *****. Sure, Gil Thomas is the owner of the thing, but...</p><p> </p><p>

My opinion? Eisen don't know about it. Makes the most sense, as it's a ****-up of a company with nothing doing anything.</p><p> </p><p>

Does ask, though, why Eisen hasn't taking over Grimm Pro Wrestling or whatever that company is as his development.</p><p> </p><p>

...</p><p> </p><p>

Okay, probably for the same reason.</p><p> </p><p>

Still, taking it over, funding it with EisenDollars (not to be confused with Bison dollars) would be awesome for its little blood feud.</p>

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Kajahara CLAW! 1


WEXXV King of Death Matches Championship:

Tatsukichi Shichirobei© vs. Battle Sakata


A hazardous, overbooked mess of deathmatch proportions, both men did a fine job of going to the ring, following the script, and hitting the hell out of each other. Or into each other, perhaps.


Sakata wins the Title once again.


Kajahara's Notes:

-Both men had some solid gimmicks, in terms of breaking each other apart. Tatsukichi is perhaps a touch better of a "star," but I am in the business of providing a service, not making stars.

-I did not script who won; Arakida did a fine job.



The Chaos Demons vs. The Forlorn Hope


An equal contest, scripted again, where everyone was to do their best. Hope wins over the former Demons via a Running Tackle, and I find myself surprised at the reception from the crowd.


Kajahara's Notes:

-A new name for "The Chaos Demons".

-A number of problems in the match.



Nobuhito Ogiwara vs. Dallas McWade


The first poor gimmick debut of the night; McWade dominated the rather poor match with a Murder on the Mountain.


Kajahara's Notes:

-Dallas has poor stamina. That might be a problem.



WEXXV Blood Brothers Championship:

Naga-Mori© vs. American Psychos


A scripted, opened, unending brawl with no real ending in sight. A pleasing performance even with champion and challenger containing a man who is in physical decline.


American Psychos, the great Henry Lee, win the Blood Brothers Championship.


Kajahara's Notes:

-As noted, poor decline on both sides.

-Even still, great teamwork prevails to work with the best match to-date.



Motoichi Arakida beat me down backstage after I delivered a lackluster promo. By "lackluster," I mean that I did not handle the improvising exceptionally. Not poorly, but not well. This did prove that we still have some relevancy, though clearly my best years are behind me.



Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. Yasuhide Tayama


A slow-built match called by the competitors, Senmatsu's poor gimmick and poor stamina hurt what was still our best match thus far.


Due to Tayama's creative control, he beat Senmatsu, but Senmatsu was kept strong in that defeat.


Kajahara's Notes:

-Senmatsu is not ready to main event, yet.



Munemitsu Senmatsu absolutely destroys Burning EXILE backstage. Good. I hate EXILE; more on that later.



WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship:

Hiroshi Morisue© vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


An absolutely stellar performance; unfortunately, I could not decide on a winner via Hyobanshi's creative control.


He won the title.


Kajahara's Notes:

-This...will be interesting.




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Assembling the roster after our sorely-unseen excellent show, I faced my friends, allies, and foes. I faced the men upon whom I was levying my career, my finances, my future. On these men rested the very world, relatively speaking. I pulled aside the great Motoichi Arakida, our road agent, and stood him in front of everyone.


Attention, men! This, this is a man to which all of you should strive to become. To you, to you, he is an idol. Above me, above anyone you shall ever find in this company, Mr. Motoichi is your template.




Not only did he have a most excellent career in the Burning Hammer, not only did he face the legendary Hooded Kudo and become crippled for all eternity.


No, that is not why we care.


We care, because he, above all else, helped this company.


In our segment, that little angle, we had a greater response than any other moment on the show. And to that you all should aspire.


Motoichi also was our road agent. The only road agent. And every match was greater because of him.


All of you, all of you benefitted from his presence. All of you need to learn from him.


He is excellent. And for that, we bow to you, Motoichi Arakida.




Next, I had our most recent champion, Hiroshi Morisue, stand in the front.


You have the Crazy Beard of Madness. You have the Mohawk of Insanity. You will influence our children's fashion when they dress as characters and whimsical fancies for years to come.


Morisue, there is a reason why you were the first-and I believe only, still-triple crown champion.


There is a reason why you are the literal backbone of the company.


Hiroshi, no one embodies this company better than you. Even I myself would never ask to find you in an alleyway, as I know any trash cans and dumpsters would be hefted and launched in a cataclysmic fury of pain. I know that I would die.


