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WCW '94: War of the Thrones

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I must echo everyone's thoughts in saying that was one heckuva premiere for WCW Monday Nitro. I'm assuming TNT only allowed you for 1 hour? Are you doing a "brand split" that's just not made public in the dynasty so that nobody on the roster complains about being left off shows?
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It's great to see somebody actually give justice to the phrase of 'changing the face of professional wrestling'. I'm super curious where you take this next and I echo The Final Countdown's sentiments, your work with Pillman has been one of the high points of your diary, I'm glad he's in the spotlight more than ever now.
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Thanks everyone for all the praise! Before it gets TOO out of control, I'll respond to some things.


A great debut for Nitro, glad to see you brought in Jeff Jarrett.

To be honest, it was all in timing. Having his contract end abruptly at the end of August was pretty much the only reason I signed him for this. Plus, that after being pushed in the WWF, it was a simmering tension relationship with Vince that made them not renew his contract. He was officially unemployed for about a week before I floated him a contract, because before that I wasn't sure whether to get him or not.


One of the best shows I've ever read on GDS. Great job Beejus


That is some stable. And Brian Pillman is the leader?


It is a whole new day in wrestling. Great show.


Dude, I read this earlier and meant to comment but I forgot. GREAT show and I'm super interested in seeing where all these stables go from here. You're truly forging your own path now and I have no clue where it's headed.


That was one hell of a debut for Nitro, can't wait to see where things go from here. Great job, man!


Ok, you have set the bar to a whole new level with the debut of Nitro!


Everything you guys have said is one of the reasons I keep doing what I do; such work would be meaningless without great readers, no? :) Though in the future, Nitro's recap will be shortened. I just felt that this first episode needed a PPV-level write up to sell just how great and huge a deal this show was! Also, thanks to CPB for the immediate Spotlight nomination!


The continued evolution of Brian Pillman is my favorite part of this diary. Interesting that he referred to the group as a 'new world order.'


It's great to see somebody actually give justice to the phrase of 'changing the face of professional wrestling'. I'm super curious where you take this next and I echo The Final Countdown's sentiments, your work with Pillman has been one of the high points of your diary, I'm glad he's in the spotlight more than ever now.


Indeed, as Smasher said, "The Loose Cannon" is in control of the nWo of this diary. In something that I meant to infer but may not have done very well, I find it to be great that they are fighting for WCW, but they are heels because their methods are complete guerrilla warfare.... even so much as taking the logo of the KoW and perverting it to their own. See the subtle differences?




Long ago, Hollywood Hogan said that "the only thing that matters is black and white". Scott Hall said "the streets will run red with blood." SYMBOLISM.


I must echo everyone's thoughts in saying that was one heckuva premiere for WCW Monday Nitro. I'm assuming TNT only allowed you for 1 hour? Are you doing a "brand split" that's just not made public in the dynasty so that nobody on the roster complains about being left off shows?

No brand split as of yet, I'm going to try and just keep everyone happy on their own merits - though it will likely look like there's a split going on, because people who appear on Nitro will be pleased enough to not have to appear on Saturday Night. I fully intend to turn SN into a B-show in the future so that this doesn't have any issue, but TBS and DSF are thwarting my plans for now. And I was the one who chose the 1 hour run time for Nitro; I already put it live on Monday at primetime on TNT on the first Monday of September, so I call it sticking to real life a little bit; it's an almost easy fact to be lost what with Nitro having two and then three hours, that it started as a one hour show :)


Anyways, thank you all, the show praise means a lot to me! I'm hoping to have Saturday Night and Main Event booked and possibly done by Thursday evening, as I want to keep this ball of momentum rolling!

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WCW Television: September 9th/10th, 1995


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“This week on WCW Saturday Night!

Brothers do battle as the Steiners take on Harlem Heat to determine who gets the Wonderful Destruction Crew! Fun loving JPL tries to play the role of “Davey” to take on “Goliath” in the massive Vader! The Stud Stable’s Waylon Mercy will show no mercy for Diamond Dallas Page! Johnny B. Badd has challenged anyone to answer for a warm-up match! And “Mr. Wonderful” takes on the always unpredictable Cactus Jack!

All tonight on WCW Saturday Night!”


Taped on September 7th, 1995

Held at: Ottawa Civic Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Ontario)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk

Attendance: 7,210

Show Runtime: Two Hours and Three Minutes

Rating: B – This show increased our popularity in 4 regions, but lowered it in 11.


Following the cybernetic opening of the show, we go to Jesse “The Body” Ventura at the interview area, who brings out Canada’s own Rick Martel! Martel says that he is always happy to come back near home to the Great White North to bring some of the best wrestling action in the world. Martel gets interrupted, however, by Bobby Heenan and another Canadian, Owen Hart! Owen says that Martel is not a “great Canadian star” just because he’s from Quebec, because Quebec is the toilet of Canada! Not like himself and the world-renowned Hart family who are from Toronto, Ontario. Martel takes exception of course, and he says that as much as he does have respect for Owen’s family, he has none for Owen himself, and if he wants to interrupt him, then Martel will interrupt Owen and the Horsemen’s night, by challenging him to a match tonight in the main event! “The Brain” laughs at the challenge, saying it’s accepted whole-Hart-edly (see what I did there?) and there’s no way that an elite member of the Horseman would lose to some never-was like Martel!

Notes: Ventura did superbly at improvising, while Martel was masterful. Owen, however, did absolutely awful, though Bobby helped him along.

