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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Johnny Stamboli



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rob Van Dam vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus



World Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz © vs. La Resistance

Comment: Going with Dupree helping them win to continue his momentum!


Comments on Previous Show: I saw it as more of a pay-per-view too man. Very well written as always. Gutted Shelton didn't win, but so shocked, and delighted that Dupree is the KOTR!!!! :D Good job, and a great shock!!!

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Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: Kidman and Rey could be good SD Tag title contenders, a team I could really see beating LotR. Did Warlock start with any popularity? Just curious where he's at by now.


He was at like a 10 around the US, but (since I'm a filthy cheater) I typically start everyone out at 25 (E) when I debut them to simulate how in real life someone debuts in WWE and a good amount of people instantly would know who they were if they went somewhere else. He's at around 28-29 across the US now.


King of the Ring Semi-Final

Booker T vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Did Booka win it in '04 in real life?


Actually, there was no KOTR in 2004 in real life :( Brock won in '02, and the next was in '06, where Booker won.


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©

Comment: The shovel takes down Shelton...but please, give him the title at some point. You CAN make him a star brother...I know you can.


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©

Comment: Would love this :D :D :D Although I can't see it happening...


This was the set-up. Shelton impressed, for sure. So while he may not be immediately thrust back into a title run, he did a very very good job with my test run. Even though he's not in line for a title shot at SummerSlam, he's definitely got a bright future in my company.


Comments on Previous Show: I saw it as more of a pay-per-view too man. Very well written as always. Gutted Shelton didn't win, but so shocked, and delighted that Dupree is the KOTR!!!! :D Good job, and a great shock!!!


King of the Ring Final

Jeff Hardy vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: See above. After he beat Edge, I just can't see you making him lose. And this will consolidate him, who could have been a much bigger star IRL. And also, I see Nitro costing Jeff this here because of both their feud and because of the loss earlier in this. This sets up their last showdown (for now) at SummerSlam.


Comments on Previous Show: Loved KOTR! Liked the suprise Dupree win for some reason. :p


Dang it Dupree!! Why do you have to be so pushable?!


Comments on Previous Show: Really good show, though I can't say I'm all too thrilled with either of the finals of KotR. The rest of the stuff was spot-on though, and the whole thing was very highly enjoyable read. Quite worth a Monthly Spotlight nomination, if somebody hasn't done so already :D


Mixed reactions toward Dupree, but I really felt that he was the guy I could work with the best as King. It gives him an instant credential and talking point in any further feud, and I think I can play him off really well since he's already an obnoxious heel. He's a young kid and so I don't want to push him to the moon quite yet, but this bumped him from Upper Mid to Main Event status and that's a great start for someone who's 20 years old. His future looks bright here, should he be able to pull those match ratings up.


Great job as usual RKO.


Thanks! Glad to see you enjoyed it.


I'm just glad to have all this chaos out of the way; upon booking the TV Title Tournament I realized it would run into the King of the Ring stuff and then that would run into the Money in the Bank qualifiers, and I sort of planned it all really close together which might have been a bit confusing at times. Everything should get much more streamlined and easier to keep up with from here on out.

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Confirmed Match Preview


The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Johnny Stamboli



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rob Van Dam vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: This could be a good showcase match for Nitro, though I guess the MITB needs someone like RVD for extra credibility, too...


Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus



World Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz © vs. La Resistance



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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Johnny Stamboli



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rob Van Dam vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus



World Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz © vs. La Resistance



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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Johnny Stamboli



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rob Van Dam vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus



World Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz © vs. La Resistance



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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 1, August 2004



Monday, Week 1, August 2004


RAW kicks off with a highlight video and we’re welcomed to the show by Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. They discuss the King of the Ring, how close Shelton Benjamin came to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion, and the big victory by Michaels, RVD, and Jericho!


They hype the Highlight Reel tonight, with its guest: "The Big Red Machine" Kane! Also, there's a contract signing tonight for the World Heavyweight Championship match at SummerSlam between Shawn Michaels and Triple H!


77 (B)

: None.



