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WWE RAW Preview: Week 2, November 2004



Monday, Week 2, November 2004


The last show from the red brand before Survivor Series is sure to be a hot one! The Rock will be in the building tonight; what words does he have for Evolution after his shocking return last week? Also, "Mr. Money in the Bank" Christian goes one-on-one with one-half of the World Tag Team Champions, Shelton Benjamin!


Will Lita answer Trish's challenge? Also, the World Heavyweight Champion is in action! How will this week's RAW change the picture heading into Survivor Series?


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck! Also, sorry if there's any typos or anything in this preview or in my previous SmackDown, I've been in a rush and wanted to get these posts up!

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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)

Comment: I like both of these teams ;)


Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude

Comment: Trish could end up getting the title if she keeps up this hot streak.


Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train

Comment: Good match to show Shawn beating bigger guys.


The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Comment: While you could use the Dudleys to put over a fresh team, I just don't see it in the cards right here.


Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam

Comment: Christian needs momentum so that when he cashes in MITB, he'll look like a great champ.


Comments on Previous Show: Too bad you couldn't work in that kind of outside-the-box thinking, that would've been great! Oh well, Taker should be huge on Team Eddie, the excitement builds for Survivor Series!

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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam



Comments on Previous Show:

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Confirmed Match Preview


Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)

Comment: A nice win for the new team, and I totally predict that they will win the tag team titles by WrestleMania 21.


Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude

Comment: Not a chance in hell that Nidia wins here.


Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train

Comment: And not a chance in anywhere that A-Train wins here.


The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Comment: I say the win happens here. The Dudleyz can feud with them and catch a win at a PPV.


Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam

Comment: Could go either way, but I'll go with my brain and say Cap (Charisma).


Comments on Previous Show: I knew it! I knew that it was Taker. It was a great edition of SmackDown, let's see if Chavo is really telling the truth with this face turn (or not), as I'm pumped up for the Survivor Series.

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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam


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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train


The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch


Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam


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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam


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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam

Comment: Although I wouldn't mind a win by Captain Charisma


Comments on Previous Show: DAMMIT, 'Taker should've been an easy pick!

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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam



Comments on Previous Show: THE UNDERTAKER :o

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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)

Comment: I do like Test though.


Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train

Comment: Skill over size.


The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam



Comments on Previous Show: Yes, yes, yes, Rhyno is back!

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Test and Billy Gunn vs. The Widow Makers (Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire)



Nidia vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. A-Train



The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch



Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude vs. Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam


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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 2, November 2004



Monday, Week 2, November 2004


With just six days before Survivor Series, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are excited to bring you Monday Night RAW! They hype our major RAW main events for the pay-per-view, the traditional Survivor Series elimination match as well as the World Heavyweight Championship encounter. King is particularly excited about last week's return of The Rock! Before they can elaborate, The Great One's music hits and the show is underway!


86 (B+)

: None.



The crowd explodes for
The Rock
as he plays to the fans on his way to the ring. He grabs a microphone and holds it up to his mouth before stopping to chuckle to himself and soak in the adoration of the live audience. After a pause....
The Rock
has come
New Jersey
! He talks about how there was only one man that could have fit the bill to "The Nature Boy," "The Rabid Wolverine," and "Y2J" on the all-star Survivor Series team they've put together - and that's "The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment," "The Brahma Bull," "The Great One," "The People's Champion," The Rock himself! He continues his schtick, saying how Triple H has thought he's owned the place since Rocky himself was here, but he's sorely mistaken because--


"Line in the Sand" hits, and
comes out with the Intercontinental Champion
Johnny Nitro
. Triple H welcomes his longtime nemesis back to RAW "for another week" before he runs off to Hollywood again. He highlights the differences between their careers - The Rock is a quitter and Triple H is 'the rock' of this business. He has been, he currently is, and he always will be WWE. After Survivor Series, Triple H will endure, but The Rock will pack his tail between his legs back to Beverly Hills. A few comments back and forth between the two lead to Team Evolution surrounding Rocky, ready to pounce in an attack...


Ric Flair's music hits as all of
Team Style and Profile
hit the ring for a standoff six days ahead of their matchup at Survivor Series! Before anyone comes to blows, however,
Mr. McMahon
comes to the top of the ramp and welcomes The Rock back, but says that this isn't happening right now, but a member of each team
be in action in our main event. As a matter of fact, The Rock will make his return to RAW right here in this very building, and he will go one-on-one with Batista!


100 (A*)

: The Rock is indeed the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. This had too much star power to not get an incredible rating.




Test and Billy Gunn
The Widow Makers


The veteran team of Test and Billy Gunn worked well here, showing O'Haire and Stamboli that they wouldn't be able to run rampant through the tag division, but eventually Billy Gunn got planted with a military press powerslam by Stamboli and this one was over.


54 (C-)

: ((Beejus is solely responsible for this match, as he put them both together via prediction prize



A graphic reminds us that
will go one-on-one with
The Rock
in the main event tonight!


is with Todd Grisham, and he goes through his usual threats to Shawn Michaels, saying that Shawn will be having his last rites read to him at Survivor Series. There might be a few survivors at the pay-per-view in six days, but Shawn won't be one of them. His promo is interrupted by the Chairman himself, and Mr. McMahon lets Kane know that if he seeks revenge against Shawn Michaels for what happened last week, then Kane can consider his title opportunity in the toilet because he'll be off of Survivor Series!


77 (B) / 80 (B)

: McMahon laying down the law tonight.




Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude


Let's be honest: the inexperienced Nidia stood no chance against a hungry and motivated Trish Stratus. A Stratusfaction ended this one pretty quickly.


What happened after the match was more important. Trish picks up a microphone and wants an answer from Lita regarding her challenge at Survivor Series. Instead of getting the Women's Champion,
Mickie James
makes her way out to the ring. She lets Trish know that Lita isn't here tonight because she's still injured from Taboo Tuesday. Trish feels no sympathy for her, saying that if that's the case, Lita should vacate the Women's Championship so a real woman can hold that belt. Lita comes on the screen at this point, bandaged and with a neck brace on, reiterating what Mickie has said, and that the Women's Champion won't be ready for Survivor Series in six days. Trish doesn't seem to care much, as she says she
have a match at Survivor Series anyway, and she blindsides Mickie James with a Chick Kick! Trish stands over her, smirking, as she and Rude walk out.


60 © / 77 (B)

: None.




Shawn Michaels


The World Champion showed Kane exactly what he could do against a larger opponent in this one. Despite A-Train's ability to ground Michaels for the most part, a couple of furious rallies ended with Sweet Chin Music and a nice victory heading into Survivor Series!


After the match,
crashes the party! He walks down the ramp, seemingly ready to do exactly what Mr. McMahon prohibited him from doing earlier on in the night. As Michaels squares up in the ring, Kane gets up on the apron as the two stare each other down. Shawn beckons him inside the ring, but Kane smirks, says "the time is near," and begins to laugh as he raises his arms and throws them down to initiate pillars of fire from the turnbuckles! "The Big Red Machine" walks out, leaving Michaels alone with his title inside the ring.


83 (B+) / 88 (B+)

: Yeah, Shawn pulled A-Train to an 83. You read that right.



A relatively quick segment backstage shows
Triple H
arguing with his wife
Stephanie McMahon
about how she almost cost him his match last week. She insists on accompanying Team Evolution at Survivor Series, but Triple H tells her that it's too dangerous. He doesn't want her in harm's way, especially with known pieces of garbage like Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho on the other team. Stephanie scoffs at this and just really wants to show her support because she wants this marriage to last unlike her parents'. This hits Triple H and he sighs, submitting to her wishes to accompany them to the ring at Survivor Series.


74 (B-)

: None.




The Dudley Boyz
Cade and Murdoch


A hard hitting affair continued the show, and although Cade and Murdoch looked pretty impressive and put on a very good match with the more experienced Dudleyz, a 3-D to Murdoch was all it took to finish them off.


