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PURE Fighting Championships: 21st Century Vale Tudo

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PURE Fighting Championships XXVIII: Heavyweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Nippon Gaishi Hall (12,109)






Opening Bout: Seiya Kawahara x Kenji Osawa


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Kawahara to hit back with a great combination, ending with a beauty of a right cross.

>Osawa steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Osawa steps back to avoid a kick to the body.

>An attempted body kick misses, giving Osawa the opportunity to counter with a jab.

>Kawahara looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Osawa.

>Strikes from Osawa keep Kawahara from stepping in too close.

>Osawa avoids a jab.

>Osawa slips past a left jab and counters with a series of quick lefts.

>After a flurry of punches miss, Kawahara is able to strike back with a kick to the ribs.

>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.

>Kawahara is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Osawa lets Kawahara get closer.

>Osawa, standing in the pocket, is close enough to grab a body kick and go for the takedown, and gets it! Kawahara has to pull guard.

>Osawa lies on top of Kawahara, basically smothering him.

>Time slips away as Osawa successfully keeps Kawahara stuck against the ground.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Time slips away as Osawa successfully keeps Kawahara stuck against the ground.

>The clock runs down as Kawahara is being smothered against the ground by Osawa.

>Time slips away as Osawa successfully keeps Kawahara stuck against the ground.

>The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up.

>Osawa avoids a right kick to the body and hits a series of quick lefts.

>Moving in closer, Kawahara looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>He gets into range.

>Osawa dodges a kick to the body and fires back with a nice jab.

>Slipping past the blow, Osawa counters an attempted knock out punch with a straight left.

>Kawahara uses head movement to make sure that a massive overhand right doesn't find a home.

>Osawa uses head movement to avoid a combination of punches, then counters with a crisp left.

>Slipping past a left jab, Kawahara hits an enormous right hook, Osawa goes down to the ground, dazed!

>Kawahara doesn't have time to capitalise though, as Osawa recovers his wits quickly.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Kawahara looks to get on top of Osawa.

>Osawa is too quick, slipping away from Kawahara and starting to scramble.

>The scramble leaves Kawahara turtled up, facing Osawa.

>Kawahara, turtled up, can do nothing to prevent Osawa from taking his back.

>Osawa tries to isolate and secure an arm.

>Osawa cannot secure an arm.

>Kawahara scrambles back to his feet.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>There's the bell and round number two begins!

>Kawahara counters a left jab by using a powerful right hook to the body.

>Osawa avoids a tight combination.

>There's a takedown attempt from Osawa.

>Osawa goes under an attempted counter right hand.

>Kawahara cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Osawa begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Kawahara keeps Osawa in guard.

>Kawahara tries to pull Osawa in close and smother him, but doesn't get anywhere with it.

>Osawa looks to get past the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Kawahara tries to catch Osawa with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Time slips away as Osawa successfully keeps Kawahara stuck against the ground.

>Time slips away as Osawa successfully keeps Kawahara stuck against the ground.

>The clock runs down as Kawahara is being smothered against the ground by Osawa.

>With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet.

>Kawahara counters a flurry of punches with some big right hands!

>Kawahara throws a left jab but Osawa uses good head movement to make sure it slips by.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Osawa checks a leg kick.

>Osawa slips past a jab and scores with a crisp left jab.

>Slipping past a flurry of punches, Kawahara counters with some heavy right hands...Osawa tries to cover up but is knocked down!

>Kawahara quickly pounces, looking to rain down punches on the stunned Osawa!

>Kawahara pounds away, landing several good shots in the process.

>Osawa finally manages to pull Kawahara into side control to survive.

>Seiya Kawahara is looking really tired.

>Kawahara gets up, releasing side control, and backs off, allowing Osawa time to stand too.

>Osawa hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Kawahara steps in closer to force the issue.

>A left hand misses, allowing Kawahara to counter with a kick to the outside of the left knee.

>Osawa hits a left jab.

>Kawahara fakes a lunge.

>Time slips away as Osawa doesn't press Kawahara, allowing him to circle.

>Osawa throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Osawa goes under an attempted counter right hand.

>Osawa has the takedown! It's a single leg, and Kawahara has to pull guard.

>Time slips away as Osawa successfully keeps Kawahara stuck against the ground.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Osawa attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


>The ring announcer is now giving the official decisions.

>All three judges give the result in favour of Kawahara.

>Kawahara wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Seiya Kawahara defeats Kenji Osawa (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


2nd Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Tony Johnson x Jan Jorgensen


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.

>Johnson throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Jorgensen.

>Jorgensen sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Johnson can't get the takedown, Jorgensen was too quick to back away.

>Jorgensen looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Johnson.

>Johnson tries to catch him by surprise with a takedown attempt, but it is blocked.

>Jorgensen comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>He has the takedown! Johnson pulls guard.

>Jorgensen looks to get past the guard.

>Jorgensen is too much for Johnson, passing guard and gaining side control.

>Johnson takes a knee strike to the ribs from under side control.

>Stuck under side control, Johnson takes a knee to the ribs.

>Jorgensen starts trying to work to go from side control to mount.

>Johnson can't fend off his opponent and is mounted.

>Jorgensen pounds away on Johnson, landing several good shots in the process.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Jorgensen fires away with punches, but Johnson deals with them fairly well.

>Jorgensen unloads with some big punches, but Johnson deals with them comfortably.

>Jorgensen blocks Johnson as he tries a sweep.

>Jorgensen fires away with big punches, but Johnson covers up and doesn't take any undue damage.

>Jorgensen counters an attempt by Johnson to move him from mount by taking his back!

>Johnson is in huge trouble now, as Jorgensen successfully gets both hooks in.

>Jorgensen attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Johnson defends himself well against the choke.

>Johnson struggles against Jorgensen but cannot get himself free from the hooks.

>Jorgensen, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Johnson doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Johnson attempts to pull free of the hooks, but Jorgensen doesn't allow it.

>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Jorgensen tries to finish Johnson off with a rear naked choke.

>Johnson doesn't allow the rear naked choke to be applied.

>Jan Jorgensen doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Jorgensen, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Johnson gets flattened out with the rear naked choke...he is saved by the end of the round though!

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Between rounds we could hear the corner of Johnson telling him to take it to the ground early.

>Jorgensen avoids a jab.

>Johnson waits out a flurry of punches and then hits a solid left jab.

>A tired Jorgensen moves forward, looking for a takedown.

>Jorgensen can't get the takedown, Johnson defends it well and pulls them into a clinch.

>Using his wrestling skills, Johnson is trying to push Jorgensen up against the ropes.

>Johnson manages it, and controls Jorgensen up against the ropes.

>Tony Johnson doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>With Jorgensen stuck against the ropes, Johnson gets the underhooks and looks for a takedown.

>Jorgensen keeps his composure, and Johnson cannot get past his takedown defence.

>From the looks of things, I don't think Jan Jorgensen has much energy left.

>Jorgensen uses a whizzer to half turn Johnson, creating enough space for him to break away from the grapple and return to the center.

>Johnson, who is visibly tired, looks like he might want to get in close and wrestle with Jorgensen.

>Jorgensen tries to counter Johnson with a right hand, but it only thumps into the gloves.

>Johnson moves out of range of a flurry of punches.

>Slowly moving in closer, a ragged-looking Johnson wants to wrestle Jorgensen.

>Jorgensen ends up grappling for supremacy with Johnson.

>Tony Johnson looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Johnson tries to pick Jorgensen up for a slam.

>Jorgensen defends it excellently though, slipping behind and taking the back of Johnson!

>Jorgensen tries to hook Johnson in a rear naked choke.

>Johnson fights off the rear naked choke attempt by rolling and then sharply turning over, brilliantly ending up in guard.

>Jorgensen should have gotten hooks in before attempting that submission.

>Johnson punches down at Jorgensen, but they are easily taken on the gloves.

>Jorgensen tries to ensnare Johnson in a triangle.

>Johnson blocks the attempt.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Johnson tries to pass the guard.

>Johnson struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Jorgensen tries to ensnare an arm.

>Jorgensen uses an attempted kimura to flip his opponent and get side control.

>Tony Johnson looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Jan Jorgensen looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Jorgensen attempts to move to mount.

>Johnson tries to sweep from the mount attempt, but gets rolled and gives up his back.

>Jorgensen increases his control by getting both hooks in.

>With both hooks in, Jorgensen tries to flatten Johnson out for the rear naked choke.

>Johnson gets flattened out with the rear naked choke, he has to tap!


>The winner, by submission, is Jan 'The Saint' Jorgensen!

>Official Result: Jan 'The Saint' Jorgensen defeats Tony Johnson (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 7:10 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.


3rd Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Vitaly Minakov x Justin Wren


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Minakov avoids a quick jab and hits a stinging left jab.

>Wren comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Minakov tries to avoid Wren.

>Minakov avoids the takedown attempt.

>Minakov shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>A good sprawl stops the takedown, and Minakov is brought down to the mat in a loose front facelock.

>Minakov springs back to his feet, albeit at the expense of a few punches to the body and head.

>Moving in closer, Wren looks like he may want to wrestle Minakov.

>Minakov finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Wren tries to pick Minakov up for a slam.

>Wren gets it! Minakov manages to pull guard upon impact.

>Minakov is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Wren off of him.

>Wren fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Minakov tries to ensnare an arm.

>Wren almost falls victim to a kimura, but in the end settles for being swept into side control.

>Minakov throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>Minakov blocks Wren as he tries a transition to guard.

>Minakov punches down at Wren, but they are easily taken on the gloves.

>Wren tries to pull guard on Minakov but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.

>Minakov throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.

>Wren tries a sweep from side control.

>Wren sweeps Minakov, and they both scramble back to their feet.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Minakov throws a looping punch, but Wren avoids it.

>Wren steps in to put some pressure on.

>Minakov uses a jab to keep Wren back.

>Minakov looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Wren.

>Wren counters by dropping down and hitting a single leg, Minakov is forced to pull guard.

>Minakov is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Wren off of him.

>Wren throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.

>Minakov is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Wren off of him.

>Wren looks to pass guard and get side control.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Minakov attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Minakov gets the triangle choke, it's in deep and Wren has to tap out!


>By submission, the winner is Vitaly Minakov!

>Official Result: Vitaly Minakov defeats Justin 'The Viking' Wren (Submission (Triangle) in 8:42 of round 1). The match was rated as being Average.


4th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Ajilin Ahmic x Jared Rosholt


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Ahmic hits a quick left.

>Rosholt shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Ahmic looks to grab a guillotine off the takedown.

>The guillotine attempt doesn't work.

>Rosholt gets a single leg takedown! Ahmic pulls guard off it.

>Rosholt fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Rosholt unloads with some big right hands, but Ahmic deals with them comfortably.

>Ahmic grabs hold of an arm and attempts a triangle choke on Rosholt from the bottom of the guard.

>Rosholt defends well against it.

>Rosholt is trying to pass guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Grabbing an arm, Ahmic attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Rosholt defends well against it.

>Rosholt looks to pass guard and get side control.

>He can't find a way past the guard.

>Ahmic attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Rosholt defends well against it.

>With no progress being made, the referee stands them back up.

>Rosholt hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Ahmic quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.

>Ahmic looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Rosholt lets Ahmic get closer.

>Standing in the pocket, Rosholt chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Ahmic.

>Ahmic looks to grab a guillotine off the takedown.

>The takedown is too good, the attempted guillotine is lost.

>The takedown is successful, he almost gets side control but has to settle for half guard.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Rosholt tries to pass the half guard.

>He finds himself unable to get past the half guard on this attempt.

>Ahmic tries to move from half guard to full guard, but Rosholt doesn't allow it.

>Rosholt tries to lock Ahmic into an arm triangle.

>Ahmic blocks it.

>Rosholt blocks Ahmic as he tries a sweep from half guard.

>Rosholt tries to pass the half guard.

>Ahmic keeps his half guard secure.

>Ahmic tries to ensnare Rosholt in a guillotine.

>Rosholt stops Ahmic from applying it.

>Rosholt attempts to pass half guard and gain a better position.

>Rosholt struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in half guard.

>Ahmic tries to pull Rosholt into a guillotine choke from the bottom of half guard.

>Rosholt blocks it.

>The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Rosholt swings with a couple of wild punches, then chooses to shoot in on Ahmic.

>Ahmic not only stops the takedown, he manages to wrestle Rosholt to the floor! Rosholt pulls half guard.

>In half guard, Ahmic throws a couple of punches designed to keep Rosholt guessing.

>Rosholt gets some separation and tries to scramble for position.

>Jared Rosholt is looking really tired.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 1:

>And here we go, round two!

>Ahmic hits Rosholt with two straight lefts.

>Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.

>Stepping back, Rosholt creates a bit of distance.

>Ahmic steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Rosholt steps in but an exchange of strikes goes nowhere.

>Ahmic seems to be waiting for Rosholt to make a move.

>Ajlin Ahmic doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Rosholt keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>Not letting up, Ahmic steps in closer to pressure Rosholt into action.

>Ahmic throws a wild and sloppy right hand as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Rosholt gets taken down by a single leg, and has to pull guard.

>Ahmic tries to smother Rosholt, but he squirms free.

>Rosholt brings his legs up and tries to lock Ahmic in a triangle choke.

>Ahmic pulls free before the triangle can be locked in.

>In guard, Ahmic begins working to pass to side control.

>He can't find a way past the guard.

>Rosholt tries to push Ahmic away, but can't.

>Jared Rosholt looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Ahmic lies on top of Rosholt, basically smothering him.

>Ajlin Ahmic looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Ahmic fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Rosholt fights off Ahmic as he tries to smother him against the ground.

>Rosholt tries to sweep Ahmic but can't do it.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Rosholt slams a crisp right into the gloves of Ahmic, but can't follow up.

>It seems that Ahmic is happy to let Rosholt circle for the moment.

>Rosholt gets Ahmic with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power.

>The fight slows as Ahmic sits back and allows Rosholt to circle.

>Rosholt circles around Ahmic.

>Time slips away as Ahmic doesn't press Rosholt, allowing him to circle.

>A couple of sloppy right hands are used to set up a tired-looking takedown attempt from Ahmic.

>A counter right cross is too slow to catch Ahmic.

>The takedown is completed, Rosholt is on his back and pulls guard.

>Ahmic looks to get past the guard.

>Rosholt is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Ahmic firmly in guard.

>Rosholt attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Ahmic blocks the attempt.

>Ajlin Ahmic looks totally gassed.

>Jared Rosholt looks totally gassed.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Ahmic attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Ahmic gets pulled in tight, stopping him from posturing up or launching any attacks.

>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


>The judges have given their decisions, which are about to be announced.

>All three judges have given Ahmic the win.

>Ajlin Ahmic wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Ajlin Ahmic defeats Jared Rosholt (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Very Poor.


5th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round

Chris Birchler x Soa Palelei


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Birchler tries for a left jab but Palelei moves out of range.

>A jab misses and Palelei counters with a series of quick jabs.

>A left jab misses and Birchler counters with a clean left.

>Birchler uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Palelei to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Palelei pulling guard.

>Birchler begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Birchler is too much for Palelei, passing guard and gaining side control.

>Birchler is trying to move from side control to mount.

>Palelei keeps Birchler at side control, not letting the mount happen.

>Palelei works some separation, then tries to quickly scramble his way into a better position.

>The scramble ends with both fighters back on their feet, facing each other.

>Palelei slips past a left jab and fires back with a crisp left hand punch.

>Birchler shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Palelei cannot stop the takedown but is able to spin away almost immediately upon hitting the ground, and is quickly back on his feet.

>A left jab misses and Birchler counters with several big right hands, putting Palelei down, dazed!

>Birchler knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on Palelei, looking to finish him off by raining down punches!

>Birchler pounds away with punches and Palelei is having trouble doing anything about it!

>With Palelei taking a beating, the referee has to stop the match!


>Chris Birchler takes the victory by way of TKO!

>Official Result: Chris 'The Big Buck' Birchler defeats Soa Palelei (TKO (Strikes) in 4:41 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


6th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round

Peter Graham x Blagoi Ivanov


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Ivanov darts in, feints a jab, darts back out.

>Ivanov throws a feint.

>Ivanov shoots in for a takedown.

>Graham tries to step away from the takedown.

>Graham avoids the takedown attempt.

>Graham tries for a left jab but Ivanov moves out of range.

>A speculative left hand from Ivanov doesn't find a home.

>Graham steps in closer to force the issue.

>A straight left fails to land and Ivanov is able to fire back with a jab.

>Moving in closer, Ivanov looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Graham now has Ivanov standing in the pocket.

>Ivanov slips past a jab and scores with a punch.

>Graham uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>Ivanov comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.

>The takedown is successful, he almost gets side control but has to settle for half guard.

>Ivanov attempts to kimura Graham from the top of half guard.

>The kimura is locked in, tight enough that Graham has to tap out!


>Blagoi Ivanov takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Blagoi Ivanov defeats 'Rolling Thunder' Peter Graham (Submission (Kimura) in 4:09 of round 1). The match was rated as being Average.


7th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round

Tyler East x Guram Gugenishvili


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>East counters a left jab by using a clean left.

>East counters a left jab with a straight left.

>East throws a barrage of big rights but Gugenishvili is quick to move out of range.

>A straight left fails to land and Gugenishvili is able to fire back with a right hand.

>Moving in closer, East looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Gugenishvili now has East standing in the pocket.

>Gugenishvili covers up to absorb a barrage of big right hands.

>A left jab misses, East counters with a stinging jab.

>Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>East dodges a jab, and fires back with a clean punch.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a thudding right hook to the body.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a straight left.

>East lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a straight left.

>East tries for a left jab but Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid it.

>East tries for a left jab but Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid it.

>A left jab misses, East counters with a stinging jab.

>Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>East dodges a jab, and fires back with a clean punch.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a thudding right hook to the body.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a straight left.

>East lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a straight left.

>East tries for a left jab but Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid it.

>East tries for a left jab but Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid it.

>A left jab misses, East counters with a stinging jab.

>Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>East dodges a jab, and fires back with a clean punch.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a thudding right hook to the body.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a straight left.

>East lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a straight left.

>East tries for a left jab but Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid it.

>East tries for a left jab but Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid it.

>A left jab misses, East counters with a stinging jab.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Gugenishvili uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>East dodges a jab, and fires back with a clean punch.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Gugenishvili hits a thudding right hook to the body.

>The time runs out on round one.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>East throws a barrage of big right hands but Gugenishvili moves out of range.

>A big right hand doesn't find its intended target, allowing Gugenishvili to fire back with a left.

>East throws a left jab but Gugenishvili avoids it.

>Gugenishvili slips past a left jab and fires back with a straight left.

>A left hand misses, allowing East to counter with a clean left.

>Gugenishvili swings with a couple of wild punches, then chooses to shoot in on East.

>The takedown doesn't work, East stuffed it.

>East steps in but an exchange of strikes goes nowhere.

>Not letting East settle at all, Gugenishvili comes in closer.

>A couple of wild punches misses, allowing East to hit back with a crisp left hand punch.

>Gugenishvili keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>Not letting Gugenishvili settle, East moves in closer.

>East throws a barrage of big rights but Gugenishvili is quick to move out of range.

>A speculative right hand from Gugenishvili doesn't find a home.

>Not letting Gugenishvili settle at all, East comes in closer.

>Gugenishvili counters a left jab with a straight left.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>A jab misses and East counters with some big right hands!

>Gugenishvili looks shaken! He appears to be on rubbery legs after that last strike!

>East catches Gugenishvili with a barrage of big right hands and puts him down on the ground!

>East knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on Gugenishvili, looking to finish him off by raining down punches!

>East unloads with big punches, Gugenishvili is struggling to cope!

>East is only stopped by Gugenishvili pulling him down into side control.

>East stands up and backs off, letting Gugenishvili stand up as well.

>A jab misses and Gugenishvili counters with a nice left hand.

>Gugenishvili looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with East.

>Gugenishvili cannot get close enough to the elusive East to grapple.

>Gugenishvili steps back to avoid a left jab.

>There's a takedown attempt from Gugenishvili.

>East sprawls, stopping the takedown and forcing Gugenishvili down to the ground into a type of turtle position.

>East fires away with big right hands, but can't stop Gugenishvili getting to his feet.

>Gugenishvili steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Breathing very hard, Tyler East is looking ragged.

>Gugenishvili comes in closer, looking to wrestle with East.

>East uses movement to keep out reach, meaning Gugenishvili cannot get close enough to grapple.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Gugenishvili is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>He gets into range.

>Gugenishvili comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.

>East gets taken down by a single leg, and has to pull guard.

>Gugenishvili attempts to pass guard.

>Advancing his position fairly easily, he passes to side control.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The judges' decisions are now being announced.

>All three judges give the result in favour of East.

>East wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Tyler 'The Beast' East defeats Guram Gugenishvili (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Decent.


8th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round

Ron Sparks x Mijain Lopez


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>A left hand misses, allowing Sparks to counter with a quick series of punches.

>Sparks throws a left jab but Mijain Lopez avoids it.

>Mijain Lopez avoids a flurry of rights and lefts and hits a nice jab.

>Mijain Lopez throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Sparks is left on his back pulling guard.

>Time slips away as Mijain Lopez successfully keeps Sparks stuck against the ground.

>Mijain Lopez lies on top of Sparks, basically smothering him.

>Mijain Lopez pounds away from the guard with elbows, but Sparks isn't troubled by them.

>Sparks tries to pull Mijain Lopez in close and pepper him with short strikes, but can't.

>In guard, Mijain Lopez catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Mijain Lopez tries to pound on Sparks with elbow strikes, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Sparks tries to catch Mijain Lopez with a punch, but it is not on target.

>In guard, Mijain Lopez begins working to pass to side control.

>Mijain Lopez gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Mijain Lopez throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath.

>Mijain Lopez blocks Sparks as he tries a transition to guard.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Mijain Lopez attempts to move to mount.

>Mijain Lopez mounts Sparks.

>Mijain Lopez starts hammering away at Sparks with punches.

>Sparks is barely able to do anything at all, he cannot get out from under Mijain Lopez!

>The referee gives Sparks time to do something, but eventually has to come in and stop the fight!


>The winner, by TKO, is Mijain Lopez Nunez!

>Official Result: Mijain Lopez Nunez defeats Ron 'The Monster' Sparks (TKO (Strikes) in 6:06 of round 1). The match was rated as being Decent.


9th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Stav Economou x Aleksander Emelianenko


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage.

>A feint sets Emelianenko up for an inside leg kick, but Economou evades it.

>Emelianenko comes in closer, looking to clinch with Economou.

>He pulls Economou into a Muay Thai clinch.

>Using the clinch, Emelianenko blasts Economou with a powerful knee to the cheek!

>Blood is visible on Economou, that strike looks to have opened up a nasty cut above his eye.

>Emelianenko catches Economou with a glancing elbow.

>Economou wrestles free of the Muay Thai clinch after blocking a knee strike.

>With Economou bleeding, the referee pauses the fight so that the cut can be checked.

>The ringside doctor examines the cut...and signals that it isn't a fight ender.

>The referee signals for the fight to continue!

>Economou looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Emelianenko.

>Emelianenko finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Economou tries to wrestle Emelianenko backward and up against the ropes.

>Economou doesn't manage it though, as Emelianenko slips out of the grapple and gets away.

>Economou is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Economou is now standing in the pocket.

>Emelianenko dodges a jab, and fires back with a scything low kick to the legs.

>Emelianenko throws rights and lefts, but Economou covers up well and none of the shots find a home.

>From the pocket, Emelianenko shoots in for a double leg.

>A counter right cross is too slow to catch Emelianenko.

>The takedown is completed, Economou is on his back and pulls guard.

>Emelianenko smothers Economou with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Emelianenko attempts to pass guard.

>He passes the guard well, gaining side control.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Emelianenko uses side control to hit a brutal knee strike just above the hip!

>Emelianenko hits a vicious knee strike to the ribs!

>Emelianenko begins trying to get himself behind Economou.

>He rolls Economou over a little...and slips behind to take the back!

>Emelianenko attempts to set up a rear naked choke on Economou.

>The rear naked choke is fully applied, Emelianenko has Economou flattened out completely, there is no option but to tap out!


>By submission, the winner is Aleksander Emelianenko!

>Official Result: Aleksander Emelianenko defeats Stav 'Crazy Bear' Economou (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 6:39 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


10th Bout: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Sergei Kharitonov x Levan Razmadze


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>Kharitonov throws a barrage of big right hands after using a feint to trick Razmadze into committing to a strike, but he moves out of range just in time.

>Kharitonov uses a nice jab.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>From the pocket, Kharitonov shoots in for a double leg.

>Kharitonov can't get past the sprawl of Razmadze, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Kharitonov cannot stop himself being rolled and secured in side control.

>Razmadze relinquishes side control, stands and backs off, wanting the fight to continue standing.

>Kharitonov avoids a jab.

>Moving in closer, Kharitonov looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Razmadze now has Kharitonov standing in the pocket.

>Standing in the pocket, Kharitonov chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Razmadze.

>Kharitonov can't get past the sprawl of Razmadze, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Kharitonov doesn't let Razmadze roll him onto his back.

>Razmadze finds his efforts to roll the turtled Kharitonov over and secure side control fruitless.

>Kharitonov takes the opportunity to stand up.

>Kharitonov steps back to avoid a left jab.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Kharitonov is getting in closer to Razmadze, perhaps looking for a clinch.

>Kharitonov grabs Razmadze and pulls him into a Muay Thai clinch.

>From the clinch, Razmadze gets caught with a vicious elbow to the side of the head.

>Razmadze has been cut above his eye, blood is trickling down.

>Kharitonov can't maintain his hold, and Razmadze wrestles his way into a wrestling clinch.

>Razmadze is looking to muscle Kharitonov back against the ropes.

>Razmadze manages it, and controls Kharitonov up against the ropes.

>Razmadze tries to throw an elbow, but Kharitonov takes the opportunity to turn his opponent around so that Razmadze ends up backed against the ropes instead.

>Kharitonov has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Razmadze down.

>A sweep of the legs is successful, Razmadze has to pull guard.

>Kharitonov lies on top of Razmadze, basically smothering him.

>Kharitonov tries to pass the guard.

>Advancing his position fairly easily, he passes to side control.

>Kharitonov throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Kharitonov blocks an attempted sweep.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Kharitonov begins trying to get himself behind Razmadze.

>Razmadze rolls to the side to try and escape, but gives up his back!

>Kharitonov tries to get Razmadze locked in a rear naked choke.

>Razmadze defends himself well.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>Kharitonov slips out of the way of a jab.

>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.

>They wind up in a tight clinch.

>Kharitonov tries to wrestle Razmadze backward and up against the ropes.

>Razmadze doesn't let himself be driven back though, and gains a dominant position in the grapple instead.

>Levan Razmadze doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Razmadze gets a couple of ineffective strikes in, but ultimately loses control of the grapple after being caught off-balance.

>Getting underhooks, Kharitonov looks for a takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Razmadze blocked Kharitonov.

>Sergei Kharitonov looks very tired out there.

>Razmadze turns Kharitonov slightly, but can't create enough space to get free of the clinch.

>Getting underhooks, Kharitonov looks for a takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Razmadze blocked Kharitonov.

>Razmadze turns Kharitonov slightly, but can't create enough space to get free of the clinch.

