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Steve DeColt: Dynasties Destroyed and Legends Reborn

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Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee) Now... you said HUGE mystery signing when you put he was facing Rajah... so that's why i went for the ??? win... could be huge as in size... could be huge as in popularity... hmmm... I'm gonna go Freddy Garcia, since he's Canadian...

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Really enjoying the diary, great job so far. One question, Have you actually turned Newton?


Glad you're enjoying it! And to answer your question, in the game, I haven't turned him. In terms of writing though, he's an anti-hero. He is against The Pack, but not against his heel ways.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Well, I hate to say it, but I'm sure it's obvious, this dynasty is pretty super dead, which is a shame because I really did love it, but I think I just got burned out and struggling for a TV deal hurt a bit, but it is what it is. 4C was a blast and The Pack really made me excited for the C-Verse. The gang was fun, but the time is over. But I figure I might as well go ahead and tie up all loose ends.</p><p> </p><p>

My plan for all of this was to get a TV deal and turn 4C into a promotion based on win-loss records. Tournaments and what not. Something grand, but when I started, I didn't realize how long it was going to take. So, that was a bad move on my part, but the shows I did turn out, I loved. Oddly enough, the last event booked was the one where all of my storylines were really going to take off and (I think) kick some ass. So let's get into them, shall we?</p><p> </p><p>



<strong>Team 4C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Troy asked for a war and he was going to get one. As The Pack grew, so did 4C. A lot of these guys were guys who clearly had no ties to 4C, but I was going to slowly reveal them one by one with Steven Parker and Antonio coming out to be the leaders of the bunch. They were going to rival The Pack and there was just going to be massive warfare all around 4C. Despite being a backstage cancer, Biff was a guy I absolutely wanted. He was the only guy, in my mind, that could stand up against Faith in terms of size. Hustle and Drop Kix probably would have formed together to take on Gauge/Keith. Parker would have taken on DeColt, Antonio to Bruce, and Remmy to Giedroyc. Roger or Jones would have taken on Nelson, which I would have brought in another member for The Pack, which was going to be KC Glenn, but whenever he'd drop one Japan tour, he'd join another, and I didn't really like moving all of the events to change dates. These were the guys that were going to take down The Pack.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>The Guardians of The Damned</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cheesy name, but I think I had worst. The Masks of the Apocalypse and The Cursed Masks of The Ancient. Fox Mask, under the name of Night Fox, would have been the leader and would have been revealed in the first show preforming a ritual with Moroi and Babau. Later on, Acid II was going to join the mix to strength himself to eventually take on Chris Flynn in a grudge match. I have no clue what Fox Mask was going to do though, I might have tossed him into something with Hugh de Aske. Moroi and Babau would have floated around forever while the tag team titles were being disputed, as would the other two tag teams I brought in. I had big plans for Acid. I was basically going to turn him into a machine like Acid in Monkeypox's DaVE dynasty. Minus the steam and more mist. I don't know if he would have ventured into the main event scene though.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Jason Evans</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The idea of turning Too Hot into a serious face was one of my first ideas. At first, I wanted to build him up to the sky and have him defeat whichever Pack member currently held onto the title, but I liked him always staying around the main event/upper mid scene. I have no idea if I would have actually of taken him to the top or not, but it's always fun to think about. I considered teaming him back up with TJ Bailey, but I wasn't 100% on that one. To be honest, I even planned on releasing Bailey pretty soon after I turned Flynn into a champ and made Too Hot serious.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Greg Black, Sayeed Ali, Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Big former SWF signing right here. I brought him in to take place with Team 4C, but I kind of wanted him to play the middle man. An outsider challenging just for the title. As for Sayeed and Davis, these two were also going to be outsiders. Sayeed's character pretty much hated everyone, Pack or Team 4C. Newton, hated The Pack and didn't completely hate 4C, but didn't want to join them. I probably would have done Pack Champ/Team 4C Leader/Black/Ali/Newton for a match. Those three would probably have ended up feuding with one another. For anyone curious, Davis was going to go on and win the Iron Man Challenge.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Leftie Wilkes, Clutch McKane</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The somewhat buried feud of 4C. Leftie was always stealing or getting his game on with McKane's manager, Katie Cameron. I don't really know what I was going to do with this feud. It probably would have ended with a Manager's Rights match. Nothing too special or fancy, just something to do with the lower midcard.</p><p> </p><p>




<strong>The Pack</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The beautiful, glorious Pack. My child. Here is how it was going to go with The Pack. Team 4C would eventually split up The Pack. Giedroyc and Bruce were going to become jealous and conspire against Faith/DeColt. Not only in ring, but outside. Both Jacks would eventually see their ways out of the company following DeColt breaking into some paranoid state, causing a rift between them. All good things come to an end as Christian Faith would finally come to blows with Steve. Citing him for telling the Stones about Jacob Jett. Callum, Gauge and Keith would stick with the company, but do their own thing as they never had anything to do with the original core. Faith would force DeColt and Troy to release him, rather than walk out, leaving just the crazy ole Steve DeColt. By that point, I have no idea what I was going to do other then end the dynasty there, with DeColt retiring from wrestling all together.</p><p> </p><p>

I guess that's the story in a nutshell. A strange, paranoid, insane ride about a bitter veteran with a chip on his shoulder. Anticlimactic? Probably. But I want to wrap this story up. Even if it isn't how I wanted it to end, I might as well throw it out for everyone who took their time to read this and predict. It means a lot to me, even if this was just 6 shows. This was my real attempt at a dynasty, it didn't last long, but I had a blast with it. I hope you guys had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. I wish I could have taken it longer, but I just got burnt out on it and that was my biggest fear heading into this. Needless to say, this really made me happy to do. There's no question that down the line, I will be planning another one of these. Once again, thanks everyone for reading. For now, this is</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The End</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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