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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Ah yeh heard of Simon Dean. No idea he'd worked in ECW though :D He any good?? Ahh yeh, I knew Jericho had qualified, then for some reason I thought Jericho/RVD/Christian was a qualifier, coz of the way they all spoke about what it meant to qualify before the match :D


Yeh Sid needs repercussions! He should have helped! Poor HBK!!! :p But I get why he didn't too... SummerSlam looks a GREAT card!!!


He was definitely better as Nova. Simon Dean was a terrible gimmick. :p

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  • Replies 1.7k
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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree



The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian



Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring



John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

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Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Going with Rene by DQ or something.


The Colons vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian

Comment: Frankie is on pretty heavy duty job detail.


Three-on-One Handicap Match

If Simmons Loses, He Is Fired

Ron Simmons vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: The odds just seem too great. I doubt this is the end for Ron, but it will be the end on SD for him.


Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: LotR looking strong for Summerslam.


John Cena vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: Cena moves on from the US title with big wins.


Eddie Guerrero and Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns



Comments on Previous Show:

A-Train had "superior finesse". That sums up the entire show, I think :p

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WWE SmackDown: Week 2, August 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 2, August 2004


The opening video plays featuring the WWE Superstars that will be on the show tonight as
Michael Cole
welcome the television audience to tonight's presentation of WWE SmackDown!


A huge tag team match is the main event, and the commentators discuss possible outcomes. Also, Michael Cole says that with one entrance comes another potential exit -- The Colons debut tonight, but it may be the last we see of Ron Simmons!


84 (B+)

: None.



To kick off the show,
Paul Heyman
stands in the ring with
Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns
. Heyman starts by announcing his intent to get inside of the pea-sized brain of the Big Show and to understand why he committed the actions that occurred last week. Why, Heyman asks, would the Big Show undermine the authority of the man who not only rewarded him with a WWE Title shot, but could take everything in his life away in the blink of an eye? Heyman demands answers and calls Big Show to the ring right now.


Big Show's
music hits as the crowd erupts for the man who shockingly saved Eddie Guerrero from a beatdown at the hands of his former allies last week. "The World's Largest Athlete" gets in the ring and grabs a microphone. He explains that yes, Paul Heyman made sure he got a title shot at Judgment Day, but as soon as he got his new little toy Brock Lesnar, Big Show was kicked to the curb. Show says that every week for almost the past year he came out and did Heyman's bidding, and that he just couldn't honestly take working for such a sleazeball any longer! This gets a big pop from the crowd, and Big Show finishes by saying that whatever sort of punishment Heyman tries to put upon him, he will go to the Board of Directors and get it reversed for unjust mistreatment of an employee.


Heyman thanks him for his explanation, and has decided that no, he will not be placing any sort of punishment on Big Show. Instead, he's just going to make sure that his life is an absolute living hell. At SummerSlam, he's going to go one-on-one...with Luther Reigns! Reigns looks a little bewildered for his first pay-per-view match, but Heyman insists. Big Show's punishment starts...right now.


Brock and Reigns circle Big Show and prepare to attack, but
Eddie Guerrero
hits the ring to return the favor from last week! The two tag team partners for the night call Heyman's group back to the ring, but to no avail!


86 (B+)

: None.





Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie ©
Rene Dupree


Dupree looked to add more gold to his collection, taking on the WWE Television Champion here on SmackDown. In a solid opener which saw back-and-forth action, Dupree's opportunity was spoiled by Booker T, who hit the ring and started attacking the King of the Ring, causing the bell to be rung for a disqualification!


69 (C+)

: 8:13.



Next up, there's hype for Money in the Bank.
Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Kurt Angle
are featured as SmackDown's trio of superstars entered into the ladder match at SummerSlam! Next week, there's a Triple Threat between these three men right here on SmackDown!


74 (B-)

: None.




The Colons
Nova and Frankie Kazarian


The sons of the legendary Carlos Colon, Carlito and Eddie, showed some of their winning pedigree throughout the matchup. Kazarian and Nova put up a decent fight, but the chemistry of the brothers was too much to overcome, and Carlito put away Nova with a


42 (D)

: 5:44.



Paul Heyman
is in the back with the
Lords of the Ring
in his office, WWE Tag Team Title belts around their waists. Heyman gives the team a pep talk going into their match with Too Cool tonight, and the Dudleyz at SummerSlam. Heyman says that the Dudleyz have never seen a team of mat technicians like Haas and Storm before. Storm knows them from ECW and that means that he knows how to stop them. For SmackDown. Do whatever it takes to win.


