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TKW: A Road not so Glorious

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Hnnng, oh what the hell. Why is everything spinning and mosaic? Have I been drinking? I think I have been drinking. At least squinting seems to be helping some. Oh hey, a shape I can somewhat make out....oh wait a minute.







"It will be a good deal. You get the book. Who wouldn't want the book?"


Book? What the heck? Greg knows how to read? I think that is Greg. Maybe Jeffrey really let himself go.


"Just think! Men of Fire!"


"No! Ring of Steel Combat!"


Another voice? Oh that is familiar too. Who is this little floating globe morphing into.




AHHH! WHY CAN'T I EVER DREAM OF WOMEN IN WEIRD PLACES? Why is Bob here too!? This is like an indy wrestler's worst nightmare.


"Pah, we can think of a name later. Have another drink!"


"I think he has had enough."


Oh god am I drunk and not dreaming? No, I know I went to bed. I saw a blur of a clock, but I am most certainly sleeping. Oh why isn't the pinching working?


"Together the three of us will take down that bastard, Nova."


"That's right. Just sign the dotted line and we got you on as the booker."


Oh no, I didn't sign anything. Please tell me I didn't sign anything. Are they laughing? AHHHH! They are both smiling and...that...that...


"Join us!"


"Join us!"


That is when I woke up in a cold sweat and completely out of breath. What the hell induced that sort of nightmare? At least it wasn't a Nightmare nightmare. Those are the worst. Fumbling about I look for a glass of water I usually leave near the bed on my nightstand. That is when my hand touches papers....oh god no.


I manage to get the light on and stare at what is there. I see loan papers as well as a contract with my name under a name I really don't want to see. Greg McPeterson.


There was much sobbing after about ten minutes of high pitched and girlish screaming.

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After the initial shock of what I saw I came to realize one thing. My God do I have a ****ing hangover right now. It five in the morning and fumbling for my phone I did notice calls from both Greg and Bob. Ones from the previous day at a rather early time. An invite to go have dinner with them and talk about the good old days since we are all sort of becoming old farts. Bob is the youngest of us and he is nearing fourty.


I also know once this hangover fades and it becomes a more proper hour I need to get ahold of Bob and fast. If he and Greg were involved he is at least the more reasonable one. A good chap I have gotten along with over the years though his hatred for Nova has sort of umm...made him a bit more volatile in recent years.


Even if it is still a bit early and I am mostly hanging on the latrine I do manage to fumble with the cell phone and call up Bob.




Well I guess I am not the only one that got horribly trashed. A small comforting thought.


"Bob, BOB! What the hell did you and Greg do to me last night!?"


"Hnnhuh? Oh, well I did tell you to not drink so fast. I wanted to actually talk you into things when sober."


"What did I exactly get talked into, Bob? Better yet. Why did you let Greg talk me into it?"


"S'new company." he is a bit hard to understand given it sounds like he is hung over like I am and probably just got woke up by his phone. "No name, but we want you to book. We will talk later."


Before I can ask more the phone hangs up with a click. With a frustrated sigh I let another stream of too much liquor and unknown food into my poor poor latrine before passing out again.

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The meeting didn't end up happening until late in the afternoon. Bob apparently turned off his cell after the initial call and to hell if I am going to talk to Greg first. This gave me time to look over the paperwork and it seemed worse by the moment. I am apparently not a good negotiator when drunk and it really showed when I noticed how little I signed on for. For the headache I am about to deal with, if I can't get out of it, I should be easily getting double. Siiiigh. I'm getting too old for this shit.


I was still battling with a bit of a migraine when I managed to meet up with Bob at a nearby cafe. He had some more papers with him that I wish he didn't bring. That migraine got worse when I saw just what has been done.


"This.....is who you all signed?"


Bob actually did look a bit sheepish. I suppose in a way he was in the same boat as me, but I also saw the figures he is getting paid and well....he's an asshole.


"Well Greg didn't really want any of his boys back other than Carl because it fit with the idea we had. He was just too much."


"Well what about some of your old buds? Billy and Walter aren't doing anything big at the moment."


"Billy wanted too much too. Walter? Well as nice as he is I think when I asked him I was told '**** no' in the most polite manner ever."


Of course that would be wishful thinking. The men I have seen in action and worked with I could count on one hand. That is even without using my thumb! One of the names I have worked with and noticed on the roster made me cringe too.


"The way I see it I only see two serviceable names beyond me and you. If you are doing road work that reduces our talent further."


"I can help out at times. I just can't go all out like I used to. And well, at least Greg is a good talker when sober?"


When sober is the key part there. The guy went on a bit of a binge since he lost his company and that is probably why he is in need of money. All that cash he got from Nova I heard is pretty much gone. Wish he would pay for rehab instead of draw good people like me and Bob into craziness like this.


"This isn't going to last. He really is going to throw the last of his money into trying to make this work?"


"Well not all of it. I put forth some money as well as got some of my more recent trainees to sign on for cheap. Then umm, you didn't see the loan paper he had you sign?"




"Loan paperwork? I didn't see anything about that."


Bob actually looks rather guilty about this. He probably was drunk too, but perhaps sober enough to stop me. Even so my annoyance with Greg is starting to grow by the moment. I shuffled through the papers and my raised voice got plenty of looks as I turned a nice shade of pale. Oh God I want to dive headfirst into a wood chipper right about now.


"Ten thousand pounds?"


Bob actually winced at that as well and nodded.


"I suppose that is motivation to make things succeed?"


I just stared at him for a few long moments. I know he is trying to help, but that is hardly the kind of help I want. It was hard to even sip my coffee my hands were shaking so bad at this point.


"So what do you think?"


"I think I don't want to show my face at all."




Which is why I will be wearing the mask.

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We now join a meeting currently in progress. Beepboopbeep.




