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Generation Omega Championship Wrestling

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Desert Oasis Apartments, Primm Nevada- Dec 17th, 12:43 AM.


Made it home early today. Apparently people don't go to Buffalo Bill's that often around the holidays, if they can't go to Vegas they just stay home. Might take tomorrow off, give my knee a rest. I really shouldn't be working right now, I saved my money well from my last job and my surgery was just a couple months ago. It's just so boring back home without anything to look forward to...


Huh. My answering machine's blinking. Might as well see what's up...


"You have... one... new messages."


Probably some telemarketer... I start taking off my uniform so I can jump in the shower...


"First message..."


"Hey, Alison, I tried your cell but I guess it didn't go through..."


That always-cheery voice with a hint of Minnesota accent was instantly familiar to me. It was only a month since we last talk but it felt like years. I head back over the machine and get my cell phone, and yeah, looks like she did try to call around 8ish....


"Anyway, I'm heading back to Vegas this weekend, if you want to grab lunch and catch up. And if you're busy that's fine but I'd still like to have a word with you sometime, for old time's sake. Hope you're feeling better, talk to you soon."


Hm. Weekends are usually busy. I double-check the schedule they emailed me at the start of the month... Saturday is in blue, which means I can take a personal day as long as I give 72 hours notice. Perfect. I scroll through my contacts list on my phone, stopping as soon as I reach the Hs. I tap on the word "Honey" and start typing my reply:


Got ur msg, how bout Saturday?


After sending it out I go off to take my shower, and once I slip on a bathrobe and come back to my living room I get a reply message:


Saturday's fine after 2pm. Thai sound good to you?


Sure, see you @ 2 then, just give me the address of the Thai place.


Kung Fu Thai and Chinese, Las Vegas Nevada- Dec 22nd 2012, 2:18 PM


I had been looking forward to coming back to Vegas all week. It was a familiar commute... I had done it hundreds of times since 2006... I hadn't been to the restaurant before but the address was easy enough for me to figure out without Google Maps.


I parked and almost popped the trunk before remembering I didn't pack my gear. Funny how old habits work. I grab the walking stick my doctor told me to use as I headed out of my car and into the restaurant.


I don't see her in the waiting area... I figure I'd try her real surname with the maitre d', because it draws less attention than her professional name...


"Hi, Gunnar party of two been seated yet?"


"I have a Gunnar party of three..."


"Huh, well try my name..."


I got interrupted by a whistle and looked up to see Honey waving at me. The maitre d' nods and I head in her direction, and that's when I see she's seated next to a middle-aged guy with graying hair.


"Alison, I was just about to text you. This is Harvey Manners, he's an announcer who just moved here from Pittsburgh."


"Nice to meet you," I say to him, and he shakes my hand as I sit down, while Honey continues.


"I wanted you to meet him because he has an offer for you, but business later... first, how's your knee? Did the surgery go okay?"


"It's been aching now and then but my doctor says I should be recovered by April. And how about you, how've you been doing?"


"Well, I'm opening a talent agency in LA, modeling mostly but acting as well. Kathy and Jen are working with me too, they still have connections from before. And you?"


"Got my bartending license, working at the Buffalo Bill. Not much to talk about really, I mean, once in a while someone recognizes me but other than that it's just a way to kill time."


"Looking for something more fun then?" She says with that 'I got a surprise for you' smile. "Well, that's where Harv here comes along."


It didn't take me long to connect the dots, after hearing him talk I remember him from a few wrestling shows we watched tapes of back when BSC was first getting started. Turns out he wants to run a wrestling show in Vegas now that there's nobody else around other than the occasional TCW show.


"I figure since California's a strong market we can get guys who don't get constant work there. Thing is though, I'm not really an idea guy, and when I turned to Honey for help, she told me you were doing a lot of creative work for her in the end..."


"Say no more, I'm in."


Honey smiled at Harvey. "What I tell ya? She caught the bug."


She was right too. When I first met Honey Golightly (well, she was just Helen Gunnar back then), I was just a stripper in Reno who used a mafia girl motif to play on my first name. Honey convinced me to work for her wrestling/burlesque project and I became one of the cornerstones of the show. I had a modest place in Primm and a job that kind of grew on me, to the point where I gave up stripping altogether in 08, and by then I had already started watching wrestling shows as a fan and not just as a way to learn how to make my body slam look better.


Everyone lost hope in 2011 when Honey was losing money, but I stuck with it to the end. Even though I blew out my knee in October 2012 I still attended the last rehearsals before we said goodbye to the Piper Casino for the last time the next month.


"Just one thing though... I don't think I'll be up to actually having matches, especially before my knee

heals. That's okay, right?"


"Yeah, that's fine. In fact, I think you'd be perfect as the on-air boss. You're someone the local crowd will remember and I hear you're a good talker."


"Great. So, when do we start?"


"Our first show will probably be late January. I'm still in talks with wrestlers. So if you need to give notice that's alright, I'll let you know when we're ready to make actual plans."


I don't really remember much else of the lunch... other than that the food was pretty good (but a little spicy for my taste). I was too excited to be back in the business.


My Apartment, Primm, Nevada- Jan 12 2013, 4PM


Harvey finished collecting talent for our first show, and sent me tapes and liner notes on each one of them. He's calling his promotion Generation Omega Championship Wrestling with the philosophy of being geared as a showcase for young athletic talent while keeping a mainstream appeal for casual fans. I went over the notes and watched the videos so I could get an idea of what I wanted to do with each character.


Acid II

Acid is kind of famous in the indy scene, mostly for his work at the end of DAVE, and considered one of the best American workers never to work for the Big Two. This is Acid's protege, who the man himself discovered in working a low-level show in Boston. Since then Acid II has metamorphed into a facsimile of the original. So my plan is to make him like the original, a mysterious high-flying loner.


Deborah Young

Another East Coast import, Deborah came to Harvey's attention when he was doing introductions for an indy show. Deborah is 245 pounds of muscle and wants to try her hand at wrestling in a promotion that isn't ladies-only, which is how she would get to be on our roster. I plan on making her a "Girl Power" character, wanting to be treated not as a female wrestler but just as a wrestler. She's a powerhouse brawler, which I think will help enhance the image I want for her.


Irwin Gutmann

Irwin's from Toronto but his parents are both from Germany, having moved to Canada before he was born. A great technical wrestler but not much a promo guy according to Harvey. I plan on making him a ruthless rule-breaking heel, and billing him as a German who doesn't speak English and having a local manager named Haley Buck as his mouthpiece.


KC Glenn

Harvey says this is our big star. Trained by famous veteran Joey Minnesota and probably the best kept secret in the indies right now. And from the tapes... man, I have to agree this kid is WAY too good to be working for small crowds. The only real flaw we see from him is that he's got a thick Southern accent that may hurt his promos. But we're still going to build this company around him.


Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane

Putting these two together because they've been a tag team as The American Cobras since their first match... and best friends since third grade... and I don't plan on not using that to my advantage. They use a lot of flashy moves from Japanese wrestling, which will make up for their inexperience. They're also fans of 80s thrash metal, so I'm going to try to work that into their characters too.


Mercutio Sleep

This guy is pretty athletic and definitely has some potential but... I basically spent two hours trying to figure out a character that will work for him because he just seems so... bland. His name is pretty much the only really memorable thing about him. Mercutio was a Shakespeare character, so I decided to give him a gimmick of being the great grand-nephew-or-something of a Danish noble. Wait, Mercutio was in Romeo and Juliet, not Hamlet. Oh well, I literally have no other ideas for him so it'll have to do.


Nigel Svensson

Why didn't I give this guy the Hamlet gimmick? Well, because he's actually got something interesting to the table, and that's his ring style. He looks like an average cruiserweight, but he was trained in this realistic and brutal-looking style. No point in giving him a cartoonish gimmick, instead I'm going to highlight that physical style by just letting him be himself.

Quentin Queen

An LA native, Queen is a... hold on a sec, I need to break the fourth wall for a second because I want you to see something.








ARE THOSE NOT THE CREEPIEST EYES YOU'VE EVER SEEN? Seriously, I'm starting to think this guy is actually one of those reptile aliens from V.




Anyway, he's a well-rounded cruiserweight who was trained in TCW's wrestling school but for some reason he didn't get a job with TCW. So when he heard about us he sent a tape with a demo match and a really good cocky heel promo. So I'm going with him being the smug, arrogant villain, an antithesis of KC Glenn if you will.


Remmy Honeyman

Harvey says Remmy is a great wrestler who doesn't even think about his own popularity as long as the other guy looks good. Harvey also says he's a bit camera shy and not good with interviews or characters. Well, no point in taking two hours to give him a gimmick then, he'll be portrayed as a lovable underdog type.


