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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair


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Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show:

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Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair


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Confirmed Match Preview


Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: As much as I love Nitro/JoMo, Shelton dropped one to him during the KOTR Quarter-Finals, so Nitro drops one back here.


Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli

Comment: Your comment apologizing for teaming Rico and Stamboli up already spoils the results >_>


The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria

Comment: I think that you're going to give Victoria a run with the gold, so Lita gains the win before the title match here.


Sid Vicious vs. A-Train

Comment: This is pretty obvious.


Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian

Comment: I smell some cheating right here.


Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Keep HBK strong going into SummerSlam.


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Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train

Comment: DAMMIT SID!!!


Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair



Such a good card man!!!!

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Confirmed Match Preview


Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair

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Confirmed Match Preview


Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair


You missed the first match!

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Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli



The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria



Sid Vicious vs. A-Train



Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian



Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair


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Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Nitro may be on the rise, but there ain't no stoppin' Shelton, noooooo!


Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli

Comment: This makes babies cry.


The Golden Globes and Lita vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria

Comment: Victoria picks up a cheap win over Lita.


Sid Vicious vs. A-Train

Comment: JR should be prepared to call this "bowling shoe ugly".


Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian

Comment: In the chaos, this could be a decent match for RVD to gain a small victory.


Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Flair is definitely the gatekeeper to Evolution, and he plays his role here to a T.


Comments on Previous Show: Comments withheld due to poor treatment of JTB :(

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<p><strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>The Dudley Boyz</strong> vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

The Golden Globes and Lita vs. <strong>The Aristocracy and Victoria</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sid Vicious</strong> vs. A-Train</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Triple Threat Match</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian</p><p>



Shawn Michaels</strong> vs. Ric Flair</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show:</p>

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<p>Confirmed Match Preview</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>The Dudley Boyz</strong> vs. Rico and Johnny Stamboli</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

The Golden Globes and Lita vs. <strong>The Aristocracy and Victoria</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sid Vicious</strong> vs. A-Train</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Triple Threat Match</p><p>

Chris Jericho vs. <strong>Rob Van Dam </strong>vs. Christian</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> vs. Ric Flair</p><p>


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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 2, August 2004



Monday, Week 2, August 2004


RAW kicks off with a highlight video and we’re welcomed to the show by Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. Among the topics they hype for tonight's episode are the fallout of the Hell in a Cell announcement for SummerSlam, a Triple Threat encounter between RAW's three participants in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and the return of Sid Vicious to RAW!


81 (B)

: None.




Shelton Benjamin
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Two men the commentators considered the future of RAW locked up in the opening contest, with Benjamin looking for revenge from a couple of weeks back when Nitro defeated him in the King of the Ring Tournament. A very solid opening match ensued, with Benjamin defeating Hollywood's own Johnny Nitro after a T-Bone Suplex!


70 (C+)

: 10:09



Shelton Benjamin
picks up his first win in a few weeks, and has his hand raised by referee Chad Patton! Benjamin's celebration is cut short, however, by a sneak attack from
! He puts the boots to Shelton, with
shouting and cheering her man on. Nitro stands over the fallen Benjamin before walking out, the crowd booing. As he walks out, JR vilifies him as a sore loser and is offended by his actions.


72 (B-)

: None.



In the back,
Shawn Michaels
is welcomed by Todd Grisham, who also introduces the man that HBK brought back last week,
Sid Vicious
! The pair walk onto the screen and have some words for their respective rivals. Michaels says that he knows from experience (referencing Badd Blood 1997, Kane's debut) that the cell isn't strong enough to keep Kane out, so he's glad he has his friend Sid helping him out. At SummerSlam, he's going to end things with "The Game" by taking what he loves most, the World Heavyweight Title. Tonight, that starts by beating "The Nature Boy."


Sid speaks next.





86 (B+)

: None.




The Dudley Boyz
Johnny Stamboli and Rico


The World Tag Team Champions looked impressive here, putting away Rico with the 3-D in an otherwise unremarkable match.


70 (C+)

: 7:37.



As the champions are handed their titles,
The Dudleyz
are interrupted by an unexpected voice -- that of SmackDown GM
Paul Heyman
! He's on the big screen and he's got a proposition for the Dudley Boyz. He says he knows the Dudleyz better than anyone, and he wants them to prove that they're the best team in the WWE. The only way to prove this is to take on all comers. "I hereby challenge you, D-Von, and you Bubba Ray, on behalf of SmackDown superstars Charlie Haas and Lance Storm to a tag team match at SummerSlam." No titles on the line, just a match for bragging rights. Bubba answers with two simple words -- "You're on!" And just like that, we've got an interpromotional match for SummerSlam!


73 (B-)

: None.



Evolution's locker room is the site of the next segment, where
Ric Flair and Triple H
are going over strategy for Flair's main event bout tonight against "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Triple H and Flair go on to blast HBK, calling him a "Ric Flair wannabe" his whole career. HHH wants Flair to soften him up for SummerSlam, and to start by doing whatever it takes to destroy his knees and legs with the Figure Four Leg Lock. Flair tells Triple H that he's got what he asked for, and that Shawn Michaels is gonna feel the wrath of Evolution, woo!


