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So why was pre-booking heat removed exactly?

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I like how it seems to work now, but someone mentioned a difference that looks like the one small negative point. If you can't choose when to start promoting it, you have no control over the effective impact of your announcement. Announce it at the right time, and the internet starts buzzin'. Announce it wrong, and they might care less.
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*snip*......then you'd be looking at show heat dragged down by its worst/least anticipated matches, not spearheaded by awesomeness and everything else trailing in its wake.......*snip*

I could have sworn, though I may be remembering wrong, that it only really looked at your highest heat rated matches. That the lower rated matches had no effect (or maybe just very little). Honestly I never really noticed one way or another no matter heat rating or no pre-books, I also never really checked for effect. I just always pre-booked my ME and depending on the popularity difference UM matches. Mostly for the exact reason it is now intended for.

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There's also the fact that, in my experience, there were two days on which people pre-booked matches:


- The day of the show.

- Not at all, because they forgot.


Neither of which is particularly realistic (unless you're TNA) or helpful. So I don't see it as much of a drawback.


I'll give you a third. Now I don't know how prevalent this is because my play style doesn't have any vocal adherents other than myself. But I can tell you I never gave a darn about the added heat. Prebooking was more of a security measure for me. Any time I got to my end of month supercard or thought I might be leaving the game unplayed for a long stretch, prebooking was a measure I took to make picking the game back up either. Any extra heat bonus I got was gravy.


So in that vein, I like pre-booking as it is now better. I can line up my whole next show and have it ready to be booked any time I have to walk away. Matches and angles. Only issue that might present itself is that I can't necessary separate pre-show material from main show stuff. But compared to only having storyline matches pre-booked, that's still a time saver when I start the return play session.


Oh and most of the time I did it at the start of the week. That way it was done and out of the way so I could focus on any talent trades I might want to do. Well, except for Week 1 of the month when my focus would be on assessing who had gained skills and how much they had gained. Then yeah, that would typically be day of pre-booking time.

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Prebooking was more of a security measure for me. Any time I got to my end of month supercard or thought I might be leaving the game unplayed for a long stretch, prebooking was a measure I took to make picking the game back up either. Any extra heat bonus I got was gravy


I never thought of it as a strategy, but absolutely this. If my choice was running the show then quitting or leaving it all booked and ready to go, I'd always pick the latter. makes getting back into a game a breeze

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You know, i never understood why games remove features... just make it optional (yes or no), no harm done to ALL who like or not like it. If you had it in before, why remove it? Some will like it, some don't, again, make it an option.


Everybody WINS!

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