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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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And BTW, another typo that I found...


''He says that he has great respect for Chris Jericho and that he's one of the greatest wrestlers to ever hold that belt, but at SummerSlam it's coming home to Shelton Benjamin!''


Yesterday in-game the belt is coming home to Shelton Benjamin then :p


I predict a Shelton win at Unforgiven, and to me he's a lock to win the second Money in the Bank Ladder Match whenever it occurs.

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  • Replies 1.7k
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Confirmed Match Preview


Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy



Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns



Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak



The Colons (Carlito and Eddie) vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle



Edge vs. Chavo Guerrero



Comments on Previous Show:

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Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy



Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns



Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak



The Colons (Carlito and Eddie) vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle



Edge vs. Chavo Guerrero



Comments on Previous Show: Hopefully Flair has a brief revenge run in him.

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Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: That SSP be off the chain.


Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns



Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak



The Colons (Carlito and Eddie) vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio

Comment: I like the Noble/Nunzio team, but the Colons are on the rise.


Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle



Edge vs. Chavo Guerrero



Comments on Previous Show: I loved the Jericho & Benoit/Orton & Batista match! Also, RVD getting the win over Christian and the surprise title change were all nice highlights. :)

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Confirmed Match Preview


Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: Love Kidman but I think Matt'll win... Still sticking with Kidman though :D


Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Again, I think Reigns will win... but I'm sticking with ma boy Bryan!!! He's in ma FAVE FIVE!!!


Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak



The Colons (Carlito and Eddie) vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle



Edge vs. Chavo Guerrero



Comments on Previous Show: Holy crap what a show!!! :D Very well done sir!!! I have to say I expected an Evolution split soon, but I thought: 'Will it be Orton or Batista who leaves the group', I NEVER thought it'd be Flair!! Way I see it, HHH and HBK have had an epic, long, rivalry, and now that Michaels is Champion, they need one more re-match... So once the stipulations for the Iron-Man Match come into play, this will be their last match for the Belt. So Triple H needs a new feud, and if he's not going to be Champion anymore, Flair is PERFECT!!! Can't wait to see it unfold!!!

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Damn, can't wait to see how HHH is going to rationalize his way out of that next Monday! Poor Naitch!


Confirmed Match Preview


Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy



Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Another upset win?


Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak



The Colons (Carlito and Eddie) vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle



Edge vs. Chavo Guerrero



Comments on Previous Show:

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Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy



Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns



Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak



The Colons (Carlito and Eddie) vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio



Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle



Edge vs. Chavo Guerrero


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WWE SmackDown: Week 4, August 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 4, August 2004


As always, the SmackDown announce team welcomes us to the show following the introductory highlight video and theme song. Cole and Tazz talk about the triumph of Eddie Guerrero at SummerSlam, and that Paul Heyman is
in a foul mood tonight. We've also got a Street Fight between Hardcore Holly and Mark Jindrak! They're interrupted by the ringing of a bell, signaling the start of the show --


82 (B)

: None.



However, the bells are not emanating from ringside; it's the introduction music of the United States Champion,
John "Bradshaw" Layfield
! A long white limousine enters the fray and stops next to the ramp. The driver steps out and opens the door, allowing each member of the group to step out -- first it's JBL himself, then he helps out
"The First Lady" Sable
. The two of them point toward the limo as, also clad in suits,
The Chosen Ones
step out of the car! The trio that aided JBL's defense of the US Title at SummerSlam walk down to the ring with him, picking up boos from the crowd. Bradshaw gets in the ring and grabs a microphone, but the crowd continues to boo him, delaying the start of his comments. His grin turns to a scowl.



"Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you as your United States Champion and I deserve some
! Last Sunday at SummerSlam I once again proved to everyone that I am
than John Cena. Every great American leader needs a Cabinet. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, George W. Bush; all the greatest American Presidents have had a group of trusted confidants. So ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce to you the Cabinet of your United States Champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield!"


The crowd boos each and every person that is announced.