Sterling Whitlock

He's a protege of Alexander Robinson, who is a big foreign star in Japan. As a result he wrestles a lot like his mentor does, with lots of brutal strikes and head-dropping suplexes. He's also got the look of a legit ass-kicker, so that's what he's going to be.


Once I got everything sorted I called Harvey and we worked on what the first show would be like, and it didn't take long for us. He also sent me a rough of the flyer that he's going to have passed around.



Generation Omega Championship Wrestling Presents



The Main Event!

No DQ Three-Way Dance!

KC Glenn vs Nigel Svensson vs Quentin Queen


Tag Team Action!

The American Cobras vs Irwin Gutmann and Sterling Whitlock


Intergender Special Contest!

Deborah Young vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep


High Flying Showcase!

Acid II vs Remmy Honeyman



Alison Capone's Social Club returns to the Piper Casino!


Saturday January 26

Doors Open 6:30 Bell Time 7:00

Admission Only $5


If anyone wants to do predictions, here's a couple bonus questions for you:

-What is Alison Capone's Social Club?

-Harvey Manners is the play-by-play man. Who will be the color commentators (Two names)?

-Which former Babe of Sin City will appear as a valet?

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KC Glenn vs Nigel Svensson vs Quentin Queen No way the headliner is not going to win the main event of the promotion's first ever match.


The American Cobras vs Irwin Gutmann and Sterling Whitlock Only because the babyfaces can't win every match.


Deborah Young vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep This guy has got jabroni written all over him.


Acid II vs Remmy Honeyman Honeyman doesn't care. Honeyman doesn't give a sh*t!


Bonus Questions:


-What is Alison Capone's Social Club?


A burlesque version of Piper's Pit.


-Harvey Manners is the play-by-play man. Who will be the color commentators (Two names)?


Sarah Silver & Vic Thurgood.


-Which former Babe of Sin City will appear as a valet?



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Generation Omega Championship Wrestling Presents



The Main Event!

No DQ Three-Way Dance!

KC Glenn vs Nigel Svensson vs Quentin Queen


Tag Team Action!

The American Cobras vs Irwin Gutmann and Sterling Whitlock


Intergender Special Contest!

Deborah Young vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep


High Flying Showcase!

Acid II vs Remmy Honeyman

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Always enjoyed reading your stuff. Hope this sticks around.



Generation Omega Championship Wrestling Presents



The Main Event!

No DQ Three-Way Dance!

KC Glenn vs Nigel Svensson vs Quentin Queen

He's the most talented of the three IMO


Tag Team Action!

The American Cobras vs Irwin Gutmann and Sterling Whitlock

I like the Cobras, everyone else jobs them so hoping they get a chance here


Intergender Special Contest!

Deborah Young vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep

He has a fancy nickname


High Flying Showcase!

Acid II vs Remmy Honeyman

Honeyman jobs, that's what he's best at

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Backstage at Piper Casino's showroom, Las Vegas Nevada Jan 26 2013, 3:30 PM


"So all these bands on your patches, you've seen in concert?"


"Yeah, we've been going to concerts together since we were, like, ten. Metallica in Orlando."


"Wait, even Queen? But you guys are like half my age, how the hell'd you see Queen?"


"Well, it was Queen plus Paul Rodgers, their '06 tour."


"Didn't peg you guys for Queen fans."


"Dude, who doesn't like Queen?"


I was making equipment checks as the boys were getting their gear ready. In the background the American Cobras were showing off these patched denim jackets to Harvey, I look up and check the time with him before addressing everyone.


"Alright, looks like we're all here... couple ground rules, these aren't mine they're the casino's. First, no smoking, tobbacco or otherwise. Those e-cig things are fine but that's it. Second, you can't bring in your own beer, you gotta buy it from the bar. And nobody buys for anyone underage which I think is just Quentin. You hear me Quen..."


I look for Quentin and one of our color commentators, Fabulous Frank, is arguing with him.


"No, kid, I'm not taking my picture with you, leave me alone."


"Alright I'm sorry, I didn't think it'd be a big deal..."


I walk over to them, leaning on my cane.


"What's going on here?"


Quentin looks over to me. "I just wanted to take my picture with him, my dad's a huge fan of his..."


I sigh. "Frank, please just let him take the picture, okay? What's it going to do, kill you?"


"...Fine. But this one time. I hate taking pictures with marks..."


"He's not a mark, he's one of us. I don't want us having fights backstage, especially on our first show."


"I said fine."


"Okay... now where was I..."


Generation Omega Championship Wrestling Vol 1- "This Is Generation Omega"

We started with Harvey Manners on the house mic hyping up the show.


Harvey: Ladies and gentlemen of Las Vegas and everyone watching on DVD, THIS IS GENERATION OMEGA! We are GOCW, Generation Omega Championship Wrestling, I'm Harvey Manners and the men next to me who will be calling the action all night long with me, the legendary Fabulous Frank and the one and only "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith. We have four big matches tonight with the best young up and coming talent in the United States, including a no-disqualification three way dance. But that's our main event, our first match is about to be underway...


"First... a dream. Then... comes life."


Harvey: Introducing first, from Parts Unknown, the mysterious masked warrior, this is Acid II!

played as Acid II made his way down the ramp, with a shiny pleather ring robe to match his tights, sliding into the ring and emulating his namesake by getting on one knee and posing with his arms out reaching to the heavens while his head was down, a spotlight shining on him before he rises and waits in his corner.

Harvey: And his opponent, from Alberquerque, New Mexico, Remmy Honeyman!


The more upbeat intro to

played as Honeyman made his way down the ramp, wearing just plain trunks, boots, and pads, waving his arms to try to get the crowd's support, high-fiving a couple guys in the front row before rolling into the ring.


Harvey: (Back on the for-DVD-only mic) And here we go, the first match of Generation Omega Championship Wrestling. Your thoughts, gentlemen?


Frank: Acid is going to crush that doofus Remmy, he was trained by a DAVE legend after all.


Griffith: I wouldn't be so sure, Frank. Remmy's a quiet one and I always find the quiet ones to be most dangerous.


Acid II vs Remmy Honeyman


It's a brief contest that starts out with a feeling-out process where neither gets a definitive advantage, followed by each of them hitting their favorite spots back and forth- Remmy using simple suplexes, dropkicks and crossbodies, Acid using more flashy, lucha-resu techniques. In the end, Remmy looked for a fisherman's suplex, but Acid got his leg free and countered with a jumping DDT and followed up with the high-angle senton called the Acid Rain Bomb for the three.


Harvey: And the time of the fall, 5:34, Acid II is your winner by pinfall!


Griffith: You have to wonder though what would have happened if Remmy hooked the leg tighter on that suplex.


Frank: Oh if ifs were dollars... who cares? It's time for the Social Club!


The curtains surrounding a small side-stage by the entrance ramp drop, revealing a table and padded chairs with a neon-light backdrop that reads "Social Club". The thumping bass lines of "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen plays as I come out, wearing a pinstripe pantsuit, fedora hat, and chomping on an (unlit) cigar, with a mic in hand. I pause for the cheers from the crowd members who recognize me before starting.


Capone: Well I'm glad SOME of you mooks have two braincells to rub together and recognize the bosslady of Sin City, Alison Capone. Welcome, all of you, to my social club.

I sit down in one of the hair at the head of the table, putting my feet up.


Capone: Now my guest tonight... well, you know what, my guest tonight is ME. Now as you all know, every wrestling promotion needs a champion. And that puts me in a quandary... I usually win titles, not determine who wins them. Now I've put a lot of thought into it, but I'm still not sure who I should make this company's champion....


I was interrupted by

as KC Glenn came out wearing jeans and a Jacksonville Jaguars jersey, mic in hand and approaching the stage.


Glenn: Wit' all due respect, Miss Capone... I think the title should go to the best wrestler in th' company...


Capone: And let me guess. You think that would be.... you.


Glenn: Can't say I ain' confident in myself, Miss...


Capone: Call me "Boss", Glenn. And mean it.


Glenn: Pardon... Boss. I think I have a good shot at proven myself, I ain' expectin' you to jus' han' it too me, I wanna earn it.


Capone: Save me the cheesy good guy crap, Glenn, I know you'd rather me just award you the belt. But I'm not hearing the magic words...

"Never really had a reason, well we never really cared!"


The sounds of Motley Crue's latest single "Sex" filled the auditorium as Quentin Queen stepped out, wearing a T-shirt under a suit jacket with matching slacks and mirrored sunglasses, and carrying a mic as well as he heads to the Social Club stage, taking a set opposite where Glenn is sitting.

