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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 3, August 2004


The final SmackDown before SummerSlam will have a colossal main event! Brock Lesnar will go one-on-one with the Big Show! Who will be able to get some momentum heading into their respective pay-per-view matchups?


Also, RAW's Randy Orton has been confirmed for tonight's episode. Will The Undertaker have any words for "The Legend Killer"? Our Money in the Bank participants will take part in a Triple Threat, and the WWE Tag Team Champions are in action!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero


Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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Confirmed Match Preview


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Keep building him up.


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio

Comment: I don't think that Noble will be the one to dethrone Stevie.


Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: I could see a DDQ here to set up a last minute Grudge Match at SummerSlam, but nah, Book has a program with Rene Dupree as it seems. Book wins here and keeps going.


Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: Yang has been entertaining, but the champs win to gain momentum going into SummerSlam.


Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: For me, he seems to need the win a bit more.


Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero

Comment: Seems ungodly.


Comments on Previous Show:

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Confirmed Match Preview


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero


Comments on Previous Show:

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Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero


Comments on Previous Show: So I kinda just began a 2004 game... :D Loved RAW man, some cool moments. The Main Event ending the way it did was good, and also believable. Where's Bryan Lloyd on this Smackdown card???

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Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero

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Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Easy one.


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio

Comment: Go Stevie Go!


Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: When counting up all the freaks and peaks involved in facing Scott Steiner, Booker only has a 19.6% chance of winning.


Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: As much as everybody loves Yang Time, LotR aren't dropping this.


Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: Rey picks up a quick win.


Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero

I almost went with Show in order to put a stamp on his face turn, but Brock needs to keep up his momentum streak for the World title match.


Comments on Previous Show: I told ya! JTB puts in the match of the night! I called it! :D

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Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero

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Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero

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Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/Eddie Guerrero


Comments on Previous Show:

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Confirmed Match Preview


Shannon Moore vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio



Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs. Lords of the Ring



Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle



Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns vs. Big Show w/E

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WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 3, August 2004


The opening video plays featuring the WWE Superstars that will be on the show tonight as
Michael Cole
welcome the television audience to tonight's presentation of WWE SmackDown!


There’s a graphic for the main event, which features Brock Lesnar going one-on-one with the Big Show and another matchup for tonight, where Edge takes on Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio in a Triple threat match!


90 (A)

: None.




Shannon Moore
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


Shannon Moore requested this rematch from a couple of weeks back, but unfortunately for him, this one held the same result. Hassan continued his early roll on SmackDown by finishing him with the Camel Clutch.


43 (D)

: 6:10.



After the bell rings,
Hassan and Daivari
start to put the boots to
. However, the man who stood up to Hassan last week,
Billy Kidman
, hits the ring at full speed and chases off the attackers! The announcers call back to his comments to Hassan last week, and Cole calls Hassan a coward for assaulting Moore but running from Kidman!


69 (C+)

: 8:13.





Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie ©
Jamie Noble w/Nunzio


Noble had found himself on the losing end of a handful of matches along with his cousin Nunzio, and this one was no different; despite a very solid contest, Noble’s championship aspirations fell short after a Stevie Kick! Richards retained again!


65 ©

: 6:06. Great chemistry between these two.



There’s a commercial break and
Stevie Richards
is hugged by
Dawn Marie
and walking with his WWE Television Title. He’s suddenly attacked by
Matt Hardy
from behind, and Dawn shrieks! Hardy mentions “getting extreme” as he tosses Richards around the backstage area, finally standing over the Television Champion before officials are forced to pull him away!


66 (C+)

: None.



Elsewhere in the back, Josh Mathews is outside the locker room of
, who walks out the door with
. Mathews asks him his thoughts on the firing of Ron Simmons, his longtime friend and partner, but JBL essentially blows off the question. He says that the past is the past, but this is the “New Era” of SmackDown, and the leader of the new SmackDown is the United States Champion John “Bradshaw” Layfield. He calls himself not only the greatest wrestler, but the greatest man to hold the United States Title in its illustrious history and that John “Bradshaw” Layfield has come a long way since his bar-fighting, biker days. JBL is now…a wrestling god. And if John Cena thinks he will ever hold this US Title again, he’s sorely mistaken.