Bubba Ray grabs a microphone after the match. He says they've got some respect for Van Dam going back to the ECW days, as well as Shelton Benjamin, but the Dudleyz are comin' for those Tag Team Titles. They don't give a damn about La Resistance or The Aristocracy - they want those titles back and at Survivor Series they're gettin' em!


75 (B-) / 80 (B)

: Even more crowded Tag Title scene!



Johnny Nitro
has some promo time backstage, where he downplays the return of The Rock by reminding everyone who the Hollywood star with the gold around his waist is. He goes on to talk about how Rocky is seen as a flake in Hollywood and that's why he'll never be half the star that Johnny Nitro is. It just so happens that The Rock is nearby and his face interjects itself onto the screen - causing Nitro to jump with shock as he realizes! The Rock extends a hand to Nitro, saying that it's nice to meet him, and introduces himself as "The Great One," what's his? Nitro says I'm Johnny Ni--


Nitro is livid at the obvious punchline and the Rock sends him a quick message that Nitro hasn't done half the things that The Rock has done for this business. The Rock was laying the smack down over that Intercontinental belt before
had dropped below
belt! Rock ends the segment by saying he's gonna save an extra special beating for Johnny Nitro's candy ass come this Sunday!


87 (B+)

: None.




Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam
Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude


"Mr. Money in the Bank" had his hands full in this one with the athletic Tag Team Champion, Shelton Benjamin. Late in the match, Christian found himself reeling after a Stinger Splash, but La Resistance hit the ring to attack RVD on the outside! Benjamin went to help his partner, but that allowed Christian to take advantage with the Unprettier for the win!


With the bell ringing, La Resistance move their beatdown to Benjamin as Christian and Co. head to the back. As they went for the Au Revoir,
The Dudley Boyz
put a stop to the assault by sprinting down to the ring to brawl with Conway and Grenier! Adding to the fray,
Damien Warlock and William Regal
hit the ring as well, and absolute pandemonium surrounded the ring as Shelton and RVD got back involved! Eight men brawl with each other around the ring - but we're forced to go a commercial break!


83 (B+) / 62 ©

: None.



As we get back, JR and "The King" let us know that referees and officials finally cleared the ringside area, but that a Tag Team Turmoil match has been announced for Survivor Series between all four teams! Our main event is next...



The Rock
Batista w/Evolution and Johnny Nitro


Tonight's main event gave us a nice little preview into the RAW Survivor Series match as "Evolution's Animal" took on The Rock in his return to RAW! Randy Orton and Triple H repeatedly took cheap shots at the Rock when the referee wasn't looking, until Earl Hebner figured out what was going on and tossed them to the back! They get ready to enter the ring and deliver a beatdown instead, but Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho all hit the ring to take them out! With those three brawling throughout the arena, Batista turned around into a Rock Bottom and the People's Elbow for an earth-shattering pop from the audience after the three count!


With The Rock declared the victor, the brawl along the outside finds its way back around to just outside the ring. Orton's beating on Flair, Benoit chops the chest of Nitro and rolls him in the ring, and Jericho and Triple H go toe-to-toe with punches. A low blow swings this in The Game's favor as Evolution slowly begins to gain control. The Rock gets caught from behind by Orton and thrown into the stairs as Triple H finishes the segment with a Pedigree to Ric Flair in the center of the ring! Evolution and Nitro stand tall and their dominance is the enduring picture as we head toward Survivor Series in six nights!


76 (B-) / 90 (A) / 94 (A)

: None.



92 (A)

: People seem to love The Rock, another excellent rating, making two straight since he's returned.


