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Jack Avatar - MAW (C-Verse)

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January 2013

... Lord Botetourt High School Gymnasium ...


Around 500 fans of professional wrestling are packed into a small high school gym for an American Independent show early in January. But there was only one fan that truly mattered to me. That fan is none other than Sam Keith, owner and operator of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I was in what is considered to be the main event of this show as I teamed with my 'pseudo-brother' Charles Avatar against The Samoan Wildboyz, formerly of Supreme Wrestling Federation. Of course, this means that I was doing the job tonight but that's alright as long as I get paid at the end of the night. I am working my All-American Boy gimmick and I was able to hit a few high risk moves throughout the night, including a moonsault to the outside of the ring on both members of the Wildboyz. I was looking to impress the man seated in the front row.


Things have been slightly different since he took over for Rip Chord. At least that's what I've heard. Telegraph, telephone, tell-a-wrestler. It's the fastest way for rumors to spread. But rumor has it that Sam is always on the look-out for new talent for his promotion. Generally speaking, the talent needs to be pretty new. He's not looking to rehab a lot of careers if he can help it. Though, these are all simply rumors based on who he has been hiring lately. After the match was over and I was left looking up at the lights, I left the ring and headed for the showers.


A short time later and I was dressed in a casual pair of jeans and t-shirt, looking for the local promoter so that I could get my pay. That was the problem sometimes with these local shows. The promoters sometimes didn't want to pay up, especially not what they agreed to up-front. When I found him, Akima Brave and Kid Toma were 'negotiating' their pay. By negotiating, I mean they were holding the promoter pinned against the wall and taking what they thought was theirs. The promoter looked at me with a look in his eyes that asked for help and I approached the situation slowly and delicately.


Jack Avatar: "Hey guys. What's going on?"


Akima Brave: "Just another promoter that doesn't want to pay. When are they going to learn?"


I had been through this with these two a time or two with different promoters. Generally speaking, the 'veterans' take what they want and leave scraps for the rest of us to live on. One of the reasons why I am living in my car at the moment. Then, much to the surprise of everyone here, a voice boomed out from down the hallway.


Sam Keith: "Let him go, Akima, Toma."


The voice absolutely commanded respect. Anyone who knows professional wrestling knows who Sam Keith is. He is a veteran that has been around the block for years and years. He is also someone you don't have to worry about paying you. Though, of course, that is simply through hear-say and rumors that I've heard from other wrestlers who have worked for him. Akima and Toma did let the promoter go and I stood back and watched.


Sam Keith: "Jack, please go into the locker room for a moment. I'd like to speak with you after I finish here."


I merely nodded. When a man like Sam Keith tells you that he wants to speak with you, you listen. I moved into the locker room, thus out of ear-shot of the conversation that was going on. I had no idea if I was going to get paid or not for my night's work. It had me thinking about finding another job to supplement my income but what address would I give them? A car at the corner of Dennis and Maple just doesn't sound very good on an application or résumé. My eyes looked around the locker room for a moment as I was settled on a bench. I traced my fingers along the wood as I waited as calmly and patiently as I could. When the door opened, I immediately stood up to show my respect to such a veteran. Sam extended a hand to me and I accepted it.


Sam Keith: "Sam Keith, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jack."


Jack Avatar: "It's my pleasure, Mr. Keith."


Sam Keith: "Call me Sam, please. But I am going to cut right to the chase here. I have been scouting wrestlers because we have an opening in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I know that you sent a tape to our company for us to review. I like your raw talent and athleticism. I think you could have a good beginning in my company. Would you like to come to Maryland for a try-out?"


My heart nearly leapt up in my throat. This was a moment that I had been dreaming about. Stay cool, Jack. Stay cool. Don't think about the fact that this is the biggest opportunity in your young career. Don't think that you will be learning from a regular living legend. Oh, wait, he's waiting for a response. Breathe, breathe, speak.


Jack Avatar: "It would be an honor...Sam."


A handshake came next between the two of us as I looked him in the eyes...


Sam Keith: "I will see you in one week at Stanley Hall."


Jack Avatar: "I'll be there."


Sam turned and walked away and when I knew that he wasn't within earshot, I released a loud scream of happiness. I was headed to Mid Atlantic Wrestling, provided I survive the tryout.


