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2013: The Equal Playing Field (Hype/Release)

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Version 1.1: Clicky




I've paused work on my other fantasy mod because my broke computer is finally allowing me to move files over to my new one, one of them was a fantasy mod i'd been working on along for quite a while and after transferring it to TEW 2013 it is now in the final stages of checking any mistakes, testing and arranging the picture packs etc. Due to some recent news broke by TNA about their new ppv schedule and taking Impact on the road I've been able to update their backstory to match a problem they could face in the upcoming year rather than the unrealistic backstory i originally had for them.


Mod start date May 2013, Backstory Part 1:




January started with huge news for the two biggest promotions in American wrestling, WWE finally launched the WWE Network and TNA announced they were to go on the road for Impact tapings and also reduce the PPV’s from 12 to 4. The network was quickly determined as a huge flop with almost half the expected number buying the subscription and the WWE looked to be in big trouble after putting all their eggs in one basket and making PPV’s only accessible via the network.


TNA started the month with a poor Genesis pay per view that had little build up and hype, the show was main evented by Jeff Hardy retaining his title against Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. As the month progressed the Aces & Eights storyline continued to disappoint as Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco were announced as members of the group. TNA’s ratings were remaining around the 1.0 mark but attendances since going on the road had been very poor to say the least with half-filled arena’s taking away from the otherwise pretty decent television show, the reduced attendances were losing Dixie Carter a lot of money, that added to no pay per view revenue at the end of the month meant TNA recorded a big loss financially for January. Going into early February they were struck with more bad news…..


WWE completed the contracts and officially moved RAW and Smackdown onto the Network, both quickly saw drops in the ratings despite big names like The Rock appearing. The Royal Rumble despite having a great card got a bad buyrate which was significantly less than the previous year’s event due to it only being broadcasted on the WWE Network in America. John Cena prevailed in the Royal Rumble match and The Rock made headlines by winning the WWE title from CM Punk, a move that annoyed many hard core wrestling fans and reported pissed CM Punk off a lot.


Title changes in January:

The Rock defeat CM Punk WWE Heavyweight Championship

Alberto Del Rio defeat The Big Show World Heavyweight title

Rhodes Scholars defeat Team Hell No WWE Tag titles

Bobby Roode & Austin Aries defeat Hernandez & Chavo Guerrero TNA Tag titles

Bo Dallas defeat Wade Barrett Intercontinental title

Fire Ant & Soldier Ant defeat Young Bucks Chikara Campeon de Parejas

Kaitlyn defeat Eve Divas title

Adrian Neville & Oliver Grey win vacant NXT Tag titles




At the starts of February Hulk Hogan made worldwide press for two repeated family offences, once again Nick Hogan was involved in a car crash due to speeding which this time left several of his ‘friends’ seriously injured and just days later a second Hulk Hogan sex tape was released, Dixie decided enough bad publicity had been brought to TNA by the Hogan’s and terminated Hulk’s and Brooke’s contract.


WWE just like TNA continued to lose money and they headed into Elimination Chamber with bad news that The Undertaker would not be in good enough physical condition to compete at Wrestlemania and therefor retired at 20-0. This news brought a halt of plans of CM Punk vs The Undertaker which again wasn’t well received by Punk. Punk then believed he should have been re placed back into the title picture but this was also scratched as The Rock beat him once again in the rematch at Elimination Chamber. Del Rio managed to retain against The Big Show and the chamber match ended in controversy when Sheamus and Randy Orton were both decided the winners after the old both were pinning each other ending to the match. Despite a pretty good pay per view the revenue was again down due to people still not buying into the WWE Network. After another month of bad ratings and pay per view numbers the huge news was announced that Vince called time on his company and left the wrestling business after yet another flop of a business idea. Triple H took the reins and immediately made big roster cuts and programming cuts, getting rid of WWE Main Event, WWE Superstars and NXT leaving only the NXT /FCW promotion to promote the future WWE stars.


Just like the WWE, TNA continued to have bad news nearing the end of February, Kurt Angle re-injured his neck and required immediate surgery and put him on the shelf indefinitely, he not only had to leave TNA but is now considering retiring. Jeff Hardy announced he would not be signing an extension for TNA and was forced to drop the belt on Impact to James Storm which closed a month of losses, bad publicity, and terrible news for WWE and TNA.


