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SWF: The Fall - The Melancholy of Tommy Cornell

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Sudden Impact (Valiant & Chance Fortune)

The Samoan Wildboyz vs. High Octane

Marc Dubois vs. Jay Darkness vs. Giant Tana

Vengeance vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Dread vs. Lobster Warrior

Remo vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only (Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota) vs. The Chase Agency

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Sudden Impact (Valiant & Chance Fortune)

The Samoan Wildboyz vs. High Octane

Marc Dubois vs. Jay Darkness vs. Giant Tana

Vengeance vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Dread vs. Lobster Warrior

Remo vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only (Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota) vs. The Chase Agency

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Sudden Impact (Valiant & Chance Fortune)

The Samoan Wildboyz vs. High Octane

Marc Dubois vs. Jay Darkness vs. Giant Tana

Vengeance vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Dread vs. Lobster Warrior

Remo vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only (Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota) vs. The Chase Agency

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Sudden Impact (Valiant & Chance Fortune)

The Samoan Wildboyz vs. High Octane

Marc Dubois vs. Jay Darkness vs. Giant Tana

Vengeance vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Dread vs. Lobster Warrior

Remo vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only (Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota) vs. The Chase Agency

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Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds, South-East Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 1, February 2008

Time: 3:30 P.M. EST




Peter Michaels: "But-"

Rich Money: "I don't see why we have to do it."

Remo: "Yeah, I don't believe so either."




Tommy: "What's the problem?"

Peter Michaels: "*sigh* I'll let them explain. If you hear it from me, you'll think I misunderstood what they were saying."


Rich Money: "Look, Remo and I don't see why we have to do a draw with Joey Minnesota here. We are clearly higher ranked than he is."

Tommy: "...But you are also getting a draw with Jack Bruce."

Rich Money: "We understand that. We recognize that. But having a draw with Jack Bruce is one thing...having a draw with Joey Minnesota is another."

Tommy: "...are you saying you should go over Jack Bruce?"

Rich Money: "No, no, no. We recgonize that Jack Bruce is in higher position than we are. But also believe we are in a higher position than Joey Minnesota."

Tommy: "And what is that you want?"

Rich Money: "Not to have a draw with Joey Minnesota."

I scratch my forehead. What is Richard Monai (Rich Money) thinking?

Tommy: "What do you suggest we do then?"

Rich Money: "Well...the only thing we ask is not have a draw with Joey Minnesota."

This is stupid.


Tommy: "Let's have this thought experiment. Let's say, Standing Room Only wins, with Jack Bruce beating you or Remo. Would you be okay with that? You did you two recognize that Jack Bruce is above you."

Rich Money: "Yes."

Remo: "Yeah."

Tommy: "But you aren't willing to have a draw with Jack Bruce, because that will also mean a draw with Joey Minnesota. Did I get that right?"

Rich Money: "Yes."

Remo: "Yeah."

Tommy Cornell: "But wouldn't you rather have a draw with Jack Bruce than lose to Jack Bruce?"

Their faces begin to show their thinking. They know what they answer is, but they do not like where it's heading.

Rich Money: "...yes."

Remo: "...yeah."

Tommy: "Then are you saying you are willing to lose to Jack Bruce over having a draw with Joey Minnesota?"

Again, both their faces begin to show their emotions - this time of internal conflict.

Rich Money: "I...there's simply no way I can have a draw with Joey Minnesota, due to where he is at, and what level is."

Oh for petes sake!


Tommy: "Rich! Remo!"

Everyone begins turn towards me as they see me yelling. Good. I need everyone to hear this.

Tommy: "You guys do know that you're 'Cutting off the nose to spite the face' right!? RIGHT?! This is absolutely one of the silliest things I have ever heard!!! You have a chance to look equal with the biggest DRAW in this company, but because you also have to do a draw with Joey Minnesota, who's apparently not on your level or Remo's it's beneath you!"

Everyone is no paying attention to what I'm saying now.


Tommy: "Now...you do understand my point, right?"

Rich Money: "...yes."

Tommy: "...well, what's wrong then?"

Rich Money: "...sorry, Tommy, my answer is still no-"

Tommy: "No? That's unacceptable. Guess what? This is billed against the two members of the Chase Agency. Not against the 'Almighty Dollar'. Peter! May I suggest that we have two other 'members of the Chase Agency' face up against Standing Room Only?"

Peter Michaels has been quietly observing the whole time, speaks up.


Peter Michaels: "...hmm...considering we never specified who, that's fine...but who do you suggest?"

Tommy: "Me. And Wolf Hawkins. Wolf! Are you ready for a draw with Joey Minnesota AND Jack Bruce!?"




Wolf is little startled that I mentioned him, but he quickly composes himself.

Wolf Hawkins: "Er...yes, Tommy! Willing and ready!"

Peter Michaels: "Then I guess you two are up then."


Tommy Cornell: "Well, does anyone have any objections? Anyone? Anyone has anything to say? Rich! Remo! Anything you need to say?"