Rating: B


A recap video plays summarizing the events on Monday Nitro, as Brian Pillman started the show with an attack on Eric Bischoff, and it led to the closing segment of the show as Pillman, Scott Hall, Vader, and Jeff Jarrett formed as the New World Order of wrestling. A graphic says that the quartet have been invited to be on hand at New York’s Blue Cross Arena for this Monday’s LIVE episode of Nitro!

Rating: C


Speaking of stables, the Kings of Wrestling are standing in front of their logo, namely Hollywood Hogan, “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, and standing behind the trio is the massive frame of The Giant. Hogan says “New World Order? Don’t make me laugh!” as he claims that those four guys talking about being held down or shoved aside is just a sign that they weren’t good enough to stand out without banding together and making a name off people better than them. Hogan says someone similar to that is Road Warrior Hawk, who thinks he may have a chance at Fall Brawl but really, there isn’t a shot to be had for him. Hollywood does admit that Hawk is a “great tag guy” but talks about how there will be nobody to tag out to when the going gets rough when he goes one-on-one with the 24 inch pythons, brother! Savage takes charge, saying that Scott Hall still has a beating comin’ to him, yeah, but right now he has something to say to that fruitcake Cactus Jack. He says that he offered the olive branch, and Jack snapped it in half – “you might as well snap my Slim Jim, yeah!” He says that Jack made a huge mistake, and he will pay for it. He throws it to Piper, who calmly begins saying that there “maaaaaaaay” have been some misunderstanding around the KoW lately, but now they have a common adversary – and he hasn’t forgotten about Steve Austin. He says that Austin has been calling him out week after week, but “Hot Rod” isn’t a hard man to find. He will be at Fall Brawl, in the ring. Hogan closes, saying that last week, he was caught unawares; but he isn’t going anywhere in the future without his Giant! The Giant screams while raising his huge palm in the air to signal the chokeslam, as the segment fades to the arena.

Notes: Hogan and Piper improvised superbly, and Savage was masterful at it.

Rating: B


Waylon Mercy takes on Diamond Dallas Page, and the two rivals open the show with a decent match. Page impresses Terry Funk when he fights out of the sleeperhold and puts Waylon’s lights out with the Diamond Cutter en route to his final win before getting a title shot at Terry Gordy!

Match Time: 9:11

Rating: C-


Mike Tenay is in a pre-taped interview along with someone who hasn’t been around in a few weeks, big Ron Simmons! Simmons says that he stepped back a bit to get his bearings again, and now that he has, he’s back – and he doesn’t like what he’s seen! With the KoW, the Horsemen, and now the nWo running around, it seems like WCW is turning into a bunch of groups running around together causing trouble. “Well, Ron Simmons don’t need anybody to watch my back, and if any of them try to jump on me, they’ll find out why that is!” Tenay says it was some strong words from a very strong man.

Rating: C


Johnny B. Badd is out, Schiavone explaining that this was an open challenge that Badd made to the locker room as a warm-up for his match next week in The Omni against Sting. It’s answered by Terry Taylor, who puts up a good fight but was never going to come out on top of this one. The Knockout Punch (apparently no longer the Tutti Fruitti) puts Taylor’s lights out in no time.

Match Time: 6:52

Rating: D+


Badd is on his way out of the arena, but he gets a special guest – Rick Rude meets him in the ring with a microphone, and he tells Johnny that he will also be at The Omni next week on Saturday Night, but he came clear up to Ottawa in order to tell Badd one thing: not to let him down when he faces Sting. Johnny goes into cocky mode, talking up how “Badd” he is, etc., etc., but Rude doesn’t seem to care, letting his words stand.

Rating: C+


Cactus Jack’s match against “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff is up next, and the two put on a very fun brawl. The end comes as a bit of a let-down though, as Randy Savage tears out through the Ottawa crowd and assaults Jack, drawing a disqualification win for Cactus.

Match Time: 10:14

Rating: C+


We finally have the battle between the Young Pistols as Steve Armstrong takes on Tracy Smothers. The match is pretty back and forth for a few minutes, but Colonel Parker, looking to not be embarrassed by his men twice in one night perhaps, grabs the leg of Armstrong and leaves him open to get smacked with a thrust kick to the jaw – Smothers then cradles Armstrong for a quick pin!

Match Time: 5:28

Rating: E


Another pre-taped interview as “Mean” Gene talks to Steve Austin. Austin says that he’s gonna tell Gene a story; Austin was brought up as a good Texas boy first and foremost, and told to have respect for his elders. But at some point, he quit giving a damn about his elders, and that brings him to Roddy Piper. At one point, Piper was “a rowdy kinda guy” and Austin was a big fan. But now, Steve Austin is on the rise and Roddy Piper is in his way, and that means he’s gonna get his ass kicked! Gene asks Austin to watch his language, but Austin says he doesn’t give a crap about any of that, all he cares about is Fall Brawl, when he gets in the ring alongside Roddy Piper and he drops him on that stack of dimes he calls a neck! It sounds like an answered challenge!

Notes: Austin may not have knocked this one out of the park, but it was a very solid line drive. Gene worked the crowd very well too, really helping the segment out.

Rating: B-


“The Monster” Vader finally takes on JPL in the ring, and it’s a pretty good match. This is admittedly a night of dirty finishes though, as JPL gets the win by disqualification when Vader gets so intent on beating on him that he grabs referee Mark Curtis and throws him across the ring when he tries to stop Vader.