92 (A)

: None.




The Golden Globes and Lita
The Aristocracy and Victoria


This intergender six-person tag team match equaled the quality of the two opening matches. Lita and Victoria showed special rage toward one another when they entered the match, and Lita ended up defeating Victoria with a roll-up thanks to a distraction from Mickie James!


70 (C+)

: 8:10.



After a commercial break, "Line in the Sand" hits and
Randy Orton
makes his way out to the ring. Orton grabs a microphone and has a message for The Undertaker. He says that he's never felt this focused before and that he is not scared of the Deadman; rather, The Unertaker should be scared of Randy Orton. After all, Orton has beaten everyone that the WWE has put in front of him, and he's even destroyed and ended the career of Mick Foley -- something The Undertaker couldn't quite do when the two did battle. As Orton continues, the lights go black! The crowd goes wild before the
hits and then even more crazy afterward!


The theme music of The Undertaker hits...and after a few seconds, it's not 'Taker, but
Paul Bearer
who makes his way out to the ring! Perhaps based on the surprise, Bearer's appearance leads to an increase in the noise level in the arena! He slowly walks out to the ring and gets a microphone of his own as he stands in the ring with "The Legend Killer." He tells Orton that he's here to deliver a message from beyond the grave. The Undertaker has heard the comments that Orton has made about him, but at SummerSlam the talk will be over. Randy Orton doesn't know what he's getting into, and at SummerSlam he will rest...in...peace --


At the end of this message, Orton smiles. He asks Bearer why The Undertaker would send him here to be his messenger. Orton knows that 'Taker is scared of him and that come SummerSlam, the Deadman will finally be put six feet under thanks to "The Legend Killer." And Orton tells Paul that he has a message for the Phenom himself. Orton drops the mic and delivers a vicious RKO to Paul Bearer! "That's a 50-year old man! Bah gawd, how despicable!" Ross declares. Orton stands over the fallen Bearer before he walks out of the ring, smirking.


89 (A)

: None.




Sid Vicious


In Sid's first match back on RAW, he was met with a formidable challenger in A-Train. While A-Train looked to use his superior finesse to his advantage, he found himself on the ground after a vintage Sid Powerbomb at the end of the contest!


47 (D)

: 5:51.



Immediately as
makes the pinfall,
makes his way down to the ring! Seemingly having gathered confidence after last week, Kane makes his way down to the ring to stand toe-to-toe with Sid. As he's getting in the ring, Sid attacks and the two get into a brawl. It ends when Sid clotheslines Kane over the top rope! Despite landing on his feet, Kane slams down on the apron and walks to the back extremely frustrated!


73 (B-)

: None.



Next, there's a video of three separate sit-down interviews with
Chris Jericho
, and
Rob Van Dam
heading into their Triple Threat match. Each man talks about what Money in the Bank means to them.


Christian says that everyone knows he's already "money in the bank," but all he needs is a briefcase to get that title shot. Christian thanks Chris Jericho for providing him with a surefire path to the top, and says that "that idiot Jericho's worth something after all."


Rob Van Dam is next, and he talks about winning the Royal Rumble but not being able to get over the hump yet in 2004. He says that this is his chance and that no man in WWE history will put more on the line in a match like this than RVD. When that ladder match is over, the fans will be chanting the name "Rob...Van...Dam."


Finally, Chris Jericho talks about his thought process coming up with the match concept and he says that the fans needed something befitting of the "Highlight of the Night" and he personally guarantees that he is going to climb that ladder and become the first ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner.


77 (B)

: None.




Chris Jericho
Rob Van Dam


This Triple Threat match featured three of the most reliable hands on the RAW roster and the reception of the match should be no surprise. Tyson Rude tried to interfere late in the match, but Jeff Hardy came through the crowd to intercept and brawl with "The Problem Solver!" With all three men looking on the verge of victory at all times, Rob Van Dam found his hand raised at the end following a Five Star Frog Splash to Christian! RVD picked up some valuable momentum heading toward SummerSlam!


78 (B)

: 12:12.



When the match is over, Ross and Lawler state that they have just gotten word that there will be a Fatal Four Way at SummerSlam and the winner will receive a shot at the Intercontinental Title! They send us over to a graphic featuring the four men in the match -
Johnny Nitro
Shelton Benjamin
Jeff Hardy
, and
Tyson Rude


Ric Flair
Shawn Michaels
are walking down the hallways, and after this next commercial break will be the main event of the evening! "The Nature Boy" takes on "The Heartbreak Kid" next!


57 (C-)/80 (B)

: None.




Shawn Michaels
Ric Flair


This matchup between two of the all-time greats lived up to its hype. Both men played to the crowd and Flair put on his best match in months. Michaels was able to grab the ropes to escape the Figure Four multiple times, but showed a bit of damage to his lower body. Flair used every trick in the book, living up to his "Dirtiest Player in the Game" moniker, and when Michaels found himself in the driver's seat, 'tuning up the band' for the Sweet Chin Music, Triple H pulled him under the ropes and clocked him with some right hands. This forced the referee to call for the bell!


