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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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<p>WCW Uncensored 2003 - Official Card</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Submission Match</p><p>

<strong>Sting ©</strong> vs. Ric Flair</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> vs. Kevin Nash</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Ladder Match - Winner Gets A World Title Shot At SuperBrawl</p><p>

<strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Stipulation Of Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s Choosing Match</p><p>

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. <strong>Goldberg</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Championship - Nightstick On A Pole Match</p><p>

<strong>Sean O'Haire ©</strong> vs. Ray Traylor</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Tag Team Championships - Tables Match</p><p>

Sons Of The South © vs. <strong>The Egomaniacs</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Mask Vs. Hair Match</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman</strong> vs. The Mystery Stalker</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship - Best Two Out Of Three Falls</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles ©</strong> vs. Guido Versace</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions:</p><p> </p><p>

What will be the highest rated match on the card? Sting vs Flair</p><p> </p><p>

What will be the lowest rated match on the card? Kidman vs Mystery Stalker</p><p> </p><p>

What stipulation will Chavo Guerrero Jr. choose? erm, no spear?</p>

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WCW Uncensored 2003 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Submission Match

Sting © vs. Ric Flair



Street Fight

Shawn Michaels vs. Kevin Nash



Ladder Match - Winner Gets A World Title Shot At SuperBrawl

Scott Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Stipulation Of Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s Choosing Match

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Goldberg



WCW United States Championship - Nightstick On A Pole Match

Sean O'Haire © vs. Ray Traylor



WCW Tag Team Championships - Tables Match

Sons Of The South © vs. The Egomaniacs



Mask Vs. Hair Match

Billy Kidman vs. The Mystery Stalker



WCW Cruiserweight Championship - Best Two Out Of Three Falls

AJ Styles © vs. Guido Versace




Bonus Questions:


What will be the highest rated match on the card? Sting vs Flair


What will be the lowest rated match on the card? AJ vs Guido


What stipulation will Chavo Guerrero Jr. choose? Goldberg wrestles with one arm tied behind his back

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Sting - The Stinger keeps the belt for a little longer.

Shawn Michaels - Keeps him strong for eventual rematches with Sting.


Goldberg - Even if he makes it a "Chavo Wins LOL" match, Goldberg will still win.

Sean O'Haire - Good first feud for Sean.

The Egomaniacs - Yeah, new champs! Fresh faces for the Tag division to build around, and finally a bit of push for Shane and Mike.

Stalker - Because there are pictures of Billy with short hair :p

AJ Styles


BMOTN: Shawn vs Nash - The Clique would have it no other way.

LMOTN: Kidman vs Stalker - Because we don't know how good or bad TMS is.

Stip: Gauntlet match, so the rest of the locker room can all jump in.

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  • 2 weeks later...


WCW Uncensored 2003 Preshow Results


Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page defeated The Jung Dragons ©

Lance Storm defeated Brian Lawler (C+)

Scott Hall interview about the Street Fight between Michaels and Nash (C+)

Jeff Jarrett and Kanyon defeated The Cat and Crowbar ©







Week 4, January, 2003

Live from the Verizon Center in Washington DC

Attendance: 18.277 (sellout)



The jam-packed Verizon Center are on their feet for the fireworks display that hails the beginning of WCW Uncensored 2003! Following some crowd shots we head to the announce team where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Jerry Lawler sits ready to call tonight's action. Tony welcomes everyone to a night of extreme and the trio runs down the card, focusing mostly on tonight's huge co-main event of Sting versus Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Championship, and Shawn Michaels versus Kevin Nash in a Street Fight. Tony says that, while those two matches are the main attractions, tonight's card is packed full of huge matches, including three other title matches. He then sends us down to ringside for our first match of the evening.




Ladder Match - Winner Gets A World Title Shot at SuperBrawl





The show starts off with one of the more high stakes matchups as "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner faces off against Rey Misterio Jr. in a Ladder Match with a World Title shot at SuperBrawl on the line. Tony and Mike starts off by pointing out the contrast in styles, noting that the Ladder Match stipulation could very well work in the favor of the high-flying Rey Misterio Jr. much moreso than Scott Steiner. Jerry Lawler is outraged that Steiner has to defend his World Title shot here since he already earned it at Vegas Rules, but Tony quickly notes that Steiner brought this situation upon himself with his actions following the match at Vegas Rules. The contrast in styles is evident throughout this one as Rey Misterio Jr. keeps pushing the pace at every opportunity, causing no shortage of problems for the much stronger but slower "Big Poppa Pump". Steiner finally manages to slow the pace of the match when he catches Rey coming off the ropes and drops him with a huge overhead belly to belly suplex that sends Rey flying across the ring. The next several minutes of the match consists largely of Scott Steiner throwing Rey around in the ring like a ragdoll with various suplexes, including several belly to belly suplexes, a german suplex and a superplex from the top rope. Steiner then leaves the ring and brings the ladder into play for the first time as he slides it back into the ring and positions it directly under the contract. Steiner starts to climb the ladder but he only gets a few steps up before Rey suddenly bounces off the middle rope and knocks Steiner off the ladder with a springboard dropkick that gets the crowd to their feet. Rey follows it up with a low dropkick right to the face of Steiner, and then a springboard moonsault. Rey then grabs the ladder and pushes it so it falls over and lands right on the chest of Steiner, who crawls into the corner for refuge. This proves to be a mistake as Rey charges in with a Bronco Buster and "Big Poppa Pump" is in big trouble here. Rey repositions the ladder under the contract and starts climbing, and he gets far enough up that his right hand is actually touching the contract...but then he is met at the top of the ladder by Steiner! They begin to exchange punches and, to no one's surprise, Scott Steiner gets the better of the exchange as he begins to pummel Rey with big time right hand shots. Steiner then shoves Rey right off the ladder and it looks like Rey is about to take a nasty fall, but somehow Misterio manages to land on his feet and he quickly starts climbing the ladder again, much to the fans' delight. Steiner has his hand on the World Title contract, but Rey is back in the fight before he can pull it down! They go back and forth for a few seconds and then both men are suddenly going down as Rey throws caution to the wind and jumps off the ladder to deliver a HUGE face buster to Steiner, but both men take considerable damage in the fall. Both men are slow to get to their feet, for obvious reasons, but Misterio gets back up first, though Steiner is not far behind. Rey bounces off the ropes looking for...something, but we never find out what because Scott Steiner grabs the ladder and hurls it right into Misterio's face! Rey goes down hard and Steiner seemingly moves in for the kill as he carefully lays the ladder down on the floor of the ring. Steiner then pulls Misterio to his feet and....STEINER FLATLINER ONTO THE LADDER!!! REY JUST WENT FACE FIRST INTO THE LADDER! Rey isn't moving and a weary "Big Poppa Pump" positions the ladder underneath the contract, then slowly begins to scale it. It looks like it's all over, but Steiner takes too much time climbing the ladder and somehow, someway, Misterio is back up and climbing the ladder as well. Steiner tries to grab the contract but Rey meets him at the top of the ladder! Tony and Mike both praise Rey's courage and determination as he tries to go toe to toe with Steiner again, but there is simply not enough left in Rey's tank and, after a struggle back and forth, Steiner headbutts Rey and Rey goes crashing down to the mat below, leaving Steiner alone on the ladder to finally claim the World Title contract and win one hell of a competitive ladder match!



Scott Steiner defeated Rey Misterio Jr. at 16.06 when Steiner retrieved the World Title contract. Scott Steiner earns a WCW World Heavyweight Championship title shot at SuperBrawl (B)




Mask vs. Hair Match






Tony notes how deeply personal this matchup is for Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson, whose lives have been turned upside down after the Mystery Stalker showed up and began stalking Torrie. Kidman looks ready here and, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, this one is all Kidman pretty much from the get-go. The Mystery Stalker gets a few shots in early, but Kidman quickly turns the match back in his favor and he easily puts the Stalker away following a BK Bomb and a Shooting Star Press to pick up the surprisingly easy win.



Billy Kidman defeated The Mystery Stalker at 2.39 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press (D)



The match is over and Billy Kidman stands tall in the ring, having just picked up a dominant victory. Torrie Wilson joins him in the ring as, per the match stipulation, it is now time to reveal the identity of the Mystery Stalker. The Stalker seems to be unconscious so Kidman does the honors himself to reveal...






