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Eastern World Class Wrestling - Bringing Europe Back!

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Vladimir Smertin was not having a good day. Moscow Athletic had lost to the filthy dogs of Kazan Rebels. His favourite driver called in sick today. The Russian government were pleading with him to donate money to some worthless cause. He'd had enough. Retiring to this private room in the west wing of his mansion on the outskirts of Moscow, Vladimir did the exact same as he usually did when he was not having a good day. He turned on the TV, picking up his favourite UCR show from December 1999 when Louis Figo Manico overcame the odds and defeated the evil Scheming Behemoth for the UCR title.


Then a thought hit Moscow's Fearless Billionaire. Not a fan of Byron nor the soul crushing boredom of UEW (Don't even get him started on Albert Thorp and VWA), Vladimir was left with no wrestling that made him as excited as UCR did. So Vladimir did what any bored billionaire would do and began to see about changing that.


Today would go down in history as the day Russia began its attack on European wrestling.




Today was the birth of Eastern World Class Wrestling!

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Manuel Dias and João Vicente weren't having much luck finding a job, even after losing the masks and joining forces. The problem was that the masks gave them a character and without them, they were just bland. After another night of getting nowhere, EWA didn't want them without the masks, UEW didn't want them trying to inject a bit of soul into the company and VWA never even answered the phone, the two men went out drinking. It was a usually routine now for them.


Several hours later, they returned to their shared flat in Lisbon. Both quite drunk. The lone phone in the apartment was ringing and eventually Manuel picked up the phone to answer it, half annoyed that the phone wouldn't stop ringing.


MD: "Hello. Whoever you are, we don't want what you are selling. Unless you are Byron and wanting to sell us a contract. Or even you Ali. Please."


VS: "I have a job for you and your friends. There is a plane waiting for you at Lisbon International Airport. Be there within one hour. Otherwise I'll find other people".


Taking the slightly menacing advice from the yet-to-be revealed Russian caller, Manuel woke up João - who was even angrier than Manuel was with the phone - and hurried to Lisbon International. The plane was there, waiting for them. As were two very familiar masks. As well as two VERY big bundles of cash.




The same voice from the phone call was the last voice they heard before getting on the plane.


VS: "Welcome to Eastern World Class Wrestling gentlemen, I trust you will accept my offer?"

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Somewhere in the middle of France...




Harmon Girard and a group of other like minded people were outside the BNP Paribas offices with signs and spray paint, doing what anarchists usually do. Intent on bringing down another big corporate institution as well as the pleasure of sticking it to the man, Harmon was in good spirits alongside his comrades. As per usual though the defenders of the corporate swines came charging in. Harmon and a small band of others managed to escape, with the police chasing them on foot. A black van stopped Harmon in his tracks. Well, stopped is a bad word. A big behemoth of a man forcefully dragged him inside the van.



This guy likes to drag people inside vans. Fear him.


With the big man forcing him to sit down, Harmon had no choice. Face to face with Europe's biggest corporate fascist Vladimir Smertin.


VS: "You have no choice. You are wanted for 32 acts of vandalism, 10 breaches of the peace and one charge of chicken theft. You come with me or you head to the jail. I have Christiane Taubira on speed dial and she would LOVE to make an example of you. One more thing, take out those piercings and wear this."


Harmon wasn't pleased when he saw what he had to wear.




Meanwhile in another part of France, not far from where Harmon Girard was demonstrating against the BNP Paribas' ways, BNP Paribas worker (and part time wrestler) Garion LaChance was heading home from another stressful shift. He hadn't been able to go to the gym AND a customer recognized him from his old gimmick and wouldn't stop heckling him. Overall it was a bad day. And it was about to get worse.




Another black van appeared with yet another big Russian man ready to grab him off of the street.



This man has no fear. Or remorse. Or even happiness.


He was the only person in the van, except for the unseen driver. A crackling was to be heard and then a video feed kicked in. A poor quality version of Vladimir Smertin's face appeared.


VS: "Monsieur LaChance, I'm a fan of your work. I have a job for you. Apologies for the rather unfortunate circumstances of you seeing this but there was no other way. If Boris hurt you, he certainly didn't mean it. In the van you will find a helmet. Inside the helmet is a contract worth twice what Paribas are paying you to be heckled for your...unslightly wrestling past. I hope to see you soon."


