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WCW/nWo: At The Apex

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As its an A show then maybe predictions will be nice. If you're using to advance major story lines as opposed to build up young talent then nothing wrong with predicitions. It's not like it's WorldWide. :)


That's cool with me and who knows if things go well then the show might increase to two hours and it'll be like a Raw/Smackdown kind of deal, Thunder match card will be posted later.

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Well man, it depends on how do you use Thunder, if you use it like Nitro, do if you want, but if it's used like Saturday Night, no need for predictions, but do if you want too :)


I've booked the first two Thunder's already and there still plenty of main eventers on the card, that blended with some cruiserweights, Goldberg + some tag action, so it's either on par with Nitro or just slightly underneath due to it being shorter show.

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I didn't read these two Thunders, i had a hiatus here because of tests, sorry :(


But then again, it's your dynasty, you decide if you make predictions or not :)


No I meant I've booked two Thunder's on my game, the upcoming Thunder will be the first posted :)

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Episode Preview


WCW Thunder hits TBS for the first time and promises to be full of exciting action that will change the landscape of sports entertainment.


A more aggressive side of Juventud Guerrera was unleashed on Nitro as he demolished legend Jim Duggan, the very angry young man kicks of the debut edition of Thunder.


Two of the craziest, scariest gimmicks in wrestling today clash as Mortis takes on LA Parka in what promises to be a weirdly wonderful bout.


Goldberg has been running through members of the former stable known as the Flock, hoping to get revenge on everyone that contributed to putting him on the sidelines, he faces Hammer tonight.


DDP returned to Nitro for the first time in a couple of weeks in the closing segment, he was one of the five men from WCW that brought the fight to the nWo, he returns to in ring competition on Thunder as well as making a plea to JJ Dillon.


Our main event ties several former and current feuds together, The Giant is currently without a partner going into his Uncensored clash with Bagwell and Norton, tonight he works with Harlem Heat who know the two very well having feuded earlier this year. Curt Hennig has recently made it clear he wants more of Booker T, attacking him on Nitro two weeks ago, all six men who are tied into the huge WCW vs nWo feud clash tonight!



Match Card


Juventud Guerrera vs Fit Finlay

LA Parka vs Mortis

Goldberg vs Hammer

DDP vs 'Big Bad' Ray Traylor

Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton vs The Giant & Harlem Heat
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Juventud Guerrera vs Fit Finlay

LA Parka vs Mortis

Goldberg vs Hammer

DDP vs 'Big Bad' Ray Traylor

Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton vs The Giant & Harlem Heat


Mind if i use your Episode Preview feature in my dynasty? I really like it...

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Juventud Guerrera vs Fit Finlay

LA Parka vs Mortis

Goldberg vs Hammer

DDP vs 'Big Bad' Ray Traylor

Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton vs The Giant & Harlem Heat


Guerrera will go over Finlay, and LA Parka over Mortis. Both great Mexican cruiserweight workers. I see no reason to end Goldberg's streak yet, so he will go over Hammer. DDP's first match in a few weeks? Yep, I see a win for him. And I think Giant/Harlem Heat will pick up the win here, as I don't see them coming out of their feuds on top, but will be made to look strong alone the way.

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Juventud Guerrera vs Fit Finlay


Never really liked Juvi, I always kind of found him to be annoying but I do think he has upside or at least enough upside to beat Fit.


LA Parka vs Mortis


Goldberg vs Hammer


DDP vs 'Big Bad' Ray Traylor


Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton vs The Giant & Harlem Heat

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Mind if I ask how Goldberg is developing, both stat and popularity wise? Also good luck on your upcoming exams (as mentioned in another thread). :)


Cheers man + Goldberg is getting over at the moment and considering he hasn't been in a big time feud yet I'm impressed at how much his popularity has increased, reminds me of how he had such a quick rise to the top in real life. He started off as a midcarder and now he's in the upper midcard, his popularity started in the mid 40's and now he's high 60's everywhere with a spike in the South East going into the 70's which is fairly impressive. Not as over as many of the other upper midcarders like Booker, Hennig, Bagwell, Rick Steiner but has managed to overtake a few like Benoit and McMichael.