Match Time: 9:41

Rating: C+


Sonny Onoo comes out to ringside, trying to stop Vader but also asking him for answers regarding the New World Order. Vader takes offense to the questioning, and he grabs Onoo, lifting him up and destroying him with a powerbomb! Vader screams “Who’s the man?!” as security come out to try and get him to leave the ring.

Rating: D


From one beast to another, as The Giant is out for his weekly squash. This week’s unlucky recipient is Flash Flanagan, who Giant decides to play with for a few minutes, unlike usually where he just decimates his prey with the chokeslam. It doesn’t go too long before the chokeslam, though, and one foot covers for the 1-2-3.

Match Time: 4:45

Rating: E


Brothers vs. Brothers as Harlem Heat and The Steiner Brothers meet in the ring to determine who gets the World Tag Team title match at Fall Brawl! These four have met a few times now in various matches, so they are all starting to have a good rapport with one another. The champions come out of the back to scout, and they play into the finish as Orndorff gets a little close to the ring and nearly gets Steinerlined by Rick, but Rick then turns around into the Big Apple Blast! Stevie Ray stays on top for the cover while Booker blocks Scott from breaking it up, and the Heat are going to Fall Brawl! Rick and Scott are left frustrated once again!

Match Time: 9:34

Rating: B


Jesse “The Body” joins Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk, saying that since he was on hand for the main event getting made up tonight, then he feels that he should be on hand to call the match. Tony welcomes him back, and Funk says that he sees why Jesse enjoyed it here on Saturday Night so much, as we head into the ring for an all-Canada main event!

Notes: Tony and Jesse enjoyed the freedom to improvise, but Funk didn’t do well.

Rating: C-


Rick Martel takes on one of the Four Horsemen in Owen Hart in the main event, and the two put on an absolute wrestling clinic here. The two Canadians thrill the audience with a fast-paced, technical battle of holds and counterholds, until Martel finally seems to be getting the advantage. That’s when Bobby Heenan takes a tire iron to his knee from the outside behind Tommy Young’s back, and then Owen focuses in on it, finally locking in the Indian Deathlock to get the submission victory, which was incredibly hard fought.

Match Time: 18:15

Rating: B


The bell is sounding, but Owen has not released the hold. Bobby Heenan comes in and starts stomping on Martel, telling him he was no match for a Horseman! Tony cries that they may break Martel’s legs, but help arrives as Barry Windham rushes out of the back! Windham knocks Bobby out of the ring, and almost catches Hart with the lariat, but Owen slips away. Windham checks on Martel, as Saturday Night fades out with Tony hyping the next episode of Monday Nitro!

Rating: C


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: D+


2 Cold Scorpio squashes Flash Flanagan. (D)


“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright is next to Gene Okerlund, and he talks about having his title and undefeated streak stolen by The Giant and Eddy Guerrero. (E+)


Alex Wright d. The Cuban Assassin. (D-)


Video Recap – the nWo form on Monday Nitro. ©


The Armstrong Brothers d. Sgt. Buddy Parker and Shane Sewell to retain the US Tag titles. (D)


Gene Okerlund interviews the Stud Stable (minus Waylon Mercy) where BG does most of the talking for Terry Gordy, Tracy Smothers, and Brad Armstrong. BG says that Diamond Dallas Page is gonna be cut in half by Terry Gordy, and if he and “B-Rad’s” brothers Scott and Steve think they can stop Tracy’s run to the top now that he’s a Stud, then they got another thing coming. He closes by saying that “me and B-Rad are on the rise – now the United States, and next the Tag Team championships of the World!” (E+)


Tracy Smothers d. “Playmaker” Paul Roma. (E+)


Bubba Rogers and Smash d. The Hillbilly Cousins. (D+)


Rogers and Smash are going to stop by the interview area, but CRASH!!! Bubba gets smashed by a guitar! Jeff Jarrett and Vader are here, the nWo are on Main Event! The duo lay out Rogers and Smash, and they take out a can of red spraypaint to paint “NWO” on them! Can anyone stop this new group? (C-)


Gimmick and Turn Notes




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WCW Hotline: September 1995, Week 2



WCW Hotline

2nd Week of September 1995

Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Option 2: The Monday Night War!

Option 3: A loss of Hart!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: “The Professor’s” lesson of the week!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

A big confrontation will go down as “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper has said that he will meet Steve Austin in the ring at Fall Brawl! Also, Diamond Dallas Page has won the chance to wrestle Terry Gordy! In another match signed for Fall Brawl, we will see the debut of The Flying Spyder as he takes on the diabolical Arkane! All this and still two weeks to go for more matches to be added to Fall Brawl, so call your cable company and order now!


Option 2: The Monday Night War!

The war of Monday night wrestling has begun! WCW has premiered Monday Nitro at 7pm, one full hour before Raw’s 8pm-10pm runtime, and the results are staggering! We aren’t sure if the WWF didn’t know or just didn’t realize what kind of an impact this would have on them, as they went out of their way to put on their standard episode of Raw; but Nitro started with a bang and never let up, leaving fans breathless and wanting more WCW! It will be very interesting to see what happens in the future!


Option 3: A loss of Hart!

