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1991: Rising Storms

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<p>On Andre, I lowered his physical DRASTICALLY and put his stamina down and all his other stats. He works mostly tag matches that get good ratings largely because of all the other guys involved lol. </p><p> </p><p>

On Hogan, now that you mention it I could have sworn I had the "no foreigners except touring" rule in place.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="justtxyank" data-cite="justtxyank" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35547" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>On Andre, I lowered his physical DRASTICALLY and put his stamina down and all his other stats. He works mostly tag matches that get good ratings largely because of all the other guys involved lol.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In that case, how about setting his decline and/or relevancy date to having already happened? Might make him slightly less likely to be used, and he should leave at the end of his contract.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="justtxyank" data-cite="justtxyank" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35547" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Update:<p> </p><p> Very happy with sim results on my latest build. </p><p> </p><p> I've run 5 1 year sims today to get results.</p><p> </p><p> Wrestle of the year:</p><p> 1. Randy Savage</p><p> 2. Randy Savage</p><p> 3. Hulk Hogan</p><p> 4. Stan Hansen</p><p> 5. Ric Flair</p><p> </p><p> In 2 sims, Sgt. Slaughter beat Warrior for the WWF title. Earthquake won it once and the other two times it was Million Dollar Man.</p><p> </p><p> The NWA title has ended up on Flair in every single sim. He lost the NWA title to Barry Windham in 2 of the sims and Stan Hansen in one sim. The other two he was still holding it at the end of the year.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice results!</p>
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Really it is very much too bad that Rick Rude left the WWF in late 1990. Savage with the title against Rude as the challenger - especially if given the Elizabeth situation that went down at Mania - could have been a license to print money for them.
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OK, so next thing I need before I can say I'm almost done...


Does anyone here know or can link me to a good explanation of the Joint Promotions situation in 1991? Some websites say they were dead at this point, but I've seen that they were still active and about to change their name the following year. Big Daddy was still wrestling at this point.


Anyway, if I can get some information about them and their schedule and who worked there in 91 that would be helpful.

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Version 1.0 Released. (see first link)


Will continue to tweak so any issues you come across, please be sure to put in here.


Major Overhauls from Hive 94:

Major rework of the popularity for most workers to better simulate the state of the business in 1991, create balance, and achieve more of a CVerse game balance

New Promotions on a small scale to give workers more places to work

TV Shows added for companies

New workers

Default Angle pack from the default database with a few implements

Some chemistry data (want feedback on this)

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Version 1.0 Released. (see first link)


Will continue to tweak so any issues you come across, please be sure to put in here.


Major Overhauls from Hive 94:

Major rework of the popularity for most workers to better simulate the state of the business in 1991, create balance, and achieve more of a CVerse game balance

New Promotions on a small scale to give workers more places to work

TV Shows added for companies

New workers

Default Angle pack from the default database with a few implements

Some chemistry data (want feedback on this)


I'll download it here in a second, then get work started on the Dallas add-on data you requested for this. :cool:


You want me to create a fictitious promotion for the Mid South region as well to supplement the TWF(Texas Wrestling Federation) so that the workers from my add-on data can find work?

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Excuse the double post, but wanted to throw in a few cuts I had made back from Hive's COTT data. They're freeware for anyone to use, so justtxyank, you can use them for any future updates. :) Figured you needed this HBK cut anyway seeing as that the data starts before his 1992 heel turn and would be perfect for it as an ager. ^_^



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Dude, love the HBK cut! Love all the cuts! Will definitely implement those right now for V 1.1!


Here are some things I want feedback on from people for v 1.1:


Relationships: Missing or ones that need to be removed


New Promotions: Want to add some promotions to the game world, maybe Cverse promotions don't know, to help keep workers employed on the lower ends. I'd set these promotions to be unable to rise above regional most likely. Thoughts on that?


Narratives: I added only a handful. Originally I had some narratives going out to 1994, but decided that it was not very organic to do so. So I've limited the narratives to ones that deal only with economy/industry that was going to happen no matter what, and one that deals with PWI for the year 1990. Any thoughts on this?


Also would love for people to post results they come across!

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FWIW, V 2.0 is already under way and will be released by the weekend most likely. I've changed all the sizes (I think) to match up with the defaults and am making other changes as well. Please get any fixes or suggestions you have in.


I'm making it 2.0 since it is a pretty big overhaul.

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Went through the WWF this is what i have found so far


Abe Schwartz to Brooklyn Brawler or Steve Lombardi... Schwartz didnt debut till 94 during MLB Lockout

Big Bossman to face turned in 1990

Jim Neidhart to face

Paul Bearer to heel Wouldnt turn till 92

Shawn Michaels to face wouldnt turn til December 91

The Undertaker to heel Wouldnt turn till 92


Mr. Perfect, Haku, The Barbarian managed by Bobby Heenan

Hercules, Paul Roma and The Warlord managed by Slick(added to Data and WWF)

Demolition should be back with Mr. Fuji

If so inclined Big Bossman was feuding with Heenan's charges over Heenan's continued insults about Bossman's mother.

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Black Dragon should have strong friendships with Chris Jericho and Dr Luther and probably Lance Storm. Right now he has a blood relationship to Bruce Hart and I don't remember ever hearing about them being related.


Why is the WWF title called the WWF Federation title and not WWF Heavyweight or WWF Championship?


I've never heard of the wrestler, but is Steve Ray really meant to be 9 years old?

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Black Dragon should have strong friendships with Chris Jericho and Dr Luther and probably Lance Storm. Right now he has a blood relationship to Bruce Hart and I don't remember ever hearing about them being related.


Thanks. I'll check those.


Why is the WWF title called the WWF Federation title and not WWF Heavyweight or WWF Championship?


Wasn't sure what to call it really. The champion at this point is called the Federation Champion, or the World Wrestling Federation Champion. If you call the belt the WWF Championship then the tour of the company says "WWF Championship Champion." The WWF Federation Champion seems closer to me. I don't mind changing it if others disagree. Wasn't sure what to go with.



I've never heard of the wrestler, but is Steve Ray really meant to be 9 years old?


???? How in the heck did that happen. Steve Ray worked for the UWF in the early 1990s and got the tar beat out of him by Dr. Death when Herb Abrams decided Ray was putting it to his wife.


Went through the WWF this is what i have found so far


Abe Schwartz to Brooklyn Brawler or Steve Lombardi... Schwartz didnt debut till 94 during MLB Lockout

Big Bossman to face turned in 1990

Jim Neidhart to face

Paul Bearer to heel Wouldnt turn till 92

Shawn Michaels to face wouldnt turn til December 91

The Undertaker to heel Wouldnt turn till 92


Mr. Perfect, Haku, The Barbarian managed by Bobby Heenan

Hercules, Paul Roma and The Warlord managed by Slick(added to Data and WWF)

Demolition should be back with Mr. Fuji

If so inclined Big Bossman was feuding with Heenan's charges over Heenan's continued insults about Bossman's mother.


All fixed for V 2.0 already. :) I did a big head slap yesterday when I realized I released without updating face/heel for people. I had it on my checklist.

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???? How in the heck did that happen. Steve Ray worked for the UWF in the early 1990s and got the tar beat out of him by Dr. Death when Herb Abrams decided Ray was putting it to his wife.


Oooooh, he's that guy. I don't quite remember the story... did he actually do it, or was Abrams just being paranoid?

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