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It began with what seemed to be an invasion of Communists... BUT WE WERE WRONG!

It was something ALMOST as scary as Communists!



THE MARTIAN INVADERS: Alien antagonizers from the Red Planet!

Dr Franklin Steinbrenner and his fearsome CORPSE CREATURE!

THE WEREPIRE! Half werewolf, half vampire!

OOGA! The 6000-year-old Caveman frozen in time resurrected!

And the terrifying and invisible MISTER PHANTOM!


Only one thing can save us. PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! And these six brave souls have been enlisted to fight back these monsters!


Former WWE Tag Team Champion JASON JETER!


Third Generation Wrestler COLTON HART!

Former NWA Tag Team Champion CHASE STEVENS!

Former NXT Competitor MARK "LUCKY" CANNON!

And current SHIMMER Tag Champion KELLY SKATER!



*= Guy named Mills not guaranteed.

Because on JUNE 30th 2013 Tales From The Ring will bring you:



(OOC: I know it's not much but a teaser right now, but I figured this would be suffice to explain the concept of the diary. I'm using Cpt Charisma's RW June 2013 mod. And yeah. First show will come... when I write it.)

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<p><strong>Tales From The Ring presents: "It Came From The Squared Circle"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The show begins with our host, Jack Korpela, in the ring, standing near a conspicuously placed ladder.</p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: "Ladies and gentlemen... MONSTERS ARE HERE IN BERWYN, ILLINOIS!"</p><p>


The fans... cheer. For lack of a better word. It's polite cheers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: "And they are here to destroy our American way of life. You may have seen them, and thought they were hippies or worse, COMMUNISTS! But no, they are MONSTERS! And there is only one way we can fight these monsters... WRESTLING!"</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The fans cheer a little more enthusiastically for this. After all, wrestling is why they are here. Also cheap beer.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: "So tonight, Berwyn, WE FIGHT BACK! And we will see tonight five battles for..."</p><p>


An eerie noise that sounds kind of like "Night on Bald Mountain" played on a theremin as heard as a man in a labcoat saunters down to the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Doctor Franklin Steinbrenner! Why are you here now?</p><p> </p><p>

Dr Steinbrenner: YOU KNOW EXACTLY! WHY! I! AM! HERE! KORPELAAAAA! As I arrived in this city of Berwyn with MY CORPSE CREATURE! I learned that the MacGuffin Device, FORGED from meteorites by the MAYANS! A device that archaeologists believe is a GATEWAY TO THE STARS THEMSELVES! ...Has been STOLEN! And YOU, KORPELA! YOU were the one responsible, YOU and the commission that sponsors this event, the Environmental Defense of the World's Objects of Ominous Design initiative!</p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: How did you know about the EDWOOD Initiative?</p><p> </p><p>


Korpela: Um, that's not a question.</p><p> </p><p>

Steinbrenner: You know what will be a question, KORPELAAAAA? "Why is your CORPSE CREATURE choking me?" Which is what YOU will be asking if you do not SURRENDER! THE! DEVICE!</p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: ...We lost it.</p><p> </p><p>

Steinbrenner: YOU WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?</p><p>


Suddenly through the curtains with no music comes a man in a white morphsuit holding what looks like Rubik's Cube with a ribbon tied around it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: LOOK! The Maguffin Device is floating in THIN AIR!</p><p> </p><p>

Steinbrenner: It doesn't have ANTI-GRAVITY! It can only be... MISTER PHAAAAAAANTOM!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A "DUN DUN DUN" was haired on the PA as they watch as the morphsuited man climbs the ladder and hangs the Device onto the ceiling by putting the ribbon over a conveniently placed hook, then climbs back down and heads out the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<em>Steinbrenner shoves the ladder down and starts kicking air near where the ladder lands, while the morphsuit man picks up a mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Look, that microphone is floating now!</p><p> </p><p>

Voice: Steinbrenner! The MacGuffin Device is not meant for hands like yours... it is meant for hands like MINE! Only with it can I find a way to become visible again! But I know if I left Berwyn with it the fools of EDWOOD would hound me, hinder my research!</p><p> </p><p>


