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Tommy Cornell, TCW


Future thoughts:

  • Bryan Vessey once again is the only roster member in any shape of time decline; I sent Spanish Superfly down as a trainer (though he did not object to going for improvement), and Phoenix I is only on loan.
  • Unsuprisingly, I have the world of momentum on my side. Somewhat-surprisingly, Rocky Golden comes next, nearly at perfection himself.
  • Keith, Chord, Strong. Three Next Big Things.
  • Mitico Jr, Lucha III, and Andrews are all Hot Prospects. A little disconcerting that Aaron still qualifies, but promising at the same time.

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Sam Strong, USPW




Apparently what the video was, according to Alicia, Casey, et al, was a...let's see..."Autotune Dubstep in MSPaint." I don't know what one of those is. Maybe the Paint thing, but I don't understand how that's a video.


Or good.




Master Kitozon was before my time. In a way, a vague way, you could say I'm the American type of him. Wrestle Peace Festival not a bad thing, not a bad show. I wonder if they'll make one for me...I don't like thinking about death. Depressing.




QAW won't be a daughter promotion; I think I already asked once before. Oops.


Press Release:

USPW Signings!


Steven Parker for $4,660 written

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


Ah...now I can relax. For three days, anyway.


Great show; best in the world (CM PUUUUUUUUUUNK) so far. True, it's cheating without any of the big Japanese companies at play, but still...having a solid contender for show of the year this early feels good. Had some excellent wrestling last night, as well. I just need to focus a little more, find my stars, and rocket to the top.




Johnny's actually imperceptably stumbled in his momentum; I sense it will continue to drop before levelling out at "still extremely high," due to odd matches and whatnot. Steve, meanwhile, has...I guess Sean and Duane beating him and Johnny knocked a bit of popularity off; he appears to be rising high once again. Soon he'll surpass me. Which is, of course, a good thing.


Johnny swapped with Dan, if that wasn't clear, by the way.


Sean has a job ahead of him; with two guys already fairly far ahead, and with Steve (hell, Johnny's passable on the mike) able to work an angle...well, Steve can play up his losses, and drop some popularity to the champ. Not terrible.




Huh. Checked over the roster, and it turns out the women have terrible momentum. Not...not really unexpected, I guess, but...well, Tamara's on there. She...okay. Jared's one of our hot prospects, with Shooter Sean Deeley right there at the top. Hype's real on him, and I love the kid. Just wish he was with us permanently...




.59 buy rate for Big City Brawl. The Memorial Tournament should...I think we can hit... .90, at least.

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Alex DeColt, CGC


Well, Jack did well. Not incredibly well, but I think Northies is one of the worst places for him. See, Ricky's the one who can play the heel well, not Jack. Not Jack. And it's the obvious story to have him "invade," I don't fault Jeremy for that. But...well...


If you have a baby champion, and alignments matter, don't run the story. They got real lucky, I think, that the fans didn't hate it. Did excellent anyway, and I'd kill for that to main one of our shows regardless.




MySelect USA gave us a no due to competition; understood. Katie Cameron got an offer from House of Stone. Jeremy told me this was autonomously Alysian Scottsfield, that he didn't know we wanted to bring her in with Jacob, but still...not a great idea.




Oh. We have a show tonight. Right. And the one before Elimination, too. Let's do this...

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Pistol Pete Hall vs. Zeus Maximillion


Sayeed Ali vs. Christian Price


Shane Nelson vs. John Maverick


Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt




Alex DeColt and Chandler Argue!


DaLay destroys Ricky DeColt!


Alex DeColt anger at Belt theft!

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


The Wrestle Peace Festival is the most important event in Japan. Period.


The Festival is in honor of Master Kitozon, the man responsible for every wrestler in Japan for the past...thirty years, conservatively. More accurately, I believe, even half a decade ago people wanted to be like him. They watched him. Believed in him. True, there are those of us like myself who did not follow directly in his footsteps, yes. And plenty of wrestlers-myself included-are absolutely horrid, compared to his legacy.