Remo: "...no, Tommy."

Rich Money; "...no...and I'm sorry Tommy."

Tommy Cornell: "A 'Sorry' isn't to get a draw with Jack Bruce back."


Everyone, including non-SWF workers around us, was clearly watching us. I decide to take this opportunity to walk away, and calm myself down.

Rich was being silly. If he won't take a draw with Jack Bruce because he has to draw with Joey Minnesota, then I will.

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Date: Tuesday, Week 1, February 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds, South-East Area






Peter Michaels - Duane Fry - Ana Garcia




Duane Fry: "Welcome to SWF: Supreme TV!"

Ana Garcia: "We have an exciting night of matches tonight!"

Peter Michaels: "Up first, Samoan Destruction Inc. defends their titles against Sudden Impact!"





Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Sudden Impact (Valiant & Chance Fortune)


World Tag Team Titles ©


Another match where Samoan Destruction Inc. destroys their opponents from post to post. After a severe beating from Rhino Umaga, Chance Fortune is forced to tag in an even more beaten Valiant. Samoan Machine quickly puts Valint in the Unbreakable sleeper, forching Valiant to submit.


Samoan Destruction Inc. defeated Sudden Impact in 5:33 when Samoan Machine defeated Valiant by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper.






Duane Fry: "Again, Samoan Destruction Inc. looks unstoppable!"

Ana Garcia: "When WILL they be beaten?"

Peter Michaels: "Up next, The Samoan Wildboyz faces up against High Octane!"





The Samoan Wildboyz vs. High Octane (Antonio Maxi Marquez & Mario Heroic)


In fairly equal match, the Samoan Wildboyz and High Octane go back and forth. Although the Samoan Wildboyz have worked together for years, both Antonio Maxi Marquez and Mario Heroic are extremely talented individually. Mario Heroic is a better aerial assault artist than Kid Toma is, while Antonio Maxi Marquez actually gets better of the striking exchanges between him and Akima Brave; when necessary, Marquez uses his superior technical wrestling to counter attacks from Kid Toma or wrestle Akima Brave to the ground. Extremely tired from being outstruck or outwrestled, Akima Brave tags in Kid Toma, who attempts a high-risk/high reward maneuver. However, this proves to be his undoing, as he runs into a Champagne Sunrine from Antonio Maxi Marquez, who then pin him from the three count while Akima Brave was too tired to interfere.


Antonio Maxi Marquez defeated Kid Toma by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "Mi amore!"

Duane Fry: "Yes! High Octane wins!"

Peter Michaels: "Hold on...there's a report that there's an altercation between the Chase Agency and the Brotherhood!"






Our favorite adventurous cameraman is running with his camera, shaking and all, towards yelling and large noise. He suddenly stops, and prepares to keep his camera steady.


Eddie Peak and American Buffalo are laid out, but Jay Darkness is fighting off Remo and Dread, though barely. On the other hand, Vengeance is fighting back Brandon James and Tommy Cornell, and is doing quite well for a guy who's being outnumbered. Suddenly, backstage officials, referees, and security come into control the situation. They separate the two members of the Brotherhood that are left standing from the the members of the Chase Agency.


Tommy Cornell: "We're done; this is a warning. Don't ever screw with Agency Business again, you here?"

Vengeance replies through screaming at Tommy Cornell and the rest of the members of the Chase Agency. It takes several men to hold Vengeance back. Jay Darkness, who is semi-sitting and semi-leaning against a box of crates, is being tended to by backstage officials. Security checks on Eddie Peak and American Buffalo. The members of the Chase Agency take their leave. Our adventurous cameraman follows them.







Ana Garcia: "Did the Chase Agency just take out the Brotherhood?"

Duane Fry: "Was this retaliation for last week?"

Peter Michaels: "It looks the caermman has got something."






The cameraman is behind something, out of view from the Chase Agency, but clearly filming them.


Tommy Cornell: "It's done. Didn't get all the bastards, though. Jay Darknessi still standing, but he's hurt. Vegeance's one tough son-of-a-gun, he's only a got few scratches."

Emma Chase: "It's fine. I hope they learn not to mess in our business again...and this doesn't serve as a warning, then what happens later on tonight...will. In any case.. Mister DuBois. Considering our recent additions to the Agency...this will be yoru last chance. After this, I may no longer have enough time and resources to support any more talent. You clearly are talented...but, you've come up short at every opportunity I've given you before."

Marc DuBois: "Ms. Chase, this time, I will not fail. I cannot fail. I will show why I am the 'Next Big Thing' as they call me."

Emma Chase: "See that you do."

The Chase Agency leaves the area, and our adventurous cameraman declines to follow them.







Ana Garcia: "He's getting ANOTHER chance?"

Duane Fry: "Well, clearly, she sees value in him."

Peter Michaels: "Well, Jay Darkness is up next, against Giant Tana against Marc DuBois!"