86 (B+)

: None.




Booker T
Scott Steiner


These former rivals from RAW earlier this year locked horns again on SmackDown with “King” Rene Dupree on commentary. “The French Phenom” spent most of his time spouting derogatory comments toward Booker T, whom he exchanged words with as the match spilled to the outside of the ring. Dupree ended up figuring in the decision, distracting Booker to get rolled up by “Big Poppa Pump!”


71 (B-)

: 10:18.



After a quick break, it’s time for the arrival of
Randy Orton
from RAW! “Line in the Sand” hits as Orton makes his way down to the ring for a Paul Heyman-permitted segment. “The Legend Killer” gets in the ring and grabs a microphone, saying that he’s here to show that he’s not afraid of the Deadman and in three days he’s going to show the world that he is the embodiment of greatness. That’s why he wants The Undertaker to come out to the ring right now and face him. Orton says that ‘Taker can pull all the light tricks he wants, but he calls him out and says that he is afraid of Randy Orton.


The lights go out and the fans cheer. After a brief pause, they come back on and
The Undertaker
is standing in the ring! He stands face to face with the brash Orton, who continues to talk trash. He tells the Deadman that he is going to finish his career this Sunday at SummerSlam and that ‘Taker never should have accepted his challenge. The Undertaker’s legend dies this Sunday. Orton continues to try and goad the Undertaker by calling him a walking corpse and he even asks if he can understand what Randy is saying. Orton says that he might not be able to, so “The Legend Killer” gives him a message he might be able to understand – a slap to the face! This enrages the Phenom, and the two begin to brawl! It starts as nothing more than a scrum, but one shot leads to another and the Undertaker has Orton set up for the Last Ride! Orton is able to escape at the top and land on his feet, rolling out of the ring! The Undertaker rolls his eyes back into his head and his music hits, sending Orton running with his tail between his legs!


92 (A)

: None.




Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon
Lords of the Ring


Two revitalized superstars, Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon, ran into a buzzsaw in the form of the WWE Tag Team Champions. Looking sharp heading into their matchup with The Dudley Boyz this Sunday, Haas sealed the victory with the Haas of Pain to Yang.


69 (C+)

: 7:52.



In the back,
John Cena
has a response for the words that JBL had earlier tonight. He says how can there be a New Era of SmackDown led by a guy who went from Hell’s Angel to J.R. Ewing in 5 seconds? Cena seems skeptical about Bradshaw’s proclamation, but there’s one thing he is
skeptical about: at SummerSlam, John Cena regains that United States Title.


83 (B+)

: None.




Rey Mysterio
Kurt Angle


In the Triple Threat match to determine momentum heading into Money in the Bank, the three men continued their rivalry from the past couple of weeks. Although Edge and Mysterio had each other’s backs when Angle was involved in the matchup, neither showed any hesitation in hitting one another when necessary. The match’s finish came when Kurt Angle locked in the Ankle Lock on Edge! Edge, after about 30 seconds in the hold, was able to roll through and send Angle toward the ropes, where his head and shoulders landed on the second rope. This left him in perfect position for the 6-1-9 and a seated senton for the win! Mysterio picks up the important victory going into SummerSlam!


70 (C+)

: 11:46.



Next, the commentators talk about the recent struggles between
Mark Jindrak
Hardcore Holly
, and announce that next week on SmackDown Paul Heyman has booked a Street Fight between the two!


In the back,
Paul Heyman
is in his office with
Brock Lesnar
”The Censor” Luther Reigns
. He tells Lesnar that he’ll be in line for anything he wants if he takes out the Big Show here tonight. He sends Reigns out to ringside to ensure that Eddie Guerrero doesn’t get involved, before sending his troops on their way.


75 (B-)/75 (B-)

: None.




Big Show
Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns


Two of the largest and strongest workers on the roster had to go one-on-one here and this was a slugfest. The two men went back-and-forth and Big Show was able to handle any type of distraction caused by Luther Reigns early on. As the match wore on, however, Reigns became more of a factor. He got up on the apron despite the protests of the referee, and Big Show attacked! Knocking Reigns off the apron, Big Show turned around into a kick to the gut and an extremely impressive F-5! Lesnar made the cover for the victory over “The World’s Largest Athlete!”