>Kharitonov gets a couple of ineffective strikes in, but ultimately loses control of the grapple after being caught off-balance.

>Levan Razmadze looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>Razmadze is looking to muscle Kharitonov back against the ropes.

>Kharitonov ends up backed against the ropes.

>From the looks of things, I don't think Sergei Kharitonov has much energy left.

>Razmadze takes a short step back and prepares to strike.

>Razmadze tries for a left jab but Kharitonov uses head movement to avoid it.

>A tired Kharitonov shoots in, looking for a close range double leg.

>Kharitonov can't get past the sprawl of Razmadze, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Razmadze floats over the turtled Kharitonov and takes his back.

>Razmadze tries to get the hooks in and lock on a rear naked choke.

>Kharitonov stays calm and defends the choke attempt well.

>Levan Razmadze looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Razmadze rolls Kharitonov out of turtle position and into side control.

>Razmadze tries to ensnare Kharitonov in an americana.

>Kharitonov stops Razmadze from applying it.

>Kharitonov looks like he is thinking about an arm-in guillotine attempt.

>The guillotine is applied, but Razmadze stubbornly holds on and does not tap!

>It looks like Razmadze must have been able to stop the choke from being fully sunk in.

>Kharitonov finally gives it up and lets go, but may have gassed his arms in the submission attempt.

>Razmadze fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Razmadze throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath.

>Kharitonov grabs hold of an arm and attempts a triangle choke on Razmadze from the bottom of the guard.

>Razmadze gets caught by the triangle, and it's deep...there's no alternative but to tap out!


>Sergei Kharitonov takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Sergei Kharitonov defeats Levan Razmadze (Submission (Triangle With Armbar) in 7:57 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.


Main Event: Heavyweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Damian Grabowski x Josh Barnett


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>Grabowski feints left, then right.

>Grabowski counters a left jab by hitting a solid left jab.

>Barnett shoots in for a takedown.

>The takedown doesn't work, Grabowski sprawled to defend it and then works into a clinch position.

>Grabowski has gotten underhooks in and is looking to take Barnett to the ground.

>Grabowski doesn't get the takedown, Barnett blocked it.

>Barnett tries to get free of the clinch, but is stuck.

>Grabowski looks to scoop his opponent up for a slam.

>He gets Barnett up! Grabowski slams him down, ending up in guard.

>Grabowski attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>Grabowski gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Grabowski begins trying to get himself behind Barnett.

>He takes the back!

>Grabowski successfully gets both hooks in, and seems primed to finish.

>Grabowski pounds away on Barnett, landing several good shots in the process.

>Grabowski attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Barnett doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Barnett tries to improve his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks, but they're too tight.

>With both hooks in, Grabowski tries to flatten Barnett out for the rear naked choke.

>Barnett doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Grabowski loses his hooks, as Barnett pries them away.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Grabowski successfully gets both hooks in, and seems primed to finish.

>Grabowski, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Barnett doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Damian Grabowski is looking really tired.

>Grabowski maintains his hooks, despite Barnett trying to break them.

>Grabowski, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Barnett stops Grabowski from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>Grabowski loses both hooks, but still has the back.

>Grabowski attempts an armbar.

>Grabowski rolls onto his back to try and get the armbar, but Barnett pulls free and gets side control.

>Barnett tries to lock Grabowski into an arm triangle.

>Grabowski gets caught by the arm triangle, and it's deep enough that he has to tap!


>Josh Barnett takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Josh 'The Warmaster' Barnett defeats 'The Polish Pitbull' Damian Grabowski (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 8:26 of round 1). The match was rated as being Fantastic.


Prediction Results:


CageRage: 18-8

Jingo: 8-7

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PURE Fighting Championships XXIX Card Finalized


PURE Fighting Championships XXIX: Cruiserweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ White Ring Nagano in Nagano, JP/ 4th Week of June 2016


Opening Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Marcus Vanttinen (22-5)


Francimar Barroso (14-4)


2nd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Mark Godbeer (8-2)


Viktor Nemkov (16-5)


3rd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Antz Nansen (2-1)


Sang Soo Lee (17-11)


4th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Cristiano Kaminishi (9-2)


Esteves Jones (9-5)


5th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Hans Stringer (22-6-2)


Marcio Cruz (9-3)


6th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Robert Drysdale (7-1)


Steve Bosse (11-2)


7th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Kazuhiro Nakamura (19-13)


Satoshi Ishii (7-4-1)


8th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Mo Lawal (11-3)


Jeff Monson (50-13-1)


9th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Ricardo Arona (18-6)


Tony Lopez (34-12)


10th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Rampage Jackson (35-12)


Roy Boughton (9-3)


Main Event: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Jimi Manuwa (16-1)


Jason Jones (20-9)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXIX: Cruiserweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ White Ring Nagano in Nagano, JP/ 4th Week of June 2016


Opening Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Marcus Vanttinen (22-5)


Francimar Barroso (14-4)


2nd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Mark Godbeer (8-2)


Viktor Nemkov (16-5)


3rd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Antz Nansen (2-1)


Sang Soo Lee (17-11)


4th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Cristiano Kaminishi (9-2)


Esteves Jones (9-5)


5th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Hans Stringer (22-6-2)


Marcio Cruz (9-3)


6th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Robert Drysdale (7-1)


Steve Bosse (11-2)


7th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Kazuhiro Nakamura (19-13)


Satoshi Ishii (7-4-1)


8th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Mo Lawal (11-3)


Jeff Monson (50-13-1)


9th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Ricardo Arona (18-6)


Tony Lopez (34-12)


10th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Rampage Jackson (35-12)


Roy Boughton (9-3)


Main Event: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Jimi Manuwa (16-1)


Jason Jones (20-9)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXIX: Cruiserweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ White Ring Nagano in Nagano, JP/ 4th Week of June 2016


Opening Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Marcus Vanttinen (22-5)


Francimar Barroso (14-4)


2nd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Mark Godbeer (8-2)


Viktor Nemkov (16-5)


3rd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Antz Nansen (2-1)


Sang Soo Lee (17-11)


4th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Cristiano Kaminishi (9-2)


Esteves Jones (9-5)


5th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Hans Stringer (22-6-2)


Marcio Cruz (9-3)


6th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Robert Drysdale (7-1)


Steve Bosse (11-2)


7th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Kazuhiro Nakamura (19-13)


Satoshi Ishii (7-4-1)


8th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Mo Lawal (11-3)


Jeff Monson (50-13-1)


9th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Ricardo Arona (18-6)


Tony Lopez (34-12)


10th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Rampage Jackson (35-12)


Roy Boughton (9-3)


Main Event: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Jimi Manuwa (16-1)


Jason Jones (20-9)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXIX: Cruiserweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ White Ring Nagano (8,252)






Opening Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Francimar Barroso x Marcus Vanttinen


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Bodao steps back to avoid a leg kick.

>Bodao avoids a flurry of punches.

>Vänttinen avoids a quick jab and hits a nice left hand.

>Bodao comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Vänttinen.

>Vänttinen uses his strikes to stop Bodao from getting close enough to grapple.

>A left jab misses and Vänttinen counters with a series of quick jabs.

>A left hand misses, allowing Vänttinen to counter with a straight left.

>Vänttinen steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out.

>Bodao comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Vänttinen.

>Bodao can't get near enough to engage, Vänttinen uses strikes to keep him out of range.

>Vänttinen bobs and weaves.

>Bodao comes in closer to press the issue.

>Bodao looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Vänttinen.

>Vänttinen uses his strikes to stop Bodao from getting close enough to grapple.

>Bodao moves out of range of a flurry of punches.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Bodao steps back to avoid a kick to the body.

>Bodao looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Bodao can't get near enough to engage, Vänttinen uses strikes to keep him out of range.

>Bodao is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Vänttinen.

>Bodao is surprised by a big countering right hand, but he avoids it at the last second.

>Bodao slips out of the way of a body kick.

>Bodao scores with a dazzling flying knee strike, but cannot knock Vänttinen down!

>Vänttinen shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Bodao steps back and creates some space.

>Bodao looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Bodao can't get close enough to grapple, Vänttinen keeps him away with strikes.

>Bodao looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>He pulls Vänttinen into a grapple.

>Bodao hits Vänttinen with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling.

>Bodao tries to wrestle Vänttinen backward and up against the ropes.

>Bodao manages it, and controls Vänttinen up against the ropes.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Bodao keeps Vänttinen up against the ropes with wrestling, then uses a hard foot stomp.

>Bodao pins Vänttinen up against the ropes and works him over with small punches to the body for the remainder of the round.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>Vänttinen tries for a leg kick but Bodao moves out of range.

>Vänttinen counters a superman punch with a left.

>Bodao chooses to shoot in on Vänttinen.

>Vänttinen counters with a left jab that catches Bodao hard.

>Marcus Vanttinen doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Vänttinen stalks Bodao back toward the corner of the ring.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Vänttinen still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Vänttinen is now standing in the pocket.

>Vänttinen uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a kick to the outside of the left leg.

>From the pocket, Vänttinen hits a flurry of punches on Bodao.

>Bodao, standing in the pocket, has to check a leg kick.

>Bodao is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Vänttinen.

>Bodao cannot get close enough to the elusive Vänttinen to grapple.

>Francimar Barroso is looking really tired.

>Bodao, who looks drained, comes forward looking for a takedown.

>Vänttinen sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Bodao doesn't get the takedown, Vänttinen avoided it.

>Bodao gets Vänttinen with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power.

>Vänttinen comes in closer to press the issue.

>Marcus Vanttinen looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Vänttinen stalks Bodao back toward the corner.

>Vänttinen explodes on Bodao with a barrage of big right hands.

>Bodao uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a solid left jab.

>Vänttinen dodges a huge right hand thanks to good head movement, and returns fire with a right hook to the body.

>Vänttinen lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a nice jab.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Using head movement, Vänttinen slips past a left jab and counters with a left hook to the body.

>Vänttinen lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a clean left jab.

>Vänttinen throws a flurry of punches but Bodao covers up and takes them easily.

>Standing in the pocket, a visibly tired Vänttinen chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Bodao.

>Bodao saw the takedown coming, he tries to grab a guillotine.

>Bodao is unable to apply the guillotine choke.

>Vänttinen gets the takedown, but as soon as Bodao hits the ground he spins out and away and gets back to his feet.

>Francimar Barroso looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Bodao throws a couple of ragged-looking jabs as a set up, then attempts a takedown.

>Vänttinen tries to avoid Bodao.

>Vänttinen avoids the takedown attempt.

>Bodao, who is visibly tired, looks like he might want to get in close and wrestle with Vänttinen.

>Bodao grabs Vänttinen and pulls him into a grapple.

>Using his wrestling skills, Bodao is trying to push Vänttinen up against the ropes.

>Bodao achieves it, pinning Vänttinen to the ropes.

>Francimar Barroso looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Marcus Vanttinen looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Vänttinen takes a hard foot stomp.

>Showing his ability to control opponents, Bodao smothers Vänttinen against the ropes while nailing him with short strikes to the body for about sixty seconds.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Smothered against the ropes, Vänttinen is trapped there, unable to do anything but take the occasional nasty short punch to the ribs, for about half a minute.

>Bodao tries to maintain control, but Vänttinen isn't letting himself get bullied like that.

>The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.


>The judges have given their decisions, which are about to be announced.

>All three judges have given the victory to Vänttinen.

>Making Marcus Vanttinen the winner by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Marcus Vanttinen defeats 'Bodao' Francimar Barroso (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


2nd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Viktor Nemkov x Mark Godbeer


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A jab misses, allowing Nemkov to counter-strike with a nice left hand.

>A straight left fails to land and Godbeer is able to fire back with a barrage of hard right hands, enough to put Nemkov down!

>Godbeer starts pounding away on Nemkov, looking to finish him off!

>Godbeer unloads with big punches, landing several that clearly hurt Nemkov.

>With punches raining down, Nemkov can only pull Godbeer down into side control to survive.

>Godbeer attempts the mount.

>Godbeer mounts Nemkov.

>Godbeer unloads with big punches from the mount, but Nemkov is able to deal with most of them.

>Godbeer fires away with punches, but Nemkov deals with them fairly well.

>Godbeer tries to pound on Nemkov, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Godbeer controls Nemkov, who was trying to wriggle to half guard.

>Godbeer pounds away on Nemkov, but few of the shots lands clean.

>Godbeer pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Nemkov covers up well.

>Godbeer takes the back as Nemkov tries to sweep him!

>Godbeer tries to unload with punches, but Nemkov is struggling around enough to unbalance him.

>Mark Godbeer looks very tired out there.

>Godbeer blocks Nemkov as he tries to roll over.

>Godbeer tries to get Nemkov locked in a rear naked choke.

>Nemkov rolls to face up, and then manages to spin over so that he is in guard.

>That was quite sloppy by Godbeer, he definitely should have gotten hooks in before attempting that choke.

>Looking to catch his breath, Nemkov is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Godbeer throws out some punches, but Nemkov leans back to avoid them.

>Nemkov keeps Godbeer guessing with a few quick strikes.

>Godbeer tries to sweep Nemkov but doesn't get anywhere.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>In guard, Nemkov throws a couple of punches designed to keep Godbeer guessing.

>Godbeer throws out some punches, but Nemkov leans back to avoid them.

>Nemkov begins trying to pass the guard.

>He manages to pass, but only to half guard.

>Nemkov throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath.

>Godbeer gets some separation and tries to scramble for position.

>Nemkov is too quick though, and is on top of Godbeer in a flash, forcing him to turtle up.

>Godbeer is rolled over onto his back, where Nemkov secures side control.

>Nemkov throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move.

>Nemkov begins trying to get himself into mount.

>Nemkov almost gets mount, but Godbeer was ready and a scramble for position ensues.

>Mark Godbeer looks very, very tired.

>The scramble results in Godbeer being on his back pulling guard.

>Nemkov throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath.

>Godbeer uses his legs to push Nemkov back, and tries to scramble for position.

>Nemkov is too quick though, and grabs side control before Godbeer can get up.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Nemkov attempts to roll Godbeer slightly and take his back.

>He takes the back!

>Viktor Nemkov is looking really tired.

>Godbeer is in huge trouble now, as Nemkov successfully gets both hooks in.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>From what we could hear of his corner, it sounds like Godbeer has been instructed to try and pick Nemkov off with counter striking in this round.

>Nemkov side-steps a barrage of big punches and hits a looping right.

>Mark Godbeer looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Godbeer throws a right kick to the body but Nemkov avoids it.

>There's a ragged-looking takedown attempt from a visibly tired Nemkov.

>Nemkov can't get past the sprawl of Godbeer, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Godbeer fires away with right hands, and Nemkov is stung by several big shots to the side of the head.

>Godbeer looks to hit a kick to the body, but Nemkov is back up and out of range too quickly.

>A drained-looking Godbeer tries to close the distance between them.

>He pulls Nemkov into a grapple.

>The grappling doesn't go anywhere, and they break apart.

>Godbeer counters a left jab by using a vicious leg kick.

>There's a ragged-looking takedown attempt from a visibly tired Nemkov.

>Godbeer sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown doesn't work, Godbeer saw it coming and got out of range.

>A speculative right hand from Godbeer doesn't find a home.

>Not letting up, Nemkov quickly steps in closer to attack Godbeer.

>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Nemkov apparently wants to strike from the pocket.

>Nemkov moves into the pocket.

>Nemkov checks a leg kick and comes right back with a series of quick, sharp punches.

>Viktor Nemkov looks very, very tired.

>Slipping past two wild swings, Godbeer hits back with a barrage of punches, eventually putting Nemkov down!

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Godbeer quickly gets on top his stunned opponent, albeit only in half guard.

>Godbeer stands up and backs off, letting Nemkov stand up as well.

>Nemkov fakes a lunge.

>The fight slows as Godbeer sits back and allows Nemkov to circle.

>Nemkov counters a leg kick by grabbing it and attempting a takedown, but Godbeer stuffs it.

>Nemkov avoids a jab and scores with a left hand.

>Nemkov swings for the fences with some lethargic-looking haymakers, then chooses to shoot in on Godbeer.

>A good sprawl stops the takedown, and Nemkov is brought down to the mat in a loose front facelock.

>The gas tank looks empty on Viktor Nemkov.

>Godbeer pounds away on the body and side of the head, Nemkov struggles to deal with them.

>Nemkov, turtled up, takes a short knee strike to the side of the head.

>Nemkov cannot stop himself being rolled and secured in side control.

>Godbeer relinquishes side control, stands and backs off, wanting the fight to continue standing.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Nemkov comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Godbeer uses movement to keep out reach, frustrating Nemkov.

>Looking very tired, Nemkov comes in throwing ragged haymakers, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Godbeer attempts to avoid Nemkov as he shoots in.

>The takedown doesn't work, Godbeer saw it coming and got out of range.

>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


>The judges' decisions are now being announced.

>All three judges have given the victory to Godbeer.

>So the winner, by unanimous decision, is Mark 'The Hand Of' Godbeer!

>Official Result: Mark 'The Hand Of' Godbeer defeats Viktor Nemkov (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


3rd Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Sang Soo Lee x Antz Nansen


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Nansen tries for a left jab but Lee moves out of range.

>Nansen throws a right kick to the body but Lee avoids it.

>Lee catches a right leg kick and goes for a judo-style trip but it is blocked.

>Lee steps back to avoid a one-two combination.

>Lee shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Nansen tries to step away from the takedown.

>Lee doesn't get the takedown, Nansen avoided it.

>Lee comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>He gets into range.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Nansen hits a kick to the side of the ribs.

>Nansen throws a flurry of rights and lefts, but Lee covers up well.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Nansen steps back and creates some space.

>Lee slips out of the way of a leg kick.

>Lee throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Lee goes under an attempted counter right hand.

>The takedown is completed, Nansen is on his back and pulls guard.

>Lee smothers Nansen with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Lee looks to get past the guard.

>He does excellently, getting past the guard and into side control.

>Lee throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move.

>Nansen tries to break free and scramble for position, but Lee keeps him trapped.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Lee tries to lock Nansen into a kimura.

>Nansen stops Lee from applying it.

>Nansen looks ready to try and scramble, but Lee is quick to move to prevent that.

>Lee starts trying to work to go from side control to mount.

>He mounts Nansen.

>Lee tries to pound on Nansen with elbows, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Lee maintains control, despite Nansen trying to wriggle free.

>Lee attempts an americana.

>Nansen stops Lee from applying it.

>Nansen tries to turn over and sweep Lee, but rolls too far and gives up his back!

>Lee gets both hooks in, and is now in a really dominant position.

>Lee has good control, and starts pounding away on Nansen.

>Nansen is taking lots of shots, and can't seem to find a way out from this position!

>The referee stops the fight, he didn't feel Nansen was intelligently defending himself!


>The winner, by TKO, is Sang Soo Lee!

>Official Result: Sang Soo Lee defeats 'Notorious' Antz Nansen (TKO (Strikes) in 8:53 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


4th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Esteves Jones x Cristiano Kaminishi


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Kaminishi drops his shoulder as a feint, trying to draw a strike.

>Jones chooses to shoot in on Kaminishi.

>The takedown doesn't work, Kaminishi stuffed it.

>Moving in closer, Jones looks like he may want to wrestle Kaminishi.

>Kaminishi uses his strikes to stop Jones from getting close enough to grapple.

>Jones gets Kaminishi with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power.

>Kaminishi presses in closer to attack.

>Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either.

>Jones narrowly misses Kaminishi with a right uppercut.

>Not letting up, Kaminishi quickly steps in closer to attack Jones.

>A left jab misses and Jones strikes back with a couple of hard right hands!

>Looking glassy-eyed, Kaminishi staggers backward...he may have been stunned by that last blow!

>Jones tries to capitalise with a barrage of big rights, but Kaminishi has the sense to cover up.

>There's a takedown attempt from Jones.

>The takedown is successful, Kaminishi pulls guard.

>Jones is trying to pass guard.

>He manages to pass, but only to half guard.

>Jones tries to pass the half guard.

>Jones struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in half guard.

>Kaminishi tries to get full guard on Jones but doesn't get anywhere.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Jones tries to put Kaminishi into an americana.

>Kaminishi stops Jones from applying it.

>Kaminishi tries a sweep from the bottom of half guard, but doesn't budge Jones.

>Jones fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Kaminishi gets some separation and tries to scramble for position.

>Jones is too quick though, and grabs side control before Kaminishi can get up.

>In side control, Jones begins working to get a mount.

>Jones mounts Kaminishi.

>Jones unloads with big elbows from the mount, but Kaminishi is able to deal with most of them.

>Jones has solid control over Kaminishi, and starts pounding away with strikes.

>Kaminishi had better start defending himself, or this will be over!

>The referee pulls Jones away, stopping the match!


>Esteves Jones takes the victory by way of TKO!

>Official Result: Esteves 'Quiet Riot' Jones defeats Cristiano Kaminishi (TKO (Strikes) in 8:23 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


5th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Marcio Cruz x Hans Stringer


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Cruz avoids a flurry of punches and hits a left.

>Cruz swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches.

>A left hand misses, allowing Stringer to counter with a solid left jab.

>Stringer counters a wayward left jab with a flurry of quick punches.

>Cruz comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Stringer attempts to avoid Cruz as he shoots in.

>Cruz doesn't get the takedown, Stringer avoided it.

>Stringer throws a left jab but Cruz avoids it.

>A jab misses, allowing Stringer to counter-strike with some big right hands!

>A low kick is checked by Cruz.

>Stringer uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.

>Cruz sees an inside leg kick coming and hits first with a solid left jab.

>Using good head movement, Cruz slips past a punch and hits a stinging jab.

>Cruz lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a punch.

>Cruz slips past a straight punch and then hits a punch.

>Stringer dodges a jab, and fires back with a thudding right hook to the body.

>Cruz slips past a straight punch and hits a crisp left.

>A left jab misses, giving Stringer the chance to hit back with a left jab to the cheek.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Cruz steps back just in time to avoid a wild swing.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Stringer steps back and creates some space.

>Moving in closer, Cruz looks like he may want to wrestle Stringer.

>Cruz cannot get close enough to the elusive Stringer to grapple.

>Stringer tries for a right body kick but Cruz moves out of range.

>Cruz avoids a low kick.

>A couple of wild haymakers are used to set up a takedown attempt from Cruz.

>Stringer tries to counter with a right hand, but is too slow.

>The takedown is completed, Stringer is on his back and pulls guard.

>In guard, Cruz throws a couple of punches designed to keep Stringer guessing.

>Grabbing an arm, Stringer attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Cruz pulls his arm free before the triangle can be locked in.

>Cruz smothers Stringer with his body by pushing forward and down.

>The clock runs down as Stringer is being smothered against the ground by Cruz.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Stringer is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Cruz off of him.

>Time slips away as Cruz successfully keeps Stringer stuck against the ground.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>A left hand misses, allowing Cruz to counter with a solid left jab.

>There's a takedown attempt from Cruz.

>Stringer tries to step away from the takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Stringer avoided Cruz.

>Breathing very hard, Hans Stringer is looking ragged.

>Cruz steps in but an exchange of strikes goes nowhere.

>Time slips away as Stringer doesn't press Cruz, allowing him to circle.

>Cruz throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.

>Time slips away as Stringer doesn't press Cruz, allowing him to circle.

>Advancing, Cruz counters a left jab by using a solid left jab.

>Cruz fakes a lunge.

>Stringer doesn't press the issue, allowing Cruz to circle.

>Stringer feints rushing in, but withdraws.

>Cruz shoots in for a takedown.

>Stringer tries to avoid Cruz.

>The takedown doesn't work, Stringer saw it coming and got out of range.

>Moving in closer, Cruz looks like he may want to wrestle Stringer.

>Stringer is pulled into a grapple.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Clinched with Stringer, Cruz looks to try and take him down.

>The takedown doesn't work, Stringer blocked it and then takes control of the grapple.

>Stringer and Cruz break the grapple and are apart again, circling.

>Cruz comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Stringer sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Stringer avoided Cruz.

>Marcio Cruz looks very tired out there.

>Slowly moving in closer, a ragged-looking Cruz wants to wrestle Stringer.

>Cruz cannot get close enough to the elusive Stringer to grapple.

>Hans Stringer looks very, very tired.

>Cruz keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>Stringer doesn't press the issue, allowing Cruz to circle.

>A drained-looking Cruz tries to close the distance between them.

>He pulls Stringer into a grapple.

>With control of the clinch, Cruz tries to complete a takedown.

>Cruz doesn't get the takedown, Stringer instead wrestles his way into controlling the grapple.

>Marcio Cruz looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>Stringer is trying to lock Cruz into a Muay Thai clinch.

>Stringer doesn't manage it though, as Cruz slips out of the grapple and gets away.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Cruz apparently wants to strike from the pocket.

>Cruz is surprised by a vicious countering right uppercut, but he avoids it at the last second.

>Cruz throws a looping punch, but Stringer avoids it.

>Time slips away as Stringer doesn't press Cruz, allowing him to circle.

>Hans Stringer looks like he is completely out of gas.

>Time runs out and that's the end of the fight.


>Here come the official decisions.

>All three judges have given Cruz the win.

>Making Marcio 'Pe de Pano' Cruz the winner by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Marcio 'Pe de Pano' Cruz defeats Hans Stringer (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Awful.


6th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Steve Bosse x Robert Drysdale


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Bosse tries for a left jab but Drysdale moves out of range.

>Drysdale suddenly dives at the feet of Bosse, trying to grab a leg!

>Grabbing a leg, Drysdale looks for a heel hook but Bosse blocks it from being applied.

>Unable to prevent a trip however, Bosse does have to pull half guard.

>In half guard, Drysdale begins working to get side control.

>He passes half guard fairly easily, getting to side control.

>Drysdale tries to lock Bosse in an armbar.

>Bosse defends himself well and is in no danger.

>Bosse gets some separation and tries to scramble for position.

>Bosse leaves a leg in as they scramble, and Drysdale immediately tries to grab it.

>Drysdale cannot get the leg and has to turtle up, with Bosse holding him down while facing him.

>Drysdale takes a few punches on the way, but manages to get back to standing.

>Bosse stalks Drysdale, forcing him back into the corner.

>Moving in closer, Bosse looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Drysdale sees a chance for a takedown attempt, but Bosse is able to defend it.

>A flurry of punches miss Drysdale and allow him to counter-strike with a crisp left hand punch.

>Steve Bosse is breathing very hard.

>Although visibly tired, Bosse looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Drysdale now has Bosse standing in the pocket.

>Drysdale uses a stiff jab.

>Bosse shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab.

>A left jab misses the mark and allows Bosse to counter with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.

>Drysdale steps back just in time to avoid a wild swing.

>Bosse circles away, creating some distance between them.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Drysdale steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Drysdale shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>He has the takedown! Bosse pulls guard.

>Drysdale tries to pass the guard.

>Drysdale gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Drysdale tries to ensnare Bosse in an americana.

>Drysdale gets the americana, wrenches it back, and Bosse has to tap!


>The winner, by submission; Robert Drysdale!

>Official Result: Robert Drysdale defeats Steve 'The Boss' Bosse (Submission (Americana) in 7:02 of round 1). The match was rated as being Fantastic.