Frankie Kazarian?!?--or "WHO?!?" as Jerry Lawler puts it. Mike Tenay notes that Frankie Kazarian has had a few matches here in WCW, but he's the person who has been stalking Torrie? The reveal seems to be a bit of a letdown, to say the least, but then, suddenly...






Another Mystery Stalker suddenly slips into the ring behind Kidman and blasts him with a running forearm to the back of the head. The Stalker picks Kidman up and delivers a vicious looking brainbuster that seems to knock Kidman out cold, leaving Torrie all alone in the ring with the person who has been stalking her for weeks. The Stalker slowly moves toward a terrified looking Torrie Wilson, but before he can get his hands on her a group of security guards hit the ring--who Tony notes were no doubt sent out there by WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes. The Mystery Stalker disappears in the confusion and, while Billy Kidman officially won the match, we don't know who the Mystery Stalker actually is. (D-)






The first of what Tony Schiavone says will be a total of three videos then airs, focusing on the historic rivalry between Sting and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. The first video focuses on the earlier days of the rivalry, back in the Surfer Sting era, including their incredible match at Clash Of The Champions which ended in a time limit draw. As we see various footage from some of their matches, Mike Tenay's voice is heard speaking over the footage, saying that Sting and Ric Flair are two of the all time greats and their historic rivalry is, perhaps, the greatest rivalry of all time. (B-)




WCW Cruiserweight Championship - Two Out Of Three Falls Match







Our first title match of the evening is AJ Styles' first defense of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship and it is a fast paced and hard hitting contest as both men hit each other with everything they've got. AJ Styles secures the first fall after rolling through a Guido Versace top rope crossbody, catching Guido by surprise and just barely securing the first fall. A livid Guido is all over Styles after that, delivering some vicious kicks to the back of the head. Guido goes for a powerbomb on Styles, but Styles is able to spin out of it, kick Guido in the midsection and hit the Styles Clash!!! Styles covers for the win...but there is no count as Antonina Versace has the referee distracted!






Big Vito and Johnny The Bull suddenly hits the ring and ambush AJ Styles while the referee is still busy with Antonina. The Mamalukes' attack is swift and brutal and they finish it off with a Sky Lift Slam that leaves Styles motionless in the ring. Johnny The Bull then drags Guido on top of Styles and the Mamalukes leave the ring just as Antonina finally backs off to allow the referee to turn around and make the three count to even the score at one a piece. Both men are slow to get to their feet and when they do, they start to exchange blows in the center of the ring as Mike Tenay notes that the next fall will determine the winner of the match. AJ Styles catches Guido with a spinning DDT that absolutely plants the paisan. Styles drags Guido back to his feet and sets him up for the Styles Clash once again, but Big Vito and Johnny The Bull are up on the apron and trying to enter the ring, but the referee is doing his job by preventing them from doing so. Unfortunately this means that he doesn't see another person entering the ring from the opposite side...






The final member of the F.B.I., Chuck Palumbo, enters the ring and plants a nasty looking big boot right in the face of AJ Styles, then quickly leaves the scene of the crime as Tony Schiavone calls it a drive by attack by Palumbo. Guido then hits the Sicilian Slice on Styles and covers him for the win as the Italians outright steals the Cruiserweight Championship from AJ Styles!



Guido Versace defeated AJ Styles by two falls to one at 10.32. Guido Versace wins the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (D)






We cut backstage where Joey Styles is standing by with Shawn Michaels. Joey asks Michaels about his match tonight against Kevin Nash and Michaels says that it is Nash's jealousy that has gotten them to this point. He says that Kevin Nash begged and pleaded for him to come to WCW and when he finally did, low and behold, Nash doesn't like to share the spotlight with him. Michaels says that the only reason Nash is still relevant is because he has been riding Shawn Michaels' coattails ever since last April. Michaels says that he doesn't play second fiddle to anybody and Kevin Nash, of all people, knows that, so he shouldn't really be surprised that he came in and took over the spotlight because wherever Shawn Michaels goes...that's where the spotlight shines the brightest! He says that Kevin Nash wanted this match tonight, but Nash should know that sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for because you just might get it...only to find that you really didn't want it at all! ©






We cut back to ringside just as Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s music hits and the Guerreros make their way down to the ring as Tony talks about the fact that Chavo has yet to name his chosen stipulation for his match against Goldberg. Jerry Lawler says that whatever Chavo has chosen it's going to be good because Chavo is a thinking man's wrestler and he is going to make Goldberg look foolish here tonight. Mike Tenay notes that Chavo does seem surprisingly confident for a man who is about to step into the ring with the unstoppable force known as Goldberg. Chavo grabs a mic and says that Goldberg made the biggest mistake of his life when he decided to blindside him two weeks ago--which Tony Schiavone quickly notes is a blatant lie that has no base whatsoever in reality. Chavo says that tonight he is going to make Goldberg pay the price for his mistake, and he's going to prove to the world that, as dominant as Goldberg has been, he is nothing compared to a Guerrero! Chavo says that his match against Goldberg tonight is going to be...a handicap match! Chavo then asks the crowd to please stand up and applaud his tag team partners for tonight...






KroniK!!! Brian Adams and Bryan Clark make their way down the entrance ramp and joins the Guerreros in the ring as Tony Schiavone notes that Chavo just stacked the deck in his favor. "I told you it would be great!" Jerry Lawler says enthusiastically as Goldberg now faces three opponents instead of just one. (C+)




Three On One Handicap Match





Goldberg is jumped right off the bat here by Adams and Clark while Chavo stays safely out of harms way. Tony speculates that Chavo must have paid KroniK to do his dirty work here tonight, and if so then the two big men are certainly earning their pay here as they keep beating Goldberg down. Goldberg tries to fight back but every time he gets a little bit of momentum going against the former tag team champions, Chavo Guerrero Jr. joins the fray and blindsides Goldberg to help his team re-establish control. KroniK goes for their High Times double chokeslam finisher, to Chavo's great approval, but Goldberg manages to come up with a great counter and he hits a double DDT on both members of KroniK, leaving Chavo to fend for himself for the time being. Chavo tries to escape the ring but Goldberg gets back to his feet just in time to grab Chavo by the head and pull him back into the ring. Chavo Classic attempts to blindside Goldberg by sneaking up from behind, but Goldberg grabs him as well and now he has both Guerreros by the throat! Things look bad for the former Cruiserweight Champion, but he is saved as Adams and Clark attack Goldberg from behind again. The Guerreros roll out of the ring as KroniK irish whips Goldberg, looking to pull off another double team move, but Goldberg practically explodes right through Brian Adams with a huge Spear! Bryan Clark goes for a clothesline but Goldberg ducks under it and....ANOTHER SPEAR!!! Goldberg jumps to his feet and the intensity on his face is through the roof--as is the reaction he is getting from the fans! With the Guerreros watching from halfway up the entrance ramp, Goldberg hoists Bryan Clark up and drives him back down onto the mat with a devastating Jackhammer and from there you all know the rest..1..2..3!



Goldberg defeated KroniK and Chavo Guerrero Jr. at 11.10 by pinfall when Goldberg pinned Bryan Clark following a Jackhammer (C+)



Goldberg stands tall in the ring, having picked up another win, and Tony and Mike both talk about the fact that now, with Dusty Rhodes in charge and with Goldberg still dominating, it has to only be a matter of time before "The Man" gets a World Title opportunity. Chavo Guerrero Jr. is beside himself, clearly not happy with the outcome of the match--and neither is Jerry Lawler--but, as Tony points out, if Chavo is so unhappy with the result, maybe he should have been in the ring instead of hiding from Goldberg halfway up the ramp.