In the back,
Shelton Benjamin
is pleading his case to General Manager
Eric Bischoff
. He says that everyone and their mother saw Randy Orton whack him with the sledgehammer and cost him the win, but Bischoff is having none of it. Eric tells him that he's got a show to run, and that he'd like Benjamin to get out of his office. Benjamin persists, however; in response, Eric Bischoff finally acquiesces. He tells Shelton that fine, he's got something for him. If he wants to get another shot at the belt, he could do a great deal for himself tonight -- by beating "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton! Orton/Benjamin is set for later tonight.


78 (B)

: None.




The Hurricane w/Rosey
Johnny Stamboli


Despite giving up nearly 40 pounds of muscle to "The Bull," The Hurricane found his way around this one by using his unorthodox style. He finished off Johnny with the Eye of the Hurricane.


59 ©

: 7:49.



In the back,
is with
Trish Stratus
Tyson Rude
as they're approached by
Jeff Hardy
. Hardy, upset about Rude's sneak attack last week, tells Christian that he hopes he's proud of himself -- stealing a spot in that ladder match from a guy who actually deserves it. He says there's nothing he can do now, but he wants to beat up the guy who cost him his shot. Hardy challenges Tyson Rude, who accepts his challenge -- that match is next!


64 ©

: None.




Jeff Hardy
Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


After a quick break, Jeff was set to go one-on-one with Christian's "Problem Solver." Rude looked extremely impressive against the former Intercontinental Champion, disallowing him from using his high-flying maneuvers. Hardy was able to muster a little bit of momentum, at which point Rude had had enough -- he had Trish retrieve him a chair and blasted Hardy in the back with it! The referee called for the bell.


67 (C+)

: 5:53.



After the bell rings,
Tyson Rude
picks up right from where he left off last week. He slams
in the back with the chair a couple of times and stomps on him.
gets in the ring an slaps Hardy in the face! As Hardy gets up, he's flattened with the Northern Lariat, and for the second week in a row Tyson Rude leaves Jeff Hardy in a heap in the middle of the ring.


51 (D+)

: None.



In the back,
Johnny Nitro and Melina
are in the back with Todd Grisham, who questions Nitro about his match with Rob Van Dam tonight. Nitro says that he's shown RVD a million times that he's better than him and tonight is just gonna be one more time where RVD will get in the ring with the real "Mr. Monday Night." Money in the Bank, Melina adds, is exactly why the paparazzi salivate over Nitro and Melina. They've already got it. Melina says that she's got the perfect outfit to match that briefcase, and that the biggest problem facing Johnny Nitro is what to wear to properly accessorize the briefcase -- and then the World Title!


70 (C+)

: None.




Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rob Van Dam
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


In a rematch from Vengeance, RVD took on the flashy Johnny Nitro. Melina's piercing screams could be heard from around ringside as Van Dam used his unorthodox "educated feet" to his advantage. Despite his manager's best effort, Nitro found himself on the losing end of this one after a Five Star Frog Splash!


72 (B-)

: 11:58.



In the back,
Mickie James
is skipping along throughout the hallways. Out from a corner,
jumps her! Again, Mickie suffers a beating at the hands of the challenger to the Women's Title as Victoria tosses the young woman around the backstage area. Officials are finally able to break up the beatdown, but not before Victoria has done significant damage to Mickie James once again!


41 (D-)

: None.





Back in the ring, "Break the Walls Down" hits and it's time for the Highlight Reel!
Chris Jericho
makes his way out to the ring and gets inside of it.



"Hello and welcome to the Highlight Reel sponsored by RRRAAWW. IS. JERICHO! Last night at King of the Ring, all of my Jerichoholics witnessed yours truly, along with Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels lay a glorious beatdown on Orton, Kane, and Flair, but in case you missed it, take a look right here on the obscenely expensive Jeritron 5000: HIT IT, MONKEYS!"


A video airs, showing the highlights of the six-man tag match from the King of the Ring, displaying a handful of instances where Jericho landed attacks to Kane. Y2J is smirking as the camera focuses back on him in the ring.