7th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Satoshi Ishii x Kazuhiro Nakamura


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>Ishii steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either.

>Ishii chooses to shoot in on Nakamura.

>Nakamura attempts to avoid Ishii as he shoots in.

>Nakamura avoids the takedown attempt.

>A jab misses and Nakamura counters with a nice left hand.

>Advancing, Nakamura counters a right jab by using a left.

>A right hand misses, allowing Nakamura to counter with a solid left.

>Nakamura moves in and stings Ishii with an excellent combination.

>A right jab misses and Nakamura counters with a powerful right hook to the body.

>A right hand misses, allowing Nakamura to counter with a crisp left hand punch.

>Ishii avoids a jab.

>Nakamura counters an errant right jab with a crisp left hand punch.

>Nakamura feints to get Ishii to cover up, then works the body with a couple of nice shots.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Nakamura feints rushing in, but Ishii doesn't fall for it.

>A straight right fails to land and Nakamura is able to fire back with a powerful right hook to the body.

>Nakamura scores with a couple of jabs and a right cross.

>Advancing, Ishii counters a left jab by using a jab.

>Ishii comes in swinging wildly, using the strikes as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Nakamura counters with a left jab that catches Ishii hard.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

>Nakamura darts in and out of range quickly, trying to get Ishii to commit to throwing a strike.

>Ishii avoids a jab.

>A couple of wild haymakers are used to set up a takedown attempt from Ishii.

>Nakamura tries to step away from the takedown.

>Nakamura avoids the takedown attempt.

>Ishii slips out of the way of a combination of short sharp punches.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Nakamura drops his shoulder and feints to step in, but Ishii isn't buying it.

>A right jab misses and Nakamura counters with a clever combination that finishes with a nice right cross.

>Ishii steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Nakamura swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches.

>There's a takedown attempt from Ishii.

>Nakamura counters with a right hand that catches Ishii flush, rocking him!

>Nakamura slips past a right jab and fires back with a solid left jab.

>Moving forward, Nakamura counters a right jab with a crisp jab.

>Ishii throws a couple of wild punches as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Nakamura sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Nakamura avoided Ishii.

>Ishii is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Nakamura.

>Nakamura uses his strikes to stop Ishii from getting close enough to grapple.

>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Nakamura to fire back with a clean jab.

>A straight left from Nakamura fails to land.

>Ishii quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.

>Ishii throws a couple of wild punches as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Nakamura is too quick, and manages to hit Ishii with a good clean left jab.

>Ishii slips out of the way of a jab.

>Ishii narrowly misses Nakamura with a left uppercut.

>Time slips away as Nakamura doesn't press Ishii, allowing him to circle.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>A couple of wild haymakers are used to set up a takedown attempt from Ishii.

>Nakamura cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Kazuhiro Nakamura is breathing very hard.

>Ishii looks to pass guard and get side control.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Nakamura brings his legs up and tries to lock Ishii in a triangle choke.

>Ishii doesn't let Nakamura get it.

>Ishii tries to pound away on Nakamura, but doesn't do a great deal of damage.

>Nakamura pushes Ishii away while defending the strikes, right out of guard.

>Ishii leans over and throws a big left hand that nails Nakamura, who is lying on his back.

>On his back, Nakamura watches as Ishii comes in looking to get a dominant ground position.

>Ishii comes around the raised legs and gets side control.

>Ishii attempts to americana Nakamura from side control.

>Ishii gets the americana, wrenches it back, and Nakamura has to tap!


>The winner, by submission; Satoshi Ishii!

>Official Result: Satoshi Ishii defeats Kazuhiro 'Kaz' Nakamura (Submission (Americana) in 8:12 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.


8th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Jeff Monson x Mo Lawal


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>Monson counters a one-two combination with a jab.

>Monson slips out of the way of a combination of short sharp punches.

>Monson gets suckered in by a feint, and is lucky to avoid the combination that follows.

>Lawal looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Monson.

>Standing his ground, Monson looks happy to engage Lawal in the pocket.

>Lawal throws a right jab but Monson uses good head movement to make sure it slips by.

>Monson comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.

>Lawal tries to time a counter right hand, but can't get it.

>Monson gets a single leg takedown! Lawal pulls guard off it.

>Monson attempts to pass guard.

>He passes to side control.

>Monson uses side control to drive forward and hit a brutal knee strike just above the hip!

>Monson tries to slip behind and take the back.

>He does it, getting behind Lawal.

>Monson tries to hook Lawal in a rear naked choke.

>Lawal doesn't allow the rear naked choke to be applied.

>Monson blocks Lawal as he tries to roll over.

>Monson tries to lock Lawal in an armbar.

>Monson gets the armbar fully applied and Lawal has to tap out!


>The winner, by submission; Jeff Monson!

>Official Result: Jeff 'The Snowman' Monson defeats 'King Mo' Muhammed Lawal (Submission (Armbar) in 5:03 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


9th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Tony Lopez x Ricardo Arona


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Lopez throws a left jab but Arona avoids it.

>Arona counters a left jab by hitting a flurry of small strikes.

>Arona throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Arona gets a single leg takedown! Lopez pulls guard off it.

>Arona tries to pass the guard.

>He passes guard fairly easily, getting to side control.

>Arona fires off a few punches as he catches his breath.

>Lopez tries to move to guard, but Arona doesn't allow it.

>Arona holds Lopez in position with side control and hits a knee into the ribs.

>Arona holds Lopez in position with side control and hits a knee into the ribs.

>Arona attempts to armbar Lopez from side control.

>Arona gets an armbar fully applied!

>No! He pops his arm free. That was really close.

>Lopez tries to move to guard, but Arona doesn't allow it.

>In side control, Arona begins working to get a mount.

>Lopez can't fend off his opponent and is mounted.

>Arona unloads with some big elbows, but Lopez deals with them comfortably.

>Lopez tries to get enough space to pull half guard, but Arona doesn't allow it.

>Arona pounds away from the mount with elbows, but Lopez covers up and defends them well.

>Arona controls Lopez, who was trying to wriggle to half guard.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Arona tries to pound on Lopez with elbows, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Lopez tries a sweep from the bottom of the mount, but gets rolled and Arona has his back!

>Arona tries to lock Lopez in an armbar.

>Arona rolls onto his back to try and get the armbar, but Lopez pulls free and gets side control.

>Lopez throws a few right hands to the body.

>Lopez throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath.

>Lopez relinquishes side control and stands up, letting Arona stand too.

>Arona uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Lopez to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Lopez tries to step away from the takedown.

>He has the takedown! It's a single leg, and Lopez has to pull guard.

>Arona attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>Arona is too much for Lopez, passing guard and gaining side control.

>Arona begins trying to get himself behind Lopez.

>Lopez can't stop it and gives up his back!

>Arona gets both hooks in, and is now in a really dominant position.

>Arona, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Lopez fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>Lopez tries to improve his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks, but they're too tight.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>With both hooks in, Arona tries to flatten Lopez out for the rear naked choke.

>Lopez doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Lopez tries to improve his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks, but they're too tight.

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>Between rounds, his corner told Lopez to be aggressive and really let his hands go.

>Arona steps back to avoid an enormous knock out punch.

>Moving forward, Arona counters a series of wayward big punches with a series of quick punches.

>Tony Lopez looks very tired out there.

>Arona drops his shoulder as a feint, trying to draw a strike.

>Lopez throws a barrage of big right hands but Arona moves out of range.

>Arona comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Lopez.

>Arona grabs Lopez and pulls him into a grapple.

>Ricardo Arona is breathing very hard.

>Arona looks for a trip takedown.

>It looks like Lopez is trying to grab a guillotine.

>The takedown is successful, Lopez pulls half guard.

>Arona tries to lock Lopez into a kimura.

>Lopez defends himself well and is in no danger.

>Lopez tries to sweep Arona but can't do it.

>Arona tries to pass the half guard.

>Half guard proves to be no trouble for Arona, who passes to side control with ease.

>Arona tries to slip behind and take the back.

>Arona takes the back, Lopez couldn't stop it.

>Arona gets both hooks in, and is now in a really dominant position.

>Arona, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>The rear naked choke is fully applied, Arona has Lopez flattened out completely, there is no option but to tap out!


>By submission, the winner is Ricardo Arona!

>Official Result: Ricardo 'The Brazilian Tiger' Arona defeats 'Kryptonite' Tony Lopez (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 4:52 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


10th Bout: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Roy Boughton x Rampage Jackson


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Jackson counters a flurry of punches with a nice jab.

>Boughton slips past a left jab and fires back with a solid left jab.

>Boughton uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Jackson to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Boughton can't get the takedown, Jackson defended it well.

>A straight left by Boughton keeps Jackson from advancing.

>Not letting up, Jackson steps in closer to pressure Boughton into action.

>A feint sets Jackson up for an inside leg kick, but Boughton evades it.

>A flicked jab from Boughton only finds gloves.

>The fight slows as Jackson sits back and allows Boughton to circle.

>A left hand misses, allowing Boughton to counter with a solid left.

>Boughton comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Jackson.

>Jackson counters with a takedown, and Boughton is forced to pull guard.

>Jackson lies on top of Boughton, basically smothering him.

>Jackson smothers Boughton with his body by pushing forward and down.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Jackson unloads with some big right hands, but Boughton deals with them comfortably.

>Boughton reaches up and tries to lock Jackson in a guillotine.

>Jackson pulls free before the guillotine can be applied.

>Jackson tries to pass the guard.

>He passes, but only to half guard.

>Jackson unloads with big right hands from half guard, and Boughton is struggling to cope!

>Jackson throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Boughton bursts into life and tries to scramble into a better position.

>Jackson seizes the opportunity, Boughton was too slow and gets caught in side control.

>In side control, Jackson begins working to get a mount.

>He mounts Boughton.

>Jackson pounds away with elbows, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Boughton covers up well.

>Boughton tries to move Jackson out of mount but can't.

>Jackson tries to pound on Boughton with elbows, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Boughton tries to move Jackson out of mount but can't.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Jackson tries to pound on Boughton with elbows, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Jackson blocks Boughton as he tries a sweep.

>Jackson fires away with big punches, but Boughton covers up and doesn't take any undue damage.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>Boughton tries for a left jab but Jackson moves out of range.

>They come together and throw strikes, both miss.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.

>With control of the clinch, Boughton tries to complete a takedown.

>Boughton doesn't get the takedown, Jackson blocked it.

>Jackson turns Boughton slightly, creating enough space so that he can break free of the grapple.

>Backing out of range, Boughton circles tentatively.

>Time slips away as Jackson doesn't press Boughton, allowing him to circle.

>Boughton is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Jackson.

>Jackson moves in too, and they start to grapple.

>Jackson tries to pick Boughton up for a slam.

>Jackson has him! Slams him down! Boughton pulls guard.

>Quinton Jackson looks very tired out there.

>Jackson begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Boughton attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Jackson doesn't let Boughton get it.

>Jackson tries to pass the guard.

>Jackson struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Boughton attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Jackson blocks the triangle attempt.

>Roy Boughton doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Jackson attempts to pass guard.

>He eventually passes, but only into half guard.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Jackson pounds away from half guard, and Boughton struggles to deal with them.

>Quinton Jackson looks very, very tired.

>Jackson fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Boughton tries to lock onto an arm from the bottom of half guard.

>A kimura is fully applied, Jackson is in huge trouble!

>No! He pops free. That was really close.

>Jackson attempts to pass half guard and gain a better position.

>Boughton keeps Jackson in half guard.

>Boughton reaches over and tries to lock Jackson in a guillotine.

>The choke is applied, Jackson has no option but to tap out!


>Roy Boughton takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Roy Boughton defeats Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson (Submission (Guillotine) in 8:14 of round 2). The match was rated as being Decent.


Main Event: Cruiserweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Jason Jones x Jimi Manuwa


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Manuwa throws a left jab but Jones avoids it.

>Manuwa scores with a couple of jabs and a right cross.

>Manuwa looks like he might be trying to get in close to clinch with Jones.

>Jones tries to counter with a takedown, but Manuwa defended it well.

>Jones circles, looking for an opening.

>Not letting Jones settle, Manuwa moves in closer.

>Manuwa comes in closer, looking to clinch with Jones.

>Jones finds himself pulled into a Muay Thai clinch.

>Using the clinch, Manuwa blasts Jones with a powerful knee to the cheek!

>Jones wrestles free of the Muay Thai clinch after blocking a knee strike.

>A flicked jab from Jones only finds gloves.

>Not letting Jones settle, Manuwa moves in closer.

>Manuwa tries for a leg kick but Jones moves out of range.

>Manuwa looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>They start grappling, Jones looks happy to engage Manuwa at close quarters.

>Jones is trying to muscle Manuwa up against the ropes.

>Jones doesn't manage it though, as Manuwa slips out of the grapple and gets away.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Jones glances a strike off the side of the shoulder.

>Not letting Jones settle at all, Manuwa comes in closer.

>Manuwa feints an attack, keeping Jones on his toes.

>Manuwa counters a wayward left jab with a crisp jab.

>Moving forward, Manuwa counters a left jab with a leg kick.

>Manuwa looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Seeing an opportunity, Jones avoids the clinch and goes straight for a takedown, but Manuwa is equal to it.

>Jones throws a left jab but Manuwa avoids it.

>Manuwa shoots in for a takedown.

>Jones tries to avoid the takedown.

>Jones avoids the takedown attempt.

>Manuwa steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Manuwa looks like he might be trying to get in close to clinch with Jones.

>Manuwa grabs Jones and pulls him into a Muay Thai clinch.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Using the clinch, Manuwa hits a vicious knee to the chest!

>Manuwa tries a knee strike, but Jones blocks it and wrestles his way out of the Muay Thai clinch.

>Jason Jones is looking really tired.

>Jones glances a strike off the side of the shoulder.

>Manuwa comes in closer to press the issue.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Judging from what we heard from his corner, Jones is looking to get the fight to the ground ASAP.

>Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant.

>Manuwa looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Jones tries to counter by dropping down and going for a single leg, but Manuwa defended it well.

>Breathing very hard, Jimi Manuwa is looking ragged.

>Jones chooses to move forward and try to take Manuwa down.

>Manuwa sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Jones up close into a clinch.

>From the looks of things, I don't think Jason Jones has much energy left.

>Using his wrestling skills, Manuwa is trying to push Jones up against the ropes.

>Manuwa achieves it, pinning Jones to the ropes.

>Jimi Manuwa looks very, very tired.

>Jones is controlled up against the ropes and takes a hard foot stomp.

>Manuwa attempts to wrestle Jones to the ground.

>The takedown doesn't work, Jones blocked it and then turns it so that Manuwa is the one against the ropes.

>With Manuwa stuck against the ropes, Jones tries to set up a judo-style throw.

>A great inside leg trip sees Manuwa get thrown to the mat, and Jones is left in guard.

>The gas tank looks empty on Jason Jones.

>Jones fires off a few punches as he catches his breath.

>Jones throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>Jones fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Jones keeps Manuwa guessing with a few quick strikes.

>Jones fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Manuwa attempts to guillotine Jones from the bottom of the guard.

>Manuwa uses the guillotine hold to sweep into side control.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>In side control, Manuwa throws a couple of punches designed to keep Jones guessing.

>Jones tries to sweep Manuwa but can't do it.

>Manuwa throws a few right hands to the body.

>Manuwa blocks Jones as he tries a transition to guard.

>Manuwa fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Jones tries to pull guard on Manuwa but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.

>Manuwa throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move.

>Jones tries to pull guard on Manuwa but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.

>The lack of progress forces the referee to stand the fighters back up.

>Manuwa comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Jones sees a chance for a takedown attempt, but Manuwa is able to defend it.

>Jimi Manuwa looks like he is completely out of gas.

>Manuwa, who is visibly tired, looks like he might want to get in close and wrestle with Jones.

>Manuwa grapples with Jones, who made no attempt to escape.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Manuwa tries to wrestle Jones backward and up against the ropes.

>Manuwa does it, Jones is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>Manuwa shows great control, keeping Jones pressed against the ropes while punishing him with sharp strikes to the body until the round ends.

>The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.


>The judges' decisions are now being announced.

>All three judges have given Manuwa the win.

>Making Jimi 'The Poster Boy' Manuwa the winner by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Jimi 'The Poster Boy' Manuwa defeats Jason Jones (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Poor.


Prediction Results:


CageRage: 23-14

Jingo: 16-11

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PURE Fighting Championships XXX Card Finalized:


PURE Fighting Championships XXX: Middleweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hamamatsu Arena in Shizuoka, JP/ 4th Week of July 2016


Opening Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Young Choi (16-10-2)


John Salter (8-4)


2nd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Sean Strickland (11-1)


Richardson Moreira (6-2)


3rd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

John Phillips (17-7)


Johnny Cisneros (7-2)


4th Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Magomed Sultanakhmedov (19-7)


Yoel Romero (5-3)


Middleweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Jesse Forbes (16-5)


Valentino Petrescu (13-3)


6th Bout:

Danillo Villefort (14-5)


Jack Marshman (12-3)


7th Bout:

Zouhere el Assadi (6-0)


Mats Nilsson (10-2-1)


8th Bout:

Luiz Cane (13-5)


Tomasz Drwal (20-4-1)


9th Bout:

Mamed Khalidov (28-5-2)


Melvin Manhoef (27-11-1)


10th Bout:

Kazuo Misaki (25-12-2)


Jake Rosholt (15-6)


11th Bout:

Yoshihiro Akiyama (14-6)


Vitor Vianna (13-3-1)


Main Event:

Hiroshi Izumi (8-3)


Nobutatsu Suzuki (10-2-2)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXX: Middleweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hamamatsu Arena in Shizuoka, JP/ 4th Week of July 2016


Opening Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Young Choi (16-10-2)


John Salter (8-4)


2nd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Sean Strickland (11-1)


Richardson Moreira (6-2)


3rd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

John Phillips (17-7)


Johnny Cisneros (7-2)


4th Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Magomed Sultanakhmedov (19-7)


Yoel Romero (5-3)


Middleweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Jesse Forbes (16-5)


Valentino Petrescu (13-3)


6th Bout:

Danillo Villefort (14-5)


Jack Marshman (12-3)


7th Bout:

Zouhere el Assadi (6-0)


Mats Nilsson (10-2-1)


8th Bout:

Luiz Cane (13-5)


Tomasz Drwal (20-4-1)


9th Bout:

Mamed Khalidov (28-5-2)


Melvin Manhoef (27-11-1)


10th Bout:

Kazuo Misaki (25-12-2)


Jake Rosholt (15-6)


11th Bout:

Yoshihiro Akiyama (14-6)


Vitor Vianna (13-3-1)


Main Event:

Hiroshi Izumi (8-3)


Nobutatsu Suzuki (10-2-2)

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PURE Fighting Championships XXX: Middleweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

@ Hamamatsu Arena in Shizuoka, JP/ 4th Week of July 2016</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opening Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:</span></em></p><p>

Young Choi (16-10-2)</p><p>


<strong>John Salter</strong> (8-4)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">2nd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Sean Strickland</strong> (11-1)</p><p>


Richardson Moreira (6-2)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">3rd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:</span></em></p><p>

<strong>John Phillips</strong> (17-7)</p><p>


Johnny Cisneros (7-2)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">4th Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Magomed Sultanakhmedov</strong> (19-7)</p><p>


Yoel Romero (5-3)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Middleweight Grand Prix Opening Round:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">5th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

Jesse Forbes (16-5)</p><p>


<strong>Valentino Petrescu</strong> (13-3)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">6th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

Danillo Villefort (14-5)</p><p>


<strong>Jack Marshman</strong> (12-3)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">7th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Zouhere el Assadi</strong> (6-0)</p><p>


Mats Nilsson (10-2-1)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">8th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

Luiz Cane (13-5)</p><p>


<strong>Tomasz Drwal</strong> (20-4-1)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">9th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

Mamed Khalidov (28-5-2)</p><p>


<strong>Melvin Manhoef</strong> (27-11-1)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">10th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Kazuo Misaki </strong>(25-12-2)</p><p>


Jake Rosholt (15-6)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">11th Bout:</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Yoshihiro Akiyama</strong> (14-6)</p><p>


Vitor Vianna (13-3-1)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Event:</span></em></p><p>

Hiroshi Izumi (8-3)</p><p>


<strong>Nobutatsu Suzuki</strong> (10-2-2)</p>

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PURE Fighting Championships XXX: Middleweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hamamatsu Arena (8,610)






Opening Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

John Salter x Young Choi


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A jab misses, allowing RYO to counter-strike with a hard right kick to the legs.

>RYO slips past an attempted big right hand and counters with a crisp jab.

>Salter comes in swinging wildly, using the strikes as cover so that he can shoot in.

>It looks like RYO is trying to grab a guillotine.

>RYO is unable to apply the guillotine choke.

>The takedown is successful, he almost gets side control but has to settle for half guard.

>Salter attempts a kimura.

>RYO blocks it.

>RYO reaches over and tries to lock Salter in a guillotine.

>RYO gets a guillotine but cannot get Salter to tap out!

>Salter must have managed to stop the choke being properly applied.

>RYO finally gives it up and lets go, but may have gassed his arms in the submission attempt.

>Salter begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>RYO comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Salter in guard.

>Using his leg strength to push Salter back a bit, RYO looks to scramble for position.

>The scramble ends with both fighters back on their feet, facing each other.

>RYO looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Salter moves in too, and they start to grapple.

>RYO attempts to pick Salter up for a slam.

>Salter defends it well and slips away from his opponent.

>Salter chooses to shoot in on RYO.

>RYO attempts to snare Salter in a guillotine off the takedown.

>The takedown is too fast, RYO cannot grab the guillotine.

>RYO cannot stop the takedown but is able to spin away almost immediately upon hitting the ground, and is quickly back on his feet.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>A flurry of punches miss Salter and allow him to counter-strike with a crisp jab.

>RYO is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>RYO and Salter get closer, both looking eager to engage at close range.

>There's a double leg attempt from RYO, from the pocket.

>The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Salter is left on his back pulling guard.

>RYO fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>In guard, RYO catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Salter tries to smother RYO by holding him, but can't keep control.

>RYO throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath.

>In guard, RYO throws a couple of punches designed to keep Salter guessing.

>Salter tries to ensnare RYO in a triangle.

>RYO blocks the triangle attempt.

>RYO tries to smother Salter but can't keep control long enough.

>Salter tries to catch RYO with a punch, but it is not on target.

>The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up.

>Salter chooses to shoot in on RYO.

>He uses a single leg! RYO is too quick though, and as soon as he hits the ground he spins away, getting back to his feet.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Salter slips out of the way of a leg kick.

>Salter is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>He gets into range.

>Seeing a low kick coming, Salter strikes first with a nice jab.

>RYO shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab.

>The time runs out on round one.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>Salter tries for a spinning back fist but RYO moves out of range.

>Salter swings wildly to get RYO to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Salter doesn't get the takedown, RYO saw it coming and was equal to it.

>Salter circles as he plans his next move.

>It seems that RYO is happy to let Salter circle for the moment.

>Salter comes in closer, looking to wrestle with RYO.

>RYO is pulled into a grapple.

>John Salter doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Getting underhooks, Salter looks for a takedown.

>Salter can't get the takedown, RYO defended it well.

>A whizzer allows RYO to execute a sharp turn, creating enough space so that he can pull free of the grappling.

>Salter throws a looping punch, but RYO avoids it.

>Time slips away as RYO doesn't press Salter, allowing him to circle.

>A tired-looking Salter approaches, looking for a takedown.

>RYO won't go down, leaving Salter to settle for pushing him up against the ropes.

>John Salter looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>Salter leaves his head exposed though, and RYO is able to push down on the back of it for leverage.

>Using the position well, RYO pulls Salter down onto all fours, then rolls him to side control!

>RYO tries to lock Salter in an arm triangle.

>The arm triangle is locked in, tight enough that Salter has to tap out!


>The winner, by submission, is Young 'RYO' Choi!

>Official Result: Young 'RYO' Choi defeats John Salter (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 4:40 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


2nd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Richardson Moreira x Sean Strickland


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>A right kick to the legs misses and Strickland fires back with a series of quick lefts.

>Strickland catches a right body kick and goes for a takedown, down goes Monstrão! He pulls guard though.

>In guard, Strickland begins working to pass to side control.

>Monstrão is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Strickland firmly in guard.

>Monstrão tries to sweep Strickland but can't do it.

>Strickland begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Monstrão keeps Strickland in guard.

>Monstrão throws out some punches, but Strickland leans back to avoid them.

>Strickland looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Strickland struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Monstrão attempts to secure an arm.

>A kimura attempt almost catches Strickland, but Monstrão eventually has to settle for using it to sweep to side control.

>Monstrão tries to ensnare Strickland in an armbar.

>A straight armbar is applied, Strickland is in danger of having his arm hyper-extended!

>Shockingly, Monstrão loses it! Strickland pops his arm free, and has somehow survived!

>Monstrão blocks an attempted sweep.

>Monstrão attempts an armbar.

>Monstrão gets an armbar fully applied!

>Monstrão loses the hold! Somehow Strickland got his arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Monstrão blocks Strickland as he tries to get enough separation to scramble up.

>Monstrão tries to put Strickland into an americana.

>Strickland fights off the americana attempt.

>Monstrão loses side control thanks to a sweep from Strickland, but does manage to move to north-south position instead.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Monstrão decides to alter positions and moves himself into side control.

>Monstrão tries to lock Strickland in an armbar.

>An armbar is applied, Strickland is trapped!

>No! He pops his arm free. That was really close.

>Monstrão blocks Strickland as he tries a sweep from side control.

>Monstrão tries to lock Strickland in an armbar.

>Monstrão gets an armbar and applies pressure to the arm, Strickland is in huge trouble!

>Monstrão loses the hold! Somehow Strickland got his arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Monstrão blocks Strickland as he tries a sweep from side control.

>With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet.

>Monstrão uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Strickland to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>He has the takedown! Strickland pulls guard.

>Monstrão looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Monstrão passes to side control with ease.

>Monstrão tries to lock Strickland in an americana.

>Monstrão gets the americana, wrenches it back, and Strickland has to tap!


>The winner, by submission; Richardson Moreira!

>Official Result: Richardson 'Monstrão' Moreira defeats Sean Strickland (Submission (Americana) in 9:05 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


3rd Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Johnny Cisneros x John Phillips


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>Cisneros darts in and out of range quickly, trying to get Phillips to commit to throwing a strike.

>Phillips feints going high, but Cisneros doesn't buy it.

>A barrage of punches miss and Cisneros strikes back with a crisp jab.

>Phillips avoids a low kick.

>Phillips looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Cisneros.

>Cisneros tries to single leg Phillips as he steps in, but he is too quick to step away.

>A straight left from Phillips fails to land.

>Not letting up, Cisneros steps in closer to pressure Phillips into action.

>There's a takedown attempt from Cisneros.

>Phillips counters with a right hand that catches Cisneros flush, rocking him!

>Cisneros avoids a flurry of punches.

>Cisneros avoids a flurry of rights and lefts and hits a kick to the ribs.

>Phillips comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Cisneros tries to single leg Phillips as he steps in, but he is too quick to step away.

>Phillips feints an attack, keeping Cisneros on his toes.

>Phillips avoids a jab and scores with a flurry of quick punches.