But as soon as my euphoria started to come down, I realized I hadn't been paid. How in the world was I going to make it from Virginia to Maryland? Gas is not exactly free. Neither is food or water or anything else that one needs to purchase. I got up from my seat and moved toward the door. As soon as I stepped outside, I noticed an envelope taped to a locker. My name was on the front. As I peeled it off and opened it, I removed several hundred dollars. Maybe my luck is looking up...

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Thank you to everyone for the comments! They are really appreciated! I hope I can live up to your faith in me.


January 2013

... Stanley Hall ...


It is the second week of January that I arrived in Baltimore, Maryland. I headed right for Stanley Hall, which is where I was set to meet Mid Atlantic Wrestling owner Sam Keith. My old vehicle rambled up to the parking lot at around five o'clock in the morning and I decided to sleep for a couple of hours outside the building in my car.


Within a couple of hours, there was a sound that woke me up. I yawned and stretched and looked over to the window to see a man peering into the window. I motioned for him to step back and when he did I opened the door.


Jack Avatar: "Hi. Sorry, I wanted to catch some sleep before my meeting with Mr. Keith, err, Sam. Name's Jack and you are?"


George Wolfe: "George Wolfe. Nice to meet you."


The pleasantries and handshakes were exchanged and he invited me inside to work out with him. Of course I was more than happy to go inside with someone who is already working with the company. Inside Stanley Hall, it was amazing. It was absolutely incredible to see all the state of the art facilities. George was pretty strong for a guy his size. I took the time to spot him on a couple of weight lifts and machines and then I walked away from him to focus on somewhere else that I saw.


The wrestling ring...


My eyes lit up to see the wrestling ring seated in the middle of Stanley Hall. I drew in a breath and walked over to the ring, looking around and imagining the place filled with three hundred fans. I slide inside the ring and bounce the ropes, stretching and doing a few drop-steps. My fingers run along the ropes after a moment and I imagine holding the MAW Mid Atlantic Championship above my head in victory.


Sam Keith: "You ready for your try-out?"


I quickly look up, realizing I am not alone in this area. In fact, Sam is not even alone. The entire roster of Mid Atlantic Wrestling is standing there surrounding Sam, including some who must have been recently signed. Including the veteran Ed Monton.

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January 2013

... Stanley Hall ...


My eyes grew wide as I looked out toward the crowd of wrestlers and former wrestlers gathered around the ring. I drew in a breath and a gulp of air as Sam Keith's words rang within my ears. 'Am I ready for my try-out?' Of course there is only one answer, right? I slowly nodded my head as I stepped back and toward a corner. I raised my leg against the middle turnbuckle, stretching. Then I turned to see who my opponent was going to be this evening. That opponent? Mean Jean Cattley. Jean is a sixteen year veteran that everyone knows was Rip Chord's first lieutenant when he was running the company. Apparently, things don't change very often when new management comes in.


Sam Keith stepped in as the referee and the bell sounded as apparently this try-out would be called inside the ring. What happened? Five minutes of pure torture. Jean twisted me this way, that way and the other way in between. As the veteran, he was calling this match and he did not allow me to get in even one single move of offense to show what I had been doing on the independent circuit. After five minutes of moves like backbreakers, boston crabs, knee bars and every single type of suplex that you can imagine, Jean finally put an end with the swinging Uranage that he calls the Mood Swing. He hooked the leg on impact and a three count was registered by 'referee' Sam Keith.


Sam Keith: "Great showing, Jean. I enjoyed that."


Jean reached down a hand and flashed me a grin. He took my hand and lifted me up to my feet, though I was a little shaky on my feet after such a display of offensive ability.


Mean Jean Cattley: "Yeah, Sam. I think I can work with him."


Sam Keith: "Alright, Jack, let's go talk over a contract."


I was slightly surprised by that. After all, I hadn't gotten in one single offensive move during that 'match.' Mean Jean called the entire offense for himself. But I wasn't one to look a gift-horse in the mouth. Maybe Sam could lend me a few bucks to get into a hotel here. Nah, couldn't ask him that. I don't want to charity. I have to pay my dues. Even if that means sleeping out in my car night after night and wrestling all day in this building. I want to be a MAW wrestler, whatever it takes. But a hot meal would be nice...

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January 2013

... The Wicked Game ...


The contract that I worked out with Sam wasn't huge but it was about what I could expect given the size of the company and the fact that I am not a known commodity. It allows for me to work for other companies should I find myself in need and in need of money. However, Sam stated that he would prefer it if I focused on my MAW duties for now. It seemed like a subtle way of him to say not to work for other companies but what do I know, right?