"First, we have the beautiful, intelligent "First Lady," Sable! Next, we have the official JBL Chief of Staff, Orlando Jordan! And finally, the Secretaries of Defense, Elijah Burke and Montel Porter!"


They join hands and raise them in the air, posing for the crowd, when "Basic Thuganomics" hits! The crowd explodes as
John Cena
gets to the top of the ramp.



"Whoa, whoa, whoa, y'all can do all this latherin' each other up and touchin' each other in the back! Ain't no need to bring that out here, dog. Bradshaw, you screwed me again at SummerSlam and that ain't somethin' John Cena's gonna let slide. Now listen up, I'm about to kick some rhymes out here y'all."


The crowd cheers as JBL begins to get angry at his interruption.


"Yo, listen, Bradshaw been duckin' me but there ain't no place to go, man/

Sable's got more pipe in her mouth than Frosty the Snow, man/

At SummerSlam ya boy got played by Jordan, Porter, and Burke/

I'mma whoop some ass til their mommas feel it hurt/

But it's all good, you can send your hired guns/

Because Dr. Cena prescribed an F-U diet for
the Chosen Ones/

Now John I'mma wrap this up unlike your dad and his wife/

At No Mercy, you know I'm
my title back -- Word. Life."


83 (B+)

: None.




Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson
Matt Hardy


Matt Hardy showed some edge here, coming off an assault on the Television Champion Stevie Richards last week. When Billy Kidman started to get something going, he was interrupted by the arrival of Muhammad Hassan at the top of the aisle! Never feeling comfortable after that, Kidman found himself planted with a Twist of Fate and covered to finish the match. Hassan smiled from the top of the ramp as Hardy was named the victor.


64 ©

: 6:40.



In the back,
Brock Lesnar
Luther Reigns
are in the office of GM
Paul Heyman
. Heyman reassures them both that the fight is not over. Yes, Brock may have lost to Eddie Guerrero and Luther Reigns to Big Show, but they'll get back on track starting right here tonight. Luther Reigns's match against Bryan Lloyd is coming up next!


76 (B-)

: None.




Bryan Lloyd
Luther Reigns


Reigns looked to take his frustration out on the upstart Bryan Lloyd, and was able to do so early on. Lloyd would get away and be able to land some very hard kicks, further angering the larger Reigns. Late in the match, Reigns lifted Lloyd up for a Powerbomb, but Bryan rolled out the back of it and rolled Luther up for the win!


Cole and Tazz are shocked as Bryan Lloyd has defeated Luther Reigns! Lloyd has his hand raised, but immediately he's blasted from behind by his opponent. Reigns puts the boots to Lloyd and destroys him after the match -- finishing him off with the Reign of Terror. Medical officials run toward the ring as Reigns heads the other way, satisfied with his damage.


56 (C-) / 41 (D)

: 7:36.



In the back,
Booker T
has some words for
"The French Phenom" Rene Dupree
. He says that last week, Dupree cost him his match against Scott Steiner because he's got a problem. Booker says that where he comes from in the heart of Houston, they solve problems one way and one way only -- by takin' it to the streets. He knows that Dupree ain't gonna do that though, and instead challenges him to a match! He wants an answer next week!


73 (B-)

: None.




Street Fight

Hardcore Holly
Mark Jindrak


Holly opened the match by slapping Jindrak and taunting him until Jindrak slapped him back! This match was a complete brawl from start to finish, and both men used weapons such as a kendo stick and a steel chair. Jindrak was able to kick out of an Alabama Slam, and, showing a surprising amount of guts in this one, finished off Holly with the Mark of Excellence through a table set up inside the ring!


65 ©

: 7:41.



The camera goes backstage to an unidentified dark area. A small bit of light cuts through purple smoke to reveal the shrouded face of
The Undertaker



"I will not forget your treacherous transgressions. You...will...be...


86 (B+)

: None.



