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MACW 1983: WarGames

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Jim Crockett: We need change things around Weaver. I want you step down as booker.


Johnny Weaver: I don't think that's so smart of idea Jim. I have a lot of ideas on how to carry this company into the next year.


John Cornell: They lost money on your ideas. That's why I am the new booker.

Johnny Weaver looks at John Cornell with a look disgust.


Johnny Weaver: He is ****ing kid Jim. Do you think the boys in the back are going to listen to him?


Jim Crockett: Yes I do.

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good luck. I grew up with Mid-Atlantic wrestling so I'll be watching with interest!


Well right now I am trying to manage the release of War to Settle the Score version 2.1. I just released last night. So this may start off little slow.

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Sitting in my new office looking over the roster with Jim Crockett.


Main Eventers:Bold will be heel Italic will be face

1. Ric Flair He is our top star and the reigning NWA World Champion. Making him look good and keeping the world title meaning your the best in this industry is our goal. Roddy Piper is going to be the guy he begins the year to feud with.

2. Wahoo McDaniel Is our number two guy and lead babyface. Wahoo will be battling Greg Valentine over the United States title. Might be problem only because he works for the AWA and Wahoo is booking Southwest.

3.Greg Valentine The number two heel and current United States champion. He can gives us great matches and he will be the final test for guys before they get shot at Ric Flair.

4.Terry Funk What can I say he is a star only problem he is a hired gun. Which means it's going to be expensive to keep him.

5.Jack Brisco Great wrestler, former World Champ. Give him a few shots at Valentine and Flair down the road. Will play a big role in the future of the company.


Upper Midcard:

1.Dory Funk Jr. Former World champion .Terry is loud and Dory is laid back very different men. Has a shot at Jack Brisco's Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title.

2.Jay Youngblood

3.Ricky Steamboat

4.Roddy Piper





1.Dick Slater

2.Don Kernodle

3.Jerry Brisco

4.Jimmy Valiant

5.Jos Leduc

6.Paul Jones

7.Rufus R. Jones

8Mike Rotundo

9. Skip Young


Lower Midcard:


1. Bob Orton Jr.

2.Iceman King Parsons

3.Mark Youngblood

4. Porkchop Cash



1. Crusher Bloomfield

2. Randy Mulkey


Enhancement Talents:


1.Angelo Mosca Jr.

2. Bill Mulkey


Semi- Active


1 Angelo Mosca

2 Abe Jacobs


Jim Crockett: Well that is the roster what do you think?


I cracked a smile

John Cornell: Well we have a lot of aging wrestlers that to be honest I don't see helping to carry this company in the next few years. The tag team division doesn't truly exist outside of four teams. We need to add more young talent and build from that.

To be competitive in this business and to ensure that we don't fall to the wayside against stiff competition we must be aggressive in our dealings. Securing wrestlers, television deals, and ppv deals or we end up on the wrong side of the spectrum when the dust settles.


Jim Crockett Do you really think the NWA is going to die?


John Cornell McMahon and Barnett are looking for ways to destroy the NWA. We need to become the flag bearers of the NWA stop the onslaught that is waiting us and the NWA.


Jim Crockett You got a list of wrestlers you want to add and get rid of ready for me?


John Cornell Here you go Jim. I will give you few days to look it over. Before I make a move on anyone on the wrestlers I want to get rid of we will do it slowly. So they don't catch on to what we have planned.

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Jim Crockett: Do you really what to bring in Jim Cornette ? The Rock'n Roll Express? The Midnight Express? Tommy Rich why do you want to bring in him?


John Cornell Well I know George Scott didn't like Jim Cornette, but the kid is a hell of speaker. I see big things for his team the Midnight Express. I want them to be the first United States Tag Team Champions and maybe future World Tag Team Champions. The Rock 'n' Roll Express I want to push to the moon as well. I think both teams will give us great foundation to build our Tag Team division.


Johnny Weaver: Well what about bringing in Dusty Rhodes, BlackJack Mulligan, and why do you want to release Rufus R. Jones, Porkchop Cash, and both the Moscas. Seriously Junior looks like he is going to be a star.



