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MACW 1983: WarGames

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Bob Caudle: Fans welcome to NWA Monday Night Nitro. If you missed Bunkhouse Stampede fans you missed a great show. We have a great night of action scheduled for tonight.


Gordon Solie: The main event for SuperBrawl II is scheduled to be Wahoo McDaniel challenging Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Plus a lot more matches will be announced.



David Von Erich, Kerry Von Erich, Kevin Von Erich

David Von Erich: When we came here everybody wondered how the Von Erichs would fair here in the Carolinas. Well look at this gold we are holding I beat Roddy Piper in a brutal match to become the United States Heavyweight Champion. We hold the six man tag team titles together. If your not paying attention the Von Erichs have overtaken the Carolinas and their is no one going to be able stop us.


Kerry Von Erich: We had a plan when we got here. To show the NWA and the fans outside of Texas that Von Erichs are the best thing going in the NWA. The World Tag Team titles prove that me and Kevin are the best tag team in the world.


Kevin Von Erich: Funks at Bunkhouse Stampede we proved were the Kings of Texas and the best tag team in the world today. Soon Curt Hennig Mike will get up in the rankings to take your NWA Mid-Atlantic title.


David Von Erich: Flair we have been allies for awhile now, but me winning the United States title makes me the number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight title. So that means one of these days were going have to meet in that ring and I am going take that title from you. Just like I took the belt from Roddy Piper. Rating 89


Bob Caudle: Well I think the Von Erichs have pretty much thrown down the proverbial gauntlet to anyone to knock them off their perch.


Gordon Solie: They have been impressive of late, but I think their comments may have started a war with the entire NWA. Everyone will be coming after them now.


Bob Caudle: Our next match is going to be great it's the Rock and Roll Express defending their titles against King Kong Bundy and Lord Humungous.


Gordon Solie: Bundy and Humungous have impressed me lately and Board of Directors to give them a title shot.




King Kong Bundy and Lord Humungous w/ Jimmy Hart






The Rock "n" Roll Express ©

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated King Kong Bundy and Lord Humongous in 11:46 when Ricky Morton defeated King Kong Bundy by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 1 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 80



Bob Caudle: The Rock "n" Roll Express just showed they can beat anyone. What you think Gordon maybe Rock and Roll Express versus Kerry and Kevin Von Erich for title versus title match?


Gordon Solie: I think it would be a great match. My question is what the fans would think of such a match? Well the Von Erich boys are next defending the World Tag Team titles against Jake Roberts and Ivan Koloff.




Ivan Koloff and Jake Roberts



Kerry Von Erich and Kevin Von Erich ©

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated Jake Roberts and Ivan Koloff in 11:31 when Kevin Von Erich defeated Ivan Koloff by submission with an Iron Claw. Kevin & Kerry Von Erich make defence number 10 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 82


Bob Caudle: Von Erichs were successful in defending the titles.


Gordon Solie: It may be awhile before any team can beat the Von Erichs but I do believe a lot teams are going to line up and try.



Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel w/ Bobby Heenan

Bobby Heenan: The Von Erichs think they are really good. I don't know what your smoking Kerry and Kevin but you might want to put the piece pipe down. Because right here these two men have held ten World titles combined. Six World Tag Team tiles combined, plus countless regional titles. Now they are coming together to go after them World Tag Team titles your holding so dearly to your hearts.


Harley Race: Kerry and Kevin I have fought both you boys all over this world. Tokyo, Dallas, London, Charlotte, St. Louis, and small towns all over. Never have you beaten me and when me and Nick get our shot at you. Your going to be the former champions.


Nick Bockwinkel: Von Erichs you look great but your talent is lacking when it compares to us. Your accomplishments in every way fails when it compared to us. We are simply the best that this sport we call professional wrestling has to offer. So if your willing sign the contract so we can take them World Tag Team titles away from you and put where they belong. Rating 88



The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

Jim Cornette: Mama Cornette is furious that the Rock and Roll Express took the belts from us at Bunkhouse Stampede. Well Rock and Roll The Midnight Express don't want them titles no our focus is on the Von Erichs and them World Tag Team Titles. You see we have been defeating every tag team in the NWA. Hell we have even beaten the Von Erichs a couple of times. Well guess what Von Erichs the team your scared the most of the men from the darkside The Midnight Express are coming for them World Tag Team titles. Rating 58


Bob Caudle: Well it looks if The Midnight Express and Heenan Family are going after the Von Erichs.


