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SWF: Sunday Nights Counting Lights - The Continuing Saga of KP Avatar

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PRE-SHOW - 25-Man Battle Royal (Acid, A-Prime, Asher Ginsberg, Bart-San, Brett-San, "Bulldozer" Bryan Smith, Cameron Vessey, Elmo Benson, Eric Eisen, Frankie Perez, Franklin D. Huggins III, Greg Black, Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust, John Greed, KP Avatar, Lenny Brown, Mikey James, Part One, Part Two, Robbie Retro, Roger Cage, ?????, ?????, ?????) - Winner gets title shot of his choice except World Heavyweight


PRE-SHOW - Darryl Devine vs Spencer Spade © - SWF Shooting Star title match



Chris Morrisette vs Brandon James vs Jack Giedroyc vs The Zim vs Randy Bumfhole vs ????? - Ladder Match for Nothing to Lose contract (title match of winner's choice)

The Platinum Blondes vs 24/7 Partay Dudez - Number One Contender match for SWF World Tag Team titles

Hero Squad © vs The Can't Miss Prospects - SWF World Tag Team title match

Joshua Taylor vs Koshiro Ino

Valiant vs Squeeky McClean © - SWF North American title match

Tom "Angry" Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov - 1-on-1 Shoot Fight

Jack Bruce vs Remo © - SWF World Heavyweight title match

Christian Faith vs Steve Frehley - I Quit Match for SWF World Heavyweight number one contender

Nicky Champion vs Rich Money © - SWF Supreme Heavyweight title match



SWF Uprising

Evanovich Riverside

Sunday, July 14, 2013



KP Avatar vs A-Prime

Robbie Retro vs Asher Ginsberg

Darryl Devine (c?) vs Lenny Brown vs Spencer Spade (c?) - SWF Shooting Star title match

The Awesomeness vs Acid Tripp

Cameron Vessey vs John Greed

????? vs The Can't Miss Prospects (c?)

Joshua Taylor and ????? vs Koshiro Ino and Biggz in Japan



BONUS QUESTION #1 - Who is the TCW hire who will be debuting in the six-man ladder match at Supreme Challenge XXXIII?


A) Jay Darkness (assuming he debuts as such)

B) Danny Fonzarelli (assuming he debuts as such)

C) Eddie Peak

D) John Anderson/Human Arsenal

E) Scout

F) Troy Tornado



BONUS QUESTION #2 - Which High Stakes rookies (select two, one correct answer means half-credit) will be selected to join the Supreme Challenge pre-show battle royal by merit of winning their respective High Stakes matches?


A) Dave Newton

B) Kirk Jameson

C) Calum Nelson

D) Nate Lee

E) Lazarus McKenzie

F) Ryan Turner, Jimi Adams or Tommy Alexander (a.k.a. bottom of the High Stakes barrel)

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OOC - With a little luck and free time, High Stakes will be up tomorrow, and Supreme Challenge in about a day or two thereafter. Forgot to add that the floor is still open for Rich Money's interview, which should be out in between Supreme Challenge and Uprising. He's "answered" everybody's questions so far as far as those who have submitted questions are concerned, but everyone else is free to ask one each.


Also...welcome to the diary, kingdracon! :D And though I didn't win DOTM for June, thanks again to those who voted! Here's one backstage segment before High Stakes/Supreme Challenge...



"Tough Business Decisions"



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ricardo Montenez Ballroom

7:00 p.m.



Once again, I was at the High Stakes tapings with Robbie Retro and Duane Fry, "ghost-voting" for the mentors in preparation for the crucial Week 7 Mentor's Poll. Yes, we were this close to eliminating the first of our eight hopefuls, though first, the High Stakes storylines focused on two matches to determine who would be the two rookies guesting in the 25-man pre-show battle royal at Supreme Challenge.


Also joining us at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom (named after a famous Puerto Rican fandango dancer) in Mayaguez were the SWF's two head writers, Tyler Austin and Arthur Chambers, tagging along as per Richard Eisen's request.






Tyler, who was nicknamed backstage as "Typoleon Dynamite", "Hurricane Ty" or "AWWN" (Angry Wrestling Writer Nerd) was an acquired taste. In his mid-20s, Ty was a short (5'6"), pudgy guy who reminded a few of the veterans of a chubbier J.K. Stallings, only more annoying. People dreaded seeing his status updates on Facebook - each one of them snarkier than the last, attempts at sarcastic humor unable to disguise his bitter, cynical worldview when it came to his job as co-head writer. Dealing with him in person was worse, as ideas that would get shut down by Peter Michaels or anyone else in creative would cause his face to contort into what Eric Eisen once called a "smiling-crying face." Annoying as he was, Tyler was respected by a few workers, Big Smack Scott included back when he was in Supreme, for speaking his mind, always calling a spade a Spencer (pardon the corny joke) and not making any bones about his disgust with the backstage politics. Plus, he had a brilliant mind for edgy storylines, and always took pride in being the man who convinced Emma Chase to start stripteasing to distract Chase Agency/SinCorporated opponents.






The other head writer was Arthur Chambers, who was the opposite of Tyler. If head writers were eggs and Ty was hard-boiled, Art was over-easy. A large, muscular man who once played college football and did jobs in the smaller promotions, Art was in his late 30s and was known as a soft-spoken "gentle giant" who got his point across with quiet confidence. There were, however, some drawbacks to having Art around as a co-head writer and as an occasional backstage presence. First, his ideas were quite dated and more conducive to USPW's family-friendly programming. After all, he grew up idolizing Sam Strong and booing the likes of Rip Chord, Dread, Baron Von Rambis and Corporal Doom - he was a child of the '80s and very old-school in his wrestling storyline mindset. Secondly, Duane warned me about Art before we settled in backstage to watch High Stakes unfold.


"Be careful what you say around Art. He's close to the Eisen boys and their dad and you know what that means."


In short, these writers were living proof that looks could be very deceiving.



7:30 p.m.






After we analyzed what we saw on High Stakes and passed the info over to Peter, we had a quick pre-Supreme Challenge creative meeting in the locker room. And even with no Eisen in attendance, things were getting quite heated, thanks to the Angry Wrestling Writer Nerd...


"Look, guys, Mr. Eisen wants me to write the Chase stable this way after Supreme Challenge. He says it's gonna be edgier than the whole Zimmy Bumfhole sex addiction, Emma Chase showing dollar signs kinda thing. But it's lame. It still isn't titillating enough."


"How would you know, Tyler, you probably haven't even held a tit in your lifetime," laughed Robbie Retro, who wasn't Klubbing out, but rather trying to liven things up with some comic relief.


"One more wisecrack like that, Retro, and you can kiss whatever is left of your push goodbye," shot Tyler. He was clearly pouting, yet trying to smile...as if he was trying to push back tears. "I'm sorry, Rob. I'm just under a lot of pressure these days. Mr. Eisen is just not having any of my new ideas."


Arthur then spoke up, playing the shoulder to cry on and offering his assistance. "Well, that's why we're here to help, Tyler. We're a team. And you know what, we might be able to work something out here."


"What would you know, Art? You're the one always telling me my ideas have too much sex and violence."


"Well, that's just the old-school guy in me speaking. But I admit that's not always right for business." For a purported Klubb member, he sure sounded reasonable and trustworthy. "What's right for business...is bringing back the SWF Swagger, and we're doing it with our angry black man Steve Frehley. We're doing it with the new Jack Bruce storyline you have planned, and I love it. Eric, Frank and Dozer should be getting some valuable assistance in a couple months, and keep in mind, man, their Occupy SWF storyline could be big. That was YOUR idea, Ty. And if you let me add something to it, we'll be sending one helluva message to Hollywood!" For a guy Duane made out to be a stickler for family-style wrestling, Art seemed to be making a 360-degree turn. Why? It seemed like the the Klubb was pushing his buttons.


What Art would say next seemed to validate everything Duane had warned me about.


"A lot of these veterans, their contracts are expiring soon. We could be hitting paydirt before 2013 is over, guys. We could be bringing Cornell and...who's Strong's replacement?"


"Belle Bryden," replied the always-updated Duane, referring to the women's wrestling legend who was replacing Sam Strong as USPW CEO effective next week as he retired from the business.


"Anyway," Art continued, "We'll be bringin' 'em down to their knees. Cornell and Bryden will be wishing they never went to war with Supreme. Or remained at war, in Bryden's case. If I'm not mistaken, Q4 2013 will be HUGE. All these great workers from Hollywood will be ripe for the signing. And we might get some Miami guys too. But first, we'll have to make a few sacrifices. We'll have to feed Hollywood and Miami our leftover baloney before we feast on their steak."


I had no idea regarding the workers whose contracts were coming up soon. But if Art was really serious on his plan, this spelled potential trouble backstage. A lot of these guys had been around Supreme for over a decade - Chris Morrisette, Squeeky McClean, Bart and Brett Biggins. Tom Gilmore was too much of a hot commodity to let go, and Christian Faith was Christian Faith. Meanwhile, Freddy Garcia had been around some 7-8 years, and there were several young veterans who'd mostly been spinning their wheels in 2013.


For a moment, you could hear a pin drop. Then Tyler, ever the passionate young man that he is, shouted so loud as the false sense of comfort he experienced earlier disappeared in a snap.




Peter Michaels tried to maintain order as he hoped against hope none of the mentors or rookies would notice the commotion. "Tyler, settle down. I'm afraid Art is right. And it's not like it was his decision."


"Don't shoot the messenger, Hurricane Ty," said Art, still speaking as if he had ice water running through his veins.


"Mr. Eisen and myself, we've talked about this and I was against it," related Peter. "But he seems to have spotted a few lost causes and it might not be long before we have to say goodbye to some of our locker room buddies. This isn't high school, where you'd likely stay with the same group of friends from freshman to senior year. This is a business. And sometimes, you've got to make tough business decisions, whether you like it or not."

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Thanks for the welcome. I've been reading and voting for your diaries/scenes/ etc since the beginning of part one, but I'm always a little shy about predicting...figured it'd be good to do that for Supreme Challenge, since this is my favorite CVerse diary on the board.

I always enjoy what you do, man. Keep up the excellent work and I'm stoked to see what Supreme Challenge holds.

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SWF Supreme Challenge XXXIII



PRE-SHOW - 25-Man Battle Royal (Acid, A-Prime, Asher Ginsberg, Bart-San, Brett-San, "Bulldozer" Bryan Smith, Cameron Vessey, Elmo Benson, Eric Eisen, Frankie Perez, Franklin D. Huggins III, Greg Black, Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust, John Greed, KP Avatar, Lenny Brown, Mikey James, Part One, Part Two, Robbie Retro, Roger Cage, ?????, ?????, ?????) - Winner gets title shot of his choice except World Heavyweight

PRE-SHOW - Darryl Devine vs Spencer Spade © - SWF Shooting Star title match


Chris Morrisette vs Brandon James vs Jack Giedroyc vs The Zim vs Randy Bumfhole vs ????? - Ladder Match for Nothing to Lose contract (title match of winner's choice)

The Platinum Blondes vs 24/7 Partay Dudez - Number One Contender match for SWF World Tag Team titles

Hero Squad © vs The Can't Miss Prospects - SWF World Tag Team title match

Joshua Taylor vs Koshiro Ino

Valiant vs Squeeky McClean © - SWF North American title match

Tom "Angry" Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov - 1-on-1 Shoot Fight

Jack Bruce vs Remo © - SWF World Heavyweight title match

Christian Faith vs Steve Frehley - I Quit Match for SWF World Heavyweight number one contender

Nicky Champion vs Rich Money © - SWF Supreme Heavyweight title match



SWF Uprising


KP Avatar vs A-Prime

Robbie Retro vs Asher Ginsberg

Darryl Devine (c?) vs Lenny Brown vs Spencer Spade (c?) - SWF Shooting Star title match

The Awesomeness vs Acid Tripp

Cameron Vessey vs John Greed

????? vs The Can't Miss Prospects (c?)

Joshua Taylor and ????? vs Koshiro Ino and Biggz in Japan



BONUS QUESTION #1 - Who is the TCW hire who will be debuting in the six-man ladder match at Supreme Challenge XXXIII?


A) Jay Darkness (assuming he debuts as such)

B) Danny Fonzarelli (assuming he debuts as such)

C) Eddie Peak

D) John Anderson/Human Arsenal

E) Scout

F) Troy Tornado



BONUS QUESTION #2 - Which High Stakes rookies (select two, one correct answer means half-credit) will be selected to join the Supreme Challenge pre-show battle royal by merit of winning their respective High Stakes matches?


A) Dave Newton

B) Kirk Jameson

C) Calum Nelson

D) Nate Lee

E) Lazarus McKenzie

F) Ryan Turner, Jimi Adams or Tommy Alexander (a.k.a. bottom of the High Stakes barrel)

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SWF Supreme Challenge XXXIII

Rolling Fields

Saturday, July 13, 2013


PRE-SHOW - 25-Man Battle Royal (Acid, A-Prime, Asher Ginsberg, Bart-San, Brett-San, "Bulldozer" Bryan Smith, Cameron Vessey, Elmo Benson, Eric Eisen, Frankie Perez, Franklin D. Huggins III, Greg Black, Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust, John Greed, KP Avatar, Lenny Brown, Mikey James, Part One, Part Two, Robbie Retro, Roger Cage, ?????, ?????, ?????) - Winner gets title shot of his choice except World Heavyweight


Am I allowed to do that? If it helps, I'm going to choose the question mark that ISN'T a High Stakes guy.


PRE-SHOW - Darryl Devine vs Spencer Spade © - SWF Shooting Star title match


Devine is fine, but Spade losing the Shooting Star title this soon would not only make him look weak, it would torpedo the whole Rich Money belts storyline before the show even happens.


Chris Morrisette vs Brandon James vs Jack Giedroyc vs The Zim vs Randy Bumfhole vs ????? - Ladder Match for Nothing to Lose contract (title match of winner's choice)


I want to give this to a face, because the heels have such a stranglehold on the titles right now. Morrisette sounds like he's on his way out, and Randy Bumfhole is Randy Bumfhole, so I go Wrath of God here.


And no, I'm not voting for the TCW guy. Except for Tornado, none of those candidates is a main eventer. And to have a guy who wasn't elite in his previous company move over to SWF and suddenly look elite... well, that implies that SWF is a lower level of competition.


The Platinum Blondes vs 24/7 Partay Dudez - Number One Contender match for SWF World Tag Team titles


Pretty crappy match for the Challenge, no? I don't feel strongly in favor of either of these guys, but I have faces winning the next one, so let's give heels this one.

Hero Squad © vs The Can't Miss Prospects - SWF World Tag Team title match


Not at Supreme Challenge, no. The big show of the year is the time for the rightful champions to hold up the belts. Sometimes the rightful champions are heels, and that's fine. But the Prospects didn't have a legitimate claim to the titles when they stole them, and they still don't now.


Joshua Taylor vs Koshiro Ino


Real Japanese guy beats fake Japanese guy. If he loses, what does that prove? When Ino goes down, it has to be to the biggest, sports entertainment-iest guy you can find.


Valiant vs Squeeky McClean © - SWF North American title match


I just don't see the point of giving anything solo to Val. McClean is nothing special, but it won't hurt to hold him over until there's a more compelling reason to give someone the title.


Tom "Angry" Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov - 1-on-1 Shoot Fight


If the big guy beats the little guy, how is this even a story? That's dog-bites-man stuff.


Jack Bruce vs Remo © - SWF World Heavyweight title match


No need for Remo to lose. Also carries the Money all-the-belts storyline to the main event.


Christian Faith vs Steve Frehley - I Quit Match for SWF World Heavyweight number one contender


I tend to tip open matches to the face at the Challenge. Frehley is younger and has more reason to win, but he's honestly not a great worker anyway. And the idea of Frehley making Faith of all people quit... that's not the end of a feud, that's the start of a feud if anything. And with Faith, not anything, because the guy has faith.


Nicky Champion vs Rich Money © - SWF Supreme Heavyweight title match


Send 'em home happy.

SWF Uprising

Evanovich Riverside

Sunday, July 14, 2013



KP Avatar vs A-Prime


Primus Allen can get it done if you let him. And I think you're going to let him.

Robbie Retro vs Asher Ginsberg


Ginsberg through the gate -- why not?


Darryl Devine (c?) vs Lenny Brown vs Spencer Spade (c?) - SWF Shooting Star title match


Now I'm thinking Spade loses one or the other of these. I'm also thinking he wins at least one, though, so I'm going to guess him both times and at least split the difference.


The Awesomeness vs Acid Tripp


Vs. who?


Cameron Vessey vs John Greed


Not convinced by Vessey so far.


????? vs The Can't Miss Prospects (c?)


If the Prospects win, they're not going to drop the belts on the B-show -- not even in the main! -- less than a week later. If they don't win, they need to beat up on some scrubs to make themselves feel batter.


Joshua Taylor and ????? vs Koshiro Ino and Biggz in Japan


Still a feud, huh? Let's flip the winner to the face side.

BONUS QUESTION #1 - Who is the TCW hire who will be debuting in the six-man ladder match at Supreme Challenge XXXIII?


A) Jay Darkness (assuming he debuts as such)

B) Danny Fonzarelli (assuming he debuts as such)

C) Eddie Peak

D) John Anderson/Human Arsenal

E) Scout

F) Troy Tornado


If Scout wasn't the guy, I don't think you'd think of Scout as an individual unit separate from his team, and I don't think you'd pick him for multiple choice. Prove me wrong. (I mean, I certainly wouldn't think of Scout without Guide...)


BONUS QUESTION #2 - Which High Stakes rookies (select two, one correct answer means half-credit) will be selected to join the Supreme Challenge pre-show battle royal by merit of winning their respective High Stakes matches?