Queen: I didn't want to interrupt you Boss, but seeing as this hick already crashed your Social Club I might as well counterbalance the yokel factor and give you an intelligent conversation. Let me tell you why I should be champion, Boss.


Capone: ...I'm listening. And please, call me Alison.


Queen: Well, Alison. It's one thing to be a good athlete, but whoever is champion will also represent this company. You want someone with style, someone with class, someone who doesn't talk like he's got marbles in his mouth and dresses like he just finished shoveling cowpies. Let's face it... I'm the future of this entire industry, and your investing in me will make the both of us very, very happy.


Capone: You make... very good points, Quentin... so it's settled then, the first champion of Generation Omega...


The guitars of

would play and I'd throw my head back in exasperation as Nigel Svensson came out in his ring gear and a hoodie, also with a mic in hand.


Svensson: I wouldn't crown this pretty boy as your champion just yet, Boss. Because tonight, I might just break his jaw with my knee and he won't look so pretty after that.


Queen: Oooh, I'm so scaaaared. You're not taking this guy seriously, right Alison? I mean, he's from Sweden, their army are just a bunch of overgrown boy scouts playing with their pocket knives! What does HE know about fighting? And look at you! You're not even wearing any pants! It's not match time yet, you know...


Svensson: That's because I've been doing a little thing called 'stretching', and unlike looking like a bad guy in Burn Notice it actually helps when you compete. But hey, if you want your muscles to cramp, that'll just make it easier for me to beat you.


Queen: Oh, you think you can beat me, Ikea?


Queen gets up and takes off his sunglasses, but as he takes off his jacket and makes his way to the other side of the table I get up.


Alison: STOP IT! This is a SOCIAL club, not a fightin' ring... that over there, that's the ring, and you three can settle this later. In fact, the Social Club is closed, so you three better shake hands and get outta here.

Nigel and KC shake hands with each other, but before they can turn to Quentin, Quentin sucker punches Nigel! KC pushes the table aside to get room for a superkick but Quentin just barely avoids it by jumping off the stage landing on his feet. "Livin On The Edge" plays as KC helps Nigel up and Quentin retreats to the back by the side exit.


Harvey: KC Glenn calls that kick "Tuning Up The Sunshine Band" and it almost struck a chord with Quentin Queen's face there!


Frank: GROAN. That was a TERRIBLE pun, did you get that from Leno?


Griffith: Jokes aside, Queen was just a hair away from getting that right on the jaw, and you got to think that'll affect his composure coming into the main event tonight.


Harvey: I think you may be right on that Jack, and now it's time for our next contest. (On the house mic) It's time for our second contest of the evening! Introducing first, from Baltimore, Maryland, she is strongest woman in the world, this is Deborah Young!

Girlschool's cover of Motorhead's "Bomber" plays as Deborah Young makes her way down the ramp, wearing full-length tights and a tank top, flexing her bicep after entering the ring.


Harvey: And her opponent... from Las Vegas Nevada by way of Copenhagen, Denmark, he is 314th in line for succession to the Danish throne, this is Lord Mercutio Sleep!

played as Mercutio headed down the ramp, wearing a sequined robe and crown carrying a prop scepter, making junior official Noel Madden open the ropes for him as he takes off his robe to reveal old-timey, up-to-the-navel trunks emblazoned with the Danish flag.


Deborah Young vs Mercutio Sleep


They locked up in the middle of the ring, and Deborah shoves him all the way into the corner and he face flops and runs from the ring. They continue with the theme of Deborah using her power and Mercutio being a cowardly sneak, and man, the crowd are really into his antics. Eventually Deborah protests to the ref and Mercutio sneak attacks her to get his comeback, but when he looks for his Go 2 Sleep finisher, Deborah crossfaces him making his knees buckle, allowing her to counter into a butterfly suplex before hitting her signature sitout powerbomb for a three count.


Harvey: WOW! The POWER of Deborah Young! 6:47 the time of the fall!


Frank: How dare she do that to Lord Mercutio, he's a gentleman and would never hit a lady!


Harvey: He forearmed her several times in the back of the head Frank!


Frank: Or so you claim, I saw no such thing!


Griffith: I was raised never to hit a lady myself, but Deborah Young wants to get in fights with men, and let me tell you, I don't know if I want to be in a fight with her, her strength is scary.


The guitars of "Caught In A Mosh" by Anthrax played as The American Cobras made their way out unannounced, wearing matching half-length tights with a snake design on one leg, their respective nicknames on the other, and both wearing denim jackets with various patches with band logos on them, sliding into the ring and bouncing off of opposite ropes before ramming into each other shoulder first before Storm takes a mic.




Marvel: Before we get this party started, we got a treat for all of you, we brought someone who's just as metal thrashin' mad as we are, give it up everyone for... THE ROCK CHICK ROXY KITTEN!


Roxy's old theme music, "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by the Scorpions (well, we used a cover in BSC) played as she came out to a sizable pop, wearing leather pants and a fishnet shirt over a tanktop, throwing up the horns as she circled the ring and took a picture with a BSC fan she recognized.


Harvey: (On the house mic again) And now it's time for our tag team attraction, introducing first already in the ring from Ft Lauderdale Florida and apparently accompanied by the Rock Chick Roxy Kitten, Storm Spillane, Marvel Malloy, the AMERICAN COBRAS! And their opponents... first, accompanied to the ring by his interpreter Haley Buck, he hails from Dresden Germany, this is Irwin Gutmann!


as Irwin comes out in plain trunks, taped fists and no boots, followed by Haley who is dressed like a secretary complete with glasses.


Harvey: And his partner, from Flint, Michigan, this is Sterling Whitlock!


"Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeth plays as Whitlock comes out in full tights, kneepads, and boots with kickpads, wearing a towel over his head. Haley says something to Whitlock who just ignores her and climbs into the ring, doing a throat slit towards the Cobras and then tossing the towel in the face of senior ref Jez McArthur.


Harvey: (Back on the recorded mic) Have to wonder if the language barrier will be a factor in this, Whitlock doesn't speak German as far as I know, and obviously Gutmann doesn't speak English.


Frank: Well if you had ever been in a wrestling match Harv, you'd know verbal communication doesn't help much over the noise of the crowd. But body language, that's universal.


Griffith: Probably the first time I've agreed with Frank all night...


Frank: A habit you'd do well to have by the way...


Griffith: But... Malloy and Spillane have spent the majority of their lives as close friends, so they'll be better at knowing what the other is thinking.

American Cobras (w/ Roxy Kitten) vs Irwin Gutmann (w/ Haley Buck) and Sterling Whitlock


The established team shined at first as the two heels seemed to disagree on who would start the match, but they would soon put their differences aside and prove to be formidable matches for Malloy and Spillane, even improvising a couple double team moves like a back suplex/neckbreaker combo, making for a back and forth encounter. Whitlock would gain some momentum near the end, hitting a big lariat on Storm and looked to hit Marvel with a running mafia kick, but Marvel avoided it, grabbed the leg, and hit a rope-assisted dragon screw to tweak his leg! Storm would throw Whitlock into the ropes, Whitman reversed but as he hit the ropes himself Gutmann tagged himself in, and the miscommunication between the two allowed Malloy to grab Gutmann from behind, Storm dropkicked Whitlock through the ropes, and then sent back to Malloy and Gutmann to complete the Cobra Strike (German Suplex/STO combination) for the three count.


Harvey: And with that amazing double team maneuver, the American Cobras show experience matters, 10:21 the time of the fall!


Frank: How are you timing these matches, and more importantly WHY?


Harvey: Well someone has to be the timekeeper, Frank, and I have a stopwatch function on my phone.


Griffith: Man, what can't you do with those smartphones these days?


Frank: Find Harvey a girlfriend.


Harvey: Oh will you stop?


Frank: No way, it's too much fun!


Harvey: In any case it's almost time for the main event, but first for our fans watching on DVD if you want more information on upcoming GOCW events, visit our Facebook page, facebook.com/generationomega, or follow us on twitter @GOCW. And you can follow me to at @RealBigH...


Frank: And you can follow me on Twitter... wait, no you can't, because I'm not a nerd like Harvey here.


Harvey: Can you at least pretend to be professional?


"Heroes of Our Time" is starting to play again....


Harvey: The following is our MAIN EVENT! It is a three-way dance, first fall wins, and NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! Introducing first, from Wigan, UK by way of Stockholm, Sweden, this is Nigel Svennson!


Nigel comes out again in his tights and hoodie, but also with MMA gloves on, taking off the hoodie and pacing in the corner.


Harvey: And second, from Los Angeles, California, the Q-Man, Quentin Queen!