"Enough about me, let's turn our focus to tonight. Right here, on THE HIGHLIGHT REEL, I'd like to introduce my special guest. He's a hideous, disfigured man who some say looks straight out of a horror movie. He used to wear long hair and a mask, but now he looks like King Kong Bundy. Throughout his career, he has the distinction of having been beaten by Y2J
times, and perhaps most importantly, he's best known for being a dispenser for cinnamon-flavored chewing gum -- ladies and gentlemen please welcome "The Big Red Machine"


Fire explodes from the stage and turnbuckles and
is on his way out to the ring, looking less than pleased. He walks down and gets into the ring, immediately getting in Jericho's face. Jericho offers him a seat, but Kane doesn't budge. He tells him that he did not appreciate his comments. Jericho continues with his backhanded compliments, and Kane snaps, grabbing his throat! Before anything can descend into further chaos, "Sexy Boy" hits and
Shawn Michaels
walks out to the top of the ramp with a microphone.


Michaels tells Kane not to be a sore loser and to hold on a minute. Michaels says that Kane couldn't beat him at King of the Ring, and he's not going to get the chance to face him at SummerSlam, because in case everyone forgot -- Shawn Michaels is in the main event at SummerSlam! And more importantly, Kane is not. He doesn't need to take his anger out on Jericho. Kane then tosses Jericho to the side and gets out of the ring, walking up the ramp to attack Michaels.



"Uh uh uh, I thought you'd think of doing that. But you see 'big man', I've gotta keep you off my back until SummerSlam so I can beat Hunter and take the World Heavyweight Title. You wanna talk about my demons and my past, and question my legacy? It's true, I made a lot of enemies in the past and not so many friends, but I've got a little bit of an insurance policy with a man who has been a great friend...and a better enemy. Kane, I am
the man I once was, but sometimes you have to dig deep into your past so you can thrive in the future:"


Michaels steps to the side and points to the ramp. Kane, confused, looks toward it as well. All of a sudden--


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/zVpLeGrz1_M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




JR and "The King" note that Sid hasn't appeared on RAW in seven years! It can't be! With his ominous music playing, the seven-footer walks out to the top of the ramp, cackling. Kane is shocked! His eyes nearly popping out of his head, Kane backs up slowly as Sid walks down the ramp toward him; "The Big Red Machine" escapes through the crowd as Sid and Michaels stand tall!


82 (B)

: None.




Stacy Keibler
Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude


The crowd was behind Stacy the whole way, but it made no difference. Trish finished off her opponent with the Chick Kick, just reminding the audience that she's still a danger in the ring.


65 ©

: 6:21.



After a commercial break,
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
cut a pre-taped promo from an undisclosed location. Cade describes his change from his "company-given" name of Garrison to his Texas birth name of Lance. It's a similar promo to their promo on Heat; Cade introduces his cousin Trevor and says that they're here to take the tag division by storm.


41 (D)

: None.





The Dudley Boyz ©
La Resistance


The World Tag Team Championship contest pitted rivals coming from different pedigrees, and it showed in the match. Grenier and Conway looked to isolate the champions and keep them in their corner at all times, but the Dudleyz were much scrappier, brawling all around the ring whenever possible. For a great deal of the match, all four men found themselves in the ring and it degenerated with D-Von clotheslining Grenier over the top rope. Conway was groggy and turned around right into the 3-D, and the champions retained!


72 (B-)

: 7:59.



In the back,
Randy Orton
is with Jonathan Coachman, talking about The Undertaker's involvement last night at King of the Ring and his match against Shelton Benjamin tonight.


Orton condemns Undertaker, saying that in three weeks at SummerSlam, the Deadman will become 'just another statistic' in the record books of "The Legend Killer." Once 'Taker actually gets into the ring with Orton, he will realize that he is standing face-to-face with his conqueror.


As for Shelton Benjamin, well...let's just say that there's more where that sledgehammer shot came from.


85 (B+)

: None.



The camera moves from Orton's promo right over to
Shelton Benjamin
, who's warming up for his main event opportunity! The main event, featuring Benjamin and Orton, is


78 (B)

: None.