With no other way out, and an emotionless Russian blocking his path, Garion sighed. At least it was better than having a ball in your mouth.



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Lauro Giordano had an easy life. Using his skills as both a wrestler and as a model, he didn't have to do very much to earn a lot of money. Sometimes he thought back to the days of UCR and Wonder Boy. Sometimes he even missed them. He had heard Manuel and João had eventually given up the masks. About time, maybe he could speak to Albert about bringing them in.


Heading off to the first modelling job of the day, a shoot for Sinyaya Lavanda aftershave. Apparently the owner of the brand had specifically asked for him. Lauro took his as a sign that his modelling career was finally taking off.


When he got to the shoot location however, he never seen any photographers. Or other models. Or aftershave for that matter. All that he saw was a brown box with a big sign on it saying his name. Curiosity took over.


Rifling through the contents of the box - 90% of which was the annoying foam peanuts that every box contains - Lauro eventually felt something. It was cold and hard. Carefully bringing it out of the box, Lauro was surprised to see it was his old Wonder Boy mask, with a huge wad of cash attached to it. His phone started buzzing.


VS: "Ah Mr. Giordano, I see you've found your payment for the shoot. I trust you are pleased with it. Please make your way to Moscow as soon as you possibly can. And forget about returning to Switzerland for any wrestling, Russia is the only country you will work in now."


The phone clicked shut. Lauro didn't know whether to laugh, cry or pray that this was a dream. He thought he'd given Wonder Boy up and now some crazy Russian wants him to revive him? He miserably headed back home to pack.



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The Assembled Roster (Blue for Good Guys, Red for Bad Guys)




Boris Kiriyakin

The Bear Fighting Spirit of Russia!




Dark Falcon

Captain of The Society of Evil!




Fortius Minimus

The Biggest French Coward Alive!




Garion LaChance

When Courage Was On Sale, He Had No Money!




Jakub Krawczyk

The Big Bad Protector of Communism!




Johnny Highspot

Reckless English Veteran!




Konrad Mäkinen

Voted Scandinavia's Sexiest Human five years in a row!




Kruge The Executioner

Big Red Demon From The Middle of Nowhere!




Nigel Svensson

Sweden's Most Dangerous Smiling Guy!




Otto Hammerschmidt

German Bundle of Machine Like Rage!




Paolo Gandalfini

The Sexiest Male In All of Europe!




Ripper Le Stat

Dracula's Great Great Great Grand Nephew!





Protector of Space!




Super Falcon

Hero of EWCW, Leader of The Super Crew!




The Masked Outlaw

Silent Guardian of EWCW!




Thor The Mighty

Bruising Giant of The Legion of Evil!





Low Level Villain, Capable of Hypnosis!




Viktor Beskov

Russia's Own Street Fighting Man!




Wolfgang Klose

The Hammer of Hamburg!




Wonder Boy

Deputy to Super Falcon!




Yuri Iliakov

Moscow's Favourite Wrestler!






Vic Thurgood, "Salty" Larry Hill and Fink Finkleton - Providing words to the raw action!




Eva Berlin - Manager to Der Münchenerexpress




Ebony Spiripolous - The only referee man enough to come to Russia.


Teams & Stables!




The Society of Evil

Dark Falcon, Thor The Mighty & The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)




The Super Crew

Super Falcon, Wonder Boy, Stardust & The Masked Outlaw




Der Münchenerexpress

Otto Hammerschmidt, Wolfgang Klose & Eva Berlin




The Red Devils

Viktor Besvok & Yuri Iliakov

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EWCW Battle for Europe I




http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/JakubKrawczyk.jpg vs ???


"The Big Bad" Jakub Krawczyk vs A Mystery Opponent


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/BorisKiriyakin.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/KrugeTheExecutioner.jpg


Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/DarkFalcon.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/ThorTheMighty.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/SuperFalcon.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/WonderBoy.jpg


The Society of Evil vs The Super Crew




Prediction card

(Faces first)


The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)

Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat

Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen

The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress

The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)

Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner

Jakub Krawczyk vs ????


HINT: The mystery opponent was a big deal in UCR.

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Nice start, you hooked me already and there haven´t even be any shows yet. :) My knowledge of Europe is quite rusty as I haven´t have a game in there for years but lets see if I can get one or two of these right.