But it is that enduring legacy which stands as a monument to his success. Japan's success. I freely wish all my roster to attend, to participate, if so chosen. To do so would be the highest honor.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


To: The Roster

Subject: People leaving


Taheiji Konoe

Washi Heat

Miwako Katsukawa

Sakura Sada

Mamoru Nagahama

Toyokuni Hardcore

Machiko Matsuda

Isao Takemura

Hiroshi Morisue

Brains McGhee



That is three tag teams, some of our finest. And Hiroshi Morisue, of course. I do not feel this as an attack from you; it is of Mr. Eisen, of course.


However, that is a fight between myself and him. Not you. What I see this, and what you should see this, as is a grand opportunity. You are to receive far more money than I could offer you. You shall be seen on a far greater stage. This is a step up.


I regret that you must leave, yes, but such are my perils. We shall survive.


Even without you, Hiroshi Morisue. We. Shall. Survive.

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


So I made up with British Samurai a few days ago. Laura McKenna made me reconsider our animosity; she performed quite well on television, he trained her...least I could do.


So he'll join up, he'll be working for Ring of Fire of course, and I could not be happier for him. And us. Fantastic road agent, and he can still work a match; might be in decline, but whatever. It works.




Why do I-that's right. I'm nailing down who Eisen wants to Writtens. That and it's a bit more cost-effective. Especially given that I need to expand my Pay-Per-Views.


Press Release:

21CW Signings!


Nigel Svensson for $1,680 written


He's with Ring of Fire, naturally.

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For easier predicts.

CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Pistol Pete Hall vs. Zeus Maximillion


Sayeed Ali vs. Christian Price


Shane Nelson vs. John Maverick


Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt




Alex DeColt and Chandler Argue!


DaLay destroys Ricky DeColt!


Alex DeColt anger at Belt theft!

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Alex DeColt, CGC


I'm pretty unhappy about this, and assuming I ever do send something to "the business," I might want to clarify these ideas into a transmittable form.




What bothers me is that "the business," the guys that run the numbers, the people in charge of telling everybody exactly how well our company is, the problem I have with them is that they're being contradictory.


Part of what they're telling me is that larger companies require more workers. No one's in argument there.


But here's where things get screwy: turns out I forgot to negotiate more time for television again. I need another thirty minutes so that it's not just one match on the main show. It's a given that a main-event level match is going to be, appropriately, in the main event. And true, I probably should drop the length I want the fans to expect from a match. That's on me.


But the point is that I'm told, implicitly, that expanding my length of coverage is a bad idea.


Think about that. More television is bad.


Assume for the moment that I'm right, here. If I am (just give me a minute), that means it's bad business to expand.


Yeah, no.


So how does more television hurt me?


If we had 30 more minutes, I'd pop on a midcard match or something. Minor title defense, tag match, something like that. Problem? No; that'd help the roster improve.


But, wait. Currently, roughly 60% of our shows (average) is matches. 60% of our show is rated on in-ring product (and some mathematical...hell, I'll call it randomness. I know there's some Theory they're pulling or whatever, but personally that's the business people pulling some crap to get more money due to standardization or some ****.)


60% of the show is that main event match. Fine; main event matches are going to be awesome.


But if I get more time, I have to put in another match. Main-event level? No time with 90 minutes. Has to be relatively minor. Meaning that it's going to "rate" worse.


Way I understand-and don't get me wrong; I think if you're running stuff by numbers (and you have to, to a point) you have to do something like this-main event is roughly 70% of "match rating". So with one match, it's 100%. Two? One's 70%, other's 30%.


That 30% (of 60%, so a third of 60 is a bit under 20% of the show, or about 1/5) is going to be worse. I've expanded the show, and by their numbers, there is no way I can improve.


Gets even better with a third match (that will be worse than the other two; otherwise I'd switch them): Now it's 70/20/10, (all other matches comprise the last 10%) where we get worse as we go down. Now, not 1/5 of the show is worse, but there's also...10 of 60 is 6, so...about 1/20 of the show is bad.


From expanding.


This is stupid. It implies two things:


  1. Only use main eventers all the time.
  2. Developing the roster is bad.


To the first, I'm supposed to increase the roster as the company grows and I expand coverage. So I can't just use main-eventers, or everyone gets pissed. I have to vary the show, meaning it has to be worse.


