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Mid Atlantic Wrestling - My First Game

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Although this is my first game of TEW I decided to write a diary. I Figured it will help me do two things: first, it will help keep my ideas and stories straight, and also help me get better at the game. As a first timer, you'll probably be scratching your heads or laughing at certain actions I make, but screwing up is one of the best ways to learn. I chose MAW because looking through the C-verse, it seemed like a very interesting promotion. The owner doesn't plan to make it a huge promotion, just to make quality content and to help young stars grow into big stars. That sounds right up my alley.


The first five months of events have already been completed, so they may have less detail than what comes after due to being less fresh in my memory. So without further ado....

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Prior to the first event of 2013, the owner, Sam Keith, and head booker, Mean Jean Cattley, made the following signings:

  • Bradley Blaze
  • Ernest Youngman
  • Remmy Honeyman
  • The American Cobras - Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane

Also, Keith Vegas was released, effectively ending his tag team with Miller Fforde - The Lost Cause.

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MAW The Rip Chord Invitational VIII

January 2013



  • Copperhead defeats Miller Fforde - 29


  • ANGLE: Cameron Vessey and Findlay O'Farraday Brawl - 44
  • George Wolfe defeated Remmy Honeyman and The Architect - 10
  • RCI Quarterfinals
    1. Casey Valentine defeated Ace Youngblood - 38

    2. Citizen X defeated Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen) - 33

    3. Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Bradley Blaze - 40

    4. Mean Jean Cattley defeated Ernest Youngman - 43
      Mean Jean is an excellent wrestler; he will be an excellent teacher for the young lions on the roster. He never fails to put on a good match, and with a talent like Youngman the end result will always be memorable.

    [*]ANGLE: Starr Beats Down Blaze - 9

    Yes, this was put out of order, which explains the terrible grade.

    [*]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

    The Dynamite Express defeated the American Cobras to retain the MAW Tag Team Championship - 29

    [*]RCI Semifinals

    1. Casey Valentine defeated Citizen X - 30

    2. Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Ernest Youngman - 44

      So far Youngman has been in the best two matches of the night, I think I see a pattern here. Also, again, another mistake. Youngman was supposed to initially defeat Cattley in a massive upset, but alas, I'm a newcomer.

    [*]ANGLE: Starr Beats Down Youngman - 14

    Starr continues to beat down the young lions after defeating them in his quest to win the Rip Chord Invitational.

    [*]ANGLE: Blaze Saves Youngman From Starr - 14

    I wanted to plant seeds of the young guys coming together to watch each other's backs, it didn't go over well with the crowd due to them having no clue who they are.

    [*]Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Cameron Vessey defeated Findlay O'Farraday in a steel cage match to retain the MAW Championship - 45

    [*]RCI Final

    Casey Valentine defeated Hollywood Bret Starr to win the Rip Chord Invitational - 32

    Even though both competitors are good workers, due to having the face/heel divide, I broke a cardinal rule and had two heels face each other in a match



- Not bad, but not good. This is not what I wanted as a debut event, especially at the RCI which is one of our biggest events of the year. The arena was sold-out however and the show received positive feedback on TEW.com so it wasn't all bad.

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MAW Wrestling Classic

February 2013



  • Robbie Wright (w/Lisa Bowen) defeated Miller Fforde - Match Rating: 29



  • Mean Jean Cattley defeated Bradley Blaze and Ernest Youngman in an Elimination Match - Match Rating: 48

    Just like at the RCI, putting Mean Jean and Youngman in a match together is good for business. Blaze was just an added bonus.

  • ANGLE: Valentine and Honeyman Argue, Match Booked - Angle Rating: 25
  • Casey Valentine defeated Remmy Honeyman - Match Rating: 42

    Like his description says, Honeyman can sell moves and he can work a match. I don't have any plans for him currently, but he definitely has a place in MAW.

  • ANGLE: Starr Rants About Citizen X - Angle Rating: 30

    Starr was booked in a match against Citizen X and he wasn't very happy about it, he ripped into X calling him unworthy of his American Championship and declaring that X is beneath him in every way.

  • Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

    The Dynamite Express defeated the Aces of Mayhem and the American Cobras to retain - Match Rating: 41

  • Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

    Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Citizen X to retain - Match Rating: 33

    Another lesson learned here. Despite the fact that Starr and X have great chemistry in the ring, the dirty finish didn't sit well with the crowd.

  • ANGLE: Elaborate O'Farraday Entrance - Angle Rating: 25
  • Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Cameron Vessey defeated Findlay O'Farraday to retain - Match Rating: 54

    In the best MAW match to date of 2013, O'Farraday was not able to take advantage of his rematch and he loses another championship match to Cameron Vessey.


- This was much better. Some momentum was built after the previous show and overall the show seemed to have a much better flow. The show was sold out, and once again was met with positive feedback. This was a very good month for MAW as we made $10,586 in that month.

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After a hugely profitable month, it was decided that the roster could do with even more fresh faces.

  • Deuce Deadline

    The most recent graduate of the MAW dojo, Deuce is a tough brawler with solid wrestling ability. Also, at 6'4" and 260 pounds, his size will provide some interesting match-ups for the mostly light/middle weight roster.

  • KC Glenn

    Another seemingly can't miss prospect, somehow he was only under one contract (touring with BHOTWG), and I can deal with that.

  • Mainstream Hernandez

    Former MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez has returned home. MAW really needed a main event face to step right in and be a legitimate challenger. I do not know how long he'll be available, but while he is available, MAW will love to have him.

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MAW Super Showdown

March 2013



  • Americana defeated Copperhead and George Wolfe - Match Rating: D

    Americana is the newly formed tag team of Bradley Blaze and KC Glenn (the name due to Blaze having a good cowboy gimmick, and Glenn using the patriot gimmick). What's more American than a cowboy and a southern patriot?



  • Ernest Youngman and the American Cobras defeated The Architect, Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen), and Deuce Deadline - Match Rating: E+
  • ANGLE: Sam Keith Signs Hernandez - Angle Rating: D
  • Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

    The Dynamite Express defeated The Aces of Mayhem to retain the MAW Tag Team Championship - Match Rating: D-

  • ANGLE: Cam Vessey Hypes Upcoming Triangle Match - Angle Rating: E+

    Vessey comes out to hype up the main event of the evening: Vessey vs O'Farraday vs Cattley for the MAW Championship. He promises it will be a match to remember.

  • Mainstream Hernandez defeated Casey Valentine - Match Rating: D

    Despite winning the RCI, Casey Valentine could not stop the returning Mainstream Hernandez. This match definitely raised the energy of the crowd and prepared them for the great main events.

  • Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

    Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Citizen X to retain the MAW American Championship - Match Rating: D+

    Starr continues to show why he is still here despite his poor attitude. His talent along with the chemistry with X make each meeting unforgettable.

  • Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Cameron Vessey defeated Findlay O'Farraday and Mean Jean Cattley in a triangle match to retain the MAW Championship - Match Rating: D+

    Despite his efforts, O'Farraday again fails to recapture the title that was his not long ago. Valentine came down to ringside to distract O'Farraday after he landed the Atomic Spinebuster on Cattley and Vessey was able to capitalize on the distraction and win the match.



- Another improvement; and as I figure out the talent and get a clear vision for more of the workers, these grades stand to only improve. I really like this roster, so I don't see anymore changes coming, but in this business, you just never know what's going to happen.


NOTE: I switched to letter grades instead of the numbers because they are easier to correlate to the match/angle quality (IMO of course).

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Good start so far. I think this is a great way to learn more about the game.


Letters are also much more useful for me to read.


My tip with companies this size is don't get carried away with contract length.


You're normally far better off only really keeping a handful of guys on your roster long-term and bringing in a rolling list of either people to debut strongly and then be beaten or improvements on current employees. It's always tempting to pick up wrestler X when he's 21 and sign him up for 3 years because he's talented but if his momentum is F- for the whole time and his population is 0 why bother? Especially if you've got 10 guys in that boat. You're better off with signing 3-6 month contracts and rotating. You can always bring people back later.

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Prior to tonight's show, Hollywood Bret Starr picked a fight with The Architect. He was clearly the aggressor. The Architect was trying his best to be a professional until Starr insisted on questioning first his skills and then his dedication. A fist fight erupted with most saying that The Architect got the better of the exchange until they were seperated. Keith and Cattley read him the riot act, but it didn't seem to do much help. Starr simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Whatever..."


MAW Americana

April 2013



  • George Wolfe defeated Remmy Honeyman - Match Rating: D-
  • Bradley Blaze defeated Robbie Wright - Match Rating: E+
  • The American Cobras defeated Copperhead and Deuce Deadline - Match Rating: E+



  • ANGLE: Cam Vessey Booked Against Cage - Angle Rating: D

    Sam Keith opens the show with a huge announcement, the MAW champion, Cameron Vessey, will defend his title against a special challenger - Roger Cage, the current NYCW Empire champion.

  • Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

    The Dynamite Express defeated Flash Sparrow (The American Flash and Matt Sparrow) to retain the MAW Tag Team Championship - Match Rating: E+

    The Coastal Zone Tag Team champions came to MAW to challenge for another set of belts. While they were unsuccessful in their attempt, they did give the crowd a good match, but not quite what I was expecting.

  • ANGLE: Citizen X Challenges Starr - Angle Rating: D-

    Citizen X challenges Hollywood Bret Starr for the MAW American Championship for the last time on one condition - he wants a ladder match. Having already defeated X twice, Starr arrogantly accepts.

  • Findlay O'Farraday defeated Casey Valentine - Match Rating: D
  • Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

    Citizen X defeated Hollywood Bret Starr for the MAW American Championship - Match Rating: D+

    X finally gets over the hump and defeats Starr and after this match, Starr was supposed to get the push to main event status, but his behavior is going to cause a change in plans.

  • Mainstream Hernandez defeated Mean Jean Cattley - Match Rating D+

    Hernandez continues to defeat the top heels in MAW, having an especially good mach with Mean Jean.

  • Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Cameron Vessey defeated Roger Cage to retain the MAW Championship - Match Rating: D

    I truly believe this match could have been my first to break past the D+ barrier and go into C-/C territory, however Cage had creative control (a fact which I neglected to notice when I loaned him from NYCW) and in order to get him to do the job, he had to be booked to look strong. I believe that really kept this match from breaking through.



  • KC Glenn defeated The Architect - Match Rating: D-



- Not as good as the Super Showdown a month ago, Americana was still a solid show. The main event between Vessey and Cage did not go over as well as I planned, but it was still a good match to end the show. I should have known that a ladder match between Starr and X would possibly steal the show due to their chemistry in the ring and the recent matches they had together building anticipation for X to capture the title. Also, yes your eyes are not lying, Ernest Youngman was not a part of tonight's show. He was recovering from an injury.


- April was another profitable month for MAW, bringing in $2,859. I made less due to the loans paid to acquire Roger Cage and The American Flash.

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Thanks for the kind comments and the advice. I never thought of the contracts like that, I probably have a lot of guys under 3 year deals since that is the length that the game defaults to. Signing talent for shorter stints and just extending them as necessary would be an excellent idea for me.
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  • Nate Demarcus

    Another graduate of the MAW dojo, DeMarcus is an athletic young worker with an impressive build. At 6'5" and 280 pounds of muscle and with his solid wrestling ability he is an interesting talent. I could see him and Deuce Deadline pairing up as a monster tag team after they hone their abilities more.



Prior to tonight's show, Hollywood Bret Starr picked another fight, this time with owner, Sam Keith. After being separated, Mean Jean Cattley took Starr aside and told him that was the last straw. Starr seemed slightly more receptive to Cattley's warning, however even with his newly found humility, it seems that if Starr has another incident he is gone from MAW.



  • Americana defeated Copperhead and Nate Demarcus - Match Rating: D-
  • Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen) defeated Remmy Honeyman and The Architect
  • George Wolfe defeated Miller Fforde



  • ANGLE: Cam Vessey Booked Against James - Angle Rating: D

    Sam Keith announced another special challenge match for MAW champion Cameron Vessey. This week, he will defend his championship against Coastal Zone champion Mikey James!

  • Ernest Youngman defeated Deuce Deadline - Match Rating: E+
  • ANGLE: Valentine is Confident - Angle Rating: D

    Casey Valentine comes to the ring and tells all of the fans that last week's loss to O'Farraday was a fluke and it will never happen again. In fact, tonight he guaranteed a victory.

  • The Aces of Mayhem defeated The American Cobras and The Dynamite Express - Match Rating: D-

    The Aces of Mayhem scored an upset victory over The American Cobras and The Dynamite Express in a non-title 3-way tag team match.

  • Casey Valentine defeated Findlay O'Farraday - Match Rating: D

    It looks like Valentine was right.

  • ANGLE: Starr Rants About Hernandez - Angle Rating: D-

    Bret Starr complains about being put into a match with Mainstream Hernandez. He remembers when Hernandez was here in the past and he left to get more experience. Starr promises that he will beat Hernandez and make him want to get even more experience before he returns again.

  • Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

    Citizen X defeated Mean Jean Cattley to retain the MAW American Championship - Match Rating: D

  • Mainstream Hernandez defeated Hollywood Bret Starr - Match Rating: D+
  • Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Cameron Vessey defeated Mikey James to defend the MAW Championship - Match Rating: C

    Officially the greatest match for MAW in 2013. This was more than I could have hoped for from this match and well worth the price.


- MAW finally breaks through into the C grades. It feels good to know that we really put on a great match to close the night. We keep getting better and better as the months pass. Also, we have had another profitable month, not as good as February and March, but a step above April at $3,481.