The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)

I like Stardust but to put it nicely he sucks in-ring. Luckily Minimus manages to be even worse. No idea who the other two even are so I go with sucky guy that I actually like. :p


Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat

Of course Ripper wins, he´s a vampire after all. And I have no idea who Gandalfini is anyway :o


Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Hey, I actually know both of these guys. Svensson is awesome by the way. Trance, not so much and Rave doesn´t seem to be here either so I guess he will be singles guy. Interesting to see where Trance will go but I definitely go with Svensson on this one.


Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen

Err, I don´t have much idea (again!) but Highspot at least sounds familiar, I figure he was in one of those British promotions back in TEW2010.


The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress

With shows being held in Russia and all russians being faces I pretty much expect at least some of them getting a heavy push from the start.


The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)

I had heroes going over in the other tag match so this time heels take the win.


Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner

Only in Russia would Kiriyakin be considered as "good guy". Still my reasoning from The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress fits here too.


Jakub Krawczyk vs ????

Mystery man? In main event and has been big name in European promotion before? Yeah, I just can´t pass that.

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Don't know a great deal about Europe but always happy to see dynasties from the UK/Europe as it's probably the most neglected area of the game.


The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)

I'll go with the French here - Stardust is damaged goods


Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Svensson is much more useful


Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen

Gotta support the Brits!


The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress

Can't argue with Zergon's logic here


The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)

Dark Falcon and Super Falcon will go back and forth. I'll go with Dark Falcon here to start the feud off


Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner

Again, Zergon's logic makes sense


Jakub Krawczyk vs ????

Mystery man rule!

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The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)

I'm hoping the French Legion win by shenanigans and have a spot where they run to the outside to hug each other.


Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat

I may have a slight bias towards LeStat but I reckon he'll be more useful for you in the long run.


Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Svensson has more potential than Trance.


Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen

Highspot's a big name and I have no idea who Konrad is so yeah.


The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress

Playing to a biased home crowd away.


The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)

If this will be a feud The Super Crew need a reason for a rematch so I'm expecting a screwy finish.


Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner

Playing to that home town crowd some more.


Jakub Krawczyk vs ????

The guy has Hassan Fezzik's nickname, it is literally impossible for him to lose; oh and he's Russian so yeah that helps.

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The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)

Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat

Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen

The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress

The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)

Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner

Jakub Krawczyk vs ????

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I know jack crap about the Europe C-Verse (From time to time I will play in that area but I never last more than a show or two.) so the following is all guesses.


The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)


Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat


Nigel Svensson vs Trance


Nigel is one of my favorite workers so I have to go with him.


Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen


The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress


The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)


Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner


Jakub Krawczyk vs ????

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The Super Crew (Stardust & The Masked Outlaw) vs The French Legion (Fortius Minimus & Garion LaChance)

There is no way that the French Legion win ... Here or ever!

Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat

I like to use Ripper when i play in Europe, so i'm rooting for him.

Nigel Svensson vs Trance

I think i am going to like Trance's gimmick so he needs the big win.

Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen

Konran looks cool, and awesome nickname.

The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress

The Super Crew (Super Falcon & Wonder Boy) vs The Society of Evil (Dark Falcon & Thor The Mighty)

Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge The Executioner

Jakub Krawczyk vs ????

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EWCW Battle for Europe I

Held in Groznyi Hall, 55 people witnessed EPIC WRESTLING!


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/Stardust.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/TheMaskedOutlaw.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/FortiusMinimus.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/GarionLaChance.jpg


The Super Crew vs The French Legion


The French Legion won after Fortius Minimus distracted Referee Ebony, allowing Garion LaChance to lowblow Stardust and roll him up with his feet on the ropes.


Classic cheating from The French Legion saw them steal the win from the fan favourites of Stardust and The Masked Outlaw. The Super Crew had the upper hand for most of the match and at one point forced both members of The French Legion to the outside where Garion and Fortius hugged each other before Stardust dove right on top of them.


Rating : 16


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/PauloGandalfini.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/RipperLeStat.jpg


Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat


Paolo Gandalfini won via DQ after Ripper LeStat refused to relent in his assualt of him.


Paolo Gandalfini looked like a star coming into the ring. Inside of the ring however Ripper LeStat was a monster, attacking him with kicks, punches and even biting him at one point. This led to Ripper being DQ'd, a result he seemed surprisingly happy with.