To the second, I point you to Shooter Sean Deeley, most recently, and more generally, EVERY WRESTLER EVER. E V E R Y worker, through the course of history, starts off as a nobody. They have to be built thorugh programs and stories and feuds and victories until they're at the main event. People like seeing that. People want a midcard, they want a tag division. They want those lower guys, even if just to fill out the show. Not going to elaborate any further because this isn't about what the hell professional wrestling is.


My point?


Either tell me to have a varied roster and change your stupid rating system, or keep the ratings and drop the wrestling. You're just pissing the true bookers (me) off.

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling




Pistol Pete Hall vs. Zeus Maximillion

Pete's got an excellent Cowboy gimmick, so that's nice. This match is indicative of what I was talking about earlier; Hall's far past his best years, but he's still got excellent psychology. He can pass that to the next generation, Zeus being one of that set. Granted, Zeus is a bit old to be the "next" generation, but he's got a solid base and I'd love to have him jump to the upper regions of the card.


With that in mind, it was easy to put Zeus over the veteran; Pete agreed to work with us, so he'll agree to mostly job until he retires (and becomes an excellent road agent).

-Pete's actually got more positives than Zeus due to his morale; admittedly, he also has more negatives.


Sayeed Ali vs. Christian Price

Ali has an excellent "Gangsta" gimmick. Lucky debuts today.


A match like this is also indicative of our lack of show time; because Price has a belt, he needs to be on the show. He has a story around his belt as well, but we don't have the time to develop that story fully.


I suppose I should have had Gargantuan attack in the match; that would have help build his monster image.


What I did book, though, was a victory for Price. Another loss to a debutant.

-If I got a proper gimmick and resigned Price, he'd be more valuable than Ali. Admittedly, Price is unable to put forth an "all out" offense, but I suspect that will change with time.


Shane Nelson vs. John Maverick

An all out match between two top talents. Maverick proves again why he was once the lynchpin of our roster, boasting brilliant performance skills, a solid gimmick, and some good chemistry working against an opponent like Shane.


Speaking of, Nelson does not do well in all out affairs. Nerves on the kid. Still, as part of an excellent tag team, he's quite useful. Might not like being pushed, but I need a capable midcard anyhow.

-Maverick has a lot of bonuses; Nelson's positives have as many negatives.

-This continued my makeshift storyline; excellent.



Eddie Chandler and I debated and angrily yelled at each other in the ring; no need to put the transcript here. I will note that I was off my game, as is said, with improvising. Chandler held me up, though, and I think we had a net gain.


Hannah Potter debuted as my manager; she has an average, slightly bad gimmick. Chandler has Garcia to actually help him. Great.



Ricky DeColt gets destroyed by Dan DaLay. Unfortunately, I forgot that Dan and Adrian don't mix well. Hurt an otherwise decent segment.



Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt


1. Eddie is in the ring, because he's driving his storyline.

2. Jack's in the ring because he has yet to appear.

3. Jack needs to work on his stamina.

4. Jack's been losing a bit in the story so far; I figure putting him under Eddie helps further the animosity the crowd feels for Chandler.

5. By cheating, of course. I don't want to bury Jack.

6. And that was the only match on the card.





For those who watch both in our alliance, the fact that I just had my belt stolen should be telling.


Also, this should have been on the main show. Time constraints.


Rating: 79

Still no advancement?

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Richard Eisen, SWF




WLW, MPWF, 4C, and BCG all announced that they are looking for expansions to their roster.


This is my fault. I am pleased.




"Rayne Man" has gone to MAW. I checked to see if he would enter into development with us. He agreed. Rather, he agreed to consider the offer and so on and so forth; the point is that Greg Rayne might actually do something for himself this time around.




Krissy Angelle and Charity Sweet officially join us. And...oh. That is a lot of people.


Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Hito Ichihara for $13,980 written

Manuel Prieto for $13,880 written

Motoichi Arakida for $10,420 written

La Bestia Purpura for $1,520 developmental

Battle Sakata for $760/$610

Bull Wrecker for $630/$630

Eisaku Shigeki for $470/$470

Eri Sato for $210/$210

Gareth Wayne for $1,130/$1,130

Koichi Kajiwara for $850/$850

Matsudaira Morioka for $740/$740

Robun Yamazaki for $760/$760

Seishiro Hiraga for $210/$210

Tatsukichi Shichirobei for $520/$520

Zeshin Makioka for $1,910 developmental

Hidekazu for $3,430 written (has been sent to development)

Jimmy Cox for $7,610 written

Magnifico for $9,120 developmental

Mokuami Maita for $7,070 written

Phoenix III for $5,500 written

Shingen Miyazaki for $3,530 developmental

Super Joshuya for $5,270 written

Amane Shunsen for $5,420 written

Eagle Kawasawa for $4,130 written

Kaneie Komine for $600 written. Management has leaked that this is a ten year contract.