>Moving in closer, Phillips looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Phillips and Cisneros get closer, both looking eager to engage at close range.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>They come together and strike, but neither can land a clean shot.

>Phillips dodges a jab, and fires back with a clean left jab.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

>Phillips sees a kick being set up and uses that opportunity to step forward and hit a series of quick jabs.

>Phillips lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a nice jab.

>Cisneros uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>Cisneros comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.

>Cisneros eats a stiff counter right hand and almost goes down!

>Phillips is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Phillips is now standing in the pocket.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>From the missed strikes they clinch.

>Cisneros, controlling the grapple with Phillips, tries to scoop him up for a slam.

>Cisneros has him! Slams him down! Phillips pulls guard.

>Phillips fights off Cisneros as he tries to smother him against the ground.

>Phillips pulls Cisneros close and scores with a couple of short punches to the side of his head.

>Cisneros tries to smother Phillips but can't keep control long enough.

>Phillips grabs Cisneros and draws him in close, smothering him.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Cisneros tries to smother Phillips but can't keep control long enough.

>Phillips tries a sweep from the bottom of the guard, but doesn't budge Cisneros.

>Cisneros fires off a few punches as he catches his breath.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>Phillips tries for a left jab but Cisneros moves out of range.

>John Phillips is looking really tired.

>A left hand misses, allowing Phillips to counter with a flurry of small strikes.

>Phillips throws a left jab but Cisneros avoids it.

>Moving in closer, Cisneros looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Phillips now has Cisneros standing in the pocket.

>An exchange of blows doesn't really produce any damage or a clear advantage.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, both fighters start swinging!

>Winning the exchange, Cisneros lands a right cross, Phillips is out before he hits the ground!


>Johnny Cisneros takes the victory by way of Knock Out!

>Official Result: Johnny Cisneros defeats John 'The White Mike Tyson' Phillips (Knock Out (Punch) in 2:11 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


4th Bout: Middleweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yoel Romero x Magomed Sultanakhmedov


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A straight left fails to land and Sultanakhmedov is able to fire back with a hard right kick to the legs.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>Checking a leg kick, Romero counters back immediately with a punch.

>Sultanakhmedov slips past a jab and scores with a stinging jab.

>Romero slips past a jab and scores with a solid left jab.

>A left jab misses, giving Sultanakhmedov the chance to hit back with a solid punch.

>A low kick is checked by Romero.

>Romero is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Sultanakhmedov.

>Sultanakhmedov ends up grappling for supremacy with Romero.

>Romero has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Sultanakhmedov down.

>The underhooks are used to set up a trip, Sultanakhmedov is left on his back and has to pull guard.

>In guard, Romero begins working to pass to side control.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Sultanakhmedov tries to catch Romero with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Romero attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>He can't find a way past the guard.

>Sultanakhmedov throws out some punches, but Romero leans back to avoid them.

>Romero attempts to pass guard.

>He can't get free of the guard.

>Sultanakhmedov tries to catch Romero with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Romero is trying to pass guard.

>Romero struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Sultanakhmedov tries to catch Romero with a punch, but it is not on target.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>With no progress being made, the referee stands them back up.

>An exchange of blows doesn't really produce any damage or a clear advantage.

>They wind up in a tight clinch.

>Romero uses underhooks to gain solid control, and is looking for a takedown.

>He lifts his opponent and drives him down with a Greco-Roman slam! Sultanakhmedov pulls guard.

>Romero begins trying to pass the guard.

>He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt.

>Sultanakhmedov throws out some punches, but Romero leans back to avoid them.

>Romero begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Sultanakhmedov comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Romero in guard.

>Romero leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Sultanakhmedov.

>Romero tries to pass the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Romero leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Sultanakhmedov.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Romero begins trying to pass the guard.

>Sultanakhmedov is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Romero firmly in guard.

>Sultanakhmedov tries to catch Romero with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Romero pounds away from the guard with elbows, but Sultanakhmedov isn't troubled by them.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>Romero slips past a left jab and counters with a huge right cross that sends Sultanakhmedov straight to the floor! He is out!


>Yoel Romero takes the victory by way of Knock Out!

>Official Result: Yoel 'Soldier of God' Romero defeats Magomed 'White Wolf' Sultanakhmedov (Knock Out (Punch) in 0:25 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


Middleweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout: Valentino Petrescu x Jesse Forbes


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Petrescu slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.

>Forbes throws a left jab but Petrescu avoids it.

>Petrescu drops his shoulder as a feint, trying to draw a strike.

>Forbes comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Petrescu sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Forbes can't get the takedown, Petrescu was too quick to back away.

>Forbes is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Petrescu.

>Forbes grabs Petrescu and pulls him into a grapple.

>Forbes is trying to muscle Petrescu up against the ropes.

>Forbes achieves it, pinning Petrescu to the ropes.

>Forbes uses a hard foot stomp.

>Forbes tries to hit Petrescu with a knee strike, but Petrescu takes the opportunity to switch it around so that he is in control and Forbes is the one backed against the ropes.

>Petrescu smothers Forbes against the ropes, then scores with a left to the side of the stomach.

>Forbes is trapped against the ropes and Petrescu punishes him with some dirty boxing.

>Forbes takes a knee strike just above the hip.

>Petrescu tries to keep him pressed up against the ropes with wrestling, but Forbes isn't allowing it.

>Petrescu suddenly finds a standing guillotine choke slapped on him!

>The guillotine is locked in, tight enough that Petrescu has to tap out!


>The winner, by submission, is Jesse 'Kid Hercules' Forbes!

>Official Result: Jesse 'Kid Hercules' Forbes defeats Valentino 'Battista' Petrescu (Submission (Guillotine) in 4:36 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


6th Bout: Jack Marshman x Danillo Villefort


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>A left jab misses and Marshman strikes back with a straight left.

>Villefort steps back to avoid a leg kick.

>Villefort shoots in for a takedown.

>Marshman tries to strike first with a solid right hook, but isn't quick enough.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Marshman pulling guard.

>The clock runs down as Marshman is being smothered against the ground by Villefort.

>Villefort smothers Marshman with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Villefort smothers Marshman with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Villefort smothers Marshman with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Villefort begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Villefort gets pushed back thanks to a butterfly guard, and Marshman quickly scrambles.

>It's a bad choice though, as Villefort seizes the opportunity to leap forward and secure side control.

>Villefort tries to lock Marshman into an armbar.

>A straight armbar is applied, Marshman is in danger of having his arm hyper-extended!

>Shockingly, Villefort loses it! Marshman pops his arm free, and has somehow survived!

>Villefort feels Marshman prepare to scramble for position and makes sure it doesn't happen.

>Villefort tries to lock Marshman in an armbar.

>Marshman gets caught in an armbar! It's in deep!

>No! Marshman manages to get his arm free. Clearly the hold couldn't have been as tight as it looked.

>Villefort feels Marshman prepare to scramble for position and makes sure it doesn't happen.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Villefort attempts to roll Marshman slightly and take his back.

>Marshman can't stop it and gives up his back!

>Marshman is in huge trouble now, as Villefort successfully gets both hooks in.

>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Villefort tries to finish Marshman off with a rear naked choke.

>The rear naked choke is in deep, Marshman has to tap out!


>Danillo 'Indio' Villefort takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Danillo 'Indio' Villefort defeats Jack 'Hammer' Marshman (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 6:33 of round 1). The match was rated as being Average.


7th Bout: Mats Nilsson x Zouhere el Assadi


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

>el Assadi moves out of range of a flurry of punches.

>After a flurry of punches miss, el Assadi is able to strike back with a left.

>Nilsson scores with a series of quick lefts.

>Nilsson steps back to avoid a left jab.

>There's a takedown attempt from Nilsson.

>el Assadi tries to avoid Nilsson.

>Nilsson can't get the takedown, el Assadi was too quick to back away.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>They wind up in a tight clinch.

>The grappling doesn't go anywhere, and they break apart.

>A left jab misses and Nilsson counters with a series of lefts.

>Nilsson slips out of the way of a jab.

>Nilsson avoids a jab.

>el Assadi comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Nilsson.

>Nilsson ends up grappling for supremacy with el Assadi.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>el Assadi throws a few close-range strikes, but Nilsson smothers the shots and takes control of the grappling.

>Nilsson throws a few close-range strikes, but el Assadi smothers the shots and takes control of the grappling.

>el Assadi tries to wrestle Nilsson backward and up against the ropes.

>el Assadi achieves it, pinning Nilsson to the ropes.

>el Assadi tries to throw an elbow, but Nilsson takes the opportunity to turn his opponent around so that el Assadi ends up backed against the ropes instead.

>Nilsson smothers el Assadi up against the ropes, keeping him stuck there for sixty seconds.

>el Assadi is trapped against the ropes and held there, unable to do anything, for about half a minute.

>With the fight having been stuck against the ropes for a lengthy period of time, the referee restarts them back in the center.

>A straight left from el Assadi fails to land.

>Not letting up, Nilsson steps in closer to pressure el Assadi into action.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Nilsson gets el Assadi with a nice jab.

>el Assadi throws a left jab but Nilsson avoids it.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Nilsson to fire back with a series of quick lefts.

>el Assadi throws a left jab but Nilsson avoids it.

>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.

>Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.

>From the pocket, Nilsson unloads with a sequence of left jabs.

>el Assadi takes a stiff jab.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Nilsson hits a barrage of heavy right hands, forcing el Assadi to cover up!

>Nilsson uses a stiff jab.

>el Assadi gets caught with a barrage of big right hands from the pocket, and despite covering up is eventually knocked to the ground!

>Nilsson knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on el Assadi, looking to finish him off by raining down punches!

>Nilsson pounds away on el Assadi.

>el Assadi had better start defending himself, or this will be over!

>With el Assadi stuck and taking a pounding, the referee has to stop the match!


>Mats Nilsson takes the win by TKO!

>Official Result: Mats Nilsson defeats Zouhere el Assadi (TKO (Strikes) in 3:39 of round 2). The match was rated as being Poor.


8th Bout: Tomasz Drwal x Luiz Cane


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Drwal catches an attempted body kick and goes for a takedown, getting it! Cane manages to pull guard.

>Cane fights off Drwal as he tries to smother him against the ground.

>Drwal gets pushed back thanks to a butterfly guard, and stands, looking down at Cane who remains on his back.

>Cane gets his legs swept aside, and unable to offer any defense, gets caught with an enormous right hand from Drwal!

>The referee pulls Drwal away before any more shots are thrown, as Cane is out cold!


>The winner, by Knock Out, is Tomasz 'Gorilla' Drwal!

>Official Result: Tomasz 'Gorilla' Drwal defeats Luiz 'Banha' Cane (Knock Out (Punch) in 0:59 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


9th Bout: Melvin Manhoef x Mamed Khalidov


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Manhoef feints stepping in.

>A nicely executed one-two combination sets up a takedown attempt from Khalidov.

>Khalidov goes under an attempted counter right hand.

>The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Manhoef is left on his back pulling guard.

>Khalidov looks to get past the guard.

>Khalidov gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Khalidov holds Manhoef in position with side control and hits a knee into the ribs.

>Khalidov hits a vicious knee strike to the ribs!

>Khalidov tries to ensnare Manhoef in an americana.

>Manhoef gets caught by the americana, and it's wrenched back enough that he has to tap!


>Mamed Khalidov takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Mamed 'Cannibal' Khalidov defeats 'Marvelous' Melvin Manhoef (Submission (Americana) in 2:01 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


10th Bout: Jake Rosholt x Kazuo Misaki


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Misaki counters a left jab by using a quick series of shots to the body, showing great hand speed.

>A feint sets up a kick to the body, but Rosholt manages to just avoid it.

>Rosholt is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Misaki.

>Rosholt grabs Misaki and pulls him into a grapple.

>Rosholt is trying to push Misaki so that his back is up against the ropes.

>Rosholt manages it, and controls Misaki up against the ropes.

>Misaki is controlled up against the ropes and takes a hard foot stomp.

>Misaki waits for Rosholt to throw an elbow, then uses wrestling to turn him around so that Rosholt now has his back to the ropes.

>Misaki attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Rosholt to the ground.

>Misaki gets side control off a superb outside leg trip!

>Misaki tries to get into the mount position.

>He can't get the mount.

>Rosholt uses an underhook to work some separation, then quickly scrambles.

>Rosholt manages to come out on top with side control.

>Rosholt attempts to americana Misaki from side control.

>Misaki blocks it.

>Misaki tries to move to guard, but Rosholt doesn't allow it.

>Rosholt stands up and backs off, letting Misaki stand up as well.

>Rosholt moves out of range of a tidy combination of punches.

>Misaki looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Rosholt lets Misaki get closer.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Misaki shoots in, looking for a close range double leg.

>The takedown doesn't work, Rosholt stuffed it.

>Rosholt looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Misaki finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Rosholt separates from Misaki and we're back to a stand-off.

>Rosholt looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Rosholt grabs Misaki and pulls him into a grapple.

>Using his wrestling skills, Rosholt is trying to push Misaki up against the ropes.

>Rosholt does it, Misaki is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>Showing his ability to control opponents, Rosholt smothers Misaki against the ropes while nailing him with short strikes to the body for about thirty seconds.

>Rosholt tries to press him up against the ropes, but finds it hard to keep any sort of real control.

>Misaki finds room to apply a standing guillotine!

>Misaki gets the guillotine sunk in and Rosholt has to tap!


>The winner, by submission; Kazuo Misaki!

>Official Result: 'Grabaka Hitman' Kazuo Misaki defeats Jake Rosholt (Submission (Guillotine) in 8:12 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


11th Bout: Vitor Vianna x Yoshihiro Akiyama


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A tidy combination doesn't find a home, giving Akiyama the opportunity to counter with a solid left.

>Akiyama steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Akiyama tries for a left jab but Vianna moves out of range.

>A straight left fails to land and Akiyama is able to fire back with a clean left.

>Vianna shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Akiyama tries to avoid Vianna.

>Vianna doesn't get the takedown, Akiyama avoided it.

>Vianna steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Vianna looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Akiyama.

>Vianna moves into the pocket.

>Moving in closer, Vianna looks like he may want to wrestle Akiyama.

>Not keen on wrestling Vianna, Akiyama uses movement to keep out of reach.

>Vianna goes to the body and then to the head with a tidy combination to get Akiyama to cover up, then shoots in.

>Akiyama tries to avoid Vianna.

>Akiyama avoids the takedown attempt.

>Vianna avoids a jab and scores with a superb combination of three quick punches to the body and a great right cross.

>Vianna looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Akiyama.

>Akiyama now has Vianna standing in the pocket.

>Moving in closer, Vianna looks like he may want to wrestle Akiyama.

>Akiyama finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Vianna tries to lock his legs around the waist of Akiyama, wanting to pull him down to the floor.

>Vianna gets it, Akiyama is now trapped in his guard.

>Vianna attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>The triangle is locked in deep, Akiyama has to tap out!


>The winner, by submission; Vitor Vianna!

>Post-Fight: Akiyama blames the loss on his training partners, saying that he has never had such a poor camp coming into a fight.

>Official Result: Vitor Vianna defeats Yoshihiro 'Sexyama' Akiyama (Submission (Triangle) in 5:30 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


Main Event: Nobutatsu Suzuki x Hiroshi Izumi


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Izumi grabs a body kick and goes for a judo trip, down goes Suzuki! He pulls guard though.

>Time slips away as Izumi successfully keeps Suzuki stuck against the ground.

>The clock runs down as Suzuki is being smothered against the ground by Izumi.

>Izumi begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Advancing his position fairly easily, he passes to side control.

>Izumi attempts an armbar.

>Suzuki gets caught in an armbar! It's in deep!

>Izumi loses the hold! Somehow Suzuki got his arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Suzuki tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>Izumi looks to roll Suzuki slightly and slip behind.

>He takes the back!

>Izumi tries to flatten Suzuki out for a rear naked choke.

>Suzuki gets flattened out with the rear naked choke, he has to tap!


>Hiroshi Izumi takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Hiroshi Izumi defeats Nobutatsu Suzuki (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 3:58 of round 1). The match was rated as being Decent.


Prediction Results:


CageRage: 28-21

Jingo: 18-21

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXI Card Finalized:


PURE Fighting Championships XXXI: Welterweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hiroshima Sun Plaza/ 4th Week of August 2016


Opening Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yuta Watanabe (16-6-4)


Dhiego Lima (8-2)


2nd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

K-Taro Nakamura (27-6-2)


Yuya Shirai (23-12)


3rd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Taisuke Okuno (15-8-2)


Gasan Umalatov (13-2-1)


Welterweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout:

Magomed Shikshabekov (8-1)


Steve Carl (20-3)


5th Bout:

Andre Galvao (6-2)


Dong Sik Yoon (7-7)


6th Bout:

Hailin Ao (9-0)


Brian Melancon (7-2)


7th Bout:

Alberto Mina (11-1)


Jared Rollins (9-4)


8th Bout:

Takenori Sato (16-8-7)


Myung Ho Bae (14-5)


9th Bout:

Brian Foster (21-5)


Ryan Ford (21-4)


10th Bout:

Gunnar Nelson (13-1-1)


Carlos Eduardo Rocha (10-2)


Main Event:

Jorge Santiago (28-11)


Marius Zaromskis (19-9)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXI: Welterweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hiroshima Sun Plaza/ 4th Week of August 2016


Opening Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yuta Watanabe (16-6-4)


Dhiego Lima (8-2)


2nd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

K-Taro Nakamura (27-6-2)


Yuya Shirai (23-12)


3rd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Taisuke Okuno (15-8-2)


Gasan Umalatov (13-2-1)


Welterweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout:

Magomed Shikshabekov (8-1)


Steve Carl (20-3)


5th Bout:

Andre Galvao (6-2)


Dong Sik Yoon (7-7)


6th Bout:

Hailin Ao (9-0)


Brian Melancon (7-2)


7th Bout:

Alberto Mina (11-1)


Jared Rollins (9-4)


8th Bout:

Takenori Sato (16-8-7)


Myung Ho Bae (14-5)


9th Bout:

Brian Foster (21-5)


Ryan Ford (21-4)


10th Bout:

Gunnar Nelson (13-1-1)


Carlos Eduardo Rocha (10-2)


Main Event:

Jorge Santiago (28-11)


Marius Zaromskis (19-9)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXI: Welterweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hiroshima Sun Plaza/ 4th Week of August 2016


Opening Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yuta Watanabe (16-6-4)


Dhiego Lima (8-2)


2nd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

K-Taro Nakamura (27-6-2)


Yuya Shirai (23-12)


3rd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Taisuke Okuno (15-8-2)


Gasan Umalatov (13-2-1)


Welterweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout:

Magomed Shikshabekov (8-1)


Steve Carl (20-3)


5th Bout:

Andre Galvao (6-2)


Dong Sik Yoon (7-7)


6th Bout:

Hailin Ao (9-0)


Brian Melancon (7-2)


7th Bout:

Alberto Mina (11-1)


Jared Rollins (9-4)


8th Bout:

Takenori Sato (16-8-7)


Myung Ho Bae (14-5)


9th Bout:

Brian Foster (21-5)


Ryan Ford (21-4)


10th Bout:

Gunnar Nelson (13-1-1)


Carlos Eduardo Rocha (10-2)


Main Event:

Jorge Santiago (28-11)


Marius Zaromskis (19-9)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXI: Welterweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hiroshima Sun Plaza (7,233)






Opening Bout: Welterweight Reserve Bout:

Dhiego Lima x Yuta Watanabe


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Lima jabs Watanabe as he advances.

>Moving in closer, Watanabe looks like he may want to wrestle Lima.

>He pulls Lima into a grapple.

>Lima smothers Watanabe when he tries to use some dirty boxing, and gains the upper hand in the grapple as a result.

>Lima looks to get some strikes in, but Watanabe seizes the moment and wrestles his way into control of the grapple.

>Watanabe is trying to push Lima so that his back is up against the ropes.

>Watanabe can't manage it, and Lima gets out of the grapple entirely.

>They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage.

>Watanabe hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Lima doesn't let Watanabe settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.

>Lima counters an errant left jab with a flurry of small strikes.

>A straight left by Lima keeps Watanabe from advancing.

>Watanabe doesn't press the issue, allowing Lima to circle.

>Watanabe hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Not letting up, Lima quickly steps in closer to attack Watanabe.

>A straight left fails to land and Lima is able to fire back with a stinging left jab.

>Advancing, Lima counters a left jab by using a right kick to the thigh.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Watanabe avoids a barrage of big right hands.

>Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant.

>A flicked jab from Watanabe only finds gloves.

>Not letting up, Lima quickly steps in closer to attack Watanabe.

>Lima counters a left jab with a nice left hand.

>Watanabe is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Lima.

>Not wanting to grapple, Lima uses strikes to keep Watanabe at a distance.

>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.

>Lima tries for a left jab but Watanabe moves out of range.

>Lima feints going high but then throws a leg kick, Watanabe just avoids it.

>Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.

>Watanabe circles as he plans his next move.

>Lima seems to be waiting for Watanabe to make a move.

>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Lima uses a jab to sting Watanabe.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>Watanabe sees a right body kick coming, grabs it, shoots in for a takedown, and gets it! Lima has to pull guard.

>Watanabe gets up out of guard and backs off, allowing Lima time to stand too.

>Watanabe looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Watanabe can't get near enough to engage, Lima uses strikes to keep him out of range.

>Watanabe is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Lima.

>Lima is pulled into a grapple.

>Watanabe is looking to muscle Lima back against the ropes.

>Watanabe does it, Lima is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>Watanabe tries to smother Lima against the ropes, but is struggling to maintain control.

>Lima finds room to apply a standing guillotine!

>Lima gets the guillotine sunk in and Watanabe has to tap!


>The winner, by submission, is Dhiego Lima!

>Official Result: Dhiego Lima defeats 'Andre' Yuta Watanabe (Submission (Guillotine) in 2:34 of round 2). The match was rated as being Poor.


2nd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yuya Shirai x K-Taro Nakamura


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate.

>Moving forward, Shirai counters a left jab with a quick series of punches.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>Nakamura looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Shirai.

>Shirai now has Nakamura standing in the pocket.

>Nakamura comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.

>Shirai sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Nakamura up close into a clinch.

>The grappling doesn't go anywhere, and they break apart.

>Nakamura looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Shirai.

>Shirai now has Nakamura standing in the pocket.

>Shirai slips past a jab and scores with a series of quick, sharp punches.

>Good head movement allows Nakamura to avoid a wildly thrown right hand.

>Nakamura looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Shirai keeps himself moving out of range, not wanting to grapple.

>Shirai sneaks a glance at his corner.

>Not letting Shirai settle at all, Nakamura comes in closer.

>Nakamura shoots in for a takedown.

>Shirai stuffs the takedown attempt and then pulls Nakamura into a clinch.

>The grappling doesn't last long, as they soon break away from each other.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.

>Moving in closer, Nakamura looks like he may want to wrestle Shirai.

>Shirai uses movement to keep out reach, meaning Nakamura cannot get close enough to grapple.

>There's a takedown attempt from Nakamura.

>Shirai tries to strike first with a solid right hook, but isn't quick enough.

>The takedown is completed, Shirai is on his back and pulls guard.

>Nakamura fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Nakamura keeps Shirai guessing with a few quick strikes.

>Nakamura pounds away with elbows, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Shirai is comfortable holding guard.

>Shirai tries to sweep Nakamura but doesn't get anywhere.

>Nakamura looks to get past the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Nakamura gets pushed away, and ends up standing over Shirai, who is on his back.

>In comes Nakamura looking to get some form of ground control.

>Shirai scoots backward as soon as Nakamura comes in, initiating a scramble for position.

>The scramble results in Shirai being on his back pulling half guard.

>Yuya Shirai is breathing very hard.

>Nakamura tries to lock Shirai into an arm triangle.

>Shirai blocks it.

>Shirai tries to transition to full guard, but can't manage it.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Nakamura begins trying to get his leg free of half guard and get a better position.

>Nakamura struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in half guard.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>Shirai slips out of the way of a jab.

>Nakamura counters a left jab with a crisp left hand punch.

>Nakamura chooses to shoot in on Shirai.

>Nakamura can't get past the sprawl of Shirai, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Nakamura takes a few punches on the way, but manages to get back to standing.

>Shirai throws a left jab but Nakamura avoids it.

>Yuya Shirai looks very, very tired.

>A left jab misses and Nakamura strikes back with a crisp left hand punch.

>Nakamura comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Shirai.

>The two fighters start grappling for control.

>Nakamura tries to wrestle Shirai backward and up against the ropes.

>Shirai ends up backed against the ropes.

>Breathing very hard, Keita Nakamura is looking ragged.

>Nakamura pins Shirai up against the ropes and hits a couple of nice right hands to the side of the head.

>Nakamura hits Shirai, who is pressed up against the ropes, with a nice short uppercut.

>Shirai takes a hard foot stomp.

>Nakamura tries to smother Shirai against the ropes with wrestling, but he reverses it and pushes Nakamura against the ropes instead.

>Yuya Shirai looks like he is completely out of gas.

>Nakamura waits for Shirai to throw an elbow, then uses wrestling to turn him around so that Shirai now has his back to the ropes.

>Nakamura catches Shirai with a hard right hand to the ribs.

>Nakamura moves back from the grapple and looks ready to strike.

>Nakamura throws a left jab but Shirai uses good head movement to make sure it slips by.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>From the pocket, a tired-looking Nakamura shoots in for a double leg.

>The takedown doesn't work, Shirai sprawled to defend it and then works into a clinch position.

>Keita Nakamura looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Shirai tries to wrestle Nakamura backward and up against the ropes.

>Nakamura doesn't let himself be driven back though, and gets out of the grapple.

>Shirai fakes a lunge.

>Nakamura doesn't let Shirai settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.

>Shirai avoids a couple of wild punches.

>A tired-looking Nakamura approaches, looking for a takedown.

>Shirai tries to time a counter right hand, but can't get it.

>Shirai cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Nakamura throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath.

>Nakamura tries to pass the guard.

>Nakamura isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Keita Nakamura looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Shirai gets the double underhooks in and pulls Nakamura close, controlling him well.

>Nakamura throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Nakamura looks to get past the guard.

>He can't find a way past the guard.

>Shirai attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Nakamura blocks the triangle attempt.

>Time runs out and that's the end of the fight.


>The official decisions are being reported now.

>Judge #1 gives the result in favour of Nakamura.

>Judge #2: Shirai.

>Judge #3 has called it a victory for Nakamura.

>Nakamura wins by split decision!

>Official Result: 'K-Taro' Keita Nakamura defeats Yuya Shirai (Split Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


3rd Bout: Welterweight Grand Prix Opening Round:

Gasan Umalatov x Taisuke Okuno


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Okuno to hit back with a kick to the outside of the left knee.

>Okuno throws a barrage of big right hands but Umalatov moves out of range.

>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.

>A feint sets up a body kick from Okuno, but Umalatov is able to move out of range in time.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>A flurry of rights and lefts all miss, allowing Okuno to hit a vicious leg kick.

>Strikes to the leg like that will take their toll.

>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.

>Umalatov sees a body kick coming, grabs it, shoots in for a takedown, getting it! Okuno manages to pull guard.

>In guard, Umalatov begins working to pass to side control.

>He can't get free of the guard.

