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Rejuvenating The Revolution: EXODUS2010

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The Saviour Of The Revolution


For three years, we have ambled down the road of success.


For three years, we have failed to get what is deservedly ours.


A new generation rises.


Now begins the rejuvenation of the revolution in Puroresu.


Now begins to rise of the EXODUS.


(OOC: I may be a little rusty at this, having been out of the Dynasty game for about three/four years, but I can't help but be drawn back into the mixed up Puro scene :D. Mild backstory will follow, just wanted to get this pseudo-teaser out there haha)

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Ballad Of A Ringside Photographer


So, I bet you're wondering how i wound up in a gig like this?


Friends. That would be the simplest way to put it, but then again I believe you're looking for something a little more entertaining than the simple answer.


I guess it started way back in 2009, boy it feels odd to say something like that, when I was working as a ringside photographer for numerous independent companies across Japan. Not the most high-profile job out there, but I love my artsy stuff and it got me out of forests every now and again. I was in fairly high demand I guess for such a job, and fortunately for me I had a car, so I was never stuck in one place for too long. Probably down to the fact I always got killer shots of the in-ring action, but I digress. Somehow my name got out there amongst the bigger indies, in particular Hinote Dojo. It was a solid job, twice or three times a week for a few months at a time, so I couldn't really complain.


After the first tour, management were impressed enough that they brought me on as their main photographer, so I was handling photoshoots and such for the talent. This is how I got to meet that oh-so-controversial figure, Burning EXILE. Now, I know what you're thinking. "How could you possibly stand that guy, he seems like the kinda guy you just want to slap in the face with a raw piece of steak". To answer that, I can only say that I managed to avoid the usual workplace aggression I guess. Since I didn't work against him, I never suffered like others, I just took the photos and attended conferences he was at. Inevitably however, me and him got to talking, if only because it felt awkward taking photos of a masked man in complete silence.


Turns out me and him got on pretty well, and before I knew it we were frequenting bars or other social places after shows, especially the big monthly ones. Due to his personality, and my inherent interest in the business, the topic of booking and wrestling in general soon reared it's head in conversation. While I didn't really have much knowledge of the inner workings of Hinote Dojo, I couldn't help but critique handling of certain workers or the way some matches had been booked. One time, we were talking about a title match EXILE had been in, and had been on the losing side of. I absentmindedly said that he deserved to win that title for the work he had been doing with the youngsters, and this seemed to strike a chord with the Controversial Enigma. I shouldn't be surprised really, as he was always narcissistic, but from that point on he kept me around all the time when we were on the same shows.


Fast forward to the middle of 2010, I get a phone call in the middle of the night. It's EXILE, and he was perhaps the happiest I'd heard him in quite a while. He was setting up a Junior-exclusive promotion with the help of some other investors, and he was going to be booking it once everything had been finalized. I don't really remember my side of the conversation, or if there even was one, I just remember him offering me a job right then and there as photographer but also as his assistant. Apparently the things I'd said over the last year had impressed him, and he wanted my opinions on a more formal basis. Soon I was offering opinions on the opening shows for EXODUS 2010, shows that saw many new characters rise quickly in popularity. Names we all knew were mingling with rookies and creating a new generation of Super Juniors, something that he been missing from the more character-driven promotion of WLW or the Heavyweight Paradises of the top three.


As the years passed, EXILE began to grow slightly weary of being the only one responsible for booking, due to it distracting him from his work in the ring. And so it came to be, that in December 2012, he offered to let me take on the role temporarily while he took a short break to replenish his creative juices. It may seem like a fantastic dream come true for a previous fan boy like myself, to have a higher profile job in charge of a promotions most important aspects. However, that was not the case as you shall soon find out. Had I known what i was getting in to, I would've probably taken longer than breakfast to think about it.


(OOC: Roster and such to follow!)

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Roster Part One



Blade Kimiyama




Info: Yozo "Blade" Kimiyama is a young wrestler who first came to the public's attention when he started working for EXODUS 2010 in May 2010. Very green, he is visibly developing with each match he has, and looks like he could be one for the future. His nickname, "Blade", comes from the sword designs that are on the side of his tights.


Trekkie's Take: Kimiyama is definitely one to try and mold for the future. Sadly at this stage he is quiet inconsistent and relies too much on spotfests to get by. But hey, that's not that out of place in this promotion.


