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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus



Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane


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This is my first time posting here but I've read all your stuff and it's great. Now lets hope I don't bomb these predictions.


Confirmed Match Preview

Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus



Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton



Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

Comment: You never know what's gonna happen in a match with Kane but I'm guessing he'll lose by DQ.


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Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Shelty B's on a roll, but Nitro's good at the upsets.


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Save Us


Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal

Comment: Pulls double duty.


Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus

Comment: Why not have him be in a match like this?


Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

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Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: I think 3H will stick his nose into this one (I will avoid making the "from across the room" joke) by making sure Shelton wins so he has to wrestle more at KotR.


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Jericho will probably win, but I don't really find that Flair wins too often, so I'll go with him.


Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal

Comment: King Regal would be amazing.


Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus

Comment: Hardy should head to MitB instead of KotR.


Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane


Comments on Previous Show: I can't say that Edge in KotR impresses me very much, but I can see how it can be good to have that past winner going into it.

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Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus



Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

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Confirmed Match Preview

Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus



Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

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Confirmed Match Preview

Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Does the KOTR get a title shot? I'm keeping my pick on Shelton 'cause I think he'll get screwed at the PPV


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus

Comment: Jeff goes 1-1 for the night


Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

Never picking the Demon Kane AGAIN


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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 4, July 2004



Monday, Week 4, July 2004


RAW kicks off with a highlight video and we’re welcomed to the show by Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. They talk about all the meaningful and intense matchups we have here tonight and add in an announcement by GM
Eric Bischoff
: because Chris Jericho elected to help Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam to make it a Six-Man Tag at the King of the Ring, he has been
from the King of the Ring tournament! Instead, his spot will go to a man who Bischoff says is more deserving of a shot than anyone else he knows --
William Regal


89 (A)

: None.




King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Shelton Benjamin
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


For the second straight week, these men were involved in a King of the Ring matchup, only this time, they faced off against one another. This was a very solid opener to kick off the show, with both men showing their elite athleticism. The World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H, came out to seemingly further along his plan of ensuring that Shelton wrestles in multiple matches at the King of the Ring, but this time, Benjamin saw him coming and knocked him off the apron! However, he turned around into a Superkick, and Nitro rolled him up with his feet on the ropes to move on!


70 (C+)

: 8:46.



The rest of
stands in the back along with
, going over strategy for the night. Flair and Orton talk about how they've got each other's back out there, but Kane makes it very clear that this alignment doesn't move past the King of the Ring. He states that he wants Shawn Michaels all to himself tonight and that he won't share with Evolution, or anyone else. He walks out, leaving Flair and Orton apprehensive and befuddled.


85 (B+)

: None.




Chris Jericho
Ric Flair w/Randy Orton


The newest addition to the King of the Ring event, Chris Jericho, looked to score a victory over "The Nature Boy" just six days before the event. This was Flair's best match in months by far, and the two put on a very technically sound contest. It ended when Jericho hit a springboard dropkick to Orton, knocking him off the apron, and Y2J turned a Figure Four attempt into the Walls of Jericho, forcing Flair to tap!


79 (B)

: 7:36. Despite the quality of the match, Flair was super winded by the end of it.



Todd Grisham interviews
Jeff Hardy
backstage about his pair of matches here tonight. Hardy says that he's not one to back down from any challenge, and he's still going to win the King of the Ring, but there's no match that's ever been announced that's piqued his interest more than this Money in the Bank match. Everybody knows that a Ladder match is tailor-made for Jeff Hardy and after he becomes King, he's gonna wrap up all the gold by becoming the World Heavyweight Champion!


58 (C-)

: None.



Elsewhere backstage,
Triple H
is walking intensely, when he's hit from the side by
Shelton Benjamin
! The two start to brawl, and Benjamin gets the upper hand! They're pulled apart, but Benjamin breaks away and lands a few more shots to the champion! He shouts something about being "more than The Game can handle" and the two are finally separated by officials! The title is on the line, this Sunday!


82 (B)

: None.