As for his stats many have stayed around the same, his in ring skills like brawling or wrestling have barely improved if at all , his performance skills have slightly increased by 1 or 2, hoping he can improve his psychology and selling before he can take any steps towards the main event scene as them two usually bring down his match grade.

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I've been following your Mod progress pretty close and just stumbled across this gem. Enjoying it!


Juventud Guerrera vs Fit Finlay

Juvi seems to be gaining momentum... Finlay can afford a loss in a time where he wasn't super relevant!

LA Parka vs Mortis

I just like the Mortis gimmick

Goldberg vs Hammer

DDP vs 'Big Bad' Ray Traylor

Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton vs The Giant & Harlem Heat

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Friday Wk 1 March 1998

The Sun Dome

10,000 (Sold Out)





WCW Announce Team

Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan, Larry Zbyszko


Mike Tenay:
A landmark day for WCW as we are here at the debut episode of WCW Thunder!

Bobby Heenan:
That's right iron Mike, it's the talents time to shine, this is another show which means more opportunity for young talent or talent who are on the verge of breaking out, use it guys.

Mike Tenay:
Agreed Bobby! And speaking of time to shine we're joined here by former Nitro commentator and half owner of WCW, Larry Zbyszko.

Larry Zbyszko:
Pleasure to be here guys, earlier this week I was named the commissioner of Thunder as my partner JJ Dillon currently runs Nitro and let me tell you we've got some big matches going down tonight.

Mike Tenay:
Looking forward to them Larry! If you viewers have been keeping up to date with WCW then I'm sure you know the war with the nWo is still at large but after the announcement that nWo and WCW will put it all on the line at Spring Stampede it may very well be coming to an end in just over a months time, but if team WCW fails in the War Games match the nWo will takeover WCW.



Backstage Gene Okerlund asked Curt Hennig about the war between WCW and nWo that will come to a head at Spring Stampede and his big six man tag team match tonight.


"Right now the New World Order is stronger than ever before, we are a well oiled machine while this so called threat that is team WCW are a bunch of hot heads who aren't even sure if they can trust each other. Reclaiming the US title, beating down Harlem Heat, banishing The Warrior..these are things we have done in the past few weeks Gene, you really think WCW stands a chance? It doesn't stop there as tonight we're going to beat that big stupid Giant so bad that he won't even make it to Uncensored"


A very cocky and confident Curt Hennig leaves Gene and heads back to the nWo locker room.

Backstage Interview

Gene Okerlund, Curt Hennig


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • The angry young Guerrera started with a lot of rage again taking down Finlay and attempting to brawl with him which was a mistake, Finlay powered out and hooked with a huge lariat.

  • Finlay began punishing Guerrera with headbutts and painful strikes, he slowed down his offense which led to him beating caught with a superkick out of nowhere by Guerrera who got back control of the match. A moonsault followed but Finlay still had enough left to kick out.

  • Finlay managed to catch Guerrera coming of a springboard, he looked to reverse into a belly to belly but Guerrera slid around the back of him and landed a dragon suplex,1...2...3


Juventud Guerrera

Match Finish:
Dragon Suplex on Finlay

Match Length:

Fit Finlay vs Juventud Guerrera


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:
James Vandenberg (Mortis Manager)

  • LA Parka quickly got on the offensive dropkicking Mortis to the outside and landing a suicide dive. Parka got Mortis back in the ring and looked to land a springboard crossbody but Mortis managed to move out the way.

  • Mortis then caught Parka with an STO before distracting the referee while his manager strangled Parka using his tie.

  • Mortis had Parka locked in a octopus stretch for some time before Parka escaped and caught him with a spinning heel kick, Parka then went up top and landed the skytwister press for the win.


LA Parka

Match Finish:
Sky Twister Press on Mortis

Match Length:

LA Parka vs Mortis


Mike Tenay:
Two big wins for two of the brightest Cruiserweights in the division right now, Parka and Guerrera will be knocking on the door for a title shot soon.