A) Dave Newton

B) Kirk Jameson

C) Calum Nelson

D) Nate Lee

E) Lazarus McKenzie

F) Ryan Turner, Jimi Adams or Tommy Alexander (a.k.a. bottom of the High Stakes barrel)


There's an argument for five of these guys. Six if you count "a battle royal is a big man match, so it makes sense to put the big man in there" as an argument. Let's say one face, one heel, Nelson is the dominant member of his tag team over Newton, Fro and Laz are less ready than Kirk, and Scythe is hopeless anyway.

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OOC - Thanks for the predictions so far! And thanks to kingdracon for the comments. Really appreciate it. :)


Also, Oregano Jensen, just to clarify...are you going for Khoklov or Gilmore in the shoot fight? Your comments suggest you're rooting for Gilmore, but you highlighted Khoklov's name.

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OOC - Supreme Challenge goes up in about 24-48 hours, which means it's last call for predictions! Take note, that the first bonus question won't count for those who predict after this post, which is Week 6 of High Stakes...



SWF High Stakes

Ricardo Montenez Ballroom

Wednesday, July 10, 2013





(Rookie - Mentor)


Nate "Fro Sure" Lee - Nicky Champion

Lazarus McKenzie - Squeeky McClean

Kirk Jameson - Chris Morrisette

Calum Nelson - Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord (Hero Squad)

Ryan Turner - Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust (The Awesomeness)

Dave Newton - Rich Money

Jimi Adams - James Prudence

Tommy "Scythe" Alexander - Brandon James



ANGLE - McClean is New McKenzie Mentor, Hypes McKenzie vs Jameson (40/D-)



Peter Michaels and Katie Cameron start High Stakes by welcoming the viewers to the show and hyping the card for the night, which includes Kirk Jameson vs Lazarus McKenzie for one of the two free spots at the Supreme Challenge pre-show battle royal. Michaels says they'll be showing the events that set up the Jameson vs McKenzie pairing in a bit, but first, Squeeky McClean has a few words to say about his new protege - the kayfabe Jamaican Lazarus McKenzie. McClean describes how sweet it is to be chosen as McKenzie's mentor, replacing his former boss Eric Eisen, and how his rookie could develop into the SWF's most physically gifted talent since his Almighty Dollar stablemate and reigning SWF World Heavyweight Champion Remo.



ANGLE - McCallum Rejects Nelson/Newton vs Hero Squad Match (57/D+)



Next, Eve Runcord talks the fans through the other qualifier for the pre-show battle royal with 23 main roster talents, which will be pitting teammates Calum Nelson and Dave Newton against each other. Prior to the show, "exclusive footage" caught High Stakes head trainer Rory McCallum telling Nelson that the match he and Dave Newton wanted against Hero Squad couldn't happen - he's already booked a rookies vs mentors tag match featuring Jimi Adams and Nate Lee versus Squeeky McClean and Rich Money, and two such tag matches would be overkill. Besides, shouldn't Nelson be offering Hero Squad moral support in their upcoming tag title defense against former champs The Can't Miss Prospects? Nelson listens indignantly as McCallum gives him his booking for the night - a singles match versus Dave Newton to determine one of the two vacancies in the 25-man pre-show battle royal at Supreme Challenge.



Calum Nelson (w/Hero Squad) vs Dave Newton (w/Rich Money) (42/D-)



Currently, these two men are expected to be in the top half of the next Mentor's Poll, which will be revealed next week, with the top three in the rankings receiving automatic immunity from elimination. Despite their reluctance to face each other, the reel- and real-life best friends put on a solid match, exchanging technical maneuvers and showing off their above-average athleticism. However, Nelson ends up securing the win against Newton, wrapping up the young Toronto native in a Honey Trap and forcing him to tap out.


WINNER - Nelson in 5:52. Calum Nelson to take part in 25-man pre-show battle royal at Supreme Challenge XXXIII.



ANGLE - Turner Looks Miserable (9/F)



As a dejected Newton shakes Nelson's hand and the two remain good friends despite being forced to compete against each other, the cameras take us backstage to Eve Runcord trying her best to get some words out of Newton's fellow Canadian, Ryan Turner. Apparently, "Rockin' Ryan" is upset about drawing a bye for tonight's High Stakes, and quite afraid of being the first elimination on next week's show.



McKenzie Wins Athleticism Tests (20/E)



The next angle, from earlier in the day, features all eight High Stakes rookies on a track and field oval in Mayaguez, PR, where the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom is located. Lazarus McKenzie seems to be owning everyone here - he finishes first in the obstacle course, first in the vertical leap test, first in the 40-yard dash, first in the 100-yard dash with all eight rookies racing at the same time. The last test looks to be quite controversial, as a slow-motion replay shows him nudging erstwhile leader Kirk Jameson en route to the win. All in all, the first round of athletic tests yields the following results - 1) McKenzie, 2) Newton, 3) Nelson, 4) Turner, 5) Jameson, 6) Adams, 7) Lee, 8) Alexander.



ANGLE - Jameson and McKenzie Argue, Match Booked (39/D-)



After the 100-yard dash, Jameson confronts McKenzie about the latter's cheating, and both men argue back and forth to the point that their respective mentors - Chris Morrisette and Squeeky McClean - are this close to joining in. Rory McCallum detects the ruckus and decides that he's booking Jameson and McKenzie, on the merit of their strong performances in recent weeks, in one of two matches to determine the High Stakes guest spots in the upcoming pre-show battle royal at Supreme Challenge.



Kirk Jameson (w/Chris Morrisette) vs Lazarus McKenzie (w/Squeeky McClean) (39/D-)



With the heat built up from the earlier post-athletic test confrontation, Jameson and McKenzie really go at it in this match, which features Rich Money on commentary and again, poor chemistry between Money and Katie Cameron. Money doesn't seem impressed with either Kirk or Laz - he notes that McClean is wasting his time on a guy who's "all athlete, no skills" unlike World Heavyweight Champion Remo. Money also talks about how he will make Nicky Champion sorry for refusing the Almighty Dollar's invitation to join the stable and insisting on wrestling at Supreme Challenge. Meanwhile, Jameson seems to have the match won with the Kirk-Hold, and just as McKenzie is about to tap out, Squeeky McClean runs in with a chair and draws the DQ for his rookie.


WINNER - Jameson in 6:14 via DQ. Kirk Jameson to take part in 25-man pre-show battle royal at Supreme Challenge XXXIII.



ANGLE - Morrisette Rants About Alexander (36/D-)



Eve Runcord interviews mentor Chris Morrisette, as he shall be continuing his mini-feud with Brandon James in a mentor vs rookie match against Tommy Alexander. While most of his rants are aimed against the "disrespectful" Alexander, he also sneaks in some potshots against Brandon James, in anticipation for their Nothing to Lose Ladder Match at Supreme Challenge. Going back to Alexander, Morrisette says he has a surprise for the death-obsessed youngster, who has, as of late, started hitting the ring in a Grim Reaper costume...



Lobster Warrior (w/Krustacean Kirk) vs Tommy Alexander (w/Brandon James) (58/D+)



And that surprise is...Lobster Warrior and Krustacean Kirk! Suffice to say, this should be another one-night-only deal for Lobby and we shouldn't see "Krustacean Kirk" make any more appearances. Both Brandon James and his rookie Tommy Alexander are shocked by the duo's appearance in costume, but Alexander starts the match out strong with a sidewalk slam on Lobby. Veteran and youngster alike trade open offense in this match, but this isn't going to be the time where a rookie ends up upsetting the mentor - a Lobster Trap on Alexander wins it for the man born Christopher Morrisette.

WINNER - Lobby in 7:24



ANGLE - James Beats Down on Lobby (72/B-)



However, the last laugh appears to belong to Brandon James, as he demolishes the still-costumed Lobster Warrior backstage, delivering a beatdown so furious that the Lobby mask comes off. Following the attack, James warns Lobby/Morrisette that "Leopards cannot hide their spots. A loser in costume, at the end of the day, is still a loser and an abject failure in the world of sports entertainment."



ANGLE - Prudence Hypes Adams and Lee vs Money and McClean (30/E)



James Prudence, in a pre-recorded video, talks about Jimi Adams' amazing progress as a rookie and how he's a huge fan of Nate Lee, may it be as a rap artist or as a wrestler. He acknowledges that Rich Money and Squeeky McClean may pose a tough challenge for the duo, but one should never discount the possibility of the two Almighty Dollar members getting overconfident ahead of Supreme Challenge and leaving the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom with the belts on their waists...but their tails between their legs.



Nate Lee (w/Nicky Champion) and Jimi Adams (w/James Prudence) vs Rich Money (w/Dave Newton) and Squeeky McClean (w/Laz McKenzie) (62/C-)



Again, Rich Money looks like Money and nothing but, as he's clearly the star of this closing match. Talking about the rookies in action, Lee is still raw as a brawler and Adams too high spot-oriented, but the two Almighty Dollar members somehow find themselves in a brief bit of trouble at around 2:30 when Lee and Adams combine for an impromptu tag finisher - a Lee short-arm clothesline followed up with an Adams moonsault from the top rope. McClean kicks out of that, and from that point on, it's mostly him and Money in control. A Bank Roll from Money to Adams ends this entertaining encounter at slightly more than seven minutes.


WINNERS - Money and McClean in 7:11



ANGLE - Pull-Apart Brawl (50/D-)



Meanwhile, tensions are getting heated outside as Nicky Champion and Dave Newton are arguing with each other at ringside. This prompts Rich Money, then Squeeky McClean, to get involved, and before you know it, Money/McClean/Newton are brawling it out with Champion/Prudence/Adams/Lee. The seven men get at each other as officials run in to break things up and Peter Michaels and Katie Cameron say their goodbyes for the evening. Next week, we shall be seeing our first High Stakes elimination, so who will it be?






Dave Newton - 4-2

Kirk Jameson - 4-2

Calum Nelson - 4-2

Lazarus McKenzie - 2-3

Nate Lee - 2-4

Jimi Adams - 1-4

Tommy Alexander - 1-4

Ryan Turner - 1-4



Overall Grade - 62/C-

SWF High Stakes Rating - 0.89

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OOC - ...and it is almost ON! :D


"I Say Welcome to the Psycho Sermon...and Welcome to the Show!"



Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rolling Fields

6:45 p.m.






"All of you are here today for a reason. You're here...and you aren't toiling away for the DeColts in Canada, or beating the shit out of Snow Fox and Madman Boone in Pittsburgh for peanuts...you're here because you DESERVE to be here. In six months we have gone from being the biggest and the best damn wrestling promotion in the whole f---ing world...to being an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE CAPABLE OF ANNIHILATING THE COMBINED FORCES OF HOLLYWOOD AND MIAMI!!!! We are HERE, people, we are here in the Birthplace of Supreme, New York f---in' City, because of all the hard work and sacrifices you have put in! And it will ONLY GET BETTER!!!! AND NONE OF THAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON'T GIVE YOUR ONE HUNDRED AND F---ING ONE MILLION PERCENT!!!"


"Pardon me if the math seems a bit wonky...but one hundred and one million?"






Mr. Eisen was in no mood for jokes, as he quickly turned his attention to the wisecracking Jimmy Prudence. "You know why Rita left you, huh, Jimmy? You know why she left you? Because YOU CAN'T TAKE A GODDAMN THING SERIOUSLY!!! Always joking...always surfing...smoking cigarettes before and after matches...God knows you're probably doin' that same thing Remington is doing."


"Uh...no, Sir!"


"GOOD! That's why Remmy Skye isn't here. But forget about him. He's suspended. He's got weeks to think about that in his Georgia home." Mr. Eisen would then turn his attention to Steve Frehley, whose performances had been erratic, to say the least.






"What's the matter, Stevie? And I don't mean you, Parker. I'm talking about YOU, the original one, Little Stevie Frehley, who can't seem to decide whether he wants to bring his 'A' game or MAIL IT F---ING IN. What's wrong with you, Steve? You go to church every Sunday. You used your off-time when injured to get your degree. Got any problem with your character? FORGET ABOUT IT, STEVE!!! YOU'RE AN ENTERTAINER!!! YOU ARE ONE HALF SAM F---ING STRONG, ONE HALF ROBERT DE NIRO!!!! IT'S YOUR GODFORSAKEN JOB TO ENTERTAIN THE SWF GALAXY!!!! Out there against Christian, I want you two to SQUEEZE IT OUT...PULL OUT ALL THE F---ING STOPS...GIVE ME THE BEST DAMN MATCH BETWEEN TWO MEN, ONCE BEST FRIENDS, WHO NOW HATE EACH OTHER WITH A F---ING PASSION!!!! CHRISTIAN AIN'T SHIT, STEVE!!!! CHRISTIAN AIN'T SHIT!!!!"


Of course, that was said in context. Next, Mr. Eisen would direct his vitriol at Valiant and Jack Giedroyc, who had seemed to be on the verge of a big push with The Allied Forces at one point, only for them to job to The Can't Miss Prospects at Master of Puppets and be sort-of broken up to focus on singles competition.






"Benjy. Jack G. Peter and I, we gave you two everything. Hot managers. A hot midcard feud. We even f---ing agreed to have YOU turn face again, Jack, and reunited your Allied Forces tag team. YOU TWO HAVE BEEN SLOUGHING OFF FOR MOST OF THE YEAR!!! Jack, you're the only one who isn't attached to any kind of storyline in the six-man ladder match. SHOW 'EM THAT YOU'RE HUNGRIER THAN THE REST OF THOSE MOTHERF---ERS!!! And Benjy, you have GOT to think of Hannah as your girlfriend. Think of Squeeky like that bully, that jock, that F---ING MEATHEAD...AND BEAT THE F---ING S--- OUT OF HIM!!! MAKE IT A SHOW, BENJY!!!"






"And that goes for you too, Squeeky. I want you acting like you want the bitch..."


"Mr. Eisen!" Hannah, sensitive as usual, interrupted Mr. Eisen's sermon because of his unfortunate choice of words.


"Context, Hannah. Context." Turning back to Squeeky, Mr. Eisen continued acting like a man possessed. "Show the entire SWF Galaxy that you have a REASON to want Hannah - that she's STRAIGHT-EDGE LIKE YOU!!! That her boyfriend is a boring f--- and a closet drunk who had been stuck in the '80s till he LOPPED THAT MULLET OFF!!! Squeeky McClean, you want to keep the strap and get the girl. So ACT LIKE YOU F---ING MEAN IT!!!"




This I could say. When he wasn't sticking his nose into everything we did, Richard Eisen could be a pretty good, if excessively profane motivator.

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I'd run through a wall for him.


Too much swagger, man. Bryden's way, way better than that. I'd marry her, dammit. ALL DAY ERR DAY.



OOC - Yes indeed! :D While Richard Eisen, for the most part, resembles your average Little League dad watching you strike out, then charging the field to argue with the umpire and embarrassing the heck out of you, he can also go psycho if the occasion calls for it. As for Belle Bryden as USPW owner ("CEO" in the diary), let's see if she does things differently from Mr. Stragavelli. Still more of an Alicia Strong fan, though, when it comes to USPW's women's division. Must be her portrayal in J Silver's classic diary. :p


Anyway, here's Part 1 of Supreme Challenge! :D






SWF Supreme Challenge XXXIII

Rolling Fields (Tri-State)

Saturday, July 13, 2013 (Week 2)






ANGLE - Richard Eisen Psyches Up Eric Eisen (58/D+)



Fortunately for the fans at Rolling Fields, they don't have to sit through 10-15 minutes of Richard Eisen thanking them for their business - that was the original plan. Instead, we have him palling around with The Eisen Entourage, grabbing a beer from their cooler and convincing his son Eric to take part in the 25-man pre-show battle royal. After a brief father-and-son pep talk, Eric decides to end his strike and lace up his boots.



Part Two Gets Ready (26/E)



What...perennial Uprising loser Part Two is shown getting ready? And he's strutting around to the tune of Donovan's 1966 hit "Mellow Yellow" as Part One claps his hands energetically? What's next, a gimmick for KC Glenn?



25-Man Battle Royal (63/C)



COMPETITORS: Acid, A-Prime, Asher Ginsberg, Bart-San, Brett-San, "Bulldozer" Bryan Smith, Calum Nelson, Cameron Vessey, Elmo Benson, Eric Eisen, Frankie Perez, Franklin D. Huggins III, Greg Black, Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust, John Greed, KC Glenn, Kirk Jameson, KP Avatar, Lenny Brown, Mikey James, Part One, Part Two, Robbie Retro, Roger Cage


That's right - it's a 25-man battle royal, a.k.a. the Supreme Challenge "Okay, Let's Book Everyone Who Doesn't Have a Match on the Main Show" Battle Royal. But the prize for this battle royal happens to be no trifle - it's a title match of the winner's choice (except World Heavyweight), but unlike the Nothing to Lose Contract, it's redeemable within one month. Some of the key events that took place in this battle royal:


- A-Prime seems to be primed (no pun intended) for bigger things. The 24/7 Partay Dudez bouncer eliminated six men in this match, including KP Avatar, who was clearly missing the drug-suspended Remmy Skye. Not far behind with 4.5 eliminations was Calum Nelson, one of two High Stakes rookies guesting in this event. It took several men - The Awesomeness, Eric Eisen, Mikey James and Asher Ginsberg - to eliminate A-Prime, before James and Ginsberg found themselves thrown over the top rope by Nelson and Eisen respectively.

- Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust haven't been doing too well in their mini-feud against The Eisen Entourage, but they were able to eliminate both Franklin Huggins and Dozer Smith early on in the contest.

- The final four featured Cannonball, Stardust, Nelson and Eisen, and taking revenge for their eliminations of the other Entourage boys, Eisen took out both Cannonball and Stardust, leaving him and Nelson as the final two men in the ring. After a brief exchange of moves, Eisen would win the match at close to 13:30, tossing Nelson out and getting a shot at any title of his choice except World Heavyweight.