79 (B)

: 11:39. Their chemistry leaves something to be desired.



Brock and Reigns
jump right on
Big Show
as soon as the bell rings. They put the boots to the big man, pummeling him down into the ground. All of a sudden, WWE Champion
Eddie Guerrero
hits the ring and he tries to fend off the two attackers. Using the element of surprise, he is initially successful, until he is whacked in the back of the head by a running boot from Reigns and then the assault continues! With Lesnar and Reigns destroying the champion and the Big Show, GM
Paul Heyman
comes out to the top of the ramp grinning. Lesnar lands an F-5 to Guerrero and Heyman gives a slow clap as we head off the air!


85 (B+)

: None.



82 (B)

: None.


Quick Results


Shannon Moore vs.
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie ©
vs. Jamie Noble w/Nunzio


Booker T vs.
Scott Steiner


Non-Title Match

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon vs.
Lords of the Ring


Triple Threat Match

Rey Mysterio
vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle


Big Show vs.
Brock Lesnar w/Luther Reigns


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

thebest2427 - 29

Beejus - 29

Smasher1311 - 28

TheBigBad1013 - 28

packerman120 - 26

The Lloyd - 25

michgcs - 24

Kijar - 24

SpecialDelivery - 23

Midnightnick - 21


coolm619 - 8

Samuelftw - 5


Due to time constraints again, SummerSlam preview is up next! Won't be able to write for the next couple of days so I wanted to get this up.

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WWE SummerSlam Preview; Sunday, Week 3, August 2004



WWE SummerSlam

Sunday, Week 3, August 2004

MCI Center; Washington, DC


Emanating live on pay-per-view from Washington, DC, is the historic WWE SummerSlam! The comprehensive match card will be as follows:



#1 Contender for IC Title Fatal 4-Way

Jeff Hardy
Shelton Benjamin
Tyson Rude
Johnny Nitro


How We Got Here:
Shelton Benjamin have been having problems with one another. Jeff Hardy and Tyson Rude have had their issues as well. Eric Bischoff decided that what better way to decide Chris Jericho's next opponent than a Fatal 4-Way match featuring four of RAW's most promising superstars! Who will take on Y2J for the title?





Big Show
Luther Reigns


How We Got Here:
Tired of being the lap-dog of GM Paul Heyman, Big Show revolted against his boss and so Heyman plans to sick "The Censor" on him at SummerSlam. Can Luther Reigns win his first PPV match, or will Big Show finish him off?





The Dudley Boyz
Lords of the Ring


How We Got Here:
Real simple: bragging rights. No titles on the line, no extra incentives. Tag champions vs. tag champions. Who takes this one home?






Chris Jericho
Rob Van Dam
Rey Mysterio
Kurt Angle


How We Got Here:
As per his Beat the Clock prize, Chris Jericho was allowed to choose any non-World title match for SummerSlam. The creative mind of Y2J came up with a Ladder match, where a briefcase will be suspended high above the ring. The man who claims this briefcase will be allowed to 'cash it in' for any title match at any time over the next year! Will Jericho's idea become a self-fulfilling prophecy, or will it be another man's treasure?






Lita w/Mickie James ©


How We Got Here:
Victoria has been running rampant through the WWE women's division and is clearly Lita's biggest test yet to her Women's Championship. Lita's friend Mickie James has pledged to be in her corner to make sure she gets the win!






John Cena
JBL w/Sable ©


How We Got Here:
The United States Title was stolen from John Cena in a Blindfold Match at the Great American Bash by John "Bradshaw" Layfield and Sable, his First Lady. Will Cena be able to exact revenge, or will JBL's reign continue through the summer?





Sid Vicious


How We Got Here:
"The Big Red Machine" has been trying to end the career of Shawn Michaels for months now, and his quest has only intensified since losing to Michaels at Vengeance. HBK has brought in a man from his past to help fend off the demon, and Sid Vicious will go one-on-one with Kane at SummerSlam! Which of these titans will claim victory?





The Undertaker
Randy Orton


How We Got Here:
Randy Orton issued a challenge to The Undertaker at the Great American Bash and here we are. "The Legend Killer" looks to add to his resume, having already hit Paul Bearer with the RKO, while The Undertaker looks for revenge for this assault. Can Orton achieve a career victory?