"Sex" would play next and Quentin would come out in his wrestling gear, full-length blue tights with interlocking Qs on the left leg, his boots also having the same logo on them, telling Jez to keep Nigel back as he entered the ring by jumping the ropes.

Harvey: And finally, he hails from Jacksonville, Florida, this is K! C! Glenn!


"Livin' On The Edge" played for KC Glenn now, wearing red trunks with white kneepads and boots with kickpads, giving a nod to Nigel as he took his place in the third corner and the bell would ring shortly after.


Three Way Dance, No DQ: Nigel Svensson vs Quentin Queen vs KC Glenn


We'd get a standoff at first, until Nigel and KC looked at each other, and did rock-paper-scissors, Nigel throwing rock and KC scissors, and Nigel immediately went after Queen, rocking him with European uppercuts and forearms until he tried to bail, and KC would step out to the floor and grab Quentin and roll him back in the ring! Nigel kept in control until he put Queen in a kneebar, KC breaking it up with an elbow drop. Nigel and KC argued, KC pointing out that hey, this is a match and he's trying to win too, allowing Quentin to sneak behind Nigel and shove him into KC, the two exchanging offense with each other as Quentin sat in the corner watching. They'd hit a double lariat and Quentin would scramble to KC to pin him, getting a two count, then trying Nigel but KC breaks it up.


The match quickly descends into a frenzied chaos with nobody getting sustained offense before getting cut off by another, and Quentin would throw Nigel to the floor before hitting him with a plancha, the two fighting it out and KC hitting the ropes for a NO HANDS TOPE ON BOTH OF THEM! The crowd cheers on KC as he basks in their approval before rolling Queen back in for the pinfall, but Nigel breaks it up. The three of them take a breather for a while, then exchanging chops in a triangle before the no DQ comes into play with Quentin going to the floor to grab a chair while Nigel counters a headscissors with a shoulder breaker. Quentin looks to deck Nigel with the chair but Nigel ducks, kicks Quentin in the gut, hits the ropes, VICIOUS RUNNING KNEE! But KC is back on his feet waiting in the corner, stomping his foot, Nigel turns around... AND KC TUNES UP THE SUNSHINE BAND! He goes for the cover, one, two...


And referee Jez McArthur is dragged out of the ring... by Jack Griffith?!


KC is confused and Jack enters the ring, KC turns around... Jack whips KC into the ropes, flapjack... RIGHT INTO A BRUTAL EUROPEAN UPPERCUT, a move called "Jack In The Box"! KC is out cold as Quentin Queen is dragging himself to his feet, Griffith stepping out of the ring and Quentin doesn't hesitated to climb the ropes for the cannonball senton called the Q-Ball for the three count!


Harvey: Dammit! That's three, and Quentin Queen picks up the huge win in 14:39 and... Jack what are you...


Frank: HEY!


Jack Griffith clears the announcer's table, knocking over papers and bottled water before dragging it to ringside. Nigel Svennson is checking on KC and Jack pulls him off. Nigel shoves Jack, who kicks him in the groin and follows up with an elbow in the face for added injury! Jack then grabs KC by the hair and throwing him through the second rope to the apron, and rolling onto the table by momentum. Jack steps through the ropes and stands on the table as well as the face down KC slowly recovers, and Jack hoists him up.... PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!


This sends out the entire rest of the roster, faces and heels, out to come to KC Glenn's aid, Harvey and Frank checking on him too. The only one not there is me and Quentin Queen, the latter casually making his way to the back. Me? I don't show up out there period. We end the show with Jack Griffith exiting through the crowd and heading through an exit to the casino (being in normal clothes, he doesn't draw any attention from the Piper patrons).


Quick Match Results:

Acid II d. Remmy Honeyman

Deborah Young d. Mercutio Sleep

The American Cobras d. Gutmann/Whitlock (Spillane pins Gutmann)

Quentin Queen d. KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson (pinning KC Glenn)


Highlight of the Night: Jack Griffith puts KC Glenn through the announcer's desk (39)


Answers to Bonus Questions:

-The Social Club is a talk show segment

-Color commentators were Fabulous Frank and Jack Griffith

-Roxy Kitten of BSC fame is a valet now


My Apartment, Primm Nevada- Jan 30th 2013 5PM.


I had just gotten back from a therapy session for my knee when I got a call on my cell phone from KC Glenn.


"Hey chief, y'gotta momen'?"


"Sure, but you don't have to call me that. Alison, or Allie if you rather, but no need to be formal."


"Sorry... 'nyway, I was wonderin' if y'd mind me takin' bookin's from Japan... problem is, th' comp'ny who wants me dere does shows on Saturdays n'..."


"Well... we already had the date for our next show set... but we can work with that, we'll say you're injured. Go ahead and I hope you have a good time."


"Thanks Alison."


"No problem, see you in March."


I passed the message onto Harvey, who made some phone calls and got us a temporary replacement for KC to fill out the card for the next show...



Generation Omega Championship Wrestling



Main Event!

Nigel Svensson vs Jack Griffith


Special Guest Appearance!

CZCW's American Flash vs Quentin Queen


Tag Team Contest!

The American Cobras vs Acid II and "Lord" Sterling Whitlock



Deborah Young vs Sterling Whitlock

Remmy Honeyman vs Irwin Gutmann



Alison Capone's Social Club!


Saturday February 23rd, Doors Open 6:30 Bell Time 7:00

Admission Only $5

Bring This Flyer And Get A Drink Voucher With The Purchase Of Any GOCW Merch (Limit 1 per customer, must be over 21)

Visit facebook.com/generationomega for all the latest info!


Bonus Questions:

-Who takes the fall in the tag match?

-Who will be Alison Capone's guest on the Social Club?

-Will a champion be crowned on this show?

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GOCW One Wild Night- Feb 26, 2013

The show started with me seated in the Social Club set as Harvey made the show introduction.


Harvey: It's ONE WILD NIGHT here at Piper Casino, and we are Generation Omega Championship Wrestling. Harvey Manners here with Fabulous Frank, and Alison Capone is opening her Social Club early tonight, though she hasn't told us who her guest will be.


The saxophone riff of

cut Harvey off as Jack Griffith came out to the jeers of the crowd, wearing jeans and a button-up shirt, crossing over to the Social Club set and taking a seat.


Capone: Settle down ya mooks! I invited Jack here in the Social Club, as the newest signing to Generation Omega.. because while he's not as young as most of the talent here, he's still got a lot to contribute to this industry... GOCW is all about opportunities, and no matter what you may think of him, he deserves an opportunity, both to compete in this ring... and to explain his actions last month. So I want you all to shut ya mouths... and listen to what this man has to say.


The crowd boos more, Griffith just shaking his head and he takes the mic.


Griffith: No respect. But that's fine, I don't want your respect and I damn sure don't need it. Let me take you all back to 2000. Southern Class Championship Wrestling, I was the blue chipper, the rookie sensation, the kid that everyone pegged as the future of the industry. Talented, athletic, had a bit of Southern charm to him... remind you of anyone?


The crowd chants for KC Glenn, Griffith just smirks.


Griffith: He's not here, you know. He can't hear you from the hospital I put him in, and I would do it again. Now, as I was saying, I was the talk of the indy circuit, but all that pressure, all that focus on you, with everyone examining every goddamn move you make... it took a lot out of me. And from being a kid who grew up wanting to headline SWF's Supreme Challenge, seeing how wrestlers really are... nothing but a bunch of self-serving backstabbers... and the promoters... the promoters were worse.


Griffith stands up now, sitting on the table itself.


Griffith: So one night, after being cheated by another promoter out of the money he promised me for appearing in his small-rent promotion that like three people paid for... one of the few friends I had in the industry, who will remain nameless, offered me a beer. And for that moment, all my troubles went away. So I had another beer. And another. Just one year later, and now it's not helping me any more, it's an addiction, an addiction that was killing me. And by the time I realized it, I didn't care, I wanted it to kill me because I was so goddamn miserable. It took me until 2004, I collapsed in the ring from drinking too much, that I was finally convinced to get some help. I spent a year in rehab, and that's when I had a moment of clarity... it wasn't alcohol that was the problem... it was wrestling. Wrestling was what drove me to the bottle, and wrestling was what was killing me. So I made a promise never to wrestle again.


Griffith: "But Jack," some of you are probably thinking, "You're still wrestling, what changed". Nothing changed. You see, I just couldn't stop myself. Wrestling was the only life I knew. It's all I ever wanted to do since I was a kid, I didn't even bother going to college because I committed my entire adolescence to getting ready to be a pro. The reason I'm wrestling is because I'm a junkie who can't get clean. This industry is going to kill me, and I can't do a damn thing about it.