Shelton Benjamin
Randy Orton w/Ric Flair


At the bell, Shelton attacked quickly, looking to get some sort of retribution for Orton costing him the World Heavyweight Title just 24 hours earlier. After a couple of early Stinger Splashes, he clotheslined Orton over the top rope and followed him to the outside as he tried to regroup! He shoved Flair to the ground, rammed Orton into the ring post and threw him in the ring. The match was a bit more balanced from here; Orton used an eye rake to get control. Both wrestlers used their athleticism to turn the tide throughout the match. The crowd came alive when Benjamin hit a belly-to-belly suplex and climbed to the top rope! As the referee checked on Orton, Ric Flair got up on the apron and hit the ropes, causing Shelton to lose his balance! With Benjamin sitting on the top rope, Orton capitalized, hitting him with an RKO from the top rope! He made the cover and ended this fantastic match with a three count!


88 (B+)

: 11:56.



After a commercial, it's time for the contract signing! With
Eric Bischoff
in the ring, he introduces both
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
, who make their way out to the ring! Bischoff begins by talking about the contracts in front of them. Pretty much wordlessly, Triple H signs. Shawn Michaels signs the contract as well.


With Bischoff still going over everything that the wrestlers need to know, Michaels and HHH stand up out of their chairs and stare each other down from inches away. Nothing really needs to be said, as this rivalry has gone on for almost two years. The two jaw at each other and "The Game" pushes his former friend! This descends into a brawl; the table is thrown and the two trade punch after punch after punch.
Orton and Flair
hit the ring to help "The Game," but Michaels helps fend them off with the help of
Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho
! Random midcarders hit the ring like The Hurricane and Rosey, Val Venis, Goldust, and others, including officials! Every time they attempted to hold the two bitter rivals apart, however, they would break free and once again return to their brawl! As a great deal of the roster was in the ring at the same time in some sort of amorphous group trying to hold back Triple H and Shawn Michaels, the voice of Eric Bischoff is heard as he finally delivers some finality to this segment:





Michaels and Triple H break free again! They're caught again and restrained to separate corners one more time, and Bischoff goes off one more time.




The crowd explodes as Ross and Lawler go ballistic as well! They can't believe it, JR is screaming at the top of his lungs as RAW heads off the air!


90 (A)

: None.



86 (B+)

: This show increased our popularity in 8 regions.


Quick Results


The Hurricane w/Rosey
vs. Johnny Stamboli


Jeff Hardy
vs. Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus; DQ


Money in the Bank Qualifier

Rob Van Dam
vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Stacy Keibler vs.
Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude


World Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz ©
vs. La Resistance


Shelton Benjamin vs.
Randy Orton w/Ric Flair


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Kijar - 4

packerman120 - 4

thebest2427 - 4

SpecialDelivery - 4

michgcs - 3

TheBigBad1013 - 3

Smasher1311 - 3

The Lloyd - 2


Beejus - 2

Midnightnick - 1


The current SummerSlam card is as follows:


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs.
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. TBD

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SmackDown Preview: Week 1, August 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 1, August 2004


With the King of the Ring special in the rear view mirror for the blue brand, how will the gigantic victory by Brock Lesnar and the Big Show affect SmackDown's landscape? In a non-title matchup, Eddie Guerrero will go one-on-one with the man who was crowned King, "The French Phenom" Rene Dupree!


Additionally, Dupree's coronation ceremony will take place, and he claims that it will rival those of the great French kings of yesteryear. Additionally, Scott Steiner takes on Edge for the final spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match, Chavo Guerrero takes on The Undertaker, and Muhammad Hassan is in action!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview

Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree


Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree


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Confirmed Match Preview

Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian

Comment: He'll put Kaz in a rear-naked choke for 5 minutes :D


Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero

Comment: RIP Chavo


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree

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Confirmed Match Preview

Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree


Comments on Previous Show: Can't believe I was pleased to see SID!!! Ugh!!! Why do you do this to me man? Make me like the people I used to hate!!!

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Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian

Comment: Both could have a lot going for them. But while Kaz at this point is "The Future" Brian is right now.


Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio

Comment: :D


The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero

Comment: Well, Chavo gets what he wants, a challenger.


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Hassan keeps his momentum rolling.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Much as I could see you putting Steiner in it, I think Edge would be a better fit.


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree

The King immediately gets crowned, huh?