WINNER - Eisen in 13:27



Darryl Devine vs Spencer Spade © (w/Richie Pangrazzio Jr.) - SWF Shooting Star title match (52/D)


The only thing missing in this matchup, which already features Double D versus Double S - is Double E. But Shooting Star has long been beneath the Supremacist, and in all seriousness, this is a pretty good match, pairing the one-time golden boy of the IWC's workrate fans against a young man whose Supreme University training videos were the stuff of legend as early as 2010. It's also a battle of Washington natives - Devine's from Seattle and Spade's from Olympia. Spade starts this match firmly in control, combining top-rope moves like the Spadesault with some impressive impact moves, but Devine comes back at around four minutes to exact some punishment and land not just one, but two Devine Dream Drops throughout the course of the match. The first one, leading to a cover, is broken up by a Richie Pangrazzio Jr. distraction, and the second one looks to be good enough to end the match. This time, RPJ actually hits the ring with a baseball bat in hand, but Darren Smith catches Pangrazzio in the act and gives Devine the win via DQ! Unfortunately, that won't give him the title...


WINNER - Devine in 8:39 via DQ. Spencer Spade is STILL the SWF Shooting Star Champion.






ANGLE - Champion vs Money Hype Video (75/B-)



The hype video starts with a few clips from Nicky Champion and Rich Money, including their Match of the Year candidate encounter from the previous month, pre-Champion injury. After these clips, plus clips of Champion screaming "NICKY CHAMPION IS MORE THAN JUST A NAME!!!" and Money saying "I'm Money," the James Earl Jones Sound-alike Voice-over takes over...


JEJSV -Two men. Two disparate backgrounds. One two-time North American Champion, one-time World Heavyweight Champion and now, the first-ever Supreme Heavyweight Champion of the SWF. One multi-titled outsider who, as he says, is more than just a name. Last month at Master of Puppets, Rich Money retained his Supreme Heavyweight title with the help of his once-a-month special enforcer, Marat Khoklov. (show scenes of Khoklov's destructive chokeslam on Angry Gilmore from MoP) At that same event, Nicky Champion made a run for World Heavyweight and lost a Ladder Match to Remo, in an encounter that surprisingly did not involve anyone else from The Almighty Dollar. It was Champion's performance at that match, despite the loss, that made him the number one contender for Supreme Heavyweight. And for Nicky Champion, he has a score to settle. He has, more than once, paid the price for refusing Rich Money's offer to join The Almighty Dollar. Will he finally prove that Nicky Champion is indeed more than just a name, or will Rich Money take advantage of Champion's injury at the hands of the dastardly Steve Frehley and walk out of Rolling Fields with the Supreme Heavyweight title still around his waist?



ANGLE - Bruce vs Remo Hype Video (82/B)



This next hype video starts with specific clips from previous Bruce and Remo promos, as both men will be taking part in a match that has been, as the JEJSV points out, three months in the making.


Bruce (from July 2 Supreme TV) - I'm no brain surgeon. I'm no Rhodes Scholar. Hell, I may not even be the most athletic, most powerful, most impressive physical specimen in the SWF Locker Room! But I'm Jack Motherbleepin' Bruce, the Cream of the Crop, the Mayor of Metal, POPULATION UMPTEEN MILLION, and unlike the Alpha Puppy, Remo, I'M NO IDIOT!!!!


Remo (from July 9 Supreme TV) - I may have gotten criticized by those MARKS in the SWF Galaxy, those so-called IWC types,'cause I'm World Heavyweight Champion and I don't talk too much. See, that's how the Alpha Dog rolls. I let my ACTIONS do the talking. And they've done a lot of talkin' in these past six months that I've been champ. Meanwhile, Jack, what have you done except run yo' mouth and end up getting Destroyed by the Alpha Dog? NOTHIN'!


JEJSV - The battle for World Heavyweight, on the other hand, has been a good three months in the making. When Jack Bruce took himself out of title contendership following his Battle for Supremacy win at The World is Watching, he knew what he was doing. He knew he had three months to get ready for Supreme Challenge XXXIII and get out there with a full head of steam, against whoever would be the World Heavyweight Champion at that time. As it turns out, that man with the title is still Remo, and he's looking to make it a seventh straight month as the SWF's World Champion. In preparing for this match, Bruce has called Remo an idiot. He has criticized his lack of intellect as much as Remo has done the same, calling Bruce out on his extreme confidence and lack of variation, may it be as an entertainer...or an athlete. And at the same time, Bruce knows that winning World Heavyweight at Supreme Challenge will put him a cut above legends like Christian Faith and Sam Keith, and make him the only person to win World Heavyweight gold five times. Will the Cream of the Crop, the Mayor of Metal, population umpteen million, the Long Island Angel or whatever you call him, become the first five-time World Heavyweight champ in SWF history, or will Remo hang on to the gold as possibly the most dominant title holder of all time?



ANGLE - Morrisette Rants About James (70/C+)






With the Supreme Challenge XXXIII theme, Neurotica's "Ride of Your Life" playing in the background, Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Ana Garcia welcome everyone to the Most Supreme Stage of them All, and talk about tonight's big matches - Bruce vs Remo, Khoklov vs Gilmore, Faith vs Frehley, Money vs Champion. Also teased is the six-man ladder match for the next Nothing to Lose Contract, same with the grudge match featuring Uprising regulars Koshiro Ino and Joshua Taylor. But before anything else, High Stakes backstage interviewer Eve Runcord is talking to Chris Morrisette as he prepares for the Nothing to Lose Ladder Match.


Morrisette - Call me a stickler for the old ways if you want, but I don't think there's anything old-fashioned, or old-school, about doing the right thing and working hard to get what you want. That's something lost on Brandon James, who seems incapable of getting over the fact that my rookie on High Stakes is a favorite to win it, while his rookie is a pathetic Vengeance-wannabe who can't win unless he cheats.


Runcord - Yes, I can completely agree with that, Chris. I see Kirk Jameson did get eliminated earlier by Calum Nelson, as both young men were guesting on the 25-man pre-show battle royal eventually won by Eric Eisen. Any thoughts on that?


Morrisette - It doesn't count in their stats, and the battle royal...was a good way for Kirk to get some valuable SWF experience. I still think he's one of the favorites to win High Stakes, and though I'm not allowed to rank him first in the Mentor's Poll, he's certainly gonna be close to the top.


Runcord - Always refreshing to see such honesty from an SWF Superstar. Any last words for Brandon James and the other competitors in the six-man Nothing to Lose Ladder Match?


Morrisette - It doesn't matter if I'm bringing out the lobster in me or if I'm wrestling as myself. It's always been all about believing in oneself, busting ass and never taking shortcuts to get what you want. I don't do things like Brandon James and company. And speaking of things like that...Emma Chase, I'm not interested. Go flash those dollar signs on someone who cares...though at this point, I don't think there's anyone who does anymore.



ANGLE - ????? Gets Ready (64/C)



????? is getting ready for the Ladder Match as the sixth man, the mystery competitor, the guy we've been seeing on the vignettes for the past few weeks. Who is he? Well, he does look interesting from behind, wearing a trenchcoat and what looks like a pair of shades...



Chris Morrisette vs Brandon James vs Jack Giedroyc vs The Zim (w/"Easy" Emma Chase) vs Randy Bumfhole vs John Anderson - Ladder Match for Nothing to Lose contract (74/B-)



http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/LobsterWarrior_alt.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/Rogue.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/ZimmyBumfhole_alt.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/RandyBumfholealt.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/HumanArsenal_alt1_zps7506d11f.jpg



- As the cameras focus on the plethora of ladders to be used in the match, the determined Chris Morrisette, the cold and calculating Brandon James, the focused Jack Giedroyc and the sniping Bumfhole brothers, an unfamiliar entrance song plays, and it's not the usual "I Hate You" by Slayer that he used back in Hollywood. It's ex-TCW upper midcarder John "Human Arsenal" Anderson of The Machines! And it looks like he's working a Devil's Advocate gimmick, based on the catchphrase that followed his wrestling clips - "You aren't for real if you can't do what you feel." Guess that means he won't be using the Human Arsenal nickname in Supreme, huh?

- For starters, we don't see any ladders used, as all six men battle it out outside, every man for himself. It's interesting to see Brandon James and The Zim, technically still on the same stable, beating the crap of each other, while John Anderson and Chris Morrisette work on Jack Giedroyc. Randy Bumfhole tries to break things up, but gets suplexed by Anderson, as he shows off his "arsenal" of impact moves early on.

- The Zim is first to grab a ladder, and he uses it to prevent his brother Randy from entering the ring, further compounding his troubles. However, he gets clobbered from behind by Anderson, then by James. As Anderson and James are now brawling with each other, Morrisette takes advantage by bringing another ladder inside and trying to set it up. Giedroyc, however, prevents this from happening and pulls Morrisette out of the ring.

- At about 4:50 into the match, no one has made a serious attempt to grab the briefcase, and Randy Bumfhole, now recovered, seeks to be the first man to make a substantial climb. But before that, he executes a plancha from the top rope, landing on all five opponents! The Zim is first to stand up, but gets Bumfhole Buster-ed by his angry and determined brother! A bit dazed from the earlier plancha, Randy B. looks for a ladder and brings it inside the ring. After using it to ram Brandon James, then Jack Giedroyc, he sets it up, starts climbing, but gets pulled down by the former Human Arsenal!

- Anderson doesn't get to climb, however, as a Big Cat Pounce from James sends him crashing against the ladder and wincing in pain! This is followed by more free-for-all action until the eighth minute or so.

- Morrisette gets a huge pop at around 8:40 after Steel Curtain Trap-ping the much larger Brandon James on one of the ladders and setting up another one. He looks to be ready to grab the contract when, out of nowhere, Emma Chase starts stripteasing in front of C-Mo! Morrisette yells at Chase, but is ultimately distracted enough to fall victim to a dropkick from The Zim.

- At 10:30, we see Randy Bumfhole and The Zim punching each other from the second-to-last step of one of the ladders, both inches away from the Nothing to Lose Contract. However, Jack Giedroyc tips the ladder over, sending the brothers crashing down...and The Zim Crashing On! It's now Giedroyc's turn to make the climb, but he gets pulled off from behind by John Anderson. Anderson counters Giedroyc's Crashing On into an Ammo Dump (yet to be renamed for SWF purposes), but Anderson finds himself prevented from climbing by a freshly-recovered Brandon James.

- After a series of moves sends the other five men outside the ring, Chris Morrisette is all alone at around 13:00. There are three ladders in the ring, and it doesn't take long for Morrisette to pick one to set up. He starts climbing, but he is oblivious to James and The Zim charging him from behind and knocking down both the ladder and Morrisette sideways! The impact sends Morrisette off the top rope, and signs of a Chase stable reunion seem apparent as James and The Zim are talking, rather than beating each other up! Randy Bumfhole takes advantage by landing a DDT on his brother, but James responds in kind with a Big Money Move!

- At 15:20, Morrisette is once again looking like the favorite to grab the contract, and is well ahead of James as Giedroyc and Anderson are both lying down outside the ring, victims of earlier attacks from Morrisette and James. The Zim and Randy Bumfhole, meanwhile, are also outside the ring duking it out. After The Zim knocks Randy out with his own finisher, the Bumfhole Buster, Easy Emma runs over to referee Ric Young for a distraction. This allows The Zim to run in with a chair in hand, blasting Morrisette from behind and allowing James an easy grab at the Nothing to Lose briefcase! Jack Giedroyc tries to run in to stop the grab, but it's too late. James has the contract, and it looks like The Chase Agency/SinCorporated has sorted out its differences! Or was it another ruse on their part to feign dissension ahead of Supreme Challenge?


WINNER - James in 17:20. Brandon James wins the Nothing to Lose Contract, valid for any title match of his choice until July 2014.



ANGLE - The New Chase Agency Celebrates (59/D+)






Following James' win, The Zim and Asher Ginsberg enter the ring with Chase, then John Greed, as we seem to be looking at a leaner, meaner Chase stable. But what will Easy Emma call the stable, since SinCorporated seems to be a thing of the past with Vengeance still M.I.A.?


Chase - Welcome to the New Chase Agency era, SWF Galaxy. Together, we comprise the best of the original Agency and the best of Vengeance's Sons of Sin, and make up a lean, mean contingent that will end up closer than ever to achieving MY goals and Mr. James' goals than the first Chase Agency, the Sons of Sin or Chase SinCorporated ever were.


James - The fat has been trimmed and the wheat has been separated from the chaff. In the meantime, Vengeance, Mr. DeBones...do you like what you see? Do you find everything copacetic from your dark corner of the world, where you fancy yourself the Father of Sin? You had better, Mr. DeBones. Because this is where we always wanted the organization to go.


Chase - More fun, less evil. More quality, less quantity. (acknowledges the fans' rabid chants of "DOLLAR SIGNS!") Dollar signs? You're too lazy and slovenly to deserve them. Isn't that right, Brandon? (pauses as James nods his head and shows off the briefcase again) That's good business.



ANGLE - Morrisette Loses It in Locker Room (72/B-)






Meanwhile, back at the locker room, Chris Morrisette is angrier than we've ever seen him before. This looks to be much worse than the time when Lobster Warrior was betrayed by Jumbo Shrimp, Calamari Kid and Super Starfish. He's screaming, yelling and pounding on locker room doors as Jack Bruce and Tom "Angry" Gilmore attempt to talk some sense into him...



Bruce - Hey, Chris, take it easy, man...the Men Unda Pressure have your back...


Morrisette - I DID EVERYTHING, JACK!!! I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT...never cheated, never had no manager interfere on my behalf...and I had to let Brandon James GET AWAY WITH IT!!! That should have been my contract!


Gilmore - I'll take care of James next Tuesday...now if you could just get a hold of yourself...


Morrisette - GET AWAY FROM ME!!! Neither of you have had to toil eleven years in the SWF and get so few opportunities to be World Champion...or even Supreme Heavyweight Champion...





The heated argument between Gilmore and Morrisette is broken up by John Anderson, now dressed once again in his Devil's Advocate costume and assessing the situation with an oily, sneaky smile on his face...






Anderson - Whoa, whoa, whoa, looks like the Men Unda Pressure are having a lit-tle situation on their hands...


Gilmore - WHAT THE F--- DO YOU WANT?!?!?


Anderson - No need to get your panties in a bunch, Angry man! I'm John Anderson. I just came here to congratulate Chris, the former Lobster Warrior. Man, you were the STAR of that ladder match, and even if you didn't win, you impressed the hell outta me.


Morrisette - Don't you dare say that name in my presence, kid. You just got here. So don't go around acting as if you know me or somethin'...


Anderson - I don't know you THAT well yet, but I've watched you for a long, long time. All of you, for that matter. Gotta keep tabs on the competition, y'know. And I'm no kid. Been around the block a few times and I know what makes a man successful in this business. D'you see how Spencer Spade retained his title in the pre-show against your friend, Darryl Devine? He lost the battle, but he's still winning the war. He cheated. See how Brandon James won the ladder match? If you don't think that's cheating, then brother, you must be out of your mind! (laughs wryly) It's simple, basic common sense, Chris. And that goes for the rest of you Men Unda Pressure. You want to win your respective matches? Chair here, cheap shot there, dirty tactics everywhere. Trust me on this, Chris. Your career's headed to a black hole, and the only way you can escape the cesspool of obscurity...is by trusting your instincts...and CHEATING. Remember, my friend. You aren't for real if you can't do what you feel.


Gilmore (edging towards Anderson) - You have some nerve stickin' your nose into Men Unda Pressure business...


Bruce - So if you could just GET THE FUNK OUT OF HERE and LEAVE THE MEN UNDA PRESSURE ALONE...that would be much appreciated.


Anderson (holding up his hands) - Whoa there, Mr. Rock Star. You wouldn't wanna get too steamed before your match! After all, the rock 'n' wrestling groupies LOVE to see gold around a man's waist. You like blondes? Brunettes? Redheads? They can all be yours, Jack, if you cheat your way against Remo...


Bruce - Suggestion noted, bargain-basement Neo. Or is that homeless man's Kevin Lomax? Doesn't matter. You've just got one second before Tommy puts the fear of Gilmore in 'ya...and LESS THAN A SECOND before I take you out in a New York...


Gilmore (noticing Anderson has left the area) - Leave him be, Jack. We've got to help Chris get back in the game. What you say I take on James at the next Supreme TV?


Bruce - Sounds cool to me, man. But you might wanna give Money another challenge for Supreme Heavyweight if he retains tonight.


Gilmore - He's not gonna retain tonight, Jack. I know Nicky can do it. And if Nicky does come off with the win...he'll be having the fear of Gilmore put in him too. Nothing personal.



ANGLE - Pangrazzio Hypes Khoklov vs Gilmore (77/B-)






This pre-recorded segment is set in a New York gym, where Marat Khoklov is sparring with several partners, who all get wasted one by one in an MMA-esque octagon located in the gym. Richie Pangrazzio Jr., The Almighty Dollar's executive consultant and "coach", talks about how Khoklov will make quick work of Tom "Angry" Gilmore in tonight's shoot fight at Supreme Challenge.


Pangrazzio - Pain. Nothing but bone-crushing pain delivered by 450 pounds of genuine Russian beef. You see, there's a reason why they didn't let this man face the likes of Buddy Garner in the MMA octagon. Because he'd be Heavyweight Champion for life. Just look at this man's record - 102 wins, zero losses in the underground pit fighting circuit in Moscow. He don't need technique! He don't need finesse! He don't need any damn thing so-called fight analysts think one needs to succeed in any kind of fightin' sport. Tom Gilmore, you can talk all you want about puttin' the fear of Gilmore into Marat Khoklov. But this is the SWF's true freak of nature. He fears nothin', Gilmore...especially not men half his size who have no business anyways gettin' in the way of The Almighty Dollar.