Rating : 12


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/Trance.jpg


Nigel Svensson vs Trance


Trance won via Trance Effect (Hypnosis followed up with a Superkick).


Trance tried early on to hypnotise Nigel and get an easy win but the fans rallied behind the Swedish Submission Sergeant. Nigel was in control from there on in, keeping Trance grounded with his ultra-reliable submission holds. A rare slip up from Nigel though allowed Trance to follow through with the Trance Effect for the win.


Rating : 16




Trance never had a chance to celebrate as Ripper LeStat made his way out to the ring. Surprising Trance with a kidney punch, Ripper beat him down until he was near unconcious and then lifted his body and carried him to the back. The crowd didn't care and surprisingly never did Nigel, who shrugged it off and went to the back.






Konrad Mäkinen made his way out, making sure to allow the three non-Russian women in attendance to get a good look at his body before arrogantly strutting into the ring. Sensing he wanted to say something, Referee Ebony already had a microphone in her hands. Konrad snatched it off of her before apologising after realising EWCW is the ONLY European company to employ a female referee. The crowd were already booing as they came to see wrestling between big bears of men, not to see scrawny pretty boys talk.


KM: “Boo me all you want. I am better than all of you. I am Sweden's true number one wrestler, unlike that joke before me. What kind of a Swedish name is Nigel anyways? Tonight not only do you get to see my fantastic and award winning body, you get to see showcase my supreme wrestling skills. Your night has just been made, courtesy of myself. My name is Konrad Mäkinen and don't be forgetting it.”


The crowd remain silent, probably because they didn't understand a single word that Konrad said. At least it's not boos.


Rating: 7 (Yup. Perils of running shows in Russia.)


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/JohnnyHighspot.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/KonradRude.jpg


Johnny Highspot vs Konrad Mäkinen


Konrad Mäkinen won via Ravishing Grapevine (Ankle Lock with Grapevine).


Konrad Mäkinen made up for the lack of understanding during the promo by relying on cheap heel tactics to get the crowd to boo. Highspot played the underdog very well and got a loud cheer going when he reversed Konrad's attempts at a lowblow with one of his own, Konrad selling the blow as if he had a football kicked directly at him. Konrad eventually got back into it however and made Highspot tap out with his Ravishing Grapevine.


Rating: 28




For the EWCW Tag Team Titles


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/ViktorBeskov.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/YuriIliakov.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/OttoHammerschmidt.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/WolfgangKlose.jpg with http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/EvaBerlin.jpg


The Red Devils vs Der Münchenerexpress


The Red Devils won via Moscow Dynamite (Hart Attack) to Wolfgang Klose. The Red Devils win the EWCW Tag Team Titles.


The Red Devils received the biggest cheer of the night so far as they made their way out, both men wearing Moscow Athletic football tops. Otto and Wolfgang raised boos by coming out in the kit of Moscow's hated rivals Kazan Rebels. The match itself was a bland affair with Otto and Wolfgang not really getting a chance to show what they could do as the Russian boys used superior teamwork to wear them down. Eva Berlin was sent to the back after one too many attempts to cheat on behalf of her clients.


Rating: 18




Super Falcon and Wonder Boy descended from their perch inside the hall and landed in the ring, making several small children believe they were ACTUAL superheroes. Super Falcon acknowledged these kids by going over and giving them “special hero food” which in fact was sweets from SmertCo. Super Falcon took the microphone from Ebony and began talking in a ridiculously deep (and fake) tone.


SF: “Greetings citizens! I trust you are all safe this fine evening! It's been a while since Wonder Boy and I were on active patrol around these parts but we were keeping you safe, don't you worry. We returned for two reasons. The first reason is that we heard the Groznyi Hall area is a great place to be. Secondly, we got reports of a very familiar man in the area. A man so evil that even Aleksandr Karelin and Vladimir Puton couldn't stop him...”


With that the lights cut out and when they return, Dark Falcon and a big beast of a man are already in the ring ready to fight the two heroes.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/SuperFalcon.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/WonderBoy.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/DarkFalcon.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/ThorTheMighty.jpg


The Super Crew vs The Society of Evil


The Super Crew won via Flying Falcon Splash to Dark Falcon.