Bobby Heenan:
With performances like that they deserve it Mike, next is no cruiserweight match but it is the Thunder debut of the undefeated Goldberg!

Larry Zbyszko:
I know your a big fan of the cruiserweights Mike, and you fans at home if you like the best cruiserweight action Thunder is the show for you as it's my goal to make them the heart and soul of this show, great matches! And yes Bobby the man who has got the wrestling world buzzing, it's Goldberg time!


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • A lot of the Flock look to be heading out of WCW after Raven and Piper disowned them and they are one at a time getting a leaving beatdown from Goldberg and Hammer was no differant.

  • After trying to duck the match Hammer finally got in the ring and got very little offense in before receiving a trademark Goldberg spear and jackhammer combination 1..2..3



Match Finish:
Jackhammer on Hammer

Match Length:

Goldberg vs Hammer



After the match Steve McMichael came to the ring in an attempt to reason with Goldberg.


"Look Goldberg I ain't out here to cause no trouble, and I hope you believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for injuring you, if I cold go back in time I wouldn't do it, so I'm out here to make a truce, forgive me Goldberg?"


Despite McMichael insisting it should be Raven who Goldberg goes after, the beast without hesitation ran and speared the life out of McMichael to a loud pop from the crowd before continuing his victory celebration, before leaving the ring he points at McMichael and declares "Your Next!".

In Ring Confrontation

Goldberg, Steve McMichael


Bobby Heenan:
What a big dummy that Steve McMichael is, trying to get on the good side of a monster will never work.

Mike Tenay:
Goldberg has certainly made it clear he's not in WCW to make friends, he's here to kick some ass. Speaking of ass kickers, Monday night we saw DDP come to help team WCW, the man hadn't been seen in a few weeks prior to that but tonight he's here for the debut of Thunder!


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • The big Ray Traylor looked to get back in the spotlight at the expense of DDP and started off well catching him out with a scoop powerslam followed by a series of short clotheslines.

  • DDP got control briefly and managed to pull out a quick running neckbreaker but Traylor managed to counter his next move into a side walk slam.

  • DDP shocked Traylor with a fast counter and a russian leg sweep but failed to follow up as he attempted a slingshot cross body and was caught, and given a spinebuster by Traylor.

  • Traylor sensed he had the match almost finished and set up DDP for a body splash in the corner as the big man came crashing in DDP moved and Traylor went face first into the turnbuckle, as he turned back around he was met with a diamond cutter...1..2..3



Match Finish:
Diamond Cutter on Ray Traylor

Match Length:

DDP vs Ray Traylor



Gene Okerlund came to the ring after the match to speak to DDP about his short absence in WCW and his return this past Monday night.


"Bang! And that's how it's done Gene, for those of you who don't know I was out of action with a small shoulder injury but being back in the squared circle tonight felt great and just so you all know DDP is back and coming after the nWo!"


Gene asked him about his return on Nitro where he was part of the big 10 man brawl to close the show.


"As soon as I saw Hogan accept the challenge I jumped out of my seat and headed to the ring, 5 vs 5 at Spring Stampede next month and if WCW win the nWo are done! JJ Dillon, I'm asking you, no in fact I'm begging you put me in the 5 man team and I will not let you down!"

In Ring Interview

Gene Okerlund, Diamond Dallas Page


Mike Tenay:
Well there you have it another big star putting his name in the hat for team WCW, and the form DDP has been in over the last year he would definitely be in my team.

Bobby Heenan:
DDP is a great talent but no one’s place is guaranteed, we have Harlem Heat, Sting, Savage, Luger, The Giant, DDP, Flair and Hart all apart of team WCW and JJ has gotta narrow that down to 5 for War Games next month, I'm glad he's making the decision and not me.

Larry Zbyszko:
I feel the same Bobby, glad I'm running Thunder and not Nitro or else that decision would be mine, no matter who gets picked they need to be on their A game just to stand a chance against the nWo.


