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WCW Hotline: October 1995, Week 3



WCW Hotline

3rd Week of October 1995

Option 1: Halloween Havoc Control Center!

Option 2: Havoc program!

Option 3: Departures!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: “The Professor’s” lesson of the week!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Halloween Havoc Control Center!

Halloween Havoc is drawing nearer! Call your cable company to order now!


Option 2: Halloween Havoc program!

If you want your own copy of the Halloween Havoc program, all you have to do is order the show! Then send a copy of your cable bill for proof of purchase, and you can have a program without having to be on hand in Detroit!


Option 3: A few departures!

The Cuban Assassin, Flash Flanagan, and Shane Sewell have all left World Championship Wrestling. We wish them the best, and hopefully their time spent in WCW will help them in their future careers.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Hollywood Hogan faced off with the Hawk at Fall Brawl, and on Nitro from Wisconsin he will take on the Animal! Also, two title matches as Ultimo Dragon defends the Cruiserweight title against Rey Mysterio Jr. and Terry Gordy gets his rematch for the United States title from Diamond Dallas Page! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

WCW Nitro pushed the envelope last week with some shocking developments, and the fans responded by tuning in in droves, bringing the rating on TNT up to a staggering 7.98! On TSN it raised to a 1.90! Meanwhile, Raw drew a sad, pathetic 4.74 on USA, and 1.10 on TSN. Saturday Night rose to a 6.34 on TBS, and WCW Main Event gained a 0.62.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

Always nice to see McMahonland try to fight back, but fall just short. They tried their own bait-and-switch for this show. Really, who would expect that when you hype a match with such a history as Yoko and Undertaker, that instead of the real deal, Brian Lee would be out there as the UnderFaker? That angle was dead in the water before it even started, and here it is still going on over a year later! Vinnie Vegas and his heartbreak buddy defeat Tonto and Bam Bam in the main event, as the systematic jobbing of Bigelow seems to continue. He literally hasn’t won a match in the WWF since August, when he defeated Jeff Jarrett on his way out of the company. Call me, Bammer; WCW know how to treat people!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

A huge main event will see “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson take on Steve Austin! Also, Ron Simmons takes on the Horsemen’s own Owen Hart, and much much more! Make sure this Saturday, you’ve tuned to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Brian Pillman and his New World Order have been strangely quiet as of late. One must wonder just what they must be scheming behind the scenes, but my sources are saying they may be looking for recruitment in order to better fight the might of the Kings of Wrestling! What would the Four Horsemen think of a defector?! I don’t know if this is true or not, but let’s just say it would rock these factions to their core if it were to happen!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Halloween Havoc isn’t the only thing good about Halloween time – trick or treating is great as well! Call now to order your children a Sting mask in time for the big night!
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Congratulations on post 900, Beej! :D


Fan Scoresheet (Comments not necessary, but always appreciated!)

Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman

Comments: The KoW is the only way to go.


Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan vs. Antonio Inoki w/Magnum TA

Comments: There isn't a benefit on a Inoki win, in my view.


Randy Savage & Roddy Piper w/Nick Bockwinkel vs. Steve Austin & Cactus Jack

Comments: Pipes makes his team lose, as the friction continues about him.


Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan vs. Dustin Rhodes w/Magnum TA

Comments: Damn, this is tough to predict...AA has been built up like a champion, but I think that Dustin is going to get the win here, somehow. If not, I see a rematch at Starrcade, with Dustin winning there. But HH should be a big enough PPV for a win of such magnitude.


Chris Jericho w/Rick Rude vs. Sting

Comments: I can totally see Sting not appearing for the match and Jericho winning by forfeit like a Rollins - but I'm going with my gut.


The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: My brain says that The Steiners will win so bad, but my gut says that the WDC wins after a Scott heel turn, and after a coin toss, my gut won again.


The New World Order vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: Gotta build em' up.


Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan vs. Bobby Eaton w/Stan Lane

Comments: I agree with Matt - Eaton is going to give Eddie a beating so ugly he will look like a bloodied government mule - but Eddie will beat dat hamhock somehow.


Lance Storm w/Larry Zbyszko vs. Dean Malenko

Comments: This here is pretty unpredictable too, but a face win to start off the feud on the PPVs really nicely might be cool.


Fun Fan Signs:


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. Will Sting get involved during, after, or not at all for the World Heavyweight title match? During.

2. Will anyone turn? Yep, Scotty Steiner.

3. Who will lose the fall in the Steiners vs. WDC match? Ricky Steiner.

4. What match will start the show? Bobby Eaton vs. Eddie Guerrero.

5. What will be the best match of the show? My gut wins again with a HUGE darkhorse prediction - Flair vs. Inoki. Inoki might be freaking old already - I don't know, but he is going to pull out his best against Naitch here.

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WCW Monday Nitro - October 16th, 1995


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“Last week on WCW Monday Nitro!

A surprising cage match opened the show, and afterwards the enigma that is Sting added a few more questions to the table! Arn Anderson helped his best friend Ric Flair defeat Barry Windham, in one of the best televised matches of the year! What are you waiting for? Keep the channel right here on Monday Nitro!


Monday, October 16th, 1995

Held at: La Crosse Center in LaCrosse, Wisconsin (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 10,000 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: One Hour (Five Minute Overrun)

Rating: B

This show lost our popularity in 1 region.


The show kicks off with a very good match for the WCW United States Heavyweight title, as Diamond Dallas Page has a rematch with the man he took the belt from, Terry Gordy. The match doesn’t last very long though, until a disqualification as Smash and Bubba Rogers run in for an attack! Gordy is upset and gets into a slight shoving match with the two, but he walks off bitterly when Colonel Parker pulls him away. California Kip comes out, and he has a microphone. He tells Page that he’s proud of him for working past the Stud Stable – but now that he has a title, that puts him in the crosshairs of the Kings of Wrestling. Kip says that he “would make a great champion for the United States”. As Rogers holds DDP up, Kip picks up the title and asks Page to just move out of the way, and give him the US title! Page denies, trying to fight, but Bubba sends him to the ropes and hammers him with a Bubba Slam! Kip lays the belt down around the fallen champion, and says he’ll be seeing him again soon!

Match Time: 6:32

Ratings: C+ (match) / C+ (angle)


The World Cruiserweight championship is next, as champion Ultimo Dragon takes on the young Rey Mysterio Jr. The two start off with a good chain sequence, but the match is almost immediately usurped by the presence of Syxx at ringside. He starts yelling at Mysterio, and Dragon is able to use the distraction to get some hard kicks to Rey’s ribs. Syxx gets pulled away by Juventud Guerrera, and the two trade first words and then punches, and they spill into the ring! The bell sounds at this point, and the crowd aren’t pleased with the quick outcome. However, Nick Bockwinkel hits the stage, and he says that these people came to see a good cruiserweight match – if Syxx and Juventud want to get involved, then let’s restart this thing as a tag team matchup! So now it’s Rey and Guerrera against Ultimo and Syxx, and this match goes a little longer, but isn’t for the title. That ends up being a good thing for the Dragon, as he is the victim of a fast cradle by Rey for the three count!

Match Time: 2:44 / 6:43

Ratings: D+ (first match) / D (Nick) / C (tag match)


To get people to keep thinking Saturday Night is a thing you want to watch, a graphic comes up to say that Arn Anderson will be taking on Steve Austin in the main event!

Rating: B-


Due to all the shenanigans in the last match, this one ends up short, but it would have been that way anyways, as “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes wastes no time in making Disco Inferno look more like a lame duck than a disco duck. Running bulldog gets the victory.

Match Time: 4:39

Rating: C


Our main event of the evening is a non-title match between Road Warrior Animal and Hollywood Hogan. Randy Savage comes out and joins in on commentary, but this match is all about the star power anyways. The match tends to drift into just these two trading power moves, and the end sees Hogan use a cheap low blow and then placing his feet on the ropes in order to sneak out a victory. As Savage walks out of the arena laughing, Lex Luger makes his way down to the ring to interrupt the celebration! Luger gets a microphone and he tells Hogan congratulations – because now he’s officially cheated his way into defeating himself and both Road Warriors, because he can’t do anything by himself anymore. Hogan gets a microphone of his own, and he retorts that he doesn’t know what Lex is talking about; he’s just competing to the level that his opponents should be regarded at. In all those years of being the best by defeating the best, he doesn’t have to be at his best against WCW’s finest because he’s only here to take all the money from them. Lex fires back that he’s been where Hogan used to fight to his best before, and it wasn’t anywhere near the level of competition that WCW offers, where the big boys play! Luger says that on the 29th of October at Halloween Havoc, we will be seeing a new World Heavyweight champion, someone who is better than Hogan in every way, “The Total Package” Lex Luger! Hollywood laughs this off, saying that only one man knows how to climb the ladder to get to the top of any company he wants, and that’s Hollywood Hogan!


The fans are pumped as these two go face-to-face, but they get even more excited when the ring gets surrounded – it’s the New World Order! While Hogan and Luger look on one another intensely, into the ring flies Brian Pillman! He hits both men with a springboard tackle, and the rest of the nWo strike! Luger and Hogan are beaten and shoved out of the ring, and then The Road Warriors hit the ring! Hawk and Animal have a good go at it, but Hawk ends up with Jeff Jarrett’s guitar wrapped around his head! Hall and Vader stomp their foes down to the floor, and “Mean” Gene Okerlund joins them in the ring. He asks them just what they think they’re doing! Hall does most of the talking, while Jarrett laughs in the background at all their fallen foes, Vader growls and grunts, and Pillman runs around the ring, laughing and stomping on prone people. Hall says that this was a message from the New World Order; all anyone has talked about for the past two weeks are Hogan or Luger, but they’ve been ignoring the next WCW champ, “The Loose Cannon”! Scott also says that if the Road Warriors want to keep sticking their nose in the nWo business, they’ll knock their faces off, paint and all! Gene admonishes them, but the group laugh him off, before Okerlund points up – and there in the rafters is Sting! He does or says nothing, just staring blankly down at the ring, holding the WCW World Heavyweight championship!