The Platinum Blondes (w/Carl Batch) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/Kristen Pearce and A-Prime) - Number One Contender match for SWF World Tag Team titles (54/D)



http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/JamesPrudence.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/MainstreamHernandez_zps6c9b99e4.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/StevenParker_zps66188f51.jpg



- With a much larger crowd than what they're accustomed to in Uprising, both teams take advantage of the situation by playing up to the 55,000-strong Rolling Fields audience. Freddy Garcia and Jimmy Prudence flirt with the young women in the front rows, while Carl Batch asks his Hired Officers of Entertainment and Sexuality to "pleasure" The Platinum Blondes before their match. The 24/7 Partay Dudez, on the other hand, enter with pyro and dance moves that are one part Saturday Night Fever, one part You Got Served. Fortunately, both midcard teams get some love from the crowd, who normally would see teams like these as fodder.

- Mainstream gets off to a strong start versus Garcia, clotheslining the Fabulous One and belting out his now-ubiquitous (and annoying) "Fever Beat" couplet. He further pops the crowd by yelling "MAINSTEVE!!!!" at Stevie, who replies with "STEVESTREAM!!!" The showboating, however, is interrupted by a bulldog from Prudence, and a stern warning from Shane Stones following Jimmy P.'s illegal interference.

- A running dropkick from Mainstream to Prudence, followed by a nice reverse top-rope move from Stevie leads to the first cover of the match at 2:30. ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!

- Prudence is able to regain momentum, and after a few tag exchanges with Garcia, he returns to the ring, up against Stevie and looking quite confident of winning. With Stevie down on the mat, Prudence goes for a corkscrew legdrop, but misses! This gives Stevie a chance to tag Mainstream back in, and for the Partay Dudez to isolate Prudence.

- From 4:30 to 6:10, Prudence is double-teamed by Mainstream and Stevie, and a ref distraction from Kristen Pearce brings A-Prime into the ring with yet another Foreign Object of Desire - the Partay Dudez's framed autographed photo! Fortunately, Prudence is able to move out of the way and that causes the framed photo to hit Mainstream instead! Both men are now down and looking for a hot tag...

- They get that soon enough, and at around 6:35, Garcia and Stevie are furiously trading slaps, punches and elbows. Garcia looks like the stronger of the two, however, and goes for a Romeo is Bleeding on Stevie. The move, however, gets countered into a Platinum Record, and while Stevie's finisher is blocked, that gives Stevie a chance to tag Mainstream in! Mainstream surprises Garcia with a DDT, and that's good enough to set up the Apparition #14! ONE...TWO...THREE!


WINNERS - 24/7 Partay Dudez in 7:58. 24/7 Partay Dudez are now number one contenders for the SWF World Tag Team titles.



ANGLE - Faith vs Frehley Hype Video (75/B-)



Once again, we see another hype video for one of tonight's big matches - Christian Faith vs Steve Frehley,in an I Quit Match for World Heavyweight number one contender. As one may expect, the hype vid starts with a clip of Frehley's sneak attack on Faith and Nicky Champion at Master of Puppets...


JEJSV - Why, Steve, why. That was the question asked by a legion of fans following this unwarranted, unexpected attack on both Christian Faith and Nicky Champion at Master of Puppets. While it took him some time to give that answer, Steve Frehley had clearly turned into a different Dark Destroyer. He turned into a man with no respect for anyone. (pauses as scenes from Frehley beatdowns on Elmo Benson, Rory McCallum and Peter Michaels are highlighted.)


Frehley (from June 25 Supreme TV) - Don't you give me that "Frehley-natics" s---, because they ain't real fans! They're nothin' but SHEEP who cheer for one man, and one man alone whenever I'm in the same ring with that punk.


JEJSV - Most of all, Steve Frehley turned into a man with absolute hatred for his longtime best friend, Christian Faith. And meanwhile, the Supreme Legend has made it no secret that he is extremely disappointed in Frehley's actions. Still, one cannot deny he still has Faith...that his former friend may one day see the light again.


Faith (from July 9 Supreme TV) - Steve, in spite of all that you have done since Master of Puppets, in spite of your traitorous actions against myself and Nicky Champion, know that I still respect you as a competitor and an athlete. But whatever respect I have had for you as a human being is GONE.


Faith (pre-recorded interview) - Of course I still want Steve to be successful. Of course I will be open to reconciliation, for it's the right thing to do in the eyes of the Lord. But I am not happy with how Steve chooses to live his life and enjoy the spoils of his success while craving even more.


JEJSV - This, unfortunately, is lost on Frehley, who is determined on making Faith say the two words he has yet to say in his lifetime - I QUIT.


Faith (from July 9 Supreme TV) - I will not quit at Supreme Challenge. I will not cry "uncle" no matter how you plan to punish me in our match. I WILL NOT QUIT...and you know why I won't?


Frehley - (from June 25 Supreme TV) - "We have Faith. We have Faith. We have Faith." Even when I was World Heavyweight champ, and teamin' up with Christian against The Big Moneycrats, Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon, or even the f---in' Pain Alliance, you didn't hear nobody yellin' my name.


JEJSV - It will be a battle of will more than it is a battle of ability tonight at Supreme Challenge. Christian Faith vs Steve Frehley, two individuals who would rather die trying than give up the fight. One on the side of good and with the SWF Galaxy - his "Faithful" - providing their undying support. The other with no rules to follow except his own - the Frehley way.


Frehley (from June 25 Supreme TV) - You drag my ass out here to the ring and interview me, ask me "why, Steve, why" just like you've asked that f---in' question to countless other SWF Superstars, I give you my honest-to-goodness answers, and still you side with the rest of these brain-dead hicks in thinkin' I'm goin' about this the wrong way. Well, lemme tell you something then, Michaels. Y'all know about the right way and the wrong way, but how 'bout I teach you the Frehley way?


This hype video ends with both Faith and Frehley mouthing their respective catchphrases...


Faith - I. Have. Faith.


Frehley - Y'ALL AIN'T S---!



ANGLE - The Can't Miss Prospects Rant About Hero Squad (65/C)






There's no backstage interviewer here - just Des Davids and Marc DuBois speaking on camera and on the Supreme-Tron and showing off the SWF World Tag Team titles they have refused to hand over to Hero Squad since former Deputy Commissioner BJ O'Neill stripped them off the belts for cheating (and taking advantage of a crooked referee) at Master of Puppets.


Davids - Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord...say hello to the SWF World Tag Team Champions, four months running. As far as we're concerned, we never lost the titles. Sure, you can go on, Captain Atomic, you can SCREAM at us while your duh-duh buddy Jungle Lord goes "Jungle Lord win!" and whatnot. But remember...we were stripped of the titles, if you could call it that, by a woman who no longer works for the SWF. BJ O'Neill was an EMBARRASSMENT of an ex-Commissioner's assistant, just like she was an embarrassment of a manager to the All-Americans back when we held the belts for nearly a year.


DuBois - Damn right, Des. She was so drunk with power when she stripped us of our titles. (makes quote-unquote sign as he says "stripped") Good thing she's gone now, and good thing we've got a Commissioner who knows what he's doing. Man, if that Gilmore guy didn't sprain Mr. Bowen's neck at Master of Puppets with his Anger Management, there'd be none of this controversy and such.


Davids - Still, there could be some sorta compromise here, you know? Ever heard of asterisks? Before McGwire, Bonds and company went all 'roid-crazy and stuff, Roger Maris had an asterisk next to his home run record. At least that's what they say. (pauses) Once we get done with becoming the legitimate owners of these belts (makes quote-unquote sign as he says "legitimate"), Hero Squad is forever gonna be known as the Asterisk Tag Team Champions of the SWF. Stuff like that can haunt you for the rest of your career. Look at what happened to Maris. After he hit those 61 homers, what happened? Career went down the toilet.


DuBois - Save your breath, Des, those goofs probably don't know who you're talkin' about anyway! You've got one guy who thinks he's radioactive and one guy who looks and acts like Tarzan but fights like Jane. Let's just focus on teamwork like we always do. Focus on winning this match and getting back the gold!


Davids - Correction, Marc. We already own the gold. (holds up his tag title belt in the air as DuBois does the same) Once again, Hero Squad. Tag Team champions four months and counting.



Hero Squad © vs The Can't Miss Prospects (w/Richie Pangrazzio Jr.) - SWF World Tag Team title match (71/C+)



http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/AtomSmasher.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/JungleJack.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/DesDavids.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/MarcDuBois.jpg



- Captain Atomic, taking a few seconds to size up his opponents, starts off quick with a running shoulderblock on Des Davids, punctuated by his trademark scream. Unfortunately, Davids gives Atomic a dose of his own medicine by no-selling the move and leaping back to his feet. After several low-impact punches and slaps, Davids floors Atomic with a short-arm clothesline and tags Marc DuBois in...

- After DuBois tries slowing Atomic down with rest holds, the original Can't Miss Prospect tags Davids back in, and he immediately goes for a three-point stance. This gets countered into a backdrop by Atomic, and after landing a backbreaker on Davids, he tags Jungle Lord in at around 1:40.

- From 1:40 to 3:50, the teams trade offensive moves until the heel isolation is set up by a Richie Pangrazzio Jr. distraction on Jungle Lord. Jungle Lord is able to clothesline Pangrazzio off the apron, but that also allows DuBois to land a high knee from behind and hit a vertical suplex on the Wildman! DuBois goes for the count...ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!

- The isolation doesn't last too long, however, as DuBois gets warned by referee Darren Smith for persistently interfering in the match. That allows Jungle Lord to wearily set Davids up for a snap mare takedown and tag Captain Atomic back in!

- At 7:30, Atomic turns into a no-sell machine after blocking a Davids DDT attempt. With Davids now in the ring, he blocks several chop attempts, moves away from a spear and tags Jungle Lord back in! The crowd is cheering at the top of their lungs as Jungle Lord successfully piledrives Davids onto the mat! ONE...TWO...DISTRACTION FROM RPJ!

- That distraction allows DuBois to get tagged in and floor Jungle Lord with a missile dropkick from the top rope! This could be it, as Smith begins counting. ONE...TWO...KICKOUT JUST BEFORE THE THREE! DuBois is angry at the perceived slow count! Meanwhile, Jungle Lord is going for another hot tag...

- After more double-teaming, Jungle Lord gets that tag in at 9:40, seconds after blocking a Model Solution and hitting a DDT on DuBois. Captain Atomic immediately unloads on the hot-tagged Davids, clotheslines DuBois and Pangrazzio as they try to interfere, and dodges out of the way when DuBois, having since gotten back to his feet and climbed the apron, tried to bash Atomic with the tag team title belt! Davids, hoping to take advantage of the brief distraction, goes for the Touch Down, but Atomic counters that into the Mushroom Cloud! Captain Atomic and the Rolling Fields crowd simultaneously let out a rousing "YAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Atomic goes for the cover, and that looks like all she wrote. ONE...TWO...DuBois and Pangrazzio are in the ring...THREE! TOO LATE TO INTERFERE! Hero Squad retains as tag champs, and this time they've got the belts in their possession!


WINNERS - Hero Squad in 10:13. Hero Squad are STILL the SWF World Tag Team Champions.



ANGLE - 24/7 Partay Dudez Beat Down on Hero Squad (58/D+)






Out with the old feuds, in with the new. Hero Squad are in the ring, dancing the Dance of Joy as P.O.D.'s "Boom" plays in the background. (Rather odd choice of music but hey, Atomic got the pin!) The victory party is broken up by the 24/7 Partay Dudez, who run in to beat down on Hero Squad and do their own singing and dancing - to the tune of their own ring music - as Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord lie in the ring helplessly.



ANGLE - Taylor Rants About Ino (67/C+)






Joining us backstage is Jason Azaria, who is interviewing former TCW colleague Joshua Taylor in preparation for his match with another ex-TCW guy, Koshiro Ino.


Azaria - Our next match may not have any title up for grabs, but Joshua Taylor vs Koshiro Ino promises to be an intense matchup between two individuals whom I had the pleasure working with back West. But we won't go much into that now. We'll be dealing with the present, which is Ino sporting an undefeated record since joining Supreme, and Taylor being confident of snapping that winning streak. Josh, what's your take on Koshiro Ino's claim that his brand of wrestling - puroresu - is the purest form of wrestling out there?


Taylor - Well, Jason, if you've been watching a lot of Uprising, and I'm sure you have, you'll notice that a lot of Ino's so-called "pure wrestling" has sports entertainment infused in it. I mean, look at those gaijin wannabes Bart-San and Brett-San, always there to aid their sensei and make him look better than he really is. A lot of it may be puroresu, but it definitely isn't pure wrestling. Tell you what. It's not too late to impose some stipulations, so if the matchmakers are listening, here's mine. I want Biggz in Japan banned from ringside.


Azaria - That sounds pretty sensible, given their habit of running in for Ino and doing his dirty work.


Taylor - That's true, Jason, and if I may add something else...I probably know more about puroresu than that guy does. I may not have been born and raised in Japan, but I worked in Japan. I know puro well enough to use it, and keep it as pure as Koshiro wants it to be. And that means not mixing it up with cheap shots and gaijin interference.


Azaria - Thank you for your time, Josh. And now we have Ana Garcia over at the catering area with Koshiro "Kobra" Ino, the SWF's Ambassador of Puroresu.



ANGLE - Ino Rants About Taylor (67/C+)






A. Garcia - Thank you, Jason. And now we have Koshiro Ino and his loyal assistants, Bart-San and Brett-San, a.k.a. Biggz in Japan. And judging by the looks on their faces, they don't look pleased at all with the comments made just moments earlier by Joshua Taylor.


Ino - That is pointing out obvious, sports entertainment lady.


A. Garcia - My name is Ana. Ana Garcia, and I've been the...


Ino - ...sports entertainment lady on PPV for close to decade? I know who you are. You stand around, look pretty, ask stupid questions and point out obvious. Now allow me to explain. Joshua Taylor doesn't want Biggz in Japan helping out? Fine. That can be arranged. And off the record, they help me in matches not because I ask them to. It is because Bart-San and Brett-San respect sensei to the point they take bullet on his behalf. But what I do not appreciate is Joshua Taylor implying that he knows more about puroresu than I do. Who is he to say that? He's just lowly ex-gaijin who, unlike Biggz in Japan, lacks the heart of champion. And who is he to say puroresu is not pure wrestling? Typical response of North American slave to sports entertainment. Yes, Joshua. That is what you are. And tonight, I will take a bite out of the sports entertainment you secretly desire to embrace, with or without Bart-San and Brett-San in my corner. Hssssss....


A. Garcia - Thank you, Koshiro, and if I may ask another...


Bart-San - Interview's over, lady, so beat it! We don't need people like you making our sensei look bad.


Brett-San - Yeah, Ana. He's just teaching our ignorant countrymen that what they see on Supreme TV these days is more entertainment than sports. That's not wrestling. That's crap.


A. Garcia (to herself, as she walks away) - Finally got something out of those Biggins brothers. Sure preferred them, though, when they were still managed by Angry Gilmore's wife...



Joshua Taylor vs Koshiro Ino - standard match, Biggz in Japan banned from ringside (74/B-)



http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/JoshuaTaylor_zpsaa243071.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/KoshiroIno_zpsd15edb74.jpg



- Moonlighting as a ring announcer, Jez McArthuer informs the crowd at Rolling Fields that "as per terms requested by Joshua Taylor and agreed to by Koshiro Ino, Biggz in Japan will be banned from ringside!" The crowd responds with a loud "USA! USA!" cheer upon learning that Ino's lackeys are forbidden from interfering.

- After an exchange of rudimentary punches and jabs, Ino tosses Taylor to the corner at around 1:00 and attacks him with a corner boot choke. Ino pauses for a moment to yell "TEISHI!" at the crowd (who's still chanting "USA! USA!"), then rams Taylor against the turnbuckle repeatedly with his shoulder.

- At around 2:20, Taylor takes control after getting up on his feet following an Ino dropkick. Immediately he starts wrapping up his foe in rest holds, stopping from time to time to give him an elbow or a forearm. That's not much excitement for starters, but a huge suplex from Taylor at close to 3:00 leads to the first cover. Jez McArthuer counts ONE...KICKOUT!

- Taylor is still leading the way with rather uninspiring rest holds and forearms at 4:20 when Ino counters a high-knee attempt with a Big Boot. After showing Taylor how it's done with some stiff slaps and forearms, Ino goes for a blindside high knee, but that gets countered with a kick to the thigh! Ino seems in disbelief that Taylor could actually hit that hard and that stiff. Still, Taylor's offensive onslaught is short-lived, as an attempt to set up the Butterfly Lock is blocked and countered with a low blow! Somehow McArthuer isn't able to catch this!

- After receiving more stiff blows from Ino, Taylor slips free from a sleeperhold attempt, and surprises Ino with a belly-to-belly suplex at around 5:10. Taylor covers Ino and hooks the leg...ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!

- Taylor continues commanding the match at seven minutes, though a neckbreaker isn't enough to do Ino in. After blocking a DDT attempt, Ino regains control, landing a side headlock takedown on Taylor and hitting him with a flurry of mounted punches! Taylor is able to feed off the "USA! USA!" chants by rolling away and causing Ino's splash attempt to miss, but he doesn't look in pretty good shape as he tries to take advantage of things...

- At 8:10, Taylor tries to put the Butterfly Lock on Ino once again, and looks to be headed for the win. Ino, however, is able to kick Taylor in the groin area a second time, again with McArthuer's back turned, and that helps him set up the Kobra's Bite through illegal means! Taylor is down, his shoulders are pinned, and McArthuer has no choice but to count. ONE...TWO...THREE! The crowd is beside themselves as the evil Asian wins it, relying on an illegal groin shot in the absence of good old lackey interference/distraction.