>Umalatov postures up, stopping Okuno from throwing elbows from the bottom.

>Umalatov starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt.

>Okuno tries to pull Umalatov in close and pepper him with short strikes, but can't.

>Umalatov tries to pass the guard.

>Okuno keeps his guard secure.

>Okuno works some separation, then tries to quickly scramble his way into a better position.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Okuno ends up having to pull half guard, losing out in the scramble.

>Umalatov attempts an arm triangle.

>Okuno stops Umalatov from applying it.

>Okuno skillfully moves to full guard.

>Umalatov is trying to pass guard.

>Umalatov struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Okuno works some separation, and Umalatov ends up standing looking down at him.

>Umalatov tries to come in and secure a ground position.

>Umalatov can't hold Okuno down and a scramble starts.

>Okuno ends up on the bottom with Umalatov in side control.

>Umalatov looks to roll Okuno slightly and slip behind.

>He can't take the back.

>Okuno bursts into life and tries to scramble into a better position.

>Okuno ends up having to pull half guard, losing out in the scramble.

>Umalatov tries to ensnare Okuno in an arm triangle.

>Okuno defends it well.

>Okuno tries to transition to full guard, but can't manage it.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>In half guard, Umalatov begins working to get side control.

>Okuno doesn't let Umalatov get his leg free, and so half guard remains in place.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Okuno counters a flurry of punches by hitting a kick to the ribs.

>After a flurry of punches miss, Okuno is able to strike back with a barrage of big right hands, forcing Umalatov back!

>Umalatov sees a right kick coming and so moves forward to strike with a solid punch.

>Showing good head movement, Okuno slips past a flurry of strikes.

>An exchange of strikes goes nowhere.

>Stepping back, Okuno creates a bit of distance.

>Umalatov comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Okuno tries to avoid the takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Okuno avoided Umalatov.

>A jab misses, allowing Umalatov to counter-strike with a solid left jab.

>Okuno counters a left jab with a barrage of big punches on Umalatov!

>Taisuke Okuno is looking really tired.

>Umalatov uses good head movement to avoid a huge right hook and counters with a left hook to the body.

>A left jab misses, Umalatov counters with a nice jab.

>A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate.

>From the missed strikes they clinch.

>Umalatov, controlling the grapple with Okuno, tries to scoop him up for a slam.

>Okuno has no answers, he gets lifted up and planted down! Umalatov ends up in guard.

>Umalatov looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Okuno comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Umalatov in guard.

>Using his leg strength to push Umalatov back a bit, Okuno looks to scramble for position.

>Umalatov is too quick though, and is on top of Okuno in a flash, forcing him to turtle up.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Umalatov rolls the turtled Okuno over and secures side control.

>Umalatov is trying to move from side control to mount.

>He can't mount Okuno.

>Gasan Umalatov is breathing very hard.

>Okuno tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>From the looks of things, I don't think Taisuke Okuno has much energy left.

>Umalatov tries to slip behind and take the back.

>He shows excellent control to move Okuno over and take his back.

>Umalatov gets both hooks in, and is now in a really dominant position.

>Umalatov, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Okuno doesn't allow the rear naked choke to be applied.

>Umalatov keeps both hooks, despite Okuno trying to pull them apart.

>Umalatov, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Umalatov flattens Okuno out with the rear naked choke in deep and forces the tap!


>Gasan 'Cobra' Umalatov takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Gasan 'Cobra' Umalatov defeats Taisuke 'Goten' Okuno (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 7:56 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.


Welterweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout: Steve Carl x Magomed Shikshabekov


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.

>In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch.

>Carl is looking to muscle Shikshabekov back against the ropes.

>Carl can't manage it, and Shikshabekov gets out of the grapple entirely.

>Shikshabekov comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Carl sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Shikshabekov up close into a clinch.

>Carl is trying to push Shikshabekov so that his back is up against the ropes.

>Carl can't move Shikshabekov at all though, and finds himself being out-wrestled.

>Getting underhooks, Shikshabekov looks for a takedown.

>Carl blocks the takedown attempt and takes control of the grapple.

>Carl finds himself out-wrestled, and Shikshabekov takes control of the grapple.

>Shikshabekov uses underhooks to gain solid control, and is looking for a takedown.

>Shikshabekov can't get the takedown, as Carl wrestles his way into a dominant position.

>Carl and Shikshabekov break the grapple and are apart again, circling.

>A speculative right hand from Carl doesn't find a home.

>Not letting up, Shikshabekov steps in closer to pressure Carl into action.

>Shikshabekov comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Carl.

>Shikshabekov grabs Carl and pulls him into a grapple.

>Shikshabekov tries to pick Carl up for a slam.

>Carl defends it well though, and slips away from Shikshabekov.

>Carl counters an errant left jab with a solid left jab.

>After a flurry of punches miss, Carl is able to strike back with a clean jab.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Carl keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>Shikshabekov comes in closer to press the issue.

>Shikshabekov uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Carl to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>He has the takedown! Carl pulls guard.

>In guard, Shikshabekov begins working to pass to side control.

>Carl keeps his guard secure.

>Magomed Shikshabekov doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Using his leg strength to push Shikshabekov back a bit, Carl looks to scramble for position.

>Shikshabekov is too quick though, and grabs side control before Carl can get up.

>Shikshabekov tries to lock Carl in an arm triangle.

>Shikshabekov gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, but Carl is still trying to fight out of it!

>Shikshabekov loses the hold! Somehow Carl got himself free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Carl tries a sweep from the bottom of side control, but doesn't budge Shikshabekov.

>Shikshabekov begins trying to get himself into a mount.

>Shikshabekov struggles but cannot mount Carl.

>Shikshabekov blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>Shikshabekov is trying to move from side control to mount.

>He can't get the mount.

>Magomed Shikshabekov looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>Shikshabekov blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Shikshabekov begins trying to get himself behind Carl.

>Carl rolls to the side to try and escape, but gives up his back!

>Shikshabekov tries to ensnare Carl in an armbar.

>Shikshabekov gets the armbar, sinks it in deeply, and Carl has to tap!


>The winner, by submission; Magomed Shikshabekov!

>Official Result: 'The Eagle' Magomed Shikshabekov defeats Steve Carl (Submission (Armbar) in 9:59 of round 1). The match was rated as being Average.


5th Bout: Dong Sik Yoon x Andre Galvao


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Galvao throws a left jab but Yoon avoids it.

>Moving in closer, Yoon looks like he may want to wrestle Galvao.

>Yoon can't get near enough to engage, Galvao uses strikes to keep him out of range.

>Yoon looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Yoon grabs Galvao and pulls him into a grapple.

>Using his wrestling skills, Yoon is trying to push Galvao up against the ropes.

>Yoon does it, Galvao is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>Yoon moves back from the grapple and looks ready to strike.

>Yoon uses good head movement to avoid a huge right hook and counters with a series of quick punches.

>Galvao slips past a jab and scores with a solid punch.

>Yoon slips past a jab and scores with a jab.

>Galvao dodges a jab, and fires back with a punch.

>Yoon uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.

>Stepping back, Yoon creates a bit of distance.

>Moving in closer, Galvao looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Yoon throws a big right hand as a counter, but it misses the target.

>Galvao darts in, feints a jab, darts back out.

>Galvao shoots in for a takedown.

>Yoon stuffs the takedown attempt and then pulls Galvao into a clinch.

>Yoon is trying to muscle Galvao up against the ropes.

>He does so, and now has Galvao pinned to the ropes.

>Unable to get free, Galvao is smothered up against the ropes for about sixty seconds.

>Yoon breaks the grapple and prepares to launch some strikes at Galvao.

>Galvao catches Yoon with a crisp jab from the pocket.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Yoon covers up to absorb a barrage of big right hands.

>Yoon shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab.

>Yoon is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Galvao.

>Galvao keeps himself moving out of range, not wanting to grapple.

>Yoon looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Galvao.

>Galvao ends up grappling for supremacy with Yoon.

>Using his wrestling skills, Yoon is trying to push Galvao up against the ropes.

>Galvao ends up backed against the ropes.

>Unable to break free, Galvao is smothered up against the ropes, taking short blows to the body, for about sixty seconds.

>Yoon shows his grappling ability by pinning Galvao up against the ropes and keeps him there for about thirty seconds.

>With the fighters having been stuck against the ropes for quite a while, the referee bringing them back to the center.

>Yoon is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Yoon moves into the pocket.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Yoon looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>He pulls Galvao into a grapple.

>Yoon is trying to muscle Galvao up against the ropes.

>Yoon achieves it, pinning Galvao to the ropes.

>Yoon looks to try and maintain control via his wrestling skills, but Galvao proves too good and manages to turn them around so that he is in the dominant position.

>Dong Sik Yoon doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>Judging from what we heard from his corner, Yoon is looking to avoid strikes and take it to the ground in this round.

>Yoon keeps his cool as Galvao throws a feint to the left.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>A tired Yoon shoots in, looking for a close range double leg.

>A counter right cross is too slow to catch Yoon.

>The takedown is completed, Galvao is on his back and pulls guard.

>Yoon throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>Galvao doesn't allow Yoon to smother him against the ground.

>Galvao secures an arm and tries to ensnare Yoon in a triangle.

>Yoon doesn't let Galvao get it.

>Perhaps wary of submissions, Yoon keeps extremely tight to Galvao and peppers him with short punches.

>Galvao brings his legs up and tries to lock Yoon in a triangle choke.

>The triangle is locked in deep, Yoon has to tap out!


>By submission, the winner is Andre Galvao!

>Official Result: Andre 'The Prophet' Galvao defeats Dong Sik Yoon (Submission (Triangle) in 2:43 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


6th Bout: Brian Melancon x Hailin Ao


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate.

>Melancon tries for a left jab but Ao moves out of range.

>Melancon catches Ao with a solid left jab.

>Melancon steps in, faking as if going for a shot, but Ao is alive to the deception.

>Melancon keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>Ao steps in closer to force the issue.

>Ao comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Melancon tries to step away from the takedown.

>Melancon avoids the takedown attempt.

>Melancon fires off a barrage of big right hands, forcing Ao to step back.

>Ao looks shaken! He appears to be on rubbery legs after that last strike!

>Ao is knocked off his feet by a barrage of big rights!

>Melancon dives in quickly and secures mount on the dazed Ao!

>Melancon pounds away from the mount with elbows, but Ao covers up and defends them well.

>Ao tries to move Melancon out of mount but can't.

>Melancon pounds away from the mount, and Ao struggles to deal with them.

>Melancon tries to pound on Ao with elbows, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Melancon maintains control, despite Ao trying to wriggle free.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Melancon fires away with big punches, but Ao covers up and doesn't take any undue damage.

>Ao tries to move Melancon out of mount but can't.

>Melancon pounds away on Ao, but few of the shots lands clean.

>Melancon pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Ao covers up well.

>Ao tries to roll Melancon, but only succeeds in giving up his back!

>Ao is in increasing trouble, as Melancon gets both hooks in.

>Melancon, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Ao fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>Melancon loses both hooks, but still has the back.

>Ao is in increasing trouble, as Melancon gets both hooks in.

>Melancon, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Ao doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Melancon attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Ao stops Melancon from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>Ao manages to pull free of the hooks, but still has Melancon on his back.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Melancon successfully gets both hooks in, and seems primed to finish.

>Melancon, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Ao stops Melancon from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 1:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Ao has to cover up to take a barrage of big punches.

>Brian Melancon doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Ao looks unsteady on his feet as he retreats, that last blow may have rocked him!

>Melancon unloads with heavy right hands, knocking Ao down!

>Melancon senses victory and starts to unload with punches!

>Melancon pounds away with punches and Ao is in big trouble!

>Melancon is only stopped by Ao pulling him down into side control.

>Melancon throws a few right hands to the body.

>Ao tries to move to guard, but Melancon doesn't allow it.

>In side control, Melancon throws a couple of punches designed to keep Ao guessing.

>Melancon punches down at Ao, but they are easily taken on the gloves.

>Ao tries to sweep Melancon but can't.

>Melancon throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Ao tries to sweep Melancon but can't do it.

>Melancon begins trying to get himself into mount.

>He finds himself unable to get the mount on this attempt.

>Melancon blocks an attempted sweep.

>Breathing very hard, Hai Lin Ao is looking ragged.

>Melancon throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.

>Ao tries to pull guard on Melancon but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Melancon catches Ao with a crisp left jab.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Ao throws a wild and sloppy right hand as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Ao eats a stiff counter right hand and almost goes down!

>Brian Melancon looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Melancon still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Ao sees a chance for a takedown attempt, but Melancon is able to defend it.

>Ao throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.

>Melancon seems to be waiting for Ao to make a move.

>Ao, who looks drained, comes forward looking for a takedown.

>Melancon tries to time a counter right hand, but can't get it.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Melancon pulling guard.

>Brian Melancon looks exhausted.

>Hai Lin Ao seems to be fighting against exhaustion.

>Ao throws a few right hands to the body.

>Ao attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Ao leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Melancon.

>Looking to catch his breath, Ao is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Ao looks to get past the guard.

>He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt.

>Melancon tries to sweep Ao but doesn't get anywhere.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Ao looks to get past the guard.

>Ao struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Hai Lin Ao looks exhausted.

>Time runs out and that's the end of the fight.


>The ring announcer is now giving the official decisions.

>All three judges have given Melancon the win.

>The winner, by unanimous decision, is Brian Melancon!

>Official Result: Brian Melancon defeats Hai Lin Ao (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


7th Bout: Jared Rollins x Alberto Mina


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Moving forward, Rollins counters a left jab with a left jab to the cheek.

>Mina avoids a quick jab and hits a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the left knee.

>Rollins steps back to avoid a flurry of punches.

>Rollins bobs and weaves.

>Mina comes in closer to press the issue.

>Mina looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>He pulls Rollins into a grapple.

>Using his wrestling skills, Mina is trying to push Rollins up against the ropes.

>He does so, and now has Rollins pinned to the ropes.

>Mina pins Rollins up against the ropes and uses dirty boxing to inflict some damage.

>Mina looks to set up a judo throw.

>Rollins blocks the attempted throw and turns Mina around so that he has his back to the ropes.

>Rollins launches an elbow strike but Mina is ready and uses some wrestling to turn around so that Rollins is the one against the ropes.

>Rollins is trapped up against the ropes and takes repeated small punches to the body from that position. This goes on for roughly half a minute.

>Mina breaks the grapple and prepares to launch some strikes at Rollins.

>Showing good head movement, Rollins slips past a flurry of strikes.

>Mina comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Rollins.

>Mina grabs Rollins and pulls him into a grapple.

>Mina is looking to muscle Rollins back against the ropes.

>Mina does it, Rollins is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Mina takes a short step back and prepares to strike.

>Rollins snaps off a nice left jab from the pocket.

>Working from in the pocket, Rollins catches Mina with a solid left jab.

>Mina slips to one side to avoid a flying knee strike.

>From the pocket, Rollins catches Mina with a crisp jab.

>Slipping past a left jab, Mina hits a left jab to the cheek.

>Mina throws a kick to the body but Rollins dodges it.

>Mina looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Rollins.

>Rollins ends up grappling for supremacy with Mina.

>Mina is trying to push Rollins so that his back is up against the ropes.

>Mina manages it, and controls Rollins up against the ropes.

>Mina looks to take Rollins down by setting up a judo throw.

>Mina doesn't get the throw, Rollins instead wrestles his way into controlling the grapple.

>Unable to break free, Mina is smothered up against the ropes, taking short blows to the body, for about sixty seconds.

>Rollins tries to foot stomp Mina, but he puts himself off balance and gets turned around against the ropes.

>Alberto Mina is looking really tired.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Rollins is controlled up against the ropes and takes a few right hands via some dirty boxing.

>The referee thinks there has been too little progress, and brings the two fighters back to the center.

>Rollins hits a great spinning back fist, Mina is momentarily wobbly!

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>From what we could hear of his corner, it sounds like Rollins has been instructed to push the pace and try to overwhelm Mina in this round.

>A flying knee strike from Rollins hits Mina, momentarily putting him on rubbery legs!

>Mina lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a sharp kick just above the hip.

>Rollins covers up to safely defend against a flurry of rights and lefts.

>Rollins sees a kick being set up and uses that opportunity to step forward and hit a spinning kick to the legs, stinging Mina!

>Using good head movement, Rollins slips past a punch and hits a stinging jab.

>Rollins hits a nice crisp left jab.

>Using good head movement, Rollins ducks under a punch and scores with a straight left.

>Rollins lands a crisp jab.

>From the pocket, Rollins hits a stiff jab.

>Rollins lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a nice jab.

>Mina uses great head movement to avoid a flashy high spinning heel kick and counters with a clean punch.

>A left jab misses, Rollins counters with a straight left.

>Rollins catches Mina with a solid jab.

>Rollins slips past a big right and hits a solid punch.

>Rollins hits a nice crisp left jab.

>Rollins lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a nice right hook to the body that leaves Mina wobbly!

>Mina looks unsteady on his feet as he retreats, that last blow may have rocked him!

>A right head kick lands flush, Mina is knocked down and left dazed!

>Without hesitation, Rollins mounts his stunned opponent!

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Rollins tries to pound on Mina, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Mina tries to move Rollins out of mount but can't.

>Alberto Mina seems to be fighting against exhaustion.

>Rollins unloads with some big punches, but Mina deals with them comfortably.

>Breathing very hard, Jared Rollins is looking ragged.

>Mina tries to move Rollins out of mount but can't.

>Rollins pounds away from the mount with elbows, but Mina covers up and defends them well.

>Rollins blocks an attempt to move him from mount.

>Rollins pounds away with elbows, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Mina covers up well.

>Mina tries to turn over and sweep Rollins, but rolls too far and gives up his back!

>Rollins tries to lock Mina in an armbar.

>The armbar is locked in, tight enough that Mina has to tap out!


>Jared 'J-Roc' Rollins takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Jared 'J-Roc' Rollins defeats 'Soldier of God' Alberto Mina (Submission (Armbar) in 7:47 of round 2). The match was rated as being Decent.


8th Bout: Myung Ho Bae x Takenori Sato


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Bae slips out of the way of a jab.

>Bae counters a wayward left jab with a stinging left jab.

>Sato shoots in for a takedown.

>Bae attempts to snare Sato in a guillotine off the takedown.

>Bae is unable to apply the guillotine choke.

>Bae cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Sato looks to get past the guard.

>Sato isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Bae tries to lock onto an arm from the bottom of the guard.

>Bae gets a kimura and wrenches back, Sato has to tap out!


>The winner, by submission, is 'Wolverine' Myung Ho Bae!

>Official Result: 'Wolverine' Myung Ho Bae defeats Takenori Sato (Submission (Kimura) in 2:11 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


9th Bout: Ryan Ford x Brian Foster


Round 1:

>We are underway!

>A wayward right kick to the body allows Ford to hit a series of quick lefts.

>A body kick misses, giving Ford an opening to score with a nice jab.

>Ford shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Foster won't go down from the takedown attempt, but can't do anything about being pushed up against the ropes.

>Ford pins Foster up against the ropes and hits a couple of nice right hands to the side of the head.

>With Foster stuck against the ropes, Ford gets the underhooks and looks for a takedown.

>Ford gets the takedown by using the underhooks for control and working a trip! Foster pulls guard.

>Ford begins trying to pass the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Foster secures an arm and tries to ensnare Ford in a triangle.

>Ford blocks the attempt.

>Ford is trying to pass guard.

>Foster keeps his guard secure.

>Foster secures an arm and tries to ensnare Ford in a triangle.

>Ford defends well against it.

>Ford begins trying to pass the guard.

>Foster comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Ford in guard.

>Foster raises his legs and tries to get Ford into a triangle choke.

>The triangle is locked in deep, Ford is in a world of trouble!

>Ford rises up while still in the triangle...and slams Foster down into the mat with a powerbomb!

>The powerbomb doesn't shake Foster off, and in fact seems to have only sunk the triangle deeper...forcing the tap out!


>The winner, by submission, is Brian Foster!

>Official Result: Brian Foster defeats 'The Real Deal' Ryan Ford (Submission (Triangle) in 5:51 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


10th Bout: Carlos Eduardo Rocha x Gunnar Nelson


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>Rocha chooses to shoot in on Nelson.

>Nelson attempts to avoid Rocha as he shoots in.

>The takedown doesn't work, Nelson saw it coming and got out of range.

>A straight left fails to land and Nelson is able to fire back with a quick series of punches.

>Rocha is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Nelson.

>Nelson seems happy to grapple with Rocha.

>Clinched with Rocha, Nelson looks to try and take him down.

>Rocha cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull half guard.

>Nelson begins trying to get his leg free of half guard and get a better position.

>Nelson struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in half guard.

>Rocha attempts to guillotine Nelson from the bottom of half guard.

>Nelson defends it well.

>In half guard, Nelson begins working to get side control.

>He can't quite manage to get past half guard on this attempt.

>Rocha tries to lock onto an arm from the bottom of half guard.

>Nelson defends it.

>In half guard, Nelson begins working to get side control.

>Rocha comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Nelson in half guard.

>Rocha attempts a guillotine choke from the bottom of half guard.

>Nelson blocks it.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet.

>Rocha shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Nelson saw the takedown coming, he tries to grab a guillotine.

>Nelson can't get the guillotine choke.

>The takedown is completed, Nelson is on his back and pulls half guard.

>Rocha tries to ensnare Nelson in an arm triangle.

>Nelson blocks it.

>Nelson tries to ensnare Rocha in a guillotine.

>Rocha pulls his head free before the hold can be applied properly.

>Rocha throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Rocha begins trying to get his leg free of half guard and get a better position.

>He can't quite manage to get past half guard on this attempt.

>Nelson attempts to guillotine Rocha from the bottom of half guard.

>Rocha blocks it.

>Rocha tries to lock Nelson into an arm triangle.

>Nelson doesn't allow the arm triangle to be applied.

>Nelson attempts to guillotine Rocha from the bottom of half guard.

>Rocha stops Nelson from applying it.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>The lack of progress forces the referee to stand the fighters back up.

>Nelson fakes a lunge.

>Rocha doesn't let Nelson settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.

>Breathing very hard, Gunnar Nelson is looking ragged.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>Between rounds, his corner told Rocha to watch for strikes but to be aware of takedown opportunities.

>Nelson slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.

>A left hand misses, allowing Rocha to counter with a kick to the inside of the left leg.

>A jab misses and Nelson counters with a solid left.

>Moving in closer, Rocha looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Nelson throws a big right hook first, but it just misses.

>Rocha chooses to shoot in on Nelson.

>The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Nelson is left on his back pulling guard.

>Time slips away as Rocha successfully keeps Nelson stuck against the ground.

>In guard, Rocha catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Time slips away as Rocha successfully keeps Nelson stuck against the ground.

>Rocha looks to get past the guard.

>Nelson keeps his guard secure.

>Nelson tries to catch Rocha with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Nelson is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Rocha off of him.

>Rocha looks to pass guard and get side control.

>He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt.

>Carlos Eduardo Rocha looks very tired out there.

>Nelson tries to pull Rocha in close and pepper him with short strikes, but can't.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet.

>Rocha throws out a quick left jab.

>Nelson seems to be waiting for Rocha to make a move.

>Moving forward, Nelson counters a left jab with a quick series of punches.

>Rocha, who looks drained, comes forward looking for a takedown.

>Nelson tries to avoid Rocha.

>Nelson avoids the takedown attempt.

>Rocha avoids a flurry of punches.

>Gunnar Nelson looks very, very tired.

>Despite being tired, Rocha looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Nelson.

>He gets into range.

>Seeing a low kick coming, Nelson strikes first with a quick series of punches.

>Rocha uses head movement to slip past a punch, then hits a solid punch.

>Rocha catches Nelson with a crisp jab from the pocket.

>Seeing a low kick coming, Nelson strikes first with a left hook to the body.

>Nelson takes a stiff jab.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>From the pocket, Nelson sees a body kick coming and hits a flurry of small strikes.

>From the pocket, Nelson catches Rocha with a crisp jab.

>Using head movement, Rocha slips past a left jab and counters with a quick series of punches.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The judges' decisions are now being announced.

>All three judges have agreed that Nelson is the winner.

>Gunnar 'Gunni' Nelson wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Gunnar 'Gunni' Nelson defeats Carlos 'Ta Danado' Eduardo Rocha (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Poor.


Main Event: Marius Zaromskis x Jorge Santiago


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A leg kick misses badly, giving Santiago an opening to score with a nice one-two combination.

>Zaromskis throws a right jab but Santiago avoids it.

>Santiago looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Zaromskis finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Santiago looks to set up a judo throw.

>An outside leg trip sweeps Zaromskis down to the ground, where he is left on his back pulling guard!

>Santiago looks to pass guard and get side control.

>He passes to side control.

>Santiago tries to lock Zaromskis in an arm triangle.

>Santiago gets the arm triangle fully applied and Zaromskis has to tap


>The winner, by submission, is Jorge Santiago!

>Official Result: Jorge Santiago defeats Marius 'Whitemare' Zaromskis (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 2:19 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


Prediction Results:


CageRage: 36-24

Jingo: 28-22

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PURE presents: Ring of Warriors II

@ Trump Taj Mahal (3,041)




Day 1:


Ian James Schaffa x Zach Light (2R DEC)

Jacob Devree x Abner Lloveras (3R DEC)

Kaleo Kwan x Bastien Huveneers (2R DEC)

Landon Piercy (3R TKO) x Calvin Kattar

Magno Almeida x Eddy Ellis (3R DEC)

Nate Jolly x Dan Bobish (2R DEC)

Oriol Gaset (3R DEC) x Fabiano Capoani

Panapa Pereira x Gary Kelly (3R DEC)

Quek Kim Hock x Herbert Goodman (3R DEC)

Rafael Rodrigues (2R DEC) x Ido Pariente

Salvador Augusto Montavo (2R SUB) x J.A. Dudley

Takaaki Aoki x Kawika Morton (3R TKO)

Valdines Silva x Lawson Tennant (2R DEC)

Wayne Cole (3R DEC) x Majee Overall

Xing Yu Ma (2R DEC) x Nate Lamotte

Yoatzin Meza x Ousmane Thomas Diagne (3R DEC)


Day 2:

Zach Light x Abner Lloveras (2R DEC)

Bastien Huveneers (2R DEC) x Landon Piercy

Eddy Ellis (3R DEC) x Dan Bobish

Fabiano Capoani x Gary Kelly (3R KO)

Herbert Goodman (3R DEC) x Rafael Rodrigues

Salvador Augusto Montavo (3R DEC) x Kawika Morton

Lawson Tennant (3R DEC) x Wayne Cole

Xing Yu Ma x Ousmane Thomas Diagne (2R DEC)


Abner Lloveras (1R KO) x Bastien Huveneers

Eddy Ellis (2R SUB) x Gary Kelly

Herbert Goodman (2R DEC) x Salvador Augusto Montavo

Lawson Tennant (2R DEC) x Ousmane Thomas Diagne


Abner Lloveras x Eddy Ellis (3R DEC)

Herbert Goodman (3R DEC) x Lawson Tennant


Eddy Ellis x Herbert Goodman (3R DEC)


Herbert Goodman is the Ring of Warriors II Champion! He has earned himself a contract with PURE.