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MAW Fan Festival

June 2013



The American Cobras VS Deuce Deadline and Nate Demarcus

  • The American Cobras defeated Deuce Deadline and Nate DeMarcus in 7:41 when Storm Spillane defeated Nate DeMarcus by submission with a Kneeling Boston Crab.

Miller Fforde and Remmy Honeyman VS Copperhead and The Architect

  • Miller Fforde and Remmy Honeyman defeated Copperhead and The Architect in 7:38 when Remmy Honeyman defeated The Architect by pinfall with a Flying Legdrop.



Bradley Blaze VS George Wolfe VS Ernest Youngman

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/BradleyBlaze_zps0c54f58d.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/BradleyBlaze_zps0c54f58d.jpg" border="0" alt="Bradley Blaze photo BradleyBlaze_zps0c54f58d.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/GeorgeWolfe_zpse5ead8e4.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/GeorgeWolfe_zpse5ead8e4.jpg" border="0" alt="George Wolfe photo GeorgeWolfe_zpse5ead8e4.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/ErnestYoungman_zps03a827f6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/ErnestYoungman_zps03a827f6.jpg" border="0" alt="Ernest Youngman photo ErnestYoungman_zps03a827f6.jpg"/></a>

  • Bradley Blaze defeated George Wolfe and Ernest Youngman in 10:18 when Bradley Blaze defeated George Wolfe by pinfall with a Dallas Drop.
  • MATCH RATING: D - I was hoping for more from this match, however taking into account that this was the opener, I felt this was a good result.

Findlay O'Farraday VS Robbie Wright

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/FindlayOFarraday_zpsd27ba7bb.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/FindlayOFarraday_zpsd27ba7bb.jpg" border="0" alt="Findlay O'Farraday photo FindlayOFarraday_zpsd27ba7bb.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/RobbieWright_zps7cd9b03d.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/RobbieWright_zps7cd9b03d.jpg" border="0" alt="Robbie Wright photo RobbieWright_zps7cd9b03d.jpg"/></a>

  • Findlay O'Farraday defeated Robbie Wright in 9:58 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster. Findlay really needed a win here, he has only a single victory in all of 2013. He gets an easy victory over Robbie Wright here.

ANGLE: Mainstream Hernandez issues a challenge

  • Mainstream Hernandez comes to the ring and challenges Cameron Vessey to a match.

ANGLE: Cameron Vessey responds

  • Mainstream Hernandez is in the ring when Cameron Vessey comes out. He says that he refuses the challenge.

Casey Valentine VS KC Glenn

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg" border="0" alt="Casey Valentine photo CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/KCGlenn_zpsfbfe8620.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/KCGlenn_zpsfbfe8620.jpg" border="0" alt="KC Glenn photo KCGlenn_zpsfbfe8620.jpg"/></a>

  • Casey Valentine defeated KC Glenn in 10:09 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.
  • MATCH RATING: D+ - This was everything I hoped for, in fact, it was the Match-of-the-Night. Valentine gets the win here due to him being much more over, however Glenn proves that he can hang in the ring with the best.

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship

The Dynamite Express VS The Aces Of Mayhem

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg" border="0" alt="Syd Collier photo SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg"/></a> & <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Jones photo CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/AceYoungblood_zps0978b0cc.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/AceYoungblood_zps0978b0cc.jpg" border="0" alt="Ace Youngblood photo AceYoungblood_zps0978b0cc.jpg"/></a> & <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MaxMayhem_zps3e5d7102.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MaxMayhem_zps3e5d7102.jpg" border="0" alt="Max Mayhem photo MaxMayhem_zps3e5d7102.jpg"/></a>

  • The Dynamite Express defeated The Aces Of Mayhem in 13:43 when Cameron Jones defeated Ace Youngblood by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. The Dynamite Express make defence number 5 of their Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles. The Aces OF Mayhem earned this title opportunity after defeating The Dynamite Express and The American Cobras in a 3-way non-title tag team match at MAW Old School Rules.

ANGLE: Cameron Vessey Booked Against Mainstream Hernandez

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  • Sam Keith comes to the ring and announces that Vessey does not have the option to decline Hernandez's challenge and that tonight, in the main event, he will go one-on-one with Hernandez for the MAW Championship.

Mid Atlantic American Championship

Citizen X VS Hollywood Bret Starr VS Mean Jean Cattley

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CitizenX_zps078ae5eb.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CitizenX_zps078ae5eb.jpg" border="0" alt="Citizen X photo CitizenX_zps078ae5eb.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/HollywoodBretStarr_zps3a518e58.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/HollywoodBretStarr_zps3a518e58.jpg" border="0" alt="Hollywood Bret Starr photo HollywoodBretStarr_zps3a518e58.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MeanJeanCattley_zps9b1507e9.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MeanJeanCattley_zps9b1507e9.jpg" border="0" alt="Mean Jean Cattley photo MeanJeanCattley_zps9b1507e9.jpg"/></a>

  • Citizen X defeated Hollywood Bret Starr and Mean Jean Cattley in 16:21 when Citizen X defeated Hollywood Bret Starr by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy. Citizen X makes defence number 2 of his Mid Atlantic American title.
  • MATCH RATING D- - I was expecting a better rating here, but I did notice that X and Starr have been in matches together for 4 of the last 5 events. This one may be getting worn out.

Mid Atlantic Championship

Mainstream Hernandez VS Cameron Vessey

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  • Mainstream Hernandez drew with Cameron Vessey in 23:31 following a double count out. Casey Valentine also made an appearance during this match. When Vessey "accidentally" took out the referee in the corner, Valentine came to the ring and attacked Hernandez. Mainstream Hernandez will have his rematch, but not until after the Sam Keith Classic.
  • MATCH RATING: D - This was an excellent match, marred by a finish that the crowd absolutely hated. I believe this should have been another C-rated match given the skills of those involved and the momentum that Hernandez has behind him.


- A step below our previous show, but still on par with the shows that we have been producing as of late. The crowd really hated the finish to the MAW Championship match and that really hurt what was an excellent match. Hollywood Bret Starr continues his slide due to his behavioral incidents. I had high hopes for him, however he was unable to keep his behavior in line. Maybe this losing streak will bring him to his senses - I highly doubt it will. It was another profitable month, with MAW pulling in $4,908 in profits.

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MAW The Sam Keith Classic III

July 2013



10-Man Battle Royale

Bradley Blaze VS Copperhead VS Deuce Deadline VS Ernest Youngman VS George Wolfe (w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume) VS Marvel Malloy VS Miller Fforde VS Nate DeMarcus VS Remmy Honeyman VS Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen)

  • George Wolfe won a battle royal in 13:48. The other members of the 'final four' were Ernest Youngman, Marvel Malloy and Deuce Deadline, with Ernest Youngman being the final elimination. Ernest Youngman got the most eliminations over the course of the match.
  • Match Rating: D-
  • This was simply a match to get every worker some ring time. Since I'm paying downsides on contracts, I might as well get them out there and working. Initially, I did not want George Wolfe to win. He complained about the finish even when I added notes for him to stay strong, to have the most eliminations, and to be the last elimination. He has done this a few times now. I may have to keep my eye on this potential Hollywood Bret Starr II.