WCW Tag Team Championships - Tables Match








Tag team action is up next as Sons Of The South, Dustin Rhodes and BG James, defends their WCW Tag Team Championships against The Egomaniacs, Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders. Tony notes that, while The Egomaniacs certainly hasn't lacked for confidence in recent weeks, they're going to have to back up their words tonight against the top tag team in WCW today. The match is an extremely competitve and even affair from start to finish--and more than a little chaotic as all four wrestlers are in the ring at the same time. The challengers are the first ones to attempt to make use of one of the tables that are positioned around the ring as Shane Douglas slides a table into the ring. Douglas and Sanders sets the table up while Mike Tenay notes that both members of a team has to be put through a table before the match is over. The Egomaniacs position the table in the corner and then goes to irish whip BG James right into it, but Dustin Rhodes is able to grab his partner and prevent him from going through the table--which Mike Tenay hails as a prime example of why Sons Of The South are such a great tag team. Rhodes hits a backbody drop on a charging Shane Douglas, who lands just short of going through the table himself. Rhodes hits a pair of clotheslines on Mike Sanders, then whips him right into a waiting BG James who takes Sanders down with a powerslam. James grabs another table and sets it up in the middle of the ring as there are now two tables set up inside. Rhodes goes to pull Sanders back to his feet, but Sanders fires off a low elbow that looks like it catches Rhodes below the belt--which Jerry Lawler quickly points out is perfectly legal in this match. Sanders then grabs Rhodes and pulls him head first into the table in the corner. The table doesn't break, but Rhodes is now positioned precariously on it. The Egomaniacs set up for what looks like a double splash in the corner, but BG James is able to hook Shane Douglas from behind and hit a german suplex that sends Douglas through the table in the middle of the ring! Sons Of The South are up by one but not for long as Mike Sanders still charge and, throwing caution to the wind, hits a splash on Dustin Rhodes that sends both men crashing through the table...but the referee judges that Sanders did, indeed, put Rhodes through the table with the move and the match is tied at one a piece! Sanders, Douglas and Rhodes are all down, leaving BG James as the last man standing for the time being. James checks on his partner, Rhodes, and then he leaves the ring to grab yet another table, but Stacy Keibler positions herself between James and the table. James tells her to get out of the way but Stacy flashes a cute smile at him...only to then smack James across the face! Stacy's distraction buys Mike Sanders enough time to get back to his feet in the ring and he launches himself over the ropes and connects with a diving splash on BG James outside the ring! Sanders grabs the table and pushes it into the ring where Shane Douglas is back to his feet, and he begins to set up the table while Sanders whips BG James back first into the guard rail outside the ring! Sanders re-enters the ring and the Egomaniacs are two on one against a wounded Dustin Rhodes. Sanders pulls Rhodes to his feet but Rhodes fires off a pair of quick right hands. Shane Douglas joins the fray and Rhodes tries to fight off both men but the odds soon catch up to him. The Egomaniacs beat Rhodes down and then sets him up for a double vertical suplex that will send him through the table...but BG James is back in just in time to save his partner from going through another table as he kicks Douglas in the gut and DDT's him onto the mat. Rhodes lands on his feet, turns and then fires off a snap suplex that sends Mike Sanders through the table and the champions retain at Uncensored!



Sons Of The South defeated The Egomaniacs at 14.49 when both members of The Egomaniacs had gone through a table. Sons Of The South retains the WCW Tag Team Championships ©



As Sons Of The South are handed their Tag Team Championships title belt in the ring, Tony says that, while he is by no means a fan of The Egomaniacs, and even though they did not win tonight, they certainly proved that they are a team to be taken seriously in the WCW tag team division, both now and in the future. Mike Tenay agrees, saying that they pushed the champions to their limit tonight and the future looks bright for The Egomaniacs. Tony then sends us to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash.






Joey asks Nash about his match against Shawn Michaels tonight and about Nash's thoughts on Michaels' comments early tonight. Nash says that Shawn can run his mouth all he wants--he's always been good at that--but he won't talk his way out of the beating he's gonna give him tonight. Nash says that the only thing that has gotten them to this point is Shawn Michaels' ego and the fact that he couldn't get over himself. He says that he's going out there tonight not just to beat Shawn Michaels, but to hurt him. And when it's all said and done, if Shawn Michaels ends up on the shelf after tonight, he's got no one to blame for it but himself because he brought all of this upon himself. (C+)




WCW United States Championship - Nightstick On A Pole Match







This one is a brawl right from the get-go and Mike Tenay quickly notes that this match is not likely to be pretty. Sean O'Haire gets the upper hand early on, channelling his frustration over Ray Traylor's actions and turning it into an impressive flurry that takes the veteran right out of his game plan. O'Haire uses his fists, elbows, knees and feet to unleash a vicious and unpredictable offense that keeps Traylor guessing until he is finally knocked down by a huge crescent kick. Tony Schiavone notes that Sean O'Haire isn't going for the nightstick and he speculates if perhaps O'Haire wants to prove he can beat Traylor without resorting to the use of weapons? Mike Tenay agrees that that could very well be, but Jerry Lawler quickly notes that that kind of egomaniacal thinking is only going to get O'Haire into trouble against someone as experienced as Ray Traylor. The turning point of the match comes when Traylor is able to move out of the way of a corner splash and O'Haire charges chest first into the turnbuckle. Traylor hits a powerslam on O'Haire and then, as quickly as he can in his current state, he climbs the ringpost and retrieve the nightstick. Traylor stares at his trusty weapon for a second or two and then he starts doing some serious damage to the United States Champion as it seems like he is literally trying to hit every single part of O'Haire's body with the weapon. Traylor goes for the pin several times during this stretch of the match, but O'Haire is able to kick out every time. Growing increasingly frustrated, Traylor pulls O'Haire to his feet and takes aim as he apparently prepares to blast O'Haire right across the face with the nightstick...but O'Haire blocks it! O'Haire drives several knees into Traylor's midsection, then knocks him off his feet with a big time right hand and now the nightstick is in the hands of the United States Champion! O'Haire looks down at the weapon in his hands...but then he throws it aside! He then pulls Traylor to his feet and drives him back into the mat with a huge spinebuster before climbing to the top rope and hitting a SeanTon Bomb! It looks like it might have been over with that, but O'Haire has a final exclamation point in mind as he pulls Traylor to his feet again and....hits the Widow Maker in a great show of strength! 1..2..3 and the champion retains without ever using the nightstick!



Sean O'Haire defeated Ray Traylor at 11.38 by pinfall with a Widow Maker. Sean O'Haire retains the WCW United States Championship (C+)






Following Sean O'Haire's successful title defense we cut to part two of the Sting versus Ric Flair rivalry videos. This one focuses on some of the more recent history between the two men up through the 90's and right up until the time WCW went on hiatus before the company's return. The video concludes with another reminder that the next, and possibly final, chapter of this great rivalry will be written right here tonight at Uncensored. (B)




Street Fight





These two men used to be the best of friends but there is no love lost between them these days and that much is evident early on in this one as the match spills out of the ring just seconds after the bell rings. As Nash and Michaels brawl around the ring, Mike Tenay notes that the nature of this match, the Street Fight, is probably more to Kevin Nash's advantage than Shawn Michaels', all things considered. Tony and Jerry are both about to chime in but they are distracted by a loud thud as Shawn Michaels is whipped back first into the steel steps with great force, immediately prompting Tenay to bring up the back injury that Shawn Michaels suffered years ago which forced him to miss several years of his career. Nash keeps the pressure on Michaels as he keeps hitting him with powerful right handed punches, and then he throws Michaels over the guard rail and into the crowd, who goes nuts as the fight is now out among them. Michaels finally gets some offense in when he grabs a steel chair and drives it into the midsection of Nash, halting the big man's onslaught for the time being. Michaels uses the chair again, this time driving it down hard across the back of Nash, who drops down to one knee. Michaels uses the chair two more times, finally chopping "Big Sexy" all the way down to the floor. Michaels then starts using anything he can find--literally--to punish Nash further. He empties a trash can and smashes it across Nash's back, leaving a huge dent in the trash can. Michaels then clotheslines Nash back over the guard rail as the fight now goes to the top of the entrance ramp. Michaels hits a couple of punches on Nash and then he DDT's the big man on the stage! With Nash down, Michaels surveys the area looking for more weapons and he eventually finds a wooden table, which he sets up on the floor below the stage, leaving Tony Schiavone to wonder just what Michaels is up to here. Michaels pulls Nash to his feet and it looks like he is going to try to slam/throw Nash through the table, but Nash catches his former friend with a couple of elbows to keep that from happening. Nash then hits a sidewalk slam on Michaels, driving him back first onto the stage as Tony Schiavone worries that both men are going to seriously injure each other before it is all said and done here.