King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Jeff Hardy
William Regal w/Damien Warlock


The semi-finals on the RAW side of the tournament would be finalized after this one and the competitors gave it their all to make it through. The superior mat wrestler, Regal (who was placed in this match in lieu of Chris Jericho by Eric Bischoff), used holds and leverage to ground the high flier, but he could only be held down for so long. Warlock, on the outside, tried to get involved, but was tossed by the referee! Eventually, Jeff Hardy was able to manage the win with a Swanton Bomb to move on to the semi-finals against Johnny Nitro!


70 (C+)

: 10:07.



Unfortunately for
Jeff Hardy
, his time to celebrate was short. Immediately after his match, he has to fight another one against
to qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match! Christian comes out, along with the beautiful
Trish Stratus
, walking down the ramp and pointing to his fans in the crowd. On his way to the ring, Jeff Hardy motioned for him to hurry up, as he wanted the match to start, but Christian simply smirked --
Tyson Rude
had slid in the ring behind Hardy and waffled him with a Northern Lariat! Rude stomped him down and Christian slowly sauntered into the ring, telling Rude to leave him so the bell could ring!


59 ©

: None.




Jeff Hardy
Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude


Christian made the cover as soon as the bell rang --
1, 2, thr-- no!
Jeff Hardy kicked out! The crowd cheered and Christian tried another unsuccessful cover before picking him up. "Captain Charisma" beat down on Hardy, but Jeff was able to fight back on a multitude of occasions before Christian would underhandedly swing the momentum. Despite his best efforts and a near victory via Swanton Bomb, Christian rolled out of the way and flattened Hardy with the Unprettier to qualify for Money in the Bank!


80 (B)

: 8:08.



The Dudley Boyz
are in the back, and they've got a message for the men who attacked them in the back last week, La Resistance. Bubba Ray says that "you Canuck pieces of crap" can attack the Dudleyz all they want, but when it comes to that ring, they ain't neva gonna take these belts from them because they ain't got the guts. Nobody can stop the reign of the Dudleyz, and it sure as hell ain't gonna be La Resistance.


69 (C+)

: None.



Elsewhere backstage,
is standing around and
comes up to her with her Women's Title looking incensed. She calls her out for attacking her poor friend Mickie James who is too hurt to be in the arena tonight. Victoria laughs her off, saying Mickie isn't fit for RAW women like her, and neither is Lita! Victoria says that she doesn't get why Mickie is Lita's biggest fan when Victoria is the most dominant Diva on the roster, calling Mickie a stupid little girl anyway. This pushes Lita over the edge, and she attacks the challenger viciously! Lita rips and tears at the hair of Victoria and the officials (who have been put to work tonight for the second time) tear the two ladies apart!


52 (D+)

: None.




Rob Van Dam
Randy Orton w/Ric Flair


These two members of the six-man tag match at King of the Ring put on a match that was just as good, if not better than the Jericho/Flair one. Having had previous history with one another over the past 10 months or so, they seemed to know every coming move. Orton rolled out of the way of a Five Star; Van Dam sent Orton through the ropes after blocking an RKO. The difference-maker here was Ric Flair, who was able to distract the referee to allow Orton to hit a low blow and an RKO onto Van Dam for the win!


80 (B)

: 10:04



Having won earlier in the night,
Johnny Nitro and Melina
receive Todd Grisham's questioning very well, even inviting him to their Hollywood after-party -- before Melina rescinds the invitation because Grisham's hair is "
four years ago." Nitro says in six days, he's actually a bit worried, because once he becomes King of the Ring, he's going to be swarmed by fans everywhere he goes! Melina tells him that they will bow at his feet, and Nitro seems to like this idea, simply smiling and telling Grisham that they've got a party to attend.


64 ©

: None.




Shawn Michaels


Michaels/Kane II was a better-received version of their first encounter at Vengeance. Michaels refused to give up at any point, and even looked to finish Kane off with Sweet Chin Music, but Orton and Flair ran to the ring to help their partner! With them getting involved, Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho ran down to the ring to assist! Michaels hit a plancha to the outside onto Kane, Orton, and Flair, and then a brawl erupted! This match was thrown out!