ANGLE: Hernandez Gets Title Shot

  • Mainstream Hernandez is backstage with Sam Keith. He asks to be given another chance to wrestle Cameron Vessey in a singles match for the MAW championship at The Battle of the Mid Atlantic, and Sam Keith accepts the request.
  • Angle Rating: C- - After the way their first match ended a rematch was a given.



Zone Out VS Americana

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/FoxMask_zpsf2703298.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/FoxMask_zpsf2703298.jpg" border="0" alt="Fox Mask photo FoxMask_zpsf2703298.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/RemmySkye_zpsb9c48a1b.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/RemmySkye_zpsb9c48a1b.jpg" border="0" alt="Remmy Skye photo RemmySkye_zpsb9c48a1b.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/BradleyBlaze_zps0c54f58d.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/BradleyBlaze_zps0c54f58d.jpg" border="0" alt="Bradley Blaze photo BradleyBlaze_zps0c54f58d.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/KCGlenn_zpsfbfe8620.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/KCGlenn_zpsfbfe8620.jpg" border="0" alt="KC Glenn photo KCGlenn_zpsfbfe8620.jpg"/></a>

  • Zone Out defeated Americana in 11:43 when Fox Mask defeated KC Glenn by pinfall with a Fox Hunter. Zone Out advances to the semi-final round of the Sam Keith Classic.
  • Match Rating: D+ - This was a great bout for Blaze and Glenn. They were able to get in the ring with two very experienced competitors. Even though they lost, they learned a lot this evening

The Dynamite Express VS The Aces Of Mayhem

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Jones photo CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg" border="0" alt="Syd Collier photo SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/AceYoungblood_zps0978b0cc.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/AceYoungblood_zps0978b0cc.jpg" border="0" alt="Ace Youngblood photo AceYoungblood_zps0978b0cc.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MaxMayhem_zps3e5d7102.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MaxMayhem_zps3e5d7102.jpg" border="0" alt="Max Mayhem photo MaxMayhem_zps3e5d7102.jpg"/></a>

  • The Dynamite Express defeated The Aces Of Mayhem in 10:27 when Cameron Jones defeated Ace Youngblood by pinfall with a Chop And Change. The Dynamite Express advances to the semi-final round of the Sam Keith Classic.
  • Match Rating: D- - Another solid match between these teams, soon I feel The Dynamite Express will need a team to dethrone them. They have just about dominated the tag team scene all year (only losing a triple threat match in which neither Jones nor Collier were pinned).

C-V-2 VS The American Cobras

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Vessey photo CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg" border="0" alt="Casey Valentine photo CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MarvelMalloy_zps1631b63a.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MarvelMalloy_zps1631b63a.jpg" border="0" alt="Marvel Malloy photo MarvelMalloy_zps1631b63a.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/StormSpillane_zpsd2a3b181.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/StormSpillane_zpsd2a3b181.jpg" border="0" alt="Storm Spillane photo StormSpillane_zpsd2a3b181.jpg"/></a>

  • C-V-2 defeated The American Cobras in 9:46 when Cameron Vessey defeated Storm Spillane by pinfall with a Flying V. C-V-2 advances to the semi-final round of the Sam Keith Classic.
  • Match Rating: D - I don't think this was much of a surprise. I like The American Cobras, but they are going to struggle to get victories against the established tag teams in MAW.

Hernandez & Jameson VS Old School Principals

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg" border="0" alt="Mainstream Hernandez photo MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg" border="0" alt="Kirk Jameson photo KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/RickSanders_zps8092bef3.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/RickSanders_zps8092bef3.jpg" border="0" alt="Rick Sanders photo RickSanders_zps8092bef3.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/TheMaskedMauler_zpsd7f9a586.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/TheMaskedMauler_zpsd7f9a586.jpg" border="0" alt="The Masked Mauler photo TheMaskedMauler_zpsd7f9a586.jpg"/></a>

  • Hernandez & Jameson defeated Old School Principals in 12:17 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Super Kick. Hernandez & Jameson advances to the semi-final round of the Sam Keith Classic.
  • Match Rating: D+ - This was a better contest than I expected, but maybe I should have seen it coming? Sanders and The Masked Mauler are both very experienced and solid wrestlers, and Hernandez & Jameson have chemistry together seeing as how Jameson is Hernandez's tag partner in FCW.


C-V-2 VS Zone Out

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Vessey photo CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg" border="0" alt="Casey Valentine photo CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/FoxMask_zpsf2703298.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/FoxMask_zpsf2703298.jpg" border="0" alt="Fox Mask photo FoxMask_zpsf2703298.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/RemmySkye_zpsb9c48a1b.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/RemmySkye_zpsb9c48a1b.jpg" border="0" alt="Remmy Skye photo RemmySkye_zpsb9c48a1b.jpg"/></a>

  • C-V-2 defeated Zone Out in 14:29 when Casey Valentine defeated Remmy Skye by pinfall with a Flying V. C-V-2 advances to the final round of the Sam Keith Classic.
  • Match Rating: C- - The runner-up Match-of-the-Night; bringing in Zone Out was very much worth taking a small financial loss this month.

Hernandez & Jameson VS The Dynamite Express

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg" border="0" alt="Mainstream Hernandez photo MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg" border="0" alt="Kirk Jameson photo KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Jones photo CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg" border="0" alt="Syd Collier photo SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg"/></a>

  • Hernandez & Jameson defeated The Dynamite Express in 14:04 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Cameron Jones by pinfall with an Apparition #14. Hernandez & Jameson advances to the final round of the Sam Keith Classic.
  • Match Rating: D - Hernandez is on a mission to get that MAW Championship. He and Vessey are trying to get a leg up on each other at all costs. Was there any doubt that they would be meeting in the finals?

ANGLE: Hernandez Beaten Down By C-V-2

  • C-V-2 attack Mainstream Hernandez backstage, and leave him down and out.
  • Angle Rating: D- - Vessey and Valentine look for any way to get an advantage and they find it in Mainstream Hernandez being backstage alone. They beat him down for a few minutes and leave before any cavalry can arrive.


<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20Championships/SamKeithClassic_zpsb603cff1.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20Championships/SamKeithClassic_zpsb603cff1.jpg" border="0" alt="Sam Keith Classic photo SamKeithClassic_zpsb603cff1.jpg"/></a>


C-V-2 VS Hernandez & Jameson

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Vessey photo CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg" border="0" alt="Casey Valentine photo CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg" border="0" alt="Mainstream Hernandez photo MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg" border="0" alt="Kirk Jameson photo KirkJameson_zps567ac403.jpg"/></a>

  • The pre-match assault by C-V-2 was too much as C-V-2 defeated Hernandez & Jameson in 15:59 when Casey Valentine defeated Kirk Jameson by pinfall with a Flying V. Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey win the Sam Keith Classic for the second time.
  • Match Rating: C- - It is always great when the main event is truly the best match on the card. There was a lot of anticipation for this match, especially since it was announced that Vessey would be defending the title once again at The Battle of the Mid Atlantic against Hernandez. This result was exactly what I was expecting. Also worth noting is that Casey Valentine is the only worker in MAW history to win both the Rip Chord Invitational and Sam Keith Classic in the same calendar year.


Citizen X and Findlay O'Farraday VS Hollywood Bret Starr and Mean Jean Cattley

  • Citizen X and Findlay O'Farraday defeated Hollywood Bret Starr and Mean Jean Cattley in 13:51 when Citizen X defeated Mean Jean Cattley by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy.
  • Match Rating: E+ - I'll take this one as another lesson learned. If guys are high up on the card, they may not be too excited to wrestle in a post-show match.



- I really wish I had more time at this event. I really wish I would have been able to shove a match between the quarterfinal and semi-finals, and also another between the semi-finals and finals. I made the tag matches as short as possible given who was involved. I would like to go to two shows a month, but I still don't think it is feasible right now. In fact, due to bringing in Fox Mask, Remmy Skye, Kirk Jameson, Rick Sanders, and The Masked Mauler for the tourney, I had my first negative month. MAW lost $791, but personally I think it was worth it. I feel like KC Glenn and Bradley Blaze learned a lot by being in the ring with Remmy Skye and Fox Mask (the 3rd best match on the card), and C-V-2's match with Zone Out was also a great match (the 2nd best match on the card). I think they also worked better than adding a random team of Starr and Cattley, and a jobber team of Copperhead/Deadline/DeMarcus/Wolfe. Looking at my tag team situation right now, I have two heel teams, and three face teams. One of the heel teams, C-V-2 doesn't tag as often due to them both being in the main event. So, truly it's three face teams to one heel team. I will need to make some teams with the existing talent on the roster. I do not think it would be very intelligent for me to sign anymore talent, I have 24 active wrestlers on the roster, that's enough. It looks like it's time to try out some tag team combinations in the pre-show.


*All credit goes to Luchador Canadiense for the Sam Keith Classic logo. Thank you very much.

*All credit goes to ReapeR for the Sam Keith Classic Belt. Thank you very much.

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To anyone that may be following this, I have not given up on this. Real life has gotten in the way and I hadn't worked ahead at all to ensure that I would have material in case this happened. I am working on getting a few shows ahead now and having material saved so that I can make sure I post regularly. I hope to have some new content up this evening while watching the game.
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MAW The Battle For The Mid Atlantic

August 2013



Americana VS The Architect and George Wolfe

  • Americana defeated The Architect and George Wolfe in 9:48 when KC Glenn defeated The Architect by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band.
  • Match Rating: D
  • Despite a poor showing by The Architect; KC Glenn, Bradley Blaze, and George Wolfe were able to put on a decent match. I am trying out tag team combinations, and this one just doesn't seem to work.


The Aces of Mayhem VS Copperhead and Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen)

  • The Aces Of Mayhem defeated Copperhead and Robbie Wright in 9:31 when Max Mayhem defeated Copperhead by pinfall with a Canadian Tumbleweed.
  • Match Rating: E
  • Again, MAW needs some new tag teams to liven up the tag division, but none of the teams seem to be working. I'm hoping that some chemistry notes pop-up, but I'm not getting lucky.


The American Cobras VS Deuce Deadline and Nate Demarcus

  • The American Cobras defeated Deuce Deadline and Nate DeMarcus in 10:17 when Storm Spillane defeated Deuce Deadline by submission with a Kneeling Boston Crab.
  • Match Rating: E+



Hernandez Promo About Cam Vessey

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg" border="0" alt="Mainstream Hernandez photo MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg"/></a>

Vessey, at Fan Festival, you kept your title on a technicality. I had you beat and you escaped. I will admit, at the Sam Keith Classic, that night, you were the better man. But I have to let you know one thing Vessey; TONIGHT I AM THE BETTER MAN AND I WILL BE CHAMPION!

  • Angle Rating: D+


Ernest Youngman VS Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen)

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/ErnestYoungman_zps03a827f6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/ErnestYoungman_zps03a827f6.jpg" border="0" alt="Ernest Youngman photo ErnestYoungman_zps03a827f6.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/RobbieWright_zps7cd9b03d.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/RobbieWright_zps7cd9b03d.jpg" border="0" alt="Robbie Wright photo RobbieWright_zps7cd9b03d.jpg"/></a> W/ <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/LisaBowen_zps89a07778.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/LisaBowen_zps89a07778.jpg" border="0" alt="Lisa Bowen photo LisaBowen_zps89a07778.jpg"/></a>

  • Ernest Youngman defeated Robbie Wright in 9:46 by pinfall with The Hit.
  • Match Rating: D-
  • A solid opening match; Youngman and Wright are both very promising young workers. I would like to push them both up the card, but I'm finding that the bottom of the card is getting very jumbled and no one is really going anywhere.


The Dynamite Express VS Miller Fforde and Remmy Honeyman

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg" border="0" alt="Syd Collier photo SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Jones photo CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MillerFforde_zps0be29230.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MillerFforde_zps0be29230.jpg" border="0" alt="Miller Fforde photo MillerFforde_zps0be29230.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/RemmyHoneyman_zps096b052c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/RemmyHoneyman_zps096b052c.jpg" border="0" alt="Remmy Honeyman photo RemmyHoneyman_zps096b052c.jpg"/></a>

  • The Dynamite Express defeated Miller Fforde and Remmy Honeyman in 8:38 when Syd Collier defeated Miller Fforde by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf.
  • Match Rating: E
  • This match was designed to show off The Dynamite Express at the expense of Fforde and Honeyman. Since they have beat up on The American Cobras and Aces of Mayhem for months, I think I may have built them up to be too much of a juggernaut and only some new teams will be able to legitimately come in and defeat them. They did lose at the Sam Keith Classic, but losing to the MAW Champion is nothing to be ashamed of.


The Dynamite Express Promo

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg" border="0" alt="Syd Collier photo SydCollier_zps2c90be1e.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Jones photo CameronJones_zps5bea6a4f.jpg"/></a>

Syd Collier: You know Jones, none of these tag teams are worthy of getting a shot at our titles. No matter what combination they have put in front of us, no one has been able to take these titles from around our waists. And the team they put in front of us tonight, what do you think about them Jones...


Cameron Jones: WHAT A JOKE! We have one message - until we have some legitimate competition we are putting these titles on an indefinite hiatus. We need the owner and the board of directors to do their damn jobs and bring in some real teams and not the jokes that we are facing every week.

