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WWE: A New Generation...

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Thanks guys! also should I change my matches lay out and maybe go a little more in depth?


Depends what story you want to tell my friend... So far, your matches read as they play on the game, which is fine, but I prefer to stick a little more detail in when I write... I'm no expert though, it's just personal preference... If I were you, I'd make sure the backstage segments say and do what you want them to, after all, without storytelling, wrestling is just two guys pretending to fight! lol ;)


Also, slow down! the speed you post at is impressive, but give people a chance to predict if they want to... I do this by writing out a show on a word document... i've written the next TWENTY shows of my diary and have them saved and ready... Just means if I need to not write for a few weeks, I can slow my posts down a bit, and not fall behind... :)

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Depends what story you want to tell my friend... So far, your matches read as they play on the game, which is fine, but I prefer to stick a little more detail in when I write... I'm no expert though, it's just personal preference... If I were you, I'd make sure the backstage segments say and do what you want them to, after all, without storytelling, wrestling is just two guys pretending to fight! lol ;)


Also, slow down! the speed you post at is impressive, but give people a chance to predict if they want to... I do this by writing out a show on a word document... i've written the next TWENTY shows of my diary and have them saved and ready... Just means if I need to not write for a few weeks, I can slow my posts down a bit, and not fall behind... :)


Thanks, I will slow down lol:) just trying to get my first shows up and I will probably post smackdown predictions later and see if I get any predictors. Thanks 4 help as im still a noob at this kind of stuff.

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Thanks, I will slow down lol:) just trying to get my first shows up and I will probably post smackdown predictions later and see if I get any predictors. Thanks 4 help as im still a noob at this kind of stuff.


Believe me, i'm a noob too... If you ever want more advice, I'm happy to help and share the advice i've received from others... my trick is to post a show, then straight after that, post the quick picks for the next show... that way, there's a big gap between predictions going out into the world, and then me posting the next show... if that makes sense? :)



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Smackdown Predictions:


Bray Wyatt vs El Generico

2 superstars recently promoted from NXT to straight away the midcard, who will prove themselves here as the better NXT wrestler?


Prime Time Players(Darren Young and Titus O'Neil) vs The Usos(Jey and Jimmy Uso)

Two tag teams who are yet to really prove themselves in the WWE, a win here could be a possible step forward to the Tag Team titles


Cody Rhodes vs R-Truth

Rhodes has issued an open challenge for Extreme Rules, and wants to prove he is a main eventer. Can Truth SHUT UP Cody for good?


Jack Swagger vs Justin Gabriel

Swagger and Gabriel are both young talents in the midcard area, but recently Swagger failed one drugs test, and although it is thought he is cleaning himself up, he disappointed booker Triple H.



Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett vs Kings Of Wrestling

The UK vs Kings of Wrestling. Who will win?


Kane vs Randy Orton

Kane jumps back to singles action to face Randy Orton. Orton sure feels left out as of late in the world title hunt, and looks to continue his legacy.


??? vs Ryback

Ryback has got an open challenge for the Main Event. Will anybody new answer?


(Bonus Point)

Guess who the ??? is. I'll give one clue, it is a NEW SIGNING for a semi-active wrestler.

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Bray Wyatt vs El Generico


Prime Time Players(Darren Young and Titus O'Neil) vs The Usos(Jey and Jimmy Uso)


Cody Rhodes vs R-Truth


Jack Swagger vs Justin Gabriel


Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett vs Kings Of Wrestling


Kane vs Randy Orton


??? vs Ryback


(Bonus Point)

Guess who the ??? is. I'll give one clue, it is a NEW SIGNING for a semi-active wrestler. Sting....?

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Happy birthday :)


Bray Wyatt vs El Generico


Prime Time Players(Darren Young and Titus O'Neil) vs The Usos(Jey and Jimmy Uso)


Cody Rhodes vs R-Truth



Jack Swagger vs Justin Gabriel


Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett vs Kings Of Wrestling

I like 'em all but I'm sticking with the actual team


Kane vs Randy Orton


??? vs Ryback


(Bonus Point)

Guess who the ??? is. I'll give one clue, it is a NEW SIGNING for a semi-active wrestler. Batista

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alex Riley & Derrick Bateman defeated Tons of Funk in 6:35 when Alex Riley defeated Brodus Clay by pinfall with a Final Score. C-

Derrick Bateman was off his game.