Phantom: Neither do you, Steinbrenner! But to placate the fools of EDWOOD, I shall make a wager... for I am to do battle with Jason Jeter tonight... Korpela, you have the power! Make it for the MacGuffin Device! If I fail, I shall never seek it again!</p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: ...You know what? I trust Jason Jeter, I hand-picked him to face you because I KNOW he can stop you! So YOU'RE ON, Mister Phantom! It will be you and Jason Jeter, winner gets the MacGuffin Device... AND IT WILL BE A LADDER MATCH!</p><p>


As the "floating" mic floats away, Steinbrenner makes his way to the back as Korpela starts announcing the first match...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH ONE: Kelly Skater vs The Werepire</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kelly Skater comes out first, showing off her powerful 98 pound physique, confident that she can help drive out The Werepire, whose wolfish hands and head are sticking out from immaculate 17th century formal attire, complete with a cape. The Werepire climbs the top rope, holding out his cape and flapping it like bat's wings... while howling on the top of his voice!</p><p> </p><p>

Kelly isn't scared at all of course and unloads on the Werepire with strikes, but the monster has the combined strength of a vampire AND a werewolf and is able to answer with some brutal shots of it's own. They exchange holds and Kelly manages to get the upper hand with a sleeper, Werepire gets to the ropes and Kelly flexes her biceps... and Werepire charges to BITE INTO HER ARM! The ref breaks it up and Kelly is woozy, Werepire takes control with a flurry of offense before going to the top rope for "Blood Moon" (Moonsault), but Kelly gets her knees up! Werepire ends up face down and Kelly recovers, grabbing Werepire's lower left paw and applies an ankle lock! Werepire fights to the ropes but Kelly drags him back... WEREPIRE TAPS!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: Kelly Skater in 5:46 (Ankle Lock)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

MATCH TWO: Colton Hart vs The Corpse Creature (w/ Dr. Franklin Steinbrenner)</strong></p><p><strong>


Colton Hart, youngest son of the legendary Bret Hart, made his way out in the familiar pink and black and paced around the ring... however he would seem to be a little intimidated by the MASSIVE 6'10'' Corpse Creature, the pale-green skinned giant being lead to the ring by the loud-mouthed Dr. Steinbrenner.</p><p> </p><p>

Colton would try to take the Corpse Creature down to the mat in several ways, but couldn't even budge the titanic patchwork fiend. Eventually Corpse Creature threw Colton into the corner and laid into him with strikes, and then threw him around the ring with EASE with various simple throws until Steinbrenner yelled "BODY BAG!" Corpse Creature looked to it's creator before picking up Colton and delivering a vicious pancake piledriver, the three count academic.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: Corpse Creature in 4:02 ("Body Bag")</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Next out would come the Martian Invaders, greenskinned with faces that are almost featureless save their two large, black eyes, one of them takes a microphone.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Martian Invader #1: Greetings To Earthlings! With our advanced technology, our Martians words are translated to English with perfect accuracy and pumpkin juice!</p><p> </p><p>

Martian Invader #2; Contrary to Human Broadcast, we are not here to conquer Earth! Martian Empire currently going through economic crisis!</p><p> </p><p>

Martian Invader #1: Instead we are come to take all your Earth Resources that will be of use to Martian Empire!</p><p> </p><p>

Martian Invader #2: So you will not be conquered but you WILL be doomed!</p><p> </p><p>

Martian Invader #1: Thankings to EDWOOD for giving us this time to clarify!</p><p> </p><p>

Martian Invaders: ALL YOUR STUFF ARE BELONG TO MARS!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH THREE: Johnny Swinger and Chase Stevens vs Martian Invaders</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The tag team veterans had a last-second chat as they headed down to the ring, and they started off with the upper hand, their individual experiences letting them get ahead. However as the match continued the Invaders' familiarity with each other compared to the more makeshift duo shifted the momentum, and the Invaders managed to throw Stevens into Swinger on the apron to take out Swinger, Stevens was then lifted into the air flapjack style by one of the Invaders, the other on the top rope and diving off with a legdrop on the back of Stevens' head as he fell to the mat, a move Korpela refers to as "The MNG" and they score the three count.</p><p>