70 (C+)

: None.




Three-on-One Handicap Match

Ron Simmons
The Chosen Ones


The commentators ensured that the fans knew what they were watching: last week, Paul Heyman put Ron Simmons in this three-on-one Handicap Match and if Simmons loses, he is out of a job. As one might expect, Simmons kicked as much ass as humanly possible in a 3-on-1 scenario, but eventually the odds were too much to overcome and Simmons fell to the Blackout from Orlando Jordan, ending his SmackDown employment.


53 (C-)

: 7:46.



After the match,
Ron Simmons
comes to and realizes that his job on SmackDown has reached its end. He stands in the blue brand ring for presumably the last time, waving to the crowd and thanking them as they give him a nice ovation. He walks out, ending the segment.


67 (C+)

: None.



The Undertaker
has words for Randy Orton. He says that in ten days, he will feel the tremendous consequences for the transgression that he committed on RAW. His attack on Paul Bearer did not go unnoticed; in fact, it has enraged the Deadman to the point of craving destruction of the arrogant Orton. 'Taker reiterates that in ten days, Randy Orton will rest...in...peace.


92 (A)

: None.




Too Cool
Lords of the Ring


This non-title matchup was pretty much just a showcase for the champions. They looked as focused as we've ever seen them, and Lance Storm forced Scotty 2 Hotty to tap out to the Single-Leg Crab.


67 (C+)

: 7:57.



In the back,
Rey Mysterio
walking down the hallways. He thanks his friend for helping him last week when Kurt Angle attacked, but he wants to get one thing straight -- tonight they're friends, but at SummerSlam, Edge will not hesitate to knock Rey Mysterio off of that ladder to get that WWE Title shot. Nothing is going to stand in his way--


Kurt Angle
attacks again! This time prepared for both Rey and Edge, he goes after the two of them and an all-out brawl develops between the three superstars! Officials hold them back, as the passion for the WWE Championship has completely engulfed these three men!


79 (B)

: None.




John Cena
Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


With John "Bradshaw" Layfield at ringside on commentary, Mark Henry looked to end his little skid since losing to The Undertaker at the Great American Bash. John Cena was fired up, however, and his pure emotion got him through this one. On the outside, he dove over the table to get some of the United States Champion! This led to JBL getting on the apron and accidentally blasting Henry with the US Title, sending the groggy "World's Strongest Man" around into a colossal F-U from Cena! Cena wins!


68 (C+)

: 11:56.



In the back,
Muhammad Hassan
stands with
and the two deliver one of the promos that they have been steadily becoming known for. Disparaging the actions of current United States citizens, Hassan and Daivari are interrupted by
Billy Kidman
, who says that if Hassan has so many problems with the US, why doesn't he just leave? Hassan is enraged as Kidman leaves the scene.


50 (D+)

: None.



Before the final commercial break,
Big Show
enters the locker room of
Eddie Guerrero
. He tells the champion that he's done some terrible things to him over the past few months, but that was for money and he let the title blind him from his pride and his dignity. Eddie says that
, it's all good, big man, the title means a lot to a lot of people,
. The two agree that they can turn their heads from one another and focus on Paul Heyman and his guys, because at SummerSlam they're going to take out both Brock and Reigns.


88 (B+)

: None.




Eddie Guerrero and Big Show
Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


The charismatic Eddie Guerrero looked rejuvenated in this one, finally having a solid ally to rely on. He frustrated Reigns and Lesnar for the entire match, until they finally were able to ground him. Late in the match, he got the hot tag to Big Show, who cleaned house. Brock was able to even the odds though, and another hot tag to Guerrero led to a roll-up pinfall victory over Luther Reigns!


Guerrero and Show finish the show by celebrating and taunting their opponents, victorious on this night! Lesnar and Reigns were livid as they slammed on the apron before heading toward the back! Cole and Tazz comment on the huge momentum boost that this is for Eddie Guerrero going into SummerSlam!


78 (B)

: 12:29.



82 (B)

: None.