Comments on Previous Show: I'm with Lloyd, I didn't see Sid coming at all! Great shock, and a really good way to end the show with chaos, and Bischoff laying down the law! Can't wait to see HiaC! Although I'm disappointed in the lack of JTB win :(

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Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree

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Confirmed Match Preview

Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio

Comment: Nunzio>>>>


The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: I don't vote against Moore, but I'm pretty sure he'll lose. :p


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree

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Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Much as I could see you putting Steiner in it, I think Edge would be a better fit.


I can't tell if the Steiner comment is a compliment to unpredictability or an insult for pushing Steiner as much as I have :D


Comments on Previous Show: Can't believe I was pleased to see SID!!! Ugh!!! Why do you do this to me man? Make me like the people I used to hate!!!


Comments on Previous Show: I'm with Lloyd, I didn't see Sid coming at all! Great shock, and a really good way to end the show with chaos, and Bischoff laying down the law! Can't wait to see HiaC! Although I'm disappointed in the lack of JTB win :(


:D I assumed a mixed response to Sid, but I've always been a fan of his 'unique' charisma. I thought about bringing in Nash to have the epic Diesel vs. Fake Diesel clash that we never got the 'privilege' of seeing, but I honestly think that Sid poses a more legitimate threat to Kane than Nash does, just because he's actually got a bit of a - no pun intended - psycho aura to him to rival Kane's depravity. Also, do you guys think that's a good enough picture for Sid and accurate toward what he (probably) looked like in 2004? Or does he look too young? I'm a stickler for those kinds of things for the most part, and I wanted to make sure I captured the right look for him.


I'm not gonna lie, I pretty much stole that HIAC announcement from exactly what happened in May 2004. I honestly couldn't think of a better way to do it, and hey, it never happened in my universe, so I'm not really "stealing" anything :D but it should be super fun to write.


Speaking of which, I booked SummerSlam and it was a very polarizing show; some matches underperformed while others turned out much better than expected. Overall, it was a successful show and I'm excited to move on toward Survivor Series and 2005!

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Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero

Comment: Orton!


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree

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Confirmed Match Preview

Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian



Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Much as I want history to repeat itself with the MITB, I think Edge still isn't done with Lesnar


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree

Oh man imagine what a win would do for Dupree!


Comments on Previous Show: Hopefully Sid can still go, would be fun to have another name for your top stars to feud with

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Confirmed Match Preview

Bryan Lloyd vs. Frankie Kazarian


Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero



Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

Edge vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rene Dupree


Comments on Previous Show: Great show, Summerslam is definitely shaping up nicely.

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I can't tell if the Steiner comment is a compliment to unpredictability or an insult for pushing Steiner as much as I have :D


Mostly unpredictability? Given that IRL guys like Big Show and Mark Henry have been in an MITB, I could see Steiner being in it as the "monster" role.

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WWE SmackDown: Week 1, August 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 1, August 2004


The opening video plays featuring the WWE Superstars that will be on the show tonight as
Michael Cole
welcome the television audience to tonight's presentation of WWE SmackDown!


They start to talk about the tag team match from King of the Ring, and how Heyman and Big Show didn't look to be on the same page, but Tazz downplays any sort of tension there.


83 (B+)

: None.



Cole and Tazz are cut off by the sound of
and SmackDown is set to kick off with the coronation of the 2004 King of the Ring,
Rene Dupree
! The throne is set up in the ring, and instead of a traditional red carpet, the ring is lined with a royal blue carpet patterned with the
of his native France.


The 20-year-old walks out with a cape around his neck, raising his scepter in the air for all to see. Cole steps into the ring with a microphone as Rene makes his way down to the ring. He walks around the ring, playing to the crowd with waves and a puffed out chest, but the audience is having none of it. Dupree gets in the ring after some more obnoxious waving, and Cole introduces him as the 2004 King of the Ring, garnering more boos. Cole starts to talk about the victory, but Dupree snatches away the microphone and tells him to stand to the side.



"Ladies and gentlemen, I
your pitiful, smelly, obese country with my presence as the
King of the Ring of all-time. When this -how you say-
in this ring places that glorious crown on the head of Rene Dupree, SmackDown will enter a new era -- an era led by the ideals of
Liberté, Égalité,
under my guidance. Place the crown on my head."