Griffith: Now what does that have to do with what I did with KC Glenn? Everything. As I said before, KC Glenn is a lot like a younger version of me, but more importantly, I look at him and I see a version of me who still has his innocence with him. "He can be saved", I think to myself. "I can get him out of this goddamn corrupt industry so he can do something fulfilling with his life". KC, if you ever see this on DVD, and I know you probably will... I broke your body to save your soul.


Griffith then gets off the table and drops to his knees, hands clasped around the microphone.


Griffith: Please, KC. Please don't come back to wrestling. Or I will not be held responsible for what I have to do... for your... own... good.


The crowd is looking at Griffith in disgusted silence, and I have nothing to say either. Even Harvey is at a loss for words as Griffith saunters to the back, and Harvey waits until his cue to speak again.


Harvey: I... I don't know what to say about what we just heard.


Frank: I really feel sorry for Jack.


Harvey: Jack has his problems, sure, but... you don't think he's right about what he's doing, do you?


Frank: ...I don't have an answer for that, but part of me understands it, and that's all I can say right now, I'm as shocked as you are.


Harvey: Well, Jack Griffith is set to face Nigel Svensson in our main event, but right now it's about time for our first contest, Remmy Honeyman goes one on one with the German Submission Machine Irwin Gutmann.


Meanwhile I take the third seat on the announcer's desk, setting down my cigar in an ashtray.


Frank: And we're being joined by our lovely boss, Miss Alison Capone! Boss, any thoughts on what we will be seeing tonight?


Capone: Well I still haven't decided who will be our first champion, and hopefully all the boys understand that and impress me tonight.


Harvey makes the introductions as the two make their entrances, Honeyman entering first followed by Gutmann, who is again accompanied by his translator Haley Buck.


Remmy Honeyman vs Irwin Gutmann (w/ Haley Buck)


A little more technically-based than our previous opener, which would of course play in Gutmann's favor as he would use lots of painful-looking stretches and weardown moves. Gutmann would try a Tiger Sleeper (Dragon Sleeper with body triangle) from the standing position but Remmy would kick up his knee into Gutmann's face to stop it, setting up for a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Remmy would get more offense and look for his trademark flying leg drop but Gutmann would roll away, and apply the body triangle before delivering elbows and locking in the Tiger Sleeper, forcing Remmy to tap, but it takes a while for referee Joel Madden to make him break the hold.


Harvey: Vicious choke submission by Irwin Gutmann! Oh but come on let him go, you already got the win Irwin!


Frank: That's something called killer instinct, Harvey! Sometimes you forget to let go, it happens!


Harvey: I don't know I think he's just being a poor sport and trying to hurt Remmy... nevertheless, 5:38 your time of the fall by submission.


Capone: He's ruthless that kid, and I like ruthless. He just moved up my list, I'll tell you that much.


Harvey: Well speaking of good impressions, our next match features someone who impressed me a lot last month on our first show, Deborah Young. There's a lot of stigma on women wrestlers that they're not as capable as men are, but Deborah chipped the glass ceiling when she powerbombed Lord Mercutio Sleep.


Frank: But she's not going up against Lord Mercutio, she's going against someone with a similar style as her, Sterling Whitlock. Can she match power with power? I wouldn't bet on it.


Sterling Whitlock makes his entrance first, throwing his towel over a cameraman's head before entering the ring, stretching his arms, followed by Deborah Young who stops to see the towel still over the cameraman's head and pulls it off before entering the ring herself, the two having a staredown.


Frank: Sterling looks to be in a bad mood.


Harvey: No, I think that's him normal.


Sterling Whitlock vs Deborah Young


The two start off jockeying for position but end up even and quickly go right into a physical brawl, with Deborah holding her own but not being able to overpower the larger Whitlock. Deborah tries repeated shoulder tackles but Whitlock stays on his feet, she tries a lariat but Whitlock only staggers, Whitlock goes to the ropes to respond but Deborah ducks and ROARING LARIAT, DOWN GOES WHITLOCK, and Deborah Young gets in control but when she looks for the powerbomb Whitlock back body drops out of it and brings some heavy offense of his own. After a powerslam and a bridging backdrop suplex he looks for a powerbomb of his own but Deborah hammers him in the ribs to make him lose grip, she heads off to the ropes for another lariat, Whitlock ducks, and counters with a cobra clutch suplex called Whitlock's End, Deborah gets planted headfirst and is OUT, Whitlock hooks the leg and gets the three count.


Harvey: Well we said this one was going to be physical and boy were we right, 6:18 the time of the fall.


Frank: They may have only fought for 6 minutes, but tomorrow it'll feel like six hours for the both of them.


Harvey: Have to give credit to Deborah Young not backing down from the bigger man.


Capone: More guts than brains, though, Harv. I mean, she should have been ready for it better, if the powerbomb didn't work, what else was going to?


Harvey: Would it be safe to assume you're looking for gameplans in your decision for a future champ then?


Capone: Maybe. But it ain' your job to guess what I'm thinkin, it's your job to tell the fans what's comin' up next.


Harvey: Sorry, Boss, and on that note next up is the tag-


"Never really had a reason, well we never really cared..."


Motley Crue's "Sex" played as Quentin Queen came out in his street clothes, mic in hand.


Harvey: Well he is NOT in the next match, but here comes Quentin Queen, let's see what he has to say...


Queen: Last month, KC Glenn and Nigel Svennson both argued that they are more fitting to be the first GOCW champion than I am. Now, some people are calling my win controversial... but both of them knew up front, no disqualification, anything could have happened. It wasn't my fault that Jack Griffith got involved... but it was my willingness to capitalize on the situation that made me the winner of the match.


The crowd boos, Queen just smirks and pauses for a moment.


Queen: Boo all you want, but all you dorks know the only reason any of you got your girlfriends to come here tonight is because they want a good look at the picturesque abs of the Q-Man... don't worry ladies, you'll get your eye candy in due time. Anyway as I was saying, since I did win that match, I think it's safe to say that means I have to be considered the best wrestler in GOCW... the Alpha of the Omega Generation, if you will. So Boss.... Alison... I see you're out here in person tonight. I want you to think about this... if you choose anyone else as champion... everyone will know that will only mean the champion is the SECOND best in this company. And I will prove that I am THE best again tonight when I beat one of Coastal Zone's best. Just some food for thought, Boss... and I hope you come back for seconds."


Queen swaggers to the back, and soon after "Caught In A Mosh" by Anthrax brings out the American Cobras with Roxy Kitten as Harvey Manners makes the formal intros, and the Cobras shoulder ram each other before Acid II and Mercutio Sleep make their separate entrances.


Harvey: Here we go our tag team attraction and the Cobras are going up against another odd couple team.


Frank: Yeah but at least Acid and Mercutio aren't ramming into each other.


Harvey: Well that moshing bump the Cobras do, they say it pumps each other up for what's to come, and so far it seems to be pretty effective.

American Cobras (w/ Roxy Kitten) vs Acid II and "Lord" Mercutio Sleep


Acid starts off for his team and finds Mercutio unwilling to tag in early, allowing the Cobras and their frequent tagging to take an early advantage. Eventually Acid manages to dive at Mercutio and grab his foot for a tag, Mercutio protesting but Storm Spillane hiptosses him into the ring! Mercutio drop toe holds his Marvel on the second rope after taking more offense and using that to choke Marvel. His dirty tactics lead to a comeback but the Cobras' double team moves send Mercutio running back to his partner. Acid II builds up another comeback, managing to counter a Spillane exploder suplex attempt into a DDT and looked to use that to set up the Acid Rain Bomb but Spillane rolls out of the way, tag to Marvel Malloy and they nail the Cobra Strike for the three count.


Harvey: Another big win for the American Cobras, though you have to think maybe it might have been different if Acid and Sleep had been a more experienced unit.


Frank: Beginners luck.


Harvey: Wouldn't it be beginner's luck if Acid and Mercutio won?


Frank: ...Aren't you supposed to talk about American Flash right now Harvey?


Harvey: Alright, alright. American Flash ladies and gentlemen has been in Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling over in California since 2007, a really quick lucha-libre influenced athlete. Not the biggest dog in any particular fight, but he's had a lot of work with veteran wrestler Insane Machine. (On the House Mic) And ladies and gentlemen for our next match, from Freedom City, USA, representing Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling, The American Flash!




plays as American Flash comes out wearing American flag colors head to toe including a flowing cape, sliding in the ring and throwing handfulls of red, white, and blue confetti in the air.

Frank: You know, I always wondered. How does one buy confetti?


Harvey: You could ask him after the show, Frank.


Frank: I don't even like talking to YOU, I only do it because it's my job.