Elsewhere backstage,
is warming up for his match when he encounters
Scott Steiner
. "Big Poppa Pump" gives him a backhanded 'good luck' in his match later against Chavo, but Edge understands his sarcasm. He tells Steiner to piss off and Steiner just grins. "Big Poppa Pump" asks Edge if he knows who he's talking to, he's the man with the largest arms in the world and Edge tells him that he doesn't give a damn who he is. Edge says yeah he's got a match later, but he won't hesitate to break those arms of Steiner's. Scott just chuckles and walks off.


90 (A)

: None.




The Colons
Jamie Noble and Nunzio


In their first real action on SmackDown, The Colons put on an impressive showing against two veterans. Carlito and Eddie showed flawless teamwork, obviously from teaming together for years and years in Puerto Rico. Noble and Nunzio couldn't get on the same page, and Carlito finished off Nunzio with a
for the win!


49 (D)

: 5:40.



Eddie Guerrero
is walking backstage as the crowd gives a huge pop! He's heading down the hallway with a smile on his face and the WWE Championship on his shoulder. He seems to be headed to the ring, when all of a sudden he's assaulted from behind by
Brock Lesnar
! "The Next Big Thing" tosses Guerrero around the backstage area like a ragdoll as officials flock to the scene! Lesnar tosses them aside too and Guerrero is now bloodied on the ground. The man who unsuccessfully challenged for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam displays his power over the champion, finishing him with an F-5 onto the floor! He leaves Guerrero prone and in a very bad way as he walks off.


92 (A)

: None.




Rey Mysterio
Kurt Angle


Two of the men who were unsuccessful in winning the Money in the Bank briefcase went one-on-one here. This was a highly athletic match between two great wrestlers, and even though Mysterio found himself very close to a 6-1-9 and a victory, he was caught and brought down into an Ankle Lock and forced to submit by "The Olympic Hero."


74 (B-)

: 11:31. These guys will fight each other more for sure, they have great chemistry.



Stevie Richards
is talking with
Dawn Marie
in the back when he's ambushed from behind by
Matt Hardy
again! This time, however, the TV Champion is able to fight back and the two evenly brawl their way through the backstage area. As officials pull the two apart, they agree to a match next week on SmackDown for the Television Title!


59 ©

: None.




Chavo Guerrero


Chavo looked to insert himself back into relevance on SmackDown with a big win over Edge, while Edge tried to regroup from his Money in the Bank loss. Chavo used underhanded tactics to get ahead early on, but Edge refused to give in despite Guerrero's technical prowess. Edge's motor refused to turn off, however, and he caught Chavo with a Spear out of nowhere, covering for the 3 count!


80 (B)

: 11:54.



celebrates his victory after the match -- but he's blasted from behind by
Scott Steiner
! The man whom he had a bit of a spat with earlier attacks Edge, putting the boots to him! Steiner hits Edge with a series of suplexes (Germans, belly-to-belly, Tiger) and eventually locks him in the Steiner Recliner! Steiner taunts Edge all the while, and finally throws his head into the ground, standing over him and raising his arms as we fade out!


86 (B+)

: None.



83 (B+)

: None.


Quick Results


Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs.
Matt Hardy


Bryan Lloyd
vs. Luther Reigns


Street Fight

Hardcore Holly vs.
Mark Jindrak


The Colons
vs. Jamie Noble and Nunzio


Rey Mysterio vs.
Kurt Angle


vs. Chavo Guerrero


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus - 48

thebest2427 - 45

The Lloyd - 43

Smasher1311 - 43

Kijar - 42

michgcs - 42

packerman120 - 32

SpecialDelivery - 36

TheBigBad1013 - 32

Midnightnick - 30

Samuelftw – 14


coolm619 - 8

The Final Countdown - 8

Wolfman84 – 3


Hope you guys enjoyed this month! I'll have the B-Shows up either tonight or tomorrow, followed by the Monthly Recap! Beejus wins again, and I'll get you that prize soon man!