Finishers: Twist The Knife (Springboard Leg Lariat/Bulldog)


Burning EXILE




Info: Burning EXILE (Oniji Takashita) is a talented but extremely controversial Japanese wrestler, who has also gone under the name Burning Takashita in the past. Originally a young sensation in BHOTWG's junior division, he got himself fired after an altercation with owner Kaneie Komine. From there he moved on to WLW, where he rebuilt his career with some incredible performances against the likes of The Great Hisato and Awesome Thunder. In late 2006 history repeated itself once more as he got himself fired again. In early 2009, he surprisingly showed up working shows for the Hinote Dojo, apparently wanting to keep his skils sharp and help some of the youngsters improve, and remained there until May 2010 when he helped to set up a new promotion, EXODUS 2010.


Trekkie's Take: Undoubtedly our current ace, perhaps only challenged for that position by Super Joshuya. He has the experience, talent and popularity to carry the promotion. Our only fear is that he may soon grow tired of it, and I hope that isn't the case. While we fear the time his contract comes up for negotiation, he will unsurprisingly be the center of some shows.


Finishers: Exile Driver (Over the shoulder Back to Belly Piledriver), Burning Fire (Twister Press), Taka Slice (Spinning Sitout Sleeper Slam)


Commander Kawagishi




Info: Michihiro "Commander" Kawagishi is a rising junior star in Japan, whose nickname derives from a popular manga character who he resembles. He has been one of the stars of EXODUS 2010 since the group's first show, and has become known for his good in-ring performances and fine promo work. He likes to use the Diamond Dust as his finisher.


Trekkie's Take: Now Kawagishi is an interesting one, he has fantastic talent for someone his age yet is sat comfortably in the midcard. Given the calibre of the main eventers right now, it's understandable, but I definitely see Kawagishi as a star in the future.


Finishers: Diamond Dust (Corkscrew Moonsault), Commander's Order (Dragon Sleeper)






Info: A fun, high-energy high flier from Japan, Hyotaru made his pro debut in late 2009 and was picked up by EXODUS 2010 shortly after. A natural babyface due to his enthusiastic personality, he is known primarily for two things: his gaudy multi-coloured tights and his awesome Hyotaru Driver III.


Trekkie's Take: Another one that, if things go right, could be a star in the future. Granted it's a long way out due to his current skills, but he has the charisma and mini-following that just scream future star. He is often used during highlight reels due to his seemingly ever expanding move repertoire.


Finishers: Hyotaru Driver III (Kneeling Double Underhook Piledriver), Hyotaru Driver I (Spinning Fisherman's Driver)


Isamu Kijimuta




Info: Isamu Kijimuta is a junior heavyweight wrestler from Japan. Having spent the first few years of his career working the independent scene, he was glad when EXODUS 2010 gave him an opportunity in May 2010. Solid but completely unspectacular, Kijimuta's biggest weakness is his glaring lack of charisma.


Trekkie's Take: That description above rings very true for Isamu, granted he is still very early in his career, but at the moment he is very unspectacular. Luckily for now, his gimmick more than makes up for it right now, due to his allegiance to The Legion with Tobei Sugimura. Time will tell if he sticks around for that long.


Finishers: Kijimuta Clutch (Gedo Clutch)


Japanese Phoenix




Info: Japanese Phoenix is a masked Yodo Yoshizawa, a young worker from Tokyo who originally came through the Golden Canvas Grappling dojo but was not brought onto the main roster after graduation. After spending two years working the independent scene to gain experience, he realised that he needed something to help him stand out from the pack - to do this, he took the drastic step of contacting Phoenix I in Mexico and obtained permission to don the mask as the Eastern version of the famous character. The next chapter in his career started in 2010 when he was signed to be part of the initial EXODUS 2010 roster.


Trekkie's Take: One of the veteran midcarders, Phoenix is a solid all-rounder at this stage, with his only let down being his major lack of psychology despite solid consistency. If he can tackle that issue, there's no reason he can't rise to challenge for the main title belt.


Finishers: Phoenix Splash


Kaii Hanari




Info: A 2009 graduate of the WLW Project Arkham School, Kaii Hanari is a fast-paced worker who has both skill and aerial ability. Although he was highly rated by his trainers, Hanari was not brought onto the main WLW roster following graduation as they were already overflowing with active wrestlers; instead, he was sent out onto the independent scene to gain more experience. He joined EXODUS 2010 in May 2010 for his first taste of regular employment.