Both men are slow to get to their feet and the referee appears to almost be begging both men to please take the fight into the ring, but it seems his request falls on deaf ears as Nash drags Michaels back to his feet and...sets him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb? Through the table below? Even the announcers are trying to talk Nash out of doing this to his former best friend, but "Big Sexy" has an evil look in his eyes, as if he is intent on doing some serious damage here. Nash hoists Michaels up into the Powerbomb position...but a desperate Shawn Michaels is able to fight his way out of the predicament with some quick shots to the face of Nash. Michaels tries to follow up as he charges toward Nash, only to find himself running face first into a huge boot! Nash goes back to trying for the Powerbomb, but Michaels slips out the back and this time Michaels heads down the entrance ramp toward the ring, trying to distance himself from Kevin Nash and his bad intentions with the table. Nash is in pursuit, but not before grabbing the table and bringing it with him down to the ring! Nash slides the table into the ring but Shawn Michaels is all over him as soon as he enters the ring himself. Michaels beats Nash down and then sets up the table in the middle of the ring but, as Mike Tenay points out, how is Michaels even going to get Nash through the table? Michaels seems to have a solution for that himself, however, as he pulls Nash up by the hair and climbs to the top turnbuckle, looking for a bulldog, or so it seems. Michaels jumps...but Nash is able to shove Michaels off and it is Shawn himself who ends up going back first through the table! Michaels looks to be in a great deal of pain as he is down on the floor of the ring, while Nash leaves the ring to look for...another table! Nash sets the table up in the ring, all the while Shawn Michaels is still in a lot of pain. Nash then pulls the straps down, indicating that it is time to finish this! The crowd loves it and Nash goes to pull Michaels to his feet to deliver the Jackknife Powerbomb...but Michaels collapses to the floor of the ring again. Nash goes to pull Michaels up again, but this time the referee stops him as he checks on the former World Heavyweight Champion. Nash tries to remind the referee that there are no timeouts in a street fight, but the referee seems to be talking with Shawn Michaels, who still appears to be in a lot of pain. The referee then stands up, turns and...calls for the bell?!?


Confusion reigns supreme as the referee talks to the ring announcer while medical personnel begins to flood the ring. And then comes the official announcement.


"Your winner by referee stoppage..."Big Sexy" Kevin Nash!!!!"



Kevin Nash defeated Shawn Michaels at 14.04 when the referee stopped the match after Shawn Michaels appeared to be hurt (B)



The match is over but Kevin Nash seems far from happy. He even tries to get to Shawn Michaels again, but a large number of security guards keeps that from happening as Tony Schiavone sums up what just happened, saying that, apparently, Shawn Michaels suffered a injury when he went through the table and the referee chose to stop the match due to concerns about Michaels' health. As Kevin Nash is escorted from the ring by security, medical personnel continues to attend to Shawn Michaels as Tony says that everybody should tune into Monday Nitro tomorrow night for updates on Shawn Michaels' condition.






It is almost main event time and the third and final video plays to showcase the legendary rivalry between Sting and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. This final one focuses mostly on the upcoming match, but also their most recent one on one matches--Starrcade 2001 and Spring Stampede 2002. Who will leave Uncensored as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion? It's time to find out! (B)




WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Submission Match








It is main event time and the crowd seems into it right from the start as they are on their feet cheering in anticipation of what could potentially be the last ever WCW World Heavyweight Championship title match between two of the biggest stars in the history of the company. We start things off with a test of strength--which Sting promptly wins as he overpowers “The Nature Boy” and shoves him to the floor. With Flair down on one knee, Sting beats his chest and howls at the crowd, who responds in kind. Flair nods his head slightly as Mike Tenay brings up the respect that these two competitors have for each other. As Sting and Flair meets in the center of the ring with a collar and elbow tie up, the announcers talk about the fact that neither man is likely to make very many mistakes in this match at all, and so the first mistake might just end up being the thing that determines who will ultimately leave Uncensored with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Sting backs Flair into the corner and provides the clean break when the referee calls for it--even though there is no disqualification in a submission match. “The Dirtiest Player In The Game” doesn’t provide the same courtesy, however, as he jams a thumb into the World Champion’s eye, and just like that the match turns in “The Nature Boy”’s favor with one single move--which Jerry Lawler quickly praises as being one of the many reasons why Ric Flair is the greatest World Champion of all time.


The next several minutes of the match belong to Flair as he slows the pace of the match down as he begins to wear the World Champion down. Flair hits a bodyslam, a vertical suplex and a knee breaker to put himself firmly in control of the match, and then he goes old school as he starts going to work on the right leg of Sting. Flair then whips Sting into the corner, climbs to the second turnbuckle and begins to rain punches down on the World Champion…












But six never comes as Sting grabs Flair, walks out of the corner and hits a powerbomb to halt Flair’s offense. Sting opens up on Flair with a series of punches and kicks, and then he whips Flair into the corner and follows in after him with a Stinger Splash. Sting hits a few more Stinger Splashes while the announcers bring up the fact that these two men know each other so well, having fought with and against each other so many times over the years, that it is almost like they know what the other guy is thinking in the ring. Sting hits a vertical suplex on Flair and then he goes for the Scorpion Deahtlock, much to the delight of the sold out arena. Sting doesn’t get the hold locked in, however, as Flair desperately claws his way to the ropes and kicks his legs until Sting finally loses his grip on them. Both men get to their feet and meet in the center of the ring--Sting meets Flair with punches, while Flair responds with his trademark knife edge chops. They go back and forth for a bit and it looks like Sting is gaining the upper hand, but Flair again jams a thumb in Sting’s eye to halt the Champion’s momentum and retake control of the match.


Flair hits a few more knife edge chops and then a pair of inverted atomic drops. Flair brings Sting to the mat with a bodyslam, then follows up with a running knee drop and an elbow drop. Flair’s “woo”’s the crowd as he grabs hold of Sting’s legs and begins to set him up for the Figure Four Leglock….and he locks it in! Sting is locked in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring and Flair had the move locked in tight! Sting is obviously in a lot of pain but he is not tapping out just yet as he slowly tries to make his way to the ropes. He does eventually get there but, as Jerry Lawler quickly points out, Flair doesn’t have to break the hold because there are no disqualifications in a submission match! Realizing this, Sting instead attempts to reverse the Figure Four to put the pressure on Flair’s legs instead, but Flair is fighting against it with everything he’s got as Mike Tenay points out that this match could potentially be Ric Flair’s last ever opportunity to capture the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. After a great back and forth struggle, Sting finally manages to reverse the Figure Four to a great reaction from the crowd! Flair screams in pain as he desperately tries to escape the hold, and when he finally does so both men remain down on the floor of the ring, exhausted from this incredible match.

Both men slowly get back to their feet and both looks to go on the offensive, but Sting beats Flair to the punch as he clotheslines “The Nature Boy” over the top rope and out of the ring! Sting remains in the ring as he waits for Flair to get to his feet outside and then he launches himself over the top rope and hits a slingshot crossbody, once again to a great reaction from the fans! Sting rolls Flair back into the ring and immediately whips him in the corner where he hits not one, not two but THREE Stinger Splashes in a row! Flair staggers out of the corner and then falls face first to the mat as Sting howls at the crowd! Sting then pulls Flair to his feet and….SCORPION DEAHTDROP!!! Sting then drags Flair to the middle of the ring and this time he successfully locks in the Scorpion Deathlock!!!


Flair is clearly in a lot of pain, but is he going to tap?


Sting keeps the pressure on Flair, but still “The Nature Boy” refuses to give up!


But there is no way out for Flair and finally, after having been locked in the Scorpion Deathlock for what seems like an eternity…


Ric Flair finallys taps!


Sting retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Uncensored after one hell of a match!



Sting defeated Ric Flair at 18.11 by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (B+)



And with that, and with a shot of Sting raising the WCW World Heavyweight Champion title belt high above his head, Uncensored comes to an end!



Final Show Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.06

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Very good show B, liked every minute of it. Though as much as I like the FBI, I would have really booed them winning the Cruiser title from AJ. Nothing against Guido at all, it just felt like he should have a long reign - maybe not Chavo long, but longer than this. As the street fight goes, I have to wonder if Shawn is really hurt or if he played the ref in order to get the match stopped. I can't wait for Sting vs. Steiner! Go Poppa Pump!!
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Very good show B, liked every minute of it. Though as much as I like the FBI, I would have really booed them winning the Cruiser title from AJ. Nothing against Guido at all, it just felt like he should have a long reign - maybe not Chavo long, but longer than this. As the street fight goes, I have to wonder if Shawn is really hurt or if he played the ref in order to get the match stopped. I can't wait for Sting vs. Steiner! Go Poppa Pump!!