Match Time: 10:17

Notes: Hogan was masterful at interacting with the crowd, while Luger worked the crowd well. Hogan looked good during the attack, but Jarrett underperformed, getting lost in the shuffle. Mean Gene was superb when off-script, with the crowd in the palm of his hand, but Hall didn’t do well off-script for a change.

Ratings: B (match) / A* (confrontation) / B- (attack) / C (interview) / B (rafters)






This show seems short, because I put segments that flow together. Let me know what you all think of doing WCW shows this way, as I already do it like that in my WWF game. Three shows remain from now until Halloween Havoc!


Oh, in case he didn't see it in the chat on skype, CPB is awesome for putting me up for some DOTM nominations this month!

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WCW Television: October 21st/22nd, 1995


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Taped on Thursday, October 19th, 1995

Held at: Madison Center in Madison, Wisconsin (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk

Attendance: 10,000 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours (three minute overrun)

Rating: B

This show lost our popularity in 4 regions.



“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman pinned Stevie Ray after hitting him with a spraypaint can. ©

The Giant pinned Cousin Denny with the Chokeslam. (D-)

The Flying Spyder flash pinned Rio the Renegade after moving away from a charge in the corner. (E+)

Dean Malneko made Art Barr submit to the Texas Cloverleaf. (D)

Vader squashed Scott Armstrong. ©

Owen Hart flash pinned Ron Simmons after a distraction from Johnny B. Badd. ©

Steve Austin defeated Arn Anderson by disqualification after Roddy Piper attacked him. (B+)



Involving the Kings of Wrestling, New World Order, and Spinning the Wheel: The Kings of Wrestling (Hogan, Savage, and Piper) cut a promo on Lex Luger, Cactus Jack, and Steve Austin, promising victories at Halloween Havoc (A) followed by a recap video of the end of Monday Nitro (B). Brian Pillman then cut a promo on Hogan and Luger, saying that he is the fastest and most hungry of the ladder match, and so he will be the new champion and the man Sting turns to in the end (B). Lex Luger and the Road Warriors also spoke with Gene Okerlund, where the trio said that they won’t stop until they are victorious in their matches at Havoc (C+). Later in the evening, Steve Austin cut a promo where he said Roddy Piper would wish he had sat down with him for a beer instead of make an enemy of him (B). The end of the night became a huge brawl, as Steve Austin and Roddy Piper’s fighting in the ring led to Randy Savage and Cactus Jack getting involved, and with Ric Flair and Arn Anderson in the area, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham joined as well, leaving people brawling all around the building as we went off the air (B-).

Who Has Authority: In other KoW news, Eric Bischoff had an interview along with California Kip, Bubba Rogers, and Devon King, where they talked about Diamond Dallas Page and Ted DiBiase (C-). Later in the evening, DiBiase spoke with Gene Okerlund, saying that he’s the man who has all the pull around here, and as such he’s making a triple threat tag team match for Nitro: Hollywood Hogan, Lex Luger, and Brian Pillman find partners and will square off against one another.

No Friends: Mike Tenay talked to Ron Simmons, who said that he was respectful and polite in turning down Johnny B. Badd’s offer to be partners, but now he’s done the worst mistake he could by making it personal ©. Badd was seen talking to Harlem Heat as well throughout the night, and seemed to be making the same proposal to “stick together” as he pitched to Ron. They weren’t quite as forthcoming with an answer as Ron was ©.

Everything Else: Chris Jericho spoke with Gene Okerlund, saying that he can’t wait to get Sting in the ring – but only if he has the guts to even come down from the rafters to meet him ©. Dr. Karnage with Biohazard talked to Mike Tenay, and Karnage promised carnage for the Flying Spyder (D). Lance Storm assaulted Dean Malenko following Dean’s win (D). Gene Okerlund also had an interview with the junior members of the Four Horsemen, Bobby Heenan doing the talking for Owen and Eddy as he says that the future looks bright for the historic stable (C+).


<iframe width="220" height="124" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/AahYei4Zuw0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: C+


Ricky Steamboat joins us from his home, talking about how his family values will give him all the motivation he needs to keep winning matches here in WCW. (B+)

Nitro recap video: Hollywood Hogan and Lex Luger face-to-face. (B+)

The Patriot d. Tracy Smothers with the Star Spangled Elbow Drop (D)

2 Cold Scorpio d. Sgt. Buddy Parker with the Tumbleweed (C-)

Saturday Night recap video: Steve Austin takes on Arn Anderson (B-)

Psychosis squashes Scott Armstrong with a Guillotine Leg Drop (E+)

Saturday Night recap video: the show ending brawl (C+)

Eddy Guerrero squashes Hysteria to retain the WCW TV title ©

Nitro recap video: Hogan and Luger are attacked by the nWo, as Sting looks on from above! (B)

Stevie Ray d. Earl William Clayton with a Harlem Slapjack (C-)


Gimmick and Turn Notes

Ricky Steamboat has changed to a “Family Guy” gimmick, which rated 91.



I wanted to try something new for Saturday Night, since the show is getting pushed to the backburner in favor of Nitro but is not yet a B show either. So I would like to make it easier to write (not as if it's insanely difficult) while still making it more important than Main Event. I would like you to let me know what you think of it, please.


Only one week of shows remain until Halloween Havoc!

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I think what you're doing is just fine. As you said, Nitro is clearly the flagship now and should get the most focus. I was honestly surprised you kept the Saturday Night writeups as detailed as they'd been prior to this week. I assume you're eventually going to look to make Saturday Night a full-fledged B-show, and Main Event will be fazed out (unless you really want to have two B-shows for some reason.)
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WCW Hotline: October 1995, Week 4



WCW Hotline

4th Week of October 1995

Option 1: Halloween Havoc Control Center!

Option 2: A special video on WCW programming!

Option 3: In Your House in the bag!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Halloween Havoc Control Center!

Halloween Havoc is drawing nearer! Call your cable company to order now!


Option 2: A special video on WCW programming!

We can report being sent a strange video presentation that we can only describe as sinister! We will show it to you all this week on Nitro and Saturday Night, and you can see what you think of it!


Option 3: In Your House is in the bag!

An attempt to make people remember a time when they used to be top company was the October version of WWF In Your House. Hey, didn’t they used to have a World champion? Bam Bam Bigelow breaks his losing streak by defeating The Heartburn Kid in the main event, and the only title that changed hands was the unimportant women’s title, as turncoat Sherri wins it from Madusa. Also, Sparky Plugg cost Diesel the Intercontinental title in his match against Bret Hart. We hear their buyrate was a 1.76, so it appears everyone decided to save their money for Halloween Havoc!


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Ted DiBiase has made a HUGE tag team main event for this week’s episode of Nitro, as the three men fighting for the World championship at Halloween Havoc will grab a tag team partner and do battle! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

A strong showing for Nitro this week as we get a 7.52 rating on TNT, compared to a 4.46 on USA for Raw! TSN was just as competitive, as Nitro had a 1.85 and Raw a 1.08. WCW Saturday Night rose to a 6.44 on TBS, and Main Event stays roughly the same at 0.61.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

Is the world ready for Sparky Plugg: Main Eventer? It appears Vince just knows more than we do, because he just put him over The Undertaker. There… are no words. I’m just going to let this stand on its own. I don’t even think you need me to shill WCW after an announcement like that.


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Only one night away from Halloween Havoc, you won’t want to miss the Texas Blackjacks take on the Heavenly Bodies! Make sure this Saturday, you’ve tuned to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Rumor has it that the WWF are looking to start a new hot feud for the foreseeable future. Don’t miss it when former Intercontinental champion Diesel takes on the incredible Sparky Plugg!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Halloween is upon us, so order now to get your children their very own Flying Spyder mask!





Thanks, TFC. I would have changed SN's appearance before, but I couldn't think of a way that I wanted to until now. I want to change it to a B-show, but as of yet channels keep blocking me on it, so for awhile yet I will be running with the two A shows. Fortunately I've been able to stave off any major popularity loss thanks to just running good shows, albeit even with no serious storyline matches.

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This show seems short, because I put segments that flow together. Let me know what you all think of doing WCW shows this way, as I already do it like that in my WWF game. Three shows remain from now until Halloween Havoc!


I think having segments that flow together so well is best. Makes the show a seamless reading experience (Hogan is a devious little sod, btw).


Also, grrr at the Hotline idea! Wish I'd come up with that :D

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WCW Monday Nitro - October 23rd, 1995


Had this one mostly written last night, but didn't get to finish it until now. Enjoy the last Nitro before Havoc! Also if anyone wants to get in on Havoc predictions, there's still time! Click the link and let me know who you think will come out on top! There's always a fun prize at the bottom of this box!


<iframe width="350" height="263" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cXXWw8AneQw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

“Last week on WCW Monday Nitro!

The New World Order made sure that their involvement in Halloween Havoc was recognized as the four men attacked Hollywood Hogan and Lex Luger! Sting looked on from the rafters, was he approving or disapproving of the nWo’s tactics? The only way to find out is by keeping the channel right here where the big boys play on Monday Nitro!


Monday, October 23rd, 1995

Held at: John E. Worthen Arena in Muncie, Indiana (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 11,500 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: One Hour (plus five minute overrun)

Rating: B

This show lost our popularity in 1 region.


Nitro opens with a video, showing Ted DiBiase as he announces the main event for tonight. It shows a picture of Hogan, Luger, and Pillman as he lists each man’s name, but the ending image in the video is of Sting, with the words “What corner will Sting be in?!” in bold letters across the screen.

Rating: B


The World Tag Team championships are on the line at the opening of the night, as The Wonderful Destruction Crew take on a team who were victorious last week in tag team action, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera. This one is a good match, but it’s not very long as the challengers are more singles competitors than they are teammates, as opposed to the champions. Bubba Rogers comes out to the ring, but he doesn’t do anything but watch on, as Orndorff hits his Wonderful jumping piledriver on Guerrera to get the pin and retain the titles. Gene Okerlund meets the KoW members at the top of the ramp, and Paul does the talking as he says that the Steiner Brothers hopefully watched that match, because that’s exactly how it’s going to end up for them. He says to Rogers that they didn’t need him at ringside, but the result would have been the same either way: the Wonderful Destruction Crew in the winner’s circle.