Quick Results


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs.
Rene Dupree
; DQ


The Colons
vs. Nova and Frankie Kazarian


Three-on-One Handicap Match

Ron Simmons vs.
The Chosen Ones


Non-Title Match

Too Cool vs.
Lords of the Ring


John Cena
vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


Eddie Guerrero and Big Show
vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

thebest2427 - 19

Smasher1311 - 19

Beejus - 19

TheBigBad1013 - 18

packerman120 - 17

Kijar - 17

The Lloyd - 16


michgcs - 16

Midnightnick - 15

SpecialDelivery - 13


The current SummerSlam card is as follows:


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs.
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz
Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude


Such a huge card, I know! I seriously didn't want to make any cuts though, I think all of these matches are really important to my future plans.

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 3, August 2004



Monday, Week 3, August 2004


It's the final edition of RAW before SummerSlam, and we have a huge tag team main event! It'll be Triple H and Kane taking on "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and his partner Sid Vicious! This should give us a great deal of insight as to who has the momentum going into the hottest part of the summer!


Additionally, "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit makes his return to RAW and there's another tag team match, this one involving the four men who will vie for their right to challenge Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Title! Shelton Benjamin will team with Jeff Hardy to take on Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro! And finally, Chris Jericho will host Rob Van Dam and Christian on the Highlight Reel!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck! In the interest of my own time constraints, this was posted before the B-Show results. Not like anyone reads them anyway


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Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair


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Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli

Comment: I don't know what is going on in this diary, so I will join the commentary later on. :)


Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair

Comment: They will find a cheap way to win. They always does, when Ric Flair is in the ringside :D

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Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show: Simmons looks like Undertaker. :p

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Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair

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Confirmed Match Preview


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show: I thought Ron Simmons looked a bit 'Dead' "/ lolol... Good show though man; I enjoyed the way the Cena/Henry match ended. and I love what you're doing with Eddie/Show/Reigns/Lesnar...


It's a shame Kidman is gonna job to Hassan! But I guess he has to :(

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Confirmed Match Preview


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show:

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He was definitely better as Nova. Simon Dean was a terrible gimmick. :p


BITE YOUR TONGUE! Simon Dean was hilarious!


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli

Comment: lol


Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro

Comment: Can't see the heels stealing the win


Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair

Comment: :rolleyes:


Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show:

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Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli

Comment: You watch, Johnny will put on an amazing match and make you rue the day you jobbed him out. Go on - rue! RUE!!!!


Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro

Comment: Could be a nice little win for the heels.


Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair

Comment: Not much of a chance here.


Mickie James vs. Molly Holly

Comment: Molly just feels like a non-factor. Sad, but it happens.


Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier

Comment: Ouch.


Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair

Comment: Sid should get one here.


Comments on Previous Show:

Really enjoyed the stuff going on with Taker and Orton. I know they did feud at some point, are you sticking with what happened IRL or is this all new? Because I wasn't watching when they did feud.

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Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli

Comment: You watch, Johnny will put on an amazing match and make you rue the day you jobbed him out. Go on - rue! RUE!!!!


I can tell you with full faith that it won't happen forever. That's right, I said it: I'm not jobbing him out until I fire him/his contract expires. Stay tuned :cool:


I still haven't forgotten that prediction prize you (I'm pretty sure it was you) had months ago.


Comments on Previous Show:

Really enjoyed the stuff going on with Taker and Orton. I know they did feud at some point, are you sticking with what happened IRL or is this all new? Because I wasn't watching when they did feud.


I actually haven't even looked at that feud, but now that you mention it, it's sort of similar in that I had Orton just straight up come out and challenge 'Taker because of recent frustrations. Only thing is, in real life it was the WrestleMania streak that he challenged, and Bearer never got involved (because at Judgment Day '04 Undertaker buried him in a 'concrete crypt' match against the Dudleyz :p )


Orton turned heel by RKOing Stacy Keibler, who was his girlfriend, and Billy Graham/Jake Roberts got involved somehow too. And Bob Orton. So it's not quite the same.


Status Update: I just finished the month of August in-game so I want to just take a second to say something. This game has gone on stronger than I'd imagined and I think it's at it's highest point in consistent readership since I started it right now. Last month I got my first DotM ever and this month I've had strong support for Monthly Spotlight. Personally, I think KotR was one of my weaker write-ups but I greatly appreciate the support I'm getting from you guys in this forum. This is only my second TEW diary (I had a WS2 diary about Charlie Haas back on EWB quite a few years ago which I loved writing) and I couldn't be more appreciative of all of the positive (and negative) feedback I get. I do this because I enjoy writing and writing is the only way I can consistently immerse myself in TEW. Anyway, off my soapbox, thank you all and I hope to continue this for a long, long time.