Thanks man, glad you liked the show! I have to admit that I was a bit torn about whether to swicth the Cruiserweight Championship again already but I hope it will be worth it in the end. As for HBK...stay tuned ;)

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I've got the prediction contest results ready to go but first the answers to the bonus questions;


Highest rated match on the card was Sting vs. Ric Flair with a B+ (86)


Lowest rated match was Kidman vs. The (fake) Mystery Stalker with a D (37). Guido vs. AJ also scored a D but the number was 42.


And Chavo's chosen stipulation was a handicap match.


So this month's winner...by ONE single point is...


Satyr24 with 20 hits.


The Lloyd took second place with 19 hits.


And Crackerjack came in third with 18 hits.


So congratulations to Satyr24! You'll be receiving your prize soon.


And thank you to everyone who read and predicted this past month. Your support continues to be greatly appreciated!

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Monday Nitro Preview



The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, defends the World Heavyweight Championship against "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels will be on hand to provide an update on what is rumored to possibly be a career-ending injury that he suffered last night at Uncensored and much, much more!




Monday Nitro Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Kevin Nash


Lance Storm vs. Booker T


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Bryan Clark vs. Rick Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yoshihiri Tajiri vs. Brian Lawler vs. Kanyon


Non Title

Sons Of The South vs. Shane Helms and Shannon Moore



Also on the show; Shawn Michaels provides an update on the injury he suffered at Uncensored

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Kevin Nash


Lance Storm vs. Booker T

Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Bryan Clark vs. Rick Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yoshihiri Tajiri vs. Brian Lawler vs. Kanyon

Non Title

Sons Of The South vs. Shane Helms and Shannon Moore



Also on the show; Shawn Michaels provides an update on the injury he suffered at Uncensored

Lost his smile again, did he?

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Kevin Nash


Lance Storm vs. Booker T


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Bryan Clark vs. Rick Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yoshihiri Tajiri vs. Brian Lawler vs. Kanyon


Non Title

Sons Of The South vs. Shane Helms and Shannon Moore

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Monday Nitro Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Kevin Nash


Lance Storm vs. Booker T


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Bryan Clark vs. Rick Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yoshihiri Tajiri vs. Brian Lawler vs. Kanyon


Non Title

Sons Of The South vs. Shane Helms and Shannon Moore

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Kevin Nash


Lance Storm vs. Booker T


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Bryan Clark vs. Rick Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yoshihiri Tajiri vs. Brian Lawler vs. Kanyon


Non Title

Sons Of The South vs. Shane Helms and Shannon Moore

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Sting - Nash's feud with Shawn will continue, so he can take a loss here - though it'll actually probably be a no contest when Michaels and Steiner hit the ring.

Booker T - Always a perennial contender, Booker takes this one to look strong in his future.

Rey Misterio Jr


Sons of the South

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I have no idea what happened with me disappearing..I guess life gets in the way sometimes. I am, though, all caught up and Uncensored was a fantastic show! A little disappointed Sting/Flair didn't score and A because you're putting on some fantastic stuff and I think you should be getting rewarded in kind with match/show ratings. I do have my thoughts on who this "mystery" fellow is though, but I'll hold my opinion for now, but I think the timing is just about right.


Monday Nitro Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Kevin Nash

- HBK shenanigans


Lance Storm vs. Booker T


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Bryan Clark vs. Rick Steiner vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yoshihiri Tajiri vs. Brian Lawler vs. Kanyon


Non Title

Sons Of The South vs. Shane Helms and Shannon Moore

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  • 2 weeks later...




Week 1, February, 2003

Live from Wicomico Civic Center in Salisbury, Maryland

Attendance: 6.747 (sellout)




Monday Nitro kicks off with a video showcasing the highlights of last night's Uncensored pay per view. The video puts most of the focus on Sting retaining the World Heavyweight Championship in a hard-fought submission match against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and the Street Fight between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash which came to an unexpected conclusion when Shawn Michaels appeared to have reaggrevated his back injury. The video then switches its focus to tonight's show, hyping up the main event World Heavyweight Championship title match between Sting and Kevin Nash and the announcement that Shawn Michaels is scheduled to make tonight regarding his injury. As the video comes to an end the questions are clear; who will be the World Heavyweight Champion at the end of the night? And is tonight going to be Shawn Michaels' last night in WCW? (B-)




Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl





The in-ring portion of tonight's show kicks off with three way action as Rey Misterio Jr., Bryan Clark and Rick Steiner all compete for a spot in the United States Championship number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl. Tony notes that these qualifying matches were put together by WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes who wanted to give as many people as possible a fair shot at becoming the WCW United States Champion. The match itself is solid and it features a fair amount of brawling from both Clark and Steiner, while Misterio wisely tries to stay away from that game as he constantly pushes the pace of the match. The conclusion to the match comes when Bryan Clark is out of the picture as he is down on the floor outside the ring when Rick Steiner goes for a powerbomb...only to hav Rey catch Steiner by surprise as he slips out the back and rolls him up for the three count and the win as Tony notes that Rey Misterio Jr. just picked up some measure of redemption by pinning Rick Steiner here less than 24 hours after losing a hard-fought battle against Rick's brother Scott last night at Uncensored.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Rick Steiner and Bryan Clark at 9.51 by pinfall when Rey pinned Steiner with a rollup. Rey Misterio Jr. advances to the battle royal at SuperBrawl ©






Joey Styles is backstage in the Full Blooded Italians' locker room where the Italians are celebrating the successful theft of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship last night at Uncensored, which is now strapped around Guido's waist. Joey tries to interview Guido about last night's events but before he can even finish his question the door to the locker room flies open and...






The former Cruiserweight Champion, AJ Styles, charges into the room and it is obvious that he is not there to talk! AJ starts swinging wildly, taking on the entire FBI on his own and doing a decent job of it too. It doesn't take long for the obvious numbers disadvantage to catch up to AJ as Big Vito and Johnny The Bull starts beating him down from behind. It looks like things could turn ugly for AJ here, but then...






WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes shows up, along with a handful of security guards who manages to restore order by separating AJ Styles from the Italians. Dusty says that he fully understands AJ's frustrations but this isn't the way to go about dealing with them. He says that AJ was robbed last night at Uncensored but he's gonna get his chance to win the title back because Guido Versace's first title defense will be at SuperBrawl against none other than AJ Styles! Dusty, AJ and the security guards all leave the locker room, having put a significant damper the Italians' celebrations. (E+)






Jerry Lawler wonders if, now that "that third guy" isn't around, does that make Shane Helms and Shannon Moore Two Count instead of Three Count? Tony and Mike both allow the question to linger as they turn their attention to the match which sees the WCW Tag Team Champions face a pair of highly motivated opponents here as a win for Helms and Moore would put them right in the hunt for the Tag Team Titles.






We are less than a minute into the match when Mike Sanders, Shane Douglas and Stacy Keibler all appear at the top of the ramp, and the trio remains there for the duration of the match, watching the action intently. What they see is Helms and Moore putting up a good fight, but in the end the WCW Tag Team Champions are just too much of a challenge for them to overcome as BG James pins Shannon Moore after hitting a piledriver.



Sons Of The South defeated Shane Helms and Shannon Moore at 7.50 by pinfall when BG James pinned Moore following a piledriver ©



As Dustin Rhodes and BG James celebrates their win, Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas are seen exchanging words at the top of the ramp. The Egomaniacs then turn around and disappear into the back as Tony notes that Sanders and Douglas still seems to be on the hunt for the Tag Team Titles.






