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WCW: Living Dangerously (1991)

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Jim Herd was not a popular man in the WCW locker room. In his defense, I don’t think he was a popular man anywhere. He just wasn’t a likeable person. His general lack of knowledge about the wrestling industry didn’t help matters either. He continuously ripped the cartoon type gimmicks off from Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation and he blamed all his short comings on people like Jim Cornette and the boys in the back.


Jim herd was not a popular man. You’d think that would be something that someone would tell his boss, but Ted Turner was oblivious to how terrible of a job Jim Herd has been doing. That’s until Turner found out about Flair, Sting, and Herd getting into a screaming match backstage at a Saturday Night taping. Sting isn’t a politician. He’s a nice enough guy, but he’s loyal. If someone like him is threatening to leave, there’s a problem. An even bigger problem is Ric Flair threatening to leave. He’s by far the biggest name in World Championship Wrestling and considered to be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. I overheard Jim saying something about wanting Flair to shave his head and starting doing a gladiator gimmick. I’ve had some strange ideas for gimmicks and different characters, but Ric Flair as a gladiator? What the hell is Herd smoking?


I guess that brings me to how I’m sitting outside Ted Turner’s office for the first time. I can hear Jim in their shouting. I honestly have no idea what he’s screaming about, but it’s clear he’s not happy. I decided to ask Ted’s secretary if she’s sure I’m on time, and she reassures me just as Herd comes barging out of Turner’s office. His face was swollen and red. He was pissed off.


“Don’t tell me you’re replacing me with him?!” Jim scoffed while looking at me.


I tried explaining to Jim that I honestly had no idea why I was having a meeting with Ted, but he refused to listen. Apparently, I don’t need to care though because he was just handed his walking papers. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


“Come into my office. We have some things to discuss.”


Ted Turner is a guy you don’t’ make wait for you. All the money in the world and he chooses to drop a ton of it on professional wrestling. It’s just a shame so many people have screwed him out of money and put on such a lousy product.


“I’m going to get right to this. Obviously, Jim’s position is open now. I know you have minimal booking experience, but from what I’ve been told, you have a lot of great ideas and have a mind for the business.”


Truthfully, I was a little blown away anyone thought enough of me to bring my name up to him.


“Flair tells me you’re fairly popular in the locker room. Morale seems to be at an all-time low and I’d like to rectify that."


Turner stares at me and I think we're both in the middle of trying to figure each other out.


“If someone handed you the reins to a promotion the size of WCW and my wealth, how would you turn it around?”


“With all due respect, all the money in the world isn’t going to make a wrestling show. It’s supposed to be entertaining, athletic, and keep you guessing. What we have now is a glorified cartoon show. We have some of the most talented people in the world on our roster and we have them ripping off Beetlejuice.”


“Great answer. Honestly, this isn’t an interview. You have the job. Clash of the Champions is airing on pay per view for the first time tonight and I’d like you to make any changes you see fit to the card. Sting and Flair have to main event however as it’s the only match advertised.”


“Mr. Turner, I know I was just handed this job, but I think we need to sever ties with the NWA. Make Sting and Flair’s match the first ever WCW World Heavyweight Championship match and move on from the NWA.”


Ted Turner lets out a gruff laugh and honestly, I don’t know how to take it.


“You have some serious brass on you kid. I like that. I think I finally found the right man for the job. Make any decisions you feel are required, just save my company.”


And just like that Ted Turner pages for his secretary.


“Linda, please show him out and make sure a car is scheduled to take him to the Clash tonight.”


“Yes sir, right this way Mr. Heyman.”



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So now I have a good four hours to try and hobble together a good pay per view. Everyone knows Sting and Luger are legitimately friends and Luger has been helping Sting against the Horsemen. I’ve never been the biggest fan of Luger, but he’s popular. I saw him and Sid work a match at a house show the other day and they had some chemistry together.