Title changes in February:

James Storm defeat Jeff Hardy TNA World Heavyweight Championship

TNA Knockouts Tag Team titles become defunct

Kenny King defeat Rob Van Dam TNA X-Division title

Jack Swagger defeat Antonio Cesaro United States title

Jay Lethal defeat Kevin Steen ROH World title

CIMA defeat Johnny Gargano Open the Freedom Gate

Corey Graves defeat Big E Langston NXT title

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Part 2




The wrestling world was in disarray and no one could believe Vince McMahon had officially left the WWE, Triple H continued making cuts where necessary and positioned a lot of his good friends in high positions of power backstage. He also was involved in an on screen storyline with Brock Lesnar heading into ‘Mania alongside other top matches, Chris Jericho vs Ryback, John Cena vs The Rock and Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus. Reportedly CM Punk was offered working with many stars heading into ‘Mania including Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler but he refused every storyline offered as he was infuriated that the WWE didn't have a meaningful feud for him heading into the biggest show after all his hard work over the past year.


Dixie Carter took advantage of the cuts made by the WWE and brought in one of the cut backstage workers, Jim Ross as the new head of creative, he quickly shook things up presentation wise and behind the scenes as he cut any ‘part timer’ or old star as he wanted TNA to showcase young talent. He brought an end to the Aces & Eights storyline revealing Eric Bischoff as the leader and a blow off match at Lockdown took place where team TNA, led by Samoa Joe and AJ Styles got the win which banished Aces & Eights. Eric Bischoff, Devon, Mike Knox, Ken Anderson, Chavo Guerrero, Hernandez, Kid Kash and Rob Van Dam among others were cut by Ross who sent a message loud and clear he was looking for fresh, young faces to lead the promotion.


March ended in shocking fashion and saw ROH, the third biggest promotion in America get mainstream wrestling attention as Antonio Cesaro and Kassius Ohno both returned using their real names as invaders which was reminiscent to the Outsiders appearance in WCW in 1996. The WWE was reportedly blowing up backstage after they realised they failed to keep an eye on the contracts of the two which had both run out.


Title Changes in March:





TNA started to turn things around with the promise to spike that ratings would not drop despite the lack of big names. Younger talent was getting more exposure which was very good and Jim Ross seemed intent on re-building the X-Division and Tag Team division to the level it once was which saw talent like Harry Smith sign and the return of the Motor City Machine Guns.


ROH was being viewed by more people than ever and were extremely hot due to the surprise storyline of the invading Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero, who followed suit with the nWo storyline and revealed there was a third inside man who is working with them.


WWE were barely holding onto being a national company heading into Wrestlemania 29 which received the lowest buyrate in over 10 years due to the failure of the WWE Network. Chris Jericho put over Ryback on his way out of the WWE as he headed back to his band Fozzy while The Rock did the same for John Cena, dropping the title and heading to Hollywood, this time for good. Randy Orton was successful in the triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Title but Dolph Ziggler cashed in Money in the Bank seconds later to steal the moment from Orton. Triple H went over Brock Lesnar inside Hell in a Cell which was Brock Lesnar’s farewell match in the WWE as he was leaving just like Jericho and The Rock after not negotiating a new deal.


Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan didn’t stay out of the business for long buying the available World Championship Wrestling rights very cheap. A lot of young talent had been snatched up by Jim Ross at TNA but then again young talent isn’t the focus of Hogan and Bischoff who tried to temp as many big names as possible to WCW. Their willingness to splash large amounts of cash quickly landed them three huge names, Jeff Hardy, John Hennigan & CM Punk all signed with Punk being offered one of largest contracts in recent wrestling history.


Title changes in April:

Randy Orton defeat Alberto Del Rio World Heavyweight title

Dolph Ziggler defeat Randy Orton World Heavyweight title

John Cena defeat The Rock WWE Heavyweight Championship

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Is Chikara running the same as normal or have they had any roster changes?