Cornell: Your joking right? Junior can't work he is no talent bum. To push him is to kill the territory. Crusher and Mike Rotundo is ones we should be pushing. How the hell Weaver are you going to put the Television title on an Opening act?


Crockett: Mike is a good guy he deserves it.


Cornell: Not without a build up and there is hardly anyone we have who will job out for him. Bob Orton Jr. Refuses to put him over so I have take the title off Rotundo to save his career. Bringing in Barry Windham from Tampa to work as his tag team partner probably be a good idea.


Weaver Junior has talent and his father is a draw.


Cornell Bullshit. Dusty and Blackjack I want to bring in but not right now. We need to focus on the guys we have on the roster right now. Tommy Rich is coming in to work with Ric Flair. We need to focus on Final Conflict. The feud between Steamboat and Youngblood with Slaughter and Kernodle is our big match building up to Final Conflict. This will be our test run for Starrcade.


Crockett: Do you have any ideas?


Cornell: Harley Race one last run as Champion.


Weaver Your going turn Flair?


Cornell: Damn straight. But your going to wait to see how we pull that one off. He is not the only one we going to turn. Who maybe be babyface or heel now may not be by the time we get to Final Conflict.

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The feud between Steamboat and Youngblood with Slaughter and Kernodle is our big match building up to Final Conflict. This will be our test run for Starrcade.


what a great classic feud that build over months leading to that big final match. There is a Youtube series that follows the feud the entire way including the bloody finale. worth watching and replicating the feel (both for real life and our own game promotions)


Mid-Atlantic was a hot bed for tag team wrestling for years, but with Johnny Valentine and later Ric Flair brought a little attention to the singles ranks too. Maybe you'll be able to hang on to Sarge and add to his Cobra Corps (he was great at elevating mid card guys to the main event)

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PRESHOW Battle Royale In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Ricky Steamboat won a battle royal in 15:52. The other members of the 'final four' were Jay Youngblood, Jimmy Valiant and Angelo Mosca, with Jay Youngblood being the final elimination. Jimmy Valiant got the most eliminations over the course of the match. Rating: 76 Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. We have a great show for you fans tonight. Wait hold on we something going on in the back.


Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine are backstage; an argument breaks out, and they start brawling with each other. A host of road agents and staff have to pull them apart.
Rating 84


Bob Caudle: Looks like a new chapter in this feud is getting started in this long running feud.


The Mulkey Brothers vs The Hart Foundation


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated The Mulkey Brothers in 5:37 when Bret Hart defeated Randy Mulkey by submission with a Sharpshooter.
Rating 40


Jimmy Hart and the Hart Foundation

Let me tell you baby, the Anvil and the Hitman are coming for the Mid- Atlantic Tag Team Titles Steamboat and Youngblood.


Greg Valentine

Wahoo I am going beat you drunken Indian. You think the beating I gave you earlier was bad, just wait til later tonight.
Rating 80


Roddy Piper and Bob Orton Jr.

Orton: Now lets get down to something that is dear to my heart Piper. World Tag Team Titles. We going to put them around our waist. Roddy Piper:We are so good Bob. I got a man hear I can depend on. A man I can trust. Slaughter and Kernodle if we got to beat you against every wall here at the Asheville Civic Center we going to do you brother. We are going to be beating on your skulls. The undefeated tag team champions.

Rating 74


Roddy Piper and Bob Orton Jr. vs Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle for NWA World Tag Team TitlesIn a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle defeated Roddy Piper & Bob Orton Jr. in 20:03 when Roddy Piper was counted out while fighting Sgt. Slaughter. During the match we also had Bob Orton Jr. turn on Piper. Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle make defence number 1 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.
Rating 83


Greg Valentine vs Wahoo McDaniel in non title match. In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Wahoo McDaniel defeated Greg Valentine in 19:39 by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop.
Rating: 89


Mike Rotundo vs Dick Slater for the NWA Television TitleIn a match that had some good action and average heat, Dick Slater defeated Mike Rotundo in 7:31 by pinfall with a Leaping Piledriver. During the match we also had Bob Orton Jr. run in and attack Rotundo. Dick Slater wins the NWA Television title.
Rating 70


Gary Hart w/ Orton and Slater

Mike Rotundo you were always a transitional champion. That's why it should not surprise anyone that my man Dick Slater defeated you so easily.
Rating 51


Bob Caudle: Tonight has been a great night of action and full of surprises. We still have one more match its Ric Flair vs Jack Brisco so fans don't go away.