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXII Card Finalized:


PURE Fighting Championships XXXII: Lightweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center/ 4th Week of September 2016


Opening Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Joseph Duffy (10-3)


Grant Blackler (8-1)


2nd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

James Edson Berto (18-10-1)


Matt Ricehouse (6-1)


3rd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

E.J. Brooks (7-1)


Jordan Rinaldi (7-1)


4th Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yoshihiro "Barbaro44" Tomioka (17-10-6)


Juha-Pekka Vainikainen (20-7-1)


Lightweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Daisuke Nakamura (28-13)


Musa Khamanaev (13-3)


6th Bout:

ISAO Kobayashi (14-2-3)


Yui Chul Nam (16-4-1)


7th Bout:

Leonardo Santos (12-3)


Paul Sass (14-2)


8th Bout:

Kuniyoshi Hironaka (22-8)


Dan Lauzon (17-4)


9th Bout:

Joe Ellenberger (16-2)


Mairbek Taisumov (19-5)


10th Bout:

Maciej Jewtuszko (13-3)


Kamal Shalorus (8-3-2)


11th Bout:

Tyson Griffin (16-6)


Willamy Chiquerim (26-5)


Main Event:

JZ Calvan (18-7-1)


Kajan Johnson (20-10-1)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXII: Lightweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center/ 4th Week of September 2016


Opening Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Joseph Duffy (10-3)


Grant Blackler (8-1)


2nd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

James Edson Berto (18-10-1)


Matt Ricehouse (6-1)

3rd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

E.J. Brooks (7-1)


Jordan Rinaldi (7-1)


4th Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yoshihiro "Barbaro44" Tomioka (17-10-6)


Juha-Pekka Vainikainen (20-7-1)


Lightweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Daisuke Nakamura (28-13)


Musa Khamanaev (13-3)


6th Bout:

ISAO Kobayashi (14-2-3)


Yui Chul Nam (16-4-1)


7th Bout:

Leonardo Santos (12-3)


Paul Sass (14-2)


8th Bout:

Kuniyoshi Hironaka (22-8)


Dan Lauzon (17-4)


9th Bout:

Joe Ellenberger (16-2)


Mairbek Taisumov (19-5)


10th Bout:

Maciej Jewtuszko (13-3)


Kamal Shalorus (8-3-2)


11th Bout:

Tyson Griffin (16-6)


Willamy Chiquerim (26-5)


Main Event:

JZ Calvan (18-7-1)


Kajan Johnson (20-10-1)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXII: Lightweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center/ 4th Week of September 2016


Opening Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Joseph Duffy (10-3)


Grant Blackler (8-1)


2nd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

James Edson Berto (18-10-1)


Matt Ricehouse (6-1)


3rd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

E.J. Brooks (7-1)


Jordan Rinaldi (7-1)


4th Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yoshihiro "Barbaro44" Tomioka (17-10-6)


Juha-Pekka Vainikainen (20-7-1)


Lightweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Daisuke Nakamura (28-13)


Musa Khamanaev (13-3)


6th Bout:

ISAO Kobayashi (14-2-3)


Yui Chul Nam (16-4-1)


7th Bout:

Leonardo Santos (12-3)


Paul Sass (14-2)


8th Bout:

Kuniyoshi Hironaka (22-8)


Dan Lauzon (17-4)


9th Bout:

Joe Ellenberger (16-2)


Mairbek Taisumov (19-5)


10th Bout:

Maciej Jewtuszko (13-3)


Kamal Shalorus (8-3-2)


11th Bout:

Tyson Griffin (16-6)


Willamy Chiquerim (26-5)


Main Event:

JZ Calvan (18-7-1)


Kajan Johnson (20-10-1)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXII: Lightweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center (8,359)






Opening Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Grant Blackler x Joseph Duffy


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Duffy avoids a jab.

>Duffy catches Blackler with a crisp left jab.

>Blackler steps back to avoid a flurry of punches.

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Blackler.

>The takedown is blocked, and the sprawl allows Duffy to wrestle Blackler down to the ground instead! Blackler pulls guard.

>In guard, Duffy catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Duffy looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Duffy gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Duffy keeps Blackler guessing with a few quick strikes.

>Blackler tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>Duffy begins trying to get himself into a mount.

>Duffy shifts to mount.

>Duffy fires away with elbows, but Blackler deals with them fairly well.

>Duffy pounds away with elbows from the mount, but doesn't really do a great deal of damage.

>Duffy unloads with big punches from the mount, but Blackler is able to deal with most of them.

>Duffy unloads with big elbows from the mount, but Blackler is able to deal with most of them.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Duffy pounds away with elbows, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Blackler covers up well.

>Blackler tries a sweep from the bottom of the mount, but doesn't budge Duffy.

>Duffy pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Blackler covers up well.

>Blackler tries to move Duffy out of mount but can't.

>Duffy tries to pound on Blackler, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Duffy blocks Blackler as he tries a sweep.

>Duffy tries to pound on Blackler, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Duffy blocks Blackler as he tries a sweep.

>Duffy pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Blackler covers up well.

>Blackler tries a sweep from the bottom of the mount, but doesn't budge Duffy.

>Duffy pounds away from the mount with elbows, but Blackler covers up and defends them well.

>Blackler tries to turn over and sweep Duffy, but rolls too far and gives up his back!

>Duffy attempts to set up a rear naked choke on Blackler.

>Blackler rolls to face up, and then manages to spin over so that he is in guard.

>Duffy should have gotten hooks in first before attempting a rear naked choke, and Blackler has capitalised on the mistake.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Blackler starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>Duffy comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Blackler in guard.

>Duffy drags Blackler in to close control, then hits him with a couple of short punches.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>Duffy waits for a flurry of punches to stop, then hits a left jab to the cheek.

>Duffy throws a left jab but Blackler avoids it.

>Blackler comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Duffy tries to avoid the takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Duffy avoided Blackler.

>Blackler looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Duffy.

>Duffy uses movement to keep out reach, frustrating Blackler.

>Blackler throws a left jab but Duffy avoids it.

>Duffy gets Blackler with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power.

>Blackler presses in closer to attack.

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Blackler.

>The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Duffy is left on his back pulling guard.

>Blackler looks to get past the guard.

>He can't get free of the guard.

>Duffy uses his legs to push Blackler away, into a standing position.

>Joseph Duffy looks very tired out there.

>Blackler steps in, but Duffy grabs a leg and pulls him into guard.

>Blackler attempts to pass guard.

>He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt.

>Grant Blackler is breathing very hard.

>Blackler leans back, preventing Duffy from throwing any elbows to the top of the head.

>Blackler starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>Duffy comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Blackler in guard.

>Duffy works some separation, then tries to quickly scramble his way into a better position.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>The scramble leaves Blackler turtled up with Duffy behind.

>Blackler is rolled over onto his back, where Duffy secures side control.

>Duffy attempts to roll Blackler slightly and take his back.

>Duffy takes the back, Blackler could do nothing about it.

>Blackler is in increasing trouble, as Duffy gets both hooks in.

>Duffy pounds away, and Blackler struggles to deal with them.

>Joseph Duffy looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Duffy, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Duffy flattens Blackler out with the rear naked choke in deep and forces the tap!


>Joseph Duffy takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Joseph Duffy defeats Grant 'Bull Ant' Blackler (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 7:41 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


2nd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Matt Ricehouse x Jame Edson Berto


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.

>A couple of wild punches miss, allowing Berto to counter with a stinging jab.

>Using head movement, Berto slips past a left jab and counters with a solid punch.

>Berto uses a nice left jab from the pocket.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Berto hits a solid left jab.

>Ricehouse slips past a jab and scores with a quick series of punches.

>Berto uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>There's a double leg attempt from Ricehouse, from the pocket.

>He has the takedown! Berto is too quick though, and as soon as he hits the ground he spins away, getting back to his feet.

>Berto comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Ricehouse counters by dropping down and hitting a single leg, Berto is forced to pull guard.

>Ricehouse smothers Berto with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Ricehouse attempts to pass guard.

>Ricehouse isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Using his leg strength, Berto pushes Ricehouse away, where he stands.

>Ricehouse tries to secure a ground position.

>Ricehouse can't hold Berto down and a scramble starts.

>The scramble results in Ricehouse being on his back pulling half guard.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Berto attempts to kimura Ricehouse from the top of half guard.

>Ricehouse doesn't allow the kimura to be applied.

>Ricehouse reaches over and tries to lock up an arm.

>Berto defends it.

>Berto reaches over and tries to lock Ricehouse in a kimura.

>Ricehouse defends it well.

>Ricehouse attempts to guillotine Berto from the bottom of half guard.

>Berto pulls his head free before the hold can be applied properly.

>Berto attempts to pass half guard.

>Ricehouse keeps Berto in half guard.

>Ricehouse bursts into life and tries to scramble into a better position.

>Berto is too quick though, and grabs side control before Ricehouse can get up.

>Berto begins trying to get himself into a mount.

>He can't get the mount.

>Ricehouse tries to sweep Berto but can't do it.

>Berto looks to get a mount.

>Ricehouse doesn't let Berto get the mount, and so he remains at side control.

>Ricehouse tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Berto attempts to arm triangle Ricehouse from side control.

>Ricehouse stops Berto from applying it.

>Berto feels Ricehouse prepare to scramble for position and makes sure it doesn't happen.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Between rounds, his corner told Berto to watch for strikes but to be aware of takedown opportunities.

>Berto uses a jab to keep Ricehouse back.

>Berto slips past an attempted big right hand and counters with a solid left jab.

>Berto avoids a couple of wild swings.

>Matt Ricehouse is looking really tired.

>There's a takedown attempt from Berto.

>Ricehouse stuffs the takedown attempt, but can't do anything about being pushed up against the ropes.

>Berto attempts to wrestle Ricehouse to the ground.

>He has the takedown! Ricehouse pulls guard.

>Berto begins trying to pass the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Ricehouse grabs hold of an arm and attempts a triangle choke on Berto from the bottom of the guard.

>Berto doesn't let Ricehouse get it.

>Berto tries to smother Ricehouse, but he squirms free.

>Ricehouse raises his legs and tries to get Berto into a triangle choke.

>Berto doesn't let Ricehouse get it.

>Berto punches down at Ricehouse, but they are easily taken on the gloves.

>Ricehouse grabs hold of an arm and attempts a triangle choke on Berto from the bottom of the guard.

>Berto blocks the attempt.

>Matt Ricehouse looks very, very tired.

>Ricehouse is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Berto off of him.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Berto smothers Ricehouse with his body by pushing forward and down.

>The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up.

>A straight left from Ricehouse fails to land.

>Berto seems to be waiting for Ricehouse to make a move.

>Ricehouse throws a left jab but Berto avoids it.

>Berto comes in swinging wildly, using the strikes as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Ricehouse tries to avoid the takedown.

>Berto doesn't get the takedown, Ricehouse avoided it.

>Berto looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Ricehouse.

>Ricehouse finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>James Edson Berto looks very tired out there.

>Berto is looking to muscle Ricehouse back against the ropes.

>He does so, and now has Ricehouse pinned to the ropes.

>Matt Ricehouse looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Berto shows great control, keeping Ricehouse pressed against the ropes while punishing him with sharp strikes to the body for roughly a minute.

>James Edson Berto looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Berto tries a foot stomp, but that puts him off balance and allows Ricehouse to turn him so that he ends up backed against the ropes.

>Ricehouse launches a knee strike but Berto is ready, catches the leg, and uses some wrestling to turn it around so that Ricehouse is the one against the ropes.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The judges' decisions are now being announced.

>All three judges have Berto down as the winner.

>The winner, by unanimous decision, is James Edson Berto!

>Official Result: 'Little Tiger' James Edson Berto defeats Matt Ricehouse (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.


3rd Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

E.J. Brooks x Jordan Rinaldi


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Brooks counters a left jab with a crisp left hand punch.

>A left jab misses and Brooks counters with a solid left.

>Rinaldi chooses to shoot in on Brooks.

>Brooks sprawls well, and Rinaldi is forced down to his knees, almost turtled up.

>Rinaldi cannot stop himself being rolled and secured in side control.

>Brooks tries to pound on Rinaldi, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Brooks blocks Rinaldi as he tries a transition to guard.

>Brooks attempts to roll Rinaldi slightly and take his back.

>He takes the back!

>Brooks increases his control by getting both hooks in.

>Brooks, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Rinaldi stops Brooks from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>Brooks keeps both hooks, despite Rinaldi trying to pull them apart.

>Brooks attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Rinaldi defends himself well against the choke.

>Rinaldi attempts to pull free of the hooks, but Brooks doesn't allow it.

>Brooks, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Rinaldi stops Brooks from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Brooks, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Rinaldi doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Rinaldi tries to improve his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks, but they're too tight.

>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Brooks tries to finish Rinaldi off with a rear naked choke.

>Rinaldi defends himself well against the choke.

>Brooks, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Rinaldi fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Brooks tries to finish Rinaldi off with a rear naked choke.

>Rinaldi stops Brooks from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>Brooks, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Rinaldi doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.

>Rinaldi manages to pull free of the hooks, but still has Brooks on his back.

>Brooks tries to get Rinaldi locked in a rear naked choke.

>Brooks gets rolled onto his back, and Rinaldi spins over so that he is now in guard.

>Brooks should have gotten hooks in first before attempting a rear naked choke, and Rinaldi has capitalised on the mistake.

>Rinaldi looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Rinaldi struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Rinaldi blocks an attempted sweep.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>From what we could hear of his corner, it sounds like Brooks has been instructed to vary his angles of approach a bit more.

>A left jab misses and Rinaldi strikes back with a right kick to the thigh.

>Rinaldi swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches.

>Rinaldi avoids a jab.

>A jab misses, allowing Rinaldi to counter-strike with a right kick to the thigh.

>There's only so many of those strikes to the legs that can be taken before they become an issue.

>Brooks circles as he plans his next move.

>Rinaldi presses in closer to attack.

>Rinaldi throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Rinaldi walks into a big left jab, landing right on the cheek.

>A big right hand doesn't find its intended target, allowing Rinaldi to fire back with a nice jab.

>A jab misses and Rinaldi counters with a picture-perfect right roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs.

>Rinaldi slips past a left jab and fires back with a crisp jab.

>Brooks glances a strike off the side of the shoulder.

>Not letting Brooks settle at all, Rinaldi comes in closer.

>Rinaldi shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Brooks counters with a left jab that catches Rinaldi hard.

>Emanuel Brooks looks very tired out there.

>Rinaldi avoids a series of wayward big punches and counters with a leg kick.

>Jordan Rinaldi is breathing very hard.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Looking tired, Rinaldi comes in closer, attempting to wrestle with Brooks.

>Brooks finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Rinaldi tries to wrestle Brooks backward and up against the ropes.

>He does so, and now has Brooks pinned to the ropes.

>Rinaldi tries to take Brooks down.

>Rinaldi tries hard but cannot get Brooks off of his feet.

>Jordan Rinaldi looks very, very tired.

>Brooks creates a little bit of space, and that's enough for him to circle away out of the grapple and back to the center.

>Brooks circles, looking for an opening.

>Not letting up, Rinaldi steps in closer to pressure Brooks into action.

>Emanuel Brooks seems to be fighting against exhaustion.

>Brooks counters a right kick to the legs with a barrage of hard punches!

>Rinaldi backs off but does not look at all steady on his feet, he has clearly been rocked by that last blow!

>Regaining his wits just in time, Rinaldi is able to avoid a barrage of big right hands.

>Rinaldi counters a wayward left jab with a stinging left jab.

>A tired-looking Rinaldi throws a couple of ragged punches to get Brooks to cover up, then tries a takedown.

>Brooks attempts to avoid Rinaldi as he shoots in.

>Rinaldi doesn't get the takedown, Brooks avoided it.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Slowly moving in closer, a ragged-looking Rinaldi wants to wrestle Brooks.

>Rinaldi grabs Brooks and pulls him into a grapple.

>Rinaldi tries to pick Brooks up for a slam.

>Brooks defends it well and slips away from his opponent.

>Jordan Rinaldi looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Rinaldi, who looks drained, comes forward looking for a takedown.

>Rinaldi can't get past the sprawl of Brooks, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The judges' decisions are now being announced.

>All three judges give the result in favour of Brooks.

>Emanuel 'The Pretty Boy' Brooks wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Emanuel 'The Pretty Boy' Brooks defeats Jordan Rinaldi (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Decent.


4th Bout: Lightweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Juha-Pekka Vainikainen x Yoshihiro Tomioka


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Vainikainen counters a weak right kick with a nice jab.

>Tomioka throws a left jab but Vainikainen avoids it.

>Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.

>Tomioka tries for a left jab but Vainikainen moves out of range.

>Tomioka is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Vainikainen counters with a takedown, and Tomioka is forced to pull guard.

>In guard, Vainikainen begins working to pass to side control.

>Vainikainen isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Tomioka tries to pull Vainikainen in close and smother him, but doesn't get anywhere with it.

>Vainikainen starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>Vainikainen struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Vainikainen doesn't allow Tomioka to lock him up with double underhooks.

>Vainikainen fires away with big elbows, but Tomioka keeps the guard secure and doesn't take any undue damage.

>Vainikainen leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Tomioka.

>Vainikainen pounds away with right hands, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Tomioka is comfortable holding guard.

>Tomioka bursts into life and tries to scramble into a better position.

>Vainikainen ends up on the bottom with Tomioka in side control.

>Tomioka lets go of side control and stands up, then backs off, wanting the fight standing.

>Tomioka throws a feint.

>Vainikainen shoots in for a takedown.

>The takedown is stuffed, so Vainikainen has to go to settle for pushing Tomioka up against the ropes.

>Tomioka is trapped against the ropes and Vainikainen punishes him with some dirty boxing.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Tomioka is trapped against the ropes and Vainikainen punishes him with some dirty boxing.

>Tomioka is trapped against the ropes and Vainikainen hits him with a short left uppercut.

>With the ropes trapping Tomioka, Vainikainen looks to try and take him down.

>Tomioka keeps his composure, and Vainikainen cannot get past his takedown defence.

>Tomioka tries to get free of the clinch, but is stuck.

>Vainikainen attempts to wrestle Tomioka to the ground.

>Tomioka will not go down, he blocks the takedown despite the best efforts of Vainikainen.

>Breathing very hard, Juha-Pekka Vainikainen is looking ragged.

>Tomioka tries to get clear of the grapple, but Vainikainen holds him in place.

>Vainikainen looks for a trip takedown.

>Vainikainen tries hard but cannot get Tomioka off of his feet.

>Tomioka tries to get clear of the grapple, but Vainikainen holds him in place.

>With Tomioka stuck against the ropes, Vainikainen tries to complete a takedown.

>Tomioka shows stubborn resistance and Vainikainen cannot complete the takedown.

>A whizzer almost allows Tomioka to create enough space to get free, but Vainikainen shuts that opportunity down.

>Juha-Pekka Vainikainen looks very, very tired.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Vainikainen attempts to wrestle Tomioka to the ground.

>Tomioka digs in and manages to defend the takedown.

>Tomioka tries to get clear of the grapple, but Vainikainen holds him in place.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>There's the bell and round number two begins!

>Vainikainen avoids a series of wayward big punches and counters with a crisp left hand punch.

>Tomioka throws a right kick to the body but Vainikainen avoids it.

>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Tomioka to fire back with a right hand.

>Yoshihiro Tomioka is breathing very hard.

>Tomioka moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a right hand.

>Vainikainen uses a right hook to the body, but misses.

>Not letting Vainikainen settle at all, Tomioka comes in closer.

>Tomioka stalks Vainikainen back toward the corner of the ring.

>A left jab misses and Tomioka strikes back with a looping right.

>Vainikainen slips out of the way of a flurry of wild swings.

>Although visibly tired, Tomioka looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Vainikainen uses movement to keep out reach, frustrating Tomioka.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

>Tomioka counters a left jab by using a barrage of big right hands!

>Vainikainen shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Vainikainen steps back and creates some space.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Although visibly tired, Tomioka looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Tomioka is now standing in the pocket.

>Vainikainen steps back just in time to avoid a wild swing.

>Tomioka tries for a left jab but Vainikainen uses head movement to avoid it.

>Tomioka throws a barrage of big punches but Vainikainen covers up safely.

>Yoshihiro Tomioka looks very, very tired.

>Vainikainen steps back just in time to avoid a wild swing.

>Vainikainen circles away, creating some distance between them.

>Tomioka comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Keen to keep space between them, Vainikainen backs away.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Tomioka still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>He gets into range.

>Tomioka throws a wild right but Vainikainen avoids it.

>Tomioka uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a barrage of hard right hands!

>Backing off, Vainikainen stumbles and almost goes down...I think he is hurt!

>Vainikainen gets hit with a barrage of big right hands that put him down!

>Tomioka starts pounding away on Vainikainen, looking to finish him off!

>Tomioka pounds away, the stunned Vainikainen struggles to deal with them.

>Tomioka is only stopped by Vainikainen pulling him down into side control.

>The gas tank looks empty on Yoshihiro Tomioka.

>Tomioka relinquishes side control and stands up, letting Vainikainen stand too.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Vainikainen sneaks a glance at his corner.

>Not letting Vainikainen settle at all, Tomioka comes in closer.

>Tomioka throws a left jab but Vainikainen avoids it.

>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


>The ring announcer is now giving the official decisions.

>All three judges have Tomioka down as the winner.

>'Barbaro44' Yoshihiro Tomioka wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: 'Barbaro44' Yoshihiro Tomioka defeats Juha-Pekka Vainikainen (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Poor.


Lightweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout: Musa Khamanaev x Daisuke Nakamura


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>A left jab misses and Khamanaev strikes back with a straight left.

>Nakamura drops his shoulder as a feint, trying to draw a strike.

>Nakamura comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Khamanaev attempts to snare Nakamura in a guillotine off the takedown.

>Khamanaev can't get the guillotine choke.

>The takedown is completed, Khamanaev is on his back and pulls guard.

>Nakamura looks to get past the guard.

>Khamanaev can't fend off the effort, and can only stop Nakamura at half guard.

>Nakamura tries to lock Khamanaev into an arm triangle.

>Nakamura gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, but Khamanaev is still trying to fight out of it!

>Nakamura loses the hold! Somehow Khamanaev got himself free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Nakamura blocks an attempted sweep.

>In half guard, Nakamura begins working to get side control.

>Getting his leg free with ease, he gets to side control.

>Nakamura tries to lock Khamanaev into an arm triangle.

>Nakamura gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, and Khamanaev has to tap!

>The winner, by submission, is Daisuke Nakamura!

>Official Result: Daisuke Nakamura defeats Musa Khamanaev (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 3:59 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


6th Bout: Yui Chul Nam x ISAO Kobayashi


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>A jab misses and Nam counters with a clean left.

>A left jab misses and Kobayashi strikes back with a kick to the body.

>Countering a wild off-target spinning back fist, Nam hits a series of lefts.

>Kobayashi throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.

>Not letting up, Nam quickly steps in closer to attack Kobayashi.

>Kobayashi avoids a jab.

>Kobayashi circles around Nam.

>Not letting Kobayashi settle at all, Nam comes in closer.

>Moving in closer, Nam looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Kobayashi uses his strikes to stop Nam from getting too close.

>A straight left fails to land and Kobayashi is able to fire back with a clean jab.

>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Kobayashi to hit back with a solid left jab.

>A jab misses and Kobayashi counters with a picture-perfect right roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs.

>Kobayashi slips past a left jab and counters with a swift right kick to the leg.

>Kobayashi looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Kobayashi is in the pocket, ready to attack Nam.

>Nam lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a barrage of heavy right hands, forcing Kobayashi to cover up!

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>A flurry of rights and lefts all miss, allowing Kobayashi to hit a picture-perfect roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs.

>Nam sees a kick being set up and uses that opportunity to step forward and hit a series of quick jabs.

>Nam slips past a jab and scores with a nice jab.

>A left jab misses the mark and allows Kobayashi to counter with a jab.

>Kobayashi uses head movement to avoid a vicious right hand and fire right back with a solid left jab.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Nam hits a crisp left.

>A left jab misses, giving Kobayashi the chance to hit back with a clean punch.

>Using good head movement, Kobayashi ducks under a punch and scores with a picture-perfect roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs.

>Slipping past a flurry of punches, Kobayashi has the angle to counter with a nice jab.

>Kobayashi uses head movement to roll past a scorching right uppercut and comes back with a straight left.

>Kobayashi catches Nam with a solid jab.

>Kobayashi slips past a straight punch and then hits a punch.

>Nam dodges a kick to the body and fires back with a flurry of quick punches to sting Kobayashi.

>Kobayashi uses head movement to avoid a left jab.

>Nam lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a flurry of quick punches.

>Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, both fighters start swinging!

>A right hook lands from Kobayashi, the best punch of the exchange.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>A left jab misses, Kobayashi counters with a clean left jab.

>Working from in the pocket, Kobayashi catches Nam with a solid left jab.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>It sounded like his corner told Kobayashi to stand and try to use counter striking against Nam in this round.

>Kobayashi waits out a flurry of punches and then hits a clean jab.

>Advancing, Nam counters a left jab by using some big right hands!

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Nam hits some heavy right hands!

>Using good head movement, Nam ducks under a punch and scores with a clean left jab.

>Kobayashi slips past a big right and hits a stinging jab.

>Yui Chul Nam is looking really tired.

>A left jab misses, giving Kobayashi the chance to hit back with a solid right hook to the body.

>Dodging to one side, Kobayashi counters an attempted knock out punch with a flurry of quick punches to sting Nam.

>Kobayashi gets a vicious leg kick on Nam from the pocket.

>Yui Chul Nam won't want to take too many unchecked strikes to the legs like that.

>Working from the pocket, Kobayashi stings Nam with a kick to the thigh.

>Yui Chul Nam is now clearly favouring one leg.

>Punishing the legs is a great strategy on the part of Kobayashi.

>It will slow Nam down considerably and lessen the threat of his striking.

>Nam takes a hard inside leg kick.

>Yui Chul Nam is obviously limping.

>From the pocket, Kobayashi hits a flurry of punches on Nam.

>Kobayashi slips past a jab and scores with a nice jab.

>From the pocket, Kobayashi hits a swift leg kick on Nam.

>Yui Chul Nam visibly winced then as another shot landed to the legs.

>Slipping past a left jab, Kobayashi hits a kick to the outside of the knee.

>Nam sees a leg kick coming but strikes first with a straight left.

>Slipping past a left jab, Kobayashi hits a jab.

>Standing in the pocket, Kobayashi throws an inside leg kick but Nam shows good footwork to avoid it.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Good head movement allows Kobayashi to slip past a vicious right hand, and he counters with a kick to the body.

>Slipping past a left jab, Kobayashi hits a kick to the inside of the left thigh.

>A right cross misses, giving Kobayashi the perfect angle to counter-strike with a massive uppercut, knocking Nam down to the ground...he is out cold!


>Isao Kobayashi takes the win by Knock Out!

>Official Result: Isao Kobayashi defeats Yui Chul Nam (Knock Out (Punch) in 5:48 of round 2). The match was rated as being Fantastic.


7th Bout: Paul Sass x Leonardo Santos


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Santos tries for a left jab but Sass moves out of range.

>Sass counters a wayward left jab with a crisp jab.

>Sass keeps his cool as Santos throws a feint to the left.