Quick Results


Test and Billy Gunn vs.
The Widow Makers


Nidia vs.
Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude


Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels
vs. A-Train


The Dudley Boyz
vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch


Shelton Benjamin w/Rob Van Dam vs.
Christian w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude


The Rock
vs. Batista w/Evolution and Johnny Nitro


The current Survivor Series card is as follows:


WWE Survivor Series 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 2, November

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Eddie (Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Bryan Lloyd, Rhyno, The Undertaker) vs. Team Heyman (Brock Lesnar, Luther Reigns, Lords of the Ring, Kurt Angle)


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Style and Profile (Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, The Rock) vs. Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Johnny Nitro)


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Cruiserweight (Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Ultimo Dragon, Jimmy Yang, Chavo Guerrero) vs. Team Dupree (Rene Dupree, Matt Hardy, Mark Henry, Mark Jindrak, TBD)


Grudge Match

Mickie James w/Lita vs. Trish Stratus


World Tag Team Championship

Tag Team Turmoil

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Aristocracy


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Cena (John Cena, Ron Simmons, Paul London, Brian Kendrick) vs. The Cabinet (JBL, Orlando Jordan, Elijah Burke, Montel Porter)


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Bad News Fryer - 16

Smasher1311 - 15

crackerjack - 15

jscotty - 15

packerman120 - 13

Midnightnick - 12

Kijar - 12

thebest2427 - 12

The Lloyd - 10

Beejus - 11

michgcs - 8

lukess11 - 6


TheBigBad1013 - 4


SmackDown preview next!

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SmackDown Preview: Week 2, November 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 2, November 2004


Three days remain until Survivor Series and we still have some questions. Who is Rene Dupree's final team member? Can Edge and Eddie Guerrero co-exist heading into their match? What is Rhyno's first move as a member of the SmackDown roster once again?


We can give you some answers: Rhyno will go one-on-one with Luther Reigns in a rematch from last week. That's not all though - Edge and Eddie will have to team with one another against the formidable team of Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle in our main event!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview


Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck! Extra point if you guess Dupree's final team member!

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: My favoriteeee. GORE!


WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle



Comments on Previous Show:

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Death.


WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Matt keeps rolling with the belt nicely.


Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Would an Arab really have a problem with a Samoan?


Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: Can't see the Chosens losing to a comedy group like them... even if I do love them.


Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Cena needs to pick up a win like this now and again.


Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Comment: Heels get to look good after last week.


Comments on Previous Show: Good Raw, but what's happened with Lita? Is she really hurt, or are you just keeping her off-screen to sell the match she was in? A huge return for The Rock, but I really think I'm most excited to see where you take Shawn vs Kane.


Also, I think Dupree's final member will be Hassan.

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Confirmed Match Preview


Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: This screams Reigns winning to even the odds, but this time my gut speaks louder.


WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Clean win after two fluke defenses.


Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: This is technically Hassan's biggest match by now, right? Duggan and Slaughter might be less popular than Rikishi in the mod, so it's a wild guess o'mine.


Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: Chavo proves himself for Rey Mysterio.


Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: I smell shenanigans.


Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Comment: Since I think that the heels are winning at the Survivor Series after Edge turns on Eddie or something else, I will have to go with the faces here.


Team Dupree's final member will be Muhammad Hassan.


Comments on Previous Show: A great return match for The Rock, and I think that you are keeping him until WrestleMania. The Road to WrestleMania will be something huge if he does stay until then. Also, Trish was hungry? Hmmmmmmm...

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner


Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle



Dupree's final friend will be Mr. Hassan.

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Comment: I can see a brawl breaking out, though



Comments on Previous Show: I agree that Hassan is the logical choice.

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle


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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Comment: Difficult one


I am allowed the point for guessing, due to me knowing?

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Comment: Toss Up


Edit: Oh yeah and Hassan will be joining Team Dupree

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Keep his momentum strong. Reigns is the weak link of Team Heyman


WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: KIDMAN!!!!!


Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Would be a big win for Hassan


Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: More upside


Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Comment: Rhyno's win earlier in the night makes this easier. But it really could go either way!!


Comments on Previous Show: The Rock! That SS match is gonna be HUUUUGE

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Rhyno vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Television Championship

Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Hardy ©



Rikishi w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Six-Man Tag Match

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Jimmy Yang vs. The Chosen Ones



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Scott Steiner



Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle



Dupree's final team member has to be Hassan.

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