Match Time: 7:23

Ratings: C+ (match) / B (interview)


Just a quick squash match up next, as Cousin Marky falls to “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson. Anderson just takes over from the start on the hillbilly, and no matter how much Hillbilly Jim tries to pump the crowd up, Arn just never lets up until he plants Mark with the DDT. Anderson takes a microphone then, and he talks about Halloween Havoc in just one week. He says that Dustin Rhodes has six days to say his prayers and make all things right in his life, because in the street fight, he’s about to meet his maker. “The Brain” joins in, calling Dustin “Corky” (dated Wonder Years reference) and saying that he’s going to be actually uglier than his winkled, fat old man by the time that Anderson is done with him. Dustin Rhodes doesn’t take kindly to all of this trash talk, and he hits the ring, brawling with “The Enforcer”! Security rush the ring to pull the two apart, but like Jesse Ventura notes, there will be no one pulling them apart at Halloween Havoc!

Match Time: 7:15

Notes: Bobby helped Anderson in the talking section, but Anderson struggled on his own.

Ratings: C (match) / B (angle)


We now get a strange video package. It shows dark, Victorian imagery, such as a bell tower at night tolling, a church being illuminated by lightning, and a gravesite. Words flash across the screen saying that “Sometimes, a broken man is the best man for the job.” It shows the back of a man standing on top of a rooftop, but it’s all blurry and out of focus. It starts to zoom in, but before we can see him very well, the feed cuts off, and it says “Halloween Havoc, justice will be served.”

Rating: F+


It’s almost main event time, but first we have a slew of quick promos from the three men as they choose their partners. Hollywood Hogan, who is alongside Eric Bischoff and The Giant, and he chooses “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Hogan says that with his partner Savage, his Giant watching for intrusions, and his manager Queen at his side (giving her a sneer as she paints her fingernails, not paying any attention) the Kings of Wrestling can’t lose, jack! “Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman is shown, and he has the New World Order drawing straws. Long straw goes to Vader, who smiles broadly; Pillman laughs, saying that “The Monster” will rise tonight, and they will knock off all the people who have held them back, in the name of the black and red. They will make them all fear the sound of the sirens. Lex Luger doesn’t seem to know who to take to the ring with him, saying that he would have hoped that his friend Sting would have come to aid him, but he hasn’t spoken to him since this whole mess got started. Instead, someone else volunteered; Cactus Jack walks in, looking more deranged than usual, saying that it takes a crazy man to join in on a tag team match while not knowing who his opponents are and having no experience at all with his partner… but that’s exactly what he is! Bang bang!

Notes: Hogan was masterful at improvising, and looked fantastic. Savage enjoyed the freedom to be off-script and performed well. Brian also improvised well, though Luger did not. Giant looked lost between the two veterans.

Rating: B


Gary Michael Cappetta is up to give some special introductions for the main event. First, the sirens introduce the team representing the New World Order, “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman and “The Monster” Vader. Next, the strains of “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” bring out the formerly-known Mega Powers of Hollywood Hogan and “Macho Man” Randy Savage, who have an unmotivated Queen at their side. Finally, Megadeth play twice to introduce the strange bedfellows of

, both of whom charge the ring quickly as this match gets underway! Tommy Young gets everyone outside the ring, and the match ends up as a great one, as free television goes. None of these men are your standard tag team competitors, but they each have just enough tag team experience in their careers to know how to do things with a partner. A lot of things happen during the course of the match, as Roddy Piper finds himself involved, which also brings out Steve Austin; the Road Warriors charge out when the nWo team start bending the rules; and after Tommy Young gets knocked out by Pillman pulling him in the way of a Savage double axe handle, among the chaos, Lex Luger gets attacked by Jeff Jarrett! Even Ichii Yazaki finds himself at ringside briefly, as he escorts The Queen backstage, away from the frenzy. Hollywood Hogan doesn’t take kindly to that, and he charges off to confront the young masked man. As the nWo and the trio from Chicago brawl outside, along with Piper and Austin trading blows, there’s not many men left in the ring – and that gives Brian Pillman the chance to get a steel chair and smash Randy Savage with it! He disposes of the weapon and makes the cover, and the New World Order steal this win! Hogan is furious! He re-enters the ring, and he grabs Pillman, but Luger also climbs back into the ring! These three will do battle this Sunday, but they’re looking to do so right now!


But down from the rafters – Sting rappels down and separates them! He points at each of them with his bat, forcing them into opposing corners! Luger tries pleading with Sting, but all he gets is a bat poking into his chest. Hogan leaves, upset, but Brian sits back in the corner and laughs at the whole situation. What will happen this Sunday in the high stakes ladder match?! Who will be the champion – and what will happen with Sting?!?

Match Time: 17:06

Ratings: C+ (intro) / B+ (match) / B (aftermath)


Gimmick and Turn Notes

I ran an announcers segment pre-show, because there were some stale gimmicks to change out. The results saw Tony Schiavone change to a Sportscaster (Realistic) gimmick, which rated 96, and Gene Okerlund has changed to a Journalist (Wholesome) gimmick, which rated 83.






Thanks for the feedback Tef and Gringo. And yeah, I'm sure you aren't the only one who wishes they'd thought of the Hotline first :p I honestly kinda copied it from another long, long dead diary that I read over on the EWB... but I hope that I've adapted it well enough that by now it's somewhat "my own" so to speak.

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WCW Television: October 27th, 1995


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Taped on Thursday, October 26th, 1995

Held at: Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk

Attendance: 10,834 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B-

This show increased our popularity in 2 regions, but lost our popularity in 11 regions.



Harlem Heat d. The Oddballs when Booker T pinned Sgt. Craig Pittman after a Towering Inferno (C+)

Chris Jericho d. Sgt. Buddy Parker with the Liontamer (D+)

The Giant d. The Patriot with a Chokeslam (D-)

Lord Steven Regal d. Scott Armstrong with the Regal Stretch (C-)

Johnny B. Badd d. Rey Mysterio Jr. after a distraction by Syxx (B)

The Texas Blackjacks d. The Heavenly Bodies when Dustin Rhodes pinned Tom Prichard with a running bulldog (C+)




Gene Okerlund interviews the Four Horsemen, who discuss Antonio Inoki, Dustin Rhodes, and Bobby Eaton ©; Gene Okerlund interviews Johnny B. Badd, who came out after Harlem Heat’s match to talk to them again as well as insult Ron Simmons and his opponent tonight, Rey Mysterio Jr. (C-); Chris Jericho cut a promo in-ring to say that Sting needs to start paying attention to the man who’s going to be in the ring with him rather than keep hiding in the rafters worrying about Hogan or Luger or Pillman (C+); Tony Schiavone does a call-in interview with the Steiner Brothers, who promise to bring the World Tag Team titles home with them tomorrow night ©; Gene Okerlund interviews Dustin Rhodes along with Ricky Steamboat, Bobby Eaton, and Barry Windham to talk about the Horsemen (C+); Jesse Ventura interviews Ichii Yazaki, who doesn’t speak, but The Queen steps in to talk for him, saying that what Hogan tells her doesn’t matter because she is allowed to have more than one client (D+); Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Eric Bischoff, and Nick Bockwinkel are along with The Giant, and they insult Lex Luger, Cactus Jack, Steve Austin, and Ted DiBiase (B-); Eric Bischoff holds an interview with the Wonderful Destruction Crew and Bubba Rogers, Paul doing the talking as he says the Steiners will have a sour homecoming (B-); The New World Order have a promo to pronounce their dominance over Lex Luger, the Road Warriors, and to say they will be very happy to welcome Sting to the fold (B-); Gene Okerlund interviews Dr. Karnage along with Biohazard, who laughs that when The Flying Spyder is there for Halloween Havoc, he will have a huge trick for him and a huge treat for the Dungeon of Doom (D); Gene Okerlund hosts an interview with Lex Luger, Cactus Jack, and Steve Austin, who say they will be victorious at Halloween Havoc (B+)



Hollywood Hogan and The Queen have an argument about Ichii Yazaki, where she says that there is no reason for Hogan to worry that she won’t be there for him, but he tells her that she needs to start checking her priorities better ©; a Nitro recap video highlights the end of the show where Hollywood Hogan, Brian Pillman, and Lex Luger were held apart from fighting by Sting (B); a pre-Havoc Main Event will feature a US Tag Team title match as the Armstrong Brothers defend against Harlem Heat, and The Flying Spyder will speak (D+); another strange video shows strange footage, leading to the words “The Hero You Don’t Want, The Hero You Deserve: coming at Halloween Havoc” (F+)


Gimmick and Turn Notes

Bobby Eaton’s gimmick has changed to an Old School Face (Wholesome), which rated 88.






The nice thing about this new SN writeup is that I pretty much have it written before I even book the show :) Main Event will, as always, be the pre-show to the PPV, and that means Halloween Havoc will be the next show! I hope you're all as excited as I am for it, because I plan for it to be a great one!