Ric Flair vs Jack Brisco for the NWA World Heavyweight TitleIn a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair defeated Jack Brisco in 29:54 by submission. Ric Flair makes defence number 1 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.
Rating 99


Ric Flair is celebrating his victory when Bob Orton Jr. and Dick Slater come out and attack him. Flair is fighting bravely but the two on one odds are getting the better of him. That is until Roddy Piper clears the ring with a steel chair.
Rating: 75




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PRO WRESTLING ILLUSTRATED BREAKING NEWS: At PWI that Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling has just recently added Tommy Wildfire Rich to it's roster. Rumors are running rampant that at Bunkhouse Stampede he will get a shot at the NWA World Champion Ric Flair. How will the other main eventers feel about this situation.

Barry Windham has also joined MACW many are wondering what his role and his thoughts on what happened to his friend Mike Rotundo at the hands of Dick Slater and Bob Orton Jr.

Plus tag team ranks got a boost with the additions of The Fabulous Ones, The Rock 'n' Roll Express, and The Midnight Express. This reporter thinks maybe with these additions the tag team division in Mid-Atlantic maybe the strongest in any promotion in the world. Plus Mid Atlantic has added Brad Armstrong to the roster.

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pictures spruce things up but not required.


Hart Foundation showing up could be an interesting turn of events. Bret vs Steamboat would be a nice match ahead of a tag team showdown (as would Jay vs the Anvil)


Yes it would but right now they need to get momentum and popularity before they are even close to challenging Jay and Ricky and taking the belts from them. Also Jay and Ricky are looking to challenge the NWA World Tag Team Champions.

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Tommy Rich vs Paul JonesIn a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Tommy Rich defeated Paul Jones in 14:42 by pinfall with a Lou Thesz Press
Rating 86


Iceman King Parsons & Dick Slater w/ Gary Hart vs The Fabulous Ones In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Iceman King Parsons and Dick Slater defeated The Fabulous Ones in 14:54 when Dick Slater defeated Steve Keirn by pinfall with a Leaping Piledriver.
Rating 63
Rock 'n' Roll Express, Mike Rotundo, Brad Armstrong, and Jimmy Valiant vs Greg Valentine, Crusher Bloomfield, Angelo Mosca, and The Midnight Express In a bout that had great heat and good action, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Mike Rotundo, Brad Armstrong and Jimmy Valiant defeated Dennis Condrey, Greg Valentine, Bobby Eaton, Crusher Bloomfield and Angelo Mosca in 12:12 when Mike Rotundo defeated Crusher Bloomfield by pinfall with a Flying Lariat.
Main Show Bob Caudle:Welcome fans to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Fans tonight show will be good one so let's get straight to the action. We have Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defending the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles against the Hart Foundation.


Hart Foundation vs Steamboat and Youngblood © In a match that had some good action and average heat, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Hart Foundation in 10:13 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Jim Neidhart by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 20 of their Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles.
Rating 67



Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle come rushing out of the back and beat down on Steamboat and Youngblood. Rating 68



Barry Windham vs Jos LeDucIn a bout that had great heat and good action, Barry Windham defeated Jos Leduc in 14:56 by pinfall with a Flying Lariat.
Rating 68


Orton and Slater come out to attack Barry Windham. Valiantly fighting them off until Mike Rotundo comes to the ring and saves the day. Rating 62


Bob Caudle: That is the second time in two weeks Orton and Slater have attacked someone and have been ran off.


John Cornell: Well Bob, I don't know where this is heading with Slater and Orton. What is on their agenda is the question?