Following the signing of the contract, I hit the showers inside Stanley Hall and then I was invited to come out that night with a few of the wrestlers. They all planned to hit this club called The Wicked Game here in Baltimore. It seems like a good idea to socialize with the other wrestlers and get myself into that great fraternity or brotherhood. But, on the other hand, I am sleeping in my car and I have only a couple hundred bucks to my name. So I don't have the money to blow going out to a club. But at the end of the day I made the decision to go and see what would happen. After all, what is the worst thing that could possibly happen by going out to a club?


I arrived at the club around ten P.M. and I noticed that I wasn't the first MAW wrestler to show up. As a matter of fact, there was a table full of them that included Ace Youngblood, Cameron Jones, Casey Valentine, Lisa Bowen and a surprise wrestler: Steve Flash. I had no idea that we would be seeing a veteran like that here with us MAW wrestlers. I knew he worked up in NYC but was he going to be here for the Rip Chord Invitational? As my eyes scanned around, I noticed Mean Jean Cattley at one end of the bar and Findlay O'Farraday at the other end. Both were sipping on beers and ignoring the occasional female that came up to them and hit on them. My first stop was the table and I extended a hand to Steve Flash.


Jack Avatar: "Mr. Flash, it is an honor to meet you."


Steve Flash: "So you're the new kid that everyone is talking about. I heard you took a beating from Jean earlier today."


Jack Avatar: "We all have to start somewhere, right?"


Steve Flash: "Yeah, we do. Even I started at the bottom 28 years ago. Good luck to you, kid. Just don't let ol' sour puss Jean get to you."


I nodded and laughed before I moved from the table toward the man who put a beating on me earlier today. Jean and I met eyes as I walked toward him. He gave a little sneer and then turned back to his beer. I hesitated in my steps toward him, turning to look briefly at O'Farraday before I turned around and walked back toward the table. I settled in to an empty seat and leaned back, running my fingers through my hair. As I sat there, feeling like a bump on a log, Ace Youngblood leaned in and whispered.


Ace Youngblood: "It took me awhile before I could approach Jean too."


I smiled and nodded, turning my eyes to look toward Lisa Bowen. Lisa, of course, is the daughter of SWF veteran Runaway Train. She is the ATTRACTIVE daughter of Runaway Train. And as far as I know she is also unattached. I gave her a smile and she gave me a hesitant smile in return. Maybe this will be a good night after all.

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Rip Chord Invitational Challenge Tournament

...Featuring Every Past Tournament Winner (That doesn't hold the Mid-Atlantic Championship)...


Round 1 Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Round 1 Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez



Round 1 Match

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X



Round 1 Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot



Semifinals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez



Semifinals Match

Robbie Wright/Citizen X vs. Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Rip Chord Tournament Invitational Challenge Finals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash/Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez vs. Robbie Wright/Citizen X/Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause



Mid-Atlantic Championship Match

Last Man Standing Match

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday


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Round 1 Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Round 1 Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez



Round 1 Match

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X



Round 1 Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot



Semifinals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez



Semifinals Match

Robbie Wright/Citizen X vs. Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Rip Chord Tournament Invitational Challenge Finals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash/Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez vs. Robbie Wright/Citizen X/Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot

Comment: Gives X a storyline. I can never seem to figure out what to do with the guy for some reason.


Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause



Mid-Atlantic Championship Match

Last Man Standing Match

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Comment: Vessey will do better in the long run as champ

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Round 1 Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Round 1 Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez



Round 1 Match

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X



Round 1 Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot



Semifinals Match

Steve Flash vs Casey Valentine

Comment: I predict Flash starts playing the gatekeeper 'round here...


Semifinals Match

Citizen X vs. Hollywood Bret Starr



Rip Chord Tournament Invitational Challenge Finals Match

Casey Valentine vs Citizen X



Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause



Mid-Atlantic Championship Match

Last Man Standing Match

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday


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  • 2 weeks later...




News of the death has sent shock-waves throughout the country of Canada as former five time NOTBPW Canadian Champion Sean McFly was found dead within his home in the Maritimes of Canada. His wife, Victoria Stone-McFly, has yet to release a statement. He also leaves behind an 11 year old daughter Lucy Stone-McFly. No news has been released of how the death occurred.