WINNERS: The Martian Invaders in 9:50 ("The MNG" on Chase Stevens)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

MATCH FOUR: Mark "Lucky" Cannon vs Ooga</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Lucky came out hoping to get the momentum back on the good guys, while the sound of beating drums would hail the arrival of Ooga, wearing a leopard hide singlet and carrying a big club with him as he skulked his way to the ring. The ref made him put the club down against the steel steps before letting him in the ring, beating his chest with both hands.</p><p> </p><p>

The bell rang and Ooga FREAKED THE HELL OUT, taking out his confusion over the sudden noise out on Lucky with a series of overhand punches and the action spills to the floor, where Ooga keeps control until Lucky manages to throw him into a row of chairs! Lucky brings the match back in the ring and takes control until he tries to set up for the Lucky Break (Spicy Drop) but he couldn't bring Ooga up, instead Ooga manages to run him battering ram style into a turnbuckle! Ooga takes control again before looking for his Dinosaur Clutch (Camel Clutch, but Lucky grabbed the ropes and Ooga was forced to let go. Ooga got angry and grabbed his club, despite the ref's protests.... Ooga swings his club but Lucky ducks under and rolls him up from behind, one, two, three!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: Mark "Lucky" Cannon in 10:36 (O'Connor Roll)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lucky celebrates his win but Ooga is FURIOUS, grabbing his club and decking Lucky with it from behind! Ooga puts Lucky in the Dinosaur Clutch but KELLY SKATER comes in to save the day! Kelly pummels on Ooga but the caveman keeps the Clutch on, so she takes the referee's watch and holds it in front of Ooga, who gets fascinated by the shiny object! She throws it to the entrance way and it slides through the curtain, Ooga lets Lucky go so he can chase it as Kelly helps Mark Cannon up to his feet and raises his arm as we take an intermission before main event.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAIN EVENT LADDER MATCH FOR THE MACGUFFIN DEVICE: Jason Jeter vs Mister Phantom</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jeter comes out wearing a ring jacket and carrying a ladder with him and setting it up at ringside, then Mister Phantom comes out, wearing a suit with gloves, bandages, sunglasses and a hat so we can see him.</p><p> </p><p>

We start out with some mat wrestling, Jeter taking advantage when Phantom tries to pick up his glasses and hat when they fall off, quickening the pace with some junior heavyweight style offense, making Phantom head out to the floor and delivering a suicide dive. Jeter recovers first to get the ladder and goes to retrieve the device, but Phantom gets into the ring in time to pull him off and take control , using the ladder as a weapon across Jeter's ribs then scoop slamming him into it. Phantom tries for the ladder next but Jeter recovers, reaching in between the rungs to grab Phantom's tie and make him bonk his head on the ladder, but when Phantom falls he recovers just as Jeter gets within reach of the MacGuffin Device and pushes the ladder down to send Jeter toppling.</p><p> </p><p>

The two recover and exchange offense before Jeter gets lowblowed setting up for a piledriver, Phantom slipping out of his suit and now that he's invisible takes full control, choking Jeter with his necktie but Jeter manages to get to his feet and escape, applying a sleeper hold. After Phantom apparently goes limp Jeter goes to the corner to tune up the band... looking for a superkick but Phantom ducks and waits in the corner. Jeter however things he's won, setting the ladder back up and climbing it, but Phantom makes his way up too! Jeter is just about to pull the MacGuffin Device free, and Phantom grabs his throat! He then CHOKESLAMS (well, choke-shoves) Jeter to the floor before reaching up and grabbing the device!</p><p>