79 (B)

: 14:19.



The final segment sees all six members of the Six Man-Tag match wailing on each other outside the ring!
Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton's'
head into the barricade while
Chris Jericho
up the ramp!
Rob Van Dam
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
duel it out as well, and the chaos ensues until the show goes off the air!


88 (B+)

: None.



83 (B+)

: None.


Quick Results


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Shelton Benjamin vs.
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho
vs. Ric Flair w/Randy Orton


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Jeff Hardy
vs. William Regal w/Damien Warlock


Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs.
Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude


Rob Van Dam vs.
Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels
Kane; double DQ


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus - 36

The Lloyd - 35


Kijar - 31

SpecialDelivery - 27

michgcs - 23

Smasher1311 - 26

thebest2427 - 8

Midnightnick - 8

daulten6 - 7

Captain2 - 4

packerman120 - 4

Russelrules44 - 3

Samuelftw - 2 (welcome!)


The updated King of the Ring bracket can be found HERE.


The current King of the Ring card up to this point is as follows:


WWE King of the Ring 2004 Preview
(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©


Eddie Guerrero and Edge vs. Brock Lesnar and Big Show


King of the Ring Final



King of the Ring Semi-Final



King of the Ring Semi-Final

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Six-Man Tag Match

Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Kane


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels vs. winner of Shelton/HHH ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. TBD vs.
Kurt Angle vs. TBD vs. TBD


FYI, the King of the Ring does not get a title shot, but I think it'll be a good push for one of these guys.

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SmackDown Preview: Week 4, July 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 4, July 2004


The SmackDown Express hits its final stop before the King of the Ring special, and we've still got a couple of more spots left to claim! Booker T will go one-on-one with "The Heir" Orlando Jordan and try to fend off the pesky Chosen Ones at ringside. Additionally, "The French Phenom" Rene Dupree takes on Edge, looking to move on as well!


As for the second Money in the Bank qualifier, Matt Hardy will try his luck to get in by taking on the Master of the 6-1-9, Rey Mysterio! Who will make it to the ladder match at SummerSlam? Two titles are on the line as well! You won't want to miss it!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview

King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree


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Good luck!

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King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree

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Confirmed Match Preview

King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones

Comment: I can see Matt Hardy costing Booker the win here, but I rather see the opposite happening. See my other prediction to see what I am saying.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©

Comment: No team other than Londrick is taking the belts off of their wrists.


John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak

Comment: He certainly needs this momentum back.


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: I see a DQ ending here.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: Booker costs Matt the win here.


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: I am gunning for the upset here. Rene shall consolidate himself winning the King of the Ring tournament.


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Gonna try my hand at this as well...


Confirmed Match Preview

King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree

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King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones

Comment: Solely basing this on popularity. Surely!


WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©

Comment: I don't think Too Cool will, but I'd love it :D


John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak

Comment: Interesting coz at the time these two both had a bright future. I think Cena was always the more likely to be a success though.


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: by DQ. Henry wouldn't make a very good TV Champion (if you've read William Regal's book)...


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: OOOooooo...


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree


Comments on Previous Show: I like how you write 'Good Luck' at the bottom of your prediction key... We need it with your King of the Ring Tournament!!! Soooo unpredictable!!! :D As for the winner not getting a Title Shot, I don't think it matters. A King of the Ring win is big enough for someone in the mid to upper mid card! You can use it for allsorts :D

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King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones

Comment: Booker could take the Kingship and run with it.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©

Comment: Too Cool will not be too much for LotR... see what I did there?


John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak

Comment: Bob gets involved to cost Jindrak the match.


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: Stevie reigns supreme!


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: Rey will make the match more exciting.


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree

Easiest pick of the night.