Marc Dubois vs. Jay Darkness vs. Giant Tana


After the attack the Brotherhood suffered from the Chase Agency, Jay Darkness is too tired to fight back against a member of Samoan Destruction Unlimited and Marc DuBois. Giant Tana looks rather uncomfortable and unwilling, but due to the agreement between Samoan Destruction Unlimited and the Chase Agency, he does as he is required. DuBois and Tana takes turns beating Jay Darkness around. After a severe lost shot from Giant Tana that forces Darkness into the mat, he leaves the ring into the ringside. Marc DuBois then uses the Model Solution to force Jay Darkness to submit.


Marc DuBois defeated Jay Darkness and Giant Tana in 6:05 when Marc DuBois defeated Jay Darkness by submission with a Model Solution.






Ana Garcia: "It looks like DuBois got an easy way into the Chase Agency to me!"

Duane Fry: "What are we going to do? Emma Chase wasn't going to let a talent go to waste."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Vengeance faces Mainstream Hernandez!"





Vengeance vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Although he received the least amount of damage from the attack, he's still a bit damaged and tired, while Mainstream Hernandez throws everything he has against Vengeance; these factors cause a pretty back-and-forth match up for a couple of seconds, until Vengeance lands a big attacks that floors Mainstream Hernandez. Vengeance picks up Hernandez, who is completely dazed, to powerbomb him over the top rope; however, Pablo Rodriguez runs in from the crowd just in time to clip Vengeance's knee, which forces Vengeance let Hernandez down and deal with Pablo Rodriguez. The referee is forced to disqualify Hernandez from Rodriguez's attack.


Vengeance defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 6:13 when Mainstream Hernandez was disqualified when Pablo Rodriguez ran in and attacked Vengeance.






Ana Garcia: "Oh my god! Vengeance almost powerbombed Mainstream Hernandez over the top rope!"

Duane Fry: "Vegeance and Pablo Rodriguez are having a stand-off!"

Peter Michaels: "Looks who's coming from the back!"






As Vengeance is fighting against Pablo Rodriguez, Nicolas Lopez runs in and attacks Mainstream Hernandez! Soon after the attack, members of the Chase Agency come out and assist Nicolas Lopez in their attack against Mainstream Hernandez, and soon begin to attack Pablo Rodriguez and Vengeance. After the beatdown, Nicolas Lopez plays to crowd, flaunting the fact he's joined the Chase Agency.







Ana Garcia: "Damn him, Mainstream Hernandez has suffered enough!"

Duane Fry: "My god, he's joined the Chase Agency! This doesn't bode well for anyone."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Dread faces Lobster Warrior!"





Dread vs. Lobster Warrior


Lobster Warrior uses his natural speed and technique to constantly push Dread, who is initially taken aback by this; it goes back and forth for a couple of minutes, until Lobster Warrior makes a serious mistake and gets kneed in the stomach. Dread uses this opportunity to set Lobster Warrior up for the Dread Bomb, completes it, and pins him for the three count.


Dread defeated Lobster Warrior in 5:47 by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "So close..."

Duane Fry: "Man, Lobster Warrior is losing again..."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Remo fights Sammy Bach!"





Remo vs. Sammy Bach


Sammy Bach uses his superior speed and skill to fight against Remo. Remo, for his part, is patient and attempts to carefully land his shots. It goes back for a little bit, until Bach makes a mistake and ends up setting himself in position for the set-up to the Destroyer (Vertical Suplex into a Michinoku Driver II). Remo punches him for a bit, and then succesfully attempts a Destroyer against Bach; he then pins Bach for the three count.


Remo defeated Sammy Bach in 6:19 by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "Bach almost done it..."

Duane Fry: "But I don't think he was going to beat Remo at this point..."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Standing Room Only faces two members of the Chase Agency!"





Standing Room Only (Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota) vs. The Chase Agency


In an extremely close match, both teams attempt to one-up each other, but fail to do so. At one point, the referee get knocked down and is out for a couple of minutes. Both teams proceed to enter the ring and brawl with each other. The referee stirs, sees the chaos, and decides to stop the match. Just after he calls the match, Raymond Diaz runs in and proceeds to give the edge to the Chase Agency, attacking Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota.


Standing Room Only drew with Rough and Smooth in 16:07 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.






Duane Fry: "What a mess!"

Ana Garcia: "Raymond Diaz is with the Agency!"

Peter Michaels: "Look, more members ot the Chase Agency is running out!"






As Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, and Raymond Diaz begin to get the upper hand against Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota, more members of the Chase Agency rush out. The numbers game quickly pick up, and Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota are brutally beatdown by the tougher and larger members of the Chase Agency. Eventually, Remo throws Joey Minnesota out of the ring, and sets up and executes a Destroyer against Jack Bruce. Both are motionless. Backstage officials, referees, and security rush out to tend to Joey Minnesota, and a couple of them cautiously enter the ring to check on Jack Bruce. The Chase Agency merely basks in the hate the crowd throws at them.







Ana Garcia: "Screw the Chase Agency! How can they do that?!"