Trekkie's Take: An enjoyable talent to have around, Kaii definitely brightens up the midcard with Kokei Shoda. One of the more gimmicky characters in the promotion, Kaii rarely struggles to get the crowd involved, even if his matches are very flying dominant.


Finishers: Kaii Krusher (Sitout Tombstone Piledriver), Happy Flier (High Moonsault)


Kaoru Shibasawa




Info: Kaoru Shibasawa is a junior heavyweight wrestler from Japan, best known for his work with EXODUS 2010 - he was on their very first shown and, as of December 2012, has yet to miss a single event. Pretty green at this early stage of his career, he does however have promise.


Trekkie's Take: Kaoru is indeed very green right now, needing to work greatly on his psychology and furthering his technical skills in order to be a solid future prospect. However, he does have a great desire to improve, and with one title reign of the All-Asia Junior title behind him, he can only improve.


Finishers: Shibasawa Surprise (Tornado DDT)


Kokei Shoda




Info: Kokei Shoda is a flamboyant junior-style wrestler from Japan, instantly recognisable due to the bright yellow baggy trousers he wrestles in. Heavily influenced by lucha libre, Shoda wrestles in a quick-paced manner with a heavy emphasis on chain wrestling sequences.


Trekkie's Take: Kokei could easily be a great prospect in the future, especially given his solid team with Kaii Hanari, but at this stage his psychology is terrible. Quite often his matches devolve into Lucha clichés of great chain sequences, only to be outdone by a rapid change in the story. If he can tackle this, he may well rise up the card very quickly.


Finishers: Around The World Armbar (Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors dropped into a Furusawa Armbar)


Masao Tsubouchi




Info: One of the bright young junior heavyweight prospects in Japan, Masao Tsubouchi first came to fame with EXODUS 2010 where he was one of the company's first break-out stars. A charismatic high flier, Tsubouchi has quickly risen from opening match worker to future champion.


Trekkie's Take: A definite prospect for a future ace if he continues to improve at the rate he has. Already quite popular, sadly he is let down by his consistency and psychology, even if they are far better than the rest of the roster. He is still a level below most of our current leading lights as a result, and only if he tackles these issues will he rise to be a figurehead.


Finishers: Masao Massacre (Brainbuster Suplex), Tsubo Suplex (Falcon Arrow)






Info: "The Intergalactic Fighter" Mercury is a bright young prospect from Japan, a protege of Emerald Angel via the World Level Wrestling dojo. The man in the black mask is a junior style wrestler, mixing risky high flying moves with some underrated technical skills. Clearly a fan of the lucha libre style of wrestling, Mercury is noted for using a lot of rana variations in his matches, including a Suicide Rana (both men standing on the top rope) that he uses as his finisher, Mercury Rising. He joined EXODUS 2010 in late 2012 after turning pro, although he has stated that he plans to eventually join WLW as it is his dream to eventually team with Emerald Angel.


Trekkie's Take: Still only in his rookie year, Mercury is a massive prospect. While his performance skills are very sub-par, he has many many years ahead of him, and his aerial and technical skills are very impressive. For now he will be warming the lower midcard alongside Solar II, but there is no doubt his stock will rise soon enough. The only question mark we have is if he ever decides to leave properly for WLW in the future, but we will see what happens.


Finishers: Mercury Rising (360 Corkscrew Shooting Star Press), Planetary Cataclysm (Tilt-a-Whirl Poison Rana)






Info: The mysterious wrestler known only as Musashi first appeared on the Japanese independent circuit in 2009, although nobody knows where he came from - there is no indication that he trained at any of the known dojos in the country. Physically small (he is only 5'7 and well under 200lbs), Musashi has quickly become known for his stiff and accurate striking (especially his deadly kicks), his ice cold demeanour, and his electric energetic style of fighting. He was picked up by EXODUS 2010 in May 2010 to form part of their debut roster.


Trekkie's Take: A different player in the junior game, Musashi has the benefit of standing out against his high flying brethren. While he isn’t afraid to take it to the air, his power lies in brutal kicking and elbows that leave his opponents reeling and calling for the bell. This has netted him some fans already and if he can work on his performance skills, especially his safety around other workers and his psychology within the ring, he could be a wild card star in the future.