WINNER AND POSSESSOR OF THE MACGUFFIN DEVICE: Mister Phantom in 14:58 (Grabbing the Device from the ladder)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Well folks it seems the all-powerful MacGuffin Device has fallen into the hands of Mister Phantom... FOR NOW! We can't let this stand after all, we can't let him unlock his powers, or worse, sell it to the Soviet menace! Tales From The Ring will return ladies and gentlemen, July 28th right here in Berwyn Illinois for THE DOOM THAT CAME TO BERWYN! And where Jason Jeter was unable to keep the MacGuffin Device safe, Mark Cannon will succeed! Until next time remember, if you're ever forced to decide whether to defect to the Russians or being bitten by a zombie: Better Undead than Red!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Quick Results And Other Stuff:</strong></p><p>

1. Kelly Skater d. The Werepire</p><p>

2. Corpse Creature d. Colton Hart</p><p>

3. Martian Invaders d. Swinger and Stevens</p><p>

4. Mark "Lucky" Cannon d. Ooga</p><p>

5. MacGuffin Device Ladder Match: Mister Phantom d. Jason Jeter</p><p> </p><p>

Best Match: Cannon/Ooga</p><p>

Attendance: 28 (NEW BEST ATTENDANCE!)</p><p>


The Doom That Came To Berwyn Card:</strong></p><p>

For the MacGuffin Device! Mark "Lucky" Cannon vs Mister Phantom ©</p><p>

Colton Hart and Jason Jeter vs The Martian Invaders</p><p>

Kelly Skater vs Ooga</p><p>

Johnny Swinger vs The Werepire</p><p>

Chase Stevens vs The Corpse Creature</p>

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<p><strong>TALES FROM THE RING PRESENTS: THE DOOM THAT CAME TO BERWYN!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>We start again with Jack Korpela in the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Ladies and gentlemen, the Environmental Defense of the World's Objects of Ominous Design initiative welcomes you to THE DOOM THAT CAME TO BERWYN!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd... claps politely.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: We're going to start our first match in a few seconds, including our main event, where-</p><p> </p><p>

<em>He's interrupted by Theremin music, this time a cover of "People Are Strange" by The Doors, the music of Mister Phantom, who comes out in suit, hat, glasses, and wrappings, and taking a microphone of his own.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Hey, where's the MacGuffin Device? ...Did you leave it unguarded?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Phantom: Of course not! Unlike you, Mister Korpela, I am not a bumbling fool. The Device is in a safe place where your goons cannot find it... and I shall bring it with me later on as agreed. But now, Korpela, you WILL tell me what you know about the device.</em></p><p><em>


Korpela: Only what you know, Phantom, and even if I knew anything more, it wouldn't do you any good, because TONIGHT, Mark Cannon will win the MacGuffin Device from you and keep it OUT of your EVIL hands!</p><p> </p><p>

Phantom: You really think so, Korpela? Let me ask you something... how can Mark Cannon fight...</p><p>


He takes off one of his gloves, revealing his invisible hand! ...You heard me.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Phantom: ...What he cannot SEE?</p><p>


Phantom then GRABS KORPELA BY THE THROAT with his invisible hand... but before he could lift Korpela up for a chokeslam, Mark "Lucky" Cannon heads down the ramp, clubbing the Phantom from behind, lifting him up for the Lucky Break (Spicy Drop)... but Phantom slips out of it and rolls out to the ring, grabbing his hat (which fell off as he was picked up) before making his retreat. Cannon poses for the crowd before heading out as well before we get to our first match...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH ONE: Chase Stevens vs The Corpse Creature (w/ Dr Franklin Steinbrenner)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The three-time NWA Tag Team Champion showed a little caution when approaching the Corpse Creature, throwing some strikes it's way but his blows seemed to do nothing, and Steinbrenner would taunt him with this, yelling out "You cannot hurt my CORPSE CREATURE, STEVEEEEEEENS! IT! IS! IIIIIIIIIIIIINVINCIBLEEEEE!" Stevens kept the flurry going, bouncing off the ropes and delivering a dropkick... and Corpse Creature STILL doesn't move! He goes to the top rope for a cross body.... but Corpse Creature catches him with EASE and drops him with a scoop slam before applying a choke hold, the Doctor cackling in glee as Corpse Creature picks up Stevens by the throat and CHUCKS him across the ring, like a Biel Throw but by the throat! Corpse Creature continues it's domination of Chase before the Doctor gives it the signal for the Body Bag. Corpse Creature would bounce off the ropes and SPLASH Stevens before picking him up and putting him into the Body Bag, planting him with bone-crunching force for the three count.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: The Corpse Creature in 6:15 ("Body Bag")</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