WINNER - Ino in 8:47



ANGLE - Bruce Concert/Rant Against The Almighty Dollar (90/A)






Up next after the break is a ten-minute Jack Bruce musical performance, where he rants about The Almighty Dollar in between songs as he plays with his loyal backing band inside a steel cage, with RIPW workers Avalanche and a couple other burly real-life security guards making sure nobody tries to get in the cage to disrupt the performance. Who needs Puff Daddy when you've got an actual rock star in the SWF roster, with a rockin' backup band that's a whole lot better than Painful Procedure?




1. "Rich with Nothing" (Split Ends original from 1966/67, lyrics rewritten by Bruce to reflect his dislike of Rich Money)

2. "Breaking the Law/You've Got Another Thing Coming" (Judas Priest medley that's a standard in Jack Bruce concerts)

3. "Where is My Mind" (Pixies original, some lyrics rewritten on the spot as Bruce rants about Remo, singing the chorus as "Where is YOUR Mind?")



ANGLE - McClean Seduces Hannah (69/C+)






Backstage, Squeeky McClean is preparing to unleash his weasely, dorky charm on Valiant's manager/girlfriend Hannah. The cameras catch him fixing his hair in the men's room and looking at the bouquet of flowers he has for his straight-laced, supposedly straight-edge love interest, as Spencer Spade looks on.


McClean - Looking good, Squeeky...looking GOOD! There's no way on Earth she's gonna turn me down. You've got Valiant distracted, haven't you?


Spade (OC) - He's planning strategy with Giedroyc. No need to worry 'bout him.


McClean - Excellent. I've got his lady right where I want her...


It doesn't take Squeeky too long to spot Hannah and hand her the bouquet of flowers. However, her reaction isn't what the reigning North American champ was hoping for...


Hannah - That's from Valiant, isn't it?


McClean (nervously fidgeting and fixing his hair) - Uh, n-n-no, Hannah, they're...actually from a...f-f-f-from a...secret admirer.


Hannah (looking unimpressed) - Right, Squeeky. That secret admirer is standing right in front of me and looking like the dishonest sneak that he is.


McClean (laughing, still sounding a bit nervous) - Oh, you make it sound like I'm such an ogre! But let's look at the facts, okay? Mainly, I'm straight-edge. I don't smoke, don't drink, never went puff-puff or snort-snort in my lifetime, and as a part of the straight-edge lifestyle, I'm a one-woman man. Do you really think Valiant can say the same thing?


Hannah - I know you Almighty Dollar sorts like the back of my hand. Especially you, Squeeky. I know you're gonna try every dirty trick in the book to keep that North American title.


McClean (putting his arm around Hannah's shoulder) - That's where you're wrong, baby, because all I need to do in the ring is wrap your sweet and perfect Valiant in the Clean Out or give him a little Stain Removal and this piece of hardware remains on my waist. (pauses) Let's face it, Hannah. Valiant isn't as sweet and perfect as you think. With me, you've got guaranteed purity...and a guaranteed champion once I'm done with Valiant.


Hannah - Cool story, Squeeky...but you don't know Valiant like I do. Take the flowers. You can keep 'em...CREEPER MCCLEAN. (shoves the flowers in Squeeky's face)


Spade - Creeper McClean...ha-ha, Squeeky, that was a good one.


McClean - SHUT UP! (pauses) Gah...what is it with that woman?



Valiant (w/Hannah) vs Squeeky McClean © (w/Richie Pangrazzio Jr.) - SWF North American title match (57/D+)



http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/Valiantalt_zps2d1f1d31.jpg vs http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/SqueekyMcCleanalt.jpg



- As she makes her entrance with Valiant, Hannah clearly looks very flustered from her earlier encounter with Squeeky McClean. You can almost say she looks suspicious of Valiant, though Ana Garcia points out that no woman in her right mind would accept flowers from Squeeky, regardless of his lack of vices.

- Valiant gets off to a strong start, confounding McClean with a rolling wheel kick, same move used quite effectively by Rich Money as his Bank Roll finisher.

- After dodging a splash from Valiant, Squeeky gets on the offensive at 1:30 and immediately starts with the illegal moves, stepping on Valiant's face and taunting him about being an unfit boyfriend for Hannah. He then proceeds to choke Valiant while he's down until Ric Young tells him enough is enough.

- A missed clothesline from Squeeky leads to a couple suplexes from Valiant, followed by a camel clutch, which McClean breaks by reaching the ropes. He then goes for a flash pinfall attempt on Valiant, who is currently being yelled at by Richie Pangrazzio Jr. ONE...KICKOUT!

- The 5:00 mark proves to be a turning point for Squeeky, as he gains the upper hand by countering a Patriot Missile with a thrust kick and wrapping Valiant up in the Clean Out! It's locked in and we could see Squeeky retaining! Just as Valiant seems this close to tapping out, Hannah steps in front of Squeeky's view and distracts him with her mere presence. That forces him to break the hold and start focusing on impact moves. After slapping Valiant around a bit, he goes for the Stain Removal at 6:10. ONE...TWO...KICKOUT, BUT THAT WAS CLOSE!

- Squeeky is still trying to put Valiant away at 7:40 when he blocks McClean's DDT and sets up the V-Split! Squeeky is down and so is Valiant, and Hannah is frantically pounding on the mat to encourage her kayfabe boyfriend to get back into the game...

- Valiant eventually finds that second wind, connecting on a headbutt, an Irish whip, and what looks like a Patriot Missile from the opposite turnbuckle! McClean avoids Valiant's secondary finisher and tries to go for another Stain Removal on his dazed opponent. BLOCKED! Squeeky goes for a DDT on Valiant and Young starts counting. ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!

- At 10:40, McClean is, once again, going for a Stain Removal. Yet it's a distraction from Hannah - a wholesome one unlike Easy Emma Chase's - that causes him to lose his focus and allow Valiant to catch him unawares with a V-Split! Richie Pangrazzio Jr. has his hands on his bald head as Valiant goes for the cover. ONE...TWO...THREE! Valiant is the new champ, and that's one less piece of gold in The Almighty Dollar's possession!


WINNER - Valiant in 10:59. Valiant is the NEW SWF North American Champion.