We head to the Commissioner's office where Dusty Rhodes is joined by Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson. Once again the issue on their minds is the Mystery Stalker, who neither competed nor unmasked at Uncensored. Dusty assures them that the situation has gone on long enough and that the Mystery Stalker has until the end of next week's Monday Nitro to show up and unmask in the middle of the ring, and if he fails to do so...he'll be fired. Kidman and Torrie still seems somewhat concerned, but Kidman says that one way or another he is putting an end to all of this next Monday! (D+)






Joey Styles is outside the door to Shawn Michaels' locker room which, according to Joey, is locked. Joey knocks and tries to get Michaels to open the door and comment on his situation and the announcement he is going to make later tonight, but there is no answer from within. Joey then faces the camera and says that everyone will just have to wait and see because it doesn't look like Shawn Michaels is interested in talking before his announcement. (C-)






We then head straight back to the Commissioner's office where Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson are now gone, but Dusty is joined instead by Diamond Dallas Page. Page again states his concerns about not being booked on the shows and says that he's getting sick and tired of seeing everybody else get their opportunities while he's just sitting on the sidelines like a monkey. Dusty says that he'll give DDP an opportunity--he'll give him a chance next week to qualify for the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl. Page doesn't exactly seem thrilled by this, saying that when he's talking about opportunities he means main event opportunities, World Title opportunities. Dusty says that DDP wants an opportunity and he's extending his hand to him and offering him one, but it's up to DDP to either take it or leave it. Page is clearly not happy about it, but he does finally--begrudgingly--accept the offer. DDP will be in action next week on Monday Nitro! (C+)




Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl





Speaking of the US Title, it's time to find out who will join Rey Misterio Jr. as the second entrant in the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl as Brian Lawler, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Kanyon squares off in the ring. Where the first qualifying match was a blend of brawling and high-flying quickness, this one is much more technically oriented. Mike Tenay notes that Kanyon had a huge 2002, winning the US Title, defeating the likes of Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Hall in singles matches and main eventing the biggest show of the year; Starrcade. Everyone gets some offense in here, but the finish comes after Tajiri damn near takes Brian Lawler's head off with a vicious buzzsaw kick...only to be dumped out of the ring by an oppertunistic Kanyon, who then quickly hit the Kanyon Cutter on Lawler to pick up the win and earn a spot in the battle royal at SuperBrawl.



Kanyon defeated Brian Lawler and Yoshihiro Tajiri at 10.08 by pinfall when Kanyon pinned Lawler following a Kanyon Cutter. Kanyon advances to the battle royal at SuperBrawl (C-)






Joey Styles is backstage with The Outsiders, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Joey asks them about Nash's World Title match later tonight against Sting and about Shawn Michaels' announcement, which is also coming up later tonight. Scott Hall speaks first, saying that whatever is going on with Michaels, whatever his situation is, he brought it upon himself when he turned his back on The Outsiders. Kevin Nash speaks next, saying that as far as Shawn Michaels is concerned, maybe he should have paid more attention to the lyrics in the Wolfpac theme..."don't turn your back on the Wolfpac...you might wind up in a bodybag". Now as for Sting...he may have beaten Ric Flair last night at Uncensored, but Flair is nowhere near as big, nowhere near as stong, and definitely nowhere near as sexy as he is. Nash says that he hopes Sting paid attention last night because what he did to Shawn Michaels is NOTHING compared to what he'll do to Sting tonight in order to walk out of here as the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion! "Big Sexy is in da house...and tonight he's leaving with the gold!" (C+)







We head back to the Commissioner's office where Dusty Rhodes is, for once, sitting alone behind his desk. Dusty says that he has decided that the winner of the upcoming match between Booker T and Lance Storm will go on to face Goldberg at SuperBrawl with a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line! (C+)






Following that short but huge announcement we head back to Joey Styles who is now joined by the WCW World Heavyweight Champion...Sting! Joey asks Sting his thoughts about defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship again tonight less than 24 hours after defending it against Ric Flair at Uncensored. Sting says that last night he tore the house down with "The Nature Boy" one more time, but tonight he can't afford to think about Ric Flair, just like he can't afford to think about Scott Steiner. The only thing on the Stinger's mind tonight is the seven foot challenge that awaits him tonight in Kevin Nash. Sting says that he has no problem defending the title again tonight. He'll defend it tonight, tomorrow night..whenever. He'll defend it against Nash, Steiner...and against anyone and everyone who steps up to the plate because THAT is what the World Heavyweight Champion is supposed to do. So tonight...Kevin Nash...IT'S SHOWTIME!!! (B)






As Booker T and Lance Storm exchange holds in the middle of the ring in the early parts of this one, Mike Tenay says that, in his opinion, Lance Storm is just one big break away from jumping into the main event scene here in WCW and could tonight maybe be that big break? After a back and forth opening it is Lance Storm who gains control of the match, taking Booker T off his feet with an impressive springboard dropkick and then going to work on him with a mat based offense. Storm controls the next several minutes of the match this way until Booker T finally starts to mount his big comeback...only to have Storm cut it off before it even really gets going. This repeats itself a couple of times until finally Booker T is able to gain some traction as he drives Storm into the mat with a huge spinebuster. Booker hits a scoop slam, a flapjack and a missile dropkick, but Storm kicks out after two. Booker continues to dominate and it looks like he has Storm right where he wants him...until Storm slides through Booker's legs after an irish whip and, in one smooth motion, takes Booker off his feet and locks him into his Canadian Maple Leaf submission hold! Storm has the hold locked in good but somehow, someway, Booker T manages to get to the ropes to force the break, much to Storm's growing frustration. Storm goes to pull Booker to his feet, but Booker surprises Storm with a quick kick to the midsection and....AXE KICK!!! Booker slowly drapes an arm across Storm's chest and this one is over--NOO!!! Storm just barely manages to kick out and Booker can't believe it! Still, the veteran experience of Booker T shines through here as he doesn't allow his frustration to get the better of him. Instead he pulls Storm back to his feet and drives him into the mat again with a Bookend...1...2...3!!! Booker wins but what a great effort by both men here!



Booker T defeated Lance Storm at 15.09 by pinfall following a Bookend. Booker T advances to SuperBrawl to face Goldberg with a World Heavyweight Champinship title shot on the line (B-)




Following Booker T's big win we head to the announce table where Tony Schiavone tells us that the WCW World Heavyweight Championship title match between Sting and Kevin Nash is coming up momentarily but he has just received an update in regards to Shawn Michaels' announcement tonight. Tony says that Shawn has asked to go on last with his announcement and that WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes has granted the former World Heavyweight Champion his request. Tony also says that he has just been told that Bravo! has granted them permission to stay on past their alloted time slot should the show run long so everyone should stay tuned because we are sticking with Nitro for as long as we have to so that everyone gets to hear what Shawn Michaels has to say about his current injury situation. Tony then starts to send us down to ringside for our main event of the evening but then...







The music of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner suddenly hits and the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, the man who will face the winner of tonight's main event at SuperBrawl, makes his way out from the back to nothing but a sea of boos from the crowd. Steiner enters the ring and immediately calls for a mic, which he promptly receives as no one at ringside is particularly interested in angering the loose cannon that is "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. Steiner says that he has now earned his World Title shot twice--first at Vegas Rules and then again last night at Uncensored--and now nothing and no one is gonna stand between him and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! He says that in a few moments Sting and Kevin Nash are gonna come out here and compete for the World Title but it doesn't even matter who wins because no matter who the champion is come SuperBrawl, whether it's Sting or Nash, they're just holding the belt and keeping it warm for "The Big Bad Booty Daddy"! Steiner says that he's coming to SuperBrawl for one reason and one reason only and that's to beat the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and walk away with the title. "And Sting...Nash...you both know that you're not man enough to hang with The Genetic Freak!" Steiner then tosses the mic out of the ring and heads to the back as Tony notes that Steiner is apparently so confident in himself that he is not even going to hang around to find out who he will be facing at SuperBrawl. (B+)




WCW World Heavyweight Championship








It is main event time and this one starts off slow as both men try to feel each other out. Nash tries to lure Sting into a test of strength but the World Champion knows better than to try and match strength with the bigger Nash. After some initial stalling the two finally lock up in the middle of the ring and the crowd cheers as our main event World Heavyweight Championship title match is underway! Nash overpowers Sting and forces him into the corner of the ring where he works the champion over with knee and elbow strikes, then he whips him across the ring to the opposite turnbuckle and follows in with a big time clothesline! Nash repeats this one more time in the opposite corner and then drops the champion with a sidewalk slam before going for the first pinfall attempt of the match, but Sting kicks out at two. The match even spills outside the ring where Nash beats Sting around the ring, but the World Champion manages to turn the tide of the match when Nash attempts to drive his head into the apron of the ring only for Sting to block it, fire off a couple of quick elbows to Nash's midsection, and then drive Nash's head into the apron instead! Sting nails Nash with some punches before rolling him back into the ring and suddenly the World Champion is in control! Sting unloads on Nash with more punches and kicks and then he whips Nash into the corner and follows in with a Stinger Splash! Sting hits two more Stinger Splashes and the challenger is now on wobbly legs as he staggers out of the corner. Sting goes for a final Stinger Splash before Nash gets out of the corner, but Nash just barely manages to move out of the way and Sting crashes chest first into the turnbuckle! Sting stumbles backwards out of the corner and Nash grabs him and sets him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb...but Sting blocks it and fights his way out! Sting fires off some right hands that rocks Nash, then bounces off the ropes and...double clothesline! Both men were thinking the same thing and now both men are down in the middle of the ring as the referee starts his count!