Bob Caudle: Indeed it is John.


Bob Orton Jr. vs Roddy PiperIn a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Roddy Piper defeated Bob Orton Jr. in 14:49 by pinfall.
Rating 83





Brisco Brothers vs Slaughter and Kernodle ©In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle defeated The Brisco Brothers in 20:30 when Sgt. Slaughter defeated Jerry Brisco by submission with a Cobra Clutch. Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle make defence number 2 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.
Rating 89



Highlights of the recent bout between Greg Valentine and Wahoo McDaniel are played in a video package. Rating 69


Greg Valentine:That drunken Indian Wahoo cheated his way to victory last week. I want a rematch Wahoo and this time old Chief I am going break your other leg. Rating 61



Wahoo McDaniel Valentine after all these years you still haven't learned any respect and I am just going have to beat the hell out of you once more just as I did last week. Rating 84




Wahoo McDaniel vs Ric Flair ©In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 30:20 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 2 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.
Rating 93



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Rock 'n' Roll Express vs Hart Foundation vs Fabulous Ones vs Midnight ExpressIn a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated The Midnight Express, Rock and Roll Express and The Fabulous Ones in 14:33; the order of elimination was The Fabulous Ones first, then Rock and Roll Express, and finally The Midnight Express.
Rating 65


15 MAN BATTLE ROYAL In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Ricky Steamboat won a battle royal in 20:14. The other members of the 'final four' were Sgt. Slaughter, Don Kernodle and Mike Rotundo, with Sgt. Slaughter being the final elimination. Don Kernodle got the most eliminations over the course of the match.
Rating 80




Bob Caudle: We have a very special guest to kick off the show Tully Blanchard.


Tully BlanchardI have chased you from all the way from Texas to here in North Carolina. Dirty Dick Slater you took something from me. So I am here to take the Television title from you. Rating 66


Windham & Blanchard vs Orton & Paul JonesIn a bout that featured great action and average heat, Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham defeated Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Jones in 9:39 when Tully Blanchard defeated Bob Orton Jr. by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.
Rating 70


Greg Valentine: My blood and my sweat I have shed to be the United States Champion and tonight Wahoo you will bleed in a losing effort to me. Rating 79


Tommy Rich vs Jos LeDucIn a match that had some good action and average heat, Tommy Rich defeated Jos Leduc in 20:09 by pinfall with a Lou Thesz Press.
Rating 76


Wahoo McDaniel:After defeating you twice already I am going to make it three in row and take your United States Championship from you.

Rating 78



Dick Slater: Tully Blanchard you better stay out of my way or I am going teach you a lesson you will never recover from.

Rating 46



Don Kernodle:We demand a little respect. We been traveling the world over. Wrestling every great team that has challenged us. We get here and there is no great tag teams. Where are they? Where are they ? Where is Steamboat? Where is Youngblood? We thrive on beating the best. You tell them Sgt. Slaughter.


Sgt.Slaughter: That's right. We have our wrestling gear out in the limo we be more than please to wrestle somebody. We be pleased be on television right now. You maggot fans wrestling fans our ability. We know we go to any arena. We know we are the highest paid athletes in this country. We are the highest paid men in professional wrestling. Because we are the world tag team champions. That's who we are and we are looking for some competition. I am going to put my cigar out in Ricky Steamboat's face and Jay Youngblood face. Rating 73





Wahoo McDaniel vs Greg Valentine © In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Greg Valentine defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 19:49 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Greg Valentine makes defence number 1 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title.
Rating 79


After the match Greg Valentine refuses to let go of the figure four leglock on Wahoo. Wahoo is screaming in pain as Valentine will not let go of the hold. Rating 83


Ric Flair:Any man in professional wrestling at all thrives to be the NWA World Champion. This is what it's all about. Piper you got this shot tonight only because you helped me out a couple of weeks ago. That's it come and get it ten pounds of gold. Rating 83