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WWE B-Shows; Week 4, August 2004



WWE Velocity
Saturday, Week 4, August 2004


1. Continuing off of his shocking win on SmackDown,
Bryan Lloyd
was able to defeat
with the Cattle Mutilation.

: 58 (C-)


2. A video details the horrific assault on
Eddie Guerrero
Brock Lesnar
where the champion was left beaten and bloodied in the back.

: 88 (B+)


The Colons
picked up a win over
Nova and Matt Morgan
to continue their tag team success.

: 42 (D)


4. A recap video shows the events that have taken place since SummerSlam involving
John Cena's
pursuit of
United States Title.

: 86 (B+)


5. In TV Title action,
Stevie Richards
was able to beat
Lance Storm
after a Stevie Kick off the skull.

: 68 (C+)


6. The disgruntled
Chavo Guerrero
cuts a promo on his recent struggles and truly shows the chip on his shoulder.

: 70 (C+)


7. Tonight's main event featured tag team action;
Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio
The Basham Brothers
after a Shooting Star Press to Danny Basham.

: 73 (B-)


8. Velocity concludes the exact same way that SmackDown did -- with footage of
Scott Steiner's
vicious beatdown on

: 80 (B)



77 (B)




WWE Sunday Night Heat
Sunday, Week 4, August 2004


1. Video footage opened the show, and it was of
laying down a shocking beating on their now-former member
Ric Flair

: 90 (A)


2. The first match of the night saw
Tommy Dreamer
take on
Tyson Rude
, who was able to gain the victory following a Northern Lariat.

: 55 (C-)


3. Divas recap action was next, with
showing a bit of hesitance toward
Mickie James
helping her retain her title at SummerSlam.

: 57 (C-)


was in action next, and she finished off
with an inverted leg drop bulldog called the Sunset Split.

: 42 (D)


5. A recap of the
Shelton Benjamin
Chris Jericho
confrontation is next, and it shows the respect between the two men.

: 72 (B-)


6. In a sort of David vs. Goliath battle,
was able to roll up
in a surprising victory for the Japanese Buzzsaw!

: 64 ©


7. The final video of the night shows the announcement by
Mr. McMahon
Triple H
would take on
Shawn Michaels
in a 60-minute Iron Man match at Unforgiven!

: 92 (A)


8. A great match closed out the show, with
Shelton Benjamin
going toe-to-toe with
William Regal
and finishing it with a T-Bone Suplex.

: 82 (B)



78 (B)



Monthly Recap next!

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Monthly Recap: August 2004


WWE Monthly Recap: August 2004


World Wrestling Entertainment

Size: International

Prestige: 91

Momentum: 88

Finances: $28,703,610



RAW (Prestige)

World Heavyweight: Shawn Michaels (94; A)

Intercontinental: Chris Jericho (70; C+)

World Tag Team: La Resistance (58; C-)

Women's: Lita (29; E)



WWE: Eddie Guerrero (87, B+)

United States: John "Bradshaw" Layfield (68; C+)

WWE Tag Team: Lords of the Ring (61; C)

Television: Stevie Richards (47; D)


Pay-Per-View: WWE SummerSlam

Main Event/Match of the Night/Month: Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a Hell in a Cell Match to win the World Heavyweight Championship – 98 (A*)

Event Grade: 93 (A)



Signings/Re-Signings: Beth Phoenix*, Brian Kendrick, Christy Hemme*, Jerrelle Clark*, Paul Bearer, Todd Grisham

* denotes developmental

Departures: None


TV Ratings/PPV Buy Rate Breakdown

Week 1

'A' Shows: 7.72 | 9.35

'B' Shows: 0.55 | 0.58

Week 2

'A' Shows: 7.85 | 9.56

'B' Shows: 0.58 | 0.59

Week 3

'A' Shows: 7.64 | 9.55

'B' Shows: 0.56 | 0.60

Week 4

'A' Shows: 7.70 | 9.55

'B' Shows: 0.57 | 0.60

PPV Buy Rate: 5.93


Current Roster (as of September 1, 2004)