Main Show:

Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston are in the ring talking about how that Dolph will be one of the greatest World Heavyweight Champions ever, and that Big E wants a championship himself, not targeting who yet though. B+


Bray Wyatt vs El Generico

These two NXT superstars nailed each other with as much offense as they could. Bray using his power whilst Generico used his speed. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, El Generico defeated Bray Wyatt in 10:08 by pinfall with a 450 Splash. C

The Usos vs Prime Time Players

Darren Young, who is considered a hot prospect picked up the win for his team when he connected with a gut check. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Prime Time Players defeated The Usos in 10:05 when Darren Young defeated Jimmy Uso by pinfall with a Gut Check. C

Cody Rhodes vs R-Truth

Cody dominated Truth really, Truth did have a couple comebacks but Rhodes finished him off in a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Cody Rhodes defeated R-Truth in 9:54 by pinfall with a Cross Rhodes. B-

Kofi Kingston comes out and says that he will take the open challenge that Cody Rhodes issued. B


Jack Swagger vs Justin Gabriel

These two both wanted to prove themselves, but Swagger had too much experience in the main event previous to this for Justin. Swagger finished off Gabriel in a bout that featured great action and average heat, Jack Swagger defeated Justin Gabriel in 9:57 by submission with a Patriot Lock. B-

Gabriel was off his game. Damn it Gabriel.


Drew Mcintyre and Wade Barrett vs Kings of Wrestling

Kings of Wrestling really did have the advantage here; with the tag experience and the fact Drew and Wade are not even an actual team. Still they are didn’t come away with a win as in about that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett defeated The Kings of Wrestling in 10:30 when Drew McIntyre defeated Kassius Ohno by pinfall with a Future Shock DDT.


Randy Orton vs Kane

Daniel Bryan came with Kane, but this didn’t work out. Orton and Kane battled it out. The ref at one point got knocked out, and D-Bry tried to capitalize with a huge roundhouse kick, but Orton ducked and Bryan hit Kane. Orton hit Bryan with an RKO and In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Randy Orton defeated Kane in 16:05 by pinfall with a RKO after a distraction from Daniel Bryan.

Kane and Orton have great chemistry.


Chris Jericho is backstage then all of a sudden is attacked by Fandango. B+


Ryback vs ???

The man turned out to be.... KEVIN NASH!!! Ryback at first looked shocked, but went after Nash straight from the get-go. Nash floored Ryback several times, and went for a Jackknife, but Ryback got out of it and in a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ryback defeated Kevin Nash in 12:56 by pinfall with a Shell Shocked. B-

Ryback is celebrating his victory in the ring. The Big Show runs in and attacks, beating Ryback down into the mat. A


In a match that had some good action and average heat, AJ defeated Kaitlyn in 8:23 by pinfall with a Shining Wizard. C-

Final Show Rating: B-


Thanks for predicting and I guess Nash isn't that big but I felt like I needed him to debut sooner or later, and I have a plan for him.

Main Event Predictions soon.

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WWE Main Event predictions:



Main Show:


Jake Carter vs Richie Steamboat

Who out of these two NXT rookies will prove themselves a potential threat?


Rick Victor and Brad Maddox vs Primo and Epico vs 2MB

These tag teams want to prove themselves, and want a tag team championship run. Rick Victor has teamed up with Brad and he says hes not an NXT rookie, well we'll see.


Drew McIntyre vs Zack Ryder

Drew has got his 3MB days away from him, and now wants to challenge the midcard scene. Can he further his point by defeating the charismatic Zack Ryder?


Damien Sandow vs Chris Jericho

Sandow is on the verge of the Main Event, maybe a win here could boost him? But Jericho is in a heated rivalry with Fandango? Will Fandango interfere again here tonight?