Finishers: Turn The Brain To Mush (Muay Thai Knee), Silent Assassination (Step-Up Muay Thai Elbow)

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Roster Part Two



Naoya Shinozaki




Info: Naoya Shinozaki is a decent junior-style wrestler. Having worked the independent scene for quite a few years it looked like he was never going to get a break, but that changed in May 2010 when he was signed to be part of the initial EXODUS 2010 line-up. He has proven to be a solid performer for them since.


Trekkie's Take: Naoya is definitely one of the more solid hands in the midcard, while falling victim to the promotion-wide dearth of psychology. Our main aim with him is to get him to show some charisma and character, as this could give him the boost he needs to challenge the main eventers, as he is already solidly popular, but not yet on a good enough level. A definite prospect for the future if he can develop right.


Finishers: Shinozaki Sleeper (Modified Standing Straight-Jacket Choke)


Orange Tsuchie




Info: Orange Tsuchie is a young junior heavyweight who does a "Shaolin Warrior Monk" gimmick to great effect. He first came to the public's attention when he joined EX2010 as part of their debut roster, and he has swiftly become one of their fastest rising stars.


Trekkie's Take: His gimmick of a pacifist Shaolin Monk is definitely one of most popular, and he is definitely a stroke above the youngsters that inhabit the mid-to-upper card. However, he will definitely need to improve all-around if he wants to legitimately challenge the current crop of main eventers. It’s beginning to get old saying this, but it’s all true.


Finishers: Orange Flash (Top-Rope Springboard Moonsault Press), Oath Of Peace (Punch and Kick Series)


Pretty Okakura




Info: The Japanese junior worker Kiyohira "Pretty" Okakura is a colourful character from Japan, best known for his work with EXODUS 2010. Playing an over-the-top camp role, Okakura can get the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand, but that tends to obscure the fact that he is also a good technical wrestler.


Trekkie's Take: Now here is one of our biggest issues in this promotion. While he is no doubt a pretty decent wrestler for his age, leaning more towards a technical side of working than flying around the ring, he suffers majorly from bad stamina. Yet, he is one of more popular names due to his gimmick. While it may be a good and classic one, he won’t get anywhere under my reign (however long it may be), if he doesn’t work on his cardio. At this rate, 8 minute title matches could tire him out.


Finishers: Spiteful Strike (Yakuza Kick), Facelift (STF)


Rusher Kogo




Info: Rusher Kogo is a high flier from Japan who is best known for his stint with EXODUS 2010. Small and quick, Kogo likes to use lots of springboard and top rope moves to keep the action flowing, but has a deceptively good ground game too.


Trekkie's Take: A very spotty worker, Kogo is the slightly improved partner of Blade Kimiyama. However, he is not as good as you might expect from a 6 year veteran. He still has a long career ahead of him, but for now he will be lighting up the lower card with his springboard variations, always challenging Hyotaru’s moves for a spot on the highlight reel.


Finishers: Kogo Kompactor (Flying Vertical Splash), Rush Of Kogo (Springboard Kick, followed by Springboard Senton, finished by a Springboard Moonsault)


Shimpei Hirose




Info: Shimpei Hirose is a charismatic Japanese competitor, closely associated with EXODUS 2010 where he has been since their very first show. More of a brawler than anything, Hirose likes to use lots of strikes to batter away at his opponents before putting them away with his Mountain Sleeper finisher.


Trekkie's Take: In the shadow of his partner Commander Kawagishi, Shimpei brings some vicious brawling to the table, and is equally as charismatic. His main weakness is his one-dimensional way of working, but this could go away in time due to him still being in the early years of his career.


Finishers: Mountain Sleeper (Modified Buffalo Sleeper)


Shirai Yanagawa




Info: Shirai Yanagawa is a youngster who is known for being primarily a comedy wrestler but who does possess some decent in-ring skills too. Originally a self-described 'goofball with green hair', Yanagawa was surprisingly picked up by BHOTWG on a development deal in 2006, although his adventures in the Hinote Dojo feeder league were cut short when he was released in 2008. Two years later he resurfaced, this time in EXODUS 2010 - his green hair and goofy mannerisms were gone, replaced by a (slightly) more serious new pimp-rapper-gangster persona.


Trekkie's Take: One of our more veteran hands, Shirai is also one of our most gimmicky. Much like his partner Pretty Okakura, his overall skills aren’t horrific, but he lacks in one department. For Shirai that is his selling and psychology. Sometimes the pace of the match suddenly takes a shift when he no sells a big move and decides to change the story of the match, sometimes accidentally. However, he could still improve so we will hold out hope.