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News of the death has sent shock-waves throughout the country of Canada as former five time NOTBPW Canadian Champion Sean McFly was found dead within his home in the Maritimes of Canada. His wife, Victoria Stone-McFly, has yet to release a statement. He also leaves behind an 11 year old daughter Lucy Stone-McFly. No news has been released of how the death occurred.






This early in your diary game? :(

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Round 1 Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Comment: Wanted to give Jean-O the win, but I feel at least one visitor should win.


Round 1 Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Comment: Casey is totally reliable and a definite star. Plus he's redeeming the infamous Valentine name.


Round 1 Match

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X

Comment: Robbie has a while to go before he makes it out of the first round...even though I'm a massive fan of Wright and majorly dislike X, X should be too good.


Round 1 Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot

Comment: Starr cheats his way to victory.


Semifinals Match

Steve Flash vs Casey Valentine

Comment: Casey is one of your big names...Flash is a (n awesome) gatekeeper.


Semifinals Match

Citizen X vs. Hollywood Bret Starr

Comment: Still hate X, still love Starr...but X faces Valentine.


Rip Chord Tournament Invitational Challenge Finals Match

Casey Valentine vs Citizen X

Comment: I really dislike X...but I see him winning here (have I made my dislike for Citizen X clear yet?) There aren't enough viable title contenders, so you need X and Findlay up there to face Vessey, Jean and Valentine.


Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause

Comment: Syd Collier is a total boss...he should win ALL the titles!! Plus Vegas is lucky to still have a job. (I like to try and get him hired elsewhere...I've yet to succeed :( )


Mid-Atlantic Championship Match

Last Man Standing Match

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Comment: Vessey is too good to take the title off without any build...it could happen, but I hope it doesn't.

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Round 1 Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Round 1 Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez



Round 1 Match

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X



Round 1 Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot



Semifinals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez



Semifinals Match

Robbie Wright/Citizen X vs. Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Rip Chord Tournament Invitational Challenge Finals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash/Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez vs. Robbie Wright/Citizen X/Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause



Mid-Atlantic Championship Match

Last Man Standing Match

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday


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Round 1 Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Round 1 Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez



Round 1 Match

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X



Round 1 Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot



Semifinals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez



Semifinals Match

Robbie Wright/Citizen X vs. Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Rip Chord Tournament Invitational Challenge Finals Match

Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash/Casey Valentine/Mainstream Hernandez vs. Robbie Wright/Citizen X/Hollywood Bret Starr/American Patriot



Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause



Mid-Atlantic Championship Match

Last Man Standing Match

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday


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Friday Week 4 January 2013

Location: Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 300

Overall Rating: C-




[The show begins with the crowd in Stanley Hall on their feet and ready for the Rip Chord Invitational! A chant of 'Rip Chord' fills the arena as the new owner of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, Sam Keith, walks out from the back. He shakes his head at the chants, looking angrily toward the crowd and even threatening a fan in the front row! He finally makes it to the ring and steps inside, looking around with a wireless microphone in hand.]


Sam Keith: "The Rip Chord Invitational? What a joke. What a disgrace to have one of MY shows named after the guy who disgraced himself time and time again with drugs and alcohol. I have a good mind to shut this show down and send each and every one of you home. But that would cost me money. That would cost me far too much. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to put myself behind one man in this tournament. When he wins this tournament, it will be the last time this is held. When the man I am behind walks away from here tonight, he will be the last ever Rip Chord tournament champion. Let me introduce that man."




[The crowd roars in boos as out comes Mean Jean Cattley in response to Sam Keith's words. Mean Jean has been with this company for going on eight years! He enters the ring and looks toward the new owner and the two men embrace! The crowd boos louder and louder as the two men shake hands and Keith raises Cattley's arm up high.]


Sam Keith: "This man, the first ever MAW Mid Atlantic Champion is going to be the same man to put the dagger in the heart of Rip Chord. Now let's get his very first opponent out here and start this tournament out right."


Match 1: Round 1 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/MeanJeanCattley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/SamKeith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/SteveFlash.jpg

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Steve Flash gets a thunderous ovation from the 300 fans here in Stanley Hall. They all want to see him get his hands on Mean Jean Cattley. Both men are technically sound and this makes for a very good opening bout as Sam Keith watches on from ringside. Flash very nearly catches an early countout victory when he strikes Cattley with a plancha dive outside the ring. But the match continues back inside the ring, where Flash tries to strike Cattley with a spear in the corner but Cattley avoids the spear, sending Flash shoulder-first into the ring post. After a quick back and forth succession of moves between the two wrestlers, Cattley moves in and catches Flash with the Mood Swing, a swinging Uranage where he hooks the leg on impact, drawing in a one, two and three. Mean Jean Cattley moves on!