I'm totally wearing the mask in public


So Greg is sober for once. Or as sober as I have seen him in quite some time. It doesn't mean this meeting is any less of a headache, but I think finally me and Bob are starting to get through to him a bit.


"All I am saying is it makes no sense to name the company and use parts of Ring of Fire or Men of Steel Combat. We have one, count it one, guy from both rosters from when you both were bought out."


"But we were the owners. It would remind people we are back and out to get Nova."


"We might attract old fans too."


I had to mask palm and close my eyes. I can feel the migraine coming back as I try to think of a way to at least get through to Bob. It just makes no sense and they need to realize those companies are dead and gone. it has been almost three years!


"This isn't a hardcore company. This isn't a pure wrestling company. Sure bits of both are in it, but overall you are both wanting more family friendly to try and get a new demographic. We should look to appeal more to where we will be running the shows. Where are we running the shows anyways?"


Bob just shrugs and must be as clueless as I am. Greg on the otherhand at least has an idea. Not sure if that means that is a good thing.


"Scotland. I can draw some people I think with my name. Even if I am not in the ring I am going to help with commentary and act as the authority of the company."


Oh of course he is. Then again I hate to admit he has more charisma than me and Bob combined so it would make sense to let him be the one that gets screen time. But that did get things rolling about in my head.


"Ahh, why not something simple? Tilted Kilt Wrestling?"


The two just remain silent for a few long moments and I am glad I am wearing the mask. It won't show the bruises so much if one decides to punch me in the facemeats.


"I guess that is okay."


"Hmm.....it is a bit off the wall and memorable. Why not?"


Wait, that worked? That actually worked? I just let out a weak laugh as I find more relief that they aren't going to yell at me instead of them actually liking the name idea.


"Well we got a name. Now to talk about what to do and plan the first show for later this month."


"....so soon?"


"Yeah! I rented out the venue or anything."


Sometimes I wonder if he even thinks before acting. I blame the booze.


Up Next: The Starahahahahahahahaahah...ahem. The 'Stars' of TKW revealed.

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The Men and Women of Tilted Kilt Wresting


The Staff





Highland Warrior: Owner, Authority Figure, Colour Commentator


British Samurai: Part Owner, Road Agent, Occasional Wrestler


Humphrey Woolsey: Head Zebra


Des Greeves: Announcer


No surprises on who the referee is given British Samurai is involved. It looks like he went to an old friend to help out in that case. Des Greeves agreed to work so to try and get his name out a bit more. He is young and a good option compared to what more experienced announcers wanted for price. Old Greg is going to have his hands full with two duties during the show. Hopefully he can stay sober enough to be effective in both roles.


The Performers




The Northern Lights: Riddick Jordan, Alton Vicious


A pair of Bob's trainees and actually can carry a decent enough match. They will be working as a pair of thuggish types that don't care for rules and do what they want. If tag straps are decided on then they will be in line for those for sure.






Prince Neville Jones and Lady Aurora


The internet family tree website thingy told Neville that he is of royal blood. Seems legit. He claims he will be a king one day and has attracted the lovely Lady Aurora to stand by his side. She probably wants his money.








Mysterious Warrior from the orient? Some say he is a ninja. Who are we to argue such a claim? Unsure how he signed a contract. Boy doesn't speak a lick of English.






Working Class Chris Everton and Liz Sweetheart


The working man. No really, we had to schedule around his work schedule so he can show up. Liz is a lovely girl-next-door that makes this pair sickenly wholesome as plum pudding. That is wholesome, right?






Pigeon Mask


Head Booker and large flightless human. Need we say more?






Lenny Mochin


Another trainee of Bob. One mean man that seems to have no real emotions. He would punch out his momma for a pound. Just look at intense stare. LOOK AT IT.






Leighton Buzzard and Bethany Hurst


Yet another trainee of Bob. A rather carefree and too damn happy person and his rather hippy-like....girlfriend? Maybe a fangirl? I is hard to tell, but she does follow him to the ring!






The Scotsman


Pretty sure he only got the job because Greg was totally sloshed and Bob is fine with having another Nova hater. A punk that looks to do what he wants...which usually means he is tweeting that he brags to his mother how he finally got a job.






Brilliant White and Reginald Foppenbottom


Such an evil man Brilliant White is. He steals candy from babies and he is a master of setting traps to help get the upper hand in his feuds. On top of that he has the creepy little Foppenbottom helping him in all his evil shenanigans. They will be known to team up for tag matches and call themselves Brilliance






Captain Maxwell and Hellraiser


Maxwell believes himself a super hero. He even has a cape he made from some sheets that says so. His unlucky sidekick would be Hellraiser. Maxwell has taken the man under his wing to protect him from the villainish bad luck that looks to destroy him. They are known to team up and Maxwell likes to call them Hero Inc.






Martin Heath


The last of Bob's trainees that have been signed. The straight man of TKW that has boyish good looks and enjoys having fun. Almost too perfect. Perhaps a deep dark secret that has not been found out yet?


The Title!




TKW Trophy of Excellence


Totally not the old ROF #1 Contenders title that Bob still had sitting around his dojo. Do not pay attention to the duct tape over parts of it.

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We now join in on the Meet and Greet party already in progress. Beepboopbeep




So we did a meet and greet a few days before what was going to be our first official show. Alot of the guys really never met one another so it was a good thing. We sort of had to make Hellraiser sit in a chair and not move much since within the first five minutes he had almost knocked Maxwell out a window and then fell through the finger sandwich setup.


I got a bit tipsy during all the going on and I should know better. Last time I got drunk I got pulled into this. I am scared if I do it again I will wake up to find Jeff Amazon on the roster or something......no....just no. Positive thoughts. POSITIVE THOUGHTS.


That is when I came across JOJI. I spent over an hour talking to the kid and well....he doesn't say much, but boy does he smile. He just nodded along and had this big grin on his face the entire time as I started to talk to him. Which brings us to now.