Roddy PiperRowdy Roddy Piper the lean mean machine. Ladies and gentleman I am here. I came here tonight for one reason and one reason only to fight the best wrestler in this stinking town who is that Ric Flair the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Everyone screams Nature Boy, Nature Boy, I look around and I think this Nature Boy must be great because he is the World Champion. What do I see some silver spoon fed bleached blonde who is only great in his own mind. I have never feared any crazy man, any sane man. So tonight I am going to show this Nature Boy what the Hot Rod is all about. Rating 88




Roddy Piper vs Ric Flair In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair defeated Roddy Piper in 19:42 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 3 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.
Rating 86


Ric Flair and Roddy Piper brawl over the place it starts in the ring and ends up out in the parking lot a brutal fight that takes the whole locker room to separate them. Rating 100



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PWI Radio


Jim Solie: Here we are today on the radio live with John Cornell a well respected Broadcast Journalist who is covering Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling for us.


John Cornell Well fans of Mid- Atlantic has seen some changes today to it's roster as the following wrestlers have been released. Angelo Mosca, Angelo Mosca Jr. , Abe Jacobs, Jos Leduc, and Porkchop Cash. We here at PWI Radio wish them the best of luck.


Jim Solie: What do you think of the first three shows of the year for Mid-Atlantic?


John Cornell I think they are doing good some matches and angles have fallen flat for them, but overall the shows are doing great. Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine feud over the United States title is bright spot for the company and has help carry them.


Jim Solie: Flair and Piper feud? I think is the best feud the company has and maybe the hottest feud going in wrestling.


John Cornell: Hmm. I think it might be to be honest with you. I could be wrong though. The one feud that is disappointing me is the Dick Slater and Bob Orton Jr. versus Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo. It's just not going good and seems directionless.


Jim Solie: Well we do have Tully Blanchard now in Mid Atlantic. What are your thoughts on him?


John Cornell: I think Mister Blanchard could be cornerstone of the company. If he is handled correctly.

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MACW Mid- Atlantic Championship Wrestling


PRESHOW: 20 man Battle Royal Roddy Piper was the winner. Rating 76



Main Show



Bob Caudle:


Fans it has been announced at the very first Bunkhouse Stampede Tommy Wildfire Rich will be challenging Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Rating 75


Brad Armstrong vs Iceman King ParsonsIn a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Brad Armstrong defeated Iceman King Parsons in 8:24 by pinfall with a Russian Leg Sweep.
Rating 56





Rock 'n' Roll Express tonight baby! You meet the Hitman and the Anvil who going to take you down 1,2, and 3. Hahaha!!



The Rock 'n' Roll Express


The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart





In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Hart Foundation in 15:17 when Robert Gibson defeated Jim Neidhart by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper.
Rating 66



Strolls out to Bob CaudleWahoo, I told you I would hurt you and I did. The figure four leglock is more dangerous than any move in wrestling and I am the master of it.
Rating 74




The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette


The Fabulous Ones


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, The Midnight Express defeated The Fabulous Ones in 14:57 when Dennis Condrey defeated Stan Lane by pinfall with a Piledriver.
Rating 70






WOOO!!! It seems to me that once again Ric Flair is the main topic of discussion in the greatest sport today professional wrestling. You know why Bob because every night I go out and beat every man that comes into that ring against me. Tommy Rich you use to hold this title but you will never beat me for it. WOOO!!!!
Rating 83





Well fans I have just been told that Steamboat and Youngblood will be challenging Sergeant Slaughter and Don Kernodle for NWA World Tag Team Championship at Bunkhouse Stampede.
Rating 66





Dick Slater w/ Gary Hart



Tully Blanchard

In a match that lifted the crowd. Tully Blanchard won with slingshot suplex.
Rating 68






Roddy Piper

HOTROD HERE WILD CHILD!!Ric Flair I came close in beating you just last week. Now Tommy Rich will be the man to face you at Bunkhouse Stampede and not me. Haha!!! I am going get you Flair and that title will be mine. Tommy Rich we go way back and don't you forget it. Because the Hot Rod is coming for Wildfire and The Nature Boy.
Rating 84






Jay Youngblood

The World Tag Team Championships at Bunkhouse Stampede were going see what Slaughter and Kernodle is all about.