Cole goes to grab the crown, but Dupree specifies -- lift with his fingertips, he doesn't want Cole's lower-class fingerprints on his priceless gold. Dupree sits down in the chair and Cole places the crown on his head. As the crowd boos with Dupree waving once again, music hits --




One of the men Dupree defeated at the King of the Ring,
Booker T
makes his entrance to the delight of the audience! Booker gets into the ring and grabs a microphone over the protests of the new King. Booker says that Dupree might have won the tournament, and he gives him 'props' for beating someone like Jeff Hardy like he did. But Booker just wants to remind everyone how Dupree beat him -- and that cues a video showing Dupree holding the ropes to advance to the finals. Booker isn't gonna take that lightly, because he got robbed. He wants another shot at Dupree next week, but Dupree evades his challenge, refusing to drop down to the level of a mere commoner. Booker says Dupree could've had it the easy way, but now he gets the hard way -- and cracks him in the face! The crowd cheers as Booker sends Dupree reeling, finishing him with a shuffling side kick which knocks Dupree through the ropes to the floor! Booker celebrates in the ring, tossing the throne and other objects to the ground while Dupree is livid walking back up the ramp!


72 (B-)

: None.




Bryan Lloyd
Frankie Kazarian


Kazarian exploded onto the scene back at Judgment Day when he was able to last until nearly the end of the Cruiserweight Open, but his breakthrough was second to Lloyd, who memorably outlasted Kurt Angle in his first match on SmackDown! The commentators viewed this as a look into the future, and it was a pretty good match for guys with little big-time experience. Lloyd finished this one with the
he defeated Orlando Jordan with! Tazz let the audience know that Lloyd calls this the Cattle Mutilation, and Kazarian tapped out!


54 (C-)

: 5:56.



In the back,
Eddie Guerrero
stands with his WWE Championship belt slung over his shoulder and Josh Matthews with a microphone. He asks Eddie about his match tonight against the King of the Ring, Rene Dupree.


"Latino Heat" responds by saying that Dupree's definitely impressed the champion with his resolve and creativity in the ring. He might have cheated Booker out of a spot in the finals, but he's not gonna be able to out-maneuver a master like Eddie Guerrero. As Eddie goes to continue, he's cut off by the arrival of...
Brock Lesnar


Brock walks into the frame, eying the precious gold over the shoulder of the WWE Champion. He's got a simple message -- "Hey Eddie, that pain and those aches you feel around your body from King of the Ring...there's a
more where that came from. Good luck tonight." He ends this statement with a wry, mocking smile and walks off, leaving Guerrero behind.


89 (A)

: None.




Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon
Jamie Noble and Nunzio


During their entrance, Yang welcomed everyone to everyone's favorite game show, Yang Time! Yang and Dragon showed surprisingly excellent chemistry for two men with polar opposite ideologies. This chemistry surpassed even those of their opponents who are natural cousins! Nunzio found himself on the receiving end of an Asai Moonsault for the Yang and Dragon win!


70 (C+)

: 7:36.



After the match,
Yang and Ultimo Dragon
have their hands raised and Yang shows a great deal of excitement, even hugging Ultimo while the Dragon simply shakes his head, clearly not prone to the same emotional outbursts. However, in the middle of their celebration, they're jumped from behind by the
Lords of the Ring
! Haas and Storm beat down Yang and Dragon, sending them into the barricade, ring posts, and wherever else they can send them. Storm hits Dragon with a Superkick while Haas lands an inverted DDT to Yang, leaving the two flat out on the outside floor. They raise their titles in the air and are booed by the crowd. We head to a commercial break.


51 (D+)

: None.




The Undertaker
Chavo Guerrero


The self-proclaimed greatest Cruiserweight Champion of all-time ran into a brick wall in this match. Try as he might, Chavo wasn't able to really put a dent in the Deadman's physical health. The Undertaker's dominance of a great wrestler such as Chavo Guerrero further accentuated his focus and readiness for the SummerSlam challenge made by Randy Orton. He finished off Guerrero with the Tombstone Piledriver.


80 (B)

: 8:15.