  • Angle Rating: E+


Casey Valentine VS Findlay O'Farraday VS Mean Jean Cattley

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  • Casey Valentine defeated Findlay O'Farraday and Mean Jean Cattley in an Elimination match in 20:22; the order of elimination was Findlay O'Farraday first, and then Mean Jean Cattley.
  • Match Rating: D+
  • I feel like Valentine is one of my best workers and I'm giving him a push to see how he'll respond. I have noticed that O'Farraday and Cattley have no major wins as of late. I may be abusing Cattley a little too much.


Starr Rants About Citizen X

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Citizen X is beneath me. He has tasted defeat at my hands twice, and he has managed to get two fluke wins since then. I will get my title back because Citizen X does not deserve to walk in my shadow, much less to hold the MAW American Championship.

  • Angle Rating: E+


Sam Keith Gives Starr An Ultimatum - Win or You're FIRED!

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Starr, since you are the best and the best can overcome anything, I have an offer for you. If you do not defeat your inferior opponent tonight, you're fired. Oh, and one last thing, your match tonight is now a last man standing match. Good luck…

  • Angle Rating: D-


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Citizen X VS Hollywood Bret Starr

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  • Citizen X defeated Hollywood Bret Starr in a Last Man Standing match in 15:57 when Hollywood Bret Starr could not beat a ten count after a Flaming Anarchy. Citizen X makes defence number 3 of his Mid Atlantic American title.
  • Match Rating: D
  • Starr is "fired", setting him up for a future return. I like his work and he has good/great chemistry with both Hernandez and Citizen X, if only he wasn't such a detriment to the locker room. Hopefully this time off will serve him well.


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Mainstream Hernandez VS Cameron Vessey

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  • Mainstream Hernandez defeated Cameron Vessey in 23:46 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. Mainstream Hernandez wins the Mid Atlantic Championship title.
  • Match Rating: C
  • Hernandez finally gets over the hump and defeats Vessey for the MAW Championship. Vessey had a very strong reign, managing 10 defences including some special challenge matches against opponents from 4C and CZCW. Hernandez has been such a great boost for our shows. Hopefully, I can build up some young guys to take his place and I can let him go when his contract is up.



- The 2nd C- show of 2013, we seem to really be picking up steam. I'm having some trouble with the undercard, but the semi-main and main events are really carrying the shows. Hernandez finally wins the title, and Valentine starts to make his push to be a potential challenger. I'm really happy with the outcome of this show and I really hope I can maintain this level of quality with my shows. Also, we have moved up a little - we performed in front of a sold-out crowd of 1,000 and made up for the loss last month with a profit of $10,979.

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I suppose you're Cattley in-game? Also WOO AMERICANA HE'S THE GUY THAT DOES STUFF AND YES!


Yes, I chose to use Cattley. I'm abusing his status a bit too much. He may move down to upper midcarder if I keep him going the way he has. His momentum hasn't taken as bad of a turn as O'Farraday's has, but they both need some victories.

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MAW The Clash

Delaware Auditorium (Attendance 949)

September 2013



The American Cobras VS Nate Demarcus & Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen)

  • The American Cobras defeated Nate DeMarcus and Robbie Wright in 9:57 when Storm Spillane defeated Nate DeMarcus by submission with a Kneeling Boston Crab.
  • Match Rating: E+


Cameron Jones VS Miller Fforde

  • Cameron Jones defeated Miller Fforde in 10:04 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.
  • Match Rating: D-


Syd Collier Backstage Promo

Did you think that me and Jones were kidding? The MAW Tag Team titles look VERY nice around our waists and until we stop getting challenged by complete jokes, this gold is going to stay right where it is.

  • Angle Rating: E+


The Aces of Mayhem VS Copperhead & Deuce Deadline

  • The Aces Of Mayhem defeated Copperhead and Deuce Deadline in 9:31 when Max Mayhem defeated Copperhead by pinfall with a Canadian Tumbleweed.
  • Match Rating: E+



Syd Collier VS Remmy Honeyman

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  • Syd Collier defeated Remmy Honeyman in 13:32 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf.
  • Match Rating: D
  • Since The Dynamite Express has put every MAW Tag Team Championship contender on hold, it only makes sense to see what the stronger partner can do on his own.


Findlay O'Farraday VS The Architect

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  • Findlay O'Farraday defeated The Architect in 14:09 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster.
  • Match Rating: D
  • O'Farraday's momentum is in the dumps, I have been using him as a jobber to the stars, but that is just killing him. I have been able to keep him happy by praising him after every show, but I do not know how long that will last before he just can't take the losing anymore.



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I AM THE BEST! I've known it for a long time and soon you are all going to learn, starting tonight. There is not a single competitor in that locker room who is fit to carry my gym bag. This is the beginning of the Valentine Challenge. Anyone foolish enough to believe that he can possibly beat me is welcome to try...

  • Angle Rating: D+


Bradley Blaze Responds to the Challenge

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Valentine, you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? I ACCEPT!

  • Angle Rating: E+
  • The young guys really need more angle time. Most of my angles only involve Sam Keith, Mainstream Hernandez, Cam Vessey, Casey Valentine, or Citizen X.


Casey Valentine VS Bradley Blaze

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  • Casey Valentine defeated Bradley Blaze in 10:27 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.
  • Match Rating: D
  • Valentine may not be as good of a worker as his partner Vessey, but there is just something about him that makes me want to see how he does with a shot at stardom.


Citizen X, KC Glenn & Ernest Youngman VS Mean Jean Cattley, George Wolfe, and The Architect

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  • Citizen X, KC Glenn and Ernest Youngman defeated Mean Jean Cattley, George Wolfe and The Architect in 23:55 when Citizen X defeated The Architect by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy.
  • Match Rating: C-
  • To be honest, this match-up was pretty random. Glenn was in a match without his partner; The Architect was wrestling for the second time on the card (oops!); the only thing that made sense was having two of my more pushed workers in a match this high up the card. This did give me a chance to see what all of these guys were made of and the future looks bright.


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Mainstream Hernandez VS Cameron Vessey

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  • Mainstream Hernandez defeated Cameron Vessey in a Ladder match in 23:39 when Mainstream Hernandez retrieved the item. Mainstream Hernandez makes defence number 1 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title.
  • Match Rating: C+
  • Every month it seems like I have another "Best Match of 2013" and it's happened again. Hernandez and Vessey are a great combo, hopefully I can continue their feud a little longer until another heel can challenge for the title.



KC Glenn In-Ring Promo

For seven months I have brought everything I have. For seven months I have competed month in and month out for myself and my partner... But, most importantly, I compete for you - the fans. Every punch, every kick, and every suplex is done to consistently bring it like no one else does. I promise I will never stop... I will never quit... I will die in this ring!

  • Angle Rating: E+
  • I have to start getting some of these guys more angle time. They are great workers, but they need to connect more.



- MY FIRST C-RATED SHOW!!! After reading over this show, I really, really enjoyed this. The grades reflect it, but reviewing it all, this was a well put together show. I feel like it had just the right amount of content and the matches worked out really well. Financially, September was an excellent month, with a profit of $10,382. The larger crowds have really helped me out - our ticket sales have tripled.