Finishers: Tokyo Stretch (Cross-Legged STF), Hustler Extravagance (Sitout Rear Mat Slam)


Silver Shark




Info: Silver Shark is a highly respected veteran masked high flier who is extremely well travelled, having had runs with companies in just about every corner of the globe, including giants of the industry like TCW (then HGC) and BHOTWG. He is probably best known for his nine year long stint as one of the top foreign workers in World Level Wrestling, where his failure to win a single title during his entire stay was something of a running joke in the company and with its fans. He left (on friendly terms) in August 2012 in order to seek new challenges, heading for a position with the EXODUS 2010 promotion.


Trekkie's Take: Definitely one of our leading lights, and a fantastic hand in the ring, Shark is our current World Junior Heavyweight champion. While he may not be our most popular worker, his great character and time-tested ability as a high flier make him a no-brainer in the main event. However, he is the wrong side of 40, and we will need to work on finding a replacement within the next few years.


Finishers: Jaws Of Life (Straightjacket Surfboard), Shark In The Water (Spear)


Silver Shibanuma




Info: Silver Shibanuma is a junior worker from Japan who is known for his distinctive and unique face paint design. When he first debuted, in the 1990s, his speedy, high-risk style of attack caught the eye of many, and people started talking about him as the potential next great junior-style wrestler. This hype actually hurt his career though, as there was no way he could live up to those sort of expectations, and it took several years for people to accept that he was a good, but by no means great, wrestler. He worked for BHOTWG for several years as part of their legendary junior division, but was released in 2007 when the division was given something of a revamp. In May 2010 he joined a few other ex-BHOTWG juniors on the debut EXODUS 2010 roster.


Trekkie's Take: Shibanuma is definitely one of our more popular workers, and a fantastic flier. However, he sadly also fits what seems to be the model example of this promotion, very sub-par consistency. While he has decent psychology, on some nights he will be outright atrocious, and others he’ll be spectacular. At his age (36), it’s unlikely he’ll change soon enough or at all, so we shall have to look towards shifting him out of the spotlight soon.


Finishers: Metallic Aura (460 Degree Splash), Glint Of Silver (Corkscrew 460 Splash)


Solar II




Info: The original masked character called Solar was created back in the early 1970s by Shingo Matsui, a Japanese wrestler who had headed to Mexico after struggling to make an impact in his homeland. He would remain in the world of lucha libre for almost a decade, becoming fairly popular, before heading back to Japan to see out his career. Solar II is his son, Shinya Matsui, who has taken on the bright yellow mask as he begins his own professional wrestling career. His journey began properly in late 2012 when he was signed by EXODUS 2010.


Trekkie's Take: Solar II is another rookie on the roster, teaming with his fellow Mercury, and much like his partner he is a fantastic talent regardless of his age. Solid at flying and technical wrestling, and pretty solid in the basics, his main glaring weakness is his psychology and selling, something that will definitely need to be worked on to achieve his potential.


Finishers: Solar Storm (Senton Bomb)


Super Joshuya




Info: Rikyu Joshuya, better known as the masked Super Joshuya, is a well known junior-style wrestler from Japan. He first came to people's attention when he travelled to Mexico and made a big name for himself as a star wrestler for MPWF, winning their world title on four occasions, before returned home to join BHOTWG's famous junior division.


One of the backbones of the division, Joshuya was never a dominant force (in fact, the amount of titles and accomplishments he achieved in BHOTWG is pitiful for someone of his calibre) but was a solid, consistent performer. He left BHOTWG in 2011 to seek new challenges, moving to the EXODUS 2010 promotion.


Trekkie's Take: Perhaps our oldest, most solid and popular worker on the roster. While he may not be our ace like EXILE, he trumps the man as one of the most consistent juniors around. There is little else to say than we are very very lucky to have him, and hopefully he doesn’t break down too soon.


Finishers: Due South (Spike Brainbuster), J-Drop (Pumphandle Slam), Heroic Strike (Running Open Palm Strike)


Tobei Sugimura




Info: Tobei Sugimura is a lightweight wrestler from Japan. When he first broke into the business (via the PGHW dojo) he was extremely skinny, sported bright blue hair, and most of the time was used as little more than an enhancement talent. Eventually realising that he was getting nowhere in a hurry, Sugimura went on hiatus throughout 2010 in order to regroup - when he returned he had increased his muscle mass substantially, shaved off his ridiculous hair, and had swapped his gaudy yellow trunks for black martial arts pants and painted-on symbols on his face and body. The new look worked, as he found work with EXODUS 2010 almost immediately.