Rajah for $5,740 written

Shino Ko for $10,090 written (trainer in developmental)

Guerrero Muerto for $1,600 developmental

Masutaro Kataoka for $6,050 written

Rumble Roper for $4,560 written

Washichi Inao for $2,800 developmental

Wildfire Inferno for $3,040 developmental

Akio for $1,520 developmental

El Orgulloso for $1,520 developmental

Jin Miyamoto for $2,250 developmental

Stealth Z for $1,520 developmental

Zachary Inc for $1,520 developmental

Vortex for $1,520 developmental


The astute follower of my business practices will understand why I have a number of PPA contracts. Also, time I went to war with Mr. Nova; also, I think I want to get Dark Angel off him.

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


Looks like SWF is taking over the world a little bit. Unsurprising.




The Cali Dragons officially make their move to my company. They had quite a bit of hype once I hired them, but I notice that interest has died down quite a bit./AlienatedReadership

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Sam Strong, USPW


Tommy and I have been split on bidding for women; the typicaly policy is that my company has seniority on all such bids. A few potentials have left him somewhat unhappy, but the relationship we have is not going to be broken over something essentially trivial. He has asked to use some of them, of course, and I will let him. Of course.




Foxxy LaRue was getting some offers from smaller companies; I had to increase my offer marginally to solidify her services.




Press Release:

USPW Signings!


Jillian Jarvis for $2,440 written

Madame Bat for $2,370 written

Pamela Rojo for $2,360 developmental

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


You cheeky little...


Okay, fine Alex. If it worked for me, (it didn't, though) it will work for him. And I know exactly who...




Rather low attendance, that said. Thought CGC would sell out.


Suzue Katayama and Principessa are with us (back, that is, for the latter). Jack's gone, as it was short-term, and Big City Brawl drew .59. Decent.




Few days for the aftermath. Probably need to have Steve address his brother's appearance. Or something else, that is...a little scattered today.

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Alex DeColt, CGC


Well, we pulled a 1.40, down from a 1.41. I imagine that's typical network fluctuation. I further think we will drop to about 1.38, maybe 1.37 at a minimum over the course of the next half year.




Elimination is coming up in 4 days. 4 days. I already know the main event, with two potential endings. Semi-main...could be that, yes, and that's all we need. All we need for now, anyway...

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


Everyone is leaving the company soon. A week, to be more precise.


23 people leave between tomorrow and 7 more days from today. A week sees our active wrestlers drop from above thirty to barely 20, I believe.


No road agents.


No commentary team.


No referees.


Just myself and plenty of other men ready to bleed for this company.


Fortunately, Mr. Eisen thinks I am not smart. He thinks that I have lasted this long in reality due to luck. I have not.


I already have made some high-contract offers to top-level talent (for my company), and now I shall reach out to agents, commentators, and referees. I hear Masayuki Shiga is thinking about accepting an offer from me, yes. For over two thousand dollars an appearance, for nearly two thousand dollars as a downside, would he be worth it? Yes, a question that is.


These are questions, these are thoughts, these are my reality.


And Mister Eisen thinks me a fool.


I am but a man in a company in a country in this world.


Nothing else.

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


Well ****. SWF has made Clifford an intriguing offer; he's considering both sides. I can't compete with his money-I really, really can't do that.


I just have to make it to Steel Cage Challenge, and I am guaranteed to do so. If I keep him, I can keep him as champion. If he's gone, so is his title.


Granted, he might still lose at the big event, but...




We nabbed Adam Matravers and Eric Future, fortunately. $2,270 on the latter; I know the press will like to publicise that. Future and Barnes might form a stable, a three-man team, with Adam Matravers. Petey would get some experience with either man, to my knowledge, so that's nice.




Cor mother****ing blimey. We're at war.



Press Release:

21CW Signings!