I was able to call in some favors and luckily an incredibly talented foreign star was working in the area this weekend. I had the boys in the editing department work up a music video featuring his previous work. WCW fans will know who he is immediately. Junkyard Dog has been harassing me asking for a match. I was going to have him face Arn for the TV title, but I think he’d be perfect for this.


The Steiners have been on a heck of a roll lately. I think putting them in the ring with the tag champs could work out well for everyone involved.

The tag division is beginning to get really hot right now. I definitely need to work on this some more, but the Rock N Roll Express, the Freebirds(Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin), the York Foundation(Terrance Taylor & Michael Wallstreet), and the remaining Horsemen(Arn Anderson & Barry Windham) are going to have a tag team showcase.


And of course, the main event will be Sting and Flair. These guys always deliver. I can’t think of a better pair of guys to fight for the new WCW World Heavyweight Championship


That sounds like a decent enough card, especially considering I just threw it together.


[size="2"][b]Quick Picks:[/b]
Lex Luger(c) vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship
Junkyard Dog vs ???
Doom(c) vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship
Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation
Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Bonus Question:
Guess the debuting foreign star.[/size]

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ???

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star. - The Great Muta

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ??? - Dynamite Kid?

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ??? Masa Chono

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship



No I just wasn't paying attention that I did that

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Quick Picks:

Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs Masahiro Chono

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star.

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ???

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star. Muta

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ???

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star. Muta


-I am running this exact same game as my long term game. I can't wait to see where we differ.

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-I am running this exact same game as my long term game. I can't wait to see where we differ.


Glad I'm not the only one whose fantasized about this scenario!


I have a few things to tidy up with Clash of the Champions and it will be posted, hopefully within the next half hour and following that, a look at the roster.

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I had to get my picks in on this, glad to have a fellow 91er here on the board!


Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ???

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star...I'm going to say the Great Mutah as well

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ???

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star. Great Muta

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Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious for the WCW United States Championship

Junkyard Dog vs ???

Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers for WCW World Tag Team Championship

Rock n Roll Express vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn & Windham vs the York Foundation

Ric Flair vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Bonus Question:

Guess the debuting foreign star. The Great Muta.

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Ugh, so the show will be posted tomorrow. I spent all this time setting up the show in fictionplus(crayon's fantastic app), but it doesn't display properly here for some reason. I've tried using the Raw HTML and the shortened HTML and everything is out of whack each time I try.


And to make things worse, the whole main event just disappeared. I can't figure out what's going on with it. I've been trying to fix it all night and I've had no luck. I have to wake up for work early, so I'll deal with it more when I get home. I was really proud of the layout. So I hope I figure it out :(

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I think the problem was the way I tried to do the tag team showcase. Since the app doesn't have a fatal four way tag team match option, I used floating images and whatnot and I think that's what got me. I thought of something to try, but it's going to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. I'm too tired to keep staring at these people :p
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Welcome, welcome to World Championship Wrestling. Tonight have what should be a fantastic card for you this evening. I'm here with my broadcast colleagues Jim Ross and Magnum TA.
Thank you for the fine introduction Mr. Solie. It is in my understanding that we are going to be hearing from the new President of World Championship Wrestling, but we haven't had the privilege of being told who it is. 

That's right Magnum, but I'm sure it will be someone we can all look forward to working with. How about we go over the match listing for this evening. 


The first match we have tonight is for the WCW United States Championship, a title I am extremely proud to say I've held twice. After that we are going to see the debut of the latest edition to the WCW locker room. We have yet to be informed of their identity, so it looks like we'll find out at the same time as the people at home.


The mystery new signing will be taking on Junkyard Dog, who is definitely no slouch in the ring. Our second title match of the evening will occur following that and it will pit WCW World Tag Team Champions Doom against The Steiner Brothers, who have been on a heck of a roll lately. 


Along with the tag team title match, we have a tag team showcase which features four of the premiere tag teams in the world. The Rock n Roll Express will face the team of Arn Anderson & Barry Windham, The Fabulous Freebirds, and The York Foundation(Terrance Taylor & Michael Wallstreet). Take my word for it ladies and gentlemen, I've worked with every man in this match, not one of them is anywhere near a push over. 