Duane Fry: "How will the Brotherhood respond?! How will Standing Room Only respond!?

Peter Michaels: "Tune in, next time, on Tuesday, for SWF: Supreme TV!"






Attendance: 5,000 (411)

Ratings on Arcadia 6 USA: 1.76

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Canada: 0.50

Ratings on Arcdia 6 Mexico: 1.07

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Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds, South-East Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 1, February 2008

Time: 9:10 P.M. EST




Peter Michaels: "Hey Tommy."




Tommy: "Yes?"


Peter Michaels: "Thanks for your help earlier."

Tommy: "It's not a problem. Rich and Remo should have known better."

Peter Michaels: "At least, this might set others straight as well. I would have understood if they didn't want to lose to Joey Minnesota...but refusing a draw with Jack Bruce, just because it's also a draw with Joey Minnesota? Ridiculous."

Tommy: "It is. Maybe next time."

Peter Michaels: "Maybe."

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Tuesday, Week 1, February 2008 Prediction Results


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%"><tr><th>#</th><th>Predictor</th><th>Total Correct</th><th>Percentage Correct</th><th>Correct for Week 1 Tuesday</th> <th>Percentage Correct for Week 1 Tuesday</th></tr><tr><td>1 - Tie</td><td>3rdStringPG</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td></tr><tr><td>1 - Tie</td><td>DavidCorperial</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td></tr><tr><td>1 - Tie</td><td>TakerNGN74</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td></tr><tr><td>2 - Tie</td><td>flaviooooo</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td></tr><tr><td>2 - Tie</td><td>Psycho Sam</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>DanMTheMan</td><td>3/7</td><td>42.86%</td><td>3/7</td><td>42.86%</td></tr></table>


Winner for this Show: Tie Between 3rdStringPG, DavidCorperial, TakerNGN74


I guess I threw everyone for a loop again. :) I knew the vague "Chase Agency" was going make it harder for everyone to predict a draw. However, So many people picking Lobster Warrior over Dread surprised me. :) Also, I haven't been as active lately because the weather changes around me has been making feel bad, and some minor personal issues I had to deal with. Also, there was some behind-the-scenes stuff that I needed to make it easier to do shows. Nothing that will affect you guys, except maybe I wouldn't so tired out when making these things. :) No prize preview this week - maybe not for a while. I got to think up some new prizes, or maybe elaborate on some old ones. In any case, I got something else. Will post it soon.

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By Thomas Doyle

Wednesday, Week 1, February 2008


ElbowMania's sources have indicated the "Almighty Dollar", Rich Money & Remo, were supposed to originally face "Standing Room Only", Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota. However, because of Remo's and Rich Money's refusal to commit to a draw with Joey Minnesota, Tommy suggested to Peter Michaels to do him, Tommy Cornell, and Wolf Hawkins instead. While Rich Money was pulled from the main show, Remo went on as scheduled to face Sammy Bach.


One of our sources had this to say: "Quite honestly, I have no idea what Rich was thinking; it was silly. He gets pulled form the main show, all for what? To not do a draw with Joey Minnesota? He was going to draw with the biggest draw, Jack Bruce, as well! What a brain fart."


Our sources indicate this situation merely frustrated and annoyed the creative of SWF, and is no way a serious mark against Rich Money.

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Date: Tuesday, Week 2, February 2008

Location: Missouri State Armory, Mid-West Area




Match Preview



Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean


SWF World Tag Team Titles ©


Can Lobster Warrior beat Samoan Destruction Inc. with his new partner?





The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Can Wolf Hawkins defeat the Brotherhood and the game Bumfholes, with the new member of the Chase Agency, Marc Dubois?





The Chase Agency vs. High Octane


Can Raymond Diaz & Nicolas Lopez, new members of the Chaase Agency, beat High Octane?





Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness


Can Pablo Rodriguez beat Jay Darkness?





Dread vs. Chance Fortune


Will Chance have the Fortune to beat Dread?





Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt


Will Ricky Decolt be able to overcome Tommy Cornell?





Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar


Can Standing Room Only get justice against the Almighty Dollar?




Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean

The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

The Chase Agency vs. High Octane

Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness

Dread vs. Chance Fortune

Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt

Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar Draw

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Location: Missouri State Armory, Mid-West Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 2, February 2008

Time: 5:30 P.M. EST




Peter Michaels: "She's late."

Tommy: "Peter, if you don't mind...would like me to handle this?"

Peter Michaels: "...I see no problem with that. I get to the ringside soon anyway, I'll let you handle it."




Tommy: "Amy, you're late."

Blonde Bombshell: "Whatever you say."

Tommy: "Amy, you know have to work on the pre-show. They need you to be out there soon."

Blonde Bombshell: "Fine, I'll be more punctual in the future."

Tommy: "Amy...I know this is hard for you. I know you are tired of constant travel. I know how you feel. But we need you out there. Being late hurts us, hurts everyone. I know you are late because you really rather being somewhere else, doing something else, but..."