I'm starting to feel as if I have roster bloat; we some guys with very low momentum (due to being jobbers) and when I sign new workers, I really don't let anyone else go. I have only released Keith Vegas (his former partner Miller Fforde may next), but I have brought in 9 new workers (including 2 dojo graduates). Every promotion needs jobbers, but I think maybe I need to start bringing in new (cheaper) jobbers. I have a plan for improving the momentum of some of the guys on the card, but I'm not sure it will work, I will have to see.


The other challenge I'm finding with MAW is that they have A LOT of potential talent. Even without the guys I signed, MAW has a very strong main event and upper-midcard, and they have a lot of young talent (George Wolfe, The Architect, Syd Collier, and Robbie Wright), but you can't push everyone. I feel like Robbie gets the short end of the stick in MAW, due to his wrestling ability not being up to snuff, but in a different promotion, he could be great. I have some very tough decisions up ahead.

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MAW Where It All Begins Again

Delaware Auditorium (Attendance 1,000 SELL OUT!)

October 2013



The American Cobras VS Copperhead & Deuce Deadline

  • The American Cobras defeated Copperhead and Deuce Deadline in 9:35 when Marvel Malloy defeated Copperhead by pinfall with a Cobra Strike.
  • Match Rating: E+


The Aces of Mayhem VS Nate DeMarcus & The Architect

  • The Aces Of Mayhem defeated Nate DeMarcus and The Architect in 9:52 when Ace Youngblood defeated Nate DeMarcus by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.
  • Match Rating: E+


Miller Fforde VS Cameron Jones

  • Cameron Jones defeated Miller Fforde in 9:48 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.
  • Match Rating: E+



Mean Jean Cattley VS Matthew Keith

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  • Matthew Keith defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 11:05 by submission with a Proton Lock.
  • Match Rating: D
  • I did not book this one correctly at all, I looked at Keith's push (which is recommended as Main Eventer) and I put him in this match against Mean Jean AND gave him the win. I do have plans for Keith, but I really did not mean to have him make such a big splash in his first match-up. Mean Jean could have really used the victory here. Mean Jean (myself) will be the first person in wrestling history to bury himself.


Sam Keith Announces His Newest Signee... Mikey James

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to some and present to others... MIKEY JAMES!!! I was able to secure James' services for a short time to come in here and shake things up. While he did appear a while ago for a special challenge match against Cameron Vessey, this time James will hang around for a while longer and show MAW what he really can do. Good luck Mikey James, your match is up next.
  • Angle Rating: D+


Mikey James VS Max Mayhem

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  • Mikey James defeated Max Mayhem in 15:52 by pinfall with a Dragon Whip.
  • Match Rating: D+
  • Mikey James wins his debut match over Max Mayhem in impressive fashion. I do not like to use the domination or burial road agent notes because I never want to decimate anyone's momentum, but I really thought about it here.



Ernest Youngman VS Robbie Wright

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  • Ernest Youngman defeated Robbie Wright in 9:41 by pinfall with The Hit. Ernest Youngman advances to the semi-final round at MAW The Proving Ground.
  • Match Rating: D-



George Wolfe VS Remmy Honeyman

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  • George Wolfe defeated Remmy Honeyman in 10:27 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. George Wolfe advances to the semi-final round at MAW The Proving Ground.
  • Match Rating: D-



<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg" border="0" alt="Casey Valentine photo CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg"/></a>

So after last week's demonstration against, what's his name again? Billy Flame? Yeah, I think that's it, who cares, he doesn't matter anyway; does anyone think that they can beat me? Who in that locker room has the audacity to challenge me and come to the ring? Who in that locker room is dumb enough...

  • Angle Rating: D+


Citizen X Responds to the Challenge

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Valentine, you are nothing but an entitled little punk who thinks that just because his uncle was friends with the former owner that he can just have his way around here. Stop wasting everyone's time and come find out why I'm wearing the MAW American Championship around my waist.

  • Angle Rating: D-



KC Glenn VS The Architect

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  • KC Glenn defeated The Architect in 9:35 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band. KC Glenn advances to the semi-final round at MAW The Proving Ground.
  • Match Rating: D+



Bradley Blaze VS Syd Collier

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  • Syd Collier defeated Bradley Blaze in 14:01 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf. Syd Collier advances to the semi-final round at MAW The Proving Ground.
  • Match Rating: D
  • I like both of these competitors, but it's fairly clear to me who is the most talented between the two right now. Since The Dynamite Express has placed their titles on hiatus, Syd Collier has not missed a beat and has continued their winning ways.


Syd Collier Beats Down Bradley Blaze

After the match, Syd Collier adds insult to injury by continuing to attack the defeated Bradley Blaze.

  • Angle Rating: E


KC Glenn Saves Bradley Blaze from Syd Collier

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KC Glenn, Bradley Blaze's tag partner, comes down to make the save, however the damage has already been done. Glenn stares down Collier as he retreats from the ring.

  • Angle Rating: E-


Citizen X VS Casey Valentine

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  • Casey Valentine defeated Citizen X in 14:03 by pinfall with a fast roll up. The Valentine Challenge continues...
  • Match Rating: D+
  • I know it may be strange to have X not defending his title, and also to lose, but larger plans must be set in place. Besides, he was probably paying too much attention to the MAW American Championship tournament.


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Cameron Vessey VS Mainstream Hernandez VS Findlay O'Farraday

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  • Mainstream Hernandez defeated Cameron Vessey and Findlay O'Farraday in 23:39 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. Mainstream Hernandez makes defence number 2 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title.
  • Match Rating: C
  • Hernandez retains again, this time in a triangle match against both Vessey and O'Farraday. While not as good as the main event at MAW The Clash, it was still the best match on the card. Hernandez continues to impress.


- You may (or may not) notice that someone is missing from the show today. Hollywood Bret Starr was fired, non-kayfabe. He showed up late before the show and that was the last straw. He is a talented worker and I would not mind bringing him back in, but I told him after the last fight that this was his last chance and another incident would see him having some extra time on his hands. I thought it was a little overkill, but I had to make my point.


These two hour events are tough. It always feels like I have scheduled too much for one card, as if I'm trying to jam in too many matches. Eight matches on the main card is a lot, but they were mostly all the appropriate lengths.


We also had another month in the black, collecting $11,103 in profits. The fans are really showing up for our shows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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MAW The Proving Ground

Delaware Auditorium (Attendance 990)

October 2013



Copperhead, Deuce Deadline and Nate DeMarcus VS The Aces of Mayhem and The American Cobras

The Aces Of Mayhem and The American Cobras defeated Copperhead, Deuce Deadline and Nate DeMarcus in a Handicap match in 9:51 when Storm Spillane defeated Deuce Deadline by submission with a Kneeling Boston Crab.