WCW have come to terms with the release from the pay-per-appearance contract of Bruce Hart. While Owen Hart voiced his displeasure with the move, he was pleased when explained that it was to allow Bruce to concentrate solely on his head booking duties in a smaller federation. We wish Bruce the best in his future.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

It’s the hottest hour in television! Monday Nitro takes to Rochester, New York’s Blue Cross Arena, and we are expecting a visit from the Kings of Wrestling AND the New World Order! In action will be big Ron Simmons, who has proclaimed his loner status in this promotion-wide war, taking on “Macho Man” Randy Savage! “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes will be in action, as well as a big United States title match as Terry Gordy defends against “Blackjack” Barry Windham! It will be the best spent hour watching wrestling on a Monday night that you’ve had in years, and it’s taking place at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

The results are in, and Monday Nitro is a hit! The final rating came out to a whopping 7.98 on TNT, while TSN saw a 1.49 rating. Want to know how great that is? Raw’s rating dropped an entire 0.5 of a point, falling from 5.01 to a 4.51 on USA! WCW Saturday Night stayed strong with a 6.2 rating on TBS and 0.76 on DSF, while WCW Main Event held around the usual 0.56 rating.


Option 6: “The Professor” Mike Tenay’s history lesson of the week!

A lot of people are referring to the old “Black Sunday” when they talk about the insurgence of Monday Nitro, claiming that Ted Turner must be laughing at the misfortune that the WWF are experiencing now. For those who don’t know, “Black Sunday” was a time when the WWF had a show on TBS, and they squandered it, which led to World Championship Wrestling being put on the channel. Perhaps the day will come when the WWF is on TBS again – but as a subsidiary of WCW!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

WCW Saturday Night goes to some old stomping grounds in The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia! Johnny B. Badd has said that this will be the last time he challenges Sting before officially calling him a coward – will Sting answer the call? Find out on Saturday Night at 6:05 PM ET on The Superstation!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Apparently the WWF don’t want to give another run to Mr. Bob Backlund, as they allowed him to simply leave the company with a whimper. WCW, meanwhile, are letting go of a few of our enhancement level wrestlers, as Flash Flanagan, The Cuban Assassin, and Shane Sewell are going to head back to the indys at the end of this month.


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Do you support the Kings of Wrestling? Think that Thunder in Paradise is on par with the great works of the world? Well then here is the shirt for you, to show your support for Hollywood Hogan!





Thanks for the signs, I will do what I can to try and incorporate them into Nitro, because it won't be getting the "full" writeup like the last one did. I have Nitro booked, I'll probably work at writing it over the weekend.

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WCW Monday Nitro - September 11th, 1995


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“Last week on WCW Monday Nitro!

Chaos was the order of the day, as both of the authority figures as well as Eric Bischoff were taken out! When WCW, the KoW, and the Horsemen all started pointing fingers, a new set of players violently arrived on the scene, calling themselves the New World Order!”


September 11th, 1995

Held at: Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York (Tristate)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura

Attendance: 11,215 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: One hour and Four Minutes

Rating: B – This show increased our popularity in 5 regions.


Following the Nitro opening, where we see signs in the crowd saying “Where the big boys play!” and “Raw>Nitro”, we head into a pre-taped interview segment with “Mean” Gene Okerlund and The Road Warriors! Hawk and Animal growl about the Kings of Wrestling, namely Hollywood Hogan, Hawk saying that he hopes that beating Hogan took at the hands of this new group didn’t make him forget that the Road Warriors are coming for the World Heavyweight title! He adds that he has heard a few times now from various friends and fans, that they’re worried that the rest of the “Queens of Wrestling” might try to cost him the match. But just to show that Hawk isn’t afraid, he’s going to offer Hollywood the chance to fight all over the arena – in a Falls Count Anywhere match! And WWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHAT A RRRRRRRRRRRRRRUSH that will be!

Rating: B-


The opening contest of the show pits a cruiserweight against a heavyweight, as the sneaky Syxx takes on “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes. Rey Mysterio Jr. joins commentary to keep an eye on this one, watching over his rival with a keen eye. Another sign is seen in the crowd that says “RAW=Really Awful Wrestling”. As much as Syxx can outmaneuver his opponent, Dustin’s height advantage cannot be understated, and he uses it to pick up the victory following a running bulldog.

Match Time: 8:05

Rating: B-


We got to a pre-taped promo again, as “The Total Package” Lex Luger says that he has two topics he wants to touch on right now; the Kings of Wrestling and the so-called New World Order. He says that Hollywood Hogan has started this by turning wrestling on its head last year, and now we have a copycat group trying to run around here and dictate what’s going on in WCW. Lex says that despite now being put off the card for Fall Brawl by the medical team, he will still be in the arena, to make sure that such a thing doesn’t happen to anyone else.

Notes: Luger really enjoyed the freedom of improvising here. The WCW crowd definitely loves him!

Rating: B


“Mean” Gene comes out to the stage and introduces his guests at this time: “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan! Bobby holds up a fan’s sign from the front row that says “Horsemen are gods”. Gene asks Flair what the Horsemen think of this “New World Order” and while Flair seems riled up about being attacked last week, he says that they understand wanting to take out the top men in order to make an impact. Flair points out that this is “strike one, Pillman; WOOOO!” Anderson is much less animated as usual, adding that this isn’t baseball, there is only one strike. He says this is what Dustin Rhodes has learned in the past few months, that you get one strike, and then the Horsemen turn their focus on you – and that’s not what you ever want. “The Enforcer” says that as wild as Brian has been in the past year, he has a short leash as they are concerned; if they mind their own business, then the Horsemen will mind theirs. Flair says that in the future, in order to bring down “that piece of trash Hogan” they wouldn’t even be against a brief merger – saying that if they want to get in touch with them, there are two ways: “either you talk to Bobby, or you follow the party train, WOO!!” Before we leave here, Gene asks if we will see any Horsemen interference in the next match tonight, as Barry Windham faces Terry Gordy. Heenan tells Okerlund not to be such a stupid humanoid like all these New Yorkers; if Windham wins the US title, then the Horsemen can beat him up and take it from him!