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<p><strong>OOC</strong> - Ah, just my luck. I'm writing the part where Rich Money sneakily retains his Supreme Heavyweight title against Rich Money at the 22nd minute when boom, the lights go out. And you know how it is when you're trying to recapture the magic of a classic match by rewriting it. It just isn't the same. That said, Supreme Challenge XXXIII has been a particularly tough cookie for me, and I'll probably have the Money vs Champion match in full detail in about 30 minutes to an hour. If not, expect that to be edited tomorrow.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:14px;">SWF Supreme Challenge XXXIII</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> Rolling Fields (Tri-State)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> Saturday, July 13, 2013 (Week 2)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">SUPREME CHALLENGE XXXIII (PART 2):</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Money Exposes Valiant (78/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/RichMoney_alt1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>As Valiant celebrates his title win with Hannah, and John Cougar Mellencamp's "Pink Houses" plays in the background, the Supreme-Tron image of "NEW CHAMPION" fades out, and Rich Money's image fades in. He's backstage, wearing a tailored suit and counting the money in his wallet. Money looks on in contempt before slow-clapping and sarcastically ranting at the new North American title holder.</em></p><p> </p><p> Money - Very well done, Valiant. Very well done. Yes, you may have it all right now. You've got the title. You've got the girl. But for how much longer?</p><p> </p><p> Valiant - What do you want, Rich? I've just gotten done making you regret buying Squeeky out from The Eisen Entourage. The American way has prevailed, Rich, and it doesn't involve any of your low-down shenanigans.</p><p> </p><p> Money - Regret buying him out? (laughs sarcastically) Number one, Valiant, Squeeky's entitled to a rematch. Who knows...your third North American title reign may be your shortest. Number two, by the time your lovely Hannah is done watching this VIDEO, you'll be so distraught come Tuesday on Supreme TV you'll practically be handing the belt back to Squeeky! Yes, I know it may be frivolous for me, a man with immense wealth and power, to be fussing about a 38-year-old man's love problems. But The Almighty Dollar is more than just the most decorated faction in the history of sports entertainment. We're more than just MONEY. We're a family, a brotherhood, and we stick up for our own. (pauses) Could somebody roll the footage? I would like to present to YOU, pathetic marks of the SWF Galaxy, what goes on behind the scenes when the lights go off, the cameras shut down and the action turns to the nearby bars.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Having said that, Money's image on the Supreme-Tron is replaced by that of Valiant, Jack Giedroyc, James Prudence, Freddy Garcia, Carl Batch and the latter's H.O.E.S. In this clip, </em><em><strong>Valiant can be seen talking to, almost flirting with Batch's H.O.E.S. and drinking a beer, two things that go against his All-American, wholesome image.</strong></em></p><p> </p><p> Money - That, SWF Galaxy marks, is your All-American hero. Hail to the cheat! When Little Miss Hannah is away, Valiant's gonna play all day. And lookit the closet drunkard, pounding back beer after beer after beer...</p><p> </p><p> <em>The camera focuses on Squeeky McClean, who's looking on with a smile on his face despite the loss, then on Hannah, who looks ashamed and upset with Valiant for his apparent transgressions.</em></p><p> </p><p> Money - Now what you're seeing isn't really wrong in today's day and age. In the right situations, that is. Not if you're dating your manager....take note I said DATING, not sleeping with...and claiming to be a throwback to the days of the good, clean, wholesome, milk-drinking American hero. So what do you think, Valiant?</p><p> </p><p> Valiant - ....</p><p> </p><p> Money - Ah, the classic admission of guilt. Silence.</p><p> </p><p> <em>For a few moments, neither Valiant nor Money say anything, but the silence is broken by Hannah slapping Valiant in the face and walking out in anger! And just as Valiant is about to follow Hannah and try to explain himself, he gets attacked from behind by Squeeky McClean! McClean jumps Valiant with the Stain Removal, and momentarily grabs the North American belt and Valiant's microphone...</em></p><p> </p><p> McClean - Tonight, I get the girl. On Tuesday, I get my title back. Talk about falling from hero to zero. (bashes Valiant with the title belt, then tosses it on his fallen body) That's what you get for polluting your body with alcohol and fooling around when the old lady's back is turned. That's not straight-edge. And most of all...that's not Money.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Khoklov Gets Ready (80/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>As we prepare for another commercial break to set up the ring and cage for the shoot fight (a squared octagon?), we see Marat Khoklov preparing for the match by beating on a punching bag as "Coach Richie" Pangrazzio Jr. yells encouragement. After that, Khoklov stares at the camera and lets out a guttural yell, pumping him up for what he and The Almighty Dollar expect to be a walk in the park against the much smaller Tom "Angry" Gilmore.</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Tom "Angry" Gilmore (w/Jessie) vs Marat Khoklov (w/Richie Pangrazzio Jr.) - 1-on-1 Shoot Fight (68/C+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/AngryGilmore.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>- Yes, we're seeing a lot of Coach Richie these days, as the one-time SWF and HGC midcarder is now emerging as a valuable non-wrestling presence as The Almighty Dollar's "executive consultant." Yet his charges, save for Spencer Spade, have lost each and every match so far tonight. Can Marat Khoklov break that trend by annihilating Gilmore?</em></p><p><em> - Like an actual MMA match, both Gilmore and Khoklov spend about a minute sizing each other up before Gilmore ducks a Russian Lariat and attempts a foot sweep on the big dude. That doesn't work, as a mere push from Khoklov sends Gilmore sprawling to the canvas! Khoklov front-slams Gilmore the moment he gets up and starts battering him with hard, stiff punches...</em></p><p><em> - Gilmore remains with his back on the mat for about three minutes, defending against Khoklov's primitive-looking ground-and-pound attack. Despite Khoklov's lack of knowledge of legitimate ground-and-pound MMA-style, the announcers, especially Duane Fry, make it out as if he's a giant-sized version of Buddy Garner!</em></p><p><em> - After being on the defensive for most of the match's first 4-5 minutes, Gilmore starts mounting a comeback by thrusting his knees against Khoklov's chest - and exploiting his lack of dominant grappling form - and returning to striking position. Several fans at Rolling Fields, MMA aficionados or not, are chanting "BORING! BORING!" and wishing it was Bruce vs Remo up next...</em></p><p><em> - At around seven minutes, both men give up their MMA pretensions and start working SWF-style...at least for the moment. After trying repeatedly to knock Khoklov down, Gilmore nails the Russian no-sell machine with the Anger Management, finally popping the listless crowd as he goes for the cover! ONE...KICKOUT! Come to think of it, Khoklov kicked out even before Shane Stones pounded his fist on the mat for the one-count!</em></p><p><em> - While Gilmore is able to keep Khoklov on the mat with a leaping elbowdrop, an attempt at another leaping move (remember, there are no ropes) is foiled when Khoklov stands up, catches Gilmore as he's going for a Big Legdrop, and returns to the crude grappling position from earlier! A takedown is a takedown, we suppose, as we see more bad MMA-style fighting from the Russian Bear...</em></p><p><em> - Despite the announcers putting Khoklov's pure power over, Gilmore refuses to give up, and actually has Khoklov trapped in a chokehold at the 10:10 mark! This seems to throw the big guy off, and as he stands up, Gilmore blocks the Russian Legend Powerbomb and blasts Khoklov with a jumping facebuster! The announcers cannot believe it...how was Angry able to do that against the 450-pound giant?</em></p><p><em> - That move is all Gilmore needs to set up a crossface on Khoklov...at first, he seems to have difficulty pulling it off, but once he has it locked in, the Russian Bear looks increasingly helpless with no ropes to grab on to break the hold. Shane Stones waits for Khoklov to tap out...he waits a good 30 seconds or so...AND HE DOES! This match may have dragged at some points and insulted the intelligence of those who know MMA, but Gilmore's got the crowd cheering as the proverbial David who took down Goliath...</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Gilmore in 11:41</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Gilmore Celebrates (79/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/AngryGilmore.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>With Marat Khoklov down on the "squared octagon" and still reeling from the effects of Angry Gilmore's earlier submission, the victorious Gilmore celebrates his win with Jessie, as both husband and wife trade high-fives with the ecstatic audience. Gilmore seems to be dead-set on his next major opponent, as he yells "YOU'RE NEXT, MONEY!!! CHAMPION OR NOT, YOU'RE NEXT!!!" at the top of his lungs.</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Frehley Rants About Faith (78/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/SteveFrehley.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Once again joining us backstage is Jason Azaria, who has summoned up the courage to interview Steve Frehley some 30 minutes or so before his I Quit Match versus Christian Faith...</em></p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Wasn't that an awesome match? Marat Khoklov, once thought to be an unstoppable force, has submitted to a crossface variation that, as I understand, is now being referred to as the Fear of Gilmore. And it looks like Tom "Angry" Gilmore wants a piece of the Moneyman, Rich Money, regardless of who emerges Supreme Heavyweight Champion tonight! That will certainly be an interesting match to see, though Gilmore did say earlier tonight he wants Nothing to Lose contract holder Brandon James in the ring next Tuesday on Supreme TV! Next up, we'll be having Jack Bruce aim to be the first five-time World Heavyweight Champion in SWF history against Remo, who could be champion seven months running if he wins tonight...</p><p> </p><p> Frehley - Spare the B.S., Azaria. What the hell do you want me to talk about?</p><p> </p><p> Azaria (looking apprehensive) - Oh, hi, Steve...</p><p> </p><p> Frehley - Don't you f---in' "hi, Steve" me, Azaria, because I'm almost sure you wanna talk to me about Christian Faith's recent statements and how he seemingly knocked the s--- outta me on Tuesday.</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Since you mentioned that, Steve, perhaps you want to talk about Christian Faith and how you see yourself faring tonight against the Supreme Legend?</p><p> </p><p> Frehley - Christian Faith said he's not gonna quit. He said he has faith, he said he has it in him to win this match because he's made an enemy in me. You know what, Azaria? Faith also said before Supreme Challenge that he's willing to reconcile with me if the opportunity arises. That is the mark of SOFTNESS, of bein' a big, sentimental p---y of a Supreme Legend. Lemme tell you this. Steve Frehley doesn't reconcile. He punishes, he destroys, he beats the living quit outta anyone and everyone, including Massah Faith, but he doesn't let his emotions take over until everybody's singin' "Kumbaya" and huggin' it out in the ring like nothin' happened. That's what Faith wants in this match. But what I want...is Faith beaten up so f---in' badly that he'll be callin' it a career and retiring knowin' that I showed him up at his own game - makin' other people feel inferior.</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - I can sense your confidence, Steve, but what would you call Faith's attack on you as he allowed himself to get counted out against Brandon James at last Tuesday's Supreme TV?</p><p> </p><p> Frehley - Didn't feel a g--damn thing, Azaria, didn't feel like that's gonna make me say "I Quit." Look here. I grew up in the streets of East L.A., fendin' for myself and my family and dealin' with those f---in' <em>eses</em> who think that they own the area. Two against one, three against one, five against one, I never gave up the ghost and went, "Hey, Jose, hey, Manuel, hey, Ricardo, or whatever, I quit." Those motherf---in' <em>cholo</em> bastards had no answer for the Frehley way. They weren't s---. And neither is Christian Faith. He's never been worth a f---in' turd, and he's made a career outta using his good, kind heart to marginalize people like me. </p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Thank you, Steve, for those insights, and best of luck against Christian.</p><p> </p><p> Frehley - I don't need that, Azaria. I know that piece of s--- Faith is goin' down, and sayin' "I Quit" on everything - the match, his career, his reputation.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Remo Gets Ready (78/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>From one angry black man to another. But then again, Remo is more about supreme confidence in his athleticism, strength and skills rather than profane outbursts of anger. Could Remo, who is shown walking to the ring, continue his stranglehold on the World Heavyweight title, or will he be a footnote in Jack Bruce's career as the Cream of the Crop makes it an historic five World Heavyweight title reigns?</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Jack Bruce vs Remo © - SWF World Heavyweight title match (80/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/JackBruce_zps8d6ec515.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/Remo.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>- Unlike the rest of The Almighty Dollar, Remo chooses to fight without anyone in his corner, and even without the benefit of a Richie Pangrazzio or a Lisa Bowen to help him cheat, Remo seems confident of retaining his title against a man he and the Dollar see as predictable - Jack Bruce. Remo's entrance is as spartan as Bruce's is loud and flamboyant, and Duane Fry acknowledges as much - that focus on letting the actions do the talking should help Remo again retain his World Heavyweight title.</em></p><p><em> - For the first few minutes, Bruce controls the match, alternating chinlocks and hammerlocks with easy punches and slaps. After Remo slips out of an armbar, he goes for a running face smash on Bruce and kicks the Cream of the Crop while he's down</em></p><p><em> - Though both men swap offensive maneuvers in the first five minutes, Bruce seems to have more of an edge here, as seen at 4:50 when he lays Remo out with the Jack Bruce Flurry - punch, punch, dance, punch! Bruce goes for the Welcome to NYC and covers Remo. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!</strong></em></p><p><em> - Remo appears to be struggling after Bruce's initial cover attempt, but a spinebuster on Bruce at 7:00 off a counter connects, as Remo looks to dominate for the next few minutes. Remo makes sure Bruce is out by going for a Lumbar Puncture and covering his foe. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!</strong></em></p><p><em> - Bruce is hardly able to get any offense in afterwards, and Remo continues showing his athleticism by going for two splashes in succession - one conventional splash followed by an Aegalaeus Press. Could this be it at 10:20? Ric Young is counting. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...BRUCE KICKS OUT ONCE AGAIN!</strong></em><em> We've got quite an angry crowd here hoping Remo loses his belt tonight...</em></p><p><em> - The punishment continues as we reach 13 minutes, as Remo nails Bruce with a DDT, goes for a headbutt to the groin (and gets warned for that by Ric Young), followed by the coup de grace...</em><em><strong>THE DESTROYER!!!</strong></em><em> Bruce is out like a light as Young starts counting again. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...this might be it...KICKOUT JUST BEFORE THREE!!!</strong></em><em> The fans know Bruce is still in this, and they try to will him back by chanting "SHOWTIME ROCKS!"</em></p><p><em> - After Remo softens Bruce up with an Irish whip against the turnbuckle and a short-arm clothesline that takes him out of the ring, the Alpha Dog pauses fora few moments to celebrate. Big mistake for Remo, as Bruce grabs the opportunity to reenter the ring, and with his last reserves of energy, go for a full nelson legsweep! The clock reads 16:15, and both men are down as Young starts counting to ten...</em></p><p><em> - Remo is first to answer the count, followed by Bruce, and he immediately goes for a kick to the gut, then another Destroyer on Bruce. Could Jack Bruce get creamed by the Destroyer? </em><em><strong>NO!</strong></em><em> Bruce, now running on a second wind, rushes the move by landing his feet on the ropes and going for a Jack Bruce Flurry! Remo can't believe Bruce has come back from imminent defeat, and the sudden onslaught of offense from Bruce brings Rich Money and Lisa Bowen out there to shake things up. Lisa distracts Young while Money climbs the apron with chair in hand...but the Moneyman is clotheslined by Bruce as he focuses once again on Remo! Bruce goes for an Electric Chair Fall on Remo, which isn't the New York Minute, but sometimes does the trick. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!</strong></em></p><p><em> - At 20:00, Bruce seems to have run out of steam...his babyface comeback is now reduced to a basic back suplex and a couple weak punches and kicks. Remo can sense that, as he goes for a clothesline on Bruce. Not only does Bruce dodge the clothesline, he's also quick enough to run around the Alpha Dog and catch him from behind with a New York Minute! Remo looks done for and Bruce is evidently tired. Ric Young is counting...</em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...new champion, or Remo retains?....THREE!!!!!</strong></em><em> Jack Bruce has just made history! He is the FIRST-EVER FIVE-TIME SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION IN COMPANY HISTORY!!!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Bruce in 20:23. Jack Bruce is the NEW SWF World Heavyweight Champion.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Bruce Celebrates (86/B+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/JackBruce_zps8d6ec515.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>As Jack Bruce celebrates and his ring music plays, Remo can be seen leaving the ring and being berated by Rich Money and Lisa Bowen. The Almighty Dollar's head men are both sniping at each other, though this doesn't look like an argument bad enough to create dissension within the stable. Still, the argument does leave them distracted enough to ignore Tom "Angry" Gilmore and Jessie, then Man Unda Pressure-in-training Darryl Devine as they join Bruce in celebrating his fifth World Heavyweight title win. Noticeably absent from the celebration is Chris Morrisette, still dejected from his earlier loss in the Nothing to Lose Ladder Match...</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Faith Gets Ready (80/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/ChristianFaith.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Unlike Steve Frehley, Christian Faith prefers to get ready for an important match not by ranting, but by saying a quick prayer, going to the parking lot and preparing to rev up his Harley and drive it into the ring. The atmosphere at Rolling Fields is electric as this could be, as Duane Fry hints, "an EPIC match, no pun intended", referring to </em></p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/j0ROEEyUpeY?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Atreyu Epic (Lyrics in description)"></iframe></div></div></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Christian Faith vs Steve Frehley - I Quit Match for SWF World Heavyweight number one contender (87/B+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/ChristianFaith.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/SteveFrehley.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>- The boos directed at Steve Frehley upon his ring entrance are deafening, and a sharp contrast to the loud "WE HAVE FAITH!" cheers earlier for Christian Faith. Frehley continues acting confrontational at the fans, matching them insult per insult and personally stopping to rip apart a sign that reads "STEVE FREHLEY - SUPREME QUITTER" with a crude drawing of Frehley wrapped up in the Test of Faith and screaming "I AIN'T S---!"</em></p><p><em> - It's the babyface side in control as the match starts, as Faith connects on a suplex and a short-arm clothesline on Frehley, stomping on him, then setting him up for a neckbreaker. Frehley, however, reverses an Irish whip to the corner and gains control by ramming Faith against the turnbuckle, then bashing his head on it repeatedly.</em></p><p><em> - Faith recovers quickly from this initial attack, and at 3:30, he brings out the heavy artillery - a gutwrench powerbomb on the mat that would normally lead to a cover. He picks up Frehley and batters him with four Machine Gun Faith Hammers before the Dark Destroyer counters the fifth one with a Big Boot to the gut! Faith looks hurt, but such a low-impact move isn't enough to take him out of his game...</em></p><p><em> - The chairs start playing a part in the match at 6:10 or so, as Frehley, hoping to take advantage of the no-DQ nature of the match, brings in a chair and tries to smash it on Faith's head. Faith blocks the chair shot, grabs the chair out of Frehley's hand, and smashes his former best friend instead, sending him down on the canvas! Faith attempts to put Frehley to the Test of Faith, and as he's got the Dark Destroyer locked in, Sam Sparrow asks the question - "Frehley, do you quit?" </em><em><strong>NO!!!</strong></em><em> Frehley grabs the ropes, kicks Faith away, and that's it for now as far as submissions are concerned...</em></p><p><em> - At around 8:30, the match remains quite even, but a madman clothesline from Frehley changes the complexion of things as the match spills outside. Faith bashes Frehley's head on the announce table, but as that's not enough to stun the Dark Destroyer, he answers back by tossing the Supreme Legend against the steel steps! A Dark Destroyer Spear against the steel steps compounds Faith's pain, and the question is popped. "Faith, do you quit?" </em><em><strong>NO!!!</strong></em><em> Frehley then works on Faith's previously (kayfabe) injured knee, kicking it, then placing a chair on the knee and landing an elbow-drop on it.</em></p><p><em> - With the steel step attacks taking their toll on Faith, Frehley pulls Faith back into the ring, and sets him up for the Frehley's Comet and a series of mounted punches that again, aren't sufficient to make Faith quit. More knee attacks follow, but Faith still refuses to throw in the towel!</em></p><p><em> - At 13:30, the action's back outside the ring. Frehley pulls out a table from under the ring, sets it up, lays Faith on there, and CLIMBS THE TOP ROPE FOR A HARDLY-SEEN SPLASH ON THE SUPREME LEGEND!!! It's a crazy bump for both men by their standards, and the impact clearly has Frehley and Faith worse for it, Faith especially. "Faith, do you quit?" </em><em><strong>NO, SAM, I WILL NOT QUIT!!!</strong></em><em> With that, </em><em><strong>Frehley grabs a 2 x 4 from underneath the ring (always a veritable toolshed of weapons), bashes Faith with it, and the Supreme Legend is busted wide open!!!</strong></em><em> The announcers - Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jason Azaria (replacing Ana Garcia for the last three matches) - talk about the punishment Faith is going through...</em></p><p> </p><p> Michaels - With Gawd as my witness, Duane Fry, I have never seen Christian Faith take so much punishment in his SWF career. And look at Steve Frehley, bashing away with no conscience, no regard for his one-time mentor and best friend's welfare!</p><p> </p><p> Fry - That's why these matches are the ultimate in cruel and unusual punishment, Peter. Steve Frehley is showing us all why he wants to step away from Christian Faith's shadow, though I must agree with you...a lot of these methods to make Faith quit are bordering on inhumane.</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - That's not what you would say if it was Rich Money doling out the punishment!</p><p> </p><p> Fry - Shut up, Jason! I'd feel the same way if Rich was in Frehley's place! This is Christian Faith, the Supreme Legend, the Iron Man, an institution in the SWF!</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Same man you were calling a Supreme Dinosaur in his best two-of-three match against Rich Money!</p><p> </p><p> Michaels - The official, Sam Sparrow...</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Duane's favorite...</p><p> </p><p> Fry - Shut up!</p><p> </p><p> Michaels - Sam Sparrow is asking Faith if he quits...</p><p> </p><p> Faith (loudly as he's ever screamed) - <strong>NO!!!!!</strong></p><p> </p><p> Michaels - This is just unbelievable! How could a man take so much pain and still have it in him to continue?!?!?</p><p> </p><p> <em>- At 16:10, Frehley is aiming to lay Faith out on the cold, hard floor with a Launch Pad Suplex, one of his trademark moves. He removes the protective mats, picks up the bleeding Faith, goes for the Launch Pad, but wait...Faith counters the move with a kick to the thigh that catches Frehley off-guard! He uses that vulnerability to execute a gutwrench powerbomb on Frehley! "GUTWRENCH POWERBOMB!!!! VINTAGE CHRISTIAN FAITH!!!", yells Peter Michaels as Faith grabs a chair and starts attacking Frehley with it, the pain of betrayal in his eyes as his face is dripping with blood. Faith doesn't seem to care as he asks Sparrow to ask Frehley the question. "Do you quit, Frehley?" Silence. "Steve Frehley, do you quit?" </em><em><strong>F--- NO!!!! F--- NO!!!</strong></em></p><p><em> - This Faith-up comeback, which is more serious than ever before, continues with Faith giving Frehley a dose of his own medicine, picking him up and short-arm clotheslining against the steel steps. Faith grabs a loose board near the announce tables, smashes Frehley with it, and Sparrow asks a now-bleeding Frehley if he wants to quit. "Do you quit, Frehley?" </em><em><strong>I TOLD YOU ALREADY, F---ER, I DON'T F---ING QUIT!!!</strong></em></p><p><em> - At 20:20, Faith still has the edge over Frehley, and has him laid out outside the ring, lying on another table with chairs on top. This could be another crazy, crazy bump for both men, as Faith goes for the Leap of Faith. Faith flies off the top rope...can he do it? </em><em><strong>FREHLEY ROLLS AWAY AND FAITH LANDS ON THE TABLE!!!</strong></em><em> Frehley took a bit of damage due to his evasive move, but he's slowly regaining momentum, realizing Faith has taken this crazy, dangerous bump.</em></p><p><em> - No "do you quit" questions are asked for the next two minutes, as Frehley recovers and is simply knocking Faith's face against the mat. Doesn't look like much, aside from softening the Supreme Legend up for more impact moves. Suddenly, Frehley stops in his tracks as Faith is down, seemingly unconscious. He's looking at his hands, appearing like someone who's done something really, really wrong. As such, he starts appealing to Sam Sparrow about something...</em></p><p> </p><p> Azaria - What's Steve Frehley doing? Faith's out, he is in a very, very bad way, but I don't think he's got it in him to say those two words.</p><p> </p><p> Michaels - Frehley's telling Sparrow to stop the match! And am I seeing things? Steve Frehley is CRYING! He's telling Sparrow he's sorry, and that he couldn't stand to see his friend Christian in such shape! </p><p> </p><p> Fry - He seems to be talking about Christian Faith's injured right knee and of course, all the blood he's lost over the past few minutes. Steve Frehley actually looks concerned!</p><p> </p><p> Michaels - Yeah, right, Steve.</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Don't listen to him, Sam, it's a trap!</p><p> </p><p> Fry - Who knows? Maybe Frehley really IS concerned about Faith after all. I mean, look at him!</p><p> </p><p> Frehley (OC) - Christian! Christian! I'm sorry, man...I didn't mean it...this is not how I wanted things to happen...</p><p> </p><p> <em>At this point, referees Darren Smith and Ric Young arrive at the scene. The legendary Chief Two Eagles is with them, and all three look very worried.</em></p><p> </p><p> Michaels - Sparrow seems to be conferring with two other officials and Chief Two Eagles. They're looking over Faith, making sure he's okay, and this does not look good. (pauses, as the referees continue discussing) Sparrow's grabbing a mic...what is this? Don't tell me this is happening....</p><p> </p><p> Sparrow (with mic in hand) - The SWF Technical Committee has decided that due to the injuries sustained by Christian Faith in this I Quit Match, this match shall be awarded to the NEW Number One Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Title, Steve Frehley, by referee stoppage. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Frehley in 23:46 by referee stoppage. Steve Frehley is the number one contender for the SWF World Heavyweight title.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Frehley Beats Down on Faith (76/B-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/SteveFrehley.jpg</span><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/ChristianFaith.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Michaels and Azaria were right...this is all a ruse, and with Frehley having been awarded the match, his expression changes from faux concern to genuine contempt! Ignoring the referees, he pulls Faith back into the ring, and lays him out again with the Frehley's Comet! He yells "Y'ALL AIN'T S---!" to Faith, and as referees Smith and Young try to get involved, they start backing off when Frehley threatens to wail on them as well! The announcers, especially Peter Michaels, are disgusted by Frehley's actions.</em></p><p> </p><p> Michaels - This man needs a TRANQUILIZER DART SHOT INTO HIM! Steve Frehley has turned into a monster, and nobody, not the SWF Superstars, not the officials, not the Commissioner, seems to know what to do with him!</p><p> </p><p> Fry - That's the same 2 x 4 from earlier...what's Frehley planning to do with it? HE'S WHACKING AWAY ON FAITH'S INJURED KNEE! The right knee injured months ago at Awesome Impact by John Greed, Eddie Cornell and Asher Ginsberg...</p><p> </p><p> Michaels (in a somber tone) - Steve Frehley does not deserve to be employed in the SWF. Perhaps this stuff would have flown in Pittsburgh, back in the days of our very own Big Cat Brandon and Henry Lee...but NOT in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. This is totally disgraceful. (pausing for a few moments) ENOUGH, STEVE!!! Y'ALL ALREADY GOT WHAT YOU WANTED!!!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Faith Saved from Beatdown (74/B-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>After Peter Michaels makes that desperate plea to Steve Frehley, the lights in the arena suddenly go out, with heavy metal blast beats playing in the background! It's clear who this is, and the announcers know it. Knowing his contentious feud with Christian Faith, Michaels and Azaria both fear the worst, but when the lights go back on some two minutes later, nobody quite knows what to make of things...Vengeance has Christian Faith carried over his shoulder at Aegalaeus Position, while Frehley is out in the ring, apparently having been attacked by the erstwhile Father of Sin!</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Michaels - This...is just unreal. Did we just see Vengeance returning to the SWF to save Christian Faith from Steve Frehley?</p><p> </p><p> Fry - Frehley's out cold and Vengeance is carrying Faith on his shoulders. This could mean more punishment at the hands of the Father of Sin...with or without the New Chase Agency!</p><p> </p><p> Michaels - Possibly, Duane. Vengeance has been away for a month. His faction, Chase SinCorporated, was seemingly in shambles before they returned lean, mean and unified following Brandon James' Nothing to Lose Ladder Match win. Could they have done that as a favor to Chase SinCorporated Chairman Vengeance?</p><p> </p><p> Azaria - Vengeance could also have seen the light following his humbling at Master of Puppets. The cage match, his specialty...only to turn out to be his Waterloo. That's what I hope is happening.</p><p> </p><p> Michaels - You can never tell, Jason. Vengeance has, as of the past few years, been a particularly unsavory, untrustworthy character, not to mention unhinged. But hope remains...hope that we could be seeing the take-no-prisoners Skull DeBones of old, supporting what's good in the most unconventional of means.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Champion Rants About Money, Shows Respect for Gilmore (91/A)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/NickyChampion_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>As the announcers try to discern Vengeance's motives and whether they're for good or for bad, Ana Garcia is backstage with Nicky Champion, who appears transfixed as he watches things unfold from a TV monitor. It goes without saying that Champion is worried about his new ally Christian Faith, who went through a hellacious beating at the hands of Steve Frehley, and is now in the hands of Vengeance, which may potentially lead to more punishment...</em></p><p> </p><p> A. Garcia - Echoing Peter Michaels, that was just an unreal scenario. And one that leaves more questions unanswered, primarily whether Vengeance and Christian Faith are now burying the hatchet, or whether Vengeance is taking this opportunity to exploit Faith at his most vulnerable and dole out more punishment.</p><p> </p><p> Champion - The bigger question, Ana Garcia, is whether Christian Faith is okay or not. The man needs medical attention! He needs an ambulance, not some black-clad Father of Sin doing God knows what to him. Nicky Champion does not trust Vengeance, and Nicky Champion would willingly whack the wampum out of Steve Frehley's rootie-tootie patootie for what he has done to Christian Faith! But speaking of wampum...</p><p> </p><p> A. Garcia - You would want to focus on Rich Money first and foremost, is that correct?</p><p> </p><p> Champion - That's right, Ana, because tonight Nicky Champion will be sending these Nicky Champion guys and girls of New York City home happy by winning Supreme Heavyweight from Rich Money, with a Papoose Piledriver and a Hawkeye Hammer, and THAT WILL BE ALL SHE WROTE! UGH! You gotta feel the energy, Ana, this could be my time to shine. Rich Money will try to use his money, his power, everything he's got, even that big lumbering jackaninny Marat Khoklov and his future father-in-law, the Commissioner, who somehow sees me as this golden boy he's signed from Miami as the future of the SWF. He's right about that. But you know I'm right too when I say he's kissing Money's rootie-patootie and doin' everything he could to ensure his future son-in-law has ALL THE GOLD, not the least his.</p><p> </p><p> A. Garcia - Earlier, Angry Gilmore made some comments backstage about being your first challenger for Supreme Heavyweight, should you win. And at the same time, he showed some respect for you by saying he knows you could win tonight. What are your thoughts on this?</p><p> </p><p> Champion - Let me tell you something, Ana. Back when I was winning championship matches for peanuts back in the Southeast, I was following Tom "Angry" Gilmore's career. Nicky Champion likewise respects Tom Gilmore as one of the most talented individuals to ever be signed by the SWF, and I'm glad that he's made that 450-pound goof Khoklov cry for his momma and say "<em>NYET!</em> <em>NYET!</em> I QUIT, I WRESTLE LIKE S---!" That's a testament to Tom Gilmore's talent. But Nicky Champion, once he wins Supreme Heavyweight, even if he doesn't win Supreme Heavyweight, will be ready any day, any time for Tom Gilmore, and he knows he has what it takes to deal with Anger Management and that Fear of Gilmore he keeps talkin' about these days. You know why, Ana?</p><p> </p><p> A. Garcia - I do know why, Nicky, but the SWF Galaxy would rather hear it from you yourself.</p><p> </p><p> Champion - BECAUSE <strong>NICKY CHAMPION!!! IS MORE!!! THAN JUST!!! A NAME!!!</strong> (pounds his chest as if stressing he has the heart to be a champion)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Champion Gets Ready (80/B)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <em>Nicky Champion ends the interview by putting on his headdress and doing a little war dance for an obviously entertained Ana Garcia and a bunch of supportive underneath babyfaces who give Champion a round of applause - KP Avatar, Cameron Vessey, Lenny Brown, KC Glenn and The Cali Dragons, Frankie Perez and Mikey James...</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Nicky Champion vs Rich Money © (w/Lisa Bowen) - SWF Supreme Heavyweight Title match (88/B+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/NickyChampion_alt.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/RichMoney_alt1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>- As he enters the ring with his girlfriend/assistant to the Commissioner/Uprising GM Lisa Bowen, Rich Money remains cool, calculating and focused, seemingly unperturbed by the earlier title losses of Squeeky McClean and Remo and the failure of The Can't Miss Prospects to regain their tag titles. Champion, for his part, is exuding confidence, jumping up and down and pumping the crowd, not looking too bothered by his rotator cuff injury.</em></p><p><em> - The action starts out with Money working on Champion's injury by Irish whipping him against the turnbuckle, then ramming him against it with a leaping shoulderblock. While Champion is able to block Money's first attempt to set up a single leg grapevine, he's less successful on the second try...but refuses to submit!</em></p><p><em> - Both men trade offensive moves for the first four minutes in what's undoubtedly a slow build, but Money draws "first blood", so to say, countering a Champion neckbreaker attempt and setting him up instead for a DDT. </em><em><strong>ONE...EASY KICKOUT FOR CHAMPION!</strong></em></p><p><em> - Champion, though dazed from the DDT, is still gamely fighting back, breaking out of rest holds and landing a few strikes, and at 6:30, he pops the crowd with a German suplex off a counter, then goes for his first substantial cover of the match. Jez McArthuer counts </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!</strong></em></p><p><em> - Still, this wouldn't be a classic match without Champion receiving a fair amount of beating, and that happens just a minute later, as Champion is trying to clothesline Money. Instead of connecting on the basic clothesline, Champion gets his moved countered into a headlock takedown, followed by a painful armbar courtesy of Rich Money! Champion refuses to submit, and seeing that that isn't enough, Money knocks Champion down with an S.T.O. and goes for the cover. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...NOT THIS EARLY!!!</strong></em><em> Money looks more confident than ever, and proceeds to drag Champion out of the ring...</em></p><p><em> - From 8:30 to 14:00, it's all about the Moneyman, as he takes full advantage of the ringside surroundings, bashing Champion's injured shoulder against the steel steps and smashing his head against the poor announce table as Duane Fry yells encouragement to his favorite wrestler. Both men are able to reenter before the ten-count, and once they do, the punishment continues. At 12:30, Money lands the Money in the Bank on Champion and covers the Hawkeye. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...this could be it...KICKOUT AT TWO AND A HALF!</strong></em></p><p><em> - With Champion on the mat and cradling his shoulder, Money climbs up to the top rope for a move that could end it - the Dollars from Heaven. This looks like crazy bump time for the Moneyman, and as Money goes for his signature 180-degree corkscrew, Champion positions himself so that he could evade the move by kicking Money in the face from his lying-down position! The impact dazes Money and gives Champion some time to recover and launch into his Sam Strong/Native American culture-inspired second wind...</em></p><p><em> - And it's on at 15:30! Champion, now seemingly recovered, turns into a Stragavellian no-sell machine, unfazed by Money's slaps, elbows and the usually-powerful Money Shaker. Money goes for a lariat on Champion at around 16:15, but Champion blocks it and sets Money up for a Papoose Piledriver! </em><em><strong><strong>BOOM!</strong></strong></em><em> Money's down, he's wincing in pain, but not quite out. That's where the Hawkeye Hammer comes in...Champion rolls down his elbow pad momentarily and as he picks Money up, he blasts him with the Hawkeye Hammer and goes for the cover after a loud "UGH! UGH! UGH!" to pump the crowd! </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...MONEY KICKS OUT AT TWO AND NINE TENTHS!</strong></em></p><p><em> - At 18:00 or so, Rich Money still doesn't have an answer for Champion's furious attacks, and even as he gamely tries to defend himself, he's out in the open as Champion removes his elbow pad a second time and knocks Money out with the Hawkeye Hammer! Champion reverses his usual "moves of doom" by landing a Papoose Piledriver on Money for good measure, then goes for the cover. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...THREE! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!!! NICKY CHAMPION HAS FINALLY BECOME MORE THAN JUST A NAME...HE'S THE NEW SWF SUPREME HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...but why is this victory celebration interrupted by the strains of Grand Funk's "The Locomotion"?</strong></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Champion in 18:49. Nicky Champion is the NEW SWF Supreme Heavyweight...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/endshiftresign/TEW%202013/RunawayTrain_alt_zps056edac4.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>It's Barry Bowen, and he looks quite unhappy as he prepares to censure somebody...or some people for their earlier actions in the match. Obviously, he's not here to congratulate Nicky Champion for his title win...</em></p><p> </p><p> B. Bowen - <strong>HEY!!!!</strong> The hell is that, McArthuer? Why did you allow Nicky Champion to use that illegal move, not just once, but twice?</p><p> </p><p> Champion (grabbing a microphone) - That's the Hawkeye Hammer, Mr. Bowen. Ever since I first executed that move in Miami, that's the way Nicky Champion has always done it, sans elbow pad. That's the way all the Nicky Champion Guys and Girls in Miami and New York, home of Supreme, have known it, and <strong>damned if I'm ever gonna do things differently just because of another rule you've created on the fly to screw men like Nicky Champion who don't believe in the power of Money!</strong></p><p> </p><p> B. Bowen - I do not appreciate you talking to me with that tone of voice, Nicky! (pauses to yell at the booing crowd) <strong>HEY!!!</strong> Can't I get a little RESPECT from you people as I show you, the SWF Galaxy, a little thing about justice and equality? (to McArthuer) Take the belt, Jez. And <strong>restart the damn match!</strong> (McArthuer nods his head and receives the Supreme Heavyweight belt from a reluctant Champion) Jez, if you catch Nicky Champion executing the Hawkeye Hammer without his elbow pad again, <strong>DISQUALIFY HIM IMMEDIATELY.</strong> Or else...it just might be your job on the line.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>- From the time the match is restarted, everything looks slightly in Champion's favor, as Money still remains a bit dazed from the Hawkeye Hammer sans elbow pad. A suplex attempt from Money is blocked, as Champion replies with a neckbreaker and a cover on the Moneyman at 20:40 or so. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!</strong></em></p><p><em> - At 22:20, Nicky Champion is running the ropes, favoring his injured shoulder and trying to set up a running Hawkeye Hammer. Champion, however, is stopped in his tracks by Barry Bowen, again emerging from Aegalaeus Position, perhaps to make sure he's there to raise the champion's hand in victory! That allows Money to sneak up with a cutter on Champion, then set his fallen foe up for the Dollars from Heaven! CHAMPION'S DOWN...AND HE'S OUT! McArthuer begins his count as Money lateral-presses Champion. </em><em><strong>ONE...TWO...THREE!</strong></em><em> </em><em><strong>Thanks to a phantom technicality, Rich Money is STILL CHAMPION</strong></em><em>, and the Bowens couldn't be happier as they celebrate with Money amid a cavalcade of boos from the Rolling Fields crowd!</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Rich Money in 22:54. Rich Money is STILL the SWF Supreme Heavyweight Champion.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>SWF Supreme Challenge XXXIII Grade - </strong><strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">88/B+</span></strong><p><strong> Increased Popularity in 8 Regions</strong></p><p><strong> PPV Buyrate - 5.11</strong></p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Morrisette - GET AWAY FROM ME!!! Neither of you have had to toil eleven years in the SWF and get so few opportunities to be World Champion...or even Supreme Heavyweight Champion...<p> </p><p> Gilmore - I'VE BEEN IN HERE THIRTEEN YEARS, CHRIS!!! THIRTEEN YEARS!!! YOU THINK I'VE HAD IT EASY JUST BECAUSE I'M GETTING THE CHANCES YOU HAVEN'T?!?!? YOU THINK I'VE CHEATED MY WAY TO GET WHERE I AM?!?!? </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I can't decide whether this is a heel turn for Morrisette or Gilmore. That is one of the <em>stupidest</em> things I've ever, <strong>ever</strong> read for a character in someone's diaries (for a non-ditzy person). Just the...</p><p> </p><p> Angry Gilmore is unarguably the second-best in the company (contention with Rich Money for the top spot). Has been <em>since he debuted for them.</em> Only thing lobby has on him is <em>maybe</em> rumble skills and hella-consistency, star quality probably as well. Otherwise, Tom is <strong>leagues</strong> better.</p><p> </p><p> Mind, this is in-character, and some of that doesn't matter in the kayfabe, but...</p><p> </p><p> It's like...that's the part where Tom freaking bulldogs Chris into a locker and pounds his head into the metal until he dies. Just such an insult. Such a stupid, <em>stupid</em> insult.</p><p> </p><p> Oh, and I've only read that far (literally, in that segment) and that I think you did a weird finish for the main event (because I can see it). I'll finish...later. Probably not tonight, and possibly not tomorrow. Too long for my current tastes, I guess.</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> I can't get over that. If I was watching this...it's like Bryan/Sheamus from Wrestlemania. How that crapped over the next however many matches? That'd be my reaction to that line, probably through the next segment or so. And it would likely (well, main event looks like it did well given your overall rating) stick with me for the rest of the show/weeks afterward.</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> It's like...I know it wasn't breaking kayfabe. In-character, their gimmicks are fairly realistic, and it's not like Chris was thinking when he said that. But it's...it's making a story that doesn't fit, y'know? Like trying to say that, I dunno...that Tensai would be a good Undertaker opponent, given that he couldn't win a handicap match against himi years ago. Sure, gimmick change, years have changed, but...<em>what the hell you had a numbers advantage and you lost why is anyone saying that seriously what the hell gahhhhhh.</em></p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> I think you made me hate Lobster Warrior. <strong>And I liked him before this.</strong> I might kill him off in my diary.</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> DAMMIT CHRIS MORRISETTE IS THE NEW EDD STONE CRAP.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: That might just be the...third, off the top of my head, top three pick for like a one-liner type of thing in any diary I've ever read. Catchphrases are catchy, sure, but I can't remember any event, <em>especially</em> a throwaway line, that's had me this emotional. Not saying it was bad (it wasn't. Not saying that at all), just that me, the fan, is <em>waaaaaaaay</em> more pissed off that I should be right now with Chris. Crazy. And it's <em>because</em> you weren't trying to write him as being stupid. Like, Rich says, "lol Gilmore you suck money money," yeah, that's him being a moron. But this? Dang. Real-life fake-life just made me hate a babyface.</p>
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<p>I saw it as the beginning of a heel turn for Chris.</p><p> </p><p>