93 (A)

: 9:09.



Triple H
pays no mind to the frantically ringing bell, instead continuing his assault on the #1 contender
Shawn Michaels
. He whips him into the steel steps, causing them to dislodge. Hunter lands shots to the head and rolls him into the ring, where
Ric Flair
joins the fray, stomping him and choking him. Flair locks in the Figure Four again as Triple H drops elbows, punches, and knee drops onto the now-bloodied "Heartbreak Kid"! After two Pedigrees with blood splattered all over the ring, the show ends with Ross lamenting Michaels' "crimson mask" while Lawler sings the praises of "The Game" and "The Nature Boy!"


100 (A*)

: None.



92 (A)

: This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.


Quick Results


Shelton Benjamin
vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Non-Title Match

The Dudley Boyz
vs. Johnny Stamboli and Rico


The Golden Globes and Lita
vs. The Aristocracy and Victoria


Sid Vicious
vs. A-Train


Triple Threat Match

Chris Jericho vs.
Rob Van Dam
vs. Christian


Shawn Michaels
vs. Ric Flair; DQ


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

thebest2427 - 14

packerman120 - 13

TheBigBad1013 - 13

Smasher1311 - 13

Beejus - 13

SpecialDelivery - 11

The Lloyd - 11


Kijar - 12

michgcs - 11

Midnightnick - 9


The current SummerSlam card is as follows:


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs.
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz
Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

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SmackDown Preview: Week 2, August 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 2, August 2004


Ten days until SummerSlam means that something's gotta give! With the hottest party of the summer looming, Big Show provided WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero with a shocking boost in the face of looming destruction by helping fend off Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns last week! Paul Heyman promises to bring Big Show to justice this week on SmackDown.


Additionally, SmackDown fans may be seeing the last of Ron Simmons -- Paul Heyman has put him in a nearly impossible situation. He has to defeat all
of The Chosen Ones to avoid calling it a career here in the WWE. Also, the WWE Tag Team Champions are in action, and the Colons make their debut!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: I feel bad for the chosen ones


Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

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Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Via DQ? Rene's in line for a huge push but I don't think he needs the title


The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: I can only hope that JBL comes out and re-forms the APA :rolleyes:


Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian

Comment: Who is Nova? :) Is it Primo and Carlito in The Colons??


Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: I know you have plans for Simmons, but I don't know what... I still think he could be 'The Chosen Ones' leader/manager... so they could lie down for him?


Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: I'll be very interested to see who wins out of LotR and Dudleys come Summer Slam...


John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


Comments on Previous Show: I think RAw was excellent as ever. I'd say the additions to Summer Slam are gonna be good. The IC Title Number One Contendership Four Way could be a real show stealer. Surprised to see Jericho not qualify for MITB :)


One question: Where was Sid after the Main Event... Or was he too busy 'Bowing to the Master'... SUCK IT :D

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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


Comments on Previous Show:

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The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian

Comment: Who is Nova? :) Is it Primo and Carlito in The Colons??


Comments on Previous Show: I think RAw was excellent as ever. I'd say the additions to Summer Slam are gonna be good. The IC Title Number One Contendership Four Way could be a real show stealer. Surprised to see Jericho not qualify for MITB :)


One question: Where was Sid after the Main Event... Or was he too busy 'Bowing to the Master'... SUCK IT :D


Nova's an old ECW guy (Simon Dean in WWE), who's a trainer in OVW. He was complaining that he was in development for some reason despite being a trainer, so I brought him up and have been using him in a team with Kazarian predominantly on Velocity.


Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you're looking forward to the PPV. To clear any confusion, Jericho qualified, that Triple Threat was just for "bragging rights" for the three guys included in the match. SmackDown will have one next week as well.


Um, looking back I guess Sid could have come out for the save, but in storyline Michaels brought him in to deal with Kane specifically, not HHH/Evolution. Maybe there'll be repercussions for Sid next week? ;)

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Nova's an old ECW guy (Simon Dean in WWE), who's a trainer in OVW. He was complaining that he was in development for some reason despite being a trainer, so I brought him up and have been using him in a team with Kazarian predominantly on Velocity.


Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you're looking forward to the PPV. To clear any confusion, Jericho qualified, that Triple Threat was just for "bragging rights" for the three guys included in the match. SmackDown will have one next week as well.


Um, looking back I guess Sid could have come out for the save, but in storyline Michaels brought him in to deal with Kane specifically, not HHH/Evolution. Maybe there'll be repercussions for Sid next week? ;)


Ah yeh heard of Simon Dean. No idea he'd worked in ECW though :D He any good?? Ahh yeh, I knew Jericho had qualified, then for some reason I thought Jericho/RVD/Christian was a qualifier, coz of the way they all spoke about what it meant to qualify before the match :D


Yeh Sid needs repercussions! He should have helped! Poor HBK!!! :p But I get why he didn't too... SummerSlam looks a GREAT card!!!

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