Smackdown Prediction Results:

Michgcs: 3/7

The Lloyd: 5/7

This will continue to the next PPV, then the winner overall of the month gets a prediction prize.

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WWE Main Event predictions:



Main Show:


Jake Carter vs Richie Steamboat


Rick Victor and Brad Maddox vs Primo and Epico vs 2MB

Brick Victor will be the victors... :D


Drew McIntyre vs Zack Ryder


Damien Sandow vs Chris Jericho

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Lex Lugar has been fired on account of hard drugs for the 4th time.

He took it pretty well saying he'll try to get his career back on track :)


Just got emailed by Jimmy Hart. He is retiring from the Wrestling Business in one month.


Carlos Cabrera has been released.

So has Marcelo Rodriquez.


I must be using Fandango well because he just got auto pushed to the main event!

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Curt Hawkins vs CJ Parker vs Alexander Rusev vs Michael McGillicutty

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Curt Hawkins defeated CJ Parker, Alexander Rusev and Michael McGillicutty in 10:13 when Curt Hawkins defeated Alexander Rusev by pinfall with a Lifting DDT. D+

Alexander Rusev was off his game tonight...




Kevin Nash is in the ring talking about his return, saying he is a semi-active wrestler, but he came for a reason. He says the head booker Triple H, his best friend asked him to join, as the “Director of Authority.” B


Richie Steamboat vs Jake Carter

In an extremely short match, Richie Steamboat defeated Jake Carter in 4:52 by pinfall with a Diving Crossbody. F+

****. I did not think it would suck that bad.


Primo and Epico vs 2MB vs Rick Victor and Brad Maddox

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Primo and Epico defeated Rick Victor & Brad Maddox and 2MB in 10:24 when Primo defeated Rick Victor by pinfall with a Backstabber. C+

Rick Victor was REALLY off his game tonight. He still helped pull a good match here though.


Jerry Lawler is hosting a bikini contest between AJ, Layla, Kaitlyn, Tamina and Shaul Guerrero in the ring. C+

AJ Lee performed REALLY good in this segment.


Zack Ryder vs Drew McIntyre

Zack and Drew both want to be recognised more, and in this match they both set about winning. This came when Drew put Zack away in a bout that featured great action and average heat, Drew McIntyre defeated Zack Ryder in 10:06 by pinfall with a Future Shock DDT. C+


Damien Sandow vs Chris Jericho

Although Jericho was experienced, Sandow was young and hungry, but Jericho had him in the walls when Fandango came out and distracted him in a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Chris Jericho beat Damien Sandow in 11:19 by submission with a Walls of Jericho. Despite the fact that Fandango ran in and attacked Chris Jericho. C+


After the match, Fandango and Chris Jericho won't stop fighting and despite the attempts by security to break them up, its an all out brawl to the back. B+

Jericho came across well.



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Bella Twins defeated Paige and Rosa Mendes in 7:29 when Nikki Bella defeated Paige by pinfall with a Sitout Facebuster. D

Paige and Rosa were off their games today...

Main Show Rating: C

I screwed up with the preshow and the opening match real bad, but we didn’t lose popularity atleast.


WWE Main Event

TheLloyd: 3/4

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WWE Superstars


The Returning Cryme tyme(JTG and Shad) vs Adrian Neville and Roderick Strong.

Two former tag teams, now reformed, who is the better "reformed" team out of these? Can they pose a threat to Team Hell No?


AJ Lee vs Tamina Snuka

The Womens Division isn't what it used to be, but we will see who gets the victory here


Big E Langston vs The returning David Hart Smith vs David Otunga

These midcarders really need to prove themselves. They are stuck in the midcard ranks doing not much apart from Big E, being Dolphs bodyguard.


The Briscoes(Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs ???

Tag Team division continues to get stronger!


United States Championship:

Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella

Cesaro got the title off Santino and now on the Main Event of Superstars, Santino wants it back. But will the Championship REALLY change on Superstars????