Loved the PPV, only second to The Flight to Disaster* <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">*name copyrighted by 3rdStringPG.</span></p>

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<p><strong>OOC</strong> - First things first, thanks for the comments, Psycho Sam! Glad you liked Supreme Challenge almost as much as the Flight to Disaster from the first KP diary. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Now for the comments on the Morrisette "losing it" angle...</p><p> </p><p>

The thing with Chris Morrisette is that he was upset. VERY upset. Whether he's eventually turning heel or not I won't disclose just yet, but for now that segment should set up a storyline with him and John Anderson as the main characters. TLDR version of the ladder match - Chris had several chances to win it, only to get foiled by Brandon James and the New Chase Agency's shenanigans. That, for him, was the last straw as far as his "snapping" is concerned - he'd been playing it honest since the Lobby days, and still he's spinning his wheels at the age of 40. Gilmore, on the other hand, has always been a great worker, but it's only in 2013 where he's getting a bona fide main event push after 13 years in Supreme. And his yelling at Morrisette does not constitute a heel turn, definitely far from that. He's just a very temperamental, passionate guy, and as seen later on in the angle, he is sympathetic to Morrisette's plight.</p><p> </p><p>

The Rich Money vs Nicky Champion twist was, for me, the best way to further their feud and set things up for a third match between both men, though at this point I'm not decided as to whether Angry Gilmore or Champion would be the number one contender for Rich's Supreme Heavyweight belt at Welcome to the Jungle. And it also establishes Barry Bowen further as a despicable hypocrite of a Commissioner...talking about justice and equality (shades of John Laurinaitis' "people power") but using that as an excuse to benefit The Almighty Dollar, not the least his daughter's kayfabe boyfriend Rich Money.</p><p> </p><p>

And speaking of Edd Stone, his contract's coming up soon. We just might see him in Supreme by September... <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>why don't you thank me for comments /crytearsofshame #yolo #Idon'tknowwhatI'mdoing</p><p> </p><p>

Better finish the PPV now...if I could stop coughing blood?</p><p> </p><p>

Edit: I <em>just</em> got the Mainsteve Stevestream bit. Like they're trying to figure out whose name comes first in a band or whatever. Wow.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>why don't you thank me for comments /crytearsofshame #yolo #Idon'tknowwhatI'mdoing<p> </p><p> Better finish the PPV now...if I could stop coughing blood?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Like everyone else, your comments are much appreciated. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I usually thank readers/commenters in general, so don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. "Mainsteve/Stevestream" was basically influenced by Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott screaming "DUDE!!!" and "SWEET!!!" at each other in Dude, Where's My Car? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Anyway, the post-PPV Uprising and the Rich Money interview (or at least the first part) should be up in a few hours!</p>
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<p>That...was an awesome PPV. I would have been happy to watch that in real life.</p><p>

While I don't know how realistically the Morrisette section was written, it's the SWF. Realistic isn't really on the menu. I definitely think it makes sense character-progression-wise. I just hope he gets his shot soon.</p><p>

Also, Nicky Champion needs a rematch.</p><p>

Overall, one of the best shows of this diary. The backstage segments will always be my favorite part, but I think this was my favorite actual show.</p>

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<p>Done. So that's that. Something happened...somewhere that was interesting to me. Real specific, yes...</p><p> </p><p>

Why is Gilmore rating so low? His segment/interview/whatever was a 76! Was anybody else rated in that segment? And on the other side, your Nicky Champion's a bit better than mine, I guess, but dang son. Big interview.</p><p> </p><p>