Main Event


Bubba Ray Dudley

Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho

D-Von Dudley


Randy Orton

Rob Van Dam

Shawn Michaels

Triple H

Big Show

Brock Lesnar

Eddie Guerrero


John “Bradshaw” Layfield

John Cena

Kurt Angle

Scott Steiner

The Undertaker


Upper Midcard

Billy Gunn

Christian - Money in the Bank Holder

Jeff Hardy

Johnny Nitro

Robert Conway

Shelton Benjamin

Sylvain Grenier

William Regal

Booker T

Charlie Haas

Hardcore Holly

Mark Henry

Mark Jindrak

Matt Hardy

Orlando Jordan

Rene Dupree

Rey Mysterio

Stevie Richards





The Hurricane

Johnny Stamboli

Lance Cade






Val Venis

Billy Kidman

Brian Kendrick

Carlito Colon

Chavo Guerrero

Chuck Palumbo

Danny Basham

Doug Basham

Jimmy Yang

Lance Storm

Luther Reigns

Paul London


Ron Simmons

Super Crazy

Ultimo Dragon


Lower Midcard

Damien Warlock

Johnny Curtis

Spike Dudley

Trevor Murdoch

Tyson Rude

Bryan Lloyd

Elijah Burke

Jamie Noble

Matt Morgan

Montel Porter

Muhammad Hassan



Scotty 2 Hotty



Jon Heidenreich

Frankie Kazarian


Mordecai – yet to debut


Shannon Moore


Enhancement Talent

Jimmy Snuka Jr

Brent Albright



Women's Division

Gail Kim





Mickie James

Miss Jackie

Molly Holly


Stacy Keibler

Trish Stratus


Dawn Marie


Torrie Wilson



Ric Flair

Khosrow Daivari

Paul Bearer

Theodore Long


Tag Teams

The Aristocracy (William Regal and Damien Warlock)

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

The Dudley Boyz

The Golden Globes (Val Venis and Goldust)

The Hurricane and Rosey

La Resistance (Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier)

Test and Billy Gunn

The Basham Brothers (Danny and Doug Basham)

Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio

The Colons (Carlito and Primo)

Jamie Noble and Nunzio

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon

Lords of the Ring (Charlie Haas and Lance Storm)

Londrick (Paul London and Brian Kendrick)

Nova and Kazarian

The Colons (Carlito and Primo Colon)

Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi)


Injured/On Hiatus



Preview next!

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 1, September 2004



Monday, Week 1, September 2004


Evolution is no longer a four-man unit. Last week, Ric Flair was unceremoniously booted from the group by Triple H, Orton, and Batista -- but why? The three men have pledged answers this Monday. Will Mr. McMahon be in the building again?


Intercontinental gold is on the line when Chris Jericho defends against Johnny Nitro, "The Problem Solver" Tyson Rude goes one-on-one with Jeff Hardy, and Randy Orton takes on Tajiri!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane



WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz



Tajiri vs. Randy Orton



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane



WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz



Tajiri vs. Randy Orton


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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane



WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz



Tajiri vs. Randy Orton


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Just wanna make sure I don't miss my picks...


Confirmed Match Preview


The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane

Comment: lol poor Hurricane


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Would love to see a feud between the two!


Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz

Comment: Personal preference


Tajiri vs. Randy Orton



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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane



WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz



Tajiri vs. Randy Orton



Comments on Previous Show: Go on Lloyd :D

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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane

Comment: Hurry, Kane! See what I did there? :p


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: I'm calling for the upset here. Nitro seems to upset a lot of bigger names, and I think this may be his chance to really make it big.


Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus

Comment: Meh.


Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz

Comment: Jacquie should probably just turn heel here and team with Jazz.... you know you want to. lol


Tajiri vs. Randy Orton

Comment: Damn, poor Tajiri.