Notes: Finally, an amazing Horsemen interview! Flair’s freedom to improvise was very impressive here, and Anderson was masterful in his delivery. Okerlund also was superb, and the presence of “The Brain” helped as well.

Rating: B+


As mentioned, the United States Heavyweight Championship is on the line as the Stud Stable’s Terry Gordy takes on “Blackjack” Barry Windham. The two big brawlers put on a fight that makes use of all their brawling skills. But while the Horsemen don’t plan on interfering, that doesn’t mean Colonel Parker has any reason to have that restraint, as he grabs Windham’s leg to block a super-plex attempt, causing Gordy to crash down on him and get a cover.

Match Time: 9:38

Rating: C


We go pre-taped again, as we hear some words from the World’s champion himself, Hollywood Hogan. He completely ignores the nWo, instead focusing on Road Warrior Hawk. He laughs at Hawk’s challenge, saying that it doesn’t matter if it is in the ring, in the parking lot, or on top of Nick Bockwinkel’s desk, there is nowhere that Hawk can pin Hollywood Hogan, brother.

Notes: Hollywood did a superb job improvising on this one, really showing why he is the champ.

Rating: B


In the main event of the evening, Ron Simmons meets “Macho Man” Randy Savage in a really good back and forth contest. A fan holds up a sign that says “Hail to the Kings!” and that seems to motivate both of them – Ron into action and Savage into confidence. Ron’s immense strength serves him well, but Savage is served well by the foreign object which he pulls out of his boot, cracking Simmons with it behind Tommy Young’s back and then going up to hit the Flying Elbow for the cheap victory.

Match Time: 11:42

Rating: B+


But “Pomp and Circumstance” isn’t what we hear… it’s a symphony of destruction! Cactus Jack makes his entrance to the Nitro arena, and he says that he is just going to stay here at the entranceway today; as all he wants to do is make a challenge for Fall Brawl, as it’s time the man from the “danger zone” meets Cactus Jack in the ring! Savage gets a microphone, and he says that it’ll be time to freak out at the Fall Brawl, because he’s going to show Jack that it doesn’t matter how much you beat yourself up, what matters is who’s left to make the cover, yeah! As he walks back to the dressing room, four fans in the front row can been seen holding up signs advertising Rick Martel, which Tony claims must be Rick’s fan club.

Rating: B+


We now go to a main event interview, as the New World Order join us from an undisclosed location. With the sound of Brian Pillman’s cackling in the background, the southern drawl of Jeff Jarrett talks about how Eric or Vince, it doesn’t matter, because the New World Order are the hottest thing in wrestling today, and that means they run the wrestling world! And he says that if anyone tries to disagree with that, he has an acoustic equalizer that says otherwise. Vader laughs menacingly from behind him, shouting “WHO’S THE MAN?! NWO! NWO! NOBODY hurts the New World Order! Because Vader will not let them! With the nWo in charge, it’s ALWAYS Vader Time!” Pillman jumps on Vader’s back, saying that this is what WCW and the KoW have wrought! They will make the streets run red with blood, the blood of Kings and blood of pawns! No one is safe, he proclaims, from hearing the sirens. Scott Hall, cool as ever, adds that none of them have ever or will ever see them coming, except that everyone will be cheering when they appear. “Because nobody is here to see Dubya-See-Dubya or even the Kings of Wrestling. Anytime someone buys a ticket from here on, they’re here to see the N-W-O!”

Notes: Well Hall improvised well on this one, but Vader did very poor, getting excited and just screaming randomness.

Rating: C


We head to Tony and Jesse to talk about the happenings this evening, mostly talking about the three groups we heard from; Hollywood Hogan from the KoW, the nWo, and Lex Luger representing WCW. A sign behind them must have been held up by a fan from the future as it already says “I came to see the nWo!” Tony says that there seems to be a huge war brewing in World Championship Wrestling ever since last week’s huge episode of Nitro, as Jesse says wait,

Notes: These two on commentary just fit, as Tony masterfully improvises and Jesse does superb here. They know how to talk to one another and get the crowd invested so well.

Rating: B


“The Nature Boy” is gracing us again, as this time he struts down to the empty ring with a microphone. He “Wooo!”s around a lot, talking about any subject that comes to him; whether it be Horsemen business with Dustin Rhodes and company, Hollywood Hogan and the KoW, or Brian Pillman’s nWo. Ric even mentions that Lex Luger can’t fight for WCW, “because this time last year he was one of the enemy!” He even gets in a discussion with a fan who has a sign that says “The Real King is in WCW” as Flair says that the sign must be talking about himself. But Ric’s ramblings do have a point, as he says that there is possibly a fifth member to the New World Order that we haven’t heard out of on Nitro yet – and that’s Pillman’s tag team partner, Steve Austin! The name is barely out of Flair’s mouth until, armed with a handheld beer cooler, Steve Austin steps into the ring and comes eye to eye with Flair! Austin says that he came here tonight to see what the big deal was on Monday Nitro, he was just about to head out to his truck to head on toward The Omni, but then he heard someone flapping his gums out here about ol’ Steve Austin! Austin says point-blank that he has nothing to do with what Pillman is doing, hell he don’t even really like the sumbitch anyways, so there’s no reason for him to join his company, adding that if they get in his way, he’ll drop all four of them with the Stunner in an instant! Flair fires back that there’s no way to believe that, but Austin says that he doesn’t care what Flair thinks – but if he wants to keep thinking about what Austin is doing, then next week on WCW Nitro, then he can think about meeting him in the ring next week for a match! Flair seems surprised by the challenge, but he accepts, saying that there is nothing he’d love to do more than shut Austin’s redneck mouth! The two are face-to-face as Monday Nitro goes off the air for the evening!