"So....so me and Walter totally messed things up in the bar. That is when we learned not to ride a horse through town when drunk."


He just laughed along with me after I finished another story before finally getting up. He gave me a double thumbs up while nodding his head several times.


"Pigeon-san number one!"


Those are the only words I think he said all night to me and he wandered off afterwards. I was just all smiles when a rather drunk Greg sat down next to me.


"What were ya doing?"


"I was talking to the JOJI kid. He was rather polite to listen to all my rambling."


".....you know he can't speak hardly any English and probably understands little as well?"


"W...WHAAAAAT? How the heck did you find him and signed a guy that doesn't know English?"


He shrugs some and he looks at his half empty whiskey bottle before taking a big pull off of it.


"I don't think I did? Bob must have. He is a samurai and those are Japanese, right?"


"I.....I don't think it works that way."


I am unsure how this company will work. Bob never mentioned signing the kid and how are we going to handle trying to run a match with a kid that doesn't even speak our language? I guess I will have to teach him. What could possibly go wrong?

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Soon To Be Released on DVD: TKW Pow! Bang! Boom!


Taped on Friday, Week 2 in January 2013


Bask in the amazing lineup that is present on this DVD release.


Main Event: TKW Trophy of Excellence Title Match


The Scotsman vs Martin Heath


Also Featuring


  • The Northern Lights vs Hero Inc
  • Lenny Mochin vs Chris Everton
  • Reginald Foppenbottom vs JOJI
  • Brilliant White vs Pigeon Mask
  • Leighton Buzzard vs Prince Neville Jones

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Tilted Kilt Wrestling Presents: Pow! Bang! Boom!


Taped at Caledonian Club, Scotland on January, Week 2, Friday


11 Attending






There seems to be two separate camera operators around ringside and thankfully the video quality is good even if the rest of the show may not be. The show itself opens with Highland Warrior in the ring dressed up in a suit and looking about as sober as he can get these days. He has his game face on and is holding a microphone in the middle of the ring.


Highland Warrior: "Welcome everyone that came to see us tonight. We are Tilted Kilt Wrestling and we will be the alternative to the machine that is 21st Century Wrestling!"


Not really many cheers, but more a few polite claps as if people would like to buy into it, but know a bit better. It doesn't stop Highland Warrior from speaking as if the company is the new bees knees.


Highland Warrior: "So everyone knows, and this goes for all you kids in back, I am the sheriff here and if anyone wants to cause problems they will answer to me. Now let us get on with the action!"


More light applause is given and those that did bother coming out still seem skeptical.


Rating: 42






The Northern Lights vs Hero Inc


The Northern Lights seem calm and cocky as they come out. On the other hand Hero Inc is a bit of a mess. Maxwell has his cape, blanket, on and he is slowly backing out. Hellraiser is moving slowly and seems to be wrapped in a few layers of bubble wrap to try and protect him from accidents. It doesn't work since he falls into the ring due to tripping on the middle rope and there is a loud pop. Probably the loudest pop that will occur tonight and the fans weren't even involved.


Maxwell starts in the ring with Alton and for a supposed super hero he is actually getting booed a bit by the crowd. Hellraiser on the otherhand does get a few cheers when he gets tagged in and he staggers about the ring. There is so much bubble wrap around him his movements are even more clumsy than normal and both Alton and Riddick are more toying with him than anything. Maxwell tries to help his partner out, but gets tossed to the outside for his troubles. Riddick makes sure Captain Maxwell is taken care of before climbing back into the ring and helps his partner put away Hellraiser with a Lights Out (Dropkick/German Suplex double team).


Winners: The Northern Lights


Rating: 20






In a segment taped backstage, Brilliant White is found sitting in a rather plush office chair reading what looks like a Naruto manga as Reginald Foppenbottom steps over.


Reginald: "Well, sir? What have you found out about ninjas like JOJI?"


Brilliant White tosses the book away and gets to his feet, a wide smile spreading across his lips as he strokes at his beard then adjusts his mask.


Brilliant White: "There are apparently two types of ninja after doing my research. There are loud and obnoxious ones that don't seem very ninja-like at all and then there are ones I have dubbed emo teacups."


Reginald seems in awe as he listens to his boss and quickly nods.


Reginald: "So you know how I can beat him, then?"


Brilliant White puts an arm around Reginald and nods a few times.


Brilliant White: "Of course! Not only will I show you how to win I might not even have to face my opponent. You see I found some birdseed and everyone loves pigeons love that. So I put some in a bowl and put it under a big crate propped up by a stick!"


Even as he explains Pigeon Mask walks by in the background idly munching on some Doritos and seems oblivious to being plotted against as he continues on his way. Brilliant White is about to say more when there is a loud thud along with some popping noises.


Brilliant White: "I must have got him! Let us go find out, Reginald!"


The two quickly move over to where the crate is and when they lift it up to see their catch the pair looks disappointed to see Hellraiser passed out and birdseed everywhere.


Brilliant White: "Curse that Pigeon Mask!"


Rating: 27






Lenny Mochin vs Chris Everton with Liz Sweetheart


Lenny looks like he is ready to throw down and has an intense look on his face as he stares down the entrance area. Chris and Liz come out trying to get the few fans gathered to applaud and get a bit more into the show. While Liz manages to get a few to clap, Chris apparently isn't exactly well liked by the crowd.


Lenny goes on the attack when Chris has barely even gotten into the ring. The bell rings and Lenny starts using his technical skills to their fullest. Liz cheers on her man which does seem to get Chris to start making a comeback. He manages to reverse an armbar and take control. He uses his speed to start pulling off a series of moves that sends Lenny to the floor. That is when Chris makes the mistake of attempting a dive out of the ring onto his opponent. Lenny ducks and Chris lands hard on a few empty chairs.