Another hype video for
The Colóns
plays next. Carlito and Eddie repeat their family heritage and are excited to become the next great tag team on SmackDown!


Cole and Tazz hype the greatness of their father, Carlos Colón, and also seem excited for the youngsters to make their debut!


61 ©

: None.



JBL and Sable
are standing with Josh Mathews, and he has some comments about his victory at King of the Ring. Bradshaw spouts off the fact that not one, not two, but
men could not dethrone the United States Champion, and that's why John "Bradshaw" Layfield is the best man to hold the US Title. When opportunity strikes, JBL will take advantage of it. He's interrupted, however, by the former champion,
John Cena
! Cena asks for a "thank you" for setting Jindrak up for JBL to pin him, but JBL refuses, instead saying that it was all the genius of Bradshaw that led to his win. This eventually descends into a brawl, with Bradshaw backing away from Cena! Cena is held back by officials as Bradshaw walks back to his locker room.


86 (B+)

: None.




Shannon Moore
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


Hassan looked impressive here, bending Moore to his will. He finished him off, Daivari barking at ringside, with a Reverse STO and the Camel Clutch.


40 (D-)

: 5:42.



In the back,
Ron Simmons
is in the office of
Paul Heyman
asking for a match against Orlando Jordan. He says he doesn't like what Jordan and the Chosen Ones have been doing around here, and he wants to put a stop to it. Heyman mulls it over for a second, and comes up with something 'even better' - sure, Simmons can get Orlando Jordan next week...and Montel Porter...
Elijah Burke. In a 3-on-1 Handicap match where Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman are banned from ringside!


Oh yeah...and if Simmons loses...he's forced to leave the WWE!


64 ©

: None.



A graphic shows --
takes on
Scott Steiner
next! The winner qualifies for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match!



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Scott Steiner


"Big Poppa Pump" looked to qualify for a match that made him an instant WWE Title contender -- but he'd have to get through Edge to do it. The two men put on a very solid semi-main event, with Steiner looking to have won it a few times with the Steiner Recliner, but he had trouble locking the hold on the lanky body of the Canadian. Steiner met his downfall after kissing his bicep before an elbow drop, which missed the mark! Edge landed a quick flurry of moves, ending with a Spear and the pinfall victory!


72 (B-)/82 (B)

: 11:44.



As Tony Chimel announces
as the final entrant into the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Edge finds himself attacked from behind by
Kurt Angle
! One of the other entrants, Angle puts the boots to Edge and locks in the Ankle Lock, but here comes
Rey Mysterio
! Rey Rey springboards to the top rope and dropkicks Angle! Reeling, Angle rolls under the bottom rope and retreats as Mysterio checks on his friend Edge.


72 (B-)

: None.



Before the final commercial break, a split-screen is shown of
Eddie Guerrero
Rene Dupree
walking down the backstage hallways for our main event! It's next!


79 (B)

: None.




Eddie Guerrero
Rene Dupree


The King put on the best match of his young career in this one; it was a clinic by any standard against the reigning WWE Champion. Dupree and Guerrero told a story in the ring; one of Dupree's ascension and Guerrero's stalwart toughness. Rene controlled a great deal of the match using underhanded tactics, and found himself reversing many of the signature moves of Guerrero, including the Three Amigos and his somersault senton. However, this match got an unclear finish when Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns hit the ring to attack Guerrero, forcing the referee to call for the bell!


91 (A)

: 11:57.



Brock and Luther
continue to assault the champion, but
fights back. He's backed into a corner with the two wolves approaching slowly, and
Paul Heyman
starts walking down the ramp with
Big Show
. Finding himself completely surrounded, Eddie slides through the legs of Reigns and dropkicks him into the corner. He continues to evade the two and do a bit of damage, and Heyman slaps Big Show on the back, telling him to get in the ring. Show hesitates, and Heyman says "NOW."