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WWE Superstars


The Returning Cryme Tyme(JTG and Shad) vs Adrian Neville and Roderick Strong.

Two former tag teams, now reformed, who is the better "reformed" team out of these? Can they pose a threat to Team Hell No?


AJ Lee vs Tamina Snuka

The Womens Division isn't what it used to be, but we will see who gets the victory here


Big E Langston vs The returning David Hart Smith vs David Otunga

These midcarders really need to prove themselves. They are stuck in the midcard ranks doing not much apart from Big E, being Dolphs bodyguard.


The Briscoes(Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs ???

Tag Team division continues to get stronger!


United States Championship:

Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella

Cesaro got the title off Santino and now on the Main Event of Superstars, Santino wants it back. But will the Championship REALLY change on Superstars????

Cryme Tyme

AJ Lee

Big E



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WWE Superstars


The Returning Cryme tyme(JTG and Shad) vs Adrian Neville and Roderick Strong.


AJ Lee vs Tamina Snuka


Big E Langston vs The returning David Hart Smith vs David Otunga


The Briscoes(Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs ???


United States Championship:

Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella

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The Returning Cryme tyme(JTG and Shad) vs Adrian Neville and Roderick Strong


AJ Lee vs Tamina Snuka


Big E Langston vs The returning David Hart Smith vs David Otunga


The Briscoes(Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs ???


United States Championship:

Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella

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In an extremely short match, Bray Wyatt defeated TJ Perkins in 4:49 by pinfall with a Swinging Reverse STO. D+


TJ Perkins’ Show Stopper Gimmick got an A* lol, pretty good.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alex Shelley and Trent Barreta defeated Rick Victor & Brad Maddox in 5:54 when Alex Shelley defeated Brad Maddox by pinfall with a Shellshock. C


Main Show:


Cryme Tyme vs Adrian Neville and Roderick Strong

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Cryme Tyme defeated Roderick Strong & Adrian Neville in 6:21 when JTG defeated Adrian Neville by pinfall with a G9. D


Shad was off his game tonight, as was Adrian Neville. (Screwed up Pre Show and Opener AGAIN)


AJ Lee vs Tamina

In a match that had some good action and average heat, AJ defeated Tamina in 5:33 by pinfall with a Shining Wizard. C+


Divas show the Male Jobbers whats up though :D


Cody Rhodes is in the ring talking about how he will easily dispose of Kofi, and go on the main event, and that Kofi is a nobody. B+


Big E Langston vs David Otunga vs David Hart Smith

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Big E Langston defeated David Hart Smith and David Otunga in 10:22 when Big E Langston defeated David Hart Smith by pinfall with The Big Ending. C+

David Hart was off his game tonight.


The Briscoes vs ???

S.C.U.M!!! Corino and Jacobs hit the ring and tear apart the Briscoes

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, S.C.U.M defeated The Briscoes in 8:11 when Steve Corino defeated Jay Briscoe by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. C-


Kevin Steen, Steve Corino and Jimmy Jacobs are in the ring talking about how good they are and how S.C.U.M has one more person awaiting... C-


Steen looked good.


Antonio Cesaro© vs Santino Marella for the United States Championship

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Antonio Cesaro defeated Santino Marella in 10:25 by pinfall with The Neutralizer. Antonio Cesaro makes defence number 2 of his WWE United States title. B-


Santino was off his game tonight.




In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Camacho defeated Briley Pierce, Danny Burch and Mike Dalton in 10:05 when Camacho defeated Danny Burch by pinfall with a Coconut Drop. E


Final Show Rating: C


Well I'm happy with that.

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RAW Predictions:


The Kings Of Wrestling(Cesaro and Kassius Ohno) vs The Usos(Jey and Jimmy Uso)


Big E Langston vs Brodus Clay


Layla vs Naomi


The Briscoes(Mark and Jay Briscoe) vs 2MB(Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal)


Kofi Kingston vs Damien Sandow


Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder


Sheamus vs Jack Swagger


Dave Batista vs John Cena(Number 1 Contenders match for Punks title)

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