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ROH 2004: Joe`s Gonna Kill You!

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This dynasty will start at the beginning of 2004, with me controlling ROH.


Our starting champions:


ROH Heavyweight: Samoa Joe

ROH Tag Team: Mark and Jay Briscoe

ROH Pure: Vacant


There will be little backstory, as ROH gets prepaired for its first event of the year- The Battle Lines Are Drawn 2004! Match card coming soon!

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The Battle Lines Are Drawn 2004 Match Card:


ROH Heavyweight Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs. Jerry Lynn

Pride and honor are on the line, as Samoa Joe faces off against one of the founders of the hard hitting high flying technical ROH style. Jerry Lynn has competed all over the world, but has only won 1 world championship (ECW). Will he be able to win another one here, or will Samoa Joe retain?


ROH Pure Championship Tournament Quarter Final Match:

Tony Mamaluke vs. Alex Shelley

The ROH Pure championship will be decided in a tournament. Alex Shelly is one of the most exciting young wrestlers today, but will Tony Mamaluke stop him from advancing?


ROH Pure Championship Tournament Quarter Final Match:

AJ Styles vs. Chris Sabin

AJ Styles and Chris Sabin are two amazing high flyers, but they can both wrestle a technical style as well. Will the styles clash or cradle shock win the match?


ROH Pure Championship Tournament Quarter Final Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels

The young rookie vs. the independent veteran. The 10 years Daniels has been a pro, he has never gone against someone as skilled as Bryan Danielson. Who will advance to the semi finals?


ROH Pure Championship Tournament Quarter Final Match:

Homicide vs. CM Punk

CM Punk likes using kicks and strikes to wear down his opponents, but homicide has proved to be one of the toughest competitors in wrestling. Will CM Punk walk away victorious, or will Homicide show him why he has earned his name Homicide?


ROH Tag Team Championship Match:

Briscoe Brothers © vs. The Carnage Crew

The Briscoe Brothers take on the Carnage crew in what should be an exciting tag team watch. Will the Briscoes experience take the edge, or will we have new ROH tag team champions?


Jack Evans vs. Hydro

Two young and exciting wrestlers will compete here, as the fan favorite Jack Evans takes on Hydro.



Samoa Joe vs. Jerry Lynn

Aj Styles vs. Chris Sabin

Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels

Homicide vs. CM Punk

Tony Mamaluke vs. Alex Shelly

Briscoe Brothers vs. The Carnage Crew

Jack Evans vs. Hydro

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<p>Best of luck. with this dynasty! It was the best of times for ROH!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Samoa Joe</strong> vs. Jerry Lynn</p><p>

<strong>Aj Styles</strong> vs. Chris Sabin</p><p>

Bryan Danielson vs. <strong>Christopher Daniels</strong></p><p>

Homicide vs. <strong>CM Punk</strong></p><p>

Tony Mamaluke vs. <strong>Alex Shelly</strong></p><p>

<strong>Briscoe Brothers</strong> vs. The Carnage Crew</p><p>

<strong>Jack Evans</strong> vs. Hydro</p>

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<p><strong>ROH QUICK PICKS:</strong></p><p>

<strong>Samoa Joe</strong> vs. Jerry Lynn</p><p>

<strong>Aj Styles</strong> vs. Chris Sabin</p><p>

<strong>Bryan Danielson</strong> vs. Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Homicide vs. <strong>CM Punk</strong></p><p>

Tony Mamaluke vs. <strong>Alex Shelly</strong></p><p>

<strong>Briscoe Brothers</strong> vs. The Carnage Crew</p><p>

<strong>Jack Evans </strong>vs. Hydro</p><p> </p><p>

Most of my picks were biased, so I'm not gonna get no perfect 7. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Good luck, mate. And have fun, that's what matters.</p>

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<p><strong>Samoa Joe vs. Jerry Lynn</strong>-Not a pin or submission ending so you could come </p><p>

<strong>Aj Styles</strong> vs. Chris Sabin-If you want to build sabin then this could be a good way to do it</p><p>

Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels-Dont know wont pick one</p><p>

<strong>Homicide</strong> vs. CM Punk</p><p>

<strong>Tony Mamaluke</strong> vs. Alex Shelly</p><p>

<strong>Briscoe Brothers</strong> vs. The Carnage Crew</p><p>

<strong>Jack Evans</strong> vs. Hydro</p>

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This was one of my favorite times in ROH, so I look forward to seeing you do well with it.


Samoa Joe vs. Jerry Lynn

Almost too bad you didn't get Lynn in on the Pure tournament, I think he'd make a great first champion.


Aj Styles vs. Chris Sabin

Nothing bad comes from pushing AJ some. Unless TNA signs him to an exclusive deal, at least.


Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels

You need a good heel in the tournament. Daniels fits the bill.