Capone: I could always have you doing janitor work if you want...


Frank: ...Anyway, Harvey my good friend, why don't you announce the Alpha of the Omega Generation!


Harvey makes Quentin Queen's introductions, who comes out miming a belt on his shoulder, even holding it in the air and handing it off to the referee.

The American Flash vs Quentin Queen


The two lock up in the center of the ring, Queen gets a headlock and Flash shoots him off, criss-crossing into a flying headscissors takedown, Queen going out of the ring and Flash goes right at him with a suicide dive through the ropes. Flash continues to take control back in the ring until Quentin uses a thumb in the eye to take control and work Flash over, targeting the legs. Quentin looks for a figure four but Flash counters with the small package, only getting a two count. The two traded offense, Quentin looking for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Flash countered by floating over into a rolling cutter. I get up from my seat and head to the apron to yell at Flash, keeping him distracted long enough to recover... he then grabs Flash's mask, spins it so his eyes are covered, and then drops down for a school boy holding the tights for a three count.


Harvey: And at 10:15 Quentin Queen wins, but why did Alison Capone get involved?


Frank: He's the Alpha of the Omega Generation, the best this company has to offer, and she wasn't going to let someone from other company cheat his way into victory!


Harvey: And how did American Flash cheat exactly?


Frank: His mask is loaded! With a horseshoe!


Harvey: That doesn't even begin to make sense Frank.


Frank: Oh yeah? Can you prove that he DOESN'T have a horseshoe in his mask?


Harvey: And how am I supposed to do that?




Harvey: ...Anyway, it's time for our main event folks, the GOCW debut of "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith, who was a special guest on our commentary table last month but assaulted KC Glenn. We've heard the "why" tonight but one man still has a bone to pick with Griffith, Nigel Svensson, who was also part of our main event, and tried to come to KC's aid but Griffith assaulted him as well.


Frank: Well, that's what happens when you butt your nose into matters that don't concern you.


Harvey: I don't think Nigel would agree there, they seem to be friends him and KC or at the very least respect each other...

The familiar saxophone riff of "Turn The Page" would be heard again, the lights dimming slightly.


Harvey: Ladies and gentlemen this is our main event, introducing first hailing from Denton, Texas, he is "Southern Justice", Jack Griffith!


It'd be until the beginning of the first chorus that Jack would slowly come out, wearing black trunks and boots, as well as a Ribera Steakhouse jacket, taking off the jacket as his music died down, and after a moment's silence and Harvey's announcement, "Heroes of Our Time" played and Nigel would be already taking off his hoodie, practically CHARGING to the ring and sliding in and the two started brawling before the bell even rang!


Jack Griffith vs Nigel Svensson


The two were already full-on trading shots at each other until Jack began headbutting Nigel and throttling him in the corner until referee Jez MacArthur broke it up, only for Nigel to nail a stiff European Uppercut to Jack's jaw, Jack backing up and throwing a closed fist and Nigel would go down and Jack would stomp away and he put a knee on Nigel's neck until the ref again forced the break, and Nigel would get up, spit on Nigel, and then force him out of the ring with his foot. Jez tried to make Jack back up but Jack just shoved Jez aside and the two of them brawl on the outside, and whoever in charge of the brawl would roll onto the apron and under the ropes and back to break the count until a double lariat on the floor sent them both down, Jack getting in first and Nigel coming in just before the ten count.


Jack slingshotted Nigel into the corner and charged in but Nigel got the knees up, looking for THE knee to the head but Jack moved out of the way and looked to throw Nigel up for Jack In The Box but Nigel pushed off and landed on his feet, DOUBLE EURO UPPERCUT! Both men go down to a knee, Jack recovers first and hits a big boot for a two count. Jack now thinking piledriver, but Nigel blocked it with a double leg takedown and applies a kneebar, Jack gets to his feet, Nigel hits the ropes, VICIOUS KNEE TO THE HEAD, ONE, TWO, JACK KICKS OUT!


Nigel applied a few submissions but Griffith gets out of each one, and comes back with a big gutbuster and crossfacing Nigel repeatedly from a seated position, but Nigel crawls to behind him, German suplex, and pulling Griffith up and doing a throat slash before prepping Griffith's arm for the Hyper Extension Arm Lock, but before Nigel could lift Griffith in the air Jack uses his free arm and rakes the eyes, giving him an opening for the Jack In The Box! Jack only has to plant a palm on Nigel's heart and one, two, three!


Harvey: A great contest, unfortunate that Jack had to use that eye rake to get the win, time of the fall is 15:09 ... oh no what is he doing now...

Jack rolled to the floor and tossed a chair into the ring, and pulled Nigel into a piledriver position towards the chair... but someone comes in wearing another hoodie sliding into the ring to break it up, and Jack Griffith would roll out of the ring and the man in the hoodie pulled it off...


Harvey: KC GLENN! I thought he was still in the hospital!


Frank: Someone arrest him! Boss, call the cops, he just ruined our show!


I get up and grabbed the house mic as Jack grabbed another chair and seemed to be heading back into the ring.

Capone: NO! STOP!


I get in front of Jack, effectively between the two, leaning on my cane.


Capone: I'm not going to let you two fight each other...

The crowd boos.


Capone: ...Unless I'm profiting from it.


Crowd cheers a bit.

Capone: So here's what's going to happen, you guys. Next month, it will be KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson... against Jack Griffith and Quentin Queen. And whichever individual gets the win in the match will face the loser on the show after with any rules they please.

We close the show with KC playing to the crowd while Jack saunters backstage, stopping and turning to the ring scowling.


Backstage of the Piper Casino auditorium, after the show.


"KC!" I overheard Harvey as he stepped through the curtains, shaking KC's hand. "I thought you were in Japan?"


"My opponent for this week got hurt, n' they're not going to use me ferra couple more weeks, so they sent me back. Cheaper than lodging me."


"Alison, when did you know about this?"


I turned to them, as I had just finished tallying up our gate. "You know that call I took, and that side-talk I had with Jack?"


"Oh, so what, an hour before the show then?"


"Sounds right. Sorry I couldn't work you into a match KC."


"No problem at all, boss."


Quick Results

Irwin Gutmann d. Remmy Honeyman

Sterling Whitlock d. Deborah Young

American Cobras d. Acid II/Mercutio Sleep

Quentin Queen d. American Flash

Jack Griffith d. Nigel Svensson


Highlight: Alison Capone's Social Club (39)


LIVE! At The World Famous Piper Casino!

Generation Omega Championship Wrestling



Tag Match Of Consequences!

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs Jack Griffith and Quentin Queen


It's A Rematch!

Deborah Young vs Sterling Whitlock


A New Challenge!

The American Cobras vs Acid II and Irwin Gutmann


Someone Has To Win (BUT WHO)!

Mercutio Sleep vs Remmy Honeyman



Alison Capone's Social Club with Quentin Queen


Friday March 29th 2013

Doors Open 6:30 Bell Time 7:00

Admission Only $5

DVDs Available At The Show or at facebook.com/generationomega

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I really like what you've done with Griffith.



KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs Jack Griffith and Quentin Queen

- Griffith will pin KC Glenn and then ask for some kind of retirement match


Deborah Young vs Sterling Whitlock

- Deb comes back with... a second power move!


The American Cobras vs Acid II and Irwin Gutmann

- different result just to mix things up


Mercutio Sleep vs Remmy Honeyman

- Mostly guessing here, but Sleep seems more likely to sneak out a win

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IVE! At The World Famous Piper Casino!

Generation Omega Championship Wrestling



Tag Match Of Consequences!

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs Jack Griffith and Quentin Queen


It's A Rematch!

Deborah Young vs Sterling Whitlock


A New Challenge!

The American Cobras vs Acid II and Irwin Gutmann


Someone Has To Win (BUT WHO)!

Mercutio Sleep vs Remmy Honeyman

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Really like how you're portraying Jack Griffith.


LIVE! At The World Famous Piper Casino!

Generation Omega Championship Wrestling



Tag Match Of Consequences!

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs Jack Griffith and Quentin Queen

Set up Glenn vs Griffith


It's A Rematch!

Deborah Young vs Sterling Whitlock

Even steven booking


A New Challenge!

The American Cobras vs Acid II and Irwin Gutmann

Actual team over thrown together singles wrestlers


Someone Has To Win (BUT WHO)!

Mercutio Sleep vs Remmy Honeyman

I like Remmy, pretty much a guess based on that

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GOCW Decimation


We open with me at the Social Club as Harvey Manners does the intro.


Harvey: It's time for DECIMATION here in the world famous Piper Casino! Welcome to Generation Omega Championship Wrestling, Harvey Manners here with Fabulous Frank, and tonight we have four huge matches, but first it's time for the Social Club, featuring one of the men in the main event.