Right now they're running pretty much the same apart from the title change and a few of their roster having slightly increased popularity, i didn't see anyone from WWE or TNA really fitting their roster when i was re-arranging them but if you can think of anyone I can add them

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I'm really excited for both of your mods. Hope they get released sooner, rather than later!


cheers hoping to have this one released asap, Extreme Rising has been added, rosters are almost totally complete just have to do the last few rounds of testing and should be pretty much done

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Yeh this sounds awesome. Right up my street. I do mods similar to this quite often just for kicks :) would be great to see a proper version to play. Perhaps you could PM me the rosters so far?? would love to see them...


Good luck either way and i look forward to the release

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Yeh this sounds awesome. Right up my street. I do mods similar to this quite often just for kicks :) would be great to see a proper version to play. Perhaps you could PM me the rosters so far?? would love to see them...


Good luck either way and i look forward to the release


Cheers man, i'm writing up the roster now should be up shortly

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Roster 1




Main Event:

Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Kane, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Ryback, Sheamus


Upper Midcard:

Christian, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Seth Rollins, The Miz, Wade Barrett


Mid Card:

Brodus Clay, Damien Sandow, Darren Young, David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Roman Reigns, R-Truth, Santino Marrella, Sin Cara, Great Khali, Titus O'Neil


Lower Mid Card:

Big E Langston, Epico, Ezekiel Jackson, JInder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Primo, Tensai



Bo Dallas, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Michael McGillicutty, Tyson Kidd


Enhancement Talent:

Brad Maddox, Derrick Bateman



AJ Lee, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Layla, Naomi, Natalya, Rosa Mendes, Tamina


Out of Ring pushes:

Road Agents:

Arn Anderson, Gerald Brisco, Michael Hayes, Roaddog, Billy Gunn, Pat Patterson, Steve Lombardi



Chad Patton, Charles Robinson, Jack Doan, Mike Chioda



Josh Mathews, Matt Striker, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, JBL



X-Pac, Ric Flair, Ricardo Rodriguez



Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Trish Stratus

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Roster 2




Main Event:

CM Punk, Dave Batista, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Jeff Jarrett


Upper Midcard:

Devon, Mr Anderson, MVP, Rob Van Dam, Ted Dibiase Jr


Mid Card:

Carlito, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Mordetzky, Fit Finlay, Hernandez, Luke Gallows, Mike Knox, Shelton Benjamin


Lower Mid Card:

Alex Riley, Jorge 'Hunico' Arias, Low-Ki, Shannon Moore



Jesse Neal, Jushin Liger, Juventud Guerrera


Enhancement Talent:

Colt Cabana, Jigsaw



Out of Ring pushes:

Road Agents:

Bill Demott, Ted Dibiase Sr



Mark Johnson, John Cone



Tony Schiavonne, Dave Prazak



Karen Jarrett, Melina



Hulk Hogan, Brooke Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Sting

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Roster 3




Main Event:

AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, Bully Ray, James Storm, Zack Ryder


Upper Midcard:

Christopher Daniels, Harry Smith, Kazarian, Matt Bourne, Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe


Mid Card:

Alex Shelley, Brian Kendrick, Chris Sabin, Curt Hawkins, Eric Young, Gunner, Jessie, Joey Ryan, Kenny King, Magnus


Lower Mid Card:

Garrett Bischoff, Paul London, Robbie E, Trent Barreta, Wes Brisco



Christian York, Jesse Sorenson, Zema Ion


Enhancement Talent:

Robbie T, Sonjay Dutt



Brooke Tessmacher, Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Mickie James, ODB, Raquel Diaz, Rosita, Sarita, Tara, Velvet Sky


Out of Ring pushes:

Road Agents:

James Gibson, Lance Storm



Earl Hebner, Rudy Charles



Mike Tenay, Taz, Tod Keneley



Jim Ross, Jeremy Borash, Dixie Carter

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ROH have their normal roster with the additions of Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero.


Extreme Rising:



Paul Heyman

Joey Styles

Perry Saturn

Matt Hyson (Spike Dudley)

Terry Funk



Stevie Richards

Shane Douglas

Matt Hardy




Tommy Dreamer

Jerry Lynn

The Blue Meanie

Balls Mahoney

Axl Rotten

BLK Jeez


CW Anderson

Devon Storm

Kid Kash

Little Guido

Tony Mamaluke

Luke Hawk

New Jack


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**Just a quick update, everything is now on track for a release this weekend, just in the final rounds of testing, the picture pack is not finished yet and so will not be released at the same time as the first version but will be up as soon as possible.**
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Super hyped for this mod. A few quick questions, though.


