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WCW/nWo: At The Apex

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Well that's more like it ;) but more importantly... WCW is kicking WWF's ASS in the Monday night wars!! :) great show buddy, keep it up




Thanks man, I know Raw looks terrible at the moment and their momentum is something like 28, I almost felt bad when I checked the results and their main event was Vader vs Billy Gunn:D That's another reason to make another A show, like Vince said when there's no competition you have to make your own.

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Thanks man, I know Raw looks terrible at the moment and their momentum is something like 28, I almost felt bad when I checked the results and their main event was Vader vs Billy Gunn:D That's another reason to make another A show, like Vince said when there's no competition you have to make your own.


Any big signings soon? :D

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Any big signings soon? :D


With the roster WCW has at the moment it's hard to make a big signing as many WWF main eventers like Triple H, The Rock, Shamrock and Vader would be upper mid carders at best in WCW but I will reveal I'm negotiating with someone who is pushed as main event in the WWF at the minute, if I do sign him not sure when he'd debut but I have good storyline for him.

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I believe it was Jim Ross who used to claim - "Billy Gunn is the finest athlete in the history of the WWE!!!" - Sign him up!!! :)


Haha I think that shows just how much Jim Ross will over exaggerate to put some one over, I don't think he'll be joining WCW anytime soon his contract has about a year left.

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Episode Preview


Following the epic main event last week, once WCW had cleared off the nWo Randy Savage and Sting shook hands as a sign of respect, has Randy Savage joined team WCW?


After weeks of trying to get The Steiners back together, Ted Dibiase will be live with both of them on Nitro to finally put an end to the saga.


Bret Hart and Ric Flair have their sights set on each other, Flair will be interviewed by Gene Okerlund to be asked about his rivalry with Hart.


JJ Dillon has acquired a new team for WCW and they will make their debut on Nitro facing off against Public Enemy.



Match Card


Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Steven Regal

??? vs. The Public Enemy

Booker T vs Konnan

Benoit & Malenko vs Raven & Steve McMichael

Kevin Nash vs Sting
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Last week show was great, can't believe Savage/Sting scored so highly well done! Also looking forward to the new show and one night only ppv's (hopefully their better than TNA's ones;)), question; does this mean a brand split in the future?


Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Steven Regal

??? vs. The Public Enemy

Booker T vs Konnan

Benoit & Malenko vs Raven & Steve McMichael

Kevin Nash vs Sting

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Steven Regal

??? vs. The Public Enemy

I'm gonna throw out a wild guess that it'll be someone like the Dudleys or the Eliminators.

Booker T vs Konnan

Benoit & Malenko vs Raven & Steve McMichael

I'd be glad to put for Benoit & Malenko, but I see Raven as having a higher feud to handle.

Kevin Nash vs Sting

Even if it's non-title, I don't see Sting dropping many matches to nWo-ites.

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WCW Monday Nitro

Bank Atlantic Center





Tony Schiavone: Ladies and gentleman this is Monday Nitro, last week you all chose to tune in and make Nitro the highest rated show on cable and for that we thank you.

Mike Tenay: Agreed Tony but with the quality of programming how could people not tune in. Tonight in our main event the world champion Sting faces Kevin Nash of the nWo.

Bobby Heenan: Looking at the matches set for tonight this truly will be a PPV quality show, time to kick off the action as the icon Sting makes his way to the ring.


Sting started off the show first addressing his match with Randy Savage last week, he said Savage has been acting like a broken man lately who looked about ready to call it quits on wrestling but then last week he faced Savage and he didn't face no broken man, he faced the Macho Man! The same Savage who was the most charismatic entertainer of the 80’s and 90’s. Sting said it’s time to bring back the old Randy Savage for good and called Savage to the ring…some time passed without anything happening and once it became clear Randy Savage wasn't coming out the ring the show cut to a break, with Sting and the fans wondering what was going on.