Blonde Bombshell: "...sorry, Tommy, I'll be on time in the future."

Tommy: "Promise?"

Blonde Bombshell: "Promise."

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Date: Tuesday, Week 2, February 2008

Location: Missouri State Armory, Mid-West Area






Peter Michaels - Duane Fry - Ana Garcia




Duane Fry: "Welcome to SWF: Supreme TV!"

Ana Garcia: "We have an exciting night of matches for you!"

Peter Michaels: "First up, Samoan Destruction Incorporated faces Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean!"





Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Lobster Warrior & Squeeky McClean


SWF World Tag Team Titles ©


The Crowd seemed to not care much about the match; while the action is pretty good, the fans seem indicate they know who's going to win, robbing them all of their excitement. The end comes when Samoan Machine locks onto Squeeky McClean with the Unbreakable Sleeper; Lobster Warrior tries to make the save, but is beaten down by Rhino Umaga. McClean is forced to tap.


Samoan Destruction Inc. defeated Lobster Warrior and Squeeky McClean in 5:47 when Samoan Machine defeated Squeeky McClean by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper.






Ana Garcia: "Lobster Warrior...oh dear..."

Duane Fry: "Another beating from Samoan Destruction Inc..."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, it's going to be the Chase Agency facing off against the Brotherhood, facing off against the Amazing Bumfholes!"





The Chase Agency vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


A chaotic but fan match, all three teams take turns at beating the heck out of each other. Marc DuBois rekindles his long term feud with the Bumfholes, while Wolf Hawkins mainly focuses on keeping the Brotherhood at bay. At one point, just as American Buffalo tags in Eddie Peak, Zimmy Bumfhole takes a high-risk dive from a turnbuckle, landing both of them outside. DuBois uses this as chance to distrtact Eddie Peak, while the his partner, Wolf Hawkins, one of the legal men in the ring, takes this chance to finish Randy Bumfhole (the third legal man in the ring) with a Full Moon Rising. He proceeds to pin Randy Bumfhole for the three count.


The Chase Agency defeated The Brotherhood and The Amazing Bumfholes in 6:15 when Wolf Hawkins defeated Randy Bumfhole by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "What a way to win-Wolf wins Randy. This is terrible."

Duane Fry: "Them's the breaks. Unfortunately, the Bumfholes got the short stick."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, four international stars face off, the Chase Agency meets up against High Octane!"





The Chase Agency vs. High Octane


Both teams immediately go at each other. Lopez is the aerial master; Diaz is the brutal yet efficient brawler. For their part, High Octane mixes it up; Heroic goes for high-risk/high reward aerial maneuvers to counter Lopez, while Marquez does a little bit of that, but also mixes it up with his superior technical wrestling and brawling skills to slow down Lopez. However, Lopez is clever; whenever he is in trouble, he merely tags Diaz in. Heroic is at times thrown around by Diaz, but Marquez uses his stand-up and technical skills to slow down Diaz. In the end, both teams are pretty equal. During a particularly heated moment between Diaz and Marquez leads them to knock the referee over the second rope. He lands nearly on his feet, not out cold, but clearly a bit dazed and winded. Dread and Remo take this opportunity to run down from the ramp. Remo manages to enter the ring, but Vengeance and Tyson Baine jump out from their crowd to attack Dread from behind. Dread enters the ring to temporarily escape the assault; however, a brawl between High Octane and the members of the Chase Agency has broken out. The Brotherhood quickly enter the ring to engage as well. The referee, seeing the chaos, calls a double disqualification.


The Chase Agency drew with High Octane in 5:44 following a double disqualification, due to intereference from the Brotherhood and other members of the Chase Agency.






Ana Garcia: "My god, the Brotherhood is here for payback! But against who?!"

Duane Fry: "Ana, I don't think they particularly care who they hit..."

Peter Michaels: "Look, it's turning into a brawl!"






It's absolute chaos-Dread and Remo have to fight off both High Octane and the Brotherhood at the same time, all the while attempting to get Raymond Diaz and Nicolas Lopez outside the ring. High Octane is trying to survive; the Brotherhood are swinging at everything. High Octane manages get outside to the ringside area near the announcing table, while the Chase Agency manages to get to outside area near the ramp. Backstage officials, referees, and security rush out to make sure situation doesn't get out of hand.







Ana Garcia: "Looks everyone is roughed up but more-or-less unscathed..."

Duane Fry: "The Brotherhood is angry...I don't think we've seen the last of them. They might retaliating against...well, everything."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Pablo Rodriguez faces Jay Darkness!"