Lenny quickly gets to his feet and goes to throw Chris back into the ring. Chris is still too dazed and he can barely stand once he does get to his feet. He doesn't have to worry about his balance for long because he eats a kick to the jaw that Lenny has dubbed Eye of the Storm that knocks Chris out cold. Liz can only watch on as her man gets pinned easily.


Winner: Lenny Mochin


Rating: 19






JOJI vs Reginald Foppenbottom


Reginald does seem rather confident so it seems Brilliant White must have given him quite the strategy to defeat JOJI. JOJI looks excited to be where he is and he goes to high five every single fan in attendance before getting in the ring and even offering Reginald a high five as well. Reginald shakes his head and he spends about two minutes after the bell rings trying to explain to JOJI that it is a proper custom for a Japanese wrestler to lay down and be pinned in his first match overseas.


JOJI actually does lay down, but then quickly reverses it into a roll up that almost gives him a quick pin. Reginald is soon finding himself not being able to try any other tactics that his boss had told him about because JOJI is just a whirlwind of strikes and high flying moves that keep the little weirdo reeling all over the ring before being taken out by a missile dropkick.


Winner: JOJI


Rating: 16






Lady Aurora is backstage dressed to impress and she seems happy as can be on top of that.


Aurora: "Oh my sweet prince. You are looking so dashing right now."


The camera pans over to Prince Neville in some sort of gaudy set of tights with crown symbols on them along with the words 'Crown Jewels' written on the front right over his meat and two veg. He straightens up and looks all smarmy as he just nods in agreement.


Neville Jones: "A fitting set of tights for royalty indeed. Now let us be off as we take on that little peasant, Leighton Buzzard."


They hook their arms together and regally walk off shot.


Rating: 30






Prince Neville with Lady Aurora vs Leighton Buzzard with Bethany Hurst


Neville has something about him that might really make him worth watching in the near future. The way he carries himself and hams up his current gimmick show that he could do well once he gets more experience. The trend of the surly crowd continues as Leighton gets boos as well as Neville. At least with a small crowd it isn't so bad.


Neville takes control of his match early and never really relinquishes it. The few times Leighton manages to start getting some offense in it is quickly quashed through a nice thumb to the eye or the like. After a nice backbreaker, Neville climbs to the top turnbuckle and gives a bit of a pose to the crowd before nailing Leighton with his Swansea Swanton to win the match.


Winner: Prince Neville


Rating: 18






The Scotsman is found backstage on his phone. His tongue is stuck out slightly as he types away at the small keypad on it and idly starts to talk under his breath.


"Dear Jeff Nova. You will soon see the mistake you made for never hiring me. I got a job now and I am going to be a champion. P.S. Lick my dingle berries."


The phone snaps shut and he then realizes he is on camera. He laughs weakly and then quickly puts up a tough guy façade.


"Martin Heath. You may have been a tag team specialist in Ring of Fire, but I am the...uh....the specialist of singles! I am going to mess up those pretty boy looks so bad they are going to think you are related to Ringo when I am through with you."


He then makes a face at the camera and wanders off. In the background there is more popping and Hellraiser can be seen rolling across the hallway in the distance with Captain Maxwell chasing after him.


Rating: 14






Brilliant White vs Pigeon Mask


Brilliant White came out with a large net and he immediately tried to use it to capture Pigeon Mask. Really the hijinks that ensued mostly involved overly elaborate traps that White had hiding under the ring he kept pulling out in an attempt to subdue the wily Pigeon Mask. In fact on the DVD extras there is a montage of all the madness


Eventually wrestling does happen when Pigeon Mask looks to be ready to get serious. Or as serious as a man in a pigeon mask can. He starts to use some high flying moves to throw Brilliant White off his game and it looks like the veteran has the match in hand. That is when Reginald Foppenbottom pops out from under the ring and starts to distract the ref. It allows White to throw powder in the face of the masked wrestler then he nails him with the White Out (Code Breaker). The referee turns around in time to see the pin and counts to three.


Winner: Brilliant White


Rating: 28






Martin Heath is backstage and it looks like he is being shown the promo earlier made by The Scotsman and he looks a bit dumbfounded.


Martin Heath: "This is the guy I gotta fight? What the heck did he even mean about the Ringo thing? "


He shakes his head and turns his attention fully to the camera and he gives a bright smile.


Martin Heath: "He can say all those things, but he hasn't been in the ring with me before. He better not underestimate me for the way I look. He will be in for a big surprise if he does. Tonight I walk out with the Trophy of Excellence. My first of hopefully many future singles titles."


Rating: 29






TKW Trophy of Excellence Title Bout




Martin Heath vs The Scotsman


As expected the match is rather sloppy from the start. The Scotsman is trying to use his brute strength, but Martin is too quick to really ever be caught. He uses a stick and run approach which really starts to frustrate Scotsman. Poor Martin is also almost killed by a botched spine buster that is hit too close to the corner and Heath's head almost bounces off the turnbuckle.


The Scotsman attempted some more power moves, but Heath kept struggling and manages to slip out of most of them. A stiff European uppercut staggers the bigger man and Heath follows it up with a flying one off the ropes. He then climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes flying. He nails The Scotsman with his patented flying fist drop and it is enough to put the big man away.


Winner and New Champion: Martin Heath


Rating: 25




Match of the Night: Brilliant White vs Pigeon Mask


Lowlight of the Night: Crowd booing 70 percent of the roster.


Final Rating: 29

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The Aftermath of the First Show


All I could think of is how much of a mess that first show was. Too many workers that are green combined with the fact the small crowd, I am not even sure if you can call eleven people a crowd, seemingly hating everyone but maybe four or five members of the roster. Aside from Greg not being wasted and putting on a halfway decent promo and Aurora looking like she could be a good manager in the near future there was little I could say in the way of positives.