Gordon Solie: My question is what is going on in the Heenan Family where is the Andersons?


Bob Caudle: I don't know I haven't seen Ole around here in along time. We need to get to our next match.




Mike Rotunda





Curt Henning © w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Curt Hennig defeated Mike Rotunda in 11:37 by pinfall with a Hennig Plex. Curt Hennig makes defence number 1 of his NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title. Rating 73



Dusty Rhodes: You know what I have been doing ever since Bunkhouse Stampede? I tell you what I have been doing. Stan Hansen I didn't understand what business you had coming after me. That was until remember that your running partner is Bruiser Brody. Well The American Dream is tired of playing nice. I am about to show you boys what a real Texas Outlaw is all about. Tully Blanchard we both know if wasn't for that... jezebel of a Perfect Ten you got running around with you, and Stan Hansen's cowbell you would of beaten me. When I am done with Brody and Hansen I will be coming for you Tully and that jezebel Elizabeth. Rating 86



Roddy Piper: You see all these bandages on my face. David Von Erich you beat me at Bunkhouse Stampede. Your trying to move on to Flair. Hahahaha!! Let me tell you something David by boy you might think your done with Roddy Piper well guess what? I am not done with you and promise to make your life a living hell. Rating 72




Larry Zbyszko




NWA World Heavyweight Champion

Ric Flair

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Ric Flair defeated Larry Zbyszko in 24:53 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 2 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 99



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Magnum T.A. defeated Rick Steiner in 6:05 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Rating 52


Ric Flair: Wahoo McDaniel it's coming the night you been waiting for me and you for this title. I heard what you have been saying down in Texas how I would never get you a shot. Well here at SuperBrawl II you get your shot at my title. Diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair WOOO!! Rating 87


The Hart Foundation defeated Lawler & Rich in 11:37 when Bret Hart defeated Jerry Lawler by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 74


Ron Garvin defeated Ron Bass in 11:31 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Rating 58


Brad Armstrong defeated Steve Keirn in 12:04 by pinfall with a Russian Leg Sweep. Rating 65


Terry Gordy: The Freebirds have been hanging out around way to much. We ain't no gold so Rock and Roll the Freebirds are coming get your gold.


Michael Hayes: My brother Terry and me we ain't forgot the debt we owe Von Erichs. Buddy still ain't the same man were going to take these two punks down then we are coming for you boys. Rating 70


Blackjack Mulligan defeated Billy Jack Haynes in 12:09 by submission with The Claw Rating 79


Jim Cornette: Well Von Erichs it seems you got targets on your back every tag team in the NWA are coming for you including the Midnight Express. So I am tell you only once the next time you step in the ring with Midnight Express you can kiss them titles goodbye. Rating 58


Kevin Von Erich defeated Michael Hayes in 12:02 by pinfall with a Diving Crossbody. Rating 78



Wahoo McDaniel: Ric Flair it wasn't you who gave me this shot. No it was me I fought twenty nine other men to win the Bunkhouse Stampede. I have been told I can even choose what kind of match. So it here it is because I don't think any man can beat two out of three falls in one night. Ric Flair I know you can't beat me two out three falls. Rating 91



Stan Hansen defeated Ricky Steamboat in 15:54 by pinfall with a Western Lariat. Rating 80



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Bob Caudle: Fans welcome to NWA Monday Night Nitro the flagship of the National Wrestling Alliance. We have an outstanding show set for tonight.



Gordon Solie: SuperBrawl II main event is set what other matches will be signed for the pay per view?


Bob Caudle: Well Gordon I don't know but our first match is Magnum TA going straight after Lord Humungous managed by Jimmy Hart. That man is a monster.


Gordon Solie: I agree Lord Humungous is a monster but Magnum TA has not lost a match since debuting here in the NWA. So it should be interesting match.