Trekkie's Take: A very solid worker at this stage, and still only 26, Sugimura could very easily be a challenger to the top workers soon enough. He is one of the few workers not to suffer psychology or consistency weaknesses, and so is definitely one of our cornerstones for solid matches. He will also be instrumental in helping Isamu Kijimuta becoming a little bit entertaining if all our prayers are answered.


Finishers: Legionary Punishment (Spinning Wheel Kick), Kanji Killer (Spike DDT)


Tsuneyo Yanagimoto




Info: Japanese junior heavyweight Tsuneyo Yanagimoto is a talented youngster who has become one of EXODUS 2010's big names. Having learned his craft via the independent scene, May 2010 saw Yanagimoto join the promotion in time for their very first show. A very solid worker with an excellent grasp of psychology, Yanagimoto should go far.


Trekkie's Take: Yanagimoto is a name that is now synonymous with EXODUS. A very good worker at only 24, with fantastic psychology and a good all-around game, he is set to be our future ace when the current main eventers retire or head elsewhere. There is little else to really be said, as only five years into his career, he is one our leading lights. Perhaps his only weakness is a slight consistency issue. Once that is tackled, that is no reason why he can’t logically win the World Junior title.


Finishers: Mikado Bomb (Cross-Arm Sitout Powerbomb), T-Y Driver (Double Underhook into a Double Knee Backbreaker), Yana Splash (Shooting Star Press)

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Current Titles and Champions

Credit for Belt renders to MJStark




EXODUS All-Asia Junior Heavyweight




Pretty Okakura


Reign Began: 4th November 2012 (def. Kaoru Shibasawa)


Defences: 1

V1 Defence: Japanese Phoenix (29th November 2012)


Title History

Kaoru Shibasawa (May - Nov 2012) – 4 Defences

Japanese Phoenix (Dec 2011 – May 2012) – 3 Defences

Masao Tsubouchi (2) (Jun – Dec 2011) – 4 Defences

Commander Kawagishi (May – Jun 2011) – 0 Defences

Masao Tsubouchi (Mar – May 2011) – 1 Defence

Tsuneyo Yanagimoto (Jun 2010 – Mar 2011) – 8 Defences





EXODUS World Junior Heavyweight




Silver Shark


Reign Began: 12th December 2012 (def. Burning EXILE)


Defences: 0


Title History

Burning EXILE (2) (May - Dec 2012) – 5 Defences

Super Joshuya (Aug 2011 – May 2012) – 6 Defences

Silver Shibanuma (Jan - Aug 2011) – 4 Defences

Burning EXILE (May 2010 – Jan 2011) – 7 Defences




OOC: Until I find a unique belt for this, I'll use the World title :p


EXODUS World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team




The Revengers (Phoenix & Musashi) (2)


Reign Began: 7th September 2012 (def. DISCO Boys & Hustle-X)


Defences: 2

V1 Defence: DISCO Boys (23rd October 2012)

V2 Defence: Galaxy Surfers (9th December 2012)


Title History

DISCO Boys (Hanari & Shoda) (Apr - Sep 2012) - 3 Defences

The Legion (Sugimura & Kijimuta) (Nov 2011 - Apr 2012) - 4 Defences

Massive Thunder (2) (Kawagishi & Hirose) (Aug - Nov 2011) - 2 Defences

The Revengers (Feb - Aug 2011) - 4 Defences

Massive Thunder (Jul 2010 - Feb 2011) - 6 Defences


Tournament Titles




EXODUS Junior Heavyweight Grand Prix


Last Winner: Tsuneyo Yanagimoto (2012, def. Super Joshuya in Final)


Previous Winners

Burning EXILE (2011)

Silver Shibanuma (2010)

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The Culture Force


History: Formed not too long ago, The Culture Force loves to harry other members of the roster with insults of their style or fashion choices. Few are safe from their critical gazes, and many have felt the sting of a Culture Force 'Fashion Tip'. That said, they are not all insults or rudeness, as time and again they have delivered in the ring and have held the lower titles in EXODUS quite recently.