Comments on Previous Show: While not as huge as Raw, the post Summerslam SD had some good story developments of its own. A good follow-up.

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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane



WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz



Tajiri vs. Randy Orton



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The Hurricane w/Rosey vs. Kane



WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus



Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline vs. Nidia and Jazz



Tajiri vs. Randy Orton



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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 1, September 2004



Monday, Week 1, September 2004


The regular highlight video, featuring the "Across the Nation" theme song airs and
Jim Ross
Jerry "The King" Lawler
welcome us to the show. They've run down the list of action we've got in store tonight, before letting us know that Triple H is going to start off the show by explaining the heinous attack on Ric Flair last week. Sure enough, here he is:


86 (B+)

: None.



"Line in the Sand" blares throughout the arena, heralding the arrival of
. The crowd immediately fills the places with boos as Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista walk down to the ring looking quite pleased. They enter the ring and Triple H grabs a microphone.



"Last week, in the middle of this ring, you all saw what makes this business function. You saw an example...of
. For the last nineteen months, Ric Flair served as a mentor for not only Randy and Dave here, but for myself. His legendary history and accolades speak for themselves, and just having him around 24/7 and being able to pick his brain led to the dominant trio you see here before you here today. But Ric, the game has



"This is what you wanted, isn't it, Ric! Your proteges standing in the ring right now at the absolute
of their game. Batista back from injury in a big way, myself, "The Legend Killer," having beaten The Undertaker at SummerSlam...Hunter coming off one of the most dominant World Title reigns in WWE history. And what was your purpose in this illustrious group, Ric? Was it to stand in the locker room and spout off your stupid catchphrases while the three of us spilled our guts in this ring? Evolution has passed you by. Your time is
. You're a
of what you used to be. "The Nature Boy" is
. And
...is alive and well."



"Let's look at the facts, Ric. I should've carried both Tag Team Titles because I carried your ancient ass all throughout our title reign. The clock keeps ticking, "Nature Boy"...and it's passed you by."


Triple H continues to speak, but is cut off by "Sexy Boy" and
Shawn Michaels
makes his entrance to the top of the ramp, World Heavyweight Title around his waist!



"Hunter, I think I'm getting a little bit of a different impression than you mean right now. You see three powerful individuals that are set to take over RAW, but what I see is three overgrown children looking for a scapegoat. That scapegoat is a 55-year-old man who has given his heart to this business for over 30 years. A man who's headlined more pay-per-views than you can imagine. A man who has held a World Title sixteen times. A man who is a better wrestler than any of you three will


Hunter interrupts.



"Hey Shawn, none of this concerns you, but if you really want to talk about scapegoats right now, why don't you come down here and see what kind of scapegoat Evolution actually needs."


The crowd cheers as Michaels starts to make his way down to the ring. He's interrupted by the commanding voice of a man over the TitanTron...



"Whoa, whoa, whoa, we've got to save that for Unforgiven in two weeks, don't we? Now Shawn, I know you want to get your hands on Triple H, but that's going to have to wait. In the meantime, however, we're going to have a series of contests. This week and next week will feature Pick Your Poison matches; this week, Shawn Michaels will step into the ring with an opponent of Triple H's choice, and next week, Triple H will face off against your choice, Shawn. Enjoy, gentlemen."


The crowd explodes at this announcement, as Triple H pats on the back of Batista, essentially choosing him to take on "The Heartbreak Kid" here tonight!


100 (A*)

: McMahon = ratings.




The Hurricane w/Rosey


These former Tag Team Champions (
) squared off in RAW's opening matchup. This one was pretty straightforward until a flurry by The Hurricane toward the end which led to him attempting to Chokeslam the 320-pound monster. It backfired, however, and Hurricane was flattened by a Chokeslam of Kane's own for the academic 1-2-3.


After the match,
grabs a microphone and, in not so many words, announces his intent to absolutely annihilate "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven, whether it's sanctioned or not!


82 (B) / 94 (A)

: 8:18.