Does WCW start at the very beginning of their company's revival, or is there already history/shows booked/etc?


What level are the companies going to be at? Judging by the title, I'd assume they're all either in the same level or very close to it.


The rosters look a little bit thin, have you simmed any on it to see how it works out?

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Super hyped for this mod. A few quick questions, though.


Does WCW start at the very beginning of their company's revival, or is there already history/shows booked/etc?


What level are the companies going to be at? Judging by the title, I'd assume they're all either in the same level or very close to it.


The rosters look a little bit thin, have you simmed any on it to see how it works out?


WCW is at the beginning of their revival, obviously due to the name identity and the big names already signed they are quite popular.


WWE are at the lowest brink of national, a few bad shows (not that they have been putting on bad shows in the testing) and they would be at cult level. TNA and WCW are both Cult while ROH are Regional.


No matter what a few of the companies still do some hiring and firing in the testing but i do agree WCW and TNA's rosters could have a bit more depth, i will likely a just the rosters again before the first release

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WCW is at the beginning of their revival, obviously due to the name identity and the big names already signed they are quite popular.


WWE are at the lowest brink of national, a few bad shows (not that they have been putting on bad shows in the testing) and they would be at cult level. TNA and WCW are both Cult while ROH are Regional.


No matter what a few of the companies still do some hiring and firing in the testing but i do agree WCW and TNA's rosters could have a bit more depth, i will likely a just the rosters again before the first release


Good to know!


My last question, do you mind if I make a diary from my first game as WCW?


(I lied, one more question) When does it come out!? :D

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Good to know!


My last question, do you mind if I make a diary from my first game as WCW?


(I lied, one more question) When does it come out!? :D


Forgot to mention it in the last post, when you asked about how far along is WCW's revival, if all goes well with this mod in the future i would like to make either a year or six month on mod, where WCW ROH and TNA would have hopefully grown with their new rosters.


It would be great to see a diary for this mod, if you want any help or input just ask


I've began picking up pace with the picture pack and should have it released with the first version of the data, hopefully tonight or tomorrow (UK time)

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Yeah, not to be a hypocrite or anything, but shouldn't WCW be starting off a little better? No TV shows, PPVs, titles or anything?


WCW has titles, they're just retired. It's fairly easy to reactivate them. Only one that's missing is the Cruiserweight title and all you need to do is change the promotion in the Editor from WWE to WCW.


They have PPVs as well, you just need to secure a PPV deal, but at Regional, I don't think that's possible.

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WCW has titles, they're just retired. It's fairly easy to reactivate them. Only one that's missing is the Cruiserweight title and all you need to do is change the promotion in the Editor from WWE to WCW.


They have PPVs as well, you just need to secure a PPV deal, but at Regional, I don't think that's possible.


I didn't look at the retired ones, whoops!


And yeah, I guess I just expected a bit more momentum on WCW's side, seeing as Hogan and Bischoff are on board, I figured they'd have at least a PPV deal and TV show, even if the slot sucked or something. With the names they've got, I guess I just thought they'd have...more, I guess? Then again, maybe that's the challenge, to start in a bit of a hole and work your way out.

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Might want to clean up the file you have uploaded. The only file required is the TEW2013.mdb file.


I'm about to give it a whirl though.


Ah yes i will get that cleaned up, it's only a bit all over the place due to me starting this mod on TEW 2010 a while back


You said WCW starts at Cult, but they're Regional.


Any reasoning for the change?


Sorry that's my mistake they are meant to be at Cult with 65 popularity in the South East and 50 pop everywhere else not 45, I've corrected for the next upload



Yeah, not to be a hypocrite or anything, but shouldn't WCW be starting off a little better? No TV shows, PPVs, titles or anything?


Like Jaysin said some titles just need to be activated, and some rarely used title like cruiserweight tag team can be purchased as an investment. WCW doesn't have anything as in the backstory they are formed only two weeks prior, also i thought it would be better to leave it up to the player as how they want to run WCW, they are at Cult level so you can get a PPV deal and also the game starts in May so you can get a television deal or both depending on how you want to play.

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