I just got word that the new President of World Championship Wrestling is about to make his entrance. 

The theme music of World Championship Wrestling begins to play.

Nick Bockwinkel! Former four time AWA World Heavyweight Champion, three time AWA World Tag Team Champion...


One of the greatest in ring competitors of all time! It's great to see him here and he's definitely not who I was expecting. Our associate Missy Hyatt has joined Mr. Bockwinkel in the ring to get his first words as WCW President. 


Thank you guys, Mr. Bockwinkel, I'd like to ask you some questions. 


We'll have to save questions for another time. Right now we only really have time for me to make an announcement. I'll have more to say on the next edition of WCW Saturday Night on TBS. Effective immediately, WCW has withdrawn from the NWA and Sting has been stripped of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship...


With all due respect, but why? Sting has been a fighting champion and has fought off all challengers. 


Missy, it's not good to interrupt a man while they're speaking. If you had let me finish, I would have said that Sting has been stripped of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and awarded the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but Sting, being the raging bull that he is, has rejected it. Instead he has chosen to make his originally scheduled match with Ric Flair tonight a match to crown the first ever WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Now, I have some things to attend to. 


Wow, well there you have it guys. Tonight we'll find out if Sting made a mistake by not taking the easy way out. Back to you Mr. Solie.


Well, with that let's get to our first match of the evening. Lex Luger defends his WCW United States Chamionship against Sid Vicious of the Four Horsemen!

WCW United States Championship Match
Lex Luger© vs Sid Vicious 
It's not often that Luger is facing someone that matches him in strength, but he met his match in Sid Vicious. Luger was on the receiving end of two powerbombs, but was able to kick out and evetually lock in the Torture Rack. 

Winner by submission and STILL WCW United States Champion: LEX LUGER 

I think Luger proved that he is a fighting champion tonight. I don't think I have ever seen anyone kick out of that many powerbombs and walk away with the win. 


I can't imagine the pain Sid was in during the Torture Rack. It's such a painful maneuver. As much as I dislike Sid and his cohorts in the Horsemen, he definitely showed a fire we've never seen in him before tonight. I'd like to see more from these two.

Suddenly, the lights go out and a maniacal laugh fills the arena. Out walks an unknown man dressed all in red. 


I can tell by the looks on all your faces, that you have no idea who I am. My name is James Mitchell. I have been called many things in my life; deceiver, liar, evil, devil...I prefer to be called a collector. You see, I travel the world looking for the outcasts, the rejects, creatures of the night...In other words, people or things that do not fit into the bubble society has deemed normal. I'm bringing hellfire and brimstone to WCW and it starts with one man...


From the Land of the Rising Sun.

He is the Pearl of the Orient.

He is... 


Let's bring out the Junkyard Dog and see how he fares against the most dangerous wres-, no, man, I have ever encountered.



Great Muta vs Junkyard Dog

Junkyard Dog barely gets room to breathe as Muta unloads with what seems like a hundred lethal kicks to his entire body. The match barely reaches the five minute mark when Junkyard finally gets a second wind and unleashes a small offense flurry before being on the receiving end of the Green Mist. He has been blinded and his legs are taken out from under him when Muta flies at him with the Shining Wizard.


Winner by Pinfall: THE GREAT MUTA

Even though the match is over, Muta isn't stopping his assault. He unleashes another series of vicious kicks before coming off the top rope with a moonsault. James Mitchell slides a chair into the ring and just as Muta is about to unload on Junkyard Dog, WCW Security jumps in the ring and pulls the chair away.


Mitchell cackles as he and Muta walk to the back. 


James Mitchell is pure evil! We've seen Muta in WCW in the past and he has never been this vile or vicious. I honestly have no words to describe what we just witnessed, but if this is a sign of what's to come for Great Muta's opponents, then I hope someone is able to put a stop to it.