Ricky Steamboat

You claim were to afraid to face you well at Bunkhouse Stampede we are going show these fans and show you why we are the true World Tag Team Champions.
Rating 67






Greg "The Hammer" Valentine ©



Ricky Steamboat


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Greg Valentine defeated Ricky Steamboat in 20:15 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Greg Valentine makes defence number 2 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title.
Rating 82







Jack Brisco




" The Nature Boy " Ric Flair ©


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair defeated Jack Brisco in 15:05 by submission. Ric Flair makes defence number 4 of his NWA World Heavyweight title
Rating 82





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Pick the Winners: Whoever pick the most right will get to choose who I sign next. Can be a singles wrestler or tag team.


The show will be up on Sunday.


Here are the matches:


Four Way Tag Team Match for NWA U.S. Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Foundation vs Midnight Express vs The Fabs vs Rock 'n' Roll Express


NWA Television Title Match:

Tully Blanchard© vs "Number One" Paul Jones


Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo


The Funk Brothers vs The Brisco Brothers


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Texas Bull Rope Match

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine© vs Chief Wahoo McDaniel


NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

Sgt.Slaughter & Don Kernodle © vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs "Wildfire" Tommy Rich


Plus 30 Man Bunkhouse Stampede Match: Winner gets a World Title shot at SuperBrawl

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Four Way Tag Team Match for NWA U.S. Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Foundation vs Midnight Express vs The Fabs vs Rock 'n' Roll Express


The Fabs haven't done much since coming in, but the US tag titles would be a good place for them to start. That leaves the Expresses to battle each other and get in the world title chase. Harts are maybe too early, but would still be decent team to feud with Fabs over the US belts.

sad to see the Mid-Atlantic titles retired. :( Lot of history there, and with all the talent you have seemed like it could have kept some guys busy on the midcard.


NWA Television Title Match:

Tully Blanchard© vs "Number One" Paul Jones

Many forget just how good a wrestler that Jones was before he became a manager. But tonight, Tully will not lose the TV title that he just won


Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo

former world tag champs vs future tag champs. The Florida boys learn a lesson or two tonight and will be in better shape the next time


The Funk Brothers vs The Brisco Brothers

Think the Briscos get the edge in this one


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Texas Bull Rope Match

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine© vs Chief Wahoo McDaniel

Wahoo was always in the thick of things for MACW. A title run here would be useful and even though its not a strap match, I give Wahoo the edge.


NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

Sgt.Slaughter & Don Kernodle © vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

maybe a DQ? Regardless, since being forced to vacate and retire their own belts, I can see a another babyface title win. This would fit well though as Slater-Orton or Midnight Express could step up for some challenges.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs "Wildfire" Tommy Rich

Flair has the crowd sizzling every time and expect no different here. There will come a time for him to exhange the belt, but for now he is the Man and carrying things well on top.


Plus 30 Man Bunkhouse Stampede Match: Winner gets a World Title shot at SuperBrawl

Terry Funk - seems like a perfect cowboy to win a bunkhouse and some "payment" for losing the tag match earlier.

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Pick the Winners: Whoever pick the most right will get to choose who I sign next. Can be a singles wrestler or tag team.


The show will be up on Sunday.


Here are the matches:


Four Way Tag Team Match for NWA U.S. Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Foundation vs Midnight Express vs The Fabs vs Rock 'n' Roll Express


NWA Television Title Match:

Tully Blanchard© vs "Number One" Paul Jones


Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo


The Funk Brothers vs The Brisco Brothers


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Texas Bull Rope Match

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine© vs Chief Wahoo McDaniel


NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

Sgt.Slaughter & Don Kernodle © vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs "Wildfire" Tommy Rich


Plus 30 Man Bunkhouse Stampede Match: Winner gets a World Title shot at SuperBrawl

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Four Way Tag Team Match for NWA U.S. Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Foundation vs Midnight Express vs The Fabs vs Rock 'n' Roll Express


NWA Television Title Match:

Tully Blanchard© vs "Number One" Paul Jones


Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo


The Funk Brothers vs The Brisco Brothers


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Texas Bull Rope Match

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine© vs Chief Wahoo McDaniel


NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

Sgt.Slaughter & Don Kernodle © vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs "Wildfire" Tommy Rich


Plus 30 Man Bunkhouse Stampede Match: Winner gets a World Title shot at SuperBrawl

I'll go with Piper as well.