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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera


Jericho started the match with a rocket up his backside as he out powered Juvi in the lock up and then took him down to the mat following a stiff shoulder block. Jericho looked to keep him grounded with a seated half nelson but Juvi scrapped his way out and connected with an enziguri. Juvi took Jericho to the top rope and landed a spectacular super hurricanrana which was almost enough to get him the win. Juvi attempted a brainbuster but Jericho escaped and countered into a back suplex. Jericho than hit Juvi with a lionsault before locking in the lion tamer to which Juvi soon tapped out.


Chris Jericho via submission in 8:30




Ted Dibiase called both Rick and Scott to the ring just like last week, he told them he’s worked out that they will not put their differences behind them and that has led him to have to choose which Steiner he will continue to manage, in order to help him make his decision he has asked JJ Dillon to book Rick vs Scott, brother vs brother at SuperBrawl and he will side with the winner of the match.


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Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Steven Regal


Regal began the match using a very strong style as he punished Rey with a belly to back suplex and then a variation of of a gutwrench back breaker. Regal locked in a tight bear hug but Rey managed to quickly counter into a tornado DDT. Rey then landed a seated senton coming off the top rope, Rey then attempted a crossbody but was caught as Regal transitioned into a power bomb. Regal looked to lock in the regal stretch but Rey manged to roll over into a pin attempt...1....2...3, Mysterio caught Regal when he thought he had the match won.


Rey Mysterio Jr in 5:22




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??? vs. The Public Enemy


Public Enemy stood in the ring shocked as JJ Dillon unveiled their former rivals in ECW, The Dudley Boys as new tag addition for WCW. As Bubba entered the ring he was attacked and double teamed by PE who used this to their advantage for the next few minutes as they dominated the match. Bubba manged a desperation spinebuster on Grunge which allowed him to tag in D-Von who followed up with a powerbomb and then the two together landed a 3D on Rock for the win.


The Dudley Boys in 4:24




Ric Flair cancelled his scheduled interview with Gene Okerlund and instead called out Bret Hart to the ring. Ric told Bret that he’s in WCW now, the land he built almost single handily and the lack of respect Hart has shown him is a disgrace. Bret replied saying he’s built a reputation of being the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be by beating everyone else in the wrestling business so if Flair’s got a problem then he knows how to settle it. Flair laughed at Bret suggesting he was the best of all time while standing in his presence, Flair said if Bret really believes he’s the best of all time than there most definitely will be a fight between the two but if not he should leave Flair’s ring. Bret again said he was the best before laying out Flair with a right hand, dropping him to the mat…Bret then locked in the sharpshooter as Flair screamed in pain.


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Booker T vs Konnan


Konnan looked to show the nWo he was still of value by beating Booker T who is hot on their heels as of late. Konnan shocked most the arena as he used Booker's speed against him and landed a drop-toe-hold and immediately locked in an arm bar, Booker manged to escape but the hold certainly took it's toll. Konnan came at Booker again but was met with a series of chops and then a flap jack which sent him face first into the mat. Konnan then ate a spinning heel kick and a missile drop kick from Booker. Following a spinaroonie Booker finished off Konnan with a scissors kick.


Booker T in 5:29




Roddy Piper came out to respond to Raven telling him he has 2 weeks to join the Flock or he will be on their hit list. Piper enforced that the Flock do NOT intimidate him and he will not be forced into joining them, he is the loose cannon Roddy Piper and he doesn't need help from a bunch of rookies, so if Raven’s thinking he’s going to all of the sudden change his mind…don’t hold your breathe. Piper than addressed Lex Luger who hasn't been seen since Piper beat him at Souled Out. Piper mocked him saying ‘flexy lexy might have all the muscle in the world but he couldn't beat the biggest bad ass to ever step in a wrestling ring, Roddy Piper’. Lex Luger’s music hit and he ran down to the ring, quickly took Piper down and after a series of strikes got Piper up into the torture rack.