Pablo Rodriguez vs. Jay Darkness


Pablo, despite all his appearance, is more than capable of using his skills to neutralize Jay Darkness's size advantage. In addition to his luchadore arsenal, he's surprisingly versed enough in brawling and technical wrestling to keep Jay Darkness at bay and control him. Still, Jay Darkness's natural size advantage keeps him competitive. During a wild exchange, the referee gets KOed. Members of Brotherhood again pour out from the crowd, rushing into the ring, all at the same time; however, this proves to be huge mistake. Because of their size and the impatience, they end running into Jay Darkness when Pablo Rodriguez deftly dodges out of the ring like a Lynx. Hundreds of Pounds of flesh running into each other knocks all of them down together. Pablo Rodriguez uses this opportunity to re-enter the ring to execute a Sinner's Salvation (Spiral Tap), and pins Jay Darkness for the three count just as the referee stirs.








Ana Garcia: "Run, Pablo, run!!!"

Duane Fry: "Looks like I was right! The Brotherhood are taking out their rage on everyone that have angered them before!"

Peter Michaels: "Mainstream Hernandez is running out!"






Pablo Rodriguez wisely bolts out of the ring towards the ramp, while his friend Mainstream Hernandez comes out and backs him up.


However, Karen Killer appears in front of them, at the stage at the top of the ramp.

Karen Killer: "Wait a moment." *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Pablo Rodriguez and Mainstream stop for a moment. Mainstream Hernandez looks back for a bit, but the members of the Brotherhood are not pursuing.


Karen Killer: "This is a warning; do NOT interfere with us, ever, again, Pablo Rodriguez." *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Pablo Rodriguez: "...as a man of God, I cannot do that. My job is to protect the Innocent when necessary, and vanquish Evil when necessary."

Karen Killer: "Interfere again, and we ARE going after you; now, get out of here, now!" *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Pablo Rodriguez and Mainstream walk off; the Brotherhood looks angry.







Ana Garcia: "Please, Pablo, listen to her...no one wants to see you get hurt..."

Duane Fry: "I don't think is over, Ana...not by a long-shot..."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Dread is up against Chance Fortune!"





Dread vs. Chance Fortune


Chance immediately throws himself at Dread. Dread is caught off guard for a few seconds, but regains his compsure quickly. Chance immediately changes his gameplan to hit-and-run, and to do it constantly. He avoids most of Dread's shots, but eventually, the ones that do land begin to wear him down. Chance decides he needs to change the momentum, so he manages to throw Dread against the ropes, and runs against the opposite ropes-and runs into Dread's "Onrushing Terror" (Spear/Spinebuster). Chance bounces off the mat twice, and becomes completely lifeless. Dread then proceeds to pin him for the three count.


Dread defeated Chance Fortune in 6:16 by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "Oh my god!"

Duane Fry: "He destroyed Chance Fortune!"

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Tommy Cornell battles against Ricky DeColt!"





Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky DeColt


Everyone knows Ricky DeColt will lose. Yet...Ricky's earnestness and rough yet clear skill, and Tommy's ability to carry almost anyone to match, combines to make an extremely exciting match despite the disparity between them. However, near the end of the match, the Brotherhood runs in and begins to attack Tommy Cornell, which forces the referee to disqualify Ricky DeColt.


Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky DeColt in 5:38 when Ricky DeColt was disqualified when Vengeance ran in and attacked Tommy Cornell.






Ana Garcia: "Looks like Ricky managed to get just in time!"

Duane Fry: "But Tommy Cornell is still in there!"

Peter Michaels: "Look, Dread and Remo are running out!"






Dread and Remo immediately run in from the back to save Tommy Cornell. They enter the ring and battle against the Brotherhood. Tommy takes that opportunity bail out of ring and run to the back; Dread and Remo follow him right afer that. The Brotherhood proceeds to run after them to the back, but is stopped by backstage officials, security, and referees.







Ana Garcia: "Looks like the Brotherhood was angry at him; guess they replied to his message last week-"

Duane Fry: "-and the answer was given back, by the Brotherhood."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, Standing Room Only faces off against the Almighty Dollar!"





Standing Room Only vs. The Almighty Dollar


Both teams carefully judge their options. Jack Bruce is daring, flashy, wild. Joey Minnesota is measured, careful, and mixes it up. On the other hand, Rich Money and Remo work together; often tagging each other in when necessary, doing double-teams, saving each other from pins, costantly tagging into each other to throw off Standing Room Only. That being said, their teamwork doesn't overshadow Standing Room Only's desire for justice. However, near the end of the match, the Samoan Wildboyz jump in from the crowd to attack Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota...just as Vengeance and Tyson Baine jump in from another side to enter the ring. The referee decides he's had enough disqualifies both teams.


Standing Room Only drew with The Almighty Dollar in 15:36 following a double disqualification, due to interference from the Brotherhood and the Samoan Wildboyz.






Ana Garcia: "Looks like the Samoan Wildboyz were supposed to give the edge to the Chase Agency-"

Duane Fry: "-but the Brotherhood's interference has changed everything!"

Peter Michaels: "Look, everyone is still brawling!"






Another situation of absolute chaos. Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota are battling against the Samoan Wildboyz; the Almighty Dollar is fighting against the Brotherhood. Again, backstage officials, referees, and security have to rush down to separate everyone and control the situation.