Chris Jericho ©
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


As RAW returns from a commercial break, Shelton Benjamin was welcomed on commentary by Lawler and Ross. The #1 contender for the Intercontinental Title was on-hand for this title defense. Shelton toyed with the possibility of facing Johnny Nitro for the belt at Unforgiven, and said it really didn't matter who he took on. Benjamin did end up getting involved in the finish here, getting sick of Nitro's underhanded tactics throughout the match. As Nitro went to hit Jericho with the IC Title coupled with a referee distraction by Melina, Benjamin grabbed the belt and Jericho rolled him up for a quick pinfall victory!


After the match,
is livid and tries to go after
, but
sends him packing! Nitro can't believe that his title opportunity was thwarted, and he walks to the back along with
incredibly frustrated.


73 (B-) / 65 ©

: 11:31.



has been summoned to the office of
Eric Bischoff
, where the three of Bischoff,
Steve Austin
, and
Vince McMahon
are standing. Austin says that they heard what he had to say earlier, and Sheriff Austin don't give a damn whether or not he beats the hell out of Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven. Bischoff interjects, saying that he disagrees and that Kane needs to keep his hands away from his title match -- or


Kane responds to this by...smiling and laughing at Bischoff. McMahon steps in and tells Kane to listen, because he's got a compromise. From an emotional point of view, Vince understands Kane's plight, but has business interests in mind. And therefore, he's willing to make a deal. If Kane does
interfere in the title match at Unforgiven, then regardless of the winner, Kane will get the first shot at the World Heavyweight Title! Kane seems satisfied with this and shakes Vince's hand before walking out with a distorted smile on his face.


83 (B+)

: None.




Jeff Hardy
Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus and Christian


These two men had been going at each other for a couple of weeks now, and this match definitely allowed some frustrations to be released. Hardy and Rude went back and forth, but eventually the numbers game was too much, and a double distraction by Stratus and Christian led to Hardy being caught with a Northern Lariat for the biggest win of Tyson’s young WWE career.


After the bell rings, the assault isn’t over.
Rude and Christian
put the boots to
for thwarting an attack last week, but
Rob Van Dam
makes his way down the ramp to fend them off! Christian and Rude back up the ramp as RVD returns the favor for Hardy’s assistance last week.


63 © / 76 (B-)

: 7:53.



In the back,
La Resistance
stands with their newly won World Tag Team Champions (as well as a Canadian flag) and they have an interview segment with Todd Grisham. Grenier says that this team pledges to proudly represent the greatest country in the world, Canada with their World Tag Title run, and Conway makes a side-swiping comment toward the Dudley Boyz, saying that these belts finally have some class again.


Seemingly on cue, the former Tag Champions
The Dudley Boyz
enter the frame. Bubba Ray has harsh words for La Resistance, saying that those pretty boy Canucks better enjoy those stolen titles while they’ve got em because The Dudley Boyz get a rematch – and that rematch is going to be at Unforgiven – and that rematch is going to be in a Tables match! Conway and Grenier look none too pleased as the Dudleyz walk by, grinning.


76 (B-)

: None.




Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline
Nidia and Jazz


This divas tag team match saw two seemingly random teams put together to face off against one another. In an otherwise unremarkable match, Stacy was able to roll up Jazz for a win after Nidia walked out on her. The reason for Nidia’s walking out stemmed from Jazz continuing to try to get her to join in on her underhanded tactics throughout the match and Nidia decided she had had enough. Stacy picked up a big win for herself and Jacqueline, while the fans cheered Nidia for her actions.


42 (D)

: 6:06.



Mickie James
is skipping around and smiling down the hallway when she’s hit from behind by
! This seems to have been happening a lot over these past few weeks, but this time, Victoria takes her attack one step further! She beats Mickie all the way down to the parking lot and tosses her in the trunk of a waiting car! The psychotic diva hops in the front seat and takes off – but to where?!


46 (D)

: Lita and Mickie should
just hang out together more and stuff like this might not happen.