That said, I'm not a Nicky fan. Don't like his character. I also don't like Money or Remo, either, for that matter...not sure I really "like" any of your heels, but <em>why should I like your heels duh.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Where's Mainstream at, popularity-wise? I just realized that he's a great fit for a particular role in my diary game, and I'm pretty sure you've been pushing him a hell of a lot more than I have (he's in development for me, so...duh?)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kingdracon" data-cite="kingdracon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That...was an awesome PPV. I would have been happy to watch that in real life.<p> While I don't know how realistically the Morrisette section was written, it's the SWF. Realistic isn't really on the menu. I definitely think it makes sense character-progression-wise. I just hope he gets his shot soon.</p><p> Also, Nicky Champion needs a rematch.</p><p> Overall, one of the best shows of this diary. The backstage segments will always be my favorite part, but I think this was my favorite actual show.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Yes, Nicky Champion will be getting his rematch, perhaps at Welcome to the Jungle, but it all depends on his injury. And I might want to save the next Champion vs Money match for some other time, since they've had two so far. Definitely, it will be once Champion is 100 percent healthy. His first match with Money (on Supreme TV) was rated a 96 despite the absence of good/great/excellent chemistry notes, while the second scored an 88 (and reached a 92 in test runs when I had it as the semi-main) despite the injury. Leaves me wondering how things would have gone if Nicky wasn't working injured.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Done. So that's that. Something happened...somewhere that was interesting to me. Real specific, yes...<p> </p><p> Why is Gilmore rating so low? His segment/interview/whatever was a 76! Was anybody else rated in that segment? And on the other side, your Nicky Champion's a bit better than mine, I guess, but dang son. Big interview.</p><p> </p><p> That said, I'm not a Nicky fan. Don't like his character. I also don't like Money or Remo, either, for that matter...not sure I really "like" any of your heels, but <em>why should I like your heels duh.</em></p><p> </p><p> Where's Mainstream at, popularity-wise? I just realized that he's a great fit for a particular role in my diary game, and I'm pretty sure you've been pushing him a hell of a lot more than I have (he's in development for me, so...duh?)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thank you as well! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Have no idea, actually, but Gilmore should be getting much better ratings now that his popularity's at 88 in all but one region following the win over Khoklov.</p><p> </p><p> Mainstream and Stevie are now in the 50-53 range, which is a huge improvement from their E-rated popularity when I first signed them. Heck, I think Stevie's even more popular than Freddy Garcia as of now! I've always been high on those two since my introduction to the TEW series late last year.</p><p> </p><p> Uprising's up next in a couple hours...though given the fact I've still got some work to complete I'm not so sure about the Money interview...</p>
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<p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">SWF Uprising</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> Evanovich Riverside</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> Sunday, July 14, 2013</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">DARK MATCHES (SWF YOUTUBE EXCLUSIVES):</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Cali Dragons d. The Parts Unknown in 4:51 via P-Clutch on Part Two (43/D-)</p><p> Captain Atomic d. Stevie in 6:59 via Mushroom Cloud (66/C+)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">UPRISING:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Hype Video - Bruce vs Remo (Replay) (77/B-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>If you bought Supreme Challenge XXXIII, you know this - Jack Bruce, came, saw and conquered and became the first five-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion in history with his defeat of Remo. Here we see key moments from the match, including Bruce's match-winning New York Minute that knocked Remo out and gave Bruce the title.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Brown Booked vs Spade and Devine (20/E)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>As Jerry Eisen, Dawn the Cheerleader and Marv Earnest welcome everyone to Uprising and talk about what an event Supreme Challenge was, the action shifts backstage, where Uprising GM Lisa Bowen is finally giving in to Lenny Brown's wishes for a shot at Shooting Star. He gets it, and he'll be facing the reigning champ, Spencer Spade, and the winner by DQ in the Supreme Challenge pre-show title match, Darryl Devine. Brown is happy as he gets what he wants from Bowen, and doesn't seem bothered by Lisa's unabashed support of Almighty Dollar member Spade.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>KP Avatar (w/Chloe Dean) vs A-Prime (w/Kristen Pearce and the 24/7 Partay Dudez) (29/E)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>The announcers make it a point to remind everyone that this is 24/7 Partay Dudez heavy A-Prime's debut in singles competition, and Marvin Earnest in particular talks about his background in college football and his brief stint with the Washington Redskins. (He never made it past training camp, but Earnest makes it out as if he actually made the team.) Avatar, whom Earnest pokes fun at throughout the match, is in the middle of his Hitsville, USA pre-finisher when he gets distracted by Kristen Pearce and the 24/7 Partay Dudez's smarky insults of "Your partner's a junkie!" (Remmy Skye is currently suspended for a second Wellness Policy violation.) That allows A-Prime to grab Avatar and take him out with a Running Powerslam. Making reference to his original nickname, Jerry Eisen shouts "LOOK AT THAT ROOKIE MONSTER!" following the move.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - A-Prime in 4:43</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Anderson Vignette (63/C)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Now that we know who the mystery man is, we can say that this is a replay of a previous vignette of John Anderson strolling around a college campus, where he convinces a reluctant young couple to "do it" instead of holding on to their virginity - "you're eighteen and YOU LIKE IT!", says Anderson, paraphrasing Alice Cooper. He then goads on a nerdy-looking freshman to light up a cigarette he nicked from his father's pack. Pretty edgy stuff, though Anderson was never Hollywood's best stick man back in his time with The Machines.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Mainstream Interviews Anderson (63/C)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>What happened to Freddy Garcia and his interview segment, Let's Do the Freddy!? Mainstream explains that "due to their shameful loss at the hands of two Canadian overnight sensations named Mainstream and Stevie, plus their possible roles in Rich Money's Valiantgate, Frederique Garcia and James Prudence and their manager Carl Batch have elected to stay home and think about how lame they really are." Mainstream, who calls this segment "The Bubblegum Factory", is interviewing SWF newcomer and former TCW star John Anderson, who talks about how today's SWF Superstars try so hard to please everyone and fail miserably while at it.</em></p><p> </p><p> Anderson - Best example of this is Chris Morrisette. For years, he was the fearless king of the underwater world, Lobster Warrior. For years, he tried to please the little children in the audience, doing and saying the right things, or so it seemed. But guess what...a lot of those kids Lobby entertained in '04, '05, '06, even '07...they're teenagers now. They don't want their heroes to be Walter Mittys, Gary Stus, walking epitomes of perfection. They want 'em to be as imperfect as they are...occasionally taking shortcuts if it means they'll be better for it. While I may have lost my debut match here in Supreme, it didn't really matter. Titles can come later once my real work is done. I'm here to enlighten, to encourage, to convince my fellow SWF Superstars that every now and then, you've got to circumvent the rules and stick your middle finger up the consequences. 'Cause you aren't being real...if you don't do what you feel.</p><p> </p><p> Mainstream - So you're saying that against Hero Squad, Stevie and myself should...</p><p> </p><p> Anderson - You're already on the right path, Aaron Carter. You've got the Foreign Object of Desire, you use every trick in the book to win, and you've got this big Neanderthal NFL reject in your corner as your bouncer and bodyguard. But when it comes to music, you gotta face it. Your records aren't selling...</p><p> </p><p> Mainstream - How dare you suggest such a thing, John! The reason you don't see our records in stores...</p><p> </p><p> Anderson (laughing sarcastically) - Oh, come on, Backstreet Boys reject, don't gimme that crap. You want a platinum record? You want to be bigger than Elvis and the Beatles put together? Two words, Mainstream. <strong>Lip sync.</strong> Wait a minute...you already do that in your entrance music.</p><p> </p><p> Mainstream - We do not!</p><p> </p><p> Anderson - Whatever. Here's another word, or maybe it's two. <strong>Autotune.</strong> You gotta trust me here. Everybody's doing it. Nobody gives a damn about songwriting, musical talent and integrity in the music scene these days. Can you truly say today's musicians can match up with the Beatles, the Stones, Elvis, Sinatra, or even the Monkees and the Partridge Family?</p><p> </p><p> Mainstream - How would I know, John, I wasn't even born yet!</p><p> </p><p> Anderson - And that's another thing. Today's music fans don't care to know about yesterday's greats! You want to take advantage of that. So keep on with the lip sync and try a little Autotune. If that still doesn't work...at least you've got the SWF as a fallback. (starts moving back as A-Prime edges towards him) Nice match earlier, big guy...I was just giving your boss some advice...</p><p> </p><p> Mainstream - And there you have it, SWF Galaxy, another whack job who thinks he's got it all figured out in the world of Supreme. John Anderson, everybody, who's given us the best piece of musical advice WE ALREADY KNOW!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Robbie Retro vs Asher Ginsberg (w/"Easy" Emma Chase and The Zim) (45/D-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Before the match, Marvin Earnest wonders if John Anderson could counsel Robbie Retro into ditching the disco and becoming one of the Partay Dudez. That probably wouldn't happen given Retro's ever-vanishing push, and for now, his job is to make Asher Ginsberg look good in this match. Retro get some offense in midway, and looks ready to commit Murder on the Dancefloor, but an Emma Chase dollar sign distraction is all Ginsberg needs to deliver his roundhouse kick to the head variation, the Ash 2 Ash, and pin his stunned opponent.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Ginsberg in 6:04</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Devine Rants About Spade (45/D-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Backstage, Dawn the Cheerleader interviews Darryl Devine, who says that Spade chose the easy way out in retaining his title - the cheap disqualification. Devine says that with The Almighty Dollar's gold stash rapidly getting taken away from them, he'll be glad to make the next move and win Shooting Star from Spade tonight. He also offers congratulations to Jack Bruce and Angry Gilmore, two thirds of the Men Unda Pressure, on their respective wins at Supreme Challenge, and simply says "can't win 'em all" in reference to Chris Morrisette's heartbreaking loss in the Nothing to Lose Ladder Match.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Darryl Devine vs Lenny Brown vs Spencer Spade © (w/Richie Pangrazzio Jr.) (46/D-) - SWF Shooting Star Title Match</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>In a way, this match has Devine invoking his rematch clause against Spade, while allowing Lenny Brown, who's been aching at a Shooting Star title shot, to make things a bit more interesting. Brown, who has mostly done jobs in singles competition, shows off some great moves, including a Star Treatment on Spade at 3:50 that is kicked out of at close to three. Devine, on the other hand, is grimly focused on getting a clean win, and lands an impressive Devine Dream Drop on Brown at 5:25, but Spade pulls him off of Brown just as Sam Sparrow is about to make the three-count. Thanks to Sparrow, Spade shall be retaining - while lecturing Devine about a phantom rule violation, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. runs in to attack Brown with the gimmicked baseball bat, and Devine isn't able to break things up as Sparrow fast-counts Brown onetwothree. Well, maybe not that obvious, but clear enough to suggest collusion with The Almighty Dollar.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Spade in 7:19. Spencer Spade is STILL the SWF Shooting Star Champion.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Cage Rants About Smith (45/D-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Dawn the Cheerleader is again covering her nose as she interviews Roger Cage, the dirty Haight-Ashbury hippie wannabe, who rants about Darren Smith, the referee in Acid Tripp's upcoming rematch with The Awesomeness. Cage says all referees are as crooked and untrustworthy as "The Man", and goes on a long, winding explanation of who "The Man" is and why he's such a "bum trip" for the "groovy cats and chicks of the SWF Commune." And with that in mind, he warns Dawn not to be too caught up with her charges The Awesomeness - their hair may be long, but unlike Cage and "Roger's Little Helper" Acid, they're too square for Haight-Ashbury.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Acid Tripp (64/C)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>This should be it for the minor feud between The Awesomeness and Acid Tripp, and once again we see some excellent chemistry from Acid and Roger Cage. Acid, as usual, is matching Jeff Stardust and Huey Cannonball aerial move for aerial move, while Cage, who still isn't the best of workers, is at least vastly improved from the time when he was an anomaly in NYCW - all entertainment, hardly any workrate. Acid Tripp does what they can do to cheat, but they don't get DQ'd, and it's a Shock and Awe from The Awesomeness (accompanied by Jerry Eisen's hysterical screams of "SHOCK AND AWE!!! SHOCK AND AWE!!!") that does it for the kayfabe glam rockers and gives them a clean win. </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNERS</strong> - The Awesomeness in 7:44</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Chase Rants About Vengeance (74/B-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>It's now Marvin Earnest's turn to do the backstage interviews, and he's trying his best to hide how turned-on he is by "Easy" Emma Chase and her outfit. In this interview, Chase calls Vengeance out for being a "fence-sitter", and says he's got to get with the program and start showing some support for The New Chase Agency - after all, he's still "legally" their Chairman. When asked about his surprise cavalry save at Supreme Challenge XXXIII, Chase says Vengeance (or "Mr. DeBones") is free to do what he wants, just as long as he continues doing what's right for business - Chase Agency business.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Cameron Vessey vs John Greed (w/"Easy" Emma Chase) (53/D)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>And Cam Vessey's slide continues. Once considered promising enough to go over the then-in-the-doghouse Kurt Laramee, Vessey has been on a protracted losing streak, and he's not going to break it against Greed, once thought to be the most loyal to Vengeance but having since "gotten with the program" and become a bona fide member of the New Chase Agency. Vessey is able to exhibit some of his dad Larry and uncle Bryan's moves, but all it takes is a dollar sign distraction from Easy Emma and a Crash Diet from Greed to cause him to do the job yet again.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER</strong> - Greed in 6:07</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Benson and Taylor Form Alliance (68/C+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>This scene is from earlier in the day, as the announcers explain how tonight's Josh Taylor and High Concept vs Koshiro Ino and Biggz in Japan main event came to be. Here, Elmo Benson convinces a reluctant Taylor to help High Concept out and be the third man on their team. Taylor says he's not comfortable doing their thing - impersonations, slapstick comedy, high-flying - he may have lost to Ino at Supreme Challenge, but he's still confident of beating him in a rematch. "Then let this be your rematch," says Benson, who adds that it would be really cool if Ino and company go down to a sports entertainment-oriented team, with "someone even more strong and silent than Greg (Black)" backing them up. Taylor agrees and the three-man tag team is finalized for the evening.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - The Can't Miss Prospects Rant About Hero Squad (66/C+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>The Can't Miss Prospects are being interviewed by Dawn the Cheerleader, and they're clearly upset over having lost the gold when in fact they've long had it stripped from them. They constantly refer to Hero Squad as the "new champions", and add that the 24/7 Partay Dudez better hurry up in challenging Hero Squad for the titles, because regardless of who wins that match, The Can't Miss Prospects are still tighter, more cohesive and "more Money" than any other tag team in the SWF these days.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Ben 'n' Glenn Casey vs The Can't Miss Prospects (w/Richie Pangrazzio Jr.) (50/D)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>What in the name of Jed Clampett is this? That's right - Uprising jabroni KC Glenn has gotten repackaged as young Mississippi farmer Glenn Casey, and his kayfabe "Cous'n' Ben" is Bob Casey, that veteran Canadian jobber from a few weeks back! Just think of these two as a much more skilled version of the Hillbillys, Al and Pete, only with much more wrestling skill and about a hundred pounds lighter each. Ben 'n' Glenn don't do any square-dancin' or banjo-pickin' before their match, but they get annihilated in a surprisingly long five minutes, as Marc DuBois' Model Solution on Glenn has him tappin' out and them ref-uh-ree Jez McArthuer ringin' the bell.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNERS</strong> - The Can't Miss Prospects in 5:02</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>High Concept and Buck Impersonate The Almighty Dollar and Lisa Bowen (57/D+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>After Joshua Taylor enters the ring in his strong, silent manner, High Concept and Haley Buck make their usual goofy entrance, with Elmo Benson playing "Rich Benny", Greg Black playing "Groucho The Omega Dog" and Haley Buck reprising her role from last week as "Lizzie Boring." Even the normally-serious Taylor can't help but laugh as "Rich Benny" references Rich Money's questionable Supreme Heavyweight title defense against Nicky Champion, "Groucho The Omega Dog" repeatedly barks and howls like a dog, and "Lizzie Boring" talks about how nepotism is such a powerful tool for success, before asking "The Omega Dog" what "nepotism" means. Of course, he answers by barking and howling.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Joshua Taylor and "The Almighty Penny" (w/"Lizzie Boring") vs Koshiro Ino and Biggz in Japan (66/C+)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>And Josh gets his rematch, even if it's not in one-on-one action! Again, Ino and Biggz in Japan aren't shy about cheating, and after the babyfaces start strong, "Rich Benny" finds himself isolated midway as Ino, Bart-San and Brett-San repeatedly interfere illegally and ignore Shane Stones' warnings. As expected, Taylor and Ino get the hot tags at around 9:00, but after Bart-San accidentally bumps into Ino while the latter was trying to tag the former in, this allows Taylor to soften him up with a belly-to-back suplex! After briefly pondering on whether to set Bart-San up for the Butterfly Lock, he tags "Rich Benny" in, and with the help of "Groucho the Omega Dog", it's Game Over for Bart-San in close to ten and a half minutes! Ino looks extremely irate as Stones awards the win to the three-man team of Taylor and "The Almighty Penny."</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNERS</strong> - Taylor and "The Almighty Penny" in 10:25</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Ino and Bart-San Argue (55/D)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>With Ino's perfect record in the SWF officially tarnished (though he's still undefeated in singles and has yet to be pinned), he takes out his anger on Bart-San, blaming him for not paying attention and calling him a "failure" and a "disgrace to puroresu." Bart-San repeatedly tries to apologize, but gets a stiff slap in the face for talking back at his </em><em><em>sensei</em></em><em>! This prompts Greg Black, now back to his non-impersonator character, to step in, despite Elmo Benson and Joshua Taylor's warnings to let them sort it out themselves. Black tells Benson, Buck and Taylor he'll catch up with them, and the three head back to the locker room while Black tries to break things up...</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>ANGLE - Biggz in Japan Beat Down on Black (41/D-)</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Returning to ringside, Black takes Bart-San aside and tells him that he and his brother Brett-San are merely being used by Ino, and that they'll only be disposable in the end when Ino deems them surplus to his evil needs. Bart-San can be heard shouting off-mic "You don't understand the greatness and pureness of puroresu, so mind your own damn business!" Black remains persistent and continues convincing the Biggins brothers to dump Ino, but with little advance warning, he gets jumped by both Bart-San and Brett-San as Ino watches with a smile on his face. Apparently, all is forgiven, and it looks like we could be having a High Concept vs Biggz in Japan feud to complement the continued Ino vs Taylor feud...or perhaps Ino vs someone else, should this match be a "consolation" win for Taylor to cap off the singles feud.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35955" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Overall Grade - </strong><strong><span style="color:#FFFF00;">66/C+</span></strong><p><strong> SWF Uprising Rating - 0.98</strong></p></div></blockquote>
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