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Sass.

>Sass can't complete the takedown, and has to settle for pushing Santos up against the ropes.

>With the ropes trapping Santos, Sass looks to try and take him down.

>He has the takedown! Santos pulls guard.

>Sass is trying to pass guard.

>Sass struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Santos brings his legs up and tries to lock Sass in a triangle choke.

>Sass pulls free before the triangle can be locked in.

>In guard, Sass begins working to pass to side control.

>Santos keeps his guard secure.

>Santos tries a sweep from the bottom of the guard, but doesn't budge Sass.

>Sass begins trying to pass the guard.

>He passes the guard well, gaining side control.

>Sass begins trying to get himself behind Santos.

>He does it, getting behind Santos.

>Sass tries to hook Santos in a rear naked choke.

>Sass gets rolled onto his back, and Santos spins over so that he is now in guard.

>Sass paid the price for not getting his hooks in first.

>Santos fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Santos gets pushed away, and ends up standing over Sass, who is on his back.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Sass gets hit with a big stomp!

>Apparently unwilling to engage, Santos lets his opponent stand back up.

>A speculative right hand from Santos doesn't find a home.

>Not letting up, Sass quickly steps in closer to attack Santos.

>Sass is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Santos.

>Sass grabs Santos and pulls him into a grapple.

>Sass tries to take Santos down.

>The takedown is completed, Santos is on his back and pulls guard.

>Sass attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>Sass isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Santos secures an arm and tries to ensnare Sass in a triangle.

>Sass defends well against it.

>Santos is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Sass off of him.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Santos doesn't allow Sass to smother him against the ground.

>Santos attempts a guillotine choke from the bottom.

>Sass pulls his head free before the hold can be applied properly.

>Sass begins trying to pass the guard.

>Santos comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Sass in guard.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Santos slips past a left jab and counters with a hard kick across the side.

>Santos comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Sass tries to avoid Santos.

>Sass avoids the takedown attempt.

>Sass counters a left jab with a clean left.

>Moving in closer, Santos looks like he may want to wrestle Sass.

>Sass is pulled into a grapple.

>Santos is trying to muscle Sass up against the ropes.

>Santos does it, Sass is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>With Sass stuck against the ropes, Santos tries to complete a takedown.

>The takedown is completed, Sass is on his back and pulls guard.

>Santos throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>Sass tries to ensnare an arm.

>A kimura attempt almost catches Santos, but Sass eventually has to settle for using it to sweep to side control.

>Sass begins trying to get himself into a mount.

>Sass struggles but cannot mount Santos.

>Sass feels Santos prepare to scramble for position and makes sure it doesn't happen.

>Sass attempts an armbar.

>Santos stops Sass from applying it.

>Leonardo Santos looks very tired out there.

>Santos tries to pull guard on Sass but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Sass tries to lock Santos in an arm triangle.

>The arm triangle is locked in, tight enough that Santos has to tap out!


>Paul Sass takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Paul 'Sassangle' Sass defeats Leonardo Santos (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 6:05 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.


8th Bout: Dan Lauzon x Kuniyoshi Hironaka


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.

>Lauzon backs away from Hironaka, creating some space between them.

>Hironaka moves out of range of a tidy combination of punches.

>Lauzon feints going high, but Hironaka doesn't buy it.

>Hironaka avoids a tight combination.

>Lauzon looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Hironaka seems happy to engage with Lauzon in the pocket.

>A big right misses, giving Hironaka the chance to counter with a nice left.

>Hironaka tries for a left jab but Lauzon uses head movement to avoid it.

>Standing in the pocket, Hironaka chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Lauzon.

>Lauzon counters with a left jab that catches Hironaka hard.

>Lauzon comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Hironaka counters with a takedown, and Lauzon is forced to pull guard.

>Hironaka lies on top of Lauzon, basically smothering him.

>Hironaka seems to be trying to loosen the guard in an attempt to create a leglock opportunity.

>Lauzon blocks it by keeping his guard secure.

>Lauzon brings his legs up and tries to lock Hironaka in a triangle choke.

>Hironaka blocks the attempt.

>Hironaka tries to break the guard of Lauzon, perhaps looking for a leglock opportunity.

>Lauzon blocks it by keeping his guard secure.

>Hironaka deflects a couple of punches that Lauzon threw from below.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>The clock runs down as Lauzon is being smothered against the ground by Hironaka.

>The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up.

>Hironaka is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Lauzon.

>Lauzon ends up grappling for supremacy with Hironaka.

>Hironaka is looking to muscle Lauzon back against the ropes.

>Lauzon ends up backed against the ropes.

>Hironaka attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Lauzon to the ground.

>Hironaka uses a nice inside leg trip and Lauzon is forced to pull guard!

>Hironaka throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Using his leg strength to push Hironaka back a bit, Lauzon looks to scramble for position.

>He isn't fast enough, and has to turtle up with Hironaka on top of him.

>Lauzon, turtled up, can do nothing to prevent Hironaka from taking his back.

>Hironaka attempts to set up a rear naked choke.

>With his opponent turtled tightly, Hironaka cannot get the rear naked choke applied.

>Hironaka tries to put Lauzon in a rear naked choke.

>The rear naked choke is locked in, Lauzon is flattened out and has to tap!


>The winner, by submission; Kuniyoshi Hironaka!

>Official Result: Kuniyoshi Hironaka defeats Dan 'The Upgrade' Lauzon (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 8:06 of round 1). The match was rated as being Decent.


9th Bout: Mairbek Taisumov x Joe Ellenberger


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Ellenberger slips past a left jab and counters with a nice jab.

>A feint sets Taisumov up for an inside leg kick, but Ellenberger evades it.

>Ellenberger throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Taisumov.

>Ellenberger gets a single leg takedown! Taisumov pulls guard off it.

>Looking to catch his breath, Ellenberger is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Ellenberger begins trying to pass the guard.

>Ellenberger isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Ellenberger leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Taisumov.

>Ellenberger begins trying to pass the guard.

>Taisumov is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Ellenberger firmly in guard.

>Taisumov throws out some punches, but Ellenberger leans back to avoid them.

>Ellenberger begins trying to pass the guard.

>Ellenberger isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Taisumov throws out some punches, but Ellenberger leans back to avoid them.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Ellenberger swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches.

>Ellenberger slips past an attempted big right hand and counters with a kick to the inside of the left leg.

>Taisumov counters a left jab by using a flurry of quick punches.

>An errant jab sets Ellenberger up to counter-strike with a sharp kick to the shin.

>Mairbek Taisumov won't want to take too many unchecked strikes to the legs like that.

>Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.

>Taisumov slips past a left jab and fires back with a left.

>Taisumov drops a shoulder, trying to sucker Ellenberger in with a feint.

>Taisumov throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.

>Ellenberger presses in closer to attack.

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Ellenberger.

>The takedown is completed, Taisumov is on his back and pulls half guard.

>Ellenberger starts trying to work to get out of half guard and into a better position.

>Taisumov keeps Ellenberger in half guard.

>Taisumov tries a sweep from the bottom of half guard, but doesn't budge Ellenberger.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Ellenberger looks to pass half guard and get side control.

>He can't get free of half guard.

>Taisumov tries to sweep Ellenberger but doesn't get anywhere.

>The time runs out on round one.


Round 2:

>And here we go, round two!

>Between rounds we could hear the corner of Taisumov telling him to go right at Ellenberger, hard and fast.

>Ellenberger throws a right kick to the body but Taisumov avoids it.

>Ellenberger slips past a left jab and counters with a nice left hand.

>Taisumov looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Keen to keep space between them, Ellenberger backs away.

>Moving in closer, Ellenberger looks like he may want to wrestle Taisumov.

>Taisumov keeps himself moving out of range, not wanting to grapple.

>Moving in closer, Ellenberger looks like he may want to wrestle Taisumov.

>Taisumov tries to counter Ellenberger with a huge right hand, but it doesn't hit the target.

>A straight left fails to land and Taisumov is able to fire back with a flurry of quick punches to sting Ellenberger.

>Moving in closer, Taisumov looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Ellenberger counters by dropping down and hitting a single leg, Taisumov is forced to pull guard.

>Ellenberger smothers Taisumov with his body by pushing forward and down.

>Ellenberger lies on top of Taisumov, basically smothering him.

>Ellenberger begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Ellenberger isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Ellenberger deflects a couple of punches that Taisumov threw from below.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Taisumov is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Ellenberger off of him.

>Taisumov is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Ellenberger off of him.

>The lack of progress forces the referee to stand the fighters back up.

>Taisumov looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Ellenberger lets Taisumov get closer.

>Ellenberger gets caught with a series of quick lefts from the pocket.

>A left jab misses, giving Ellenberger the chance to hit back with a clean left jab.

>Ellenberger uses head movement to slip past a vicious right and he hits a clean punch.

>A big right misses, giving Ellenberger the chance to counter with a kick to the ribs.

>A left jab misses, Ellenberger counters with a kick to the inside of the left thigh.

>Ellenberger slips past a straight punch and hits a stinging inside leg kick.

>Mairbek Taisumov is obviously limping.

>A flurry of rights and lefts all miss, allowing Ellenberger to hit a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the knee.

>Mairbek Taisumov winces in pain after yet another shot to the leg.

>They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage.

>Joe Ellenberger is looking really tired.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>From the pocket, Taisumov hits a stiff jab.

>Ellenberger slips past a straight punch and hits a nice left.

>Ellenberger slips past a flurry of rights and lefts and hits a kick to the inside of the left thigh.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The ring announcer is now giving the official decisions.

>All three judges have Ellenberger down as the winner.

>The winner, by unanimous decision, is Joe Ellenberger!

>Official Result: Joe 'Excalibur' Ellenberger defeats Mairbek 'Beckan' Taisumov (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Poor.


10th Bout: Kamal Shalorus x Maciej Jewtuszko


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>A straight left fails to land and Jewtuszko is able to fire back with a left.

>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.

>Jewtuszko throws a combination of rights and lefts, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Shalorus tries to hook a guillotine as Jewtuszko comes in.

>Shalorus can't get the guillotine choke.

>The takedown is completed, but Shalorus is on his back less than a few seconds; spinning out and away, he quickly gets back up.

>Shalorus slips past a left jab and counters with a left jab to the cheek.

>A left hand misses, allowing Jewtuszko to counter with a crazy flying knee strike, but Shalorus somehow doesn't go down!

>Jewtuszko shoots in, looking for a close range double leg.

>Shalorus sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Jewtuszko up close into a clinch.

>Shalorus has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Jewtuszko down.

>Shalorus gets the takedown by using the underhooks for control and working a trip! Jewtuszko pulls guard.

>The clock runs down as Jewtuszko is being smothered against the ground by Shalorus.

>Shalorus attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>He passes to half guard.

>Shalorus looks to pass half guard and get side control.

>Jewtuszko comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Shalorus in half guard.

>Jewtuszko tries a sweep from the bottom of half guard, but doesn't budge Shalorus.

>Shalorus tries to pass the half guard.

>Jewtuszko keeps his half guard secure.

>Jewtuszko tries to sweep Shalorus but doesn't get anywhere.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Shalorus looks to pass half guard and get side control.

>He finds himself unable to get past the half guard on this attempt.

>Jewtuszko tries to sweep Shalorus but can't do it.

>Shalorus is trying to get out of half guard and into a better position.

>He can't find a way past half guard.

>Shalorus blocks an attempted sweep.

>Shalorus attempts to pass half guard.

>Shalorus isn't able to pass from half guard thanks to the tenacious defence of Jewtuszko.

>Jewtuszko tries to sweep Shalorus but doesn't get anywhere.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Shalorus throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Jewtuszko attempts to avoid Shalorus as he shoots in.

>Shalorus can't get the takedown, Jewtuszko was too quick to back away.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Jewtuszko comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Shalorus tries to avoid the takedown.

>Jewtuszko can't get the takedown, Shalorus was too quick to back away.

>Shalorus counters an attempted body kick by scoring with a left.

>Shalorus throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Jewtuszko.

>Jewtuszko tries to step away from the takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Jewtuszko avoided Shalorus.

>The time runs out on round one.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>Jewtuszko counters a left jab with a solid left jab.

>Shalorus comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>A counter right hook catches Shalorus hard, almost putting him down!

>Shalorus slips out of the way of a body kick.

>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Shalorus to hit back with a solid left.

>Jewtuszko is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Standing his ground, Shalorus looks happy to engage Jewtuszko in the pocket.

>Shalorus eats a murderous right hand, he is out before he hits the ground!


>Maciej Jewtuszko takes the victory by way of Knock Out!

>Official Result: Maciej 'Irokez' Jewtuszko defeats Kamal Shalorus (Knock Out (Punch) in 2:31 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


11th Bout: Willamy Chiquerim x Tyson Griffin


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Griffin isn't drawn in by Chiquerim feinting to his left.

>Griffin tries to get a knock out with a scorching right cross but Chiquerim moves out of range.

>Griffin gets suckered in by a feint, and is lucky to avoid a flurry of rights and lefts.

>Griffin steps back to avoid a kick to the body, having been suckered in with a feint.

>Moving in closer, Chiquerim looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Griffin catches the advancing Chiquerim by surprise with a takedown.

>Griffin looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Chiquerim is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Griffin firmly in guard.

>Griffin gets pushed back thanks to a butterfly guard, and Chiquerim quickly scrambles.

>He may regret that choice, as it gives Griffin the perfect opportunity to come over the top and get side control.

>Griffin attempts to roll Chiquerim slightly and take his back.

>Chiquerim is in big trouble as he is forced to give up his back!

>Chiquerim prevents himself falling into even more serious trouble, blocking Griffin from getting hooks in.

>Chiquerim tries a roll, but doesn't budge Griffin.

>Chiquerim is in huge trouble now, as Griffin successfully gets both hooks in.

>Griffin, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Griffin gets the rear naked choke fully applied and Chiquerim has to tap out!


>Tyson Griffin takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Tyson Griffin defeats Willamy 'Chiquerim' Freire (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 5:03 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


Main Event: Kajan Johnson x JZ Calvan


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Advancing, Cavalcante counters a left jab by using a nice jab.

>A feinted high kick gets a reaction, and Johnson is lucky to avoid the follow-up inside leg kick.

>Cavalcante uses a smart combination to get Johnson to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Johnson cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Cavalcante fires away with elbows, but Johnson deals with them fairly well.

>Cavalcante doesn't let Johnson pull him in close to be smothered.

>The clock runs down as Johnson is being smothered against the ground by Cavalcante.

>In guard, Cavalcante begins working to pass to side control.

>Johnson finds his opponent too skilled, and Cavalcante passes guard into side control.

>Cavalcante begins trying to get himself into mount.

>He easily gets the mount.

>Cavalcante tries to ensnare Johnson in an armbar.

>The armbar is locked in, tight enough that Johnson has to tap out!


>The winner, by submission; Gesias Cavalcante!

>Official Result: Gesias 'JZ' Cavalcante defeats 'Rajin'' Kajan Johnson (Submission (Armbar) in 3:41 of round 1). The match was rated as being Decent.


Prediction Results:


CageRage: 41-31

Jingo: 35-27

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIII Card Finalized:


PURE Fighting Championships XXXIII: Featherweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Komazawa Gymnasium/ 4th Week of October 2016


Opening Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Toshihiro Shimizu (15-13-10)


Tomoyuki Fukami (9-2-6)


2nd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Doo Ho Choi (12-4)


Masaki Yanagisawa (14-11-1)


3rd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Wicky Akiyo (15-9-1)


Savant Young (12-9)


Featherweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout:

Alvin Robinson (13-7)


Noad Lahat (8-0)


5th Bout:

SHOJI Maruyama (13-9-1)


Jon Shores (12-3)


6th Bout:

John Teixeira (15-1-1)


Brandon Bender (11-0)


7th Bout:

Mackens Semerzier (8-4)


Mark Streigl (13-0)


8th Bout:

Yuji Hoshino (21-8-7)


Giovanni da Silva Santos (13-1)


9th Bout:

Michihiro Omigawa (14-13-1)


Renato Carneiro (8-1-2)


10th Bout:

Kazuyuki Miyata (13-10)


Ryan Schultz (24-13-1)


Main Event:

Mizuto Hirota (16-7-1)


Alan Omer (17-3)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIII: Featherweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Komazawa Gymnasium/ 4th Week of October 2016


Opening Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Toshihiro Shimizu (15-13-10)


Tomoyuki Fukami (9-2-6)


2nd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Doo Ho Choi (12-4)


Masaki Yanagisawa (14-11-1)


3rd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Wicky Akiyo (15-9-1)


Savant Young (12-9)


Featherweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout:

Alvin Robinson (13-7)


Noad Lahat (8-0)


5th Bout:

SHOJI Maruyama (13-9-1)


Jon Shores (12-3)


6th Bout:

John Teixeira (15-1-1)


Brandon Bender (11-0)


7th Bout:

Mackens Semerzier (8-4)


Mark Streigl (13-0)


8th Bout:

Yuji Hoshino (21-8-7)


Giovanni da Silva Santos (13-1)


9th Bout:

Michihiro Omigawa (14-13-1)


Renato Carneiro (8-1-2)


10th Bout:

Kazuyuki Miyata (13-10)


Ryan Schultz (24-13-1)


Main Event:

Mizuto Hirota (16-7-1)


Alan Omer (17-3)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIII: Featherweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Komazawa Gymnasium/ 4th Week of October 2016


Opening Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Toshihiro Shimizu (15-13-10)


Tomoyuki Fukami (9-2-6)


2nd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Doo Ho Choi (12-4)


Masaki Yanagisawa (14-11-1)


3rd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Wicky Akiyo (15-9-1)


Savant Young (12-9)


Featherweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout:

Alvin Robinson (13-7)


Noad Lahat (8-0)


5th Bout:

SHOJI Maruyama (13-9-1)


Jon Shores (12-3)


6th Bout:

John Teixeira (15-1-1)


Brandon Bender (11-0)


7th Bout:

Mackens Semerzier (8-4)


Mark Streigl (13-0)


8th Bout:

Yuji Hoshino (21-8-7)


Giovanni da Silva Santos (13-1)


9th Bout:

Michihiro Omigawa (14-13-1)


Renato Carneiro (8-1-2)


10th Bout:

Kazuyuki Miyata (13-10)


Ryan Schultz (24-13-1)


Main Event:

Mizuto Hirota (16-7-1)


Alan Omer (17-3)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIII: Featherweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Komazawa Gymnasium (5,239)






Opening Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Tomoyuki Fukami x Toshihiro Shimizu


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>Fukami moves out of range of some wild punches.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.

>Fukami fakes a lunge.

>Shimizu quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.

>A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate.

>From the missed strikes they clinch.

>Shimizu manages to wrestle his way into a dominant position in the grapple.

>Shimizu attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Fukami to the ground.

>Shimizu doesn't get the throw, Fukami instead wrestles his way into controlling the grapple.

>Fukami is looking to muscle Shimizu back against the ropes.

>Fukami can't manage it, and Shimizu gets out of the grapple entirely.

>Fukami counters some wild swings with a jab.

>A couple of wild punches go sailing past, giving Fukami the opportunity to counter with a jab.

>A straight left by Fukami keeps Shimizu from advancing.

>Shimizu steps in to put some pressure on.

>Shimizu shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Fukami tries to avoid Shimizu.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Fukami avoided Shimizu.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Shimizu looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Fukami lets Shimizu get closer.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>They wind up in a tight clinch.

>Fukami tries to wrestle Shimizu backward and up against the ropes.

>Shimizu out-wrestles him though.

>Shimizu looks to set up a judo throw.

>Fukami is taken down by a quick inside leg trip, he can do nothing but pull guard!

>Shimizu looks to get past the guard.

>Shimizu isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Toshihiro Shimizu doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Grabbing an arm, Fukami attempts to lock on a triangle choke.

>Fukami gets the triangle choke, it's in deep and Shimizu has to tap out!


>Tomoyuki Fukami takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Tomoyuki Fukami defeats Toshihiro Shimizu (Submission (Triangle With Armbar) in 7:56 of round 1). The match was rated as being Poor.


2nd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Masaki Yanagisawa x Doo Ho Choi


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Choi hits a swift leg kick on Yanagisawa.

>Choi catches Yanagisawa moving in with a jab.

>Stepping in, Choi is able to nail a tasty jab - right cross combination.

>Yanagisawa didn't like that one bit, and quickly backs off.

>Choi lands a powerful right hook to the body, having set it up with a couple of sharp jabs.

>Yanagisawa gets caught with a nice one-two combination.

>Yanagisawa has his hands far too low.

>Choi scores with a couple of tight angled jabs and a scorching right hook to the body.

>Choi tries for a right body kick but Yanagisawa moves out of range.

>Choi glances a strike off the side of the shoulder.

>Yanagisawa seems to be waiting for Choi to make a move.

>A jab misses and Choi counters with a crisp left hand punch.

>Choi scores with a couple of jabs and a right cross.

>Yanagisawa avoids a low kick.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Choi hits a barrage of big punches on Yanagisawa and knocks him down!

>Choi senses victory and looks to finish with stomps and soccer kicks!

>Choi hits several vicious stomps and kicks!

>The referee dives in to save Yanagisawa from any further shots!


>The winner, by TKO; Doo Ho Choi!

>Official Result: 'The Korean Super Boy' Doo Ho Choi defeats Masaki Yanagisawa (TKO (Strikes) in 5:36 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


3rd Bout: Featherweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Savant Young x Wicky Akiyo


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Young throws a left jab but Nishiura avoids it.

>Young just slips out of the way of a flurry of strikes, having been off balance after falling for a feint.

>Nishiura throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Young.

>Nishiura finds his takedown blocked with a sprawl, and Young promptly wrestles him to the ground, taking his back in the process.

>Young tries to lock Nishiura in an armbar.

>Nishiura pulls free of the armbar attempt, leaving Young lying flat, easily secured in side control.

>Nishiura starts trying to work to go from side control to mount.

>He finds himself unable to get the mount on this attempt.

>Young tries to break free and scramble for position, but Nishiura keeps him trapped.

>In side control, Nishiura begins working to get a mount.

>He can't mount Young.

>Young attempts to get some separation in order to try to stand, but can't.

>In side control, Nishiura throws a couple of punches designed to keep Young guessing.

>Nishiura tries to lock Young in an armbar.

>Young blocks it.

>Nishiura blocks Young as he tries to get enough separation to scramble up.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Young uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Nishiura to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Nishiura tries to step away from the takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Nishiura avoided Young.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Nishiura comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Young.

>Young tries to single leg Nishiura as he moves forward, but he is too quick to step away.

>Nishiura throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Young sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Nishiura doesn't get the takedown, Young avoided it.

>Young steps back to avoid a kick to the body.

>Nishiura feints going high, but Young doesn't buy it.

>Nishiura tries for a spinning back fist but Young moves out of range.

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Nishiura.

>Nishiura can't get the takedown, Young defends it well and pulls them into a clinch.

>Young looks for a trip takedown.

>Young doesn't get the takedown, Nishiura blocked it.

>A whizzer allows Nishiura to execute a sharp turn, creating enough space so that he can pull free of the grappling.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Nishiura is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Young tries to counter by dropping down and going for a single leg, but Nishiura defended it well.

>There's a takedown attempt from Nishiura.

>Young looks to grab a guillotine off the takedown.

>Young can't get the guillotine choke.

>Nishiura gets a single leg takedown! Young pulls guard off it.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>Between rounds, his corner told Young to be ready to sprawl if Nishiura shoots in.

>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Young to hit back with a clean left.

>A flurry of punches fail to land, giving Young the opportunity to counter with a clean jab.

>An errant jab sets Nishiura up to counter-strike with a quick series of punches.

>Nishiura side-steps an attempted knock out right and hits a sharp kick just above the hip.

>Savant Young looks very tired out there.

>Nishiura looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Nishiura moves into the pocket.

>Slipping past a flurry of punches, Young has the angle to counter with a nice left.

>Akiyo Nishiura doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Nishiura hits a left hook to the body.

>Good head movement allows Young to go under a vicious left hand and immediately counter with a crisp left.

>Young slips past a jab and scores with a straight left.

>Young slips past a straight punch and then hits a punch.

>Nishiura dodges a jab, and fires back with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.

>A flurry of lefts and rights don't trouble Young, who covered up well.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Young steps back and creates some space.

>Nishiura counters an errant left jab with a flurry of small strikes.

>A flurry of punches fail to land, giving Young the opportunity to counter with a left.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Young uses a right hook to the body, but misses.

>Nishiura comes in closer to press the issue.

>Akiyo Nishiura looks very, very tired.

>Young counters a left kick to the body by hitting a quick series of punches.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Nishiura still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Strikes from Young keep Nishiura from stepping in too close.

>Despite being tired, Nishiura looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Young.

>Keen to maintain some distance, Young uses strikes to keep Nishiura away.

>Young counters a left kick to the body by hitting a left jab to the cheek.

>Nishiura steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out.

>Nishiura comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Nishiura can't get near enough to engage, Young uses strikes to keep him out of range.

>A flurry of punches miss Young and allow him to counter-strike with a solid left.

>A straight left fails to land and Nishiura is able to fire back with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.

>An errant jab sets Nishiura up to counter-strike with a clean right.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Despite being tired, Nishiura looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Young.

>Nishiura is now standing in the pocket.

>A right jab misses the mark and allows Young to counter with a quick series of punches.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The judges have given their decisions, which are about to be announced.

>Judge #1: Nishiura.

>Judge #2 gives the result in favour of Young.

>Judge #3 has Nishiura as the winner.

>Akiyo 'Wicky Akiyo' Nishiura wins by split decision!

>Official Result: Akiyo 'Wicky Akiyo' Nishiura defeats Savant 'Black Superman' Young (Split Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


Featherweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


4th Bout: Noad Lahat x Alvin Robinson


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Robinson throws a left jab but Lahat avoids it.

>Robinson steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Robinson uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Lahat to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>It looks like Lahat is trying to grab a guillotine.

>The takedown is too fast, Lahat cannot grab the guillotine.

>Lahat cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Robinson starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>He does excellently, getting past the guard and into side control.

>Robinson starts trying to work to go from side control to mount.

>Lahat doesn't let Robinson get the mount, and so he remains at side control.

>Robinson blocks an attempted sweep.

>Robinson begins trying to get himself behind Lahat.

>He takes the back!

>Robinson attempts to set up a rear naked choke on Lahat.

>Lahat stops Robinson from flattening him out.

>Lahat manages to turtle up, even with Robinson on top of him.

>Lahat is rolled over onto his back, where Robinson secures side control.

>Robinson tries to ensnare Lahat in an americana.

>Lahat fights off the americana attempt.

>Lahat brings his legs in to trap Robinson in half guard.

>Robinson attempts to pass half guard and gain a better position.

>Robinson struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in half guard.

>Lahat tries to ensnare an arm.

>Robinson fends off Lahat, and doesn't give up an arm.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Robinson starts trying to work to get out of half guard and into a better position.

>Lahat keeps his half guard secure.

>Lahat attempts a guillotine choke from the bottom of half guard.

>Robinson blocks it.

>Robinson attempts a kimura.

>Lahat defends himself well and is in no danger.

>Lahat struggles and manages to go from half guard to full guard.

>Robinson lies on top of Lahat, basically smothering him.