Randy Orton


Ever since his controversial victory over The Undertaker, Orton has looked incredibly focused. Last week on RAW, he and Batista were able to beat two very game competitors in Benoit and Jericho, and this week Orton showed he’s definitely at the top of his game. A solid veteran hand, Tajiri found himself a helpless victim of Orton’s tenacity and fell after an RKO.


After the bell rings,
shoves Tajiri underneath the bottom rope to the floor. He grabs a microphone and starts to talk about the concept of Evolution and how Orton is both the present and the future of the WWE. He trashes workers who he believes are has-beens, like The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, and Ric Flair, before “Whatever” hits and
Chris Benoit
comes down to the ring for a face-off! He has a microphone as well, and Benoit has a simple message for Randy Orton. “The Rabid Wolverine” wants “The Legend Killer” one-on-one at Unforgiven! He says Orton will accept his challenge if he’s as good of a wrestler that he thinks he is. Randy hesitates for a second, before telling Benoit that he’s on! Benoit flashes a toothless grin and walks out, satisfied.


81 (B) / 92 (A)

: 8:25.



Speaking of Unforgiven matches, “Good Ol’ JR” and Lawler let us know that Mr. McMahon has decreed that another match will be added to the card – based on recent events taking place on RAW,
Christian and Tyson Rude
will take on the team of
Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam
! A graphic confirms that these two teams will face off at the pay-per-view in thirteen days!


71 (B-)

: None.



Shawn Michaels
stands in the back with Jonathan Coachman, who wants his thoughts on his match next with Batista. Michaels says that he’s faced the biggest and the baddest in the business, and that Batista is going to be no different to those other guys; Sweet Chin Music brings them all crashing down. And as for Triple H, he knows he’s going to be an animal like Michaels has never seen before, but Shawn knows deep down that he’s a better wrestler than “The Game” and that’s going to be seen for sure in ‘the final chapter’ at Unforgiven. 60 minutes of blood, sweat, tears. Only the best wrestler in the world walks out on top.


87 (B+)

: None.




Pick Your Poison

Shawn Michaels
Batista w/Triple H


“The Game” spent most of this one on commentary, spewing propaganda against “The Heartbreak Kid” for a great portion of the match. Batista put on the absolute best match of his career so far, but that was no surprise based on his opponent. Michaels put on an absolute clinic in the ring, telling a story like he was fighting for his life against the powerhouse of Evolution. When Michaels started to get the upper hand and “tune up the band,” Triple H got up on the ropes. To stop this intrusion, “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair sprinted (chugged) down the ramp to a gigantic pop! Flair brawled with Triple H along the outside as Batista got up and went to leave the ring. As Flair and Triple H spilled over the barricade into the crowd, Batista decided to stay where he was, turning around directly into Sweet Chin Music! Shawn made the cover and picked up a win in a great main event!


Triple H and Batista were sent packing as Michaels and Flair celebrated back at ringside to end the show!


91 (A)

: 12:03.



92 (A)

: This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.


Quick Results


The Hurricane w/Rosey vs.


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho ©
vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Jeff Hardy vs.
Tyson Rude w/Christian and Trish Stratus


Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline
vs. Nidia and Jazz


Tajiri vs.
Randy Orton


Pick Your Poison; Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels
vs. Batista w/Triple H


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Samuelftw - 5

Midnightnick - 5

packerman120 - 5

Smasher1311 - 4

TheBigBad1013 - 4

michgcs - 4

Consrvtve - 4 (welcome!)

thebest2427 - 4

SpecialDelivery - 3

The Lloyd - 3

Bad News Fryer - 3 (welcome!)

Beejus - 2


The current Unforgiven card is as follows:


WWE Unforgiven 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 2, September

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

60-Minute Iron Man Match

Shawn Michaels © vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Shelton Benjamin


Grudge Match

Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton


World Tag Team Championship

Tables Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance ©


Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


Hope you guys enjoyed the show!

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