Ana Garcia: "Looks like the Chase Agency's warning failed!"

Duane Fry: "Not only that, it enraged the Brotherhood enough to go after everyone!"

Peter Michaels:"To see the aftermath, tune in, next time, Tuesday, on SWF: Supreme TV!"






Attendance: 5000 (629 Comps)

Ratings on Arcadia 6 USA: 1.73

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Canada: 0.51

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Mexico: 1.02

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Location: Missouri State Armory, Mid-West Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 2, February 2008

Time: 9:10 P.M. EST




Rich Money: "Hey, Tommy, Peter."




Tommy: "yes?"

Remo: "We're sorry about last time. We don't know what we were thinking..."

Peter Michaels: "Don't worry about it; just make sure it doesn't happen again."

Both Rich Money and Remo nod; they walk off.


Peter Michaels: "So...I heard you let Amy Roberts off lightly."

Tommy: "Peter, I know her. She doesn't respond to harsh punishment. But if you give some leeway, some forgiveness, and she will respond well."

Peter Michaels: "Not question you, just curious about what happened. You think she's going to be trouble in the future?"

Tommy: "...possibly. But you either fire her, or you gently guide her. That's what I found out when working with her."

Peter Michaels: "...hmmm...in any case, good work. I'll talk to you later. See you next week."

Tommy: "Bye."

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Tuesday, Week 2, February 2008 Prediction Results


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%"><tr><th>#</th><th>Predictor</th><th>Total Correct</th><th>Percentage Correct</th><th>Correct for Week 2 Tuesday</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 2 Tuesday</th><th>Correct for Week 1 Tuesday</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 1 Tuesday</th></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>DavidCorperial</td><td>10/14</td><td>71.43%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Psycho Sam</td><td>9/14</td><td>64.29%</td> <td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>TakerNGN74</td><td>8/14</td><td>57.14%</td><td>3/7</td><td>42.86%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>flaviooooo</td><td>7/14</td><td>50%</td><td>3/7</td><td>42.86%</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>3rdStringPG</td><td>5/14</td><td>35.71%</td><td>0/7</td><td>0%</td><td>5/7</td><td>71.43%</td></tr><tr><td>6 - Tie</td><td>djlightning</td><td>4/14</td><td>28.57%</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td><td>0/7</td><td>0%</td></tr><tr><td>6 - Tie</td><td>the21stcentury</td><td>4/14</td><td>28.57%</td><td>4/7</td><td>57.14%</td><td>0/7</td><td>0%</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>DanMTheMan</td><td>3/14</td><td>21.43%</td><td>0/7</td><td>0%</td><td>3/7</td><td>42.86%</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>therapidpro</td><td>2/14</td><td>14.86%</td><td>2/7</td><td>28.57%</td><td>0/7</td><td>0%</td></tr></table>


Winner for this Show: Tie Between DavidCorperial and Psycho Sam


For some odd reason, neither Remo nor Rich Money complained about getting a draw with Joey Minnesota this time. It could be possible his overness went up a bit, but other than that, I can't think of anything else. In any case, I'll probably going to do another non-show post soon-it provides some more backstory to the diary, not exactly related to Tommy Cornell himself. I'll try to get the preview up soon after that.

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SWF - The Fall





By Thomas Doyle

Wednesday, Week 2, February 2008


Thomas Doyle here. Since we are coming up soon to March, the beginning of the "Big Three" event series for the SWF, I think now would be a good time to talk about what happened to the SWF. Soon, every week, I would begin to discuss how the SWF had fallen so behind. There's multiple incidents...Jerry Eisen, Big Smack Scott, the departure of both Sam Keith and Christian Faith...and I will even discuss how the fall of DAVE affected the SWF. But more importantly, it's been a couple of months already. I know it's still fresh in our minds, and still controversial, but I believe the worst has already hit the SWF. They have been recovering greatly since then. Still, it's important to evaluate what happened.


I am by no means unbiased, but I try to be objective as possible, but subjective when necessary as well. Regardless of how you feel about what the SWF is doing now, we must all recgonize and evaluate the factors that lead to SWF where it is. But let's begin with in an introduction to Richard Eisen and the SWF.


Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Richard Eisen is a rather non-descript man. He graduated from University of Massachusetts Lowell with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (with his concentration in Accounting) and a minor in Economics during 1968, and then went to graduate school there, graduating with a Master of Science in Accounting during 1969. There is not much else known about Richard Eisen's life. It is rumored his wife was born in Rhode Island, and that Eisen has personal connections in Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and even Maine.


Using the skills he's learned, he spent then next three years building up his connections in finance and professional wrestling. In 1972, he opened the first major "Mainstream" wrestling promotion, SWF, as a limited liability corporation. He acquires some loans for himself and acquires some financial partners to help him finance the SWF. He quickly pays off his debts within the first decade, allowing him to focus on making the SWF financially solvent for the rest of the 70's, and then hugely profitable during the 80's.