Comments on Previous Show: I see Lloyd sneaking up on me after Raw in the predictions there, lol! To say I'm a bit disappointed in how Raw's side of the KotR seems to be shaping up is an understatement, if this were how things had really gone down I would definitely be complaining on the internet about it! :p

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Probably gonna mess up, but here goes nothing :D




King of the Ring Quarterfina

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


Don't see Orlando going over Booker



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©


Too Cool is a joke



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak


Not a chance



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


Doubt Henry goes over



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy


Rey would be better for mitb



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree


Edge is more experienced

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Confirmed Match Preview

King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak

Comment: Please make it happen :D


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree

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Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree


In a shocker!

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King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©



John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree

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Confirmed Match Preview

King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring ©

Comment: lol


John Cena vs. Mark Jindrak

Comment: double lol


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: Only 'cause I think it's too early for Stevie to drop it. So maybe a DQ win or something?


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy



King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Edge vs. Rene Dupree


Comments on Previous Show: Damn, I bombed that last show :(

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WWE SmackDown: Week 4, July 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 4, July 2004


The opening video plays featuring the WWE Superstars that will be on the show tonight as
Michael Cole
welcome the television audience to tonight's presentation of WWE SmackDown!


92 (A)

: None.




King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T
Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


To kick off the show, either Booker or Orlando would be entered into the semi-finals at the King of the Ring special in three days. Both men realized the importance of this one -- Booker showed it by digging down deep to take a fast-paced brawl to Jordan, and Orlando showed it by having his cronies try to distract his opponent or the referee at all times. When Porter and Burke were tossed from ringside, Jordan was not able to recover, and fell to a Scissors Kick!


71 (B-)

: 8:15.



Chavo Guerrero
is in the back, in
Paul Heyman's
office. He tells Paul that, don't worry, the greatest Cruiserweight Champion of all time is ready for his opportunity to qualify for the Money in the Bank. Chavo has aspirations to dethrone his brother as WWE Champion and become the greatest champion of all-time. Heyman tells Chavo that he admires his great ambition, but that the Money in the Bank qualifiers are filled and that Chavo will not be involved in the matchup. He does make sure that he wants a match, and Chavo says that he does...so next week, Paul Heyman says that Chavo Guerrero can prove himself by going one-on-one with...The Undertaker!


75 (B-)

: None.





Too Cool
Lords of the Ring ©


Too Cool's title opportunity was one which only had a feint ray of hope -- the champions dissected their opponents almost from the get-go. They successfully defended their belts after Charlie Haas forced Scotty to tap to the Haas of Pain.


57 (C-)

: 7:31.



As we come back from commercial, a graphic showing the SummerSlam interpromotional match between
The Undertaker
and RAW's
Randy Orton
is displayed! Cole and Tazz mention that the match has been officially signed and that in August these two men will go one-on-one in a "Legend vs. Legend Killer" match!


They send us to the back, where
cuts a promo about tonight and this Sunday. Edge says that he knows what it's like to become King of the Ring and that he'll be happy to get his hands on Brock Lesnar after he does so this Sunday. After he takes care of Rene Dupree tonight, he's going to run through two King of the Ring matches to win the crown and then take out Brock Lesnar and the Big Show.


78 (B)/78 (B)

: None.




John Cena
Mark Jindrak


Cole and Tazz called this one a match that we could see as a WWE Title match in the future because of the potential of these two guys. These two guys went back and forth, but the match never got a clear finish as the United States Champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield hit the ring and ambushed Cena as he was looking for the Five Knuckle Shuffle!


61 ©

: 7:34.



After the bell rings,
continues the assault on
, joined by
Mark Jindrak
who puts the boots to him as well! JBL lines up Cena and goes for a Clothesline From Hell, but
Hardcore Holly
runs down the ramp and joins the fray! He lands shots to both the champion and Jindrak, giving Cena the chance to get to his feet! Cena and Holly take Jindrak and JBL out and stand tall in the ring!


75 (B-)

: None.



Rene Dupree
stands backstage with Josh Matthews, who asks him about his match here tonight. Dupree calls Edge a disgrace to his own country because he is a low class hoodlum who does not deserve the glory of Canada that the French bring to the country. "The French Phenom" reiterates that he is going to become a great King like many Frenchmen before him. Every great king has a path to power filled with bodies and Edge is just another peasant sitting in the path of Rene Dupree.