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<p>Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Lex Luger vs <strong>Brian Pillman</strong></p><p>

Comments: Honestly, don't think Pillman will win here but I just want to see him win here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ric Flair</strong> w/Bobby Heenan vs. Antonio Inoki w/Magnum TA</p><p>

Comments: Got to keep Flair strong so he can lose to Dustin next PPV</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage & Roddy Piper</strong> w/Nick Bockwinkel vs. Steve Austin & Cactus Jack</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan vs. <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> w/Magnum TA</p><p>

Comments: Has to beat AA so he can beat Flair next PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho w/Rick Rude vs. <strong>Sting</strong></p><p>

Comments: Sting's big return he has to kick some butt.</p><p> </p><p>

The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart vs. <strong>The Steiner Brothers</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New World Order</strong> vs. The Road Warriors</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddy Guerrero</strong> w/Bobby Heenan vs. Bobby Eaton w/Stan Lane</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lance Storm</strong> w/Larry Zbyszko vs. Dean Malenko</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: </p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker Questions:</p><p>

1. Will Sting get involved during, after, or not at all for the World Heavyweight title match? During</p><p>

2. Will anyone turn? No</p><p>

3. Who will lose the fall in the Steiners vs. WDC match? Paul</p><p>

4. What match will start the show? nWo vs Road Warriors</p><p>

5. What will be the best match of the show? Main Event Ladder Match</p>

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<p><strong>Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen</strong> vs. Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</strong> vs. Antonio Inoki w/Magnum TA</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage & Roddy Piper w/Nick Bockwinkel vs. <strong>Steve Austin & Cactus Jack</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan vs. <strong>Dustin Rhodes w/Magnum TA</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho w/Rick Rude vs. <strong>Sting</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart</strong> vs. The Steiner Brothers</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New World Order</strong> vs. The Road Warriors</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan</strong> vs. Bobby Eaton w/Stan Lane</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Lance Storm w/Larry Zbyszko vs. <strong>Dean Malenko</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: </p><p>

<strong>It's Wonderfool</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker Questions:</p><p>

1. Will Sting get involved during, after, or not at all for the World Heavyweight title match? <strong>Nope</strong></p><p>

2. Will anyone turn? <strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p><p>

3. Who will lose the fall in the Steiners vs. WDC match? <strong>Rick</strong></p><p>

4. What match will start the show? <strong>Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton</strong></p><p>

5. What will be the best match of the show? <strong>Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman</strong></p>

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Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman

Comments: Really want Pillman to pull it out but don't see that happening


Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan vs. Antonio Inoki w/Magnum TA

Comments: Woooo Flair is the man


Randy Savage & Roddy Piper w/Nick Bockwinkel vs. Steve Austin & Cactus Jack



Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan vs. Dustin Rhodes w/Magnum TA



Chris Jericho w/Rick Rude vs. Sting

Comments: Poor Jericho


The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers



The New World Order vs. The Road Warriors



Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan vs. Bobby Eaton w/Stan Lane



Lance Storm w/Larry Zbyszko vs. Dean Malenko

Comments: Be a good match


Fun Fan Signs: Hey Dustin Shouldn't You Be GOLDEN?


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. Will Sting get involved during, after, or not at all for the World Heavyweight title match? After

2. Will anyone turn?

3. Who will lose the fall in the Steiners vs. WDC match?

4. What match will start the show? Storm vs Malenko

5. What will be the best match of the show? Inoki vs Flair

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  • 2 weeks later...

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 + Main Event pre-show


[Editor's Note: I changed up my format a little for PPVs, and I hope you all think it's fine because I really enjoy it. I think it just looks very neat and clean. I might throw some tweaks at it here and there, but that's about all. If you don't like it, well, I hope you won't mind it too much, because it's probably going to stick around for at least one PPV a month. Nothing else will change. Anyways, on with the show!]


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: B-


Nitro/Saturday Night recap video: soundbytes from Hollywood Hogan, Brian Pillman, and Lex Luger air over the footage from Nitro of them being held apart by Sting (B+)


The Ruthless Roundtable (Regal, Clayton, and Finlay) defeat The Patriot and The Hillbilly Cousins when Regal made Cousin Marky submit to the Regal Stretch ©


Mike Tenay has a sit-down interview with The Flying Spyder, who talks about how he used to be a mild-mannered high school student, until he met Dr. Karnage, who experimented on him to try and create “the perfect specimen”, but he escaped and has been trying to shut down the Dungeon’s lab for good! (D)


The Armstrong Brothers retain their US Tag Team titles over Harlem Heat when Stevie Ray, frustrated, smashes BG with a steel chair, drawing a disqualification! (C+)


Hollywood Hogan, California Kip, and Smash arrive at the Joe Louis Arena (B)


Owen Hart defeats Barry Windham after Bobby Heenan trips Windham, giving Owen a chance to lock in the Sharpshooter (B)


The New World Order hit the ring right as Main Event was about to go off the air, and as they talk about their upcoming matches at Halloween Havoc, they say that WCW cannot silence them – the pay-per-view will have to start with them in the ring! (B)



WCW Halloween Havoc 1995

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Sunday, October 29th, 1995

Held at: Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 21,000 (sell out!)

PPV Buyrate: 4.31

Show Runtime: Three Hours

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 35 regions.


The show opens completely cold, as “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman, “Outsider” Scott Hall, (no nickname yet) Jeff Jarrett, and “The Monster” Vader are still in the ring, just as they said they would be. Security are trying to get them to leave, and finally they concede; only after Brian points up to the rafters, making a motion that has to be for his “friend” Sting.

Rating: B-






WCW World Television Championship

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton

Time Limit: 15:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson


After Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura (who are dressed up for Halloween as a gangster and a Wolfman, respectively) run down the card quickly, they are joined by Owen Hart on commentary for this opening match.


The champion is far more cautious this time around, remembering that Bobby holds a pinfall victory over him from a few weeks ago. Tony questions if Guerrero was told by the leaders of the Horsemen to be this way, but Owen brushes that off, saying that as Horsemen, they are the elite, and there will be no new black mark on the Four Horsemen tonight. As they talk to Hart about the other matches involving his stablemates tonight, the ring sees some solid action going on, as two men who have been around wrestling for practically all their lives are going all out for this sold out crowd. One fan was excited for this match, as he holds up a sign that says “Eddy’s Eaton Defeat!” Bobby does hit a really good missile dropkick on Guerrero, so at one point he really did eat Eaton’s feet, but it only led to a two count. Eaton got plenty of near-falls with quite a few roll ups, but Guerrero refused to stay down. The match spilled outside briefly, and as Eaton felt he had the upper hand, Eddy was busy getting an advantage – and as quickly as Randy Anderson could blink, Guerrero smashes Bobby with the TV title! He drops the belt and picks up his limp challenger, rolling him into the ring before coming off the top with the Frog Splash, getting a victory – albeit not the decisive one, as Schiavone points out.


Winner in 8:29: Eddy Guerrero

Ratings: C+ (announcers) / C+ (match)




Ron Simmons hits the ring, and he seems to have some things on his mind. He talks about how Johnny B. Badd needs to mind his own business, and stop trying to make accusations about the management of World Championship Wrestling. He says that nobody is holding Badd back – he’s just not good enough! Ron claims that he could get any title he pleases, which is why Johnny’s theory falls so flat. Johnny and his Badd Girl come out to the ring as well then, and Badd says that if Ron could do that, then why isn’t he fighting for the US title tonight? Why wasn’t he in line for the TV title? Why not the World? Why aren’t Harlem Heat gunning for the World Tag titles instead of being stuck on Main Event for the US belts? Badd says that “their people” are being held back, and he is trying to wake people like Ron and the Heat up to it. Johnny adds that the audience doesn’t care about them, they turned on him earlier this year for taking a deal that any of them would have jumped on in a heartbeat. He extends his hand one more time to Simmons, saying that they need to stick together, or WCW will make them fall apart. Simmons looks at it, but he shakes his head, saying again that he needs no one, before walking out of the ring. Badd stares after him, but as Ron gets to the curtain, he gets his attention, saying that maybe, just maybe, Ron would regret that decision. Ron shakes his head, turning to leave, when he’s attacked! Who did that? Out from behind the curtain comes… Stevie Ray! Stevie Ray just laid out Ron Simmons with some kind of black weapon, in one shot! Johnny and his Girl head up the ramp and shake hands with Ray, holding his arm in the air! Ron Simmons is down, and what does Booker T think of all this?!

Notes: Stevie performed poorly. His heel turn only went pretty well, but that’s fine.

Rating: C





Lance Storm w/Larry Zbyszko vs. “The Ice Man” Dean Malenko

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Charles Robinson


This match may have been met with the sounds of silence from the crowd, but that silence saw a very good, technical matchup go on during it. As they trade moves and countermoves (with Storm producing more big impact maneuvers such as a big jumping heel kick that nets him a two count) Larry Zbyszko stands on the outside watching it all. “The Living Legend” finally makes his move, distracting Charles Robinson in order for Storm to try pulling Malenko’s trunks in a pinning combination – but Storm gets the rollup reversed, and Dean ends up locking on his Cloverleaf in the center of the ring! Lance has nowhere to go, and he must submit, much to the chagrin of Zbyszko on the outside!


Winner in 7:24: Dean Malenko

Rating: C




Dr. Karnage comes out of the back, standing at the “gravesite” set in the back of the arena, and he wishes everyone a happy Halloween; but something about this guy’s laugh just sounds like he’s really disingenuous about it. He says that the day is coming for the “little kiddies” to be out in their masks and costumes to go trick or treating, and get all the good candy from all the good people – and he invites them to his dungeon, where they can get the sweetest treats in all the land… but they may cost you “an arm and a leg.” The crowd (or at least the parts of the crowd paying attention) boo at this, as Karnage laughs evilly again. He says that there’s one masked man in WCW who has been a thorn in his side for a while now, and that is his first creation, The Flying Spyder. He invites the Spyder out, and he appears by leaping into frame. Karnage says that he would like to welcome his first creation back home to his Dungeon, telling him that the homecoming he would receive would rival that of Alexander the Great entering his great halls of old! The Spyder shakes his head with an emphatic no, and he is ready to leave…


…But he is grabbed from under the ground! The rest of the Dungeon of Doom rushes out and begins the assault on Spyder, as a man rises from out of the dirt beneath the graves! Dr. Karnage laughs as they all begin to lay a now five-on-one beating on the heroic masked man. Karnage says that it looks like The Spyder is about to get crushed by his newest creation, The Boulder! The large, bald man grabs Spyder by the throat, and he lifts him up before throwing him to Biohazard, who holds him in what Tony calls “an energy-sapping bearhug”. But at that point, wait a minute, there’s music playing in the background…


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Out of nowhere, Arkane gets taken out from the darkness of the area! Dr. Karnage is still confused at the playing music, as a giant cape is opened and we see a new masked man!