Hiroshi, it is that, the fear of death that every member of the crowd realizes upon seeing you that makes you truly great.


True, yes, your performance tonight was excellent. Even at a loss, and to that point, a loss to our friends. Our coworkers. Our alliance. Your willingness to fall, your loyalty to our cause, is to be commended. HEAR THIS! All of you little fools who think that smashing a pipe against your head is hardcore: you are wrong.


What is hardcore?


Hardcore is losing the championship to a wrestler that owes little allegience to this company.


Hardcore is breaking your body so that others might live.


Hardcore, dear citizens of this wrestling engine of mine, hardcore is giving everything to survive.




I am retired because my body cannot function anymore. Kimitada Ohishi has retired because he can no longer walk normally. Hiroshi Morisue just lost the greatest belt he has ever held.


Do you see tears?


Do you see anger?




You see the ****ing Mohawk of Insanity and there is liquid effusion running down your leg.


You see the Crazy Beard-THE CRAZY MOTHER****ING BEARD OF MADNESS! And you tremble.


For what you see is not a man, oh no.


He is not a man.


He is a force with which this world cannot reckon. He is more, he is greater, than any of you.




He has given of himself, of his career, so that all of you do not have to suffer as much.


We will all give, we will all bleed, but it is the men, the people, the beings of his caliber who bleed not as we do.


I thank you, Hiroshi, as we all do. And as the owner of this company, I do guarantee that within a year we will be seeing you as champion again.


As god as my witness, if I do not see some kid dressed up like you next show, I will murder someone.




I had a person in mind for that, actually...


Burning EXILE. No, don't stand. Don't even sit. Get your ****ing ass out of this ****ing locker room. What, don't want to leave?


See, kids, let's talk history. You remember Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods? OF THE WRESTLING. GODS. Yes. You recall Elemental and Optimus? Of course you do. If you have not heard those names, find their matches. And if you still do not know their names next month, I will kick you in your testicles.


Burning Hammer was-and is, to my recollection-the biggest company in Japan. In part this is due to their heavyweight bouts, akin to our own matches aside from an emphasis less on the "hardcore" and more on the "workrate". Says the media. We can discuss product differences later. Sit. The ****. Down. Now. Yes, EXILE, I gave you your chance you worthless sack of ****. What? You book for Exodus? Yes I know. How the **** else would you even be here?


Burning Hammer is the company any junior wrestler would want to work for, even now. Yes, I know, World Level Wrestling is an entire company of junior wrestlers, and they are our allies. But in this moment, the pinnacle of junior success is the Best of the Super Juniors Tournament Title, held by Burning Hammer. Moreso than their Burning Junior Championship, moreso than another company entirely, this one honor is pure, unadulterated greatness.


EXILE, I believe you did actually obtain their Junior title, but not the tournament, yes?




Yet you decided to speak when it was not your turn, to get angry with an owner who was using you beyond even your "great" ability. You argued with the owner.


And you were fired.


Now some would say-sit. the ****. down.-that this was a problem between you and he, an unfortunate meeting of the minds-or rather, not one-between a young star and a very, very powerful man. Fine.




That's right, kids. This guy can't even work with our friends.


So now you come along in Exodus like you're the big **** and that means all the past incidents don't matter.


Do you realize how ****ing stupid, how ****ing annoying you have to be to piss off Koji Kojima?




He has numerous friends, even if he is a bit antisocial. Only Burning EXILE and The Incredible Koyoma have any issue with him.






What the **** are you even doing alive?


If Tetsuzan Kaneko asked me to sell this company, I would. I apologize to all of you if that seems disloyal, but understand this: HE IS THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN YOUR WORLD. He. Owns. Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods.


If he asked me to wrestle on a show, I would do it. If he asked me to jump, I would jump. Why?




Granted, yes, Kaneie Komine was the owner back then, EXILE, but IT'S THE SAME ****ING POINT!


If any of you get the opportunity to work for Burning Hammer, take it. It will not anger me at all. Such is an opportunity few ever receive.


If any of you get the opportunity to work for World Level Wrestling, take it. Such is a company with revolutionary ideas the likes of which the world has yet to see, and which the company has yet to actualize. And the owner is a great man.


If Burning EXILE wants you to work for Exodus 2010-and not via trade-accept. And then please kick him in the testicles repeatedly.


Burning EXILE, you are ****ing worthless. It is my goal to either kill you, run you out of the business, or at least bury you to the best of my ability so that other people, better people-not more talented wrestlers, but better PEOPLE-can scratch away some semblance of a career.