83 (B+)

: None.





Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie
Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


Stevie Richards had a tall task on his hands in this one. Mark Henry, his toughest challenge yet for the TV Title, was able to dominate the early going after throwing Richards around the ring. The match spilled to the outside where Richards began to start up a bit of a rally, but Henry flattened him with a powerslam after catching a cross body attempt. Dawn Marie would come over to Henry and try to flirt a bit, and Tazz made a "Sexual Chocolate" reference. Dawn and Teddy Long got into an argument as Long told him to focus on the title match. They continued to argue, getting the referee's attention as Henry went over toward Stevie. With the referee not looking, Richards blasted Henry in the skull with a steel chair! He rolled in the ring and the referee eventually counted Mark out for a Richards win!


66 (C+)

: 8:21.



After a commercial break, Cole and Tazz bring us an announcement straight from
Paul Heyman
-- this Sunday, the United States Title will be defended in a Fatal Four Way between
John Cena
Hardcore Holly
, and
Mark Jindrak


A pre-recorded promo is next, and it's
Muhammad Hassan
standing by with
. He just cuts a quick one about his recent arrival in the WWE locker room. He notices the way that the other wrestlers look at him and he feels isolated for being an Arab-American. He promises the other wrestlers that no, he does not have a bomb in his bag. No, he does not know where Osama bin Laden is hiding. But yes, he does share the same passion as those men in the locker room who want to go out every night and perform in that ring. And it's only a matter of time before no one on SmackDown can escape Muhammad Hassan.


71 (B-)/52 (D+)

: None.




Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rey Mysterio
Matt Hardy


Two former Cruiserweight Champions squared off in this one, but Hardy looked to make sure this did not turn into a cruiserweight-style bout, grounding Mysterio at all turns. No matter how hard Matt tried, he was unable to put Rey away, and in the end, was rolled up in a victory roll by Mysterio for a Rey-Rey win!


73 (B-)

: 9:03.
I swear I'm not purposely jobbing Matt out. >_>



A video plays next. It's a quick one, and two darker-skinned Latino wrestlers are shown -- one with an afro. They tell the audience who they are; they are the sons of the former World Champion and one of the legends of the sport, Carlos Colón. They introduce themselves as
Carlito Colón
Eddie Colón
, and they'll be coming to SmackDown to carry on the legacy of their father!


53 (C-)

: None.



In the back,
Rey Mysterio
is hanging out in the locker room after his win, and
Kurt Angle
walks right in. He gives a backhanded congratulations to Mysterio and asks if he's even strong enough to hold the briefcase that will be hanging above the ring. Mysterio nods and is beginning to get a bit annoyed as Kurt tells him he might not even be able to reach the briefcase standing on the top rung of the ladder. Rey gets sick of the stupid jokes (which only Angle was laughing at) and sucker punches "The Olympic Hero" straight in the jaw! He kicks him out of the locker room and shakes his head disapprovingly toward Angle.


72 (B-)

: None.




King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Rene Dupree


Both men had their words, and now it was time for the main event. Edge, a former King of the Ring, looked to advance to the special over SmackDown's youngest superstar. They locked up early and Dupree used an eye rake to gain the upper hand for a bit. Edge would reverse this with a quick rally later on, clotheslining both men over the top rope! After a quick brawl on the outside with both men taking hits from the ring post and the barricade, they found themselves inside the ring. Dupree went for a Death Valley Driver, but Edge flipped through it and hit an Edgecution! After Dupree kicked out, Edge looked for the Spear! He crouched, veins popping out of his head and neck, eyes bulging, and slightly bounced up and down as the Frenchman made his way back to his feet. Dazed, Dupree found his way to his feet, and rolled out of the way of the Spear, which caught the abdomen of referee Charles Robinson!


The match continued on with the referee incapacitated, and Dupree ended up hit with a Spear, but there was no referee! As Edge went to wake up Robinson, Brock Lesnar hit the ring and flattened him with an F-5! Big Show was alongside him and helped the referee up while Lesnar draped Dupree's arm over Edge. "Not this way," shouted Michael Cole as Robinson's hand slammed down for the 1-2-3!