Magnum TA vs Lord Humungous w/ Jimmy Hart

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Magnum T.A. defeated Lord Humongous in 5:44 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Rating 54


John Cornell: I am right here with Magnum TA that was impressive victory over Lord Humungous there Magnum. What are goals here in the NWA?


Magnum TA: Well this is where the best come to show their skills John. Lot of people I have met over the past year has told me one thing. If you get a chance to work for the NWA jump on it. Because everybody knows the NWA is where the big boys play. I am here to become the best and the NWA is proving grounds and I will prove I am the best. Rating 55


British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated British Bulldogs in 12:26 when Jim Neidhart defeated Davey Boy Smith by pinfall with an Anvil Flatnner. Rating 69


Bob Caudle: That was a excellent match from two of the best tag teams in the NWA.


Gordon Solie: Both teams have great talent but just seems like their both in rut and unable to find away out of it.


Bob Caudle: Well our next match is Mr. Wrestling versus Brad Armstrong. He has been on streak since joining up with the Heenan Family it seems.


Gordon Solie: I agree but the young lion will be tested tonight against Mr. Wrestling.


Mr.Wrestling vs Brad Armstrong w/ Bobby Heenan

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Brad Armstrong defeated Mr. Wrestling in 11:33 by pinfall with a Russian Leg Sweep. Rating 56


Bob Caudle: That was a great showing by Brad Armstrong. He is really becoming a star in this sport.


Gordon Solie: Our next match is Tommy Rich going against Terry Funk. It should be a great match.


Terry Funk vs Tommy Rich

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Terry Funk defeated Tommy Rich in 15:49 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 90


Ric Flair: I want to zoom in with that camera. You see this right. This around my waist is the most prestigious title known to man. To win this right here is to be consider the best in this sport. It means your at the pinnacle of this industry. Well Wahoo McDaniel you do hold a World Title i am not going to lie. They are three world championships in this business, but only one means your the best. Wahoo come SuperBrawl II you will find out why I am the best in this business. David Von Erich I keep on hearing you running your mouth. I have given you and your whole family enough shots at this title. Your going to have prove to me that you deserve another shot at this ten pounds of gold. Rating 100


Bob Caudle: Ric Flair telling Wahoo he goes to beat him at Super Brawl II and tell David he has to prove himself to Ric Flair to get another shot at the world title.


Gordon Solie: Our next match is the Freebirds versus Rock and Roll Express defending there titles.



The Fabulous Freebirds vs Rock & Roll Express ©

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Fabulous Freebirds in 12:16 when Ricky Morton defeated Michael Hayes by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 2 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 79


Jim Cornette:I am begging Jim Crockett to give us a match with the Von Erichs for the Tag Team titles and every time I keep getting told no will not happen. Because we are not the number one contenders. Well the Midnight Express is putting out a warning to all these other teams were coming to beat you until we are given our a shot at them belts. The Midnight Express by the end of the year will be NWA World Tag Team Champions. Rating 67


Gordon Solie: Well the Von Erichs will be facing Randy Savage and Lanny Poffo next.


Bob Caudle: Savage and Poffo should give the Von Erichs a great challenge for them belts.



Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo w/ Jimmy Hart vs Kevin and Kerry Von Erich ©

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated Randy Savage and Lanny Poffo in 11:53 when Kerry Von Erich defeated Lanny Poffo by submission with an Iron Claw. Kevin & Kerry Von Erich make defence number 11 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 79


Dusty Rhodes: Let's talk about Dick Murdoch. Long time ago on the road their was two men who traveled world...wide...together. Known as the Texas Outlaws well baby let me tell you something. Tonight Blackjack Mulligan and Ron Bass your going to face the Texas Outlaws. Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen come on...come on... Because the Texas Outlaws are back and daddy were going to the show world what we can do.


Dick Murdoch: Mulligan and Bass tonight your going to get old fashion tail whipping from The Texas Outlaws and Brody and Hansen come on and bring it. Rating 78


Bob Caudle: Fans you heard it here first the Texas Outlaws are back in the NWA once more and looking for a fight.


Gordon Solie: We have yet to see Bruiser Brody but we do know that he is the man who has been contracted to end Dusty Rhodes career.