Mean Jean Cattley d. Steve Flash =D+


Match 2: Round 1 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/CaseyValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/MainstreamHernandez.jpg

Casey Valentine vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Our second match begins very shortly after our first match with another former winner of the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament. Just like the first match, this one goes back and forth. Marvin Earnest, the announcer, talks about how Mainstream has gone Supreme and that this will be his last show on the independent scene. Valentine goes for a Heart Breaker on Hernandez but Hernandez slips in behind him. Hernandez hooks on a sleeperhold and then turns it into a neckbreaker. He calls that the Pontiac To Home. With Valentine down on the mat, Hernandez heads to the top rope -- Apparition #14 connects! The Shooting Star Press has Valentine's shoulders down for a three count. Mainstream advances!

Mainstream Hernandez d. Casey Valentine =C




[The crowd boos when the daughter of Runaway Train, Lisa Bowen, escorts out the arrogant Robbie Wright. Bowen gives a beauty pageant wave to the crowd as she walks to the ring and then holds the ropes open for Wright. The two enter the ring and Bowen has the microphone.]


Lisa Bowen: "The King and Queen of the Mid-Atlantic region have arrived. Welcome to the best and say goodbye to the rest of those miserable peasants out there in the back. I know that you are all waiting and hoping that your favorites come out here and win the Rip Chord tournament but I am here to tell you that they have no chance at all against a man like Robbie Wright. Robbie, let's get your miserable opponent out here."


Match 3: Round 1 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/RobbieWright.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/LisaBowen.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/CitizenX.jpg

Robbie Wright vs. Citizen X

The opponent for Robbie Wright is, of course, the Anarchist Citizen X. He is sporting his Anarchy Rulz t-shirt as he comes down to the ring. The match is a definite brawl from the beginning between these two wrestlers. The brawl fits both of their wheelhouses but Citizen X has a definite experience advantage against Wright and this helps him throughout the match in setting up Wright. The crowd started getting into the match toward the end, when Lisa Bowen tried to use her 'assets' to distract X. But this only served to distract Wright instead! X moves in quickly and strikes Wright with the Flaming Anarchy! X makes the cover and gains the three count, advancing in the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament.

Citizen X d. Robbie Wright =D




[The crowd, who just moments before were cheering for Citizen X, turn to boos when out from the back comes the Mid-Atlantic Champion Cameron Vessey. The arrogant wrestler literally turns his back on the fans at the top of the entranceway, raising the Mid-Atlantic title up high in the air. Vessey walks down to the ring and climbs the stairs, entering inside with a wireless microphone in hand.]


Cameron Vessey: "Do you know who I am? My name is Cameron Vessey and I am THEE Second Generation Superstar here in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. I am thee only wrestler that matters. Some people might be asking themselves the question of why I am not entered in the Rip Chord Tournament. I am one of only two people to win the tournament twice, after all. But the reason is that I am the Mid-Atlantic Champion and I have to prove my superiority once again against that 300 pound blowhard: Findlay O'Farraday. Sorry, Findlay, but your last name is NOT royalty within this sport like mine is. And if you all want to continue to boo me down here, I can always take this title belt and go up and work with Dad in New York City. Findlay, you and I, tonight, are going to settle things once and for all. Last Man Standing means I win."


[The crowd boos the man known as Thee Second Generation Superstar as Vessey drops the microphone and exits the ring. Later on tonight, we are going to see him defend the Mid-Atlantic Championship against Findlay O'Farraday in a Last Man Standing match! Who can come out on top?]


Match 4: Round 1 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/HollywoodBretStarr.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. American Patriot

Our final first round matchup features another second generation wrestler in Hollywood Bret Starr against a former Rip Chord Invitational Tournament winner in American Patriot. Starr takes the match outside the ring early on and rams Patriot's head into the ring post and then whips him hard against the guardrail. Hollywood brings Patriot back into the ring where the chants of 'USA, USA, USA' seem to revive the masked man. American Patriot strikes with clotheslines and then sends Starr to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Patriot makes the cover but only draws a two count! The momentum swings again when American Patriot goes for a flying shoulder tackle off the top rope and misses! Starr is quick to capitalize, hitting Patriot with the Hollywood Hammer! The double axehandle to the chest brings Patriot to the mat and Starr makes the cover: one... two... three!