Notes: Austin improvised well, but Flair did very poorly; his great job earlier apparently was the best he could manage for the night.

Rating: B+


Gimmick and Turn Notes




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WCW Television: September 17th/18th, 1995


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“This week on WCW Saturday Night! At the famous Omni in Atlanta, Georgia, Johnny B. Badd takes on the man they call Sting! Rick Martel will try to survive the onslaught of Waylon Mercy, The Patriot tries to win the TV title from the Horsemen’s Eddy Guerrero, and much more!

All tonight on WCW Saturday Night!”


Taped on September 15th, 1995

Held at: The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia (South East)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk

Attendance: 16,937

Show Runtime: Two hours

Rating: B-

This show increased our popularity in 2 regions, lost popularity in 11.


Following the show opening, we head to Tony Schiavone, Gene Okerlund, and Terry Funk, who talk about the World Heavyweight champion, Hollywood Hogan, and his two top challengers, Road Warrior Hawk and “The Total Package” Lex Luger. Funk says that we will be hearing from Hogan tonight, but he can’t wait for Fall Brawl to see the match itself!

Notes: Tony was very poor at improvising his dialogue here, but Terry picked up his slack by improvising well for a change.

Rating: C


The World TV title is up for grabs in our first match, as The Patriot takes on new champion “Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero of the Four Horsemen. Belle Libritis did a good job at ringside of keeping the crowd into the match, but the wind went out of her sails as Guerrero didn’t take long at putting the finishing touches on Patriot with a Frog Splash.

Match Time: 6:41

Rating: C-


Footage is shown from before we went on the air, as the man called Sting arrived at The Omni! Sting is indeed in the building to meet Johnny B. Badd tonight in the main event!

Rating: B-


“Lionheart” Chris Jericho gets one of his tougher tests yet in WCW, as he takes on another veteran in “Playmaker” Paul Roma. Roma puts up a good fight, hitting a few good moves in this one. The ending was never in much question though, and Jericho rolls out of the way of Roma’s elbow drop before hitting the Lionsault for the clean pinfall. Jericho gets a microphone after the match and talks about how he’s surprised to have found out Sting actually showed tonight, saying that maybe he isn’t the loser he has thought he was. Jericho reiterates that he is the real hero of WCW though, and says that he’ll be watching the match tonight to see just what Sting acts like this time. While he’s talking, a surprise guest appears in Rick Rude! Rude comes out with his own microphone, and he says that he’s kept an eye out on what Jericho has done and said ever since Chris got to WCW, and says that he can’t help but have been impressed. He says that when Jericho is watching Sting tonight, if he’d enjoy some company, Rude will be happy to join him. Jericho nods, saying that hanging around a legend such as Rude will be both of their honors.

Match Time: 8:28

Rating: C- (match) / B (promo)


“Mean” Gene comes out to the entrance way, and he brings out his guests from the Four Horsemen, Arn Anderson, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, and still TV champion Eddy Guerrero. Arn does the talking here, saying that there is one more week remaining until destiny, one week until the Tacoma Dome – one week until Fall Brawl. Heenan adds that that means there’s one more week for “The Natural Dummy” Dustin Rhodes and his band of humanoids to make up their last wills and testaments, before the Four Horsemen run them down! As Guerrero stands off to the side showing off his title to the crowd, Anderson says that there is no chance left for the quartet, because the one rule that has always been true is that if they send one of the Horsemen to the hospital, then the Horsemen will send one of theirs to the morgue. Okerlund says that match will be coming up on September 25th, and fans won’t want to miss it when Dustin Rhodes and his friends take on the vile Horsemen!

Notes: Gene enjoyed the freedom of being off-script here. Anderson looked really good, being very well-spoken, and Bobby really helped him as well. Eddy performed poorly though, looking like a spoiled child.

Rating: C


A video comes up to replay the segment with Randy Savage and Cactus Jack from WCW Nitro.

Rating: B


“Mean” Gene is backstage alongside Colonel Robert Parker, who has US champ Terry Gordy and Waylon Mercy standing behind him. Parker does all the talking, saying that Diamond Dallas Page has been acting a fool, Gene! He says that Page has made his bed, and now he will be lying in it at Fall Brawl, when he takes on Terry Gordy for the US title. He also takes a moment to talk about Mercy’s match tonight, against Rick Martel. He says to “Ricky” Martel that since he’s so into second chances, hopefully he will have some compassion in his heart for a poor, misunderstood soul like Waylon.

Rating: C


Flash Flanagan gives it his all, but he’s no match for the Dungeon of Doom’s prize member, Biohazard. Biohazard finishes things off with a two handed chokeslam that Tony says they call the Fallout. Dr. Karnage goes into the ring afterwards and talks about The Flying Spyder, saying that at Fall Brawl, he has a match against the devious Arkane, and they will make sure that they squash this bug!

Match Time: 5:18

Ratings: E (match) / D (promo)


“Mean” Gene is back at the interview area, this time alongside Johnny B. Badd and his Badd Girl. Badd talks about Sting, of course, saying that tonight is the night that Badd proves that he is the best man in WCW, the man of the people. Badd Girl overplays her sex appeal here, teasing Gene’s tie, and it just comes off poorly. Badd ends the interview saying that Sting is gonna have a bad night against the Badd man!