Shawn Michaels is suddenly seen walking down the entrance ramp in his street clothes, prompting the announcers to wonder what Michaels is doing out here. The crowd doesn't know what to think or do as Michaels enters the ring and his presence even puts an end to the referee's count as he asks Michaels what he is doing out there. As Michaels stands in the ring watching as both Sting and Kevin Nash begins to stir, Tony reminds everyone of the update on his condition that Shawn Michaels is supposed to give everyone following the main event, but what is he doing out here now? The referee tries to convince Michaels to leave the ring but Michaels is staying put and he locks eyes with Kevin Nash just as Nash gets back to his feet. Nash is obviously surprised to see Michaels out there and he even asks him what the F*** he's doing. Confusion reigns supreme and then...BAM! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON....STING! SHAWN MICHAELS JUST LAID OUT THE WORLD CHAMPION!!! With little choice in the matter, the referee has no choice but to call for the disqualification.



Sting defeated Kevin Nash at 12.55 by disqualification. Sting retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! (C+)



Shawn Michaels has just cost Kevin Nash his shot at the World Title and Nash is furious but before he can do anything about it...SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!! Shawn Michaels has just laid out both Sting and Kevin Nash! Shawn then suddenly grabs his back as if he is in terrible pain...only to burst out into laughter as the announcers, along with everyone else, realizes that Shawn Michaels isn't injured at all! With Sting and Kevin Nash both laid out in the ring, a smiling Shawn Michaels breaks out his signature pose as Monday Nitro comes to an end as Tony Schiavone is heard muttering that "this is ridiculous". (B)




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.81

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Monday Nitro Preview



Shawn Michaels played everyone for a fool at Uncensored and on Monday Nitro, faking an injury and then showing up during the main event and laying out both champion and challenger. But why? WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes has responded immediately by booking a HUGE tag team match in the main event as Sting and Kevin Nash teams up to face Shawn Michaels and the number one contender to Sting's WCW World Heavyweight Championship, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!


Also on the show; Goldberg and Booker T signs the official match contract for their number one contender's match at SuperBrawl, more qualifiers will be held for the United States Championship number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl and much, much more!




Monday Nitro Card



Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Aguila vs. Hugh Morrus


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Norman Smiley vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. John Cena


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yun Yang vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Jeff Jarrett

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Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Aguila vs. Hugh Morrus


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Norman Smiley vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. John Cena


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yun Yang vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Jeff Jarrett

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Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Aguila vs. Hugh Morrus


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Norman Smiley vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. John Cena


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yun Yang vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Jeff Jarrett

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Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Aguila vs. Hugh Morrus


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Norman Smiley vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. John Cena


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yun Yang vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Jeff Jarrett

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Monday Nitro Card



Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Aguila vs. Hugh Morrus


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Norman Smiley vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. John Cena


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yun Yang vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Jeff Jarrett

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Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Aguila vs. Hugh Morrus


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Norman Smiley vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. John Cena


Winner advances to the US Title number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl

Yun Yang vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Jeff Jarrett

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I figured Shawn was just playing hurt - it's his whole schtick, after all! Otherwise, good show all in all. Tenay was right in saying that Storm is one big win away from the main event, so can't wait to see when he gets it!


Steiner and Michaels - Heels getting big wins.

DDP - Page may not be happy about it, but if he wants a spot, he's going to go for it.

Chavo Guerrero Jr - Chavito could indeed be our next US champion.

Jeff Jarrett - This match is getting more and more star studded, so O'Haire will definitely have his work cut out for him to retain his belt.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Kanyon and The Egomaniacs defeated Matt Sydal, Norman Smiley and Air Paris (C-)

The Full Blooded Italians interrupts AJ Styles' interview, warns him not to show up at SuperBrawl or he won't like the consequences (D-)

Lance Storm defeated "The Cat" Ernest Miller ©

Scott Hall defeated Chuck Palumbo (C+)






Week 2, February, 2003

Live from MSU Dome in Minot, North Dakota

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)





Winner advances to the United States Championship number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl





This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro starts off in the ring as another spot in the US Title number one contender battle royal is up for grabs. Tony, Mike and Jerry all agree that Jeff Jarrett has to be the odds on favorite going into this one, but Tony also warns to never count a veteran like Marty Jannetty out--or a talented youngster like Yun Yang. Yang almost steals this one as he surprises Double J from behind with a quick rollup, but it is only a near-fall as Jarrett manages to kick out. That is as close as anyone else gets to the win in this one before Jeff Jarrett hits The Stroke on Jannetty and puts the match away, much to the disappointment of Yang who misses out on this huge opportunity.



Jeff Jarrett defeated Marty Jannetty and Yun Yang at 7.55 by pinfall when Jarrett pinned Jannetty following a Stroke. Jarrett advances to the battle royal at SuperBrawl (D+)






Following the opening match a brief video plays hyping up the fact that "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown is coming to WCW! ©






Joey Styles is backstage with the WCW United States Champion, Sean O'Haire. O'Haire has the US Title belt draped across his shoulder as Joey asks him his thoughts on the number one contender battle royal that is set to take place at SuperBrawl. O'Haire does not get to answer the question, however, as he is suddenly jumped from behind by...






Mike Awesome! Awesome continues the beatdown on the US Champion as Joey Styles takes off looking for security. Awesome drives O'Haire back-first into the wall, then bounces his head off a nearby table. Security finally shows up and escorts Awesome away while EMT's check on Sean O'Haire. As the chaotic scene finally seems to be back under control, Tony Schiavone and the rest of the announcers are left wondering just what the heck has gotten into Mike Awesome here tonight? (D+)






We cut to Shawn Michaels' locker room where Michaels is standing alone in front of the camera. Michaels says that for the past week everybody has been wondering about why he did what he did at Uncensored and on last week's Monday Nitro. He says that, as always, people are talking about Shawn Michaels because EVERYBODY wants to know what's going on with Shawn Michaels. Shawn says that he even heard a rumor that he was scared of Kevin Nash and that's why he did what he did at Uncensored, but he assures everyone that that rumor is nothing more than ignorant speculation. Shawn says that he isn't afraid of anyone--he is Shawn Michaels, the greatest wrestler of all time, after all, so why would he be scared of Kevin Nash? He says that when you're as great as he is you earn certain privileges, and one of those privilages is that NOBODY gets to tell you what to do or when to do it. When you are Shawn Michaels you do things on your own time and nobody else's. And if anyone has a problem with that...well, then that's just tough because he is Shawn Michaels and he doesn't need anyone's permission--and he certainly doesn't need their approval. Shawn says that tonight he's going to team up with "Big Poppa Pump" and the two of them are going to humiliate and embarrass Kevin Nash and Sting in the middle of the ring! (B)




Winner advances to the United States Championship number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl





Tony notes that Chavo Guerrero Jr. is looking to bounce back here after going through a rough stretch, first losing the Cruiserweight Championship and then his losing battles against "The Man" Goldberg. while Mike Tenay adds that a win here could potentially be a career-making win for either Norman Smiley or John Cena. Norman Smiley tries to start the match off with the Big Wiggle, but John Cena is having none of that as he floors Smiley with an impactful clothesline. In fact, Cena is all over Smiley here while Chavo Guerrero Jr. watches from outside the ring along with Chavo Classic. Cena eventually nails his F-U finisher on Smiley and a three count would have been academic at this point, had it not been for Chavo Guerrero Jr. who jumps Cena from behind. Cena and Chavo goes back and forth with Cena gaining the upper hand. Cena bounces himself off the ropes...or he tries to but Chavo Classic pulls down the ropes and Cena tumbles to the outside, providing Chavo Jr. with enough time to hit the Gory Bomb on Norman Smiley and pick up the win.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Norman Smiley and John Cena at 7.59 by pinfall when Chavo pinned Smiley following a Gory Bomb. Chavo Guerrero Jr. advances to the battle royal at SuperBrawl (D+)






We cut to the back where the WCW Tag Team Champion, Dustin Rhodes and BG James, are talking when they are suddenly approached by Shane Douglas, Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler. Mike Sanders says that if Rhodes and James were real champions they would be putting their titles on the line against them at SuperBrawl in a rematch from Uncensored because everyone knows they deserve another shot at the gold. Shane Douglas says that all Dustin has to do is run to Daddy Rhodes and he would no doubt grant his favorite son his wish but, then again, he probably won't do that because they both know that there is no way they are going to be lucky enough to beat them a second time around. Sanders says that The Egomaniacs are the best tag team in WCW today and everyone knows it, so the only reason there can possibly be for them to not get another shot at SuperBrawl is that the "Champs" are scared to face them again. BG James asks if they are finally finished? Because if they would just shut up for two seconds, then he has a challenge for them. James says that he'll face either one of them next week on Nitro, one on one, and if they win...then they'll get their rematch at SuperBrawl. But if he wins...they go to the back of the line. Douglas and Sanders accepts the challenge and we've got a match set for next week's Monday Nitro! (C+)






Dusty Rhodes, Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson all come down to the ring as Tony Schiavone recaps everything that has been going on over the past several weeks with Torrie being stalked by some unknown man, which led to the match between Billy Kidman and the Mystery Stalker at Uncensored, except the Mystery Stalker did not wrestle that match after all, as Kidman found out the hard way after the match. Dusty gets on the mic and says that time's up; it's time for the Mystery Stalker to either come down here and unmask...or he'll be fired from WCW! A few moments pass and then...