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Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli



Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair

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Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Johnny Stamboli


Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude and Johnny Nitro



Goldust w/Val Venis vs. Randy Orton w/Ric Flair



Mickie James vs. Molly Holly



Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier


Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious vs. Triple H and Kane w/Ric Flair



Comments on Previous Show:

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WWE B-Shows; Week 2, August 2004



WWE Velocity
Saturday, Week 2, August 2004


1. The show begins with a solid matchup where
Brian Kendrick
Chuck Palumbo
with the Sliced Bread #2.

: 63 ©


2. Velocity fans then take a look at hype for the Money in the Bank match at SummerSlam. Will
Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, or Edge
be able to take it home for SmackDown?

: 72 (B-)


3. In a rematch from SmackDown,
The Colons
Nova and Kazarian
again, this time with Eddie picking up the pinfall after a Reverse DDT.

: 42 (D)


4. Another quick video hypes
The Undertaker's
impending battle with
Randy Orton
; who will come out on top?

: 84 (B+)


Chavo Guerrero
takes on
Brent Albright
in the semi-main event and decimates him, finishing it with the Gory Bomb.

: 66 (C+)


6. Each of
The Chosen Ones
gives their input on their satisfaction with ending the SmackDown employment of
Ron Simmons
! Unlike Simmons, their future is bright and very soon SmackDown will see that this is the brand of the Chosen Ones.

: 48 (D+)


7. The main event is next, and
Scott Steiner
takes out
Shannon Moore
with the Steiner Recliner.

: 71 (B-)


8. The show ends with a video that chronicles the recent events involving
Eddie Guerrero, the Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Luther Reigns, and Paul Heyman

: 81 (B)



74 (B-)

Morale was very high before these tapings because Matt Hardy cracked everyone up with hilarious road stories and Mark Jindrak brought in a ton of alcohol to get everyone ready for SummerSlam next week! Also, Muhammad Hassan was taken in as a protege by Scott Steiner.



WWE Sunday Night Heat
Sunday, Week 2, August 2004


Gail Kim
beat up on
to begin Heat, forcing her to tap with the Flying Dragon.

: 41 (D-)


2. In the back,
Christian and Trish Stratus
hype the SummerSlam chances of
"The Problem Solver" Tyson Rude
to become the #1 contender to the IC Title at SummerSlam.

: 58 (C-)


3. The next match included
Tyson Rude
as he decimated
and finished him with the Northern Lariat.

: 39 (D-)


4. in the back,
Stacy Keibler
is walking down a hallway, where she is approached by
Goldust and Val Venis
. Val says that The Golden Globes need an injection to get back on the right track and they think that there's no better...asset...to have than Stacy herself. Flattered by the invitation, Stacy accepts Val's offer to become their manager!

: 63 ©


5. In a rematch from last week,
with the Buzzsaw Kick again for a second straight victory.

: 51 (D+)


6. A video shows exactly the horrible actions that
Randy Orton
committed last week, hitting
Paul Bearer
with the RKO to send a message to
The Undertaker

: 69 (C+)


7. The main event of the night had
La Resistance
finish off
Test and Billy Gunn
when they hit Gunn with the Au Revoir.

: 72 (B-)


8. The show ends showing the brutal assault of
Shawn Michaels
Triple H and Ric Flair

: 87 (B+)



71 (B-)



RAW will be up within seconds.

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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 3, August 2004



Monday, Week 3, August 2004


RAW kicks off with a highlight video and we’re welcomed to the show by Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. There's only six days until SummerSlam, and there's some combustible elements that are bound to explode. They speculate as to whether Shawn Michaels will be able to compete tonight after his bloodying at the hands of Triple H and Ric Flair last week!


88 (B+)

: None.



Interrupting JR and King is "Line in the Sand" by Motorhead, signaling the arrival of
. Triple H comes to the ring along with Ric Flair and Randy Orton, all clad in suits. They get into the ring and the World Heavyweight Champion grabs a microphone.