Hollywood Bret Starr d. American Patriot =C




[Wolf whistles and cat-calls from the mostly male audience follow the arrival of a new female to the Stanley Hall. She struts her way down toward the ring with a man in tow. She bends over suggestively as she enters the ring, wiggling on the middle rope before completely entering the ring. She has a microphone in hand.]


Woman: "For those of you who haven't been to Las Vegas in a long time, you may not know who I am. My name is Dharma. Dharma Gregg. And I am proud to present to you a future Mid-Atlantic Champion. This man standing by my side is going to prove himself each and every month here in this region. Welcome to Mid-Atlantic: KC Glenn."


KC Glenn: "Thank you, Dharma. My history is simple. I was trained by TCW wrestler Joey Minnesota, dudes. I share his philosophy in coming out here to entertain each and every one of you dudes out there. I will become Mid-Atlantic Champion. I guarantee it!"


[KC Glenn poses for a moment, though most male eyes are on Dharma Gregg. Dharma smiles and leans on Glenn for a moment and the two exit the ring. Glenn sweeps her up in his arms and the two disappear to the back.]


Match 5: Semi Finals Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/MeanJeanCattley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/SamKeith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/MainstreamHernandez.jpg

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Mainstream Hernandez

The semi finals match here in the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament features the former two time tournament winner in Mainstream Hernandez against the MAW veteran mainstay and Sam Keith's selection Mean Jean Cattley. The match is an excellent back and forth battle with many near falls and false finishes as the crowd really gets behind Mainstream. Hernandez slips in behind Cattley and goes for the Pontiac To Home but Cattley reverses that into a jawbreaker. Cattley goes for the Mood Swing but Hernandez elbows his way out. Hernandez sends Cattley into the corner and catches him with a dropkick in the corner, sending Cattley to the mat. Hernandez signals for the Apparition #14! He climbs the turnbuckles and leaps -- Cattley moves at the last moment! Hernandez catches nothing but mat. Cattley rolls Hernandez up, sliding his feet on the ropes for leverage: one... two... three! Mean Jean Cattley is moving to the finals!

Mean Jean Cattley d. Mainstream Hernandez =C-


Match 6: Semi Finals Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/HollywoodBretStarr.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/CitizenX.jpg

Hollywood Bret Starr vs. Citizen X

All caution was thrown to the wind in this semi finals match with Hollywood against the Anarchist. The match started out in the ring but quickly spilled outside the ring and even into the front row of fans! X pours a cup of beer over the head of Hollywood and then hits him with the cup for good measure. But the referee does not want to disqualify or count either man out so a lot of leeway is given during this contest. The two men finally make their way back in the ring and it sets up a true back and forth contest with several near falls along the way by both men. Citizen X manages to strike Starr with a DDT in the center of the ring. He makes the cover: one... two... kickout! Starr somehow manages to keep fighting. The end of the match sees multiple finisher attempts by both men with the other being able to fight out before the move can be successfully hit. In the end, it takes one small mistake by Citizen X, a missed avalanche in the corner. This sets up the Hollywood Hammer connecting by Starr. Starr makes the quick cover, hooking the leg: one... two... three!

Hollywood Bret Starr d. Citizen X =D+




[The bell sounds and we have our finals of the night. Mean Jean Cattley will take on Hollywood Bret Starr to determine who will walk away with the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament title. Both Hollywood Bret Starr and Citizen X have to use the ropes to pull themselves to their feet following what was an excellent match. The two men look across at one another and Starr steps in, offering a handshake to Citizen X! X looks surprised at the gesture but he accepts and the two men embrace in the center of the ring! What a show of sportsmanship!]




[That show of sportsmanship is interrupted by the arrival of MAW Owner Sam Keith. Keith stomps his way down to the ring and steps inside. He gives a look toward Citizen X and then turns his full attention to Hollywood Bret Starr.]


Sam Keith: "I knew it would be someone with talent that makes it to face my selection. Congratulations Hollywood on the victory. Now later on tonight what I need you to do is lay down for Jean so we can get this stupid Rip Chord tournament off the Mid-Atlantic Wrestling schedule. I know that you're a smart man, Hollywood. I know that you'll make the right choice tonight. Now shake my hand and let's go to the back together."