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Press Release:



When asked to comment, Ryu Kajahara said: "Kittens do not like water, and they do not like one attempting to drown them. Do you see scratches on my arms?"


After a moment of awkward silence, Kajahara noticed that he did, in fact, have scratches on his arms. Huge, gaping slashes. That were bleeding.


"Ah, but you misunderstand; these scratches are not from kittens. They are from a tiger. Or rather, a tigress."


Again, it appeared that Kajahara had miscommunicated.


"What I mean to say is, we do not hold monthly kitten drownings in a sadistic bonding exercise."


As our feed cut, however...


"We do, however, **** Richard Eisen's mother. She would be the tigress to which I was previously referring. I believe you Americans would say...what was it...you mad, *****?"






-Richard Eisen

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Richard Eisen, SWF


That could have gone better. Much better, in fact. It would appear that our little Wrestling Engine incident did more damage to our prestige than our little slip last week. Actually...yes, actually, it did more damage than a month of shows would have done.


Perhaps I miscalculated the damage failing to influence Kajahara's image woudl cause me. I knew there would be risk involved, yes, and that this could happen, this scenario, but the degree of the damage? I believed it to be much less.


Shall I attempt again to kill Ryu's company? Of course. If I do not persist, that sends the message to everyone that I can be walked over at the first sign of difficulty. That is clearly false.


I would develop an economic explanation of risk and reward, investment and interest rates, but...why?


More great news; Honest Frank went to USPW and Rolling Johnny Stones stayed with 21CW.




As to the rumors on the Internet that I somehow care about Nemesis due to the fact that I have yet to go to war with IPW, by the way, or whatever that company is, the reason why I have yet to do anything is that I have already ended his career. He has the book for some small company with absolutely no significance in the world. Going to war with them, talking about them...anything I do would only help him. Thus I will not.


Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Fox Mask for $7,290 written

Remmy Skye for $5,530 written

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


That is a fortunate bit of luck; not only do I have evidence to which I can literally point indicating Richard Eisen is a loon, but also his company has been knocked down a touch. We are effectively nearing them in influence, meaning that my bargaining ability has increased. Excellent.




Huh. Kajahara actually put on an excellent show, considering his size. Perhaps he would have given me some value...




Ah, yes, I see that USPW has Joanne. Rather, they will, in a week. I plan on running a series between Alicia and Joanne in both companies; I will be doing my part in that presently.


Press Release:

TCW Signings!


Mr. Lucha III for $2,870 written

Spanish Superfly for $13,050 written

Lily Snyder for $1,640 written

Extraordinario Jr for $1,620 written

Matthew Keith for $4,370 written

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translated by Google translate

Fight News, So Great!


Attention, dear friends, and those of you who have followed "Spanish Superfly" throughout his career. Apparently, the man has become a "guardian" of TCW, Tommy Cornell, the largest wrestling company, forgiving the fact that, unfortunately, Cornell directs an American company.


So we said goodbye to our friend. But listen! Yes, looks like good news on the horizon!


As "guardian" Superfly Spanish has the enviable position to teach all the new rookies TCW to fight. All his experience, all his strength, can now be transferred to the new generation. What good times we live in!


We grant you a good morning, dear Superfly, you know that next year, and the year, and every day, thank you. And we will celebrate next to the end of the days.

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Sam Strong, USPW


Ah, let us look at the computer for a moment...




Good job Eisen.




Five Star Supreme Wrestling are now Regional. Excellent! Aside from the fact that I have yet to forge an agreement with them-note: I need to do that now-they now can teach my ladies, particularly Alicia, to wrestle a hell of a lot better.


Press Release:

USPW Signings!


Melvin Otto for $1,560 developmental

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Ricky DeColt, CGC




*signs company to PPV in USA*




*changes Alex's surname on main website to Ducont*




*anonymously start rumour that Alex is Dusty Bin's father*




*hopes no one realizes that would mean Alex had Dusty when he was 10*





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CGC Title Bout Wrestling


CGC World Tag Team Title:

Destiny/Fate© vs. Joey Poison/Whippy the Clown


Eddie Chandler vs. Zeus Maximillion


Alex DeColt/Ricky DeColt vs. John Maverick/Shooter Sean Deeley




Gargantuan Destroys Price!


DaLay Destroys Jack DeColt!


Ricky asks Venus Out, ???!


Jack DeColt, Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt Form Alliance!


Alex DeColt And Chandler Argue!

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Totally going to edit first post with that picture.

Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


From the trade we made with TCW-and that is to say, the one we did not make at all, apparently-I have a few more people potentially to hire.