Match Rating: D-


Remmy Honeyman and Miller Fforde VS Robbie Wright (w/ Lisa Bowen) and The Architect

Robbie Wright and The Architect defeated Remmy Honeyman and Miller Fforde in 10:06 when Robbie Wright defeated Remmy Honeyman by pinfall with a Wright Move.

Match Rating: D-



Bradley Blaze VS Cameron Jones

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This match-up quickly turned into a back-and-forth brawl. While it was not the most technical affair, both guys really mixed it up well. Neither man could really run away with this match-up - as soon as Blaze would land a big clothesline, Jones would come back with a drop-kick, and when Jones would land a big punch, Blaze would respond with a stiff tackle followed by short punches. Eventually though, Jones was the first to slip up and Blaze was able to land a missile dropkick followed by a Dallas Drop... 1-2-3.

Match Length: 10:15

Match Rating: D



Ernest Youngman VS George Wolfe

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[Ernest Youngman comes to the ring first for his semi-final bout with George Wolfe, and before he gets in the ring, he grabs the microphone from the time-keepers table...]


Tonight, I go one-on-one with George Wolfe... one of the meanest, nastiest and strongest competitors here in MAW. I am determined more than ever to win this #1 contender's tournament and to defeat Citizen X for the MAW American Championship... I am determined more than ever to show each and every one of you why I deserve to be the next MAW American Champion... George, you can bring all of that mean streak and every bit of power you have to the ring, but it will not be enough. Tonight I get one step closer to being the next MAW American Champ...

Angle Rating: E+


[...With that, Youngman drops the microphone in the center of the ring and George Wolfe's heavy metal theme blares through the speakers at the Delaware Auditorium. Wolfe slowly approaches, intensely staring down Youngman as he takes each step down the aisle...]


The match starts out slowly, it seems that Youngman and Wolfe wanted to "feel each other out" before executing their offense. As the match progresses Wolfe uses his strength to take early control of the match, battering Youngman with clotheslines and huge punches. It only takes a single mistake to turn the tide though - as Wolfe sends Youngman careening into the ring ropes, on the rebound, Wolfe went for a back body drop only to be met by a kick to the gut and a huge DDT. This swift change of momentum could not be countered by Wolfe, and Youngman soon hits Wolfe with The Hit and pins Wolfe 1-2-3.

Match Length: 13:50

Match Rating: D+



KC Glenn VS Syd Collier

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As the match begins, it is clear who is the better technical wrestler. Starting first with just basic strikes and holds, eventually Glenn throws Collier in the corner and goes for a big splash. Collier, sensing an opening, dodges the attack and hits Glenn with a MASSIVE back suplex. From the point on, it looks like Collier will be the victor until Glenn gets his second wind. As Glenn is running all over the ring on Collier, Collier ducks under a clothesline from Glenn and on the rebound, he rolls him into a school boy pin and gets the flash pinfall.

Match Length: 13:58

Match Rating: C-


[...As the lights dim, the crowd is drawn towards the large monitors surrounding the ring entrance. As the camera comes into focus, C-V-2 is seen backstage standing outside of the locker room. They notice the cameras and have something to say...


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It's always Hernandez. Every time anyone talks about MAW, it's all about Hernandez. No one ever mentions me, and my very successful title reign... No one has mentioned the fact that Casey won both the Rip Chord Invitational and the Sam Keith Classic in the same calendar year... It's always Hernandez, Hernandez, Hernandez...


You know what Cam? Who really gives a damn about Hernandez other than these stupid fans? Hernandez came crawling back to MAW after he couldn't make it on his own.


You know what Casey, you're right... we beat you and "your surprise partner" Jameson at the Sam Keith Classic to win that one night tourney, and we are going to beat you again tonight. It doesn't matter who you tag with, you are no match for C-V-2.


To put it simply, C-V-2 is the most dominant force in the history of MAW and tonight you will find out why... AGAIN!


[...As Vessey turns his back to the camera, Valentine steps forward and shoves the camera man to the ground. As they both arrogantly laugh at the fallen crew member trying to stand up, the door to their locker room slams shut...]

Angle Rating: D-


Mikey James VS Mean Jean Cattley

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This match starts much quicker than expected. James takes the early advantage, utilizing his speed to run circles around the older, less dynamic opponent. Cattley's experience in the ring soon neutralizes James' attack as he manages to catch him and show why he used to be nicknamed "The Mean Machine". Cattley proceeds to ground James and work on his legs, stomping them and using submission holds to attempt to take away James' biggest advantage.


Cattley cannot control the match forever, as James starts to take control of the match and it takes on a more open feel. Both competitors are just laying into each other, but neither can seem to put the other away.Then, out of no where, James hits Cattley with a Dragon Whip and Cattley goes down for the 3-count.

Match Length: 24:08

Match Rating: C-


[...Prior to the main event, Hernandez and O'Farraday are shown talking tactics and strategy in their locker room. Out of no where, Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine appear and proceed to destroy them... Stomps, punches, kicks... Over and over and over... Eventually, C-V-2 grows tired of beating on them and they walk off with arrogant smirks across their faces...

Angle Rating: D-


C-V-2 VS Mainstream Hernandez and Findlay O'Farraday

<a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg" border="0" alt="Cameron Vessey photo CameronVessey_zpsb3e30085.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg" border="0" alt="Casey Valentine photo CaseyValentine_zps836f1c35.jpg"/></a> VS <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg" border="0" alt="Mainstream Hernandez photo MainstreamHernandez_zpsc8773985.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s97.beta.photobucket.com/user/jsacevedo/media/TEW13%20-%20People/FindlayOFarraday_zpsd27ba7bb.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/jsacevedo/TEW13%20-%20People/FindlayOFarraday_zpsd27ba7bb.jpg" border="0" alt="Findlay O'Farraday photo FindlayOFarraday_zpsd27ba7bb.jpg"/></a>

Following the beat down that C-V-2 gave to both Hernandez and O'Farraday, it was a shock that they even made it to the ring. The trainers and doctors didn't want them to compete, but Hernandez and O'Farraday refused to quit. However, it was very apparent, even just after they hit the ring, that the damage had already been done.


C-V-2 dominated this one from the start. C-V-2 had such an experience edge, having tagged for years, and it showed. They had great chemistry together and they successfully isolated Hernandez for the first half of the match. Eventually, Hernandez was able to get away from Valentine for just enough time to get the "hot tag" to O'Farraday, and he comes into the match and immediately cleans house.


However, the come back was short lived, as C-V-2 had done enough damage to Hernandez to effectively remove him from the match. Vessey and Valentine are too much for one man to handle, even one such as O'Farraday. Valentine and Vessey hit the Flying V on O'Farraday and Valentine arrogantly pins O'Farraday, not even bothering to hook the leg.

Match Length: 24:27

Match Rating: C


Notes: Matthew Keith and Citizen X were unavailable for this show due to scheduling conflicts with larger promotions.
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