The commentators again reference the slight dissension between the team at King of the Ring, applying it to the situation at hand. Big Show begrudgingly gets into the ring as the wolves surround Guerrero once more. However, Big Show turns to his left and waffles Reigns with a hard punch to the jaw! Reigns falls backwards and to the ground as Eddie watches Big Show attack Lesnar too! Guerrero joins, forming an uneasy truce for the moment with "The World's Largest Athlete," who has forsaken his alliance with Paul Heyman! Heyman is livid on the outside as Lesnar and Reigns escape the ring! Show looks at Eddie and then looks back at Team Heyman, putting his right arm in the air as SmackDown comes to a close!


76 (B-)

: With Reigns involved, this segment was never going to outperform the last one.



87 (B+)

: This show increased our popularity in 13 regions.


Quick Results


Bryan Lloyd
vs. Frankie Kazarian


Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon
vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio


The Undertaker
vs. Chavo Guerrero


Shannon Moore vs.
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


Money in the Bank Qualifier

vs. Scott Steiner


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero
vs. Rene Dupree


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

thebest2427 - 10

packerman120 - 10

TheBigBad1013 - 9

Kijar - 8

Smasher1311 - 8

Beejus - 8

SpecialDelivery - 7

The Lloyd - 7


Midnightnick - 6

michgcs - 6


The current SummerSlam card is as follows:


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs.
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge

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WWE Velocity
Saturday, Week 1, August 2004


1. A video opens up the show, recapping the Money in the Bank qualifier this past Thursday, with
triumphing over
Scott Steiner
. The segment ends with a graphic of the six participants for SummerSlam!

: 77 (B)


2. Looking crisp and young again,
Ron Simmons
Montel Porter
with the Dominator. Can he be as successful next week when he fights for his career?

: 55 (C-)


3. After the match,
Orlando Jordan
brings a chair in the ring, but swings and misses.
picks it up after he drops it and swings it around at
The Chosen Ones
! They head for higher ground as Simmons tells them to get back in the ring!

: 47 (D)


4. The Television Title receives its first defense on Velocity;
Stevie Richards
finished off
with the Stevie Kick.

: 67 (C+)


5. A video package recaps the shocking turn by
Big Show
last Thursday on SmackDown!

: 76 (B-)


6. Looking more angry than normal,
Luther Reigns
aggressively flattened Funaki with the Reign of Terror.

: 55 (C-)


7. One final video package airs; this one highlights the coronation of
Rene Dupree
and its subsequent interruption by
Booker T

: 68 (C+)


8. The main event of the night featured
Matt Hardy
going one-on-one with
Paul London
, whom he defeated with the Twist of Fate.

: 73 (B-)



71 (B-)




WWE Sunday Night Heat
Sunday, Week 1, August 2004


1. The arrogant sneer of
Damien Warlock
kicked off Heat as he defeated Maven with the Idolizer.

: 50 (D+)


2. After the match,
William Regal
gets inside the ring with a microphone and he and
do a bit of self-promotion, calling out the Dudley Boyz.

: 58 (C-)


3. Divas action ensued next, and
Gail Kim
with the Flying Dragon.

: 43 (D)


4. A video details the return of
Sid Vicious
to RAW, recruited by
Shawn Michaels
to combat

: 73 (B-)


5. The semi-main event left something to be desired, but
down with the Buzzsaw Kick nonetheless.

: 57 (C-)


6. Another promo airs for
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
, and they announce their intent to win the World Tag Team Titles.

: 40 (D-)


7. The main event featured a bit of fine-tuning by the team of
"The Problem Solver" Tyson Rude
. They beat
Johnny Curtis and Brent Albright
when Rude whacked Curtis in the back of the skull with the Northern Lariat.

: 63 ©


8. The final hype video shows the monumental announcement by
Eric Bischoff
Triple H
will take on
Shawn Michaels
inside Hell in a Cell at SummerSlam!

: 89 (A)



70 (C+)



RAW preview next!

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 2, August 2004



Monday, Week 2, August 2004


This week, Shawn Michaels goes one-on-one with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair in the main event! How will both Michaels and Evolution react to the news that HBK and HHH will face off inside Hell in a Cell?


Additionally, the three RAW participants in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match will take part in a Triple Threat match! Will Van Dam, Jericho, or Christian gain momentum heading towards the hottest part of the summer? Finally, Sid returns for his first match on RAW in seven years!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck! Sorry Beejus for teaming Stamboli with Rico


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