With a quick move, the man peppers Rio the Renegade with lefts and rights, before hitting him with a dropkick that sends the crazed monster reeling! He breaks up the bearhug and hits Biohazard with a hard, leaping thrust kick! The Dungeon of Doom retreat, as he says (in an overdubbed, Ole Anderson-esque voiceover) to The Flying Spyder that “I usually work alone. But when the people need a hero, even when another hero needs a hero, you will find me making sure that justice shall prevail.” The Spyder asks who he is, and he answers “I am the hero who you don’t want, but the hero you need. I am…… Surge.” With that, he disappears back into the darkness of the arena as his “inspired” music plays again, and The Flying Spyder leaps back out of the area like only a spider can.

Notes: The Boulder’s gimmick of Comic Book Villain (Gimmicky) rated a 74. Hint: it’s Horace Hogan. Surge’s gimmick of Comic Book Hero (Gimmicky) rated a 96! Who is Surge? That’s a secret identity! We can’t go giving that away! Even though you can probably figure it out if you look into a few things…

Rating: F+




We head to the back area broadcast booth (not where Tony and Jesse are at) to see Mike Tenay, who is dressed up as a cowboy) and Terry Funk (who either said screw this and is just wearing a suit, or is supposed to be dressed as Vince McMahon) talk about how exciting Halloween Havoc has been so far, and they are joined by JPL. They ask about the big Halloween party going on tomorrow night on Monday Nitro, and JPL says that he will be there to bring some life to the party. The announcers ask JPL for his thoughts about the match coming up later with “Nature Boy” Ric Flair against Hall of Famer Antonio Inoki. JPL says that it is definitely a match between legends from both sides of the world, and that he’ll be watching the monitors to see who comes out the winner.

Rating: C+




We head backstage where “Mean” Gene Okerlund is standing by alongside WCW United States Heavyweight champion, Diamond Dallas Page. Gene is ready to introduce him for a quick interview, but before it can even get started he gets assaulted from behind by California Kip! Kip stomps away on the champion, as Jimmy Hart shoos Okerlund away. Kip even hits Page with his own US title belt, before telling him to keep that belt warm, because it won’t be long until he takes it from him! Gene Okerlund comes back as Kip and Hart leave, and calls for medical assistance.

Rating: C





The New World Order (“The Outsider” Scott Hall & “The Monster” Vader) vs. The Road Warriors

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson


This match is a wild, vicious brawl from bell to bell. There is barely a point in this where there is not a punch or kick being thrown at someone, but from these four guys the crowd eat up every second of it. Half of the match features Animal in a test of his own strength, as he keeps wanting to lift the massive, 450 pound Vader. Tony and Jesse even puts over this psychology to the fans at home, Schiavone saying that when he spoke to the Warriors earlier, they wanted to prove that they could “dead lift that dead weight” and Jesse laughs about it. He says that Vader’s feet only leave the mat when Vader wants. Randy Anderson is fortunate that the only person he gets in the way of is Hall, but that levels him with a clothesline – Ventura pointing out that Hall is the only one who wouldn’t have taken his head completely off. This becomes a massive brawl with all four men in the ring at once. Hall gets drilled out of action by Hawk, who slams him with a vicious powerslam, and then finally Animal is able to start heaving the massive Vader up… before getting a guitar smashed over his head by Jeff Jarrett! The interference doesn’t go unnoticed however, as Randy Anderson had just woken up and saw it! The bell sounds, and this one ends with a DQ, but in no way is it over. The five men now brawl all the way around the ring, and security finally make their way out to try and separate everyone.

Winners in 13:38: The Road Warriors (by disqualification)

Ratings: B (match) / C+ (brawl)




It’s time now to spin the wheel and make the deal. Now, aside from that whole business earlier in the night, we are a much more serious WCW than in previous years – so no minimovies, no evil midgets, no coal miner’s gloves; instead we have a wheel that features match types such as a cage match, a no disqualification match, no holds barred, a scaffold match, falls count anywhere match, a “I Quit” match, a flag match, a ladder match, a parking lot brawl, or a dog collar match, or a “bring your own weapons” match. But the one that wins out as the wheel comes to a halt is the Texas Tornado match! Each man gets a chance to talk about this; Savage and Piper saying that it will be twice as easy to win over their younger opponents now that they won’t have to tag out, while Austin and Cactus say that they will take the fight to the two Kings of Wrestling legends and put them out of action! Jack in particular talks about how he will hold the banner high for good taste and work to eliminate these problems, because he’s been in WCW for a long time now, and he’s getting tired of seeing all these people try to run roughshod over the company he’s grown up in! Austin simply talks about getting some ass kicking done and drinking some beer later.

Notes: Cactus improvised well as he changed his gimmick to “True Born”, which rated 85. Austin’s gimmick has also changed, to “Fans Own (Cool)” which rated a 90.

Rating: B+





Antonio Inoki vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Nick Patrick


We begin this one with a recap video that highlights Dustin Rhodes’s victories thus far against the Four Horsemen, but it shows Ric Flair having a few run-ins with Antonio Inoki, and that is what led to this match between the two legendary figures, as it is time for east versus west!


The match is treated as a grand affair, as Tony and Jesse put over how legendary these two men in the ring are. “The Body” points out that he agrees that Flair was definitely snubbed by the WCW Hall of Fame, by adding Inoki, who has rarely ever competed in America, let alone in WCW; whereas Flair is a multiple time champion in WCW and “anywhere else he damn well pleases.” The match is a great psychological thrill ride, ups and downs all over. What quickly becomes apparent, however, is that last month, Inoki stayed on the ring apron for much of the eight-man tag, and this is straight one on one. As such, anyone not too biased toward Inoki can see that he is very, very far past his expiration date, and that in mind, as this one goes on we see that this match is all about one thing: Ric Flair. “The Nature Boy” walks Antonio into this one, which is as good a match as you can get out of someone of his condition, but once it’s “time to go to school” this one is all but over. Flair hooks on the Figure Four Leglock at roughly the ten minute mark, and that’s all she wrote for this one.


After the match, “Mean” Gene meets up to Flair at the entranceway, and Ric asks for his best friend, his blood brother, his “Enforcer” to come on out here, and Arn Anderson obliges. Flair is in full on crazed boasting mode, as now two out of three Horsemen on the card tonight were successful. He puts over Inoki as a great star on his side of the world, “but ya don’t step into WCW and try to show up the Naaaaaaitcha’ Boy! Woooo!” He reiterates what Anderson has said for the past few weeks, about how nobody defeats all four Horsemen, and says that after “Double A” mops the floor with Dustin tonight, the party is gonna be all over Detroit! Anderson is much less flamboyant as usual though, and he stops Ric merely to request one thing: he says that aside from Bobby, he will come back and slap the sense out of any Horseman who comes out to the ring, including Ric. He says that Rhodes will be taught “one final lesson by ‘The Enforcer’, and that lesson will be standing on your own like a man” – and he will teach him that lesson on his own. Flair says that is why Arn is “The Enforcer” and that is why the Horsemen are the elite. “So tonight, Dustin, you better be ready to find out why your daddy was always so sore when he came home from Charlotte all those years he tried to take down the greatest establishment in pro wrestling! Woooo!”


Winner in 10:19: Ric Flair

Notes: Flair and Gene both enjoyed the freedom to be off-script and performed well.

Rating: C (video) / B- (match) / B- (interview)




introduces “Lionheart” Chris Jericho out to the ring, with Rick Rude trailing behind. Jericho doesn’t even let Gary Cappetta give him an introduction before taking the microphone from him, and the young star immediately calls to his “Jerichoholics” to welcome them to “Jerichoween”. He says that his match tonight will show once and for all that Sting is just like the Kings of Wrestling, a bunch of overhyped, overexposed, and “over fifty” past stars who are just that: the past. “Jericho is the future,” he claims, and someone in the crowd must agree as he points out a front row sign that says “Save us Jericho!” Chris continues to talk about how it appears Sting must be afraid, because he hasn’t come out here to say anything about Jericho yet; and once the bell sounds, he’s sure that Sting will just take the count out loss rather than step into the ring. Jericho urges referee Charles Robinson to ring the bell, and start the count.


But down from the ceiling rappels Sting! He lands in the ring right behind Jericho, and he quickly grabs him from behind, drilling him to the mat with an inverted DDT! Sting walks out of the ring, leaving Jericho lying, and after shooting a quick glare at Rick Rude, Sting simply walks out of the arena, the bell never having sounded but Jericho being left on the mat in one quick maneuver.

Notes: Sting came across very well here.

Rating: C+




We head to Mike Tenay and Terry Funk, where they seem ready to start hyping more of the show, but they get joined by Eric Bischoff and Nick Bockwinkel! A sign in the crowd gets ripped away by Bischoff, which had read “Sting>KoW”, as Nick apologizes for the interruption, but he says that they have been watching the show from backstage. He talks of all the brawls and interference that we’ve seen go on thus far tonight, and as such, the “real, true corporate heads of WCW were put together” as he passes the microphone to Eric. Eric says that he and “Commissioner Bockwinkel” discussed it, and as two-to-one, they have the majority to overrule Ted DiBiase on this; the following men are to be ejected from the Joe Louis Center for the remainder of the show. He pulls out a list and reads off: “Vader. Jeff Jarrett. Scott Hall. And both members of the Road Warriors!” Eric thanks everyone for their time, telling them that they’ve been a great audience this evening, before they leave the podium. Tony begs the question: if the two are out here to stop all of these attacks, why is it only the New World Order and Road Warriors being thrown out?