Motley Crue's "Sex" played as Quentin Queen comes out to a chorus of jeers, who blows them off before heading to the Social Club stage, taking his seat before I put the mic to my lips.


Capone: First, Quentin, I have to apologize on behalf of these ingrateful mooks for the disrespect they just gave you.


Quentin: It's alright, Alison, they're just jealous because now that we are releasing DVDs, their girlfriends are going to spend a lot of nights watchin me with my shirt off over, and over, and over.


Crowd chants for KC Glenn and I spit out my cigar in disgust.

Capone: KC Glenn isn't good enough to set foot in my Social Club again, especially after what he tried to pull last time he was here. Now, Quentin. I called you here to my Social Club because of what you said last month, about you being the Alpha of the Omega Generation. Now I'll admit, I like the name, it's really catchy, really marketable.


Quentin: I'm glad you think so, Alison, it's a shame these ugly, unwashed half-wits don't feel the same way.


Capone: There's just one small problem I have with it Quentin, one small problem with you calling yourself the best in the company...

I reach down and pull a briefcase up onto the table and open it, popping the case open and revealing a championship belt.


Capone: And that's you can't be the best in the company, if you don't have this.


I put the belt back in the briefcase... and slides it over to Quentin.


Capone: And now... there's no problems. Ladies and mooks, your OFFICIAL GOCW Alpha of the Omega champion... The Q-Man Quentin Queen!


Quentin gets the belt out and slings it over the shoulder while the crowd boos... only for them to cheer when "Heroes of Our Time" by Dragonforce hits and Nigel Svennson comes out, staying on the stage and carrying a mic, Queen getting up to protest this interruption.


Svensson: Quentin! I'm not here to cause any trouble! I'm here to CONGRATULATE YOU! I mean, it took a lot of hard work for you to be champion.


Crowd is obviously confused by this, and Svensson holds his other hand up.


Svensson: I mean, it took a LOT of ass kissing for you to finally hold that gold. How long it did take to wash off all the brown off your nose? Not to mention all the time you spent preparing for your matches... all those nights getting your hair permed, must have left you so exhausted.


Quentin: Oh shut up and go play with a knife like your so-called army does all day.


Svensson: And I guess you haven't spent much time in school, because that's the second time you made that stupid joke, and you haven't yet realized that that's the SWISS army, not the SWEDISH army. But of course, nobody would have ever thought you were handed that belt because of your intelligence. Just don't get too used to carrying that title, because I'm coming for it. And I'm going to be the first person to ACTUALLY earn a title here in GOCW. But hey, Quentin, don't pout, because even after I take that belt from you, you'll still be the running for Manslut Of The Year.

This starts a "He's A Manslut" (*clap clap clapclapclap*) chant, and Quentin is furious as he gets a mic.




Svensson: Aww, don't get all emotional Queen. Save it for later tonight, when I make you cry like a little girl as I twist your arm off.


"Heroes Of Our Time" plays as Svensson heads back, Queen throwing a tantrum as we go back to Harv and Frank.


Harvey: Well later tonight, a lot of bad blood will collide, Nigel Svensson and KC Glenn vs Quentin Queen and Jack Griffith. The winner gets to go one on one with the loser in a match of their choosing at our next event.


Frank: Well even if Nigel could get a win over Queen, and he won't, one on one he wouldn't be able to beat Quentin Queen even if Queen had both hands tied behind his back.


Harvey: I have to disagree with that Frank but right now it's our opening contest, Remmy Honeyman going one on one with "Lord" Mercutio Sleep.

Harvey makes the introductions for the match, Remmy coming out first as I make my way to the announce table, followed by Mercutio who not only demands Noel Madden open the ropes for him but also makes him take off his robe.


Remmy Honeyman vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep


Remmy actually gets an early advantage in this match but Lord Mercutio gets an advantage by convincing Noel Madden that Remmy was pulling his hair. He uses this to blindside Remmy from behind and goes to work with some submission wrestling. Remmy manages to counter a back suplex with a bulldog and look for the flying legdrop, Mercutio rolls to the floor and Remmy hits him with a flying cross body to the floor! Honeyman rolls Mercutio back in the ring, playing to the crowd, and tried to pick Mercutio up for maybe a fisherman's suplex, but Mercutio with a throat thrust to break it and he lifts Honeyman onto his shoulders, Go 2 Sleep, and the three count.


Harvey: And a big win for "Lord" Mercutio sleep, time of the fall is 6:31, and oh now what is he doing...


Mercutio grabs Honeyman and moves him so Remmy's face was on his boot.




Frank: Lord Mercutio reminding us that he is of royal blood and needs to be shown respect here in GOCW. Maybe I should ask him if he needs a vizier, I could probably give him lots of advice on his wrestling career.


Capone: You'd be more of a court jester, Frank.


Harvey: You must have read my mind Boss.


Capone: And you would be his royal footstool.


Frank: HA! She just told you off Harvey!


Capone: Are either of you clowns going to move on to the next match or do I have to do everything around here?


Harvey: Alright boss... coming up next, The American Cobras are going to face off against Acid II and Irwin Gutmann. Both Acid and Gutmann have gone up against the Cobras and they lost before, but maybe they can work together and score what would be on paper a big upset against the Cobras.


Frank: The American Cobras have only gotten lucky so far Harvey, and it's about time their luck runs out.


Harvey: I wouldn't call it luck, I'd call it cohesion, their friendship and their double team moves have both proven to be keys to their success.


Frank: What kind of friends ram into each other for fun?


Harvey: Moshing is part of metal culture, something both of them are very passionate about, you may think it's silly but they don't care what you think about it at all.

Harvey goes on to do the introductions, Roxy Kitten now wearing a denim jacket with the American Cobras' snake logo on the back, and after the Cobras do their mosh bump all three of them throw up the horns, and then their opponents making their seperate entrances, Irwin's simple saunter to the ring with his interpreter and Acid's more dramatic entrance.


The American Cobras (w/ Roxy Kitten) vs Irwin Gutmann (w/ Haley Buck) and Acid II


The Cobras start off strong with a flurry of offense and frequent tags but Haley Buck would provide a distraction allowing the heels to regroup and take control, even managing to defy the language barrier and improvise some double team techniques like a Gutmann backbreaker followed by an Acid front elbow drop. The match becomes more back and forth until the Cobras set up for Cobra Strike, Gutmann kicking Spillane in the gut and elbowing Malloy to get free of the waistlock before throwing Malloy out on the floor. A brainbuster on Spillane and a tag to Acid who is already on the top rope... Acid Rain Bomb, one, two, and Gutmann keeps Malloy from breaking it up for the three count.


Harvey: Wow, BIG win for Gutmann and Acid! 10:28 is the time of the fall, and you have to wonder if Gutmann and Acid will be a regular team in the future.


Frank: Well if they can work together like they had in this match consistently we probably will.


Harvey: Or maybe we'll have a rematch like the next contest, Deborah Young looking to avenge her loss last month to Sterling Whitlock.


Frank: I guess all those protein shakes must have given her brain damage if she thinks she can beat a guy like Sterling Whitlock, I mean, he totally creamed her last time!


Harvey: Well Deborah, like I do, see it differently and that it was a really close contest. What do you think, Boss?


Capone: I don't think Deborah can beat Whitlock myself, she ain't got the in-ring savvy of the likes of myself, but hey, if she wants to get dumped on her head again than I'm happy to oblige.


Harvey makes the introductions, Deborah being dead serious making her way to the ring, Whitlock showing a bit of a confident swagger.

Deborah Young vs Sterling Whitlock


The two exchange blows, Sterling ducking a forearm from Deborah and looking right away for Whitlock's End but Young backs him into the corner, turning around to unleash a flurry of chops. She keeps control until Whitlock manages to absorb one of her running lariats and hammer her with a belly to belly suplex, mounting a comeback. Sterling nails a side backdrop suplex to get a two count, looking for another but Deborah elbows him in the back of the head, setting up her signature powerbomb but Sterling back body drops out of it. Sterling keeps up the pressure but a second Whitlock's End attempt is countered with a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Deborah goes off the ropes for a lariat attempt, only getting a two count. She tries for another but Whitlock ducks it, but when they turn to face each other Deborah spins around a second time... SPINNING ELBOW SMASH! Whitlock goes down! Deborah stacks Whitlock's legs over his chest, one, two, three!




Harvey: ...HOW?


Frank: She... I don't know. Her elbow pad is loaded!


Harvey: What elbow pad?! She isn't wearing one on either arm!


Frank: That's what she WANTS you to think, Harvey!