80 (B)

: 11:56.



Lesnar and Big Show
put the boots to
, looking to incapacitate him before their tag team match this Sunday.
Eddie Guerrero
hits the ring with a chair, swinging it wildly to even the numbers! Lesnar and Big Show retreat to the back as Eddie lifts up his tag team partner. The two tell Brock and Big Show to get some more, but the big men walk backward up the ramp, satisfied with their damage.


94 (A)

: None.



84 (B+)

: None.


Quick Results


King of the Ring Quarterfinal

Booker T
vs. Orlando Jordan


WWE Tag Team Championship

Too Cool vs.
Lords of the Ring ©


John Cena
vs. Mark Jindrak; DQ


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie ©
vs. Mark Henry; count-out


Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rey Mysterio
vs. Matt Hardy


King of the Ring Qualifier

Edge vs.
Rene Dupree


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus - 41

The Lloyd - 39


Kijar - 36

Smasher1311 - 32

SpecialDelivery - 31

michgcs - 28

thebest2427 - 13

Midnightnick - 13

daulten6 - 12

packerman120 - 8

TheBigBad1013 - 5 (welcome!)

Captain2 - 4

Russelrules44 - 3

Samuelftw - 2


The updated King of the Ring bracket can be found HERE.


The current King of the Ring card up to this point is as follows:


WWE King of the Ring 2004 Card
(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©


Eddie Guerrero and Edge vs. Brock Lesnar and Big Show


King of the Ring Final



King of the Ring Semi-Final

Booker T vs. Rene Dupree


King of the Ring Semi-Final

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak vs. JBL ©


Six-Man Tag Match

Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Kane


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels vs. winner of Shelton/HHH ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. TBD vs.
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. TBD


B-Shows and KotR Preview next!

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WWE B-Shows; Week 4, July 2004



WWE Velocity
Saturday, Week 4, July 2004


1. A video opens up the show, and it showcases the two King of the Ring semi-final matchups this weekend! A graphic shows the four men left in the tournament --
Johnny Nitro and Jeff Hardy
of RAW and
Booker T and Rene Dupree
of SmackDown!

: 68 (C+)


2. After a disappointing championship defeat on SmackDown,
Scotty 2 Hotty
fell once again, this time to a Crazysault from
Super Crazy

: 54 (C-)


3. A video hypes the King of the Ring tag team main event between
Brock Lesnar and the Big Show
Edge and Eddie Guerrero

: 80 (B)


Muhammad Hassan
put on an impressive performance, forcing
Brent Albright
to submit to the Camel Clutch.

: 27 (E)


grabs a microphone after the match and talks about the mistreatment of Arabs in the United States. He says that under Hassan's fist the WWE will be forced to worship him the way they worship a Latino like Eddie Guerrero as the WWE Champion.

: 65 ©


Jimmy Yang
has a new partner this week, and it's
Ultimo Dragon
, and this pairing defeats the team of
Nunzio and Jamie Noble
after an Asai DDT from Dragon to Nunzio!

: 46 (D)


7. A video and accompanying graphic hype the Fatal Four-Way for the United States Title between
John Cena, JBL, Mark Jindrak, and Hardcore Holly

: 66 (C+)


8. The main event of the night saw
"The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena
Montel Porter
after the F-U.

: 69 (C+)



68 (C+)




WWE Sunday Night Heat
Sunday, Week 4, July 2004


1. Tag team action opens the show, with the newly formed team of
Test and Billy Gunn
The Aristocracy
after Test waffled Warlock with a running big boot.

: 68 (C+)


2. After accompanying
to the ring,
Johnny Nitro
cuts a promo on the other three King of the Ring competitors, reiterating that he's going to be the one adding gold to his collection later on tonight.