Rating: B-





Texas Tornado Match

The Kings of Wrestling (“Macho Man” Randy Savage and “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper) vs. Cactus Jack and Steve Austin

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Mark Curtis


All four men being in the ring at once makes this a huge test for Mark Curtis as he tries to keep an eye on all of them, as Tony points out that the only rule that’s changed is there is no tagging in and out. This then means it’s more like a battle royal, and the two big feuds that have been going on here mostly stick to getting their hands on one another. The crowd are all about this match, too; these hatreds have really built up over the past few months, and now everyone is finally getting a piece of one another in a sanctioned match, and cheers abound anytime the WCW side have the advantage. Both sides of this one get time to shine, as about halfway into this one the KoW strike back, mainly led by Savage using his agility to leap over the top rope and guillotine Jack’s throat over the strand. “Macho Man” then hits Austin with a running knee to the back, and from there it becomes a two on one situation as they hurl Austin to the outside of the ring and work over Cactus. Every few minutes, Austin would try to charge back into the ring, but every time he would get knocked back down to the floor by the crafty veterans. Jesse says that he definitely doesn’t like it, but this is a great strategy, divide and conquer; he adds that sometimes things like “fighting spirit” and “will to win” aren’t as good on your side when compared to outright ring savvy. Piper has just gotten done dispatching Austin again, when Savage hits the big double axe handle to Jack, when Austin sees a specific sign in the front row, that reads “This beer’s for you, Steve!” Austin gets a beer from the fan, and he chugs it down – and then he charges the ring, revitalized! He blocks a punch from Roddy and slams him against the turnbuckle pad, before shoving Savage off the top, causing him to crotch himself! Austin kicks Piper down into the turnbuckles, before giving him the middle fingers and stomping him one last time right into the stomach! Piper staggers to his feet, and he gets levelled by a Cactus Jack over-the-top clothesline! As the two land on the announcer’s table, Savage rushes at Austin. He ducks, and Randy instead jumps to the middle turnbuckle. He tries to come off with a quick double axe handle to Steve, but wait – Stunner! A sign in the crowd says “Stunners For Everybody” as Austin goes for the cover, and he scores the one… two… three!


But this isn’t over, as by the time th ebell has even sounded, Austin is attacked by California Kip! Kip seems to have led the charge from backstage, as Bubba Rogers is on the outside along with Smash, and they slam Jack into the turnbuckle post! Savage and Piper get in on it as they come to, Piper mainly being a foreman to this beatdown, until out marches The Giant! Savage drills both men with Flying Elbows, but Giant is the one who leaves them both lying in the worst condition, as he dominates both men with his very high Chokeslams! By the time all is said and done, Austin and Cactus may have won this battle against their two foes, but the war with the Kings rages on.

Winners in 16:20: Cactus Jack and Steve Austin

Notes: Austin, Piper, and Jack’s performance in the beatdown were both good, but Bubba was very underwhelming, Smash performed poorly, and Giant didn’t really look good.

Rating: B+ (match) / C+ (beatdown)




We appear backstage, as it appears Stevie Ray has just been found by his brother, Booker T! Booker spins his partner around and asks him just what he thinks he was doing out there, as they had agreed not to pay any mind to Badd. Stevie says that Booker was the one who wanted no part of it, always having “wanting ta’ play the hero, ever since we was kids!” Stevie says that Booker needs to either wake up or move out of the way, because he is going places alongside Johnny B. Badd; if Booker doesn’t like it, that’s his problem. Stevie walks away then, leaving his brother perplexed.

Rating: C




“Mean” Gene is back at the interview area now, and he brings in his guests at this time, Ted DiBiase and his favorite attorney, Richard Stevenson. Stevenson is reading over contracts, as Gene asks why DiBiase has requested this time. Ted tells him that time is money, and he has all kinds of both – but he is here to talk about Eric and Nick. He says that they made this big announcement earlier tonight that the Road Warriors and the New World Order were thrown out of the building due to their big brawl tonight, but that just seems like they’re begging DiBiase to retaliate. He says that they are correct, at two-to-one, they can override him throwing anyone out; but the contract is made and finalized already for tomorrow night’s huge main event! Okerlund asks for the scoop, and DiBiase tells him that thanks to his part in the beating of Steve Austin and Cactus Jack, Randy Savage is going to receive a present from DiBiase – not just any present, a nice, big package! In fact, he’s giving him the Total Package – live on WCW Monday Nitro, “The Macho Man” will go one-on-one against Lex Luger! To Bischoff and Bockwinkel, DiBiase simply says “Beat that, boys!” before the air is filled with his trademark laughter. Tony and Jesse talk about that huge match, and urges fans to tune in for that one.

Rating: B-






WCW World Tag Team Championships

The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Time Limit: 60:00

Referee: Nick Patrick


“Welcome to the Jungle” gets one of the biggest pops of the night; just as a sign in the crowd says that “This is Steiner Country!”, the audience is definitely stoked to see their hometown heroes return to Michigan to go for the World Tag Team titles. Tony talks about how Rick and Scott are two-time champions, having first won the World Tag belts in February of 1991, and then holding them in May of 1992. Jesse questions if the typically high strung Steiners will maybe have too much emotion going on, and Meng and Orndorff could sneak out with this one. He does make note of a sign that says “I’m here to see the WDC!”, which prompts Tony to say that apparently not everyone here at the Joe Louis Center is from Michigan, so Jesse quips that it must be that way, the girlfriend at his side was actually good looking. The match starts off proving Jesse right about the emotion, as it does run high; Rick and Scott immediately charge the champions, hitting suplexes and Steinerlines that send Meng and Paul running from the ring, and they really pump up the crowd by doing their “Scott stands over barking Rick” taunt, eliciting loud barking from the crowd… but perhaps not as loud as it would have been if not for the amazing match that came before it and had kinda burned them out. This match has them rocking and reeling as well, as these four are all seasoned veterans who know how to play to their own strengths. Both teams have their moments to shine here, as the match shifts to the champions when Meng jabs Rick in the throat behind Nick Patrick’s back. From there it’s the brutal strikes of Meng and the veteran Orndorff’s psychological assault keeping Rick from tagging out to his brother, and it keeps the crowd antsy every time he gets near. Scott charges the ring and gets stopped, and this is when Ventura definitely says that the Steiners’ emotions are just too strong here, as Orndorff and Meng double team Rick. Rick finally is able to catch a quick Steinerline on Paul, as a sign goes up saying “It’s Wonderfool”, so Jimmy Hart yells at the fan with his megaphone. Out of the back then jogs Bubba Rogers, and as the crowd goes crazy for the hot tag to Scott Steiner, Bubba hops onto the apron. Scott cleans house, hitting slams and clotheslines and even a dropkick on Meng and Orndorff. In the melee Nick’s attention is once again being held away (for such a talented official, this really isn’t his night) and Meng grabs Scott’s arms from behind. Rogers charges in, but Steiner ducks, and Rogers gets Meng! Rick hits the Steinerline on Bubba, sending him sprawling out of the ring, as Scott jumps up and drills Meng with the Frankensteiner! The crowd cheer along for the one! Two! Three! We have new World Tag Team champions! Rick and Scott hold the titles high, even going into the crowd, while the KoW argue the whole way up the aisle! Tony talks about how this is what they’ve been wanting ever since February when they returned to WCW, and finally, right here in their home of Michigan, they have become the three time World Tag Team champions!

Winners in 13:34 and NEW WCW World Tag Team champions: The Steiner Brothers

Rating: B (match) / B- (celebration)





Street Fight

“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes w/Magnum TA vs. “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: No Time Limit

Referee: Mark Curtis


Before this one gets started, Mike Tenay and Terry Funk have a discussion with Lord Steven Regal, where his Lordship says that he feels Arn Anderson will win out in this coming match because he’s the man he can respect in comparison to “The Natural”. Funk slightly agrees, which may go against his face character but does feed nicely into the feud he had with Dustin last year.


This match lives completely up to its name of “street fight”. Anderson and Rhodes do come out in street clothes (jeans and t-shirt; a Horsemen shirt for Arn and a WCW shirt for Dustin, just to show off the merch) and Tony says that the theme of this one is respect. Rhodes is vying for the respect that he was denied from Anderson, his former mentor, who is one of the most highly respected men in the entire locker room. This match doesn’t feature many weapons, because it didn’t need them. It is two men beating on one another with fists, and holds that are meant to make the other cry in pain. Arn at one point holds Dustin in a camel clutch variation through the turnbuckle and ropes, and as he does he screams at “The Natural” that he’s going to prove why he wasn’t Horsemen material. Rhodes ends up bleeding profusely during this one, seemingly from a point where Anderson smashes his face off the guardrail. Bobby Heenan stays out of the way of this match, which Jesse says is probably from Arn saying he wanted this match all to himself in order to prove his point, and “The Body” also keeps putting over the “nobody beats the Horsemen” tagline that they’ve been using this month. Tony does bring up how just within the past year and a half, “The Enforcer” has had perhaps the best year of his career this side of winning a major championship; he won the inaugural World War 3 and also holds pinfall victories over both best friend Ric Flair and a victory over World champ Hollywood Hogan. He says not to call Dustin a slouch either, as he has been on top of his game all year long. A sign in the crowd begs the question of “Hey Dustin Shouldn’t You Be GOLDEN?” which commentary takes as this fan must want Rhodes to have a title around his waist. Dustin finally starts to fight back, and the crowd get into it as he peppers Anderson with lefts and rights, before hitting him with an elbow to the forehead! He screams out to the fans, who respond in kind, before he begins hitting Arn with ten punches in the corner. Dustin goes for the running bulldog, but he gets a hard clothesline for his troubles! “Double A” heads out of the ring, and he brings in his favorite weapon – the tire iron! Tony brings up that this very weapon was used back at the Great American Bash to put Dustin’s father out of commission ever since. Anderson levels Rhodes with it – no! Dustin ducked, and he kicks Arn in the stomach, before taking it away himself, and he plasters Arn with it! Dustin lifts Anderson to his feet, and he puts Arn in the facelock while holding the tire iron under his forehead – and he hits the running bulldog with the iron! Rhodes makes the cover and gets the one, the two, and despite Bobby jumping up on the apron, the three! Dustin Rhodes has defeated three of the Horsemen in big time matches, and only one remains! As Bobby helps Anderson out of the ring, Rhodes symbolically holds up four fingers to the camera and lowers three of them (leaving his index finger up; he’s not Steve Austin or anything) and says as such, loudly calling out Ric Flair!