Eddie Guerrero ©
Brock Lesnar


How We Got Here:
Paul Heyman's crusade to take the WWE Championship from around the waist of Eddie Guerrero continues. Guerrero will face his toughest challenge yet -- "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar. Two years after winning his first WWE Championship at SummerSlam, Lesnar looks to claim the belt that was once his yet again! Can Guerrero escape DC with the title?






Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels
Triple H ©


How We Got Here:
This is a matchup which needs no explanation. Michaels won the #1 contender's Beat the Clock Challenge and will take on "The Game" at SummerSlam inside the damaging steel structure. Which of these former friends will exit SummerSlam with the gold?




WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker
Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs.
Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz
Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?


What will be the first match on the card?


How many titles will change hands?


Will there be any turns? If so, who?


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who?


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match?


17 points up for grabs here! Good luck!

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WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©

He finally does it!!!


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle

Don't know why... Just a feeling...


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria

Mickie Turn perhaps?!


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? In my eyes, it'll be the IC Title four-way.. But in the game's eyes, I think HBK vs HHH is a safe(er) bet


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Show vs Reigns


What will be the first match on the card? Sid vs Kane?!?!


How many titles will change hands? TWO


Will there be any turns? If so, who? Yeh... Mickie James


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who? Ron Simmons!!! :D


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Nitro if Shelton wins :D

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WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? HBK vs. HHH


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Big Show/Reigns


What will be the first match on the card? Hardy/Benjamin/Nitro/Rude


How many titles will change hands? 2


Will there be any turns? If so, who? None


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who? None


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Rude

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WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©

I see shit happening here.


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar

His reign still has some legs.


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

It's not at Mania, and it should get Orton over huge.


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane

Kane will DQ himself. I don't know if it will be Kane, but someone will help Hunter retain the gold later.


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©

In my eyes, JBL's first reign is a bit of a test, and he transitions back to Cena right here, though I would have loved Cena in the Ladder Match.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle

Going with the original winner...and going with the most probable alongside RVD and Christian too.


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns

I don't know if Luther is worth the push, but then, I also don't know if you're giving him the win against Show here.


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria

Mickie will ''accidentally'' make Lita lose the bout and the gold.


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring

Well, this here is unpredictable, but the Dudleyz are higher on the pecking order.


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Jericho is the babyface champion, so it has to be a heel, right? I'm going with Nitro because he needs a huge feud to get over. Jericho can do that. Rude is certainly getting over big already with Christian helping him.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? The Hell in a Cell Match.


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Big Show vs. Luther Reigns.


What will be the first match on the card? The Money in the Bank Ladder Match.


How many titles will change hands? 2. The United States and the Women's titles.


Will there be any turns? If so, who? Yes. Mickie James will turn or start the slow build to her turn. I sense a swerve at the Hell in a Cell Match, but then, it's not solid at my mind if it is going to be some babyface turning on HBK, or Batista, or someone else returning, who's going to help Triple H.


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who? Dude, I'm going to say yes as well. Batista is going to return.


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Jeff Hardy.

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World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Eddie/Brock


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Show/Luther


What will be the first match on the card? Show/Luther


How many titles will change hands? 2


Will there be any turns? If so, who?


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who?


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Rude

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WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card


World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©

Always thought it was a damn shame HBK never won the title on his second go-round


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar



Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Orton goes over and sets up a HIAC match?


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane

Big return = big win


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©

Torn on this one but Cena I think still has time to improve and keeping the title would get more heat for JBL


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle

I think Edge winning the first MITB in real life was the right choice


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Hard match to pick. I think Hardy and Benjamin (with a little work) can elevate themselves, so it's between Nitro and Rude. Playing favorites here :p


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? HBK-HHH


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Show-Reigns


What will be the first match on the card? IC #1 Contender's Fatal Fourway


How many titles will change hands? 1


Will there be any turns? If so, who? Gonna steal some answers and say Mickie James


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who? Has it been a month yet? Chris Benoit?


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Rude

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World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle

Should win the match he invented, though I'd like RVD or Mysteri coming out on top.