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Welcome fans to a sold out Greensboro Coliseum. I am Bob Caudle with John Cornell and we are going bring to wherever you are live the BunkHouse Stampede.



John Cornell:

That's right Bob these fans are going crazy and the show hasn't even started yet. Lets send it to the ring and get this night started.


Four Way Tag Team Match U.S. Tag Team Title Match



Rock 'n' Roll Express vs The Hart Foundation vs The Fabs vs Midnight Express.

In a match that had good action and decent crowd heat. The Fabulous Ones walked away with the victory in this match after finally eliminating the Midnight Express in 14:53Winner: Fabulous Ones
Rating 69





Well John that was good match to set the pace for the night.


John Cornell Yes it was Bob. My only problem was the fans don't seem to like the team from up north at all. Did you see Cornette face after Keirn hit Eaton with that tennis racket to get the win?


Bob CaudleHe was livid on how his team the Midnight Express lost the United States Tag Team Titles. Well lets get back to action.


http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a627/john_handley1/Jim%20Crockett%20Promotions/th_BobOrtonJr_zpsa3bdf497.jpghttp://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a627/john_handley1/Jim%20Crockett%20Promotions/th_DickSlater_zpscdc330bd.jpg VS





All four men duked it out from opening bell to the end of this match. Crowd was getting into it as they rooted for Windham and Rotundo to pull out the victory. Dick Slater hit a leaping piledriver on Barry Windham to get the pinfall. 14:43 Winners: Dick Slater & Bob Orton

Rating 76











Paul Jones fought hard to get the win only to come out short against the champion Tully Blanchard. After delivering the slingshot suplex Tully Blanchard gets the win at 15:06 Winner: Tully Blanchard

Rating 74





Me and Dory have been in Japan of late but when they told me I could come here to the Bunkhouse Stampede. Kick the crap out of the Briscos I was all for it.


http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a627/john_handley1/Jim%20Crockett%20Promotions/th_DoryFunkJr_zps27736622.jpghttp://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a627/john_handley1/Jim%20Crockett%20Promotions/th_TerryFunk_zps948469a7.jpg VS




Three these four men are former World Champions but this was a brawl great action and crowd was hot to see who could would pull this one out. Between two of the most decorated tag teams in the history of the sport. Terry Funk gave Jerry Brisco a piledriver to take the pinfall and victory at 24:53 Winners: The Funks

Rating 81



















Greg Valentine seems to be refusing to let the rope go on his arm. Wahoo comes over and knocks him upside the head . Tommy Young slides the rope on Valentine arm. The match is a brutal affair as blood is pouring from both men by the end of this fight. Greg Valentine wins the match after knocking Wahoo out with the cowbell at 29:31 Winner: Greg Valentine

Rating 87




NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a627/john_handley1/Jim%20Crockett%20Promotions/th_SgtSlaughter_zps51b9aa46.jpghttp://http//i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a627/john_handley1/Jim%20Crockett%20Promotions/th_Don_Kernodle_zpsa53201f1.jpg?t=1365948829










These two teams let all the bad blood and hatred for each other to come out in this affair. The crowd was going ecstatic cheering the uncrown champions both teams seemed close to victory. Only the match would end in double count out. As all four men battled on the outside smashing chairs and anything else they could find. Double Count at 30:02 No Winner

Rating 71



Bunkhouse Stampede MatchAndre the Giant, Bruiser Brody, Dusty Rhodes, Blackjack Mulligan, and Roddy Piper plus many more battled to win the golden boot and get that shot at NWA World Title plus $ 50,000 check. Andre was throwing bodies left and right out of the ring until the final four. Dusty Rhodes, Andre, Blackjack Mulligan, and Roddy Piper were the final men in the ring. All three men conspired to go after Andre eliminating him. Than Piper ducked a double clothesline from Mulligan and Dusty their momentum carried them over the top rope. Winner: Roddy Piper at 30:17