Hopefully, we'll have an update for you folks at home of Junkyard Dog's condition before the end of the night. We have EMT's taking him to the locker room. 


I know Junkyard Dog would want us to continue on with the show, but I'm in shock over what has transpired. The WCW World Tag Team Title match is up next and all four men are superb athletes. Hopefully, we don't see another assault like the previous match. 

WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Doom© vs the Steiner Brothers

Four of the absolute best athletes in WCW put on a showcase of their abilities and had the match of the night thus far. Nearfall after nearfall, the match almost reached the Twenty Minute Time Limit when Scott Steiner hoisted Butch Reed up for the Steiner Screwdriver and drove his head into the mat.


Winners by Pinfall and NEW WCW Tag Team Champions: THE STEINER BROTHERS 


What a match! After the brutality of the Great Muta and Junkyard Dog match, it was nice to see a straight up wrestling match. All four of these men could easily transfer to the singles division, but they're just such great teams. Great win for the Steiners. 


And maybe we'll find out who their first title defense will be up against after the next match. Four of the elite tag teams in the world are all in one match. No titles are on the line, just eight men looking to show off their skills. 

The Rock n Roll Express vs The Horsemen vs The York Foundation vs The Fabulous Freebirds

In a fastastic match, The Horsemen defeat the three other teams by pinfall when Arn Anderson drills Robert Gibson into the mat with a Spinebuster.

Winners by Pinfall: The Horsemen 


Another excellent tag team contest. I wonder if The Horsemen are going to go after the tag titles?


And just like that we have reached our main event of the evening. My personal friend Sting goes toe to toe with the Nature Boy Ric Flair in what is sure to be an instant classic.

In the ring to handle the introductions is Gary Michael Capetta.


Coming to the ring first

Hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Weighing in at 243lbs and standing at 6'1".

He is the master of the Figure Four Leg Lock and the leader of the Four Horsemen.


The Nature Boy




And his opponent for WCW Clash of the Champions 1991.


He hails from Venice Beach, California.

Standing at 6'2" and weighing in tonight at 245lbs.

He is  the master of the Scorpion Death Lock.


He is the




WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Ric Flair vs Sting 

These two men have met probably close to a hundred times and they never fail to impress. Neither man wanted to show an ounce of quit. Barry Windham, Sid Vicious, and Arn Anderson all tried to intervene on Flair's behalf, but Flair turned them away and said he needs to do this himself.


When the match closed in on the forty minute mark, a frustrated Flair reaches into his trunks and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, but referee Nick Patrick  is able to wrestle them away from Flair, and Patrick is dealing with the knucks, Flair goes for a low blow but Sting is able to counter it and lays into Flair once again.


It seems that no matter what dirty trick Flair goes after, Sting has an answer for. Suddenly, Sting goes behind Flair, pulls his head down...Inverted DDT!








Winner and the FIRST EVER WCW World Heavyweight Champion: STING 


WOW! What a match. Not only did Sting debut a new entrance music, he debuted a new move altogether! 

Lex Luger comes out to celebrate with his friend Sting and they raise their respective Championships in the air as Clash of the Champions goes off the air.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e322/VenomousPrime/Living%20Dangerously/Sting91.jpg http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e322/VenomousPrime/Living%20Dangerously/LexLuger3.jpg

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Thanks! I've got a lot of plans for Mitchell and Muta. I've always loved Muta, and I've always thought of Mitchell as one of the most underrated managers of all time. He's really the only dialogue I felt I did well on truthfully, but I think the rest will come along as I write more.


I think for Saturday Night, I'm going to post recaps instead of full shows and save the big fancy layouts for the pay per views. At least until I reach National and get a bigger TV Show.

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awesome....... great layout,I also like how you don't write long boring results. Always been a Great Muta fan, I think he pairs well with Mitchell,(even though i liked Gary Hart) I can see Muta being managed by mitchell.Keep up the good work.
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