Homicide vs. CM Punk

Homicide just doesn't seem like he'd be good as a Pure champion... toughest match of the card to decide though.


Tony Mamaluke vs. Alex Shelly

Don't get me wrong, love me some Alex Shelley; but Tony is more over. Too bad you couldn't have gotten Guido for this, he'd be a great Pure champ.


Briscoe Brothers vs. The Carnage Crew

Always liked the Crew's interpretation of their gimmick, guys with shitty lives who beat people up to get out their frustrations; they won't win this one, but I look forward to seeing you use them.


Jack Evans vs. Hydro

I know this is before GenNext came about and Evans got over like he did, but Special K's job was to job.

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<p>I was never quite into ROH, although I watched a few events here and there. I'll be following as I liked the style of their stuff.</p><p> </p><p>

Samoa Joe</p><p>

Aj Styles</p><p>

Christopher Daniels</p><p>

CM Punk</p><p>

Alex Shelly</p><p>

Briscoe Brothers</p><p>

Jack Evans</p>

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<p><strong>The Battle Lines Are Drawn 2004 </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jim Cornette:</strong> Ring Of Honor is live in the McGaw Arena, with a crowd of 3,541 (Tri State Region). We have a star studded card, including our main event! Please my broadcast partner, Jeff Gorman!</p><p>

<strong>Jeff:</strong> Thanks Jim, I am excited to be here tonight! We have the pure championship tournament starting tonight, and a ROH Championship match, let’s get it to the ring!</p><p>

SEGMENT RATING: <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH 1: Jack Evans vs. Hydro</strong></p><p>

The two high fliers brought their A game here, putting on a good opening match for the fans in attendance. Jack Evans came to the ring first, with a louder cheer.</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd was quiet during the opening minutes of the match, but as soon as the action picked up, the fans were more into the match. Both men flew around the ring, showing the high flying side of ROH.</p><p> </p><p>

The ending saw Jack Evans put Hydro away with a beautiful corkscrew moonsault.</p><p>

Jack Evans defeated Hydro in 10:24 (<strong>C-</strong>)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH 2: ROH Pure Championship Quarter Final- Tony Mamaluke vs. Alex Shelly</strong></p><p>

A highly competitive match between these two, both wanting to advance the semi-finals. </p><p> </p><p>

Tony started the offence in the match, taking control of Alex Shelly in the early going. He hit quick arm drags and suplexs. The quick offence continues throughout the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Shelly finds an opportunity after he countered a clothesline with a dropkick. Both men rise to their feet, and trade kicks. Tony Mamaluke has Alex Shelly in position for the Sicillian Drop, but Alex Shelly counters with shellshock! The cover, 123! Alex Shelly advances to the semi-finals, in a huge upset!</p><p>

Alex Shelly defeated Tony Mamaluke in 11:23 (<strong>C-</strong>)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH 3: ROH Tag Team Championship Match- Briscoe Brothers © vs. the Carnage Crew</strong></p><p>

The first title match of the night saw a tag team contest. During this match, Jay and Mark Briscoe hitting lots of double team moves. The Briscoe brothers manage to keep HC Loc isolated from his partner, and take advantage of any chance they can to attack from outside the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

HC Loc finally makes the tag to Tony DeVito, and he cleans house, knocking Jay Briscoe down and Mark Briscoe off the apron. A two count, as moment has shifted to the Carnage Crew. Tony DeVito picks up Jay Briscoe, and drops him down. Mark Briscoe distracts the ref from the apron, and Jay hits a low blow!</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Briscoe climbs the ropes as his opponent is down on the mat. He jumps in the air, and hits the Cannonball Senton! Briscoe Brothers make defence number 1 of their ROH Tag Team titles.</p><p>

The Briscoe Brothers retain their titles against The Carnage Crew in 11:27 (<strong>D</strong>)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH 4: ROH Pure Championship Quarter Final- Homicide vs. CM Punk</strong></p><p>

CM Punk was the fan favourite here, but Homicide was determined to silence the crowd with a victory. CM Punk began the offence with kicks to Homicide, each one doing more and more damage. He then threw Homicide to the ropes, but Homicide countered with a dropkick of his own. </p><p> </p><p>

Homicide starts his own offence, by choking CM Punk. Punk gets picked up, and dropped down again with a powerful Piledriver. Homicide gets the 2 count. He then picks up CM Punk and sets him up for the Cop Killa, but Punk manages to counter. CM Punk goes for an anaconda vice, but Homicide makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold.</p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk then begins to climb the ropes, but Homicide pushes the ropes, causing CM Punk to fall. The hurt CM Punk falls to the ring, and Homicide picks him up. Homicide connects with a Cop Killa! 123, Homicide wins.</p><p>