Bob Cuadle: Well Gordon we still don't know who put the bounty out on Dusty Rhodes.


Gordon Solie: Well Dusty has made enemies in the past and we do mean a lot enemies over the years.


Bob Caudle: Well our next match is Roddy Piper in action against Ricky Steamboat.


Ricky Steamboat vs Roddy Piper

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Roddy Piper defeated Ricky Steamboat in 16:23 by submission. Rating 85


Randy Savage: You know Jimmy your suppose to protect me. I am the star of the First Family but yet I am being treated as cast off.


Jimmy Hart: Macho Man!! Macho Man!! Don't worry I got you match this Sunday to showcase your skills. You are star baby a big time star. Rating 40


Bob Caudle: Seems like trouble is brewing in Hart's First Family.


Gordon Solie: Seems like that Bob. Well our next match is the Texas Outlaws against Mulligan and Bass.


The Texas Outlaws vs Ron Bass & Blackjack Mulligan w/ J.J. Dillon

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch defeated Ron Bass and Blackjack Mulligan in 15:43 when Dusty Rhodes defeated Ron Bass by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow. Rating 82




Andre the Giant vs Jake Roberts

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Andre The Giant defeated Jake Roberts in 16:14 by pinfall with The Bodyslam. Rating 88


Bobby Heenan: Countdowns days until SuperBrawl II because Von Erichs the new NWA World Tag Team Champions will be crowned after you face Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel.


Harley Race:Every man in this world has to choice to live to their potential or not. Right now your looking at two of the greatest professional wrestlers to ever step in the squared circle. Come SuperBrawl II we will become NWA World Tag Team Champions.


Nick Bockwinkel: Von Erichs you boys and I do mean boys have became a sensation in this sport. Together you have risen to top of this sport, but come SuperBrawl II your descension back to utter obscurity begins. Rating 92


Bob Caudle: Well folks there you have it our second match for SuperBrawl II has been announced. That should be excellent match Gordon.


Gordon Solie: Well World Tag Team Champions may lose to Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel. Either way Bob it looks like it will be exciting match.


Bob Caudle: Next match is United States Champion David Von Erich defending against Ole Anderson.



Ole Anderson vs David VonErich ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, David Von Erich defeated Ole Anderson in 15:41 by submission with an Iron Claw. David Von Erich makes defence number 1 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 90



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The Road Warriors defeated The Mulkey Brothers in 5:39 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Randy Mulkey by pinfall with a Flying Lariat Rating 70


Road Warrior Animal: Von Erichs you got something we want!!! If we got to go through every tag team in the NWA to get to you we will. Tell them Hawk!!!


Road Warrior Hawk: We been dining on death and destruction since we were little boys and soon or later pretty boys their going to nowhere to run anymore or hide. Because the Road Warriors are coming for you!! OHHHHHHH WHAAAAAT RUUUUUSSH!!!!!! Rating 83


Magnum T.A. defeated Lanny Poffo in 6:07 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Rating 57


Roddy Piper defeated Steve Armstrong in 6:03 by submission with a Sleeperhold. Rating 79


The Midnight Express defeated Scott Armstrong and Mike Von Erich in 6:23 when Bobby Eaton defeated Scott Armstrong by pinfall with a Spinning Neckbreaker. Rating 68


Ron Garvin drew with Randy Savage in 11:41 following a double count out. Both men began brawling on the outside and neither made attempt to get back in the ring. Rating 68


The bell has sounded, yet Ron Garvin and Randy Savage continue to do battle with each other all the way to the backstage area. Rating 38


Tully Blanchard: Tonight I defend my title against Wahoo McDaniel. You have fifteen minutes to beat me for this title. I don't think your man enough to take this title from me.


Elizabeth: Tully there is no man in the NWA that can beat you for the Television championship Wahoo your going to join a long list of challengers that failed at the hands of Tully Blanchard.


