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WMMA3 Community Fighter Share 2.0 Release

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After over a year since first launching this mod with just a few fighters submitted by myself and others in the Fighter Share thread, I am proud to present the newest and probably last verison of the Community Fighter Share mod 2.0.


What is included?


- 350 unique fighters with individual renders compatible with the original data and Eyeball's Expansion data WITH bios.

- 18 unique companies all with their own banners and logos and bios.

- 20 new fight teams with bios.

- 12 narratives that will drastically change the international landscape.

- 14 new relationships.

- 2 CEOs.

- 3 agers.

- 1 User Avatar.


And includes Weidt's media additions that adds

- 96 PPV Carriers

- 288 TV stations


If you've used a prior verison of the mod, you'll notice some pretty significant changes, and many fighters were tweaked in regards to their skills and strategies.


Outside of some general tweaking, fixing errors, or switching renders (if conflicts are found), I doubt I will be working on the mod further. I finally just decided to pound out the mod and get it out. Combining this mod with Eyeball's along with the original data gives you years and years of fighters to work with. And it seems Asaemon picked up the mantle when I went MIA, so you'll have even more fighters down the road to use.


I hope everyone enjoys it and I want to thank everyone who assisted with the mod.


Data - http://www.mediafire.com/?iicub7fu9v7na4y

Pictures - http://www.mediafire.com/?cbdmg59v72zj3rw

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