"In six days at SummerSlam, I prove to Shawn Michaels that I will
be the better man. I've beaten him to a bloody pulp time and time again, and last week he saw
what I am capable of. Inside Hell in a Cell, there's no one to help you, Shawn. No one will save you. Inside Hell in a Cell, you are going to receive the beating...of your
. I am "The Cerebral Assassin," and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to methodically pick you apart limb from limb and leave you in a pool of your own blood. And then, once I place my foot on your chest and raise this World Heavyweight Title in the air yet again, you will be out of my hair


The crowd pours boos upon this speech the entire time, and erupts with applause as soon as "Sexy Boy" hits and the heavily-bandaged
Shawn Michaels
makes his way through the crowd and starts to attack all three members of Evolution! He clotheslines Orton over the top rope, hits Flair with Sweet Chin Music, and lands a few hits to "The Game," who ducks Sweet Chin Music and rolls out of the way, retreating! Shawn wants them to get back in the ring, but Evolution licks its wounds and heads to the back! Our main event tag match is on!


98 (A*)

: None.




Chris Jericho
Johnny Stamboli


Johnny Stamboli was unable to break his recent trend of losing performances, and Chris Jericho looked absolutely locked in for his Money in the Bank match in six days at SummerSlam. Jericho finished this one off with the Lionsault.


81 (B)

: 8:03.



Next, Ross and Lawler hype (along with an accompanying graphic) the fact that
Chris Benoit
will make his return to RAW after missing a month with 'a concussion.' He's in action later on tonight!


The next segment begins with the music of
William Regal
hitting as he and
Damien Warlock
make their way to the ring. The two men get inside the ring and grab a microphone. They begin to berate the live audience, accusing them of making the wrong choice. The Dudley Boyz are not, in fact, the greatest tag team of all-time because just like these scoundrels in the audience, they lack culture and sophistication. at SummerSlam, it should be The Aristocracy taking on SmackDown's tag team champions, but instead it's those uncivilized redneck cretins taking their spot.


In response,
The Dudley Boyz'
music hits and the two men come out to the ring. They make fun of both Regal and Warlock before a brawl breaks out! Regal ends up on the receiving event of a diving D-Von headbutt to the groin, and he brings a table into the ring! The Dudleyz set up a table and Warlock stumbles around into a 3-D through the table! The World Tag Team Champions are ready for this Sunday!


71 (B-)/68 (C+)

: None.




Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy
Johnny Nitro and Tyson Rude w/Melina and Trish Stratus


This tag team match featured the four men in the Fatal 4-Way match at SummerSlam to decide who will take on Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Title in the future! All four men impressed and this was a solid matchup; however, Jeff Hardy was the man to make the pinfall as he hit a Swanton Bomb to Johnny Nitro! Rude did not bother saving him, as he looked to conserve his energy for the match Sunday night.


74 (B-)

: 9:22.



In the back,
Eric Bischoff
is with
Ric Flair
, and they're talking about the main event tonight. Bischoff says that he doesn't want Flair doing anything to jeopardize his SummerSlam main event, but he ensures him that he wants Triple H to walk out of the event with his title reign still intact. He doesn't quite
Flair to interfere, but insinuates that whatever measures Flair needs to go through to make sure Triple H wins, he'll allow it.


At this point, the door slams open and it's none other than
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
! He says that he's back from his little vacation in Texas, and Bischoff questions where he's been. Austin says that he does whatever he damn well pleases and that's why tonight, Ric Flair is
from ringside of our main event! If he shows up, Austin says, Triple H is gonna have a hell of a hard time at SummerSlam retaining his title belt! Austin walks out to a raucous crowd, and we head back to ringside.


88 (B+)

: None.





"Break the Walls Down" hits as
Chris Jericho
makes his way out to the ring. It's time for the Highlight Reel, and there's a 15-foot ladder sitting conspicuously in the middle of the ring. Jericho walks down to the ring, looking confident after his victory earlier tonight, and grabs a microphone. He then climbs each rung of the ladder all the way to the top, and sits at the summit!


Once atop the ladder, Jericho begins to speak. He says that in six days at SummerSlam, he is going to be the first man ever to hold the power in his hands of the Money in the Bank briefcase. As the Intercontinental Champion, he argues that he should be the #1 contender to the World Title regardless, but Money in the Bank will simply provide him with the certainty that he will become World Champion...a-
. Y2J goes on to introduce the two men from RAW who will be involved in his match concept, and tonight's guests on the Highlight Reel,
Rob Van Dam