Winner in 15:31: Dustin Rhodes

Rating: C (announcers) / B+ (match)






WCW World Heavyweight Championship – Ladder Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. “Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Time Limit: 60:00

Referee: Tommy Young


We start off with a very well put together recap video that starts with the formation of the New World Order, then shows Sting taking the World championship at Fall Brawl. It shows Sting up in the rafters, as soundbytes play from all involved parties, ending with the words of Sting: “the only thing for sure about Sting, is nothing is for sure!”


As the title lowers from the ceiling, Gary Michael Cappetta is out to give some special introductions for the main event. First, the sirens introduce the man representing the New World Order, “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman, who has a great smattering of cheers despite being one of the heels in the match; he poses and laughs next to a sign that reads “Pillman for Champ!”. Next,

comes down to the ring, posing and flexing as Tony says that Luger is perhaps in the best shape of his career. Finally, the strains of “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” brings out Hollywood Hogan, who cockily struts down to the ring, though he does take time to yell at a fan who’s sign says “Hollywood is afraid of heights!” All three men look up at the championship, as the bell sounds and our main event is underway!


Pillman is the first to make a move, as he rushes “The Total Package” with a forearm. He does a good job of rocking Luger, who falls into the turnbuckle pads. Hogan stands back in his corner and lets this happen, but it doesn’t take long for the leaders of the KoW and the nWo to lock eyes. The crowd buzzes now, as Pillman laughs. They circle one another, and Hogan and Pillman finally lock up. The much larger Hogan shoves Brian off, but even as a crazy man nobody doubts the fire of Pillman, who immediately locks right back up. This goes on two more times, but the combined heelness of both men causes both to go for a cheating move – they eye rake one another. But as they both are in pain, Luger rushes in and hits a double clothesline, taking both of the group leaders off their feet! Luger picks up Hogan and starts kicking at his midsection, as Brian purposely takes his time getting back to his feet. Lex takes over when Pillman does come over, as he hammers Brian with a fist to the forehead every time he tries to interrupt. The champion is finally able to get out of the predicament when Luger’s attention is on Pillman, hitting Luger with a punch and a big bodyslam that leaves Hogan as the only one on his feet. Hollywood stops to pose, but as a sign in the crowd says that “The Loose Cannon is Flyin’”, Brian does so by coming off the ropes with a springboard dropkick to Hogan’s shoulders! Brian is the first man to head out of the ring for a ladder, as Jesse talks about how this tonight could be Pillman’s only chance to ever win the World title, going into how Brian has always been too small or not marketable enough to be handed title shots like someone like Lex, who has been given three different title matches since July. Tony doesn’t have much to say about that, as Luger breaks up Brian’s momentum by hitting a baseball slide to knock the ladder into Pillman’s chest! Luger now drags the ladder into the ring, but doesn’t get to set it up until Hollywood pulls him into a belly-to-back suplex that knocks the wind out of “The Total Package” in a hurry. Despite a sign in the crowd that tries to tell him that “Hogan can’t climb!” the former “Hulkster” starts to set the ladder up underneath the hanging title. He starts to head upwards, but Brian is there to pull him down, and Pillman slaps the taste out of Hogan’s mouth, making his eyes go wide! Hollywood starts using his big right hands to punch Brian backwards, putting him against the ropes. He sends Brian to the other side of the ring, but “The Loose Cannon” instead starts heading up the ladder! Pillman kicks Hogan away, but Luger pushes the ladder over, causing Brian to hit his face on the top turnbuckle pad! Luger catches Pillman on his staggering rebound and hefts him high overhead, slamming him down with a gorilla press slam! Lex then charges, blasting Hogan with a series of running clotheslines! Luger sets the ladder up, and he looks ready to climb – but a Giant hand stops him! The Giant is out here again to protect Hogan’s title reign, and he Chokeslams Lex Luger yet again! He kicks the fallen “Total Package” out of the ring, screaming loudly as the fans boo. Brian comes back in and grabs Hogan back off of the ladder, keeping him from climbing; but The Giant grabs him as well. Not having the element of surprise on his side, however, Brian starts fighting back against the over seven foot tall behemoth! He even climbs the ladder a few rungs and leaps off, raining punches into the face of The Giant! Giant staggers backward, and he dumps Brian backwards, sending him careening over the top rope and down onto Luger on the floor! As this all was going on, Hogan crept steadily up and up, and he finally pulls the title belt down, winning the match to the chagrin of everyone watching.


As Luger slams his hands on the mat and turns to leave, Brian has to be separated from The Giant and pulled backstage. Despite one sign in the crowd urging people to “Eat your vitamins brother!” most people seem highly upset about Hogan regaining his title. He grabs a microphone and starts rubbing it in, saying that there was never any doubt; “This is where the power has always lied, and that will never change,” he says while pointing at the palm of his hand. He goes on to talk about how it doesn’t matter if it’s some “B-rate organization like WCW” or “some cheap knock-off like the nWo” none of them can overpower Hollywood, and his Kings of Wrestling. He talks about how the title can get stolen, the colors can run, and the fans can cheer or boo, brother; but the one thing that is forever is Hollywood Hogan on top of the world, dude!



















But behind Hogan, Sting rappels down into the ring, this time with that black baseball bat! Hogan is still talking trash as the crowd come alive for “The Stinger”, and Hogan thinks it’s for him until he turns around. Tony actively questions what Sting is going to do here, and in the background we see a sign that says “The KOW fear Sting”. Hogan definitely seems to have fear, as he drops the microphone and takes a few steps back, especially when Sting points the bat into Hogan’s chest. The crowd are cheering for Sting to smash the champion with it!


But the entire arena is thrown into a hush of confusion as Sting turns the bat around, and hands it to Hollywood! He gives him the bat, and then turns his back?! Sting holds out his arms, completely unarmed; Jesse says that Sting is being stupid! It seems to be some sort of test, and Hollywood is just as confused as everyone else is at these actions. Hogan places the belt on the mat behind him, looking at Sting and at the bat in his hands.


And he nails him with it! Sting gets hammered in the back with the black baseball bat, and Hogan nails him with it again! Hogan throws the bat down and turns around to collect his title, and the fans all boo loudly! Hollywood has done his damage, and he yells at the crowd that “that’s how ya do it, brother!”

























Until he turns around.


When the champion turns back, what’s this; Sting is still on his feet! And his eyes lock with Hollywood Hogan’s, with an intense, burning fire behind them! Hogan stumbles over the ropes in his scamper to get the hell out of there as fast as he can, and Sting grabs his bat off the ground. He stands on the turnbuckle overlooking the aisle, and he points the baseball bat at the World Heavyweight champion! The show ends with Tony Schiavone asking again as to what Sting is doing, and urging fans to tune into WCW Monday Nitro tomorrow night as they try to get to the bottom of it all!

Winner in 15:37 and still WCW World Heavyweight champion: Hollywood Hogan

Notes: Gary looked lost in his intro, but Hogan and Luger performed well. Hogan improvised well in his speaking part of the aftermath as well.

Rating: A (video) / C+ (intro) / B+ (match) / A* (aftermath)




Prediction Contest Results

Results out of Eight, as the Jericho/Sting match did not happen. VERY close one here, as it came down to the tiebreaker questions, but in the end, the scoring went like so…


CPBHBK: 7 (+2)

Crackerjack: 7 (+3)

SkipMartin: 7 (+4)

Warhawk8492: 7 (+2)


|Anderz|: 6

Satyr24: 6

Smasher1311: 6

TeflonBilly: 6

TheBooker: 6

The Final Countdown: 6


BHK6: 5

TheBigBad1013: 5

daulten6: 5

Inic: 5

Matt Shannon: 5


And that means for the second time now, SkipMartin takes the win. Obviously Skip has really been watching me book shows for way too long… and looking at these results tells me that I definitely need to start being more unpredictable again! So I shall PM Skippy for his prize, and I am making the next prediction contest into a double. Since there will be two PPVs in November – both a Clash of the Champions as well as WrestleWar – I will just put them together as one big prediction contest!


I hope you all enjoyed Halloween Havoc, and hope you all stay tuned for Monday Nitro!

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Great PPV, even if you did totally screw the Loose Cannon over. :D Oh well, you've obviously been building towards Hogan/Sting since last year's Starrcade, so I can't really complain about that. It was more just me hoping that Brian would shock the world, because I've made no secret about him being my favorite character in this dynasty.


So I see three matches that hit the B+ mark. What was the official MOTN, if you don't mind my asking? I know that my personal favorite was Dustin/AA. You've done a great job building Dustin into a legit main eventer, and part of me hopes he beats Flair and goes on to become a player in the title picture.


This superhero-ish storyline is ridiculous, but somehow I think it fits in this time and place. It helps that it's just a silly undercard act rather than a main event story. (Oh, and I'm about 95% certain I know who Surge is, but I won't state who I believe it to be in the thread just in case you intend for it to be a reveal at some point.)

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Great PPV, even if you did totally screw the Loose Cannon over. :D Oh well, you've obviously been building towards Hogan/Sting since last year's Starrcade, so I can't really complain about that. It was more just me hoping that Brian would shock the world, because I've made no secret about him being my favorite character in this dynasty.


So I see three matches that hit the B+ mark. What was the official MOTN, if you don't mind my asking? I know that my personal favorite was Dustin/AA. You've done a great job building Dustin into a legit main eventer, and part of me hopes he beats Flair and goes on to become a player in the title picture.


This superhero-ish storyline is ridiculous, but somehow I think it fits in this time and place. It helps that it's just a silly undercard act rather than a main event story. (Oh, and I'm about 95% certain I know who Surge is, but I won't state who I believe it to be in the thread just in case you intend for it to be a reveal at some point.)


First of all, thanks to CPB, Teflon, and Satyr for the props, and especially to CPB for putting me in for the Spotlight. Always appreciate that :)


The official MOTN was the main event, which surprised me; the problem was that the crowd became burned out after the tornado match and they just never recovered. The ladder match was an 86, while the street fight and tornado tag were both rated at 85. Hopefully I can find a good consolation prize for Brian - "The Loose Cannon" is definitely one of my favorite guys to write as well as your's to read.