Rating: C+


Earl William Clayton is in the ring next, to take on the man who has had problems with the Roundtable as of late, “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton. Lord Steven Regal is on commentary and Baron Leonard Tomas is doing his job of pumping up Clayon from the outside, but the crowd aren’t too hot for this one, and it hurts. The two put on a good technical matchup to the sound of mostly silence. Clayton puts up quite a fight, but Eaton picks up the victory with the Alabama Jam. Lord Regal says that this type of thing will not be tolerated at Fall Brawl when he steps into the ring with Eaton, and this short winning streak of his will not be continuing.

Match Time: 7:27

Rating: D+


Rick Martel is alongside “The Professor” Mike Tenay, as he talks about his upcoming match. He says that Waylon Mercy and Colonel Parker talked about his quest for a second chance, but there’s a big difference between he and Mercy – Martel has lived it, while Waylon still acts like the same man he was previously.

Notes: Martel did a masterful job of interacting with the crowd here, though Tenay did some very poor dialogue. Martel’s good performance saved this segment.

Rating: C


Before we head out to the ring, there’s some footage shown from last week on Saturday Night, as the Steiner Brothers confront Harlem Heat. Rick and Scott are upset about not getting the title match at Fall Brawl, but the two teams make a pact that the Steiners will get the first shot at the Heat if they win the World Tag Team titles from the Wonderful Destruction Crew.

Rating: C+


Scott Armstrong is a well-respected veteran, but The Giant treats him like a child by throwing him around for a few minutes before making him a splat on the mat with the Chokeslam. After the match, “Mean” Gene meets up to Giant and Hollywood Hogan, as Hogan says that if Road Warrior Hawk thinks he’s so tough, he wants to be a big, bad man, then Hogan accepts the challenge to a falls count anywhere in Washington match! Hogan comes across well here, bragging while The Giant is at his back.

Match Time: 5:06

Ratings: E+ (match) / C+ (promo)


Waylon Mercy taking on Rick Martel is our semi-main event, and as two veterans go, it’s an alright match. Mercy plays the big man well here, while Rick is great at the plucky underdog face role. Colonel Parker tries to distract the referee to give his man an advantage, but instead it turns against him as DDP hits the ring, drills Mercy with the Diamond Cutter, and heads back out through the crowd before anyone even notices! Martel drapes himself over Waylon, and he scores a big win, as the Colonel is left throwing his handkerchief on the floor and stomping on it!

Match Time: C+

Rating: 9:53


We go to Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk now, as they talk about the feud that we are about to see culminate here between Sting and Johnny B. Badd. From there, we go backstage to see Rick Rude and Chris Jericho watching on a monitor to see the match. Finally we have the match itself, which is a slight letdown compared to their match a few months ago. Perhaps they had too much time to fill, perhaps they just weren’t feeling it as much now that it isn’t on pay-per-view; the match just seemed to drift sometimes. Badd wrestles this match like he has less to prove than he did at that time, but he still gives out a good match to “The Stinger” who doesn’t seem to be as jovial as usual. Sting comes back with some hard right punches and chops, and without even hitting the Stinger Splash for the crowd to pop over, Sting just sinks right into the Scorpion Deathlock, calmly looking around as he doles out punishment in the hold. Badd submits, but at a count of four, Sting finally releases. The show goes off the air with the sight of a vacant-eyed Sting staring down at his vanquished foe.

Match Time: 20:02

Ratings: C (announcers) / C (backstage) / B (match)


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: C+


Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Art Barr with a pinning frankensteiner variation. (D+)

Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Gene Okerlund, and Gary Cappetta have a roundtable to discuss WCW Nitro and Saturday Night. (D+)

Rio the Renegade squashes Shane Sewell. (E+)

Steve Armstrong d. The Cuban Assassin. (D)

Nitro recap – Steve Austin takes offense to Ric Flair’s words and challenges him to a match on the next Monday Nitro! (C+)

The Steiner Brothers d. The Shooters when Scott pins Dean after a Frankensteiner. (B)

After the match, Larry Zbyszko confronts Malenko about it, and Lance Storm attacks his partner! Lance and Larry walk off together, leaving Malenko in the ring! (D)

A longer video airs to recap the past year in the turbulent life of Sting. (B+)


Gimmick and Turn Notes

Dean Malenko turned face, which went over pretty well.



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WCW Fall Brawl 95 official program + WCW Hotline: September Week 3, 1995



WCW Fall Brawl 1995

LIVE on pay-per-view September 25th from The Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington!


Nine Huge Matches!


The World Heavyweight Championship on the line!

Falls will count anywhere in Washington as Road Warrior Hawk takes on the wily champion, “Godfather” of the Kings of Wrestling, Hollywood Hogan!


Eight-man Tag Team War!

The Four Horsemen are at full strength to take on “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, “Blackjack” Barry Windham, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, and Japanese icon Antonio Inoki!


Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the craziest of them all?!

Cactus Jack does battle with “Macho Man” Randy Savage! Need we say more?!


Revenge is a dish best served with the United States title!

After months of fighting against his former Stud Stable mates, Diamond Dallas Page faces off with the crown jewel and United States Heavyweight champion, Terry Gordy!


The World Tag Team Championships up for grabs!

Former two-time champions Harlem Heat face off with the KoW’s ever-dangerous tandem of Meng and Paul Orndorff, the Wonderful Destruction Crew!