Both men come out, Christian without Tyson Rude or Trish Stratus, and the three combatants stand in the ring. Christian is the first to talk; he reminds Jericho the last time they stepped in the ring together, when Christian was able to defeat Y2J in a Steel Cage match a couple of months ago. Christian says to "bank" on the fact that SummerSlam ends much the same way, with Jericho on his back and Christian being declared the winner. Van Dam rebuts, saying that he might have beaten Jericho, but the man who's going to climb that ladder and right his wrongs after his Royal Rumble win is going to be "Rob...Van...Dam." And let's not forget how RVD pinned Christian last week in the middle of the ring. The three continue to argue until Christian lands a cheap shot to Jericho and then Van Dam, but the two of them are able to retaliate and send Christian flying over the top rope to the floor! RVD and Jericho stare each other down, as well as Christian, who backs up the ramp frustrated.


88 (B+)

: None.




Goldust w/Val Venis
Randy Orton w/Ric Flair


Coming off a big six-man tag win last week, Goldust looked to continue his momentum against "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton. And while Orton didn't exactly kill the legend of Goldust's father, he started with the first member of the Rhodes family he encountered, finishing "The Golden One" with an RKO.


69 (C+)

: These guys don't really click, this match was pretty awkward and could have been better considering their wrestling pedigrees.



grabs a microphone after the match and delivers a message to The Undertaker. He taunts the Deadman, saying that he has been spending a lot of time around his brother Kane to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the Phenom. Orton says he has never felt more dangerous and that there is no doubt that come SummerSlam, the legend of the Undertaker will come to a screeching halt and it will rest...in...peace.


90 (A)

: None.




Mickie James
Molly Holly


Mickie James looked to continue her impressive but short RAW career, taking on another former Women's Champion. However, she wouldn't get the chance to know whether she would defeat Molly, as Victoria hit the ring and assaulted her to cause a disqualification!


continues her assault on
Mickie James
, looking to hit her with the Widow's Peak, until the Women's Champion
hits the ring and makes the save! Lita makes sure that her friend is okay and keeps Victoria at bay to end the segment!


46 (D)/55 (C-)

: 5:54.



In the back,
Robert Conway
stands with Todd Grisham and his partner
Sylvain Grenier
, who holds a Canadian flag. Conway calls Benoit a disgrace to Canadians everywhere. Grenier agrees, and Conway calls this the biggest opportunity of his career to show all of these ungrateful Americans just how talented La Resistance is.


69 (C+)

: None.




Chris Benoit
Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier


Benoit's return match was a hotly contested one, with Conway giving him all he can handle. Eventually, Grenier's repeated distractions forced the referee to boot him from ringside! Shortly after, Conway found himself in the Crippler Crossface, forced to tap out!


77 (B)

: 8:06.



A video package plays next: after a few successes on Sunday Night Heat,
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
are making their way to RAW!


Next, a short segment shows the two tag teams in tonight's main event warming up.
Sid Vicious, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Kane
are ready -- after this commercial break!


42 (D)/75 (B-)

: None.




Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious
Triple H and Kane


This match pitted four SummerSlam opponents and was a pretty good one. Triple H and Kane both were wary of allowing Michaels to tag in Sid and both capitalized on Michaels' injuries from last week. After a hot tag to Sid was stifled by a boot to the face by Kane, the match ended up being thrown out once each pair of rivals brawled around the outside of the ring!


Sid and Kane
HHH and Michaels
ended up in the crowd, and this massive brawl ends the show with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler screaming at the top of their lungs! We'll see you at SummerSlam!


79 (B)/92 (A)

: 12:05.



87 (B+)

: This show increased our popularity in 13 regions.


Quick Results


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho
vs. Johnny Stamboli


Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy
vs. Johnny Nitro and Tyson Rude


Goldust w/Val Venis vs.
Randy Orton w/Ric Flair


Mickie James
vs. Molly Holly; DQ


Chris Benoit
vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier


Shawn Michaels and Sid Vicious
Triple H and Kane


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

thebest2427 - 24

Smasher1311 - 24

Beejus - 23

TheBigBad1013 - 23

packerman120 - 22

Kijar - 21

The Lloyd - 21

michgcs - 20

Midnightnick - 18

SpecialDelivery - 18


Samuelftw - 5 (welcome back!)

coolm619 - 4 (welcome aboard!)


The current SummerSlam card is as follows:


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs.
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz
Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude


One more SmackDown, one more set of B-Shows and then it's SummerSlam time! Sorry for the wait, I spent a couple of days in Boston and didn't have internet access.

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