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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 1, December 2004



Monday, Week 1, December 2004


We're welcomed to the telecast by "Good Ol' JR," who's proud to announce that his broadcast partner Jerry "The King" Lawler was back for this one. Bandaged, but seemingly okay, Lawler and JR joke about not having to hear Coachman commentate anymore. After a quick rundown of last week, they announce that Chris Jericho will be hosting The Rock on tonight's Highlight Reel! But first, we've got non-title action between Johnny Nitro and The Hurricane!


78 (B)

: None.




The Hurricane w/Rosey
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


After a quick video showing their encounter last week, the two men were set to square off. After a solid opener with twists and turns, Rosey cancelled out interference by Melina, allowing Hurricane to roll Nitro up for the shocking win! The superhero has prