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XPW 2012 From The Ashes We Rise!! XPW Rebirth

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XPW From The Ashes We Rise!




Chapter 1: The History of Xtreme Pro Wrestling


In mid 1999 the owner of the porn company Extreme Associates Rob Black (Robert Zicari), founded the hardcore wrestling promotion Xtreme Pro Wrestling.

Before Rob Black began the project XPW, he tried several times to invest in Extreme Championship Wrestling. After realizing that ECW does not have any interest to work with Black and Extreme Associates he founded his own league, which debuted on 31/07/1999 in Reseda, California. Xtreme Pro Wrestling "XPW" became the strongest force on the West Coast due the lack of big wrestling organisations in California. The audience had its size, so that in April 2000, the first show in Los Angeles Sports Arena drew over 10000 people. Although the action was always promising in the ring with the debut of Sabu and other famous wrestlers, the audience fell constantly. More and more free tickets were given to have fairly decent-looking audiences.


The turning point of the XPW history should follow soon after. On 16.07.2000 Extreme Championship Wrestling held their Heatwave 2000 Pay-Per-View at the Grand Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles. Among the guests were some XPW wrestlers (including Supreme, Kristi Myst and The Messiah), which all had front row tickets and wore T-shirts with the XPW logo on it. The ECW Staff asked them to turn their shirts around, so the XPW logos were not identifiable. But during the main event the XPW wrestlers turned their shirts again, and Kristy Myst even dared to pull her shirt off, which led to a brawl in front of the hall which involved wrestlers of both leagues. The incident was spreaded by all the news sites on the Internet, which made XPW stand in a very bad light. News reports like "XPW trying to ruin ECW PPV" it brought many fans to take a stand against XPW and not to support their product anymore.


Just a few months after in November of 2000, the next drawback of the very young Hardcore Company occured.The Patriot Hall in Los Angeles had both, the perfect size and look for XPW. After holding the next few events with success. During the year 2001 a spot involving two flaming tables shocked the school board of Los Angeles, which the Patriot Hall was part of. It banished not just XPW from school buildings in California, but pro wrestling overall.


With the Grand Olympic Auditorium XPW quickly found a new venue. But even in the new hall Supreme suffered from severe burns after a Flaming Table Spot that used intensely burning spirit. Supreme burned like a living torch for over 20 seconds, as the Security began to clear the burning table first, before turning to Supreme.


In "Damage Inc 2001."a tournament for the newly launched XPW Television Title that Kaos was able to win. The main event of the evening was a battle between Rob Black and The Messiah against Josh Lazie and Sabu. However, the fans got to see a video message before the match, where the Messiah said that he would go back to heaven and was not able to compete. Black had to deny to fight alone and the Messiah does not seem to belong anymore to the XPW roster. Wild speculation are making rounds,then it became more clearly that Messiah had to leave the XPW, because an affair with porn star Lizzy Borden, the wife of Rob Black.


At August first 2002 Messiah (William Welch), the former XPW Heavyweight and Deathmatch Champion, was attacked by two masked figures in his apartment in Canyon County. They managed to cut his thumb off, before Welch was able to counter the attack. He even broke one of the attacker's arm, before escaping the scene. Many people were immediately considered the involvement Robert Black in the attack on the Messiah. The case was even shown on the Fox TV show "America's Most Wanted". As a result, XPW employees and Black had to go through a check by the police, until today it was not clear if Rob Black and his company had anything to do with this. Nevertheless XPW received a lot of negative press.


During the time of the incident, former ECW star Shane Douglas won the XPW Heavyweight champion and became the on air authority figure, to release public pressure from Rob Black. He also decided to move the company to the east coast.


For the venue they selected the very building of Extreme Championship Wrestling "The Arena" in South Philladelphia.

This allowed the XPW to hold the biggest show thus far in the XPW history. And the audience should not disappoint, XPW reported of 940 fans in attendance, the owner of the arena talking about 700. However, according to State Commission just 90 paying fans were among them.

In the aftermath, the audience fell more and more drastic, until at the end barely 150 fans were in attendance. Even the concept of booking other important wrestlers in Philadelphia, did not seem to click. Too many scandals and attacks ruined its reputation nationwide. After several canceled shows Xtreme Pro Wrestling left "Battlefield Philadelphia" and launched in Pittsburgh a new market. These shows were both in the quality, as well as from the audience a success, but through consistent pressure the XPW board decided that it is not possible to run XPW anymore.


It closed its doors 08.03.2003 and became one of the most controversial promotions in the history of professional wrestling.


Sources: cagematch.de / wikipedia

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Chapter 2: XPW Reunion Shows and A New War Evolves 2008 - 2011




After 5 years of absence, media company Big Vision Entertainment announced to buy the rights and tapes of Xtreme Pro Wrestling. And eventually hold a XPW one night only reunion show called "Cold Day In Hell" that reunited many of the XPW and ECW alumni to compete under their card.


The show that featured solid production, excellent matches, welcome appearances by a number of wrestlers we never thought to see again.

In 2009 Big Vision Entertainment promoted also the 10 years anniversary show of XPW called "XPW X" and streamed it on PPV all over the world.


The XPW King Of The Deathmatches championship was still defended by the current champion Supreme in two vicious fights against the "Hardcore Homo" Angel and Hardcore Legend the Necro Butcher.

Since that time there have been a variety of rumors, attempts, and discussions about possibly bringing XPW "back." Some of those conversations I have been part of. Some just things I have heard from others. But nothing ever with enough steam to get the coals burning again.


And then Damian 666 laid out a challenge....he wanted 4 former XPW guys to come to Mexico City to face him, Halloween, X Fly (formerly Mosco De La Merced in XPW), and Damien's son, Bestia 666.


Over the past year and a half Damian had two matches with the guy who still holds claim to being XPW "King of the Deathmatch", Supreme. And both times, it took a gang of his Perros Del Mal buddies to pin the champ. But the first time the title was not on the line and then the 2nd. time Supreme had agreed to defend the title, but when Damian changed the match to a 5 way and stacked the cards against "The Human Horror Film", he told him he could "**** off" on the title being on the line.

A smart move by Supreme, that's why he is who he is.


But the XPW "King of the Deathmatch" title has become this one thing Damian is obsessed with. He could care less that XPW as a company is dead and buried...he wants to beat Supreme for that title.


So the challenge was laid out and Supreme, Kaos, "White Trash" Johnny Webb, and Carnage headed to a junkyard in Mexico City on August 20th. 2011 to go to war. Supreme once again left Mexico with his belt.







A few days later at a Perros Del Mal press conference, Damian, Halloween, X Fly, and Bestia, announced that the war was not over, that it was just the beginning. And, they wanted it not only to take place on Mexican soil, but in the U.S. as well.


That was the moment where I got the sign to make the move

You know how when people become ministers or nuns they often say it's because they got "the calling." It was kind of like that. Except it wasn't the good lord in my ear. It was someone who is closer to the devil...it was Damian 666.


Damian asked if I would be willing to work with him and bring XPW back to act as the official U.S. promoter for the holy war he and his Perros Del Mal crew intended to wage on Supreme and the former XPW-ers.


I felt a bit unsure. Did I want my next call to be to Supreme to say, "Hey, so I agreed to help the guy who's obsessed with beating you and I'm going to promote a show here for you to face him on"?


So I called Supreme to ask him what he thought of the situation....


The call was one of those I couldn't make up. I asked him if I could come down and shoot him saying those things to a camera...he agreed, so I'm going to do that next week.


But, the gist of it was, "If Damian wants to bring the war here...if Damien wants to keep getting his ass kicked by me for 90% of a match only to have his bitches **** me over in the end, that's fine. If he wants to spend the last moments of his career chasing down a dream he'll never fulfill of being XPW "King of the Deathmatch", that's fine. Tell him you'll ****ing do it."



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XPW Roster


"The Human Horrorfilm" Supreme (XPW King of the Deathmatches Champion)




"The Tijuana Devil" Damian 666




"Rockstar" Kaos




Bestia 666





"White Trash" Johnny Webb




The Almighty Sheik (XPW Heavyweight Champion)




"The Son of Sicily" Vinnie Massaro








"The Homo" Angel




"Straight Edge" Cj Kurz




Willie Mack




El Hijo de Rey Misterio (XPW Jr. Heavyweight Champion)




"RockNess" Johnny Yuma




Famous B




XPW Staff




"The Voice of XPW" Kris Kloss




Rob Naylor






"Head Referee" Patrick Hernandez




XPW Owner


Mr McPhenom



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This is my first try to make a new dynasty in a long period of time.


I tried it before, but they usually didn't lasted very long.


Any comments thus far?


This two posts are kinda my intro, do you like it?


I took the information especially for my first chapter (The history of XPW)from websites and referenced the sources at the bottom, so this is not completely my work. Part of it is translated from the german website cagematch which has a great historical article about this promotion.


The second part describes the more recent part (both reunion shows) and later on the war between Supreme and Damian 666 for the XPW King Of The Deathmatches championship. What will be a very important if not central part of this diary.


The start date of the game is January 2012 when possibly the first event of the new XPW will be held, more will be revealed later on.


If you have any sugesstions (technical, visual, storylines, roster, basicly everthing you have in mind) feel free to post it.


I may continue my work on this tomowrow, or if i not have any time maybe next week

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I lived in So Cal during the heyday of XPW. What I loved best is I had to watch their tv show via attentenna vs cable, so it reminded me of the glory days of picking up Mid-Atlantic shows from Asheville and Greensboro and watching the snowy pictures.


I'm interested to see how how you progress this. You hit on the important names from the past and think they make a good foundation for the territory - and since you are starting in more present day, I'd assume you would add in some of the modern west coast / indy stars (Johnny Gargano, Young Bucks, etc). Use the old ECW and XPW guys to build up your current set of stars for the future (much like ECW did with Snuka, Hawk, Muraco, and Funk)

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Great idea, might I suggest getting a proof reader? or running it through word's grammar checker. I can see English is not your first language, and more power to you for knowing more then one, but getting someone or using word to type up your posts before posting them, well help out in the readability, I am totally interested in this diary and hope you go long term man.
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Thanks for your feedback, im very glad to know that people are interested in this :)


Im from germany so my english might not be perfect, I'll run it through a grammar checker later on today and replace the text, thanks for telling me.


Great idea, might I suggest getting a proof reader? or running it through word's grammar checker. I can see English is not your first language, and more power to you for knowing more then one, but getting someone or using word to type up your posts before posting them, well help out in the readability, I am totally interested in this diary and hope you go long term man.


Thats part of my plan to add hardcore veterans from ecw and xpw, combined with the best indy talent around and unknown talent from the local socal wrestling scene that has yet to be discovered to build a flexible roster (Valets and Managers included).


I try to find talent for my roster next week, so I can start booking my first event :)


I lived in So Cal during the heyday of XPW. What I loved best is I had to watch their tv show via attentenna vs cable, so it reminded me of the glory days of picking up Mid-Atlantic shows from Asheville and Greensboro and watching the snowy pictures.


I'm interested to see how how you progress this. You hit on the important names from the past and think they make a good foundation for the territory - and since you are starting in more present day, I'd assume you would add in some of the modern west coast / indy stars (Johnny Gargano, Young Bucks, etc). Use the old ECW and XPW guys to build up your current set of stars for the future (much like ECW did with Snuka, Hawk, Muraco, and Funk)

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October 2011


October 23 9:30 PM


Today it supposed to be an important day, my idea relaunching the XPW spread across the west coast faster than I've ever expected. A rich investor called me up a few days ago to set up this meeting in a location in Hollywood known as "The Arena", where I supposed to met him.





As he came he first told me that the time to shake up the wrestling world with the relaunch of XPW is right, and that he will give us 250.000$ as a investment in this project.


With the finances covered I revealed him that I already hired a few staff members.


I will act as the head booker and make the creative decisions in this company. Kaos the nephew of Supreme and former XPW TV champion, is heavily involved in todays SoCal wrestling scene, he will act as our talent scout. Former XPW announcer Kris Kloss will keep his spot as the voice of the company, and Patrick Hernandez will be our head referee. Other than that I also made a working agreement with the Perros Del Mal and Damian 666, to have a steady talent exchange with the guys south of the border.


He asked me if the feud between Damian and our champ Supreme is still going on, I told him that both if them are on fire. Damian wants the King of the Deathmatches belt and Supreme wants revenge for his loss in Mexico, I made some negotiations and both agreed to an Electrified Steel Cage Deathmatch here in the US. It would make a perfect main event for our debut show.


He asks me then about PPV coverage, I told him I have an idea.


We will make a DVD release and in addition we will upload this event on pay per stream the very next day on our website, so fans all over the world can buy this event. "The Arena" would provide a perfect location, the venue already hosted the 10 Year anniversary of XPW and fits over 400 people.


After almost two hours of talking he seemed to be pleased, we shaked hands before he took part.


I stayed for a couple more hours chugging some drinks down.

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XPW Presents "The Line Will Be Crossed Again"


February 26th 2012




Main Event


Electrified Steel Cage Deathmatch


"The Human Horrorfilm" Supreme vs "The Tijuana Devil" Damian 666


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Supreme.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Damien666.jpg



In our main event the XPW Hardcore Icon will take it one more time on his nemesis "The Tijuana Devil" Damian 666 in an Electrified Steel Cage Match. The XPW King of the Deathmatch Championship will be on the line.


Lucha Libre Extreme Match


"Rockstar" Kaos vs Bestia 666


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Kaos.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Bestia_666.jpg


After the upset in Mexico "Rockstar" Kaos called out the son of Damian 666 to a singles match in the United States. Bestia accepted the challenge to prove Kaos, that he can face him without the help of his father and his homies from Perros Del Mal.


Unlucky 13 Staplegun


Carnage vs "The Son of Sicily" Vinnie Massaro


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Eddie_Carnage.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/VinnyMassaro.jpg


Vinnie Massaro brings years and years of experience in the ring. Massaro is not known for his sportsmanship, he is a veteran known mostly for bold statements about his opponents then backing it up with intense beatings! His opponent the XPW original Carnage is enraged by his tactics and wants to teach him a lesson in an Unlucky 13 Staplegun match, once and for all.



The Almighty Sheik/w Phil McPhenom vs ???


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/The_Sheik.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Unknown.jpg


Phil McPhenom the owner of Sports Entertainment and in his opinion the most brilliant wrestling mind in the universe, brings The Almighty Sheik as his new client into the XPW.


The former Zero 1 and NWA Heavyweight champion is calling out any wrestler in the XPW locker room to an open challenge.


The Suburban Commandos vs The Born Stars


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/de751949-c225-4b1a-a996-914ac09d12ee.jpghttp://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/91d572a5-a02e-4e8d-a4ca-46967283101f.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/cfc2e004-c48a-4ddf-ab3b-7a84b1070c07.jpghttp://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/8eedf6f1-ed21-48ac-a8e5-63de4808d4af.jpg


The Suburban Commandos and the XPW fanbase might have no idea who the "Born Stars" are, but that doesn't matter. This match will show who the best tag team in this company is hands down.



XPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Four Way Dance


The management confirmed that in our opening match at the relaunch of the XPW, four of the most talented youngsters in North America will get their chance to win the new XPW Junior Heavyweight Championship.


Famous B, Willie Mack, "Straight Edge" Cj Kurz and the son of the lucha libre legend Rey Misterio Sr. El Hijo de Rey Misterio will take part in the bout for that title.


Famous B vs Willie Mack vs Cj Kurz vs El Hijo de Rey Misterio


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Famous_B.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Willie_Mack.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Cjay.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/El_Hijo_de_Rey_Misterio.jpg



Feel free to post your match prediction, a prize will be announced later




Supreme vs Damian 666

Kaos vs Bestia 666

The Suburban Commandos vs The Born Stars

Carnage vs Vinnie Massaro

Johnny Webb vs The Almighty Sheik

Famous B vs Cj Kurz vs Willie Mack vs El Hijo de Rey Misterio

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does read better, also what data do you have? As a former trainee of SPW I would love ot have anything with guys in it from SPW(By the way he is no longer Dante, he has been going by CJ Kurz for a few years now)

Supreme vs Damian 666

Kaos vs Bestia 666

Dante(push this man to the moon) vs "The Homo" Angel

Carnage vs Vinnie Massaro

Johnny Webb vs The Almighty Sheik

Famous B vs Johnny Yuma vs Willie Mack vs El Hijo de Rey Misterio

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does read better, also what data do you have? As a former trainee of SPW I would love ot have anything with guys in it from SPW(By the way he is no longer Dante, he has been going by CJ Kurz for a few years now)

Supreme vs Damian 666

Kaos vs Bestia 666

Dante(push this man to the moon) vs "The Homo" Angel

Carnage vs Vinnie Massaro

Johnny Webb vs The Almighty Sheik

Famous B vs Johnny Yuma vs Willie Mack vs El Hijo de Rey Misterio


Thanks for the predictions


I try to use the mccanada february 2012 data and added some workers from other databases, but it may be tough to do that. I may just make a text based diary what will give me more freedoms for sure :)


Ill change the name of Dante of course, thanks that you noticed it

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XPW "The Line Will Be Crossed Again"




February 26th 2012



As the lights turn on once again in "The Arena" the rowdy fans of XPW start to get nuts for this event, chanting "XPW" again and again.




Kris Kloss appears on the entrance ramp, announcing the official return of Xtreme Pro Wrestling. He also introduces his new partner in crime the young announcer Rob Naylor, before handing him the mic.Naylor thanks all the fans in the Arena for their appearance and he is very glad to be part of this historic event.


Kloss opens up a briefcase and takes out the new XPW Junior Heavyweight Championship belt, with the announcement that four of the brightest talents will fight for this belt in a four way dance.


Famous B, "RockNess" Johnny Yuma, Willie Mack and the successor of the legendary luchador Rey Misterio Senior, from Tijuana Mexico El Hijo de Rey Misterio.


XPW Jr. Heavyweight Championship


Famous B vs Johnny Yuma vs Willie Mack vs El Hijo de Rey Misterio


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Famous_B.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Cjay.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Willie_Mack.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/El_Hijo_de_Rey_Misterio.jpg


Famous B vs CJ Kurz vs Willie Mack vs El Hijo de Rey Misterio


The opening match at the resurrection of Xtreme Pro Wrestling kicks of right away with four high flyers who steal the show immediately. Every competitor shows of his high flying spots, but after a few minutes El Hijo de Rey Misterio can show an Asai Moonsault from the ropes to take his opponents out. He goes for the 619 against Cj Kurz, but he pulls the rope in between the legs of Misterio and rolls him into a quick pinfall. Famous B appears just in time to break it,as Kurz connects with a running backbreaker.


Cj Kurz eventually, seizes the opportunity to climb on the turnbuckle for the 450 splash. Suddenly El Hijo de Rey Misterio climbs behind Kurz to take him out with a reverse Dragonrana from the top rope, connecting with the pinfall.


Winner: El Hijo de Rey Misterio


Head referee Patrick Hernandez hands Misterio the new Jr. Heavyweight belt, while Cj Kurz touches his neck in pain. Misterio who clearly won the heart of the audience celebrates his victory with the fans.


Backstage Misterio says in his interview that he thanks the XPW giving him the opportunity to participate in their opening match, he also thanks the fans for their support during this match. Suddenly Cj Kurz runs in and attacks the new XPW TV champion, smashing him into the nearby wall.


The Suburban Commandos vs The Born Stars


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/de751949-c225-4b1a-a996-914ac09d12ee.jpghttp://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/91d572a5-a02e-4e8d-a4ca-46967283101f.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/cfc2e004-c48a-4ddf-ab3b-7a84b1070c07.jpghttp://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/cfc2e004-c48a-4ddf-ab3b-7a84b1070c07.jpg


This match involves a lot of comedy, featuring the sloppy and botchy Commandos versus the perverted Born Stars. Grappling and other moves result in akward position to the delight of the audience. Finally after a botched chair shot from the Suburban Commandos, Born Star's Rocky Bukkaki is able to land a text book pinfall( according to the kama sutra) and pick up the victory.


Winners: The Born Stars



After that we suddenly see Mr McPhenom with the Almighty Sheik on the entrance ramp as the crowd starts to insult them immediatly. He reveals that he is XPW's new promoter carrying the old XPW Heavyweight Championship belt in a display case. McPhenom announces then that the title will be resurrected and given to a true Champion, a champion like the Almighty Sheik. He hands the belt to his client, before raising his hand. The crowd is enraged by this decision and throws even more insults in.


Suddenly "White Trash" Johnny Webb appears on the entrance stage. He takes a mic starting to insult McPhenom and The Almighty Sheik, telling everybody that he does not watch and sit back, while a so called promoter gives a belt away for which he had given his blood, sweat and tears. He storms into the ring starting to beat down the Almighty Sheik, Kris Kloss says that we just got our XPW World Heavyweight Title match


XPW Heavyweight Championship Match


The Almighty Sheik/w Phil McPhenom vs Johnny Webb


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/The_Sheik.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/JohnnyWebb2.jpg


This match develops in a brawl all over the Arena. Both man take it to the middest of the crowd as the Sheik hiptosses Webb into a group of chairs, then lands a suplex on the floor before taking him back to the ring. Webb can turn things around, when he gets in possession of a broken bottle which he nails right between the eyes of the Sheik before connecting with a DDT for the pinfall. Webb hooks the leg as suddenly two masked enforcers, called out by Mr McPhenom attack Webb with nightsticks. They lay the Sheik on top of Webb and force head referee Patrick Hernandez to count the pinfall.


Winner by interference: The Almighty Sheik


Kris Kloss and Rob Naylor announcing the next match of the evening, an Unlucky 13 Staplegun match between Carnage and "The Son of Sicily" Vinnie Massaro


Unlucky 13 Staplegun Match


Carnage vs Vinnie Massaro


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Eddie_Carnage.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/VinnyMassaro.jpg


Both competitors try to settle the score with the staple guns, given to them by the ring crew. Massaro manages to staple Carnage two times on the left arm, before going one more time for the head. Carnage defends himself with punches to Massaros body before throwing him into the guard rail, he asks the audience for dollar bills which he staples on Massaros head. He connects with a brutal chairshot that busts Vinnie wide open, in rage he beats Carnage down and staples him right between the legs. A fan ringside is insulting the Sicilian for these actions, Vinnie threatens the fan to attack him with the staplegun. Carnage is able to struck Massaro down to prevent the worst, the fan hands him a XPW sign and Carnage offers him to staple Vinnie a couple times while he is holding him. He staples him 6 times which is enough for the victory of Carnage.


Winner: Carnage


Carnage is celebrating a victory with his fans, while Massaro insults them with italian curse words.


Lucha Libre Extreme Match


"Rockstar" Kaos vs Bestia 666


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Kaos.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Bestia_666.jpg


The match kicks off with chain and mat wrestling, combined with highflying moves for the first minutes. An early highlight was a suicide dive from Bestia 666, which slams Kaos right into the guard rail. Bestia directs Kaos to a table ringside and lays him on top of it. He connects with a frogsplash from to top turnbuckle through the table, before rolling Kaos into the ring for the two count. He eventually grabs a barbed wire chair ringside, but get caught up with a dropkick from Kaos on it. Kaos delivers a few shots with the chair afterwards, before placing it over Bestias head connecting with a leg drop. Kaos goes outside grabbing another table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He lifts Bestia 666 on the top rope for the superplex, but he counters with punches to the body of Kaos. Bestia gets on top of Kaos and he nails a sunset flip powerbomb variation through the table, pinning Kaos to the three count.


Winner: Bestia 666


Kris Kloss and Rob Naylor get once again into the ring to announce the main event, an Electrified Steel Cage match for the XPW King of the Deathmatch championship. There will be a fifteen minutes intermission, that gives the ring crew enough time to set this structure up.


Main Event


Electrified Steel Cage Match for the XPW King of the Deathmatch Championship


"The Human Horrorfilm" Supreme vs "The Tijuana Devil" Damian 666


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Supreme.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Damien666.jpg


Damian 666 makes his entrance first, he takes a mic once he arrived in the Cage and says that the only two reasons that he came down here were to kick Supremes *** and to take his King Of The Deathmatches trophy.


Supreme makes his way to the ring and tells Damian that he will never get in posession of the XPW King Of the Deathmatches belt, he can kiss my ***.

Crew members close the cage door and turn on the electricity of this sadistic structure, in the ring we see lighttubes and panes of glass distributed in every corner. The match starts slowly and both competitors know what is ahead of them during the next 20 minutes or more, they start to weaken each other with punches in the center of the ring. As Damian throws Supreme with an Irish Whip into the electrified cage wall, and breaks lighttubes over the body of Supreme. Supreme manages to break a bundle of lighttubes over the head of Damian and tosses him through a pane of glass on the turnbuckle. Both of them are covered in blood with in minutes and there is no sign of mercy in this massacre. Supreme throws Damian with a belly to back Suplex to the cage and connects with the two count. He builds a structure consisting of steel chairs, two panes of glass and light tubes and announces to throw Damian through the structure. As Supreme lifts Damian, he slides from Supremes shoulder and hits the clothesline. Then we see Supremes nephew Kaos ringside who tosses a barbed wire bat into the ring, Supreme nails it over Damians head and throws him with a Superplex through the structure. Supreme hooks the leg and Patrick Hernandez counts the pinfall towards the defense of the King of the Deathmatches championship.


Winner and still XPW King of the Deathmatches: Supreme


Supreme is barely able to stand on his feet by his own, the ring crew opens the door and Kaos jumps in the ring to help his uncle up. Both are celebrating their victory as the light turn off


As the lights turn on again we see Supreme laying on the ground unconscious, the shocked Kaos takes the mic and calls out the guy who has done this.


With no response he goes back to Supreme and helps the paramedics to take him backstage, meanwhile Damian made it on his feet and Bestia accompanies him. Bestia takes the mic and tells first that he is very proud of his father and what he had done tonight. He says that whoever attacked Supreme, is a coward who rather likes to attack from behind then fight like a man. And one day he will succeed his father and win the XPW King of the Deathmatches championship and bring it to Tijuana Mexico. Bestia hugs his father as Kris Kloss announces the end of the show and tells the fans that XPW will return the next month to the Arena.





XPW 2012 All rights reserved

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Its been a long time my friend, almost over 10 years.