Rating 78





NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match



















Great in ring action and a sizzling crowd. Fans nearly willed Tommy Rich to victory as he hit the Lou Thesz press on Flair. Only Flair being a master of the squared circle was able to survive the fire of Wildfire Tommy Rich to pull out the victory. When he locked on the figure four leglock making Tommy Rich submit at 30:17Winner: Still World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair

Rating 96








Ric Flair at SuperBrawl I am going to take that ten pounds of gold from your waist. Tonight I am kick your can from one end of this arena all the way back to Charlotte.



With that Piper hits the ring and fists begin to fly as Piper spears Flair to the ground. They roll on the mat trading quick punches as they try to gain advantage over the other.

Rating 100





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Prediction results:


Olympia: 4/8

jgriff3029: 6/8

Beejus: 6/8



Well Jgriff3029 and Beejus your the winners so pm me your choices one wrestler or a tag team you want me try to sign. Thank you for reading and predicting. I am still trying to get a style down. I have been reading a lot of the other dynasties and I got lot of work to do get as good.

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Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling




Brad Armstrong vs Jay Youngblood vs Mark Youngblood In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Jay Youngblood defeated Brad Armstrong and Mark Youngblood in 8:13 when Jay Youngblood defeated Brad Armstrong by pinfall.
Rating 64



Rufus R. Jones & Mike Rotundo vs Sgt.Slaughter & Don KernodleIn a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle defeated Rufus Jones & Mike Rotundo in 8:25 when Sgt. Slaughter defeated Mike Rotundo by submission with a Cobra Clutch. Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle make defence number 4 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.
Rating 71



Main Show


The Hart Foundation talking about how the Rock 'n' Roll Express cost them the titles at Bunkhouse Stampede.
Rating 31



The Midnight Express come out wanting a shot at the Fabulous Ones for them United States Tag Titles.
Rating 46



NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match


The Fabulous Ones vs Crusher Bloomfield and Iceman Parsons

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Fabulous Ones defeated Crusher Bloomfield and Iceman King Parsons in 8:11 when Steve Keirn defeated Iceman King Parsons by pinfall. The Fabulous Ones make defence number 1 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles.
Rating 51





Standing in front of you right now is Ric Flair the World's Heavyweight Champion of this great sport. Only one and your looking at him. Tommy Rich will only just begun that's the end of it. Roddy Piper this war isn't over yet,, but at SuperBrawl this feud is going to end once and for all.

Rating 100





The Midnight Express vs Rock and Roll Express

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Midnight Express defeated Rock and Roll Express in 15:26 when Dennis Condrey defeated Ricky Morton by pinfall with a Piledriver.

Rating 68




Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood come out and challenge for the NWA World Tag Titles one more time
Rating 73






Ric Flair I came half a second in beating you at Bunkhouse Stampede. I am going to win the World Heavyweight Title from you Ric Flair. Roddy Piper you better steer clear of me because I am going to take the title than wipe you at SuperBrawl.

Rating 76










In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Terry Funk defeated Barry Windham in 15:05 by pinfall with a Piledriver.

Rating 82



Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle come out and tell Steamboat and Youngblood they don't deserve another shot at the NWA World Tag Team Champions.
Rating 74



Jimmy Valiant vs Greg Vlaentine

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Greg Valentine defeated Jimmy Valiant in 15:16 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Greg Valentine makes defence number 4 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title.

Rating 83


After the match Wahoo runs in and starts beating Greg Valentine down to the mat.
Rating 86



Ric Flair & Dick Slater vs Roddy Piper & Tommy Rich

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Roddy Piper and Tommy Rich defeated Dick Slater and Ric Flair in 20:26 when Roddy Piper defeated Dick Slater by pinfall.

Rating 76


Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating 83

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