Surge would be a horrible reveal, actually, lol. Whereas The Spyder or Yazaki are different people from who it would appear (and thus would be potential "reveals" at some point) I'll just come right out and say that Surge is exactly who you think he is; hence the old "Ole Anderson voicebox" trick, because who would take a Batman clone seriously with that much accent? :p

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Halloween Havoc was a great show! I have to admit though, I was certain Hogan was going to lose the title here. I'm not sure why exactly, I just had that feeling. Still, I'm actually glad he didn't because I am really looking forward to seeing what happens next with the whole Sting situation.


Like I said, great show man. Just keep doing what you're doing because this diary just seems to get better and better all the time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In the World: October 1995


Company Name: World Championship Wrestling (WCW)

Owner: Ted Turner

Booker: Eric Bischoff/Harley Race

Size: International

Prestige: 100

Momentum: 80

Ranking: 1st

TV Shows: WCW Monday Nitro; WCW Saturday Night; WCW Main Event

PPV Coverage: USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Europe, Australia



WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Hollywood Hogan (held since July Week 3, 1994)

WCW United States Heavyweight Champion: Diamond Dallas Page (held since September Week 3, 1995)

WCW World Television Champion: Eddy Guerrero (held since September Week 1, 1995)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Ultimo Dragon (held since July Week 3 1995)

WCW World Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers (held since October Week 4, 1995)

WCW US Tag Team Champions: The Armstrong Brothers (held since July Week 3, 1995)

The Battlebowl Ring: Ricky Steamboat (held again next March)


Event: WCW Halloween Havoc 1995

Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: 4.31

Main Event and Match of the Night: Hollywood Hogan d. Lex Luger and Brian Pillman in a ladder match to retain the WCW World Heavyweight title (86)


Workers Signed: Stan Lane; Horace Hogan (The Boulder).

Workers Re-signed: Randy Anderson.

Workers Leaving: Marcus Bagwell; The Cuban Assassin; Flash Flanagan; Shane Sewell; Antonio Inoki (loan).


Company Name: World Wrestling Federation (WWF)

Owner: Vince McMahon

Booker: Vince McMahon

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 82

Ranking: 2nd

TV Shows: WWF Monday Night Raw

PPV Coverage: USA



WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Jerry Lawler (held since July Week 3, 1995)

WWF Intercontinental Champion: Bret Hart (held since August Week 4, 1995)

WWF European Champion: Jim Neidhart (held since September Week 2, 1995)

WWF World Tag Team Champions: Sparky Plugg and Mo (held since September Week 3, 1994)

WWF Women’s Champion: Sherri Martel (held since October Week 3, 1995)

WWF Royal Rumble: Diesel (competed again in January)

WWF King of the Ring: Yokozuna (competed again in June)


Event: WWF In Your House, held Saturday Week 3

Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: 1.76

Main Event and Match of the Night: Bam Bam Bigelow d. Shawn Michaels (84)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: JW Storm.

Workers Leaving: N/A.


Company Name: New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW)

Owner: Seiji Sakaguchi

Booker: Antonio Inoki

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 85

Ranking: 3rd

TV Shows: NJPW World Pro Wrestling

PPV Coverage: Japan



IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jushin Thunder Liger (held since October Week 1, 1995)

IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship: The Great Sasuke (held since June Week 2, 1995)

IWGP World Tag Team Championship: Satoshi Kojima & Manabu Nakanishi (held since June Week 3, 1995)

G1 Climax: Mitsuharu Misawa (held again in August)

Best of the Super Juniors: Jushin Thunder Liger (held again in June)

Super Grade Tag League: Riki Choshu and Mitsuharu Misawa (held again in October)

Young Lion Cup: Akira Nogami (held again next March)


Event: NJPW Elements of Battle, held Tuesday Week 1

Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.36

Main Event: Riki Choshu and Mitsuharu Misawa d. Mitsuo Momota and The British Bulldog for the Super Grade Tag League (77)

Match of the Night: Tie – Choshu and Misawa d. El Samurai and Jushin Liger; Choshu and Misawa d. Akira Taue and Masahiro Chono (82)


Worker Signings: Masao Inoue.

Worker Extensions: Osamu Kido.

Workers Left: Yoshiaki Yatsu.


Company Name: All Japan Pro-Wrestling (AJPW)

Owner: Giant Baba

Booker: Giant Baba

Size: National

Prestige: 88

Momentum: 82

Ranking: 4th

TV Shows: All Japan Pro Wrestling 30

PPV Coverage: Japan



AJPW Triple Crown Champion: Toshiaki Kawada (held since September Week 1, 1995)

AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion: Mighty Inoue (held since June Week 2, 1995)

AJPW Unified World Tag Team Champions: Stan Hansen & Kenta Kobashi (held since January Week 3, 1995)

AJPW All Asia Tag Team Champions: Shoichi Funaki & Yoshinari Ogawa (held since September Week 3, 1995)

Champion Carnival: Kenta Kobashi (held in April)

Real World Tag League: Kenta Kobashi & Stan Hansen (held again in December)


Event: AJPW The Hit, held Thursday, Week 3

Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: 0.25

Main Event: Toshiaki Kawada d. Kenta Kobashi to retain the AJPW Triple Crown title (74)

Match of the Night: Tie – Steve Williams d. Takako Omori; Tamon Honda d. Johnny Ace (75)


Workers Hired: Kotetsu Yamamoto.

Workers Re-signed: Taiyo Kea.

Workers Leaving: Masao Inoue.


Company Name: Smokey Mountain Wrestling (SMW)

Owner: Jim Cornette

Booker: Jim Cornette

Size: Regional

Prestige: 46

Momentum: 73

Ranking: 3rd in USA; 10th in World

TV Shows: SMW TV

PPV Coverage: None



SMW Heavyweight Champion: Bull Pain (held since October Week 4, 1995)

SMW Beat the Champ Television Champion: Pitbull #2 (held since July Week 2, 1995)

SMW Tag Team Champions: Steven Dunn & Tom Zenk (held since August Week 3, 1994)


Event: SMW Fury, Mayhem, Pain; held Tuesday, Week 4

Rating: B-

Main Event and Match of the Night: Bull Pain d. Brian Blair for the SMW Heavyweight Championship (78)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: None.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company Name: Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW)

Owner: Tod Gordon

Booker: Paul Heyman

Size: Regional

Prestige: 45

Momentum: 68

Ranking: 5th in USA; 16th in World

TV Shows: ECW Hardcore TV

PPV Coverage: None



ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Mikey Whipwreck (held since July Week 3, 1995)

ECW World Television Champion: Pitbull #1 (held since September Week 3, 1995)

ECW World Tag Team Champions: Mikey Whipwreck & Pitbull #1 (held since February Week 4, 1995)


Event: ECW Kick Start 2; held Thursday, Week 3

Rating: B-

Main Event and Match of the Night: Mikey Whipwreck d. Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW World Heavyweight championship (81)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: Ray Odyssey.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company News

Rise/Fall: World Four Wrestling Alliance rise to regional size; Southern States Wrestling rise to small, fall back to local size.

New Companies: None.


New Workers in September:

N/A. (well, four, but all were game-created)


Worker Retirements: Debbie Combs.


Worker Deaths: N/A.

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WCW Hotline: November 1995, Week 1



WCW Hotline

1st Week of November 1995

Option 1: Clash of the Champions Control Center!

Option 2: WCW birthdays!

Option 3: Backstage from Halloween Havoc!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Clash of the Champions Control Center!

While WrestleWar will also be coming at the end of the month, WCW will be holding a special Clash of the Champions on November 8th!


Option 2: October birthdays in WCW!

WCW would like to wish a special happy birthday to young Juventud Guerrera (21), Dawn Marie (25), Chris Jericho (25), Disco Inferno (27), California Kip (32), Nick Patrick (36), Tony Schiavone (38), Randy Savage (43), Bobby Heenan (51), Gene Okerlund (53), and Ted Turner (57)!


Option 3: Backstage from Halloween Havoc!

Halloween Havoc was said to be nothing less than an awesome show! The Joe Louis Arena was a madhouse, and backstage was just as jumping! Ultimo Dragon and Gene Okerlund were said to have been listening to classical music, of all the strange bedfellows you could find! Harley Race gave an impassioned speech to everyone after the show; of note, he complimented Brian Pillman for his stellar performance, encouraged Owen Hart that just because he didn’t have a major role on the show didn’t mean he made a bad move by jumping to WCW, and praised Dustin Rhodes for an incredible match. Brian and Owen seemed pleased, while Dustin practically beamed.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Halloween Havoc was a huge event! The fallout promises to be even more toxic, as Lex Luger takes on the KoW’s wild “Macho Man” Randy Savage! Also we will hear from Hollywood Hogan, Ric Flair, and a special plea from Cactus Jack! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

Nitro rose to another high on TNT, as it jumped to a 7.87 rating! On TSN it also rose, to a 1.88. Raw pulled in a 4.7 rating on USA, pathetic. Even Saturday Night on TBS pulled in a 6.21. Main Event jumped to a 0.74 as the pre-show.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

The rise of Bam Bam and Sparky falters at its first major hurdle, as they fall to Oz and his little Dorothy, the Heartburn Kid. Do you really want to watch those guys prance around, or would you rather see the fallout from Halloween Havoc? You know you want to tune to TNT at 7pm!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

The brand new World Tag Team champions Rick and Scott Steiner will be on hand to celebrate their huge win! Also, Ric Flair will be in action, the TV title defended, and Roddy Piper will take on Booker T! Make sure this Saturday, you’ve tuned to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Many are talking about a huge change to the way you see wrestling on Monday and Saturday nights… my sources have reported that by the end of the month, Nitro and Saturday Night may swap lengths! That would mean two hours of the hottest WCW action on Monday and one hour of classic wrestling on Saturday!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

This month, WCW Slamboree goes on sale! Relive the Legend’s Reunion, with never before seen matches from the pre and post show that only Kimborough, Texas got to witness!




I feel bad for the long delay here, but I look to try and get both of my games on track with one another this week! Expect Nitro to be posted this week!

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