And you still claim to be the rightful owner of this belt, a title you don't even deserve.



You seem to forget about me, but I showed up last week with a little reminder that there is still unfinished business between us. I call you out, one last time to clarify who is the real King of the Deathmatches in Xtreme Pro Wrestling.



The real King of the Deathmatches






Is the Messiah!

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XPW presents "West Coast Warfare"




March 30th 2012


XPW "West Coast Warfare"


March 30th 2012


XPW King of the Deathmatches Championship


Supreme vs The Messiah


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Supreme.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Messiah.jpg


An unknown person attacked Supreme after his title defense against Damian 666. Just days later we heard about someone we never expected. The Messiah arch nemesis of Supreme and victim of the shocking XPW scandal back in 2002, makes the statement that Supreme does not deserves this belt anymore.He lays out a challange to make an end in this rivalry over 10 years in the making.


Street Fight


Angel's BFF Amanda vs Christina von Eerie


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Amanda.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Christina_Von_Eerie.jpg


Last month "The Homo" Angel could pick up his victory against the Straight Edge revolutionary CJ Kurz via interference by his BFF Amanda. Now Amanda is facing revenge for this actions by CJ's partner, the hardcore Christina Von Eerie. A street fight between these two may be one of the toughest, matches in female competition of pro wrestling history.


Grudge Match


Famous B vs Vinne Massaro


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Famous_B.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/VinnyMassaro.jpg


During his match against Carnage, "The Son of Sicily" Vinnie Massaro dared to threaten a fan ringside. "Fan Favourite" Famous B issued a challange against Vinne to face him at West Coast warfare.


Mr McPhenoms XPW Heavyweight Championship Chase


"White Trash" Johnny Webb vs Carnage vs Kaos vs Bestia 666


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/JohnnyWebb2.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Eddie_Carnage.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Kaos.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Bestia_666.jpg


XPW promoter Mr McPhenom made a clear point at XPW's return show, that he is in charge and nobody can restrict his decisions in the company. The challenger for the XPW Heavyweight championship Johnny Webb was beaten up by McPhenoms personal enforcers, as he interfered in his business. At West Coast Warfare McPhenom announced a four way championship chase to determine the legitimate contender for XPW Heavyweight Champion the Almighty Sheik.


Tag Team Action


The Rockness Monsters vs Los Luchas


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Johnny_Goodtime.jpghttp://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Johnny_Yuma.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Phoenix_Star.jpghttp://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Zokre.jpg


XPW opens their gate for the first tag team showdown since their return. The Rockness Monsters consisting of Johnny Yuma and his partner Johnny Goodtime face two well knows stars of the socal tag team scene "Los Luchas".


XPW Jr. Heavyweight Rematch


El Hijo de Rey Misterio vs Willie Mack


http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/El_Hijo_de_Rey_Misterio.jpg vs http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Cooljazz123/Willie_Mack.jpg


Both competitors had an outstanding performance in XPW's opening Junior Heavyweight four way title match, but Misterio gained the victory over Mack after a reverse Dragonrana from the top turnbuckle. Mack challenged him to a rematch to fight Misterio once again, but this time its one on one.



Supreme vs The Messiah

The Rockness Monsters vs Los Luchas

Famous B vs Vinnie Massaro

Johnny Webb vs Kaos vs Bestia 666 vs Carnage

BFF Amanda vs Christina Von Erie

El Hijo de Rey Misterio vs Willie Mack

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Not sure if you heard of the short-lived XPW reunion known as MEXPW/MEXPRO but check this promo out it's amazing, in my own opinion:



Yes I did, the MEXPW/MEXPRO run was actually my inspiration to start this diary. Unfortnately it was way to short and they shut it down after two events, they didn't even released the dvd's to them.


Hopefully my run will be longer :)


Ill post the matchcard of "West Coast Warfare" soon, maybe this evening

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