Match Type:
6 Man Tag Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • Bagwell and Norton worked well in the early minutes, getting Stevie Ray into their corner and working him with quick tags and double team moves. The nWo played their usual tactics of one distracting the ref while the other two double team their opposition.

  • Hennig went back and forth with Stevie and following him escaping from a lifting spinebuster and landing a twisting neckbreaker he almost finished Ray off with the hennig-plex but Booker made the save.

  • Booker built up momentum on Hennig and following a series of clotheslines and then a dropkick he looked to set up for the scissors kick only to be stopped by Bagwell and Norton.

  • The Giant came in and cleared house, taking both Bagwell and Norton out over the top rope. Stevie finally recovered enough to land the lifting spinebuster on Hennig which allowed Booker to go up top and connect with the harlem hangover for the win.


Harlem Heat & The Giant

Match Finish:
Harlem Hangover on Curt Hennig

Match Length:

Bagwell, Norton & Hennig vs Harlem Heat & The Giant


Mike Tenay:
A great conclusion to a debut edition of Thunder, a huge win for team WCW heading forward into Uncensored and Spring Stampede.

Bobby Heenan:
I love it, big win! We'll see you all Monday Night for Nitro, until then this is Bobby Heenan, Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko, WCW is heading back to the top, nWo are going down I can feel it and you don't wanna miss it.


<hr color="black">


Welcome to the diary to any new predictors and thanks to the regulars for continuing to read and predict :)


Predictions contest after 3 show(s):


BHK1978: 17/18

Beejus: 16/18

TheLloyd 16/18

RayW: 15/18

smwilliams: 15/18

Tooney: 14/18

Smasher1311: 14/18

#Bestintheworld: 13/18

RKOwnege: 11/13

The Final Countdown: 11/13

christmas_ape: 10/13

flaviooooo: 10/12

michgcs: 10/12

Mike7429: 4/5

Chuck: 3/5

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This is the WCW Hotline hosted by Gene Okerlund, rounding up all the weeks news:



1: Uncensored Control Center

WCW Uncensored is already shaping up to be a huge show with two matches set, Sting vs Hollywood Hogan II for the World Title and The Giant + a partner vs Bagwell & Norton for the Tag Team Titles. Stay tuned to Nitro and Thunder every week to see the build to the Pay Per View.


2: Venue for Starrcade 1998 Announced!!!

Ted Turner took to the press today to announced the latest figures coming in and out for WCW, he also took the time to announce the venue for Starrcade 1998 will be the Georgia Dome, Atlanta.


3: Mark Madden speaks WCW

WCW's official internet correspondent Mark Madden, sat down today on a live feed featured on WCW.com and spoke about the recent happenings in WCW, he praised the more aggressive side of Juventud Guerrera as well as the alliance of Roddy Piper and Raven saying both stories are coming off well on television at the minute.


4: WCW developmental territory

As mentioned last week, WCW upgraded the Power Plant to an official development territory, many young superstars also joined the several members noted last week including Christopher Daniels, Lance Storm and Doug Williams. The promotion held it's first show at the end of this week crowning two champions, the midcard title know as the 'National Title' was won by Charlie Hass who defeated Doug Williams while the main event title know as the 'Universal Title' was won by Averno who defeated Scott Vick (formerly Sick Boy in WCW). The Vacant Tag Team Titles will be on the line in next weeks set of shows.


5: Monday Night War

This weeks Nitro, headlined by The Outsiders vs Harlem Heat drew a 5.34 rating and was rated 87/100 by Dave Meltzer.


WWF Raw struggled big time in terms of show quality and the ratings, this was the first week of Raw since being dropped by The Score, Sky Sports and Foxtel Australia. It was headlined by Steve Austin vs Kama Mustafa and the show drew a 2.77 rating, Dave Meltzer rated the show 77/100.


The debut edition of Thunder smashed Raw, showing the difference in quality between the WWF and WCW. Thunder, headlined by the big six man tag match drew a 4.02 rating and was rated 79/100 by Dave Meltzer.


That's all we have time for this week, match card for Nitro will be up tomorrow!

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