MATCH TWO: Johnny Swinger vs The Werepire</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Things were already looking bad for the good guys today and it wasn't looking much better at the start of this with the Werepire showing off some of that doubly-superhuman agility with a flurry of junior heavyweight offense, delivering a series of dragon screws until Swinger manages to counter one with an enzuigiri and getting in control with a series of impressive grappling of his own. Swinger nailed a swinging neckbreaker for a two count and looked for a Swing Thing (Cobra Clutch Legsweep), but Werepire scrambled to the ropes to block it, Swinger pulling him back but Werepire was able to slip free and BITE Swinger, weakening him for a DDT before going to the top rope for Blood Moon, but took too long flapping his cape and Swinger recovered, pulling Werepire down by the leg making Werepire's face hit the turnbuckle, backing up into a Swing Thing for a three count!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: Johnny Swinger in 6:49 ("Swing Thing")</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Before our third contest of the evening, Ooga would come out first to his drum beat, which sounds suspiciously like "The Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin, carrying his club over his shoulder before taking Jack Korpelas mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>



He then jumps back dropping the mic when he realizes it projected his voice, then he picks it up, fans are actually CHEERING for Ooga, chanting his name, before he talks again.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<em>He puts the club and mic on the apron before beating his chest and entering the ring...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH THREE: KELLY SKATER VS OOGA</strong></p><p><strong>


But the RATE TANK was not at all intimidated by Ooga! In fact she actually LOCKED UP WITH OOGA, though this proved to be a mistake as Ooga shoved her down. Skater got to her feet and tried to brawl with Ooga now, but Ooga again got the upper hand, throwing her into the corner and delivering a flurry of overhand punches, following it up with a bearhug! Skater elbowed Ooga in the back of the head to try and break it, and pulled on his hair too to loosen up the grip, planting Ooga with a DDT! Kelly nails some seated kicks to the chest of Ooga, then FLEXES before going to the ropes but gets planted with a spinebuster! Ooga looks for the Dinosaur Clutch but Skater can slip behind him and head to the top rope... MISSILE DROPKICK KNOCKS DOWN OOGA! Skater looks for the Ankle Lock but Ooga grabs his club... he turns over and SWINGS IT AT KELLY, hitting her in the head, and that's an instant DQ!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: Kelly Skater in 8:37 (Disqualification)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Ooga throws a tantrum, slamming his club repeatedly onto the mat before making his way to the back, Skater eventually getting to her feet, a little woozy and holding her forehead as she makes her way back to the fans' approval.</em></p><p>


Colton Hart and Jason Jeter would make their entrance for the next match, Colton wearing pink sunglasses... and we all know what comes next right? That's right, ONE LUCKY OBVIOUS PLANT gets the sunglasses! Yay, nostalgia!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Then comes the Martian Invaders in a 50's-rock-style piano cover of The Misfits' "Teenagers From Mars" (they can't ALL be theremin covers after all) and the Invaders stopped by the plant, taking his sunglasses! One of them, we'll say it was #1, puts on the glasses and poses Bret Hart style with his arms out as #2 gives a thumbs up and they get in the ring, putting the glasses on the floor... and #2 gives them an elbow drop! Those meanies!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH FOUR: Colton Hart and Jason Jeter vs The Martian invaders</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Colton starts off aggressively with a flurry of arm drags and headlock takedowns, then using his family's trademark mat mastery to keep the Invaders off balance even though they tagged frequently. Eventually Jeter got to tag in to get some shots in, but a double Japanese Arm Drag by the Invaders would reverse the momentum and the Invaders would take advantage, Jeter getting an occasional comeback but cut off when he tried to tag Colton. After a few failed attempts to get to Colton, Jeter would get dropped by a kneelkick by #1 followed by a U.F.Elbow (Flying Elbow) by #2, but Jeter kicked out. #1 tagged in and went for a U.F.Elbow of his own but Jeter rolled away, DIVING TAG TO COLTON! HOUSE OF FIRE CLEARING THE RING! </p><p> </p><p>