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Benoit & Malenko vs Raven & Steve McMichael


Benoit spent most the match wrestling his former Horseman companion Steve McMichael, Steve cornered Chris early on and delivered a series of corner clotheslines before he attempted to ram the mid section of Benoit only for Benoit to move and for McMichael to go head first into the ring post. Benoit then paid tribute to his former leader and chopped McMichael's chest many times, Benoit then grabbed hold and delivered a belly to belly before tagging in Malenko. Malenko quickly locked in the texas cloverleaf and McMichael was trapped in the center of the ring with no where to go...McMichael soon powered out and shoved Malenko into the referee which sent him down. McMichael landed a mongo spike on Malenko out of nowhere but had zero time to call the ref as Benoit had already begun attacking him..Raven then entered the ring for the first time in the match and following a well timed low blow landed a DDT on Benoit. Charles Robinson crawled over and counted the pin 1...2...3


Raven & Steve McMichael in 6:50




Gene Okerlund came to the ring and announced that WCW sent out an open invitation to The Warrior… after about 30 seconds of waiting an intense, bumpy theme song plays and the crowd rise to their feet as The Warrior comes running down to the ring. He gets asked why he’s back in wrestling and in WCW specifically to which he says he’s here to put an end to the nWo which has been a cancer in WCW now for too long, more specifically he wants to bring down his arch nemesis Hollywood Hogan. Hogan along with Bischoff cut of The Warrior and when they get to the ring, Hogan and Warrior have a stare down and come within a foot of each other as they attempt to intimidate the other. Hogan tells everyone he still has nightmares of the last time the two clashed and that it has haunted him for many years now, Hogan says if The Warrior has come back and terrorized him the past few weeks just for a match then he can have his damn match but if or should I say when The Warrior loses he’s banished from WCW for as long as Hogan is here and he can never come after or play mind games with Hogan ever again. The Warrior accepts Hogan’s challenge and shortly after Bischoff and Hogan left the ring.


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Kevin Nash vs Sting


Nash started the match out powering Sting and launching him across the ring following the lock up, Nash gloated to the fans but was quickly sent into defense mode as Sting was back on the attack. Sting finally got Nash off his feet following many failed clotheslines and then an axe handle from the top rope. Sting tried to keep control but was dropped by a huge clothesline from Nash. Nash then took Sting to the corner and delivered elbow after elbow to his skull...after wearing down Sting, Nash then landed a snake eyes into a big boot and signaled to end Sting. Nash set up for a jackknife but Sting struggled and squirmed his way out, refusing to be beat by Nash..Sting took down Nash by his legs and locked in the scorpion death lock, Nash held on hoping the nWo would have saved him by now but before they could make it to the ring he had to tap out.


Sting via submission in 9:31




Following Sting picking up the win Scott Hall, Hogan and Bischoff led the rest of the nWo down to the ring as they looked to do a routinely beat down on Sting but were caught out by The Warrior who came springing to make the save, Warrior clotheslined and tackled all of the nWo and cleared them out the ring. As the nWo were fleeing to safety, JJ Dillon came to the stage and announced that next week’s Nitro will see Scott Hall and Hollywood Hogan take on The Warrior & Sting!
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Last week show was great, can't believe Savage/Sting scored so highly well done! Also looking forward to the new show and one night only ppv's (hopefully their better than TNA's ones;)), question; does this mean a brand split in the future?


Thanks & hoping to kick off the first one night only PPV just after Superbrawl. The second A show hasn't been totally decided when it will debut yet, I was thinking about negotiating this month and the show starting next month but then due to one or two storylines which would prevent any sort of brand split or divide between the two shows I might wait until the next time networks are scheduling... so to answer your question when the other show starts there is a chance that a brand split will as well but it will most likely be depending on where certain storylines are at that point.

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I've seen so many times where the AI for WWE books some strange main events and matches yet always keeps making money and stays on top. Nice to see that you have dislodged them for now and ready to add the finishing touches. Keep up the nice work
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I've seen so many times where the AI for WWE books some strange main events and matches yet always keeps making money and stays on top. Nice to see that you have dislodged them for now and ready to add the finishing touches. Keep up the nice work


Thanks man and good luck with your diary. I wouldn't even say it's down to strange booking, they only have Taker, HBK and Austin as real stars so no matter who's in the main event, if it doesn't include one of them the show usually gets a bad rating. I'm not going to do a Russo or Bischoff and say they will be off tv in 6 weeks or anything but I believe if I could eventually steal one of their top 3 stars when their contracts run out that WWF will soon be cult sized and then hopefully everything goes downhill from there.