Not only that, but that damned idiot The Scotsman almost injured Martin. I had to apologize many times over. The way Martin brushed it off was surprising, but there was still no excuse. On top of that despite saying no drugs to be found around the place I could smell that someone had rolled themselves something to calm down. I don't know who it was, but I have been told JOJI has been known to smoke up. A shame because he seems like a good kid even if the only English he knows is mostly bad stuff the other guys in the locker room have taught him.


Through all this I just realized the good thing about all this. We had to have flopped so bad Greg and Bob would have to realize this was a bad idea and stop from having another show! Oh happy day! I will have my freedom yet. That is why I was all smiles when I walked into a meeting at the pub I had scheduled with Greg and Bob. What threw me off is they were not mad or sad. They were smiling too which caused me to pale slightly under my mask.


"You're smiling. Why are you both smiling?"


"Why wouldn't we be? I figured you were smiling because Bob told you the good news."


"I didn't tell him. You didn't tell him?"


Good news? How could there be good news? There was a nervous laugh and I rubbed at the back of my neck.


"I haven't heard any news. What good news?"


Greg just smiled wide and he handed me over some papers. I can to realize it was the financial report that figures in all the costs of shows and workers compared to what was made. I expected a loss of quite a bit. Instead I paled further when I saw the results.


"We....we made money!?"


"It's great! It isn't a huge amount, but it means we should be able to run another show the same way and not have to worry too much."


I want to cry. There were no corners for me to curl up against and weep. The few tears that streamed down my mask must have been confused for tears of joy.


"I know it is wonderful. We will run things in a few weeks. think about what you want to do. This is going to be awesome."


"Ah hah....I sure will."


God hates me. That is all I can think of at this point. There is no freedom. Only bad comedy and bad wrestling. AHHHHHH!

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Soon to be Released on DVD: TKW Eye of the Tiger


Taped Friday, Week 2 of February in 2013


Many AMAZING matches included!


Main Event: For the TKW Trophy of Excellence


Martin Heath © vs Lenny Mochin


Also Featured

Brilliance vs Hero Inc


JOJI vs The Scotsman


The Northern Lights vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton


Pigeon Mask vs Prince Neville

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Great start and interesting roster just like in your Bad Boys of Australian diary. Will be interesting to see which of those guys (if any) manage to become the top stars.


Main Event: For the TKW Trophy of Excellence


Martin Heath © vs Lenny Mochin

Heath is one of the few guys in your roster that I have used myself and on my opinion he´s solid young talent and I don´t see any reason for him to drop the Trophy already.


Also Featured


Brilliance vs Hero Inc

Minor Annoyance is one of the few C-Verse guys I actually hate. That said White quickly become my favorite guy on your current roster so I have quite mixed feelings about Brilliance. Anyway, White was one half of your best match in last show and I would presume that it´s enough for him to pick another win here.


JOJI vs The Scotsman

Scotsman is just all around horrible. JOJI might have that drug problem but other than that he seems like decent talent and it´s enough here.


The Northern Lights vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton

Real team over random pairing.


Pigeon Mask vs Prince Neville

Booker man was other half on your top match in last show and that´s enough for me to put him over here.

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Prior to Eye of the Tiger beepboopbeep




I need to really make a point drugs aren't allowed on days of show. For that matter I want to really say no to the booze, but Greg will overrule me on that. Hell, him and The Scotsman are boozing it up right now. Not a good thing. That ****er better not hurt JOJI or he is gone. I don't care what the hell Greg has to say.


Pretty sure White and JOJI are off smoking somewhere and I am told Maxwell is doing something not so superhero like as well. I haven't caught him and it isn't like we have money for drug testing. Not much I can do but tell him to try and keep clean on days of the show.


"You look like hell. Are you going to be able to compete tonight?"


Bob broke me from my slight daze as I looked over at him. We had been going over match stuff at the last moment before he went to relay everything to the talents. I just nodded and smiled faintly under the mask.


"Just worried over too many things. We can only do so much. Sure a few guys are trying to help, but things just feel like they are being held together by used bubblegum."


"It'll work out. I need to have a talk with Martin. He seems a bit on the stuck up side lately. It isn't like him."


I couldn't blame Martin if he did have a problem. He is a good talent in a bad place. He also could have been injured badly because of sloppy ringwork. At least Bob knows him well and can try to imrpove his mood.


"I think that is about everything. You want to go get the guys all gathered and start going over the show?"


Before Bob could answer Neville Jones came strutting in. What the hell? Why does he....


"Hey guys. Look what I got!"




BAM! Sexy Bitch is go.


"Oh that is neat. Where did you get that?"


"This neat dude in a mask offered it to me and said it would make me look more regal. I never got his name. When did you sign him?"


"I didn't sign a guy in the mask."


"Me and White are the only ones with masks. Did Greg sign someone and not tell us?"


"No way. I have copies of all the contracts. No new signings."


"Are you saying we have a ghost luchador? A ghostador?"


"I....don't think they are called that."


Great, as if things aren't weird enough around this place.

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Ghostador for hire right here. :p


Main Event: For the TKW Trophy of Excellence


Martin Heath © vs Lenny Mochin


Also Featured


Brilliance vs Hero Inc


JOJI vs The Scotsman


The Northern Lights vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton


Pigeon Mask vs Prince Neville

BAM! Sexy Bitch Mode Activated!