Inverted Atomic Drop to #1, followed by a diving forearm drop... AND LOOKING FOR THE SHARPSHOOTER... HE GETS IT! But as the ref is asking #1 if he wants to tap, #2 gets something from under the ring... and goes into the ring to throw RED SAND in Colton's eyes! Must have been MARS DUST, which according to Jack Korpela is extra blinding compared to sand from Earth! I don't know what that means but was enough to make Colton let go, Jeter gets in and tries to superkick #2 but he ducks, double knee facebreaker to Jason Jeter! And Martian Invader #1 recovers long enough to grab Colton, #2 getting on the top rope as Colton is whipped into the ropes... MNG! #1 makes the pin and it was academic, the Martian Invaders score another win!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNERS: The Martian Invaders in 9:31 ("MNG")</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After a brief intermission it was time for...</em></p><p>



Mister Phantom is carrying the MacGuffin Device with him as he enters the ring, setting it in his corner as we kick off this first Device Defense. They lock up in the middle of the ring and exchange offense evenly, Phantom losing his hat and glasses as before making him lose his focus and Cannon makes a comeback until Mister Phantom rakes his eyes, taking off his gloves and throwing some INVISIBLE CHOPS. Well, his hands are invisible anyway. He keeps up the offense, but Cannon manages to mount a comeback by countering an avalanche attempt and scoring a handful of near falls.</p><p> </p><p>

Lucky tries for the Lucky Break but Phantom slips out and applies a sleeper, Lucky falls to one knee, the ref checks his arm... but he keeps in it, getting back to his feet and throwing Phantom into the corner for a Yakuza Kick! He then picks up Mister Phantom on his shoulders.... LUCKY BREAK... but Phantom rolls out of the ring by momentum! Lucky is held off by the ref who starts the count, as Phantom slips off his suit and wrappings... Lucky thinks he's won as the referee is about to reach the end of his count... and SOMETHING GRABS HIS THROAT! MISTER PHANTOM MUST HAVE SLIPPED IN INVISIBLY! INVISIBLE CHOKESLAM! ONE, TWO, THREE!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER AND STILL POSSESSOR OF THE MACGUFFIN DEVICE: Mister Phantom in 14:55 ("Invisible Chokeslam")</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Phantom's hat and sunglasses seemingly float in the air, apparently the Phantom is putting them on before he picks up the MacGuffin Device, holding it in the air as the crowd boos.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Well Mister Phantom, you may have won this time, but the human race is not so easily discouraged. Our next event, The Show With No Name, you will do battle with... THE RATE TANK, KELLY SKATER!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Phantom's headgear wobbles in FURY at this announcement!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Korpela: Unfortunately that will have to wait until August 25th, so until then, when confronted with the choice between being turned into a baked loaf or working for the Kremlin, remember: Better Bread Than Red! ...Wait are we doing these every mo-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>END OF SHOW</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>QUICK RESULTS AND OTHER STUFF:</strong></p><p>

1. Corpse Creature d. Chase Stevens</p><p>

2. Johnny Swinger d. The Werepire</p><p>

3. Kelly Skater d. Ooga by DQ</p><p>

4. The Martian Invaders d. Colton Hart and Jason Jeter</p><p>

5. MacGuffin Device Match: Mister Phantom d. Mark "Lucky" Cannon</p><p> </p><p>

Best Match: Phantom vs Cannon</p><p>

Attendance: 23</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Show With No Name Card:</strong></p><p>

For the MacGuffin Device: Kelly Skater vs Mister Phantom ©</p><p>

Jason Jeter and Mark "Lucky" Cannon vs The Martian Invaders</p><p>

Johnny Swinger vs The Corpse Creature</p><p>

Chase Stevens vs The Werepire</p><p>

Colton Hart vs Ooga</p>

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