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Predictions contest after 3 show(s):


Beejus: 14/17

TheLloyd 12/17

Tooney: 8/12

christmas_ape: 3/5

RKOwnege: 3/5



Monday Night War


Nitro Overall Grade: 88

RAW Overall Grade: 74


Nitro Rating: 5.31

RAW Rating: 3.24





Episode Preview


A huge main event for Nitro this week, just six days before Hollywood Hogan and Warrior clash they meet in a tag team contest.


Just days away from the brother vs brother match, Scott Steiner is in singles action with Ted Dibiase keeping a close eye on everything the brothers do.


Bret Hart and Ric Flair both in singles action, Bret will take on former horseman member and Ric's friend Dean Malenko while Ric takes on Bret's brother in law Jim Neidhart.


Lex Luger returned to attack Roddy Piper last week and made it clear he wants another match with Piper, tonight they will meet in the center of the ring live as Roddy responds.



Match Card


Psychosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr (#1 contenders match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship)

Chris Jericho vs Scott Steiner

The Dudley Boys vs KroniK (newly formed tag team, Brian Adams vs Bryan Clarke)

Jim Neidhart vs Ric Flair

Bret Hart vs Dean Malenko

Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs Sting & The Warrior
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Psychosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr (#1 contenders match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship)

Chris Jericho vs Scott Steiner

The Dudley Boys vs KroniK (newly formed tag team, Brian Adams vs Bryan Clarke)

Jim Neidhart vs Ric Flair

Bret Hart vs Dean Malenko

Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs Sting & The Warrior gonna go for a draw here i think...

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<p>Psychosis vs <strong>Rey Mysterio Jr</strong> (#1 contenders match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship) </p><p>

Chris Jericho vs <strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Dudley Boys</strong> vs KroniK (newly formed tag team, Brian Adams vs Bryan Clarke)</p><p>

Jim Neidhart vs <strong>Ric Flair</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart</strong> vs Dean Malenko</p><p>

Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs <strong>Sting & The Warrior</strong></p>

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<p>Psychosis vs <em>Rey Mysterio Jr</em></p><p>

Chris Jericho vs <em>Scott Steiner</em></p><p>

The Dudley Boys vs <em>KroniK</em></p><p>

Jim Neidhart vs <em>Ric Flair</em></p><p>

<em>Bret Hart</em> vs Dean Malenko</p><p>

Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs <em>Sting & The Warrior</em></p>

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WCW Monday Nitro

Tuscaloosa Center

15,000 (sold out)




Tony Schiavone: Ladies and gentleman you are tuned into the right wrestling show, believe me you do not want to miss our main event tonight.

Mike Tenay: Ohhh you got that right Tony, four of the biggest icons in professional wrestling history will be involved as we see the debut of Warrior.

Bobby Heenan: We also have many questions lingering in the air, mainly has Savage had a change of heart or is he still fighting for himself?.


JJ Dillon started the show announcing that both Bret Hart and Ric Flair have been at WCW headquarters this week signing the contract for an official match, Dillon reveals the dream match will take place at SuperBrawl this weekend and that tonight both Hart and Flair will be in action taking on someone very near and dear to each other.


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Psychosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr


A very fast paced opener to Nitro, Mysterio landed two arm drags and then a standing drop kick early on but ran straight into a well placed elbow by Psychosis. Psychosis landed a snap suplex into a moonsault combination but only managed to keep Rey down for two count. Psychosis attempted a sit out powerbomb but Mysterio reversed it with a hurricanrana which sent him into the middle of the ropes...Mysterio gathered speed and than spun around the ropes and connected with a tiger feint kick...he made the cover and picked up the win following the move. Mike Tenay hyped the new finisher as the 619 calling it a tribute to his home town San Dieg.o


Rey Mysterio Jr in 7:20




Ted Dibiase walked into the men’s locker room and up to Rick Steiner, he told Rick to be on his ‘A’ game this Sunday and also wished him luck heading into the big match with his brother.