Initially this was just an alliance between Okakura and Yanagawa, but soon after they realized they needed to expand their horizons, hoping to take on some proteges to teach the ropes of 'Good Looking-ness' (as they called it) to. They soon found these proteges in the young team of Kokei Shoda and Kaii Hanari, the bouncing happy DISCO Boys.


Soon after, they began showing a new flare for the dramatic, and their dance moves improved ten-fold. One can only hope that the DISCO Boys don't become too self-centered with this new influence.


Leader: Shirai Yanagawa



Pretty Okakura

Kaii Hanari

Kokei Shoda



Tradition's Flame


History: The leading lights of EXODUS, Super Joshuya formed this group right at the beginning of its existence. Wanting to provide tutelage to the new youth rising through the promotion, Joshuya disagrees with the more modern stylings of The Culture Force and the harsh methods of The DARK Legion, instead wanting some pure workers to show them what's what.


Already he has some very impressive followers. Two-time tag champions The Revengers, young hopeful Kaoru Shibasawa and rising superstar Tsuneyo Yanagimoto. What this gives him is somebody for every occasion, and he has not shied away from helping out his more junior member when they need it.


Leader: Super Joshuya



Japanese Phoenix

Kaoru Shibasawa


Tsuneyo Yanagimoto



The DARK Legion


History: Formed by a dark alliance initially between Shibanuma and The Legion of Sugimura & Kijimuta, this group has since expanded to take on the two new rookies Mercury and Solar II.


Specializing in brutal beatings and sometimes dabbling in the mystical, the Legion is the leading evil force on the roster, and aren't afraid to get up close and personal with the big dogs if it means helping their master Shibanuma.


This group also has a leadership contingency in place, should Shibanuma ever fall ill/injured, Sugimura automatically takes control. Some have questioned this choice, as Sugimura isn't the most loyal of individuals. One can only hope that it is the cause of this evil groups downfall


Leader: Silver Shibanuma (Regent: Tobei Sugimura)



Isamu Kijimuta


Solar II

Tobei Sugimura


Tag Teams


Blade Rush: Blade Kimiyama & Rusher Kogo

DISCO Boys: Kaii Hanari & Kokei Shoda

Galaxy Surfers: Mercury & Solar II

HUSTLE-X: Shirai Yanagawa & Pretty Okakura

Massive Thunder: Commander Kawagishi & Shimpei Hirose

The Legion: Tobei Sugimura & Isamu Kijimuta

The Revengers: Japanese Phoenix & Musashi

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January News and Show Preview


The New Year has finally come upon us here at the Junior Bastion that is EXODUS 2010. We now enter our third calendar year of operation, and boy do we have a fantastic start for you guys!


As is custom with a new start, we're seeing some new editions here that will be sure to excite you and add some flare to the upcoming shows. Joining fellow rookies Mercury and Solar II is the exciting tag team of 'Shadow Ashes'. Formed by Stealth Z and the 'Legacy Icon' Edo Phoenix IV, these two youths are both exciting and greatly skilled for their age, and time spent here can only help their careers!


Also joining us is the veteran presence of Hidekazu. A well known Junior wrestler from the BHOTWG Golden Age of the 90s, he has since spent the last few years dominating the indy scene here in Japan. He is sure to prove a challenge to our current leaders, who can't be all too happy with another man aiming to take their spot!


Onwards to the show, EXODUS Danger Power Drive!


Our main event is set to be a brilliant showdown between reigning World Junior Champion Silver Shark and Silver Shibanuma. Shark will be looking to get off to a good start with his newly-started title reign, while Shibanuma will be looking to regain that title he so desperately covets. Will we see the DARK Legion get involved? Or will this be a one-on-one fight to the very end?


Our semi-main event will be a dangerous four way match to determine the number #1 contender to the World belt. Two of these men have held the belt before, with Burning EXILE especially hurting having just lost the belt last month. Hoping to earn his spot again, we have Super Joshuya making a play to put himself back on top as well. These two have a long history, having battled in Burning Hammer as well as the last three years here in EXODUS, so we can expect a brutal fight between them this night! Hoping to steer clear of it we also have Tsuneyo Yanagimoto and newcomer Hidekazu hoping to make their first proper plays at the top. Yanagimoto has yet to cash in his Grand Prix contract, knowing him he is keeping it for a rainy day.