: 71 (B-)


3. In a nice little showcase,
after an impressive

: 52 (D+)


4. A video recaps how
Tyson Rude
to qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match over
Jeff Hardy
on RAW!

: 66 (C+)


5. In tag team action,
Christian and Tyson Rude
The Golden Globes
when Goldust got hit with a Northern Lariat by Rude.

: 68 (C+)


6. A hype video plays for the six-man tag match at King of the Ring featuring
Randy Orton, Kane, and Ric Flair
taking on
Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Chris Jericho

: 78 (B)


7. The main event is actually a pay-per-view rematch from earlier this year, with
making much shorter and easier work of
than he did at Backlash.

: 78 (B)


8. After a quick hype graphic for the King of the Ring World Heavyweight Championship main event featuring
Triple H
Shelton Benjamin
, the commentators remind the viewing audience to tune in to NBC right now!

: 83 (B+)



77 (B)



KotR preview next!

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WWE King of the Ring Preview; Sunday, Week 4, July 2004



WWE King of the Ring

Sunday, Week 4, July 2004

Nationwide Arena; Columbus, OH


Emanating live from Columbus, Ohio, is the WWE King of the Ring special live on NBC! The comprehensive match card will be as follows:



King of the Ring Tournament

Jeff Hardy OR Johnny Nitro
Booker T OR Rene Dupree


How We Got Here:
When RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff announced the 2004 King of the Ring tournament, 8 men from each brand were entered into the bracket. Jeff Hardy and Johnny Nitro were able to come out of the RAW side with two wins apiece to advance to the semi-finals, and Booker T and Rene Dupree managed this feat from the SmackDown side. The winners of these two matches will face off in the final here tonight as well! Which superstar will be crowned King of the WWE?






John Cena
Hardcore Holly
Mark Jindrak


How We Got Here:
This Fatal Four-Way match is a combination of two ongoing rivalries which have been smashed into one gigantic title match. JBL used the help of his "First Lady" Sable to defeat Cena for the US Title just two weeks ago at the Great American Bash, and Cena is out for blood! Jindrak and Holly have been involved in a feud based on one-upsmanship and each member of the two intertwined rivalries look for the US Title to be wrapped around their waist at the end of the night!





Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, and Rob Van Dam
Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Kane


How We Got Here:
Michaels, Jericho, and Van Dam have each had their separate issues with Evolution throughout the course of the year, and it all comes to a head this Sunday! Evolution has enlisted a hired gun in "The Big Red Machine" Kane because they know that all he wants to do is get his hands on Shawn Michaels. After the injury to Chris Benoit, this was in danger of becoming a Handicap match, but Jericho came to the rescue of the other men, relinquishing his spot in the King of the Ring Tournament to come to the aid of HBK and RVD in this one. Which side will be able to finish the other?





Edge and Eddie Guerrero
Big Show and Brock Lesnar


How We Got Here:
Two weeks ago at the Great American Bash, Eddie Guerrero defeated Big Show to retain the WWE Title and Edge fell in a hell of a First Blood match against Brock Lesnar. Now, these two pairs are intertwined further because GM Paul Heyman has announced that Brock Lesnar will take on Eddie Guerrero at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship. Will Edge and Guerrero be able to conquer their larger foes, or will Heyman's pair of monsters roll?






Shelton Benjamin
Triple H ©


How We Got Here:
The main event of the night will feature two of RAW's superstars. A few weeks ago, Shelton Benjamin earned himself a pinfall victory over "The Game," which notched him a title shot at the King of the Ring special on NBC! After weeks of having an enraged Triple H calling that loss a fluke, Shelton has been able to pick up quite a few victories despite Evolution trying to protect the World Title! Can Shelton do the unthinkable and dethrone Triple H?!




Quick Match Preview


Pre-Show Match

Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. The Aristocracy



King of the Ring Semi-Final

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



King of the Ring Semi-Final

Booker T vs. Rene Dupree



King of the Ring Final

Hardy/Nitro vs. Booker/Dupree



United States Championship

John Cena vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak vs. JBL ©



Six-Man Tag Match

Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Kane



Eddie Guerrero and Edge vs. Big Show and Brock Lesnar


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?


What will be the first match on the card?


How many titles will change hands?


Will there be any turns? If so, who?


13 points up for grabs here! Good luck!

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