>Time slips away as Robinson successfully keeps Lahat stuck against the ground.

>Robinson attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>He passes guard fairly easily, getting to side control.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Robinson throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move.

>Robinson starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Lahat.

>Lahat is in big trouble as he is forced to give up his back!

>Robinson tries to get both hooks in, but can't quite manage it.

>Round one ends as time expires.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Between rounds, his corner told Robinson to watch for strikes but to be aware of takedown opportunities.

>Robinson slips out of the way of a jab.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>Lahat comes in swinging wildly, using the strikes as cover so that he can shoot in.

>It looks like Robinson is trying to grab a guillotine.

>The takedown is successful, but Robinson has caught Lahat in a guillotine!

>Noad Lahat looks very tired out there.

>Robinson gets the guillotine but despite his best efforts he cannot force the tap out!

>The guillotine must not be completely applied, otherwise this would be over.

>Robinson releases the hold, perhaps having gassed his arms by squeezing for too long.

>Breathing very hard, Alvin Robinson is looking ragged.

>Lahat starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Robinson brings his legs up and tries to lock Lahat in a triangle choke.

>Lahat blocks the attempt.

>Lahat throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move.

>Robinson raises his legs and tries to get Lahat into a triangle choke.

>Lahat defends well against it.

>Lahat looks to get past the guard.

>Robinson is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Lahat firmly in guard.

>Robinson secures an arm and tries to ensnare Lahat in a triangle.

>Robinson gets the triangle choke, it's in deep and Lahat has to tap out!


>Alvin Robinson takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Alvin 'Kid' Robinson defeats Noad 'Neo' Lahat (Submission (Triangle With Armbar) in 4:56 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


5th Bout: Jon Shores x SHOJI Maruyama


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>Shores counters a left jab by hitting a flurry of quick punches.

>Shoji avoids a flurry of punches and hits a clean left.

>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.

>Shores chooses to shoot in on Shoji.

>Shoji sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Shoji avoided Shores.

>Shoji looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Shores.

>Keen to maintain some distance, Shores uses strikes to keep Shoji away.

>Shoji looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Shores.

>Shoji is in the pocket, ready to attack Shores.

>Shoji tries for a left jab but Shores uses head movement to avoid it.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Shoji steps back and creates some space.

>Shoji comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>The two fighters move closer, ready to strike.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Shoji steps back and creates some space.

>Shores throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Shoji cannot stop the takedown but is able to spin away almost immediately upon hitting the ground, and is quickly back on his feet.

>Shores just slips out of the way of a flurry of strikes, having been off balance after falling for a feint.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>Shores uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Shores comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.

>The takedown is completed, Shoji is on his back and pulls half guard.

>Shores attempts to arm triangle Shoji from the top of half guard.

>Shores gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, but Shoji is still trying to fight out of it!

>Out of the blue, Shoji breaks free! Shores must not have had it locked up as tight as it looked.

>Shoji tries to sweep Shores but can't do it.

>Shores looks to get past the half guard.

>Shores gets past the guard, but doesn't go for side control after all, instead shifting straight into a mount.

>Shores unloads with big punches from the mount, landing several that clearly hurt Shoji.

>Shores fires away with punches, and Shoji is stung by several big shots.

>Shores unloads with big punches from the mount, landing several that clearly hurt Shoji.

>Shores fires away with punches, but Shoji deals with them fairly well.

>Shores pounds away from the mount, but is unable to land many clean shots on Shoji.

>Shores pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Shoji covers up well.

>Shoji tries to turn over and sweep Shores, but rolls too far and gives up his back!

>Shores successfully gets both hooks in, and seems primed to finish.

>Shores, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Shoji stops Shores from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>Shoji struggles against Shores but cannot get himself free from the hooks.

>Shores, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>The rear naked choke is fully applied, Shores has Shoji flattened out completely, there is no option but to tap out!


>The winner, by submission, is 'Killer' Jon Shores!

>Official Result: 'Killer' Jon Shores defeats Shoji 'Noboru Samurai' Maruyama (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 9:22 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


6th Bout: Brandon Bender x John Teixeira


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>A left jab misses and Teixeira strikes back with a big right kick to the outside of the thigh.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up grappling.

>Using his wrestling skills, Bender is trying to push Teixeira up against the ropes.

>Teixeira out-wrestles him though.

>Using his wrestling skills, Teixeira is trying to push Bender up against the ropes.

>Teixeira achieves it, pinning Bender to the ropes.

>Bender avoids a foot stomp attempt.

>Teixeira goes to use some dirty boxing, but Bender is aware of the danger and uses wrestling to prevent any damage from happening.

>Bender is trapped against the ropes and Teixeira punishes him with a solid elbow strike to the cheek.

>Teixeira tries to use his dirty boxing skills, but Bender uses wrestling to prevent any strikes from being launched.

>Teixeira catches Bender with a knee strike to the thigh.

>Strikes to the leg like that will take their toll.

>Teixeira tries to throw a knee strike from the clinch, but Bender takes the opportunity to turn his opponent around so that Teixeira ends up backed against the ropes instead.

>With Teixeira stuck against the ropes, Bender tries to complete a takedown.

>Bender gets the takedown! Teixeira pulls guard.

>Bender attempts to pass guard.

>Bender gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Bender attempts to roll Teixeira slightly and take his back.

>Bender takes the back, Teixeira could do nothing about it.

>Bender pounds away with right hands, hitting several big shots.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Teixeira prevents Bender from getting his hooks in.

>Teixeira tries to turn over and sweep Bender but can't do it.

>Teixeira prevents himself falling into even more serious trouble, blocking Bender from getting hooks in.

>Teixeira tries to turn over and sweep Bender but can't do it.

>Teixeira is in huge trouble now, as Bender successfully gets both hooks in.

>Bender attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Teixeira fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Bender tries to finish Teixeira off with a rear naked choke.

>Teixeira doesn't allow the rear naked choke to be applied.

>Teixeira struggles against Bender but cannot get himself free from the hooks.

>Bender pounds away, and Teixeira struggles to deal with them.

>Bender, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>Teixeira fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>Teixeira improves his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Teixeira is in huge trouble now, as Bender successfully gets both hooks in.

>Bender, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied.

>The rear naked choke is in deep, but Teixeira only has to survive a few seconds before the round ends!

>The time runs out on round one.


Round 2:

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>From what we could hear of his corner, it sounds like Bender has been instructed to try and get Teixeira to the floor in this round.

>A barrage of punches miss and Bender strikes back with a left.

>A flurry of punches miss Teixeira and allow him to counter-strike with a barrage of big right hands, forcing Bender back!

>Teixeira works the jab.

>Bender, standing at close range, catches a body kick and goes for a takedown, and gets it! Teixeira has to pull guard.

>John Teixeira looks very tired out there.

>Bender looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Teixeira finds his opponent too skilled, and Bender passes guard into side control.

>Bender starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Teixeira.

>He shows excellent control to move Teixeira over and take his back.

>Teixeira is in huge trouble now, as Bender successfully gets both hooks in.

>Bender, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Teixeira fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>Breathing very hard, Brandon Bender is looking ragged.

>Bender maintains his hooks, despite Teixeira trying to break them.

>With both hooks in, Bender tries to flatten Teixeira out for the rear naked choke.

>Teixeira doesn't allow the rear naked choke to be applied.

>Teixeira struggles against Bender but cannot get himself free from the hooks.

>Bender pounds away on Teixeira, landing several good shots in the process.

>Bender, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied.

>Teixeira stops Bender from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.

>John Teixeira looks very, very tired.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Bender attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Bender flattens Teixeira out with the rear naked choke in deep and forces the tap!


>The winner, by submission, is Brandon Bender!

>Official Result: Brandon Bender defeats John 'Macapa' Teixeira (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 5:53 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.


7th Bout: Mark Striegl x Mackens Semerzier


Round 1:

>And here we go!

>They both meet with strikes, but neither does any damage.

>Semerzier grabs a body kick and goes for the takedown, and gets it! Striegl pulls guard.

>Looking to catch his breath, Semerzier is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Striegl works some separation, and Semerzier ends up standing looking down at him.

>Semerzier looks to get on top of Striegl.

>Striegl stops Semerzier at half guard, preventing him from getting side control.

>Semerzier attempts an arm triangle.

>The arm triangle is fully applied, Striegl is in deep trouble but is still trying to fight free!

>Shockingly, Semerzier loses it! Striegl pops his head free, and has somehow survived!

>Semerzier blocks an attempted move from half guard to full guard.

>In half guard, Semerzier catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Striegl attempts a guillotine choke from the bottom of half guard.

>Semerzier blocks it.

>Semerzier begins trying to get his leg free of half guard and get a better position.

>He can't quite manage to get past half guard on this attempt.

>Semerzier blocks Striegl as he tries a transition to full guard.

>Semerzier attempts to pass half guard and gain a better position.

>He finds himself unable to get past the half guard on this attempt.

>Striegl tries to move from half guard to full guard, but Semerzier doesn't allow it.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet.

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Striegl.

>Striegl can't take Semerzier off his feet, so settles for pushing him face-first up against the ropes instead.

>Striegl tries to get up onto the back of Semerzier and apply a choke.

>Striegl cannot get the choke applied, Semerzier fought him off.

>Striegl tries to get up onto the back of Semerzier and apply a choke.

>Semerzier fights hard and does not let Striegl get a grip.

>With the ropes trapping Semerzier, Striegl, holding him from behind, looks to try and take him down.

>Semerzier shows stubborn resistance and Striegl cannot complete the takedown.

>Striegl tries to take Semerzier down from behind.

>Semerzier shows excellent takedown defence and turns so that Striegl is backed against the ropes.

>Having been stuck against the ropes for a while without any progress, the referee brings them back to the center.

>An errant jab sets Striegl up to counter-strike with a leg kick.

>A straight left by Striegl keeps Semerzier from advancing.

>Time slips away as Semerzier doesn't press Striegl, allowing him to circle.

>Striegl shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>The takedown doesn't work, Semerzier sprawled to defend it and then works into a clinch position.

>Semerzier tries to wrestle Striegl backward and up against the ropes.

>Semerzier does it, Striegl is stuck with his back to the ropes.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Semerzier has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Striegl down.

>Semerzier can't get the takedown, as Striegl wrestles his way into a dominant position.

>Mark Striegl is breathing very hard.

>With Semerzier stuck against the ropes, Striegl tries to set up a judo-style throw.

>Semerzier keeps his composure, and Striegl cannot get enough leverage to throw him.

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


Round 2:

>We are back underway!

>Striegl avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.

>Mackens Semerzier looks very tired out there.

>A tired-looking Semerzier approaches, looking for a takedown.

>Striegl stuffs the takedown, so Semerzier has to settle for pushing him up against the ropes.

>Semerzier has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Striegl down.

>Striegl keeps his composure, and Semerzier cannot get past his takedown defence.

>Striegl turns Semerzier slightly, but can't create enough space to get free of the clinch.

>Semerzier has gotten underhooks in and is looking to take Striegl to the ground.

>Semerzier can't get the takedown, but does get behind Striegl when he attempts to wriggle free.

>Mackens Semerzier looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.

>Striegl uses a whizzer to half turn Semerzier, creating enough space for him to break away from the grapple and return to the center.

>Mark Striegl seems to be fighting against exhaustion.

>Looking tired, Semerzier comes in closer, attempting to wrestle with Striegl.

>Striegl uses his strikes to stop Semerzier from getting close enough to grapple.

>Semerzier, who looks drained, comes forward looking for a takedown.

>Striegl sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Striegl avoided Semerzier.

>Semerzier throws out a quick left jab.

>Time slips away as Striegl doesn't press Semerzier, allowing him to circle.

>Semerzier keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>It seems that Striegl is happy to let Semerzier circle for the moment.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Semerzier chooses to move forward and try to take Striegl down.

>Striegl tries to step away from the takedown.

>Semerzier doesn't get the takedown, Striegl avoided it.

>Mark Striegl looks like he is completely out of gas.

>Striegl sneaks a glance at his corner.

>Semerzier presses in closer to attack.

>Looking tired, Semerzier comes in closer, attempting to wrestle with Striegl.

>Semerzier can't get near enough to engage, Striegl uses strikes to keep him out of range.

>A drained-looking Semerzier tries to close the distance between them.

>Strikes from Striegl keep Semerzier from stepping in too close, and he is forced to step back.

>Mackens Semerzier looks like he is completely out of gas.

>A tired-looking Semerzier approaches, looking for a takedown.

>Striegl tries to avoid the takedown.

>The takedown doesn't work, Striegl saw it coming and got out of range.

>Semerzier hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Striegl seems to be waiting for Semerzier to make a move.

>Semerzier uses a right hook to the body, but misses.

>It seems that Striegl is happy to let Semerzier circle for the moment.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>A tired-looking Semerzier approaches, looking for a takedown.

>Striegl tries to avoid Semerzier.

>Striegl avoids the takedown attempt.

>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


>The judges have given their decisions, which are about to be announced.

>Judge #1: Semerzier.

>Judge #2 has Striegl as the winner.

>Judge #3 gives the result in favour of Striegl.

>The winner, by split decision, is Mark Striegl!

>Official Result: Mark 'Mugen' Striegl defeats Mackens 'Mack Da Menace' Semerzier (Split Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Very Poor.


8th Bout: Giovanni da Silva Santos x Yuji Hoshino


Round 1:

>The fight begins!

>They come together and throw strikes, both miss.

>Hoshino avoids a barrage of punches and hits a nice left hand.

>Santos throws a barrage of big right hands but Hoshino moves out of range.

>Santos looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>He gets into range.

>Hoshino dodges a jab, and fires back with a nice jab.

>Good head movement allows Santos to avoid a flurry of rights and lefts.

>Standing in the pocket, Hoshino chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Santos.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Santos pulling guard.

>In guard, Hoshino begins working to pass to side control.

>Hoshino isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Santos tries to pull Hoshino in close and pepper him with short strikes, but can't.

>Hoshino lies on top of Santos, basically smothering him.

>Hoshino begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>He can't find a way past the guard.

>Santos throws out some punches, but Hoshino leans back to avoid them.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Hoshino looks to get past the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Santos tries to catch Hoshino with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Time slips away as Hoshino successfully keeps Santos stuck against the ground.

>With no progress being made, the referee stands them back up.

>Hoshino uses a smart combination to get Santos to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>The takedown is successful, he almost gets side control but has to settle for half guard.

>Hoshino punches down at Santos, but they are easily taken on the gloves.

>Hoshino looks to pass half guard and get side control.

>He passes half guard fairly easily, getting to side control.

>Hoshino looks to get a mount.

>He does it, and has the mount on Santos.

>Hoshino pounds away with elbows from the mount, but doesn't really do a great deal of damage.

>Hoshino starts hammering away at Santos with punches.

>Unless he finds a way out of this position soon, Santos is going to lose this fight!

>The referee stops the fight, he didn't feel Santos was intelligently defending himself!


>Yuji Hoshino takes the win by TKO!

>Official Result: Yuji Hoshino defeats Giovanni 'Soldado' da Silva Santos (TKO (Strikes) in 9:23 of round 1). The match was rated as being Average.


9th Bout: Renato Carneiro x Michihiro Omigawa


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Moicano avoids a quick jab and hits a left.

>Both fighters throw strikes, no significant damage is inflicted by either.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Omigawa steps back and creates some space.

>Omigawa avoids a quick jab and hits a superb combination of right hook to the body and a big left cross.

>Omigawa uses a smart combination to get Moicano to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Moicano tries to step away from the takedown.

>Omigawa can't get the takedown, Moicano was too quick to back away.

>Moicano fakes a lunge.

>Omigawa comes in closer to press the issue.

>Omigawa looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Omigawa cannot get close enough to the elusive Moicano to grapple.

>Omigawa counters a left jab by hitting a thudding left hook to the body.

>Moicano hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Not letting Moicano settle at all, Omigawa comes in closer.

>Omigawa shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Moicano sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Moicano avoided Omigawa.

>Moicano counters a tight combination by hitting a crisp jab.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.

>Omigawa comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Omigawa cannot get close enough to the elusive Moicano.

>Omigawa throws a combination of rights and lefts, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>Moicano tries to avoid the takedown.

>Omigawa can't get the takedown, Moicano was too quick to back away.

>Moicano throws a left jab but Omigawa avoids it.

>Omigawa looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Moicano.

>Moicano uses movement to keep out reach, frustrating Omigawa.

>Omigawa looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Moicano.

>Moicano uses movement to keep out reach, frustrating Omigawa.

>A tidy combination doesn't find a home, giving Moicano the opportunity to counter with a clean jab.

>Omigawa is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Omigawa moves into the pocket.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Moicano shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Moicano steps back and creates some space.

>Moicano tries for a left jab but Omigawa moves out of range.

>Moicano narrowly misses Omigawa with a right uppercut.

>Omigawa steps in closer to force the issue.

>The time runs out on round one.


Round 2:

>Round two begins!

>Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant.

>Omigawa uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a right jab to the cheek.

>Omigawa uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a right jab to the cheek.

>Omigawa throws a wild right hand, but Moicano covers up and absorbs the strike.

>Moicano backs away from Omigawa, creating some space between them.

>Omigawa shoots in for a takedown.

>Moicano tries to avoid Omigawa.

>Omigawa can't get the takedown, Moicano was too quick to back away.

>Moicano slams a crisp right into the gloves of Omigawa, but can't follow up.

>The fight slows as Omigawa sits back and allows Moicano to circle.

>A straight left by Moicano keeps Omigawa from advancing.

>The fight slows as Omigawa sits back and allows Moicano to circle.

>Renato Carneiro looks very tired out there.

>Omigawa comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Moicano sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Omigawa doesn't get the takedown, Moicano avoided it.

>Omigawa is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Moicano uses movement to keep out reach, frustrating Omigawa.

>Moicano eats a pair of nice shots to the body.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes but neither hits.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.

>Omigawa looks to set up a judo throw.

>Omigawa can't get the throw, as Moicano wrestles his way into a dominant position.

>The grappling doesn't last long, as they soon break away from each other.

>A straight left fails to land and Omigawa is able to fire back with a superb combination of right hook to the body and a big left cross.

>A jab misses, allowing Omigawa to counter-strike with a superb combination of three quick punches to the body and a great left cross.

>Omigawa scores with a solid right jab.

>Moicano throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.

>The fight slows as Omigawa sits back and allows Moicano to circle.

>Omigawa shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Moicano attempts to avoid Omigawa as he shoots in.

>Omigawa can't get the takedown, Moicano was too quick to back away.

>Renato Carneiro looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Omigawa throws a looping punch, but Moicano avoids it.

>Moicano doesn't press the issue, allowing Omigawa to circle.

>Moving in closer, Omigawa looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.

>Omigawa is now standing in the pocket.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Omigawa is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Moicano.

>Moicano ends up grappling for supremacy with Omigawa.

>With Moicano in his grasp, Omigawa tries to set up a judo-style throw.

>Omigawa can't get the throw, as Moicano wrestles his way into a dominant position.

>The grappling doesn't last long, as they soon break away from each other.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


>The judges have given their decisions, which are about to be announced.

>All three judges give the result in favour of Omigawa.

>Omigawa wins by unanimous decision!

>Official Result: Michihiro Omigawa defeats Renato 'Moicano' Carneiro (Unanimous Decision in 10:00 of round 2). The match was rated as being Awful.


10th Bout: Ryan Schultz x Kazuyuki Miyata


Round 1:

>There's the opening bell!

>Schultz unloads with heavy right hands, knocking Miyata down!

>Schultz moves in quickly, kneeling beside Miyata and starting to hammer down with punches!

>Dazed as he is, Miyata still manages to do the smart thing and pull half guard.

>Schultz tries to stand up, but Miyata keeps him firmly in half guard.

>Miyata tries to pull Schultz into a guillotine choke from the bottom of half guard.

>Schultz defends it well.

>Schultz wants to stand up, but cannot get out of half guard.

>Miyata attempts to guillotine Schultz from the bottom of half guard.

>Schultz stops Miyata from applying it.

>Miyata keeps Schultz, who looked to be trying to stand up, in half guard.

>Miyata attempts a guillotine choke from the bottom of half guard.

>Miyata gets a guillotine but cannot get Schultz to tap out!

>It looks like Schultz must have been able to stop the choke from being fully sunk in.

>The guillotine is finally released, Miyata may have gassed his arms trying to force the tap out.

>In guard, Schultz throws a couple of punches designed to keep Miyata guessing.

>Miyata brings his legs up and tries to lock Schultz in a triangle choke.

>Schultz doesn't let Miyata get it.

>In guard, Schultz throws a couple of punches designed to keep Miyata guessing.

>Schultz starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>He can't get free of the guard.

>Miyata attempts a triangle choke on Schultz from the bottom of the guard.

>Schultz blocks the attempt.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Schultz attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>Miyata keeps Schultz in guard.

>Miyata brings his legs up and tries to lock Schultz in a triangle choke.

>Schultz defends well against it.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Schultz moves in after a nice feint and uses a flurry of quick punches to sting Miyata.

>Miyata gets caught with several big right hands! He tries to cover up, but is getting blitzed!

>Miyata gets knocked down and Schultz keeps up the pressure with punch after punch!

>With Miyata taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match!


>The winner, by TKO, is 'Lion' Ryan Schultz!

>Official Result: 'Lion' Ryan Schultz defeats Kazuyuki 'Little Hercules' Miyata (TKO (Strikes) in 7:27 of round 1). The match was rated as being Decent.


Main Event: Alan Omer x Mizuto Hirota


Round 1:

>Round one begins!

>Countering a wild off-target spinning back fist, Hirota hits a crisp jab.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't lead to any real damage.

>Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.

>Hirota throws a barrage of big punches but Omer covers up and is no danger.

>Hirota tries for a left jab but Omer uses head movement to avoid it.

>There's a double leg attempt from Omer, from the pocket.

>Omer can't get past the sprawl of Hirota, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Omer gets up sharply, sensing that Hirota was preparing to throw a vicious knee strike to the head.

>Omer avoids a kick to the leg and hits a jab.

>Hirota drops his shoulder as a feint, trying to draw a strike.

>Hirota tries for a right body kick but Omer moves out of range.

>A left jab misses and Hirota counters with a leg kick.

>Omer throws three punches in quick succession, but Hirota was out of range.

>Not letting up, Hirota quickly steps in closer to attack Omer.

>Hirota throws a left jab but Omer avoids it.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Hirota counters a left jab by using a sharp kick to the shin.

>Alan Omer is going to end up limping if he takes too many more of those strikes.

>Hirota throws a barrage of big rights but Omer is quick to move out of range.

>A left jab misses and Hirota counters with a clean left.

>Moving in closer, Omer looks like he may want to wrestle Hirota.

>He pulls Hirota into a grapple.

>Omer has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Hirota down.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Hirota blocked Omer.

>Hirota pushes away and manages to get clear of the grapple.

>Omer just avoids a combination of short sharp punches and hits a jab.

>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Hirota to fire back with a crisp left hand punch.

>Omer slips out of the way of a combination of short sharp punches.

>Hirota avoids a jab and scores with a hard leg kick.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Omer comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Omer can't get past the sprawl of Hirota, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.

>Hirota pounds away with punches and Omer is in big trouble!

>The referee pulls Hirota away, stopping the match!

>Omer looks furious at that decision, he's complaining that it was an early stoppage...and he does have a point!


>The winner, by TKO; Mizuto Hirota!

>Official Result: Mizuto Hirota defeats Alan Omer (TKO (Strikes) in 9:40 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.


Prediction Results:


CageRage: 46-36

Jingo: 41-32

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIV Card Finalized:


PURE Fighting Championships XXXIV: Bantamweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Fukuoka Marine Messe/ 4th Week of November 2016


Opening Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Leandro Higo (13-3)


Shunichi Shimizu (28-10-2)


2nd Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Russell Doane (10-1)


L.C. Davis (18-7)


3rd Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yodsanan Sityodtong (2-1)


Jimmie Rivera (12-3)


4th Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout

Lion Takeshi (23-8)


Hiromasa Ogikubo (11-3-2)


Bantamweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Akitoshi Tamura (18-13-2)


Sirwan Kakai (9-1)


6th Bout:

Iliarde Santos (28-6-1)


Josh Hill (11-0)


7th Bout:

Manny Tapia (13-4-1)


Soo Chul Kim (8-4)


8th Bout:

Aljamain Sterling (10-0)


David Aranda (9-0)


9th Bout:

Hideo Tokoro (31-26-2)


Shintaro Ishiwatari (15-5-4)


10th Bout:

Tuerxun Jumabieke (15-0)


Cole Escovedo (18-9)


11th Bout:

Kyoji Horiguchi (12-2)


Wilson Reis (16-5)


Main Event:

Masakatsu Ueda (20-3-2)


Rodolfo Marques (15-2-1)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIV: Bantamweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Fukuoka Marine Messe/ 4th Week of November 2016


Opening Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Leandro Higo (13-3)


Shunichi Shimizu (28-10-2)


2nd Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Russell Doane (10-1)


L.C. Davis (18-7)


3rd Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yodsanan Sityodtong (2-1)


Jimmie Rivera (12-3)


4th Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout

Lion Takeshi (23-8)


Hiromasa Ogikubo (11-3-2)


Bantamweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Akitoshi Tamura (18-13-2)


Sirwan Kakai (9-1)


6th Bout:

Iliarde Santos (28-6-1)


Josh Hill (11-0)


7th Bout:

Manny Tapia (13-4-1)


Soo Chul Kim (8-4)


8th Bout:

Aljamain Sterling (10-0)


David Aranda (9-0)


9th Bout:

Hideo Tokoro (31-26-2)


Shintaro Ishiwatari (15-5-4)


10th Bout:

Tuerxun Jumabieke (15-0)


Cole Escovedo (18-9)


11th Bout:

Kyoji Horiguchi (12-2)


Wilson Reis (16-5)


Main Event:

Masakatsu Ueda (20-3-2)


Rodolfo Marques (15-2-1)

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PURE Fighting Championships XXXIV: Bantamweight Challenger Grand Prix Opening Round

@ Fukuoka Marine Messe/ 4th Week of November 2016


Opening Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Leandro Higo (13-3)


Shunichi Shimizu (28-10-2)


2nd Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Russell Doane (10-1)


L.C. Davis (18-7)


3rd Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout:

Yodsanan Sityodtong (2-1)


Jimmie Rivera (12-3)


4th Bout: Bantamweight Grand Prix Reserve Bout

Lion Takeshi (23-8)


Hiromasa Ogikubo (11-3-2)


Bantamweight Grand Prix Opening Round:


5th Bout:

Akitoshi Tamura (18-13-2)


Sirwan Kakai (9-1)


6th Bout:

Iliarde Santos (28-6-1)


Josh Hill (11-0)


7th Bout:

Manny Tapia (13-4-1)


Soo Chul Kim (8-4)


8th Bout:

Aljamain Sterling (10-0)


David Aranda (9-0)


9th Bout:

Hideo Tokoro (31-26-2)


Shintaro Ishiwatari (15-5-4)


10th Bout:

Tuerxun Jumabieke (15-0)


Cole Escovedo (18-9)


11th Bout:

Kyoji Horiguchi (12-2)


Wilson Reis (16-5)


Main Event:

Masakatsu Ueda (20-3-2)


Rodolfo Marques (15-2-1)

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