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<p>Great diary so far. I have a fondness for promotions with no talent in them (I mean that in a good way <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Martin Heath © </strong>vs Lenny Mochin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brilliance </strong>vs Hero Inc</p><p> </p><p>

JOJI vs <strong>The Scotsman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Northern Lights</strong> vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton</p><p> </p><p>

Pigeon Mask vs <strong>Prince Neville</strong></p>

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<p>Pigeon Mask and Brilliant White? I approve.</p><p> </p><p>

Weirdly Pigeon Mask got regenned in my game and the new kid is really good.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Martin Heath ©</strong> vs Lenny Mochin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brilliance</strong> vs Hero Inc</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JOJI</strong> vs The Scotsman</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Northern Lights</strong> vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton</p><p> </p><p>

Pigeon Mask vs <strong>Prince Neville</strong></p>

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<p>Always good to see a British game...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Martin Heath ©</strong> vs Lenny Mochin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brilliance</strong> vs Hero Inc</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JOJI</strong> vs The Scotsman</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Northern Lights</strong> vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton</p><p> </p><p>

Pigeon Mask vs <strong>Prince Neville</strong></p>

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Tilted Kilt Wrestling Presents: Eye of the Tiger


Taped at Caledonian Club, Scotland on February, Week 2, Friday


17 Attending







Dressed in a nice suit and once again looking sober for the most part, Highland Warrior is in the ring addressing the crowd at the start of the DVD.


Highland Warrior: "Welcome once again for the company that will one day put Jeff Nova out of business! Tonight we have several matches to wow and excite you including our main ev..."




He trails off when some tinny music picks up and out comes Prince Neville and Lady Aurora. The prince this time even has a crown on his head and he looks rather smug as he talks into his own microphone.


Prince Neville: "Blah blah blah. No one cares about the main event because I, Prince Neville, am not in it. It is quite a travesty for both the fans and me to not be in it after my impressive victory last month. Why, since then I had an ancestor appear before me and hand me this crown. This does not happen to common folk. This is a sign!"


Highland Warrior: "I am pretty sure I saw some hobo in a mask give it to you earlier today."


Prince Neville: "How dare you call that ghostador a hobo?! He is a royal ancestor of mine. I know it. He knows I deserve a title match and I want it now!"


Highland Warrior doesn't look impressed or intimidated by the demands, instead he just smirks some and nods.


Highland Warrior: "You will have a match tonight, but it will not be for the Trophy of Excellence. You will face Pigeon Mask!"


Prince Neville is not amused. He looks downright frustrated and Lady Aurora does her best to calm him


Prince Neville: "Unacceptable! I do not want to face that peasant!"


Highland Warrior: "He's a pigeon, not a pheasant. Otherwise he would be pheasant mask."


Prince Neville: "Peasant, you idiot!"


Highland Warrior: "Whatever. You will take on Pigeon Mask and you will take him on now!"


Rating: 36






Prince Neville with Lady Aurora vs Pigeon Mask


The small crowd was fully behind Pigeon Mask who ran about the ring and further flustered the already irate prince. Neville seems to have no patience for the antics of Pigeon Mask, but also can't quite get ahold of the spry veteran long enough to do anything about it. Every time he thinks he has a good hold on his opponent, Pigeon Mask slips free and taunts the younger wrestler.


It leads to Neville making several mistakes and leads to him being made into an ass much to the fans delight. He finally has enough once dropkicked out of the ring and he has Lady Aurora grab his crown and they both storm off in a huff. Woolsey counts to ten and Pigeon Mask gets the win.


Winner via Countout: Pigeon Mask


Rating: 23






We shift to the lair, locker room, of Brilliance. Brilliant White seems to be pondering as Reginald Foppenbottom eagerly seems to await what his boss has to say.


Reginald: "So...so did you decide how to outsmart Hero Inc?"


Brilliant White snaps out of his small daze then he grins widely and nods.


Brilliant White: "Captain Maxwell is the one to worry about. Like most superheroes I am sure he has a weakness. I am pretty sure his would be bullets, but that is cheap and not at all as evil as what I did."


Reginald: "So you found his weakness? This is great and wonderous news!"


Brilliant White lets out a laugh and he rubs at his chin while nodding.


Brilliant White: "Some superheroes seem to always be weak to a rock or mineral of some sorts so I filled his tights with various stones and gravel! I love being so brilliant!"


He lets out another laugh as Reginald seems unsure if that sort of thing will really work. He does nod and force a laugh himself.


Reginald: "What about his sidekick?"


Brilliant White is about to say something, but then in the all there are shrill screams and Hellraiser runs past looking to be covered in something as he goes right past the open door that leads to Brilliance's lair.


Reginald: "Leeches? That was a devious move!"


Brilliant White looks confused, but quickly recovers then lets out another laugh.


Brilliant White: "Of course it was me! It was too brilliant not to be! Come, laugh with me, Reginald! We will be victorious!"


Both start to laugh together in an evil manner as things cut away.


Rating: 25






The Northern Lights vs Leighton Buzzard and Chris Everton with Liz Sweetheart and Bethany Hurst


Leighton and Chris look to be trying there hand as a team and both have their lady friend in the corner to cheer them on. The Northern Lights look unimpressed and show just how unimpressed they are when they go on the attack and dump Everton out of the ring. The fans didn't seem to care much about most of the men, but when Riddick Jordan was in the ring he actually got something of a reaction compared to boos like the other three.


The no nonsense Northern Lights make quick work of the duo and they end up blindsiding Everton and knocking him off the apron later on to leave Leighton on his own. One big Lights Out later the Northern Lights remain undefeated in TKW.


Winners via Pinfall: The Northern Lights


Rating: 23






The Scotsman comes out as the ring is being cleared and he confronts Highland Warrior who is at the announce table with Des Greeves. He grabs a mic and he stays in the face of the unimpressed Highland Warrior.


The Scotsman: "I was robbed last month and you know it. You know I am the best thing you got. The best of the best! The bestest! I want a rematch and I want it now!"


Highland Warrior shakes his head and he stands up. He stares down The Scotsman and he grabs the mic from him.


Highland Warrior: "You will earn a shot. Get in the ring and win. Maybe I will consider you for next month if you do end up victorious. For now, let us see how you can handle...A NINJA!"


Rating: 30






The Scotsman vs JOJI


JOJI's more intense and fast paced style seems to be something that hasn't been figured out by other members of the roster just yet. Reginald didn't have much of an answer and The Scotsman seems equally as lost. The speedy, high impact moves have him reeling for the matches' entirety. That is when a swift kick to the head puts away the twitter machine away. JOJI shots something that can't be understood before managing some actual English.


JOJI: "I love Scotland! I love Nessie!"


Winner via Pinfall: JOJI


Rating: 19






Lenny Mochin stands in the backstage area looking into the camera with that intense gaze of his. While he has a good look the man certainly isn't a talker. The intensity gives way to blandness as he speaks in a rather monotone manner.


Lenny Mochin: "Tonight, Martin Heath, you will face the most dangerous man in Tilted Kilt Wrestling. I hope you saw what I did last month because that is the world of hurt you are in for. That Trophy of Excellence will be mine and you will be a pretzel when I am done."


Rating: 19






Brilliance vs Hero Inc


Hellraiser is covered in bandages and seems a bit on the twitchy side while Captain Maxwell's tights are covered in dirt and he is walking fully. Bits of rock are still falling off and out of them as he adjusts things and tries to get comfy. Brilliant White is just laughing evilly as he watches....and then gets a headbutt to the face when Hellraiser trips getting into the ring and runs into him head first.


The match is a bit of a mess and surprisingly the bumbling of Hellraiser has Brilliance on their toes as his stumbling and tripping seem to knock them out of the ring or cause other mishaps. Things actually go south for Hero Inc when Captain Maxwell tags in and he goes after Reginald. He beats on the small man, but the clumsy Hellraiser is being helped out of the ring by Woolsey when Brilliant White throws powder in the face of the captain and quickly rolls him up with Reginald on top. Woolsey turns about then makes the count.


Winners via Pinfall: Brilliance


Rating: 25






Martin Heath is backstage and he is holding the Trophy of Excellence. He has a smile on his face as he addresses the camera.


Martin Heath: "Lenny Mochin will certainly be a challenge. He may have no personality, but in the ring he can be dangerous. I just got this trophy and as much as you hope to have it, Lenny, I won't let that happen. I have never had a title as a singles competitor and I want to show I am more than just a tag team guy. Tonight you will be another stepping stone for that."


Rating: 35






TKW Trophy of Excellence Title Bout




Martin Heath © vs Lenny Mochin


While lackluster on the mic, Lenny Mochin quickly shows he prefers to let his wrestling do the talking. He manages to take control early and keep Martin Heath grounded with his various holds and he seems to be targeting the right arm of Martin Heath since it is the one he often uses for the Flying Fist Drop.


Heath seems to finally be getting used to the style of Mochin and he starts to find ways to slip free and starts to go on the offensive. It just seems every time he is about to get a good amount of momentum behind him, Lenny is smart enough to do a questionable tactic to stall it and get back in control. It looks like he is about to slap Heath into an armbar submission of some sort when Martin manages to twist about and actually use the momentum to launch Lenny out of the ring.


Martin gets up then he takes a dive outside to land on the dazed Mochin that was still trying to recover from being thrown out. Martin gains control and he starts hitting a few impact moves and a missile dropkick downs Lenny in the center of the ring. Martin climbs up to the top and despite the injured arm he manages to hit the Flying Fist Drop. The champ retains!


Winner and Still Champion: Martin Heath (Defenses: 1)


Rating: 31




Final Rating: 31


Match of the Night: Martin Heath © vs Lenny Mochin


Downer of the Night: Continued boos for more than half the roster.

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Show number 2 down. Thanks to all who are reading and hope you are enjoying things so far. Had some predictions happening this time around and here are the results.


Zergon: 5/5


MichiganHero: 4/5


Tiberious4: 3/5


Boltinho: 4/5


Occasional Z: 4/5


Looks like for the most part Prince Neville threw almost everyone for a loop. Don't worry, though. He will be a king one day!


Hmm, as for a prize? I don't think I am going to do something different than I did with BBoA which was a year long deal. I think this will be more a monthly thing that might create more amusing quirks among the workers of TKW.


So if you so choose, Zergon, you can pick a member of the roster and a feature on the next DVD release will have a mini interview with them. You can give me some questions you would like answered or I will come up with something amusing enough.

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So if you so choose, Zergon, you can pick a member of the roster and a feature on the next DVD release will have a mini interview with them. You can give me some questions you would like answered or I will come up with something amusing enough.


Cool, I´m choosing Brilliant White. Sorry no questions though, as I completely suck making other than the bland "who is your favorite/hated opponent" ones. I´m sure you can come up with better questions yourself. :o

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Not So Much a Hero?




After Eye of the Tiger we had some issues. Not a 'Oh good I can get out of my contract and be free of this mess' issues, but an issue involving one of our few performers. It was about two hours after the show and most of the people have moved on. That is when Hellraiser came to me saying he almost tripped and fell into something bad. That something bad was a used syringe and some questionable powder that should not have been backstage.


I know some of our roster uses drugs. I am pretty sure JOJI still smokes the wackey weed along with Scotsman and Brilliant White. I don't like the fact, but they don't smoke before or during the show which means at least they are trying to be good about it. I still want to have a talk to them about it, but Greg seems to be fine with it unless one gets caught outright.


This is a whole other can of beans. There are only two men that were using that locker room and I doubt Hellraiser would be outing himself. Hell, that kid's luck is so horrible he would have died from it by now if he did do drugs. That left a very tough decision, but I called up some friends and used some of the companies money to get Maxwell drug tested. We got the results back not long after. He had been using heroin like we suspected.


It was not a fun day when be and Bob were sitting and waiting for Maxwell to show up at the Ring of Fire dojo. I didn't want Greg involved because I wanted cooler heads to talk to the kid. Maxwell is a good guy making bad decisions is all. He did show up and he looked embarassed. I say it was brave of him to show up at least. I know some people that would have just never showed their face again and try to find work elsewhere.


He sat down and there was an uncomfortable silence. One that had to be broken so I finally spoke up.


"Max, do you like working for us?"


He gives a nod and he fidgets some as he gazes away from both me and Bob. He probably thinks he is going to be fired at this point and he probably can't blame anyone but himself.


"I like you working with us, but right now you could be a danger to the roster. I don't want an injury occurring to you or anyone else."


"Max, you are supposed to be playing a super hero. Someone kids can look up to. What you did.....well it doesn't fit that mold."


He takes a deep breath and I swear the kid might break into tears. It kinda pains me to do it to him, but we can't let something like this go unchecked. He still seems lost for words and more awkward silence ensues until I speak up.


"You aren't fired, but I need you a promise from you. Please seek help and kick the habit, kid. You got a young career and it can only go down instead of up if you keep it up. I want you to stay on and keep wrestling with us."


That seems to help somewhat. He does brighten up just a moment, but still seems unsure. He finally decides to speak.


"I know it is a problem. I....well thanks for not outright firing me. I want to quit, I really do."


"We know you can do it. Maybe lead by example and the other guys will start to follow suit. We aren't wanting to target you, but well, you are the worst case we are dealing with."


He just nods again and lets out a sigh. He does smile afterwards and he looks back up at us.


"I will do it. I will do my best to get clean. This might be my only chance to be with a company. I don't want to screw up."


"That is the spirit, Max. We got your back if you need help."


In all sincerity this was going better than I hoped. I was unsure how he would deal with it. I know alot of idiots just barge out screaming that they are being targeted. This kid wants to really get help. We can only hope he really does get clean. He has a few months before I get him checked again. I hope the results are negative next time around.

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Soon To Be Released on DVD: TKW Mean Business


Taped on Friday, Week 2 in March 2013


Buy it and be amazed by the featured bouts!


Main Event: TKW Trophy of Excellence Title Match


Martin Heath © vs Riddick Jordan


Also Featuring


Pigeon Mask vs The Scotsman


Reginald Foppenbottom vs Chris Everton


Brilliant White vs Leighton Buzzard


Prince Neville and Lenny Mochin vs Hero Inc


JOJI vs Alton Vicious


Special Extra Included!


Interview with Brilliant White

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Martin Heath © vs Riddick Jordan

Heath retains as it´s way too early for a change.


Also Featuring


Pigeon Mask vs The Scotsman

I just don´t see Scotsman being anything else than a jobber.


Reginald Foppenbottom vs Chris Everton

Ouch, this is tough as both of these guys suck. Still I hate Foppenbottom so guess I let that affect my decision and pick Everton to win this one.


Brilliant White vs Leighton Buzzard

As I said before White is my favorite in TKW so might as well back him up.

Prince Neville and Lenny Mochin vs Hero Inc

For whatever reason I´m thinking that heels have more upside here. Not sure where I got that idea though as I don´t know anything about any of these four but I go with it anyway.

JOJI vs Alton Vicious

JOJI is the singles guy from these two so I go with him.

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DVD Extra for Mean Business




Des Greeves interviews the Mastermind of Mayhem, Brilliant White


Des Greeves: "Thanks for joining me, Mr. White. It seems we had some fan questions that they want answered."


Brilliant White: "Doh ho ho! I am not surprised by such a thing. These people are obviously envious of my brilliant and devious mind and must pick at it."


Des Greeves: ".....riiiiiight. So what brought you to Tilted Kilt Wrestling?"


Brilliant White: "I look at a place like this and it is just screaming for my help. The moment I heard Scotland was getting a small promotion I packed my bags, kidnapped Reginald and as you see now I am the absolute star of this company."


Des Greeves: "So you kidnapped that poor man and make him work for you? And I think it is debatable about you being the absolute star. Martin Heath does have the Trophy of Excellence."


Brilliant White: "Kidnap? Did I say that? I meant I asked him if a rag that I had smelled of chloroform and before he knew it he was in Scotland!"


There is a frown at the mention of Martin Heath and he flips his hair and adjusts his mask a bit.


Brilliant White: "Hmph, Martin Heath. That is only because we have not met in the ring yet. I put that fault on my arch rival, Pigeon Mask!"


Des Greeves: "....how is he your rival? You took him on once and managed to beat him. I am not sure to see how that factors into it."


Brilliant White: "He eluded all my traps. He is a smart one. I know he is the real man behind everything. A grade A villian if you ask me. He tasks me so."


Des Greeves stares for a few moments then clears his throat as he looks back down to the note cards that he holds.


Des Greeves: "So you kidn....recruited Reginald Foppenbottom. Why him?"


Brilliant White: "He is a good little helper. Tiny, harmless looking and perhaps one day he can be as great as I. What better mentor could he have?"


Des Greeves: "So far it seems he hasn't had much luck when on his own. Why don't you accompany him to the ring?"


Brilliant White: "Des, Des, Des. I can't hold his hand. I have my own things to take care of. All I can give him at times is the wealth of knowledge that I have to help him do his best. Now if you excuse me. I must prepare myself. Leighton Buzzard isn't going to defeat himself!"


He pauses after saying that and strokes at his beard lightly as he ponders.


Brilliant White: "Or maybe he will! That gives me an idea!"


He lets out a 'doh ho ho!' and soon scurries off to do whatever it is Brilliant White's do when not on screen. Des just shakes his head and looks to the camera.


Des Greeves: "I sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed in sports broadcasting. There you have it folks, Brilliant White."

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Main Event: TKW Trophy of Excellence Title Match


Martin Heath © vs Riddick Jordan


Also Featuring


Pigeon Mask vs The Scotsman


Reginald Foppenbottom vs Chris Everton


Brilliant White vs Leighton Buzzard


Prince Neville and Lenny Mochin vs Hero Inc


JOJI vs Alton Vicious

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