The age old rival between the blue masked falcon and the gold masked falcon reared its head again here as the two rivals spent all of the match facing off against each other. Wonder Boy tried to keep Thor The Mighty at bay but usually ended up down on the canvas in pain for his efforts. The end came when Wonder Boy and Super Falcon double dropkicked Thor out of the ring, leaving Dark Falcon on his own. Wonder Boy followed after Thor whilst Super Falcon dropped Dark Falcon with a superb DDT before scaling the ropes and delivering a Flying Falcon Splash.


Promo Rating : 24

Match Rating : 30


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/BorisKiriyakin.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/KrugeTheExecutioner.jpg


Boris Kiriyakin vs Kruge the Executioner


Boris Kiriyakin won via The Big Boot of Communism


Boris came out a thunderous response as he walked slowly and emotionlessly to the ring, not even looking at the crowd who adored him. Kruge was the complete opposite, mercilessly taunting the fans and promising to break Boris' back. Boris must of heard this as he came out like a house on fire in the early goings of the match, punching Kruge over and over again. Kruge eventually fought back and brought some more offence into the match including rarely seen moves such as a spinebuster and a shoulder tackle. However The Big Boot of Communism stopped the masked monster in his tracks and allowed the crowd to get whipped in a fever pitch for the main event.


Rating: 14


As Boris and Kruge made their way backstage, a man in black armour came stomping out. One fan out of 55 knew who it was and cheered loudly, until the man made his way round. Grabbing the fan's ice-cold SmertCo. Drink and tossing it to the other side of the hall, the man instantly made a powerful enemy.


Once he was inside of the ring, the armour slowly came off to reveal.....








TSB: “Russia. Home of many sinners. Sinners are friends. I once had a Russian demon. The Bad Big. He not so bad anymore. Or big. No one bigger than me, Scheming Behemoth. I put The Bad Big to rest tonight when I become number one wrestler in all of Russia and surrounding area. Your hero will be no more. By end of night, you will chant my name. Scheming Behemoth.”


With that insightful promo out of the way, the Russian national anthem starts up and the man formerly known as The Big Bad lumbers his way out to start this MAIN EVENT FOR THE AGES!


Rating: 35




For the EWCW European Championship


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/JakubKrawczyk.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/SchemingBehemoth.jpg


Jakub Krawcyzk vs Scheming Behemoth


Scheming Behemoth won via Chokeslam to become the first EWCW European Champion.


In a battle for the ages, Russia's Favourite Giant and Hell's Favourite Behemoth battled it out to see how could out last the other and become the first EWCW European champion. Jakub had the crowd on his side but Scheming Behemoth had power and the advantage of surprise. Jakub nearly took the win with a crushing Bearhug to Behemoth but Behemoth powered out before calling upon all of his power to grab Jakub around the neck, hoist him up into the air and plant him on the mat with a Chokeslam. The security team had to work fast to hold back 55 near rioting fans as Scheming Behemoth posed over Jakub's body.


Rating: 29


Final Show Rating : 23


Who needs powergaming when you've got good old fashioned European wrestling to write and have fun with?

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Jingo - 5/8

BHK1978 - 7/8

Midnightnick - 5/8

Deamon - 3/8

Occasional_Z - 4/7 (Missed the Gandalfini/LeStat match)

Zergon - 3/8


Post Show Notes!


1. Mixed bag for predictions, with most people being thrown off by thinking Dark Falcon & Thor would take the win.


2. Europe's a great place where no one has stamped on yet this year. For something that started as part of a discussion, I'm feeling really good about this.






5. Super Falcon, Wonder Boy and/or Dark Falcon may be match rating gods. Awaiting further tests.

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  • 2 weeks later...



EWCW Battle for Europe II: Big Men, Bigger Appetites




EWCW European Championship Match


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/SchemingBehemoth.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/BorisKiriyakin.jpg


Scheming Behemoth © vs "Man of The People" Boris Kiriyakin


The Second Installment in Russians vs Big Red Guy Action!


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/JakubKrawczyk.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/KrugeTheExecutioner.jpg


Jakub Krawczyk vs Kruge The Executioner


Good Vs Evil! Nordic Mythology vs Comic Book Legend! RED VS BLUE!