He was the first to begin usage of national broadcast television for professional wrestling. There were others that used television, but to the scale that the SWF did. Some have attempted to use closed-circuit television, and others have did a more local or regional broadcast. However, the SWF first to employ television on that scale. By 1982, they were the first major wrestling promotion to employ pay-per-view services for their major events.


Here's where one of the more "controversial" and "debated" part of history begins. Eisen acquires top talent from all around the nation, offering written, monthly contracts. Some say they "poached" them from regional promotions; others say they merely offered better deals that had better money and better guarantees. As a personal note, it's not an either-or situation. Although offered deals that had better minimum guarantees, they also took more of the major talent than necessary, at least, in the beginning. Both these points are hardly debatable. Each side wants to minimize each point, but quite frankly, the SWF did pay better, in both terms of actual money and guaranteed minimums; however, they also took a lot more talent from regional promotions than they should have. They stacked their roster with so much talent, that some workers that were main eventers in there regional promotions ended up being opening acts or enhancement talents. Yes, these wrestlers signed the contracts-but a wrestler is not be blamed for wanting to have a shot making better money; however, a promotion should be held accountable for talent they did not really need to acquire.


Another controversial aspect of the SWF is their product. At the beginning, in attempt to attract current wrestling fans, they were just as "traditional" as other wrestling promotions; however, they appeal to casual fans like no other promotion had did before. Most promotions before the SWF tended to only wanted to attract primarily the usual wrestling fans-anyone was an added bonus; however, the SWF was the first to aggressively court such fans. In terms of profit, attendance, and TV ratings, this was an absolutely genuis idea; however, in the beginning, this was an unmitigated disaster for the in-ring product. The SWF was the first to attempt to aggressively target casual fans, and to make a product that was palatable to them while not putting off tradtional fans. Some workers could keep the interest of the traditional fans, but bored the casuals. Others would get casuals cheering and happy, but the traditional fans hated their lack of in-ring talent. The SWF had to rely on Micky Starr in the first couple of years to do this, as his considerable talent as a in-ring performer kept traditional fans happy, while his his charisma helped attract casual fans. Micky Starr became the worker they believed they needed-someone who could perform in the ring, had enough wrestling skills to keep less casual fans interested, while being charismatic enough to attract casual fans.


In any case, the SWF began to add more comedic elements during the 80's, and begin to focus less on traditional fans. During this time, with the major star of the time, Sam Strong, pulled huge TV ratings and Pay-Per-View buyrates. By the 1990's they were #1 promotion in the USA. During the 90's, due to mounting pressure from the growing trend of international and modern forms of wrestling. HCG was coming as an alternative form of SWF's "sports entertainment" in 1996, and with rising promotions like DAVE, which presented Hardcore Cult Entertainment.


Now we get to the modern day. I will into more detail in the coming weeks.


This is Thomas Doyle, signing off.

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Date: Tuesday, Week 3 February, 2008

Location: Irvine Hall, Mid-South Area




Match Preview



Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Squeeky McClean & Rocky Golden


SWF World Tag Team Titles ©


Can Rocky Golden & Squeeky McClean pull off the upset?





The Chase Agency vs. Sudden Impact


Can Sudden Impact defeat the Chase Agency?





Sin & Salvation (Antonio Maxi Marquez & Pablo Rodriguez) vs. The Brotherhood


Can Sin & Salvation beat the Brotherhood?





Remo vs. American Buffalo vs. Giant Tana


Will Remo continue his winning streak?





Dread vs. Rick Law


Can Rick Law beat Dread?





Tommy Cornell vs. Sammy Bach


Can Sammy Bach pull off the upset against Tommy Cornell?





Standing Room Only vs. the Brotherhood vs. the Chase Agency


Will Standing Room Only win? Will the Brotherhood get their revenge? Will the Chase Agency pull off the upset?




Easy-Pick Prediction Key:

Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Squeeky McClean & Rocky Golden

The Chase Agency vs. Sudden Impact

Sin & Salvation (Antonio Maxi Marquez & Pablo Rodriguez) vs. The Brotherhood

Remo vs. American Buffalo vs. Giant Tana

Dread vs. Rick Law

Tommy Cornell vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only vs. the Brotherhood vs. the Chase Agency

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Easy-Pick Prediction Key:

Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Squeeky McClean & Rocky Golden

The Chase Agency vs. Sudden Impact

Sin & Salvation (Antonio Maxi Marquez & Pablo Rodriguez) vs. The Brotherhood

Remo vs. American Buffalo vs. Giant Tana

Dread vs. Rick Law

Tommy Cornell vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only vs. the Brotherhood vs. the Chase Agency

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. Squeeky McClean & Rocky Golden

The Chase Agency vs. Sudden Impact

Sin & Salvation (Antonio Maxi Marquez & Pablo Rodriguez) vs. The Brotherhood DRAW

Remo vs. American Buffalo vs. Giant Tana

Dread vs. Rick Law

Tommy Cornell vs. Sammy Bach

Standing Room Only vs. the Brotherhood vs. the Chase Agency

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