[Hollywood looks conflicted as he stands in the ring. Citizen X exits the ring, leaving only the two men inside. X heads to the back and Hollywood looks toward Sam Keith, tilting his head. The crowd is telling him not to accept it. The crowd boos this attempt by Sam Keith to rig the finals of the tournament. Bret slides the opposite hand to Sam Keith, making Sam switch hands. As Sam does, Bret switches hands. This goes on for about four rotations before Bret curls his fingers in a fist and floors Sam Keith with a single punch!]


Hollywood Bret Starr: "My name is Bret."


[As Keith looks up in shock at what just happened there is a disturbance in the crowd.]




[Mean Jean Cattley enters the ring from behind Bret Starr! Cattley brings Starr down with a clothesline to the back of the head. He proceeds to lay in the stomps to his opponent later on tonight! Sam Keith rises to his feet and joins with Mean Jean Cattley in the assault on Bret Starr. Cattley picks up Starr -- Mood Swing! The crowd boos loudly but nothing can be done. Bret Starr has been laid out by Mean Jean Cattley. What does this mean for later on tonight?]


Match 7: Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/CameronJones.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/SydCollier.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/KeithVegas.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/MillerFforde.jpg

The Dynamite Express defend vs. Lost Cause

There is not much in the way of crowd reaction for this match. Perhaps it is more of a bathroom/concession stand break match for many of the 300 people in the audience here at Stanley Hall. They missed some solid tag team action that surprised the people who remained within their seats to watch this contest. Miller Fforde nearly scores an upset on Cameron Jones. Hot tags on both sides bring in Keith Vegas and Syd Collier. More back and forth action that draws in the crowd, thinking they are seeing an upset in the making. Instead, Collier strikes Vegas with a Piledriver and then makes the cover, sliding his feet on the middle ropes: one... two... three!

The Dynamite Express d. Lost Cause =E+


Match 8: Finals Rip Chord Invitational Tournament

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/MeanJeanCattley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/SamKeith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/HollywoodBretStarr.jpg

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Bret Starr

The finals of the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament features two men who have never won the tournament before. Both of these men have faith that they can claim the title after wrestling two matches beforehand. Cattley comes in with a definite advantage after his assault on Starr earlier this evening. Cattley tries to pick up a win within the first few minutes when he goes for the Mood Swing but Starr elbows out and slides around, rolling Cattley up: one... two... two and a half... kickout! So close! The two men continue to brawl throughout a match that lasts nearly twenty five minutes! Sam Keith is liberal with his interference, telling referee Jay Fair not to disqualify Cattley. One major spot in the match has Cattley set up a table outside the ring and lay Starr upon it. He climbs to the top turnbuckle, drawing in boos from the crowd. He leaps -- Starr rolls off the table! Cattley goes through the table by himself! The crowd rises to their feet in shock at what just happened!


Marvin Earnest: "The crowd is exactly right. Holy shit! I have never quite seen anything like that in all my career here in MAW! Mean Jean Cattley might be knocked out cold."


Both men are able to get back into the ring before the ten count, though. Mean Jean has to have Sam Keith's help to roll back in the ring. Bret Starr draws in the crowd's emotions, powering up through the fans here in this arena. Starr sends Cattley into a corner and climbs up, throwing punches as the crowd counts along. He gets to ten and then drops down, lifting Cattley with a vertical suplex. He twists around and catches him with a second vertical suplex. The third time's the charm and leaves both men lying on the mat gasping for air. Starr rolls over and makes the cover: one... two... shoulder up! Starr slaps the mat, frustrated at not getting the win there. Moments later, Starr has to knock Sam Keith off the apron with a kick. He then sizes up Cattley as Cattley gets to his feet. He charges with his hands set for the Hollywood Hammer -- ducked! Cattley hooks Starr -- Mood Swing! Cattley catches Starr with the Mood Swing out of nowhere! The leg is hooked: one... two... three... NO! Referee Jay Fair signals that Starr got his shoulder up at the last moment! The crowd pops! Cattley pulls himself up to his feet and yanks Starr up with him. Cattley hooks Starr for another Mood Swing. He lifts him up -- Starr slips out! Starr shoves Cattley into the corner. Cattley bounces out -- Hollywood Hammer! Starr strikes Cattley with the Hollywood Hammer! Starr falls on top, making the cover, hooking the leg: one... two... three!