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Chris Jericho vs Scott Steiner


Jericho took the offence straight to Steiner but his chops weren't having any effects on the big man who quickly leveled him with a lariat. Steiner tried to choke out Jericho as Ted Dibiase watched on from commentary, Jericho escaped the hold and caught Steiner with an enzuigiri. Jericho had the big man dazed and looked to capitalize with a bulldog from the top rope, Jericho then looked to lock in the lion tamer but the powerful legs of Steiner launched him away. Jericho then was met with a huge powerslam before being locked in the steiner recliner to which he tapped out.


Scott Steiner via submission in 5:58




Ted Dibiase, who has an invested interest in the winner of Scott vs Rick this Sunday spent the match watching Scott from commentary and hyping both of the Steiner brothers. After the match Dibiase congratulated Scott on his win and wished him luck this Sunday.


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The Dudley Boys vs KroniK


The newly formed KroniK tag team were next to face the new tag addition to WCW, The Dudley Boys. Bryan Clarke, formerly Wrath started strongly, dominating D-Von in the corner and using heel tactics with his partner to stay ahead of the game. When Bubba entered the match the tide turned and shortly later following a double side walk slam on both of his opponents, D-Von and him landed a 3D on Brian Adams for the win.


The Dudley Boys in 4:14




After the Dudleys match Scott Norton and Buff Bagwell, the tag team champions jump them from behind, Bagwell looks to land a blockbuster on D-Von but Bubba saves him, pushing Bagwell off the top turnbuckle and over the top rope, Bubba and D-Von then get some revenge on Scott Norton, giving him a 3-D in the middle of the ring before taking the tag titles and raising them in the air. JJ Dillon came to the stage and stated that even though the Dudleys are new around here they've made their intentions clear and since Bagwell and Norton don’t have challengers this Sunday it will be The Dudleys vs Bagwell and Norton for the tag team championships.


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Jim Neidhart vs Ric Flair


An intense battle kicked off with Ric looking to take out his rage for Bret Hart on Jim, Flair went low and chop blocked his leg before stomping, twisting and bending it for a good minute as he looked to ground Neidhart. Neidhart fought back and despite struggling with his leg landed a delayed vertical suplex and then an elbow drop on Flair. His leg was still in pain and Flair took advantage, again taking him down before pulling him over to the ring post and smashing his leg off it. Flair had Neidhart in bad shape and finished him off by locking in the figure four to which he quickly tapped.


Ric Flair via submission in 5:48




Roddy Piper comes out to the ring and demands that Lex Luger should be fired for his attack on him the previous week, he quickly gets cut off by Lex himself who announces that not only is he not fired but he gets to give Piper everything he has coming to him this Sunday at SuperBrawl after JJ Dillon gave him the match. Raven joins them in the ring, once again trying to persuade Piper to join him and the Flock, Raven says they will help him beat Luger once again and also after Sunday they will be more dominant than ever as they will add the Television title to their ranks. Piper seems more for the idea than he has been in the past but before he can respond to Raven, they both get taken down by Luger, Piper quickly rolls out the ring and leaves Raven to take a torture rack from Lex Luger.


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Bret Hart vs Dean Malenko


Bret and Dean went against putting on a stand up technical bout like they are expected too and instead followed suit of Flair's match and turned into a nasty brawl. Bret looked good early on, getting Malenko in the corner and giving him stiff kicks followed by corner clothesline. Bret attempted one too many clotheslines and got dropped by a rolling elbow from Malenko who then landed a knee drop off the top rope which rattled against Bret's skull. A brainbuster from Malenko still wasn't enough to finish Bret so he attempted to lock in the texas cloverleaf but Bret struggled out and threw Malenko into the ring post to buy him some time. Bret recovered and came out with a vicious piledriver, spiking the top of Malenko's head, both men were tiring so Bret looked to finish the bout with the sharpshooter and despite Malenko's persistence he couldn't escape and was forced to tap out.