I am at what is called a crossroads: do I continue to bloat the roster, continue to hire, obtain the working of a number of allegedly good wrestlers? Or, do I refrain from hiring that which is not necessary for me, what would have only been useful for Tommy Cornell?




We are not going to have Pay-Per-View for some time. I will still make attempts, but this confirmed, this most recent refusal, that we are still some time from that moment.


Lily Snyder has been taken by TCW.


Battle Sakata (and Henry Lee, I notice) has asked for a bit of time off, so to speak, from our schedule. Given that we only have one show per month, that is more than acceptable.




With nearly $11,000 in losses thus far, I feel confident that with a bit of restraint, the company might still be able to rise to infamy.




I apparently inspire loyalty and I rule with an Iron Fist. I would prefer fear, but I am myself loyal not just to the company, but to Japan, to this business. We shall see how this develops in the future.


Press Release:

WEXXV Signings!


Hirokazu Yamanoue for $1,320 per appearance/$1,040 downside

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Prob going to go with "Chaos Demons" for now, even sans gimmick.


Kojima/EXILE fight on the horizon?


Ryu Kajahara, in his "infinite wisdom," traded Willie York to World Level Wrestling. On the larger side for that roster, York is seen as a quick challenger for the Streetfighting Title.


Ah, but that is not the fun part.


Kajahara traded for WLW owner, Koji Kojima.


Who strongly dislikes Burning EXILE.


Who works, on a trade, for WEXXV.


And, of course, Ryu Kajahara hates Burning EXILE.


Odds of EXILE not attacking Kojima next show are -800.




Is that how those stupid odds work? It's 9:1, or 90% that it happens. Thems the odds or chances.


Oh, right, Sam predicted :D!


Dallas winning was hopefully obvious, even though he's in decline I think or otherwise not as great as I had hoped.


Good call on The Forlorn Hope (I think that's the tag team); I kinda liked the Demons more, but I believe Hope are better. I refuse to look at my notes ._.


Woo! You called Sakata! I actually didn't want him to win, but oh well. /shrug


You forget that Henry Lee is obsessively popular :-P


****ing Tayama CC...


****ing Hyobanshi CC...I left the winner to the computer, and of course it goes with the more popular and better worker. :rolleyes:


wat. You thought someone attacking would lose to the attacker?



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Tristram Day, RAW


Australia Options turned us down due to our being in a contract with another PPV company. Given that Options was the least of my offers, this is satisfactory.


Blake Belushi still has some morale issues; I think an onscreen romance with Stephanie Drucker would help him. Given that I already have that storyline penned, and that Blake is in one of our foremost duos, this should make us much money.


Press Release:

RAW Signings!


Spiffy Stan Standish for $4,170 written

Scottie Hamstead for $3,880 written

Donovan Boon for $2,350 written

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


To: Richard Eisen

Subject: Kittens


Dear Mr. Eisen,


I feel that I should comment on the war between you and Wrestling Engine 25, as I have now joined a working agreement with the latter company.


Don't go to war.


I wanted you to read that before you knee-jerked into a blood feud with me.


Please, do not declare war on 21st Century Wrestling.


Contrary to what I have said previously, or some things, you would absolutely crush me in a company war. You have more money, your sponsorship at least covers your production, I hope, and you have the more expansive roster. The only way in which I outrank you at all is that I have subsumed two companies into my current product. You have not. Granted, you did essentially bankrupt...five companies? That is off of a quick count, and I would be unsurprised if I am low by up to half a dozen, easily.


I intend you no harm. Ryu Kajahara gave me a rather interesting offer, and as a businessman, I took it. I wished to increase my power. True, in my ideal world, I would be on top. I would be you, or beyond you. And in reality...yes, in truth, I do want my company to become bigger than yours.


But that is because, Mr. Eisen, that is because you are head of the greatest professional wrestling company in the world. Of course I want your job. EVERYONE wants your job!


It is not my intent to directly influence your company for the positive nor negative. I want to remain isolated from you, I want to reamin in the Isles, and I would request that you avoid the Isles. Not, again, not because I wish you harm; I merely have dominated this market, and I ask that you not affect my monopoly power.


Granted, I am sure you will not follow that request, as you have no reason to do that. But this is an humble request from a humbled man.


-Jeff Nova


And if that bloody wanker does anything to me, I snap his neck.




Oh. Highland Warrior does not like Nightmare. And I already hired Nightmare years ago...




Press Release:

21CW Signings!


Walter Morgan for $4,350 written

Dunton Hall for $130 written


And now to start the media machine...

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