Eric Future for $2,270 written.

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Richard Eisen, SWF



South of the Border pulled some nice numbers; too bad Champagne's not brandless. If I had the kid, he'd be more of a Mexican star (and if I was in Mexico, obviously) than he is today. Not saying too much, but the fact that it has meaning at all means they're idiots down South.


That said, looks like Axxis Jr is their other ace in the hole. Need to steal him.




Nero's not pulling a full house, but the show's excellent. Comparitively.


Morgan took the belt off Allen; never got a look at Morgan, (nor Martin; I get both DaVE kids mixed up) but age and injury makes me assume he's in decline.


Then there's the reports that he apparently has more to learn than Allen, so take that how you will. Point is, Morgan's an excellent worker, so having him beat on the young kids not such a bad job, eh?


Eh. ****ing Canadians.


Back to it: Ota over Martin was the big match; give one of those men a title shot and this gets easy. Aside from that...looks like Bombshell and Phunk pulled a nice angle, with Emmy and Johnny Martin not doing too badly under the card.




Knuckles, sans Shady K, goes to MAW. What a joke Keith's made that place; not only are "Death Row" both washed-up has-beens, but he doesn't bring in the team! At least he got the more talented of the two...




Dexter Mattell went to DIW; he caught my eye. Nothing special, but he's a 20-year rookie. Might as well sign him up, right?


And DIW is utter ****. That too. Lump them with ****ing Kajahara.




Nova locked Adam Matravers. ****. Have to nail down Dark Angel, then. Make my threats credible.




Remo and Steve Frehley are neutral as opponents.


Rich Money and Rogue are neutral as partners.




On the Angel front, allegedly he's only seriously considering me; I threw another few thousand just to make sure.




Ah, the show. Yes. Aftermath.

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SWF Supreme TV


SWF Shooting Star Title:

Donnie J vs. John Greed vs. Magnum Kobe vs. Marc Speed vs. Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X

We need a new champion.


SWF Tag Team Titles:

Big Smack Scott/Kurt Laramee© vs. Captain Atomic/Jungle Lord

If all the other titles were defended, ought not the tag team champions?


Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce

Still fighting Emma Chase's Agency, Jack Bruce looks to bounce back from his tag loss by vanquishing what is likely her weakest member. Also, SWF does entendres.


Remo/Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley/???

As the trio find themselves lacking a championship belt, they turn their anger inward. But who is on Frehley's side?


Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen

With the new champions crowned, what does this week's champion vs. champion matchup portend?

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I might have missed a few new hires; I apologize. Computer reset yesterday and I hadn't saved the stuff I had written. Or maybe I missed nothing. Backslash shrug.


Tommy Cornell, TCW


Main point I see from my position in the industry is that Richard might have brought the next wave of wrestlers into the smaller companies a bit sooner than anticipated. It is tough for me to see if that is a good thing, of course. Possibly we have rookies pushed to championships they do not deserve, egos riding high as people pretend to be the next Rip Chord and James Justice...speaking of the former, I need to watch Jay a bit more closely.




Mashashi Urogataya is on my shorlist of workers to watch. Checking him again, I am unsure why I put him on the watch; given that keeping him there causes me no harm, perhaps he is one of the lucky rookies that I might hire for little reason in a few years.


Currently Hinote Dojo look to be interested in him; while I believe that means he would not have a developmental contract, the experience he will likely get working in that system is quite good.


Speaking of workers in Japan-that is, previously-Kid Toma officially has joined us. I sent him to development for a bit; Akima Brave looks to be capped in his skills, unfortunately. I do not have plans for the duo, yet, but Brave is the healthier of the pair, so some singles work-assuming I even do unite them in tag ranks-would be good for him.


Speaking of The Samoan Wildboyz, I notice that Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine can be contacted. Rhino has some interest from TCS, but I'm going to usurp that bid. It looks like both will accept developmental work. Excellent.


Press Release:

Rivera Pay Television and TCW now in working tandem!


Aside from the headline sounding weird as hell, TCW management have spoken with us to confirm that, yes, a 6-month non-exclusive 80% revenue split has indeed been confirmed.


Northern Mexico, where TCW already has television coverage, is set to benefit the most from this deal. EMLL and MPWF have yet to comment.

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