Bret Hart via submission in 7:40




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Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs Sting & The Warrior


The charisma and star power was bursting out of the arena as these four men went to battle. Scott Hall and Sting renewed their rivalry early on as they met first with Hall going punch to punch with Sting before delivering a knee to his mid section, Hall followed up with a body slam and then a tight sleeper hold. Sting broke out and came firing back with chops and then a couple of clothesline, next came and inverted drop...just as Sting looked to land the stinger splash Hall manged to tag out to Hogan. The crowd popped big as these two met for the first time since Starrcade, Hogan darted at Sting but with Sting moving he ended up taking out referee Charles Robinson. Hall joined Hogan as they double teamed Sting, Warrior looked to level the sides up but was met by Hogan's belt as he whipped both Sting and Warrior several times. The referee made it back up just as Hogan landed the hollywood leg drop...1...2.... Sting kicked out! The crowd roared Sting back into action as he fought back against Hogan, following a big boot Sting managed to land a scorpion death drop on Hogan but couldn't take advantage and make the cover as he was still hurt. Sting instead tagged in Warrior and the fans went crazy, on the other side Scott Hall was tagged back in but was taken down straight away by two running lariats..Hogan received a shoulder block from Warrior which sent him down to the outside of the ring. Hall made it to his feet only to be gorilla press slammed by Warrior who then capped off the match with the running splash...1....2....3


Sting & Warrior in 11:31




Following Warrior and Sting picking up the win, the rest of the nWo come running down to the ring, Warrior and Sting attempt to fight them off like last week but when Hollywood Hogan uses a steel chair to give the nWo even more of an advantage they both end up down and out. Randy Savage comes running down to the ring, steel pipe in hand and swings at every nWo member in sight, Savage then helps up Warrior and Sting before grabbing a microphone and declaring “The war is on now brother…Oooooh Yeahhh”.
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We are going to the wire in this prediction contest which will conclude after this week of in game play, this week debuts the first ever One Night Only which will be held the night before SuperBrawl, so only two shows left!


Predictions contest after 4 show(s):


Beejus: 19/23

TheLloyd 17/23

Tooney: 14/18

christmas_ape: 3/5

RKOwnege: 3/5



Monday Night War


Nitro Overall Grade: 87

RAW Overall Grade: 75


Nitro Rating: 5.34

RAW Rating: 3.28

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We are going to the wire in this prediction contest which will conclude after this week of in game play, this week debuts the first ever One Night Only which will be held the night before SuperBrawl, so only two shows left!


Predictions contest after 4 show(s):


Beejus: 19/23

TheLloyd 17/23

Tooney: 14/18

christmas_ape: 3/5

RKOwnege: 3/5





You're mine Beejus!!!

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Sorry I haven't quite been keeping up with the predictions, but I just caught up on this and it looks great so far. Good job killing RAW in the ratings dude!


Thanks glad your still reading.


You're mine Beejus!!!


Haha good luck to both of you, got quite a few things yous can input/decide on for the winner!

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PPV Preview


Just one night before SuperBrawl VIII, WCW heads over to Mexico to co-promote a one night only show with some of Mexico's biggest stars.


Just one day before the scheduled Cruiserweight title match between Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr, the match could be turned upside down as first Rey has to focus on taking on Chavo tonight and by the time we reach SuperBrawl Eddie may not be champion as he will defend the title against Ultimo Dragon.


Konnan, the man who started the Mexican revolution in WCW and brought so many amazing luchadors over to WCW now returns home alongside his nWo buddies as he continues to try and prove his worth to them.



Match Card


Benoit & Malenko vs Konnan & Kevin Nash

Psychosis vs LA Parka

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Abismo Negro vs The Warrior

Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Bret Hart vs Dr Wagner Jr
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Benoit & Malenko vs Konnan & Kevin Nash

Psychosis vs LA Parka

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Abismo Negro vs The Warrior

Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Bret Hart vs Dr Wagner Jr


The only one me and Lloyd disagree on is Psychosis/La Parka.... I love me some Psi, but as a fairly throwaway ppv I figure The Chairman could go ahead and take this one so that another face gets a win.

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