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/ThorTheMighty.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Eastern%20World%20Class%20Wrestling/WonderBoy.jpg


Thor The Mighty vs Wonder Boy


EWCW Battle For Europe II Quick Picks


EWCW European Championship Match

Scheming Behemoth vs Boris Kiryakin


Jacob Krawczyk vs Kruge The Executioner

Wonder Boy vs Thor The Mighty

Johnny Highspot vs Wolfgang Klose

The Super Crew vs The Society of Evil

Nigel Svensson & Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat & Trance

Viktor Beskov vs Otto Hammerschmidt

Konrad Mäkinen vs Yuri Iliakov

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EWCW European Championship Match

Scheming Behemoth vs Boris Kiryakin

Love using both these guys when i'm playing in Europe .. But Behemoth retains.

Jacob Krawczyk vs Kruge The Executioner

Kruge is the man and needs to get a win back.

Wonder Boy vs Thor The Mighty

Surely Wonder Boy is too small ...

Johnny Highspot vs Wolfgang Klose

The Super Crew vs The Society of Evil

Super's need this win.

Nigel Svensson & Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat & Trance

Vampires = Cool (okay so they were much cooler a few years ago before a certain bunch of films made them wimpy...) and Trance has a cool Gimmick so they are all kinds of win!

Viktor Beskov vs Otto Hammerschmidt

Konrad Mäkinen vs Yuri Iliakov

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EWCW European Championship Match

Scheming Behemoth vs Boris Kiryakin


Jacob Krawczyk vs Kruge The Executioner

Wonder Boy vs Thor The Mighty

Johnny Highspot vs Wolfgang Klose

The Super Crew vs The Society of Evil

Nigel Svensson & Paolo Gandalfini vs Ripper LeStat & Trance

Viktor Beskov vs Otto Hammerschmidt

Konrad Mäkinen vs Yuri Iliakov

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<p>EWCW European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Scheming Behemoth</strong> vs Boris Kiryakin</p><p>

<em>Behemoth won´t drop the title on first defense.</em></p><p>


Jacob Krawczyk</strong> vs Kruge The Executioner</p><p>

<em>Both guys lost in last show and thus could use a win but i figure that Krawczyk is higher priority.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Wonder Boy vs <strong>Thor The Mighty</strong></p><p>

<em>Thor gets a win after losing in tag match last time.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Highspot</strong> vs Wolfgang Klose</p><p>

<em>I have more faith on Johnny.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Super Crew vs <strong>The Society of Evil</strong></p><p>

<em>Is this a tag match or 3 vs. 3? Either way I figure that both Falcons are here and with Dark Falcon losing last time I would give him a win here to tie the score.</em></p><p>


Nigel Svensson & Paolo Gandalfini </strong>vs Ripper LeStat & Trance</p><p>

<em>I would like to go with Ripper but he doesn´t seem to care if he gets DQ or not. Oh and he attacked his partner last show too so I don´t see much co-operation between the two heels. </em><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Viktor Beskov </strong>vs Otto Hammerschmidt</p><p>

<em>Being one of the few guys who the crowd could actually undestand I figure that Viktor is going to stay strong.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Konrad Mäkinen vs <strong>Yuri Iliakov</strong></p><p>

<em>Same thing here, Iliakov is simply more valuable right now because of language barrier.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zergon" data-cite="Zergon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35611" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> The Super Crew vs <strong>The Society of Evil</strong></p><p> <em>Is this a tag match or 3 vs. 3? Either way I figure that both Falcons are here and with Dark Falcon losing last time I would give him a win here to tie the score.</em></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The match is a 3 v 3 match, forgot to mention that. I aim to use my entire roster for each show so multi-man matches are a boon.</p>
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<p>EWCW European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Scheming Behemoth </strong>vs Boris Kiryakin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jacob Krawczyk </strong>vs Kruge The Executioner</p><p>

Wonder Boy vs <strong>Thor The Mighty</strong></p><p>

Johnny Highspot vs <strong>Wolfgang Klose </strong></p><p>

<strong>The Super Crew </strong>vs The Society of Evil</p><p>

Nigel Svensson & Paolo Gandalfini vs <strong>Ripper LeStat & Trance</strong></p><p>

<strong>Viktor Beskov</strong> vs Otto Hammerschmidt</p><p>

<strong>Konrad Mäkinen </strong>vs Yuri Iliakov</p>

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