Harvey: 7:44 is the time of the fall...


Capone: Shuddup both of ya, Sterling's got a mic.


Whitlock is on one knee in the corner, holding a microphone.

Whitlock: Not bad, Deb. Not bad at all. But this... this isn't over yet. Only one of us can be the toughest in GOCW, Deb. And I'm going to prove that that one... is me.

Young nods to Whitlock before flexing her arms as she heads to the back, Whitlock rolling out of the ring for his exit as well.


Capone: Sounds like we got ourselves a rivalry, boys.


Frank: Whitlock's just mad because of that fluke win.


Harvey: Maybe Whitlock's win was the fluke, did you think of that, Frank?


Frank: Inconceivable!


Harvey: Anyway it's time for the main event and...

I get up from my seat and head to the back.


Harvey: Alison Capone inexplicably leaving the commentary area... but let's talk about the upcoming tag match. KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs Quentin Queen and Jack Griffith. Lots of bad blood between these four. KC of course is looking for payback for being attacked by Jack Griffith, and Nigel Svensson wants to prove he's more fitting to be Alpha of the Omega than Quentin Queen.


Frank: That Asanovic wannabe isn't fit to take YOUR job, much less be the company champion.


Harvey: Zvonimir Asanovic is Croatian, not Swedish...


Frank: Oh who CARES, Harvey?


Harvey: Well Nigel might, you saw earlier how he addressed Quentin's confusing his country with Switzerland.


Frank: And that's supposed to concern anyone how?


Harvey: Well Nigel has proven to be pretty dangerous and I don't think it's wise for anyone to upset him like that.


"Livin' On The Edge" starts playing, and KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson step through the curtains, prompting Harvey to make the introductions for them.


Harvey: These two coming out together and coming out with a purpose. Remember, the winner faces the loser next month in any kind of match they please.


Frank: Can't wait to see what Quentin or Jack have in mind to punish these idiots with...


The familiar wailing saxophone music is heard as "Turn The Page" hails the coming of Jack Griffith, who stops at the stairs instructing Jez McArthur to keep the faces back. The music fades for "Sex" as Quentin Queen comes out with me behind him, and with him carrying the Alpha of the Omega title on his shoulder, Harvey quickly amends the introduction to note my presence before going back to the DVD-recorded mic.


Harvey: I don't like this one bit, Frank, why is Alison Capone in his corner, it's a clear conflict of interest.


Frank: How is it a conflict of interest, exactly?


Harvey: How is it not, Frank, she's the boss of this company!


Frank: Yeah, and Quentin Queen is the face of this company, so it's clearly in the best interest of GOCW to support him.


Harvey: I somehow doubt her intentions are pure, Frank...

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs Jack Griffith and Quentin Queen


KC and Jack start out in the ring and circle each other, Jack nailing some stiff blows but KC counters an Irish whip by leapfrogging over the back body drop and running to the other ropes, jumping on the second rope to launch for a cross body and a quick two count. He keeps in control until Jack retreats to the floor. Quentin jaws with KC distracting him long enough for Jack to slide back in, grabbing KC by the hair to slam him violently on the mat and starts choking him until he tags out to Quentin. Quentin keeps in control but KC manages to stun him with an enzuigiri long enough to get Nigel back in who unleashes a storm of forearms and uppercuts until Jack cuts in and chop blocks him.


The two heels double team Nigel working on his arm and cutting him off from KC, until Queen misses a Q-Ball attempt allowing Nigel to tag out to Glenn! Glenn cleans house making both heels retreat, and KC does a tope on Griffith while Nigel goes to the floor to brawl with Quentin. Senior official Jez McArthur tries to get order, and while he's telling KC to get back in the ring, Quentin takes my cane and cracks Nigel over the head with it! He rolls in the ring and Griffith uses a knee to take control of KC and roll him into the ring as well. KC recovers, ducks Griffith big boot, and looks to Tune Up The Sunshine Band on Griffith, but Jack pulls Quentin Queen in the way! Jack bails and KC looks right at him as he makes the cover, one, two, three!


Harvey: Well he's not the one KC wanted to get a one-on-one match with, but it looks like next month's main event will be for the belt and KC gets to choose the stipulation...


I grab a microphone and smirk.


Capone: Oh, KC, I forgot to mention... if anyone were to pin Quentin Queen, they would get a match, but it would be a NON-TITLE match.


Crowd boos.


Harvey: Oh that's not fair!


Frank: She's the boss, her word is law around here.


Capone: If you do want the match to be for the belt, you'll have to put something up for it. So, you can have a No DQ match, or a ladder match or whatever for bragging rights... or you can make it a good old fashioned wager match for Quentin's title. Your call, Glenn.


KC gets a mic and scratches his chin.

Glenn: Alrigh' by me. I'll put my hair on the line!


Capone: Not good enough. No, it'd have to be something more personal... oh, I know. You have that '63 Charger... I heard you restored it all by yourself... so, here's the deal. Title... vs Car.


Glenn: Fine by me, boss... but since we're doin' negotiations... let's make this even more interesting. No easy ways out... so no draws, and if one of us gets counted out or DQed, we lose the bet same as if we got pinned.


Capone: I'm sorry but that's not up for discussi-

Quentin goes over to whisper in my ear.


Capone: Actually on second thought, that's a great idea. So next month, it will be your car vs Quentin Queen's Alpha of the Omega title... There Must Be A Loser.

The show ends with Jack Griffith looking in the background as Quentin and KC have a staredown.


Quick Results:

Mercutio Sleep d. Remmy Honeyman

Acid II/Gutmann d. The American Cobras (Acid pins Spillane)

Deborah Young d. Sterling Whitlock

KC Glenn/Nigel Svensson d Jack Griffith/Quentin Queen (Glenn pins Queen)


Pink Taco Mexican Restaurant (Writer's Note: I swear I didn't make that name up), Las Vegas Nevada, April 3rd 2013, 7:14 PM


I decided to go to town for dinner tonight. I usually stay in Primm for restaurants but I was looking for a change of pace.


I was on my way to my table when I saw a couple of familiar faces...


"Oh, hey Deborah, KC. Didn't expect to see you guys here."


They turn to me, looking equally surprised. Deborah is the first to talk.


"Oh, hey Alison, um, yeah, KC is leaving for Japan again tomorrow and asked me if I knew of any good Mexican places and..."


KC is looking rather sheepish... and... blushing?


"Wait..." I say slowly. "You two are..."


KC just nods, and Deborah replies, "Yeah... since last month."


I smile back. "It's okay, guys. As long as you stay professional during our shows I don't care what you do outside of them." They both look a bit relieved at this, so I continue. "I'll leave you two alone now, have a good time."


LIVE! At The World Famous Piper Casino

Generation Omega Championship Wrestling


Car vs GOCW Alpha of the Omega title!

NO DRAWS! Someone Must Lose!

KC Glenn vs Quentin Queen ©



Storm Spillane vs Jack Griffith

Tag Team Attraction!

Nigel Svensson and Deborah Young vs Acid II and Sterling Whitlock



Marvel Malloy vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep

Remmy Honeyman vs Irwin Gutmann



Alison Capone's Social Club featuring Irwin Gutmann


Friday April 26th

Doors Open: 6:30 Bell Time: 7:00

Admission Only $5

For More Info And Merch Catalog Visit facebook.com/generationomega

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KC Glenn vs Quentin Queen ©

- Queen was way too smug about setting this up. Plus No-DQ matches are typically won by heels


Storm Spillane vs Jack Griffith

- tough call here, I could see this going either way


Nigel Svensson and Deborah Young vs Acid II and Sterling Whitlock

- Svensson and Young will lose a tough one, then come back strong in a rematch



Marvel Malloy vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep

Remmy Honeyman vs Irwin Gutmann

- gimme picks

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Car vs GOCW Alpha of the Omega title!

NO DRAWS! Someone Must Lose!

KC Glenn vs Quentin Queen ©



Storm Spillane vs Jack Griffith


Tag Team Attraction!

Nigel Svensson and Deborah Young vs Acid II and Sterling Whitlock



Marvel Malloy vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep

Remmy Honeyman vs Irwin Gutmann

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Car vs GOCW Alpha of the Omega title!

NO DRAWS! Someone Must Lose!

KC Glenn vs Quentin Queen ©

Too soon to change champion



Storm Spillane vs Jack Griffith

Griffith to come out on top


Tag Team Attraction!

Nigel Svensson and Deborah Young vs Acid II and Sterling Whitlock



Marvel Malloy vs "Lord" Mercutio Sleep

Established singles guy over tag wrestler


Remmy Honeyman vs Irwin Gutmann

Pefer Remmy

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