Tully Blanchard: Nobody can beat me especially when I got the Perfect Ten standing in my corner. Rating 99


Ron Bass defeated Mike Rotunda in 11:57 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 50


Roddy Piper: David....oh.......David. Hahahaha I am coming. For what is rightfully belongs to me. The Hot Rod is going to be the United States Champion once again. So brother you better get on your roller skates and start running because Piper is coming to collect at SuperBrawl II. Rating 92


Wahoo McDaniel: Tully Blanchard this ain't the first time we have met in the ring and it won't be the last. Tonight I am going to beat you in that ring and take your Television championship away from you. Ric Flair couple more weeks you can run around here calling yourself the World Champion because at SuperBrawl II. You will lose that title to me. Rating 88


Billy Jack Haynes and Rock and Roll Express defeated Larry Zbyszko and The Fabulous Freebirds in 12:14 when Billy Jack Haynes defeated Michael Hayes by pinfall. Rating 90


Tully Blanchard defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 21:55 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 98



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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans we have a exciting night of action for you tonight


Gordon Solie: In our main event Jake Roberts versus Ricky Steamboat. It should be a great match. We have these words from Jake Roberts.



Jake Roberts: The snake has been silent for a long time. I have been waiting patiently and now tonight Ricky Steamboat your going taste the venom of the snake. Rating 76


Bob Caudle: Strong words from Roberts. Our first match will be Billy Jack Haynes going after Curt Hennig tonight.



Billy Jack Haynes vs Curt Hennig © w/ Bobby Heenan

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Curt Hennig defeated Billy Jack Haynes in 12:03 by pinfall with a Hennig Plex. Curt Hennig makes defence number 2 of his NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title. Rating 76


Ricky Steamboat: Tonight Jake Roberts we meet and tonight you shall fail in your attempt to defeat me. Rating 83


Bruiser Brody: Dusty Rhodes you keep asking were Bruiser Brody is. Well let me tell I am everywhere and I am nowhere. I am coming to wipe your existence out of the NWA.


Stan Hansen: Murdoch your going to regret having the back of that yellow bellied egg sucking dog Dusty Rhodes. We are going make sure the Texas Outlaws never ride again when we are done with the two of you. Rating 77



Bob Caudle: Brody and Hansen are great tag team in Japan. Their is a lot stories about their wars from Japan. Now their going after the Texas Outlaws.


Gordon Solie: It should be a wild brawl when these four men meet in that ring for the first time. Our next match is the exciting young man known as Magnum TA going against highly athletic Lanny Poffo.


Magnum TA vs Lanny Poffo

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Magnum T.A. defeated Lanny Poffo in 5:59 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Rating 70


Bob Caudle: That was a great match. Magnum TA is looking very impressive in that ring since coming to the NWA.


Gordon Solie: Sooner or later I predict he is going to win gold here in the NWA.


Bob Caudle: Well Gordon, our next match is the monster King Kong Bundy going after Tom Pritchard.


Tom Pritchard vs King Kong Bundy w/ Jimmy Hart

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, King Kong Bundy defeated Tom Prichard in 12:27 by pinfall with a Big Splash. Rating 72


Ric Flair: Wahoo I can't take anything away from you. Over the years you have proved over and over again. That your one of the best to ever grace this sport. Everybody knows that we go way back Wahoo and this title means everything to both us. Come SuperBrawl II two falls out of three I am going to prove that I am the better man. Rating 99


Steve Keirn vs Greg Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Greg Valentine defeated Steve Keirn in 16:14 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 79


Ole Anderson: Von Erichs your the Tag Team champions still I will give you credit for holding on to them titles. Here the thing the Andersons want our belts back. So Kerry and Kevin if you can survive at SuperBrawl II against Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel we are coming for you and them titles.


Arn Anderson: Rock "n" Roll Express your walking around with some gold around your waist. The Andersons ain't got no gold around their waist. I think after were done kicking the crap out of the Von Erichs we coming for your titles. Rating 92



Ivan Koloff & Barry Darsow vs Kerry & Kevin Von Erich ©

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated Ivan Koloff and Barry Darsow in 11:42 when Kerry Von Erich defeated Ivan Koloff by submission with an Iron Claw. Kevin & Kerry Von Erich make defence number 12 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 83


Bob Caudle: I think the Von Erichs are understanding the cold hard truth. That when your champions everybody is coming after you.