A winning streak is put on the line against royal pride!

“Beautiful” Bobby Eaton faces off against the head of the Ruthless Roundtable, Lord Steven Regal!


Fast-Paced Cruiserweight Action!

After Syxx’s tainted victory at Slamboree, Rey Mysterio Jr. is out for revenge!


Former Partners!

What will happen when patriotic Marcus Bagwell faces his past in 2 Cold Scorpio?!



The Flying Spyder makes his WCW in-ring debut taking on the Dungeon of Doom’s devious taskmaster, Arkane!


Plus a confrontation involving “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper and Steve Austin!


Card subject to change


Fan Scoresheet

Falls Count Anywhere for the WCW World Heavyweight championship

Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Road Warrior Hawk w/Animal and Lex Luger



The Four Horsemen w/Bobby Heenan vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, “Blackjack” Barry Windham, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, & Antonio Inoki w/Magnum TA



“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Terry Gordy w/Col. Robert Parker vs. Diamond Dallas Page



WCW World Tag Team Championships

The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart vs. Harlem Heat



Lord Steven Regal w/Baron Tomas vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton



Syxx vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.



2 Cold Scorpio vs. Marcus Bagwell w/Belle Libritis



Arkane w/Dr. Karnage & Nurse Ana R. Key vs. The Flying Spyder



Fun Fan Signs:


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. Will there be any turns?

2. Will The Giant be involved in the main event?

3. Will the New World Order make a big impact on the show?

4. What titles will change hands?

5. How many matches will end via DQ/Countout?





WCW Hotline

3rd Week of September 1995

Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Option 2: Injury updates!

Option 3: WCW in Australia!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: “The Professor’s” lesson of the week!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

The official brochure has been released for Fall Brawl, so call your cable company and order now to get your own copy sent in the mail!


Option 2: Injury updates!

Eric Bischoff has reportedly said he’s healing well following the attack from Brian Pillman. Eric was supposed to be calling WCW Monday Nitro alongside Tony and Jesse, but he was unable to perform the past two weeks based on the attack. Is he really part of the KoW? Ted DiBiase and Nick Bockwinkel also haven’t been seen since the first Nitro, but the two retired athletes are said to be appearing on Nitro again this week. One man who has been out for some time now is Dusty Rhodes, who was put out of action by the Horsemen back at the Great American Bash. His son Dustin has told the WCW Hotline that Dusty is doing well, and will one day be appearing on television again.


Option 3: WCW in Australia!

Big news for Australian fans, as WCW have gotten Fall Brawl back on Public Broadcast Australia again! We definitely have put the “World” in World Championship Wrestling!


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

It’s the hottest hour in television! This week, Nitro is coming to you from the Bramlage Coliseum in Kansas, as we are less than a week away from Fall Brawl! Tempers flared last week which led to tonight’s blockbuster main event, as “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair goes one-on-one with the always volatile Steve Austin! Will the nWo make an appearance in that match, or will the Horsemen? Also, Hollywood Hogan has thrown one more KoW test in the way of the Road Warriors, as the fan favorite duo will take on the Wonderful Destruction Crew in non-title action! Good luck finding action like this on any other Monday night program! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

Just because Monday Nitro on TNT had a slight drop in rating to a 7.72, we still decimated Raw, who only pulled a 4.6! Nitro on TSN rose to a 1.56, which was better than Raw on TSN the next night with a 1.06. WCW Saturday Night on TBS drew a 6.3 rating, up from last week’s 6.2! It also rose on DSF, going from a 0.76 to a 0.78, and WCW Main Event rose from a 0.56 to 0.61.


Option 6: “The Professor” Mike Tenay’s history lesson of the week!

Everyone keeps talking about all the warring stables in WCW lately, but this isn’t the first time World Championship Wrestling has been torn apart by groups. The Four Horsemen once had to battle with a J-Tex Corporation that featured Terry Funk and Japanese megastar The Great Muta! The Horsemen came out on top of that rivalry, but this war is bound to have many more casualties until it is all through!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

The main event for WCW Saturday Night will see two men meet who will be on opposing teams at Fall Brawl, as Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat squares off against “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson! Which team will get an edge heading into the pay-per-view? Also, the feud should end as the former Young Pistols face one another again! Also, the US Tag Team champion Armstrong Brothers take on the Hillbilly Cousins in non-title action! This will be your last chance to hear from everyone before Fall Brawl, so tune in to The Superstation at 6:05 Eastern!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Not much news this past week, only that “Iron” Mike Sharpe has left the WWF. How will they ever survive such a high profile loss?


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Get your own WCW Fall Brawl program by ordering now!
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Fan Scoresheet

Falls Count Anywhere: Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Road Warrior Hawk w/Animal and Lex Luger



The Four Horsemen w/Bobby Heenan vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, “Blackjack” Barry Windham, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, & Antonio Inoki w/Magnum TA



“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Terry Gordy w/Col. Robert Parker vs. Diamond Dallas Page



WCW World Tag Team Championships

The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart vs. Harlem Heat



Lord Steven Regal w/Baron Tomas vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton



Syxx vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.



2 Cold Scorpio vs. Marcus Bagwell w/Belle Libritis



Arkane w/Dr. Karnage & Nurse Ana R. Key vs. The Flying Spyder



Fun Fan Signs:


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. Will there be any turns? no

2. Will The Giant be involved in the main event? yes

3. Will the New World Order make a big impact on the show? yes

4. What titles will change hands? US, Tag team

5. How many matches will end via DQ/Countout? 2

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