Given the lack of a true number one contender team, the tag titles are not on the line, although the champions will be in singles action with an added stipulation. Whoever manages to pin one of the champions gets his team a title shot on the next show. With the talents of Phoenix and Musashi, this will definitely be a hard challenge, but never underestimate the ambition and determination in our tag division!


Pretty Okakura sees his belt up for grabs as he defends against the young enigma Hyotaru. With Okakura's flair for the dramatic and Hyotaru's endlessly entertaining moveset, we have no doubt this will entertain you fans!


While these are the highlights for the night, they are definitely not the only things to see! Blade Rush and Shadow Ashes face off at the opening of the show, while the Galaxy Surfers take on the DISCO Boys, and other matches!


EXODUS Danger Power Drive

January 19th 2013


-Metal Warfare Begins-

For The World Junior Heavyweight Title

'The Shiny Predator' Silver Shark©


'Glinting God' Silver Shibanuma


Four-Way Mayhem

For The #1 Contendership

'King Ace' Burning EXILE


'Everlasting' Super Joshuya


'Young Pride' Tsuneyo Yanagimoto


'Spirit' Hidekazu


-Style vs. Style-

For The All-Asia Junior Heavyweight Title

'Fashionable Teacher' Pretty Okakura©


'Endless Enigma' Hyotaru


-Fighting On Two Fronts-

For The #1 Contendership To The Tag Titles

'The Ascendent' Japanese Phoenix


'Legion Lord' Tobei Sugimura


'Silent Assassin' Musashi


'Your Hustler' Shirai Yanagawa


-Hope For The Future-

'Surprise Master' Kaoru Shibasawa


'Your Future' Masao Tsubouchi


-Galactic Culture-

Galaxy Surfers (Mercury & Solar)


The DISCO Boys (Hanari & Shoda)


-The Rush Of Fire-

Blade Rush (Kimiyama & Kogo)


Shadow Ashes (Stealth & Edo)

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EXODUS Danger Power Drive

January 19th 2013


-Metal Warfare Begins-

For The World Junior Heavyweight Title

'The Shiny Predator' Silver Shark©


'Glinting God' Silver Shibanuma


Four-Way Mayhem

For The #1 Contendership

'King Ace' Burning EXILE


'Everlasting' Super Joshuya


'Young Pride' Tsuneyo Yanagimoto


'Spirit' Hidekazu


-Style vs. Style-

For The All-Asia Junior Heavyweight Title

'Fashionable Teacher' Pretty Okakura©


'Endless Enigma' Hyotaru


-Fighting On Two Fronts-

For The #1 Contendership To The Tag Titles

'The Ascendent' Japanese Phoenix


'Legion Lord' Tobei Sugimura


'Silent Assassin' Musashi


'Your Hustler' Shirai Yanagawa


-Hope For The Future-

'Surprise Master' Kaoru Shibasawa


'Your Future' Masao Tsubouchi


-Galactic Culture-

Galaxy Surfers (Mercury & Solar)


The DISCO Boys (Hanari & Shoda)


-The Rush Of Fire-

Blade Rush (Kimiyama & Kogo)


Shadow Ashes (Stealth & Edo)

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EXODUS Danger Power Drive

January 19th 2013


-Metal Warfare Begins-

For The World Junior Heavyweight Title

'The Shiny Predator' Silver Shark©


'Glinting God' Silver Shibanuma


Four-Way Mayhem

For The #1 Contendership

'King Ace' Burning EXILE


'Everlasting' Super Joshuya


'Young Pride' Tsuneyo Yanagimoto


'Spirit' Hidekazu


-Style vs. Style-

For The All-Asia Junior Heavyweight Title

'Fashionable Teacher' Pretty Okakura©


'Endless Enigma' Hyotaru


-Fighting On Two Fronts-

For The #1 Contendership To The Tag Titles

'The Ascendent' Japanese Phoenix


'Legion Lord' Tobei Sugimura


'Silent Assassin' Musashi


'Your Hustler' Shirai Yanagawa


-Hope For The Future-

'Surprise Master' Kaoru Shibasawa


'Your Future' Masao Tsubouchi


-Galactic Culture-

Galaxy Surfers (Mercury & Solar)


The DISCO Boys (Hanari & Shoda)


-The Rush Of Fire-

Blade Rush (Kimiyama & Kogo)


Shadow Ashes (Stealth & Edo)

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