Homicide defeated CM Punk in 15:34 (<strong>C-</strong>)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH 5: ROH Pure Championship Quarter Final- Aj Styles vs. Chris Sabin</strong></p><p>

Both men wrestle for NWA: TNA and know a lot about each other. Chris Sabin starts the match with an arm lock, showing AJ his technical skill. The crowd cheers for the beginning sequence, as both men counter each others moves. Aj gets the first shot in with a loud kick to Chris Sabin.</p><p> </p><p>

Aj styles continues his offence with kicks and snap suplexs. He goes outside the ring and jumps at Sabin, going for the flying forearm. Chris Sabin moves out of the way, and connects with kicks of his own. Sabin begins building momentum here.</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Sabin picks up Aj, and goes for a roll up. It’s a 2 count, and Sabin argues with the referee. Aj Styles gets up, and grabs Sabin… Styles Clash! Sabin didn’t see it coming! Aj styles pins Chris Sabin, and gets the win.</p><p>

Aj Styles defeats Chris Sabin in 18:46 (<strong>D+</strong>)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH 6: ROH Pure Championship Quarter Final- Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels (Match Of The Night)</strong></p><p>

There is no clear favorite in this match, as both men enter the ring. Bryan Danielson has the technical advantage, and Christopher Daniels has an air advantage. </p><p> </p><p>

The match starts with Bryan Danielson extending his hand towards Daniels, and both men enter the test of strength. Bryan Danielson kicks Chris, and Christopher Daniels retaliates with a punch. The two men keep trading blows, as Christopher gains the upper hand.</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels hits a few power moves, including a huge power bomb on Bryan. He gets the 2 count, and looks frustrated. Daniels climbs the ropes, and hits the BME! He goes for the pin, and gets another 2 count!</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels picks up Bryan Danielson, and has him in position for the angel’s wings. Bryan rolls through, and counters, putting Daniels in the Cattle Mutilation! Christopher Daniels taps out!</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson defeated Christopher Daniels in 15:33 (<strong>C</strong>) </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring, getting ready for his main event match. The crowd is split 50/50 for this main event! (</em><em><strong>C-</strong></em><em>)</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAIN EVENT: ROH World Heavyweight Championship- Samoa Joe VS. Jerry Lynn</strong></p><p>

Samoa Joe and Jerry Lynn stand in the ring, staring each other down, as the crowd chants for Jerry Lynn and Samoa Joe. The two men share a handshake, and the referee rings the bell. This is one fall to a finish; winner will be the ROH Heavyweight Champion. Samoa Joe has been the champion since March 2003.</p><p> </p><p>

The fight starts with a lot of strikes by Joe, working the legs of Jerry Lynn, hoping to slow him down. Lynn makes a comeback, as he shows Joe he is not to be taken lightly. Jerry Lynn keeps playing to the crowd, as he delivers his own strikes to Samoa Joe, and finds time to point to the audience. Jerry Lynn is looking very good here in the early going.</p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lynn sends Joe into the ropes, and hits him with a huge back body drop! Jerry Lynn goes for the cover, and gets the 2 count. The audience is cheering louder for Jerry now, as he takes the fight to Joe. Jerry Lynn hits a beautiful dropkick, but gets another 2 count.</p><p> </p><p>

Lynn is picking Joe up, but Joe manages to knock Jerry Lynn outside the ring. Joe stands up, and sees his opponent standing there. Joe runs towards Jerry, and dives over the ropes… Jerry Lynn moved! Samoa Joe went headfirst into the guardrail. Will we see a new ROH champion? A costly mistake by Joe, as Jerry is now trying to get him in the ring. Jerry Lynn looks exashed, but he finally manages to get the big man inside the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lynn climbs the turnbuckle, and he looks at the crowd who is on their feet! This is his moment. Jerry Lynn leaps at Samoa Joe, but the Joe moved out of the way! Samoa Joe sees his opportunity, and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Samoa Joe has Jerry Lynn in the center of the ring, and he has no choice but to tap out.</p><p>

Samoa Joe retains the title against Jerry Lynn in 24:40. Samoa Joe makes defence number 1 of the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. (<strong>C</strong>) </p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the audience is applauding both men on the match, as Jerry Lynn goes to the back, and Joe celebrates in the ring. Raven runs in and attacks, beating Joe down into the mat. Raven stands over Joe, holding the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. Raven turns heel here. (<strong>C-</strong>)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>QUICK RESULTS</strong>:</p><p>

Jack Evans beat Hydro</p><p>

Alex Shelly beat Tony Mamaluke</p><p>

Briscoe Brothers beat The Carnage Crew</p><p>

Homicide beat CM Punk</p><p>

AJ Styles beat Chris Sabin</p><p>

Bryan Danielson beat Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Samoa Joe beat Jerry Lynn</p><p>

<strong>SHOW RATING: C</strong></p>

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