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Could have a great match with Y2J


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?



What will be the lowest rated match of the night?



What will be the first match on the card?



How many titles will change hands?



Will there be any turns? If so, who?



Will any workers debut or return? If so, who?



Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match?


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World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle


Grudge Match

Big Showvs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Orton/Taker


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Show/reigns


What will be the first match on the card? IC #1 Contender match


How many titles will change hands? 2


Will there be any turns? If so, who? No


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who? No


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Rude

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World Heavyweight Championship

Hell in a Cell

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H ©

-Was going to pick HHH, but I drew a blank on where he'd go from here. I see more possibilities opening up with Shawn as champ.


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar

Complete toss-up.


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

-Orton wins to setup a longer feud.


Grudge Match

Sid Vicious vs. Kane

-Sid should probably win if he's sticking around, but I just can't picture him beating Kane in 2004.


WWE United States Championship

John Cena vs. JBL w/Sable ©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle


Grudge Match

Big Show vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita w/Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Non-Title Interpromotional Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Lords of the Ring


Intercontinental Title #1 Contendership

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Tyson Rude

Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Michaels vs. HHH


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Lita vs. Victoria


What will be the first match on the card? IC #1C


How many titles will change hands? 3


Will there be any turns? If so, who? No


Will any workers debut or return? If so, who? No


Who will take the fall in the IC #1 contender's match? Hardy

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WWE B-Shows; Week 3, August 2004



WWE Velocity
Saturday, Week 3, August 2004


Frankie Kazarian
was in action to open the show, but he found himself receiving a Samoan Drop from
and pinned.

: 58 (C-)


2. A video hypes up the United States Title match between
John Cena
tomorrow night at SummerSlam!

: 79 (B)


3. Jimmy Yang accompanied his new partner,
Ultimo Dragon
to the ring for a victory against his former partner
after an Asai Moonsault!

: 59 ©


Booker T
cuts a promo about Rene Dupree -- he says he's gonna whip that French fried ass and he's gonna finish with a Spinaroonie as soon as he gets him in the ring.

: 75 (B-)


Billy Kidman
was in action next, beating
Matt Morgan
after a Shooting Star Press.

: 54 (C-)


6. Another video package airs, and this one hypes the interpromotional grudge match between SmackDown's
and RAW's
Randy Orton

: 80 (B)


7. The main event of the night pitted members of two successful tag teams, and
Brian Kendrick
was able to finish
Danny Basham
with the Sliced Bread #2.

: 65 ©


8. The show ends with a video that chronicles the recent events involving
Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, and Paul Heyman
! The commentators tell us to order SummerSlam on pay-per-view tomorrow night!

: 84 (B+)



70 (C+)




WWE Sunday Night Heat
Sunday, Week 3, August 2004


1. Sunday Night Heat kicked off with tag team action, as
The Aristocracy
Maven and Heidenreich
as Maven fell to the Regal Stretch.

: 52 (D+)


2. More hype for
Randy Orton
The Undertaker
airs; who will win this Sunday?

: 83 (B+)


3. A divas tag team bout came up next, and
Gail Kim and Molly Holly
Jacqueline and Stacy Keibler
when Jacqueline found herself pinned after a Molly-Go-Round.

: 39 (D-)


4. One of the other RAW contests at SummerSlam is hyped next; will
be able to defeat a man of similar stature in
Sid Vicious
to get to Shawn Michaels?

: 64 ©


5. Next,
splattered the body of
Johnny Curtis
in the middle of the ring after a Derailer.

: 56 (C-)


Rob Van Dam
cuts a promo about Money in the Bank, saying that he's got a lot of respect for all the other guys in the match (except Christian), but he's very confident that he's gonna be the one who drops down the ladder with that briefcase.

: 74 (B-)


7. In Heat's main event,
Robert Conway
with the Buzzsaw Kick to pick up a victory.

: 66 (C+)


8. One final promo hyping the World Heavyweight Title match between
Triple H and Shawn Michaels
airs. Order SummerSlam right now!

: 87 (B+)



71 (B-)



SummerSlam is about halfway written; keep predicting! Also, thank you all for the Monthly Spotlight, it means a lot!

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