Gordon Solie: Well the World Tag Team titles are a very prestigious title in the NWA. The Von Erichs are proving they are worthy champions.


Bob Caudle: Well our next match will see Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda teaming up.


Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs Freebirds

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Fabulous Freebirds defeated The U.S. Express in 12:17 when Terry Gordy defeated Mike Rotunda by pinfall with an Oriental Spike. Rating 83


David Von Erich: Roddy Piper I don't owe you nothing. Your using your rematch clause is the only reason we are facing each other at SuperBrawl II. I ain't paying the piper cause I am going to tear the piper apart come SuperBrawl.


Kerry Von Erich: You know all these fans around here. Keep cheering for the Von Erichs. Sooner or later Mike is going to get a title and the Von Erichs will be the most dominating force in the NWA.


Kevin Von Erich: Every tag team is all out there calling us out. Well guess what were right here and as we proved earlier were still champions. I want thanks fans who has supported us since we started. Race and Bockwinkel plus that little weasel running around the Andersons and the Funks both learned the Von Erichs are not going to let these belts go without a fight. Rating 98


Gordon Solie: The Von Erichs are good young men but they might want to be careful.


Bob Caudle: Von Erichs are great but, they have a lot of people challenging them for the gold their wearing right now.




Tommy Rich vs Tully Blanchard © w/ Elizabeth

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Tully Blanchard defeated Tommy Rich in 16:08 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Tully Blanchard makes defence number 13 of his NWA Television title. Rating 87


Bob Caudle: Well another big win for Tully Blanchard. He might go down in history as the greatest Television Champion of all time.


Gordon Solie: Well Bob our main event of the night is up next. Jake Roberts versus Ricky Steamboat.


Ricky Steamboat vs Jake Roberts

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jake Roberts defeated Ricky Steamboat in 16:14 by pinfall. Rating 78


After the match Jake Roberts wasn't done with Steamboat. He dragged Steamboat outside the ring and hit a ddt on him right on the concrete floor. He grabbed Damien out of his bag and laid him on top of Steamboat. The python struck his fangs into Steamboat's arm as it wrapped it's body around Ricky's throat. Rating 78


Monday Night Nitro Monday WEEK 3 FEBRUARY 1984 RATING 83

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Sitting at my desk wondering how I am going handle the reports in my hands. First off Johnny Valentine is telling me Ricky and Jake have awful chemistry in the ring together. Should we carry on with the feud or not? Mr. Wrestling I, Mr. Wrestling II, and Ron Garvin was brought in to help the young talent only every match I give them they do awful in. I can't get a good match out of any of the three.


Then there is the big one the one keeping me up all night. He refuses to resign with us and I know why because he is booking down in San Antonio, but I don't think he understands being with us is helping his promotion out. I keep trying, but he keeps telling me no. Hence why Captain Redneck was brought in from Japan.


I might let Andre the Giant walk when his contract is over in little over a month. He has been a great talent for us, but I have no reason to use him. Bundy is falling flat and I don't see him moving anywhere in the future. We are not the home of cartoon wrestling. We our home of tradition.


That said major changes our on the way for this company the roster needs another shake up. I need find Piper somebody to feud with or he is going out the door. Redoing the roster will fix some things.


Vince has just brought the WWF to National. So that means trouble for me and the NWA. The war I always dreaded is about to come to pass. Will we fall or win the War.


First three offers came in from the WWF: Kevin Von Erich, Greg Valentine, and strangely Bob Caudle. It seems they want to take the voice of the NWA.

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<p>My world came crashing down around me. I lost my feel and hunger for the business. I called Jim Crockett and we sat down with Dusty Rhodes. He was given the book and I left the business behind me. </p><p> </p><p>

I couldn't do it anymore I had help build this company but, I couldn't go on anymore. I am done this diary is finished. Thank you for all of you who has enjoyed this diary.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="olympia" data-cite="olympia" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35763" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>sad news to hear<p> </p><p> of course you could regain that spark if you stepped down to a smaller territory and tried to help them grow (if there are any openings)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Actually I closed this one down and jumped in doing a new one based in 1988.</p>
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