The Mystery Stalker appears--not live, however, but rather on the big screen as the man appears to be somewhere else entirely. The Stalker says that no amount of threats is going to change how he feels about Torrie. He says that he won't love Torrie any less even if he does get fired. However, he says, he is almost ready to reveal himself to the world. He is almost ready to finally reveal his identity to the woman he loves, and once he does, he is confident that he and Torrie will be together forever--just like they were meant to be. He says that he will be at SuperBrawl in two weeks and he will be bringing with him a special present for Torrie, one which he plans on giving her live on the show so the world can see his endless love for her. And then all will finally be revealed. The screen goes dark again and Kidman and Torrie are left with yet more frustrations as, once again, the Mystery Stalker's identity remains unknown. (D)






We cut to the back where "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash is seen taping up his wrists in preparation for tonight's main event when he is joined in the locker room by the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting. Sting says that, while the two of them may have been enemies last week, and while they had a great match for the World Title up until Shawn Michaels decided to get involved, tonight they are going to have to be on the same page and have each other's backs out there if they are to pick up the win. Nash says that he doesn't care about winning or losing tonight. He just wants to get his hands on Shawn Michaels--and Sting better not get in his way out there! Sting and Nash exchange stares as Tony Schiavone wonders if the two of them will be able to co-exist later tonight in our main event. (B)




Winner advances to the United States Championship number one contender battle royal at SuperBrawl





The announcers wonder about Diamond Dallas Page's mindset going into this one given that DDP's focus seems to be more on the World Title than the United States Championship. Page enters the match looking extremely confident--overconfident, in fact, which quickly catches up to his as Aguila surprises the former World Champion with a headscissor takedown that sends DDP through the ropes and onto the floor outside the ring before Page can even get his jacket off. Aguila and Morrus goes back and forth in the ring for the next several minutes while a visibly frustrated DDP paces back and forth on the outside. Page finally re-enters the ring and joins the frey, eventually picking up the win after hitting the Diamond Cutter on Hugh Morrus and securing the three count.



Diamond Dallas Page defeated Hugh Morrus and Aguila at 11.04 by pinfall when Page pinned Morrus following a Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page advances to the battle royal at SuperBrawl ©



DDP doesn't celebrate the win post match as he, despite having just picked up the win, actually seems to be even more frustrated now than he was prior to the match. The announcers wonder just what is going on in DDP's head as the former multiple time World Heavyweight Champion doesn't seem quite like himself these days.






As a still visibly frustrated DDP heads back up the entrance ramp we cut backstage where another former World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, is seen doing his final preparations for the upcoming main event tag team match when he is approached by WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes. Dusty says that he heard Shawn's promo earlier tonight about how he is not scared of Kevin Nash. Shawn confirms that he is not scared of anyone--why would he be when he is as great as he is? Dusty says he's happy to hear that because then Shawn probably won't mind the fact that he will be facing Kevin Nash again at SuperBrawl...in a Steel Cage match! Shawn is clearly not happy about this at all, and his lack of enthusiasm becomes even more apparent when Dusty informs him that it will be the kind of Steel Cage with a roof which means that, once the match starts, there will be no getting out and no running away. Dusty says that Shawn and Nash are going to settle their differences once and for all at SuperBrawl! Dusty then leaves and Shawn stares after the Commissioner, clearly not thrilled with the prospect of facing his former best friend inside a Steel Cage at SuperBrawl! (B-)







Following a timely commercial break Monday Nitro returns with Dusty Rhodes, Booker T and Goldberg all in the ring for the official contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship number one contenders match at SuperBrawl. Dusty says that he is standing in the ring with two of the greatest stars in WCW today, and he says that both men deserve the opportunity to fight for the World Title. But rather than just handing both of them a shot, he would much rather see the two of them go at it at SuperBrawl! The crowd seems to like the idea of these two fan favorites going at it as they cheer loudly. Booker T then gets on the mic and says that there is nothing he wants more than an opportunity to become a five time...five time...five time...five time...five time WCW World Heavyweight Champion! And if he has to go through Goldberg at SuperBrawl to do it, then he'll go to SuperBrawl and become the first guy to ever beat Goldberg in the middle of the ring! Now can you dig that? Goldberg gets on the mic next and, as is almost always the case with Goldberg, he keeps his words short and to the point, saying that if Booker T steps into the ring with him at SuperBrawl it's not gonna matter how much he may respect him...because he'll still be next! Booker and Goldberg then comes face to face in the middle of rings as things get a bit heated between them. It doesn't come to blows, however, and Dusty Rhodes then watches as the two superstars signs the match contract, making their number one contenders' match at SuperBrawl official! (C+)



Coming up; a graphic pops up on screen hyping up tonight's main event, which Tony Schiavone informs us is coming momentarily, as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, teams up with Kevin Nash to take on the current number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Scott Steiner, and Shawn Michaels. That match is coming up next! (B)







The infernal music of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner hits and the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship makes his way down to the ring. Once in the ring, Steiner calls for a mic as apparently "FreakZilla" has something he wants to get on his chest prior to the main event. Steiner uses this time to run down Sting, saying that a man like Sting is nothing compared to "The Genetic Freak" and that there isn't a power in this world that is strong enough to make it possible for Sting to beat him at SuperBrawl! Steiner vows that he will be victorious tonight, and then he'll go to SuperBrawl and win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship for all his freaks! And if Sting doesn't like it...then he can go F*** himself! (B+)






This is supposed to be a tag team match but Kevin Nash only seems to be focused on trying to get his hands on Shawn Michaels, who conversely only seems to be focused on staying as far away from Nash as possible. The match goes back and forth for the most part, but it is far from a traditional tag team match as the issues between Michaels and Nash distracts them so much from the match at hand that the match never really finds a rythm. Things finally break down completely when Kevin Nash, fed up with waiting to get his hands on Michaels, leaves his corner and goes after his former best friend, who jumps down from the apron and runs back up the ramp with Nash giving chase. This leaves just Sting and Scott Steiner in the ring, who are both the legal men for their respective teams, so the match continues as a singles match and a preview of SuperBrawl. Sting and Steiner go back and forth for a good five minutes before "Big Poppa Pump" drops the World Champion with a Steiner Flatliner and picks up the three count and the win! Scott Steiner just pinned the WCW World Heavyweight Champion just two weeks before their World Title match at SuperBrawl!



Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels defeated Sting and Kevin Nash at 16.09 by pinfall when Steiner pinned Sting following a Steiner Flatliner (B)



And with a shot of the number one contender standing tall above the reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion, this edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end!



Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.83

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  • 1 month later...

<p>After much and careful consideration I have decided to end this diary. It was an extremely difficult decision to make (which is also why it has taken me so long to finally post this) because I have really enjoyed writing it and I was lucky enough to have a great group of people who were interested in following it. However, with the release of TEW 2016 I find myself wanting to transition into the new game instead and, unfortunately, that means the end of the quest for WCW.</p><p> </p><p>

I want to thank everyone who predicted and/or followed this diary--your support was always greatly appreciated. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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It is a little sad to see you bowing out, but hopefully the quest will see it's continuation in some form on TEW16 <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I'm very happy to have followed this one from the start to the close, and I look forward to more of your work in the future.
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