Bret Starr d. Mean Jean Cattley =C




[The crowd goes absolutely wild! There will be a Rip Chord Invitational Tournament next year! Bret Starr has won the night and the right to face Cameron Vessey or Findlay O'Farraday next month for the Mid-Atlantic Championship! Starr is absolutely exhausted as he lies there on the mat, getting his hand raised for this victory. He grabs the bottom rope and pulls with all his might, yanking himself higher and higher up. The crowd begins a 'Starr' chant as he gets to his feet. He raises his arm as Jay Fair hands him the trophy for this year's victory. Starr is sweating profusely but he doesn't seem to care. He raises the trophy up high until he is interrupted.]




[That interruption comes in the form of the Mid-Atlantic Champion Cameron Vessey. These two men were once best friends as members of the Succession. Vessey enters the ring and grabs the trophy, shoving it to the mat. The crowd boos. Starr looks down at the trophy and then back up, only to take a belt shot to the skull! After nearly twenty five minutes of back and forth action with Mean Jean Cattley, Bret Starr may need to see a doctor at this point. Vessey looks down at Starr and then grabs the trophy. He raises it over his head but is stopped.]




[He is stopped by a 300 pound southern brawler by the name of Findlay O'Farraday, who grabs the trophy from Vessey and sets it aside. O'Farraday stares at Vessey and referee Jay Fair shrugs his shoulders and calls for the bell. Why not?!?!]


Match 9: Mid-Atlantic Championship Match Last Man Standing Match

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/CameronVessey.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/MAW/FindlayOFarraday.jpg

Cameron Vessey defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Our main event contest of the evening. If fans thought that the match before was a brawl then they hadn't seen anything yet. This brawl took place inside the ring, outside the ring, through the crowd and even up to the concession stands! O'Farraday gets a face full of ketchup and mustard and Vessey gets a hot dog to the gut. Talk about your food giving you heartburn! These two men keep up the action for nearly twenty minutes of back and forth contest. Out in the audience, O'Farraday sets Vessey up on a table. He climbs to the second floor and then leaps -- splash through the table! Vessey gets crushed! O'Farraday pulls himself from the remnants of the broken table as the referee begins counting both men down: three... four... five... Vessey starts to stir in the remnants of the table. six... seven... eight... Vessey gets to his knees and he has a chair!


Marvin Earnest: "Cameron Vessey always has something up his sleeve! Now he strikes O'Farraday in the gut and then the back with that chair! Come on, ref! Get in there!"


Somehow, Cameron Vessey gets to his feet despite being put through a table only moments before. Vessey tosses down the chair and puts the boots to a fallen O'Farraday. He picks him up and body slams him on the chair! The larger O'Farraday holds his back in pain. Vessey draws in boos from the crowd as he stands, wiping blood from his forehead. He picks up the fallen O'Farraday -- Vessey Driver on the chair! Findlay O'Farraday has to be knocked out! O'Farraday is laid out as Cameron Vessey gets to his feet. The referee begins and continues the count: six... seven... eight... nine... ten!

Cameron Vessey d. Findlay O'Farraday =C-




[The bell sounds and Cameron Vessey is going to leave this evening as still the Mid-Atlantic Champion! Vessey is handed the belt but instead of simply celebrating, he begins putting the boots to Findlay O'Farraday! O'Farraday cannot even fight back at this point. He is unconscious! Vessey lifts the three hundred pounds of dead weight, tugging him toward the ring. He slams O'Farraday against the guard rail. Vessey prepares to hit another Vessey Driver on O'Farraday when the crowd pops.]




[The pop is HUGE for Bret Starr! This man must be super-human! How can he still be on his feet! Starr has a chair in his hands and a look on his face like he is ready to kill. Cameron Vessey sees Starr coming and fear comes over that face. Vessey leaps the guardrail and moves through the crowd as Starr chases him like some movie monster. Starr pauses by O'Farraday, raising the chair up high, drawing in cheers from the crowd. The show ends with Bret Starr helping Findlay O'Farraday to the back and Marvin Earnest announcing that MAW will be back next month!]

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Am glad you enjoyed the show. I had a lot of fun writing it up. Anything in particular that you enjoyed?

Can't really pick out a specific element because it was the entire flow and feel of it that I enjoyed. It was an old-school wrestling show with it's own self-contained storyline in addition to those story elements set up to carry over to future shows.


I find it quite difficult to set up a small fed show that feels like one coherent story rather than a sequence of unrelated segments, so I appreciate seeing it well done.


On the technical side, I enjoyed the formatting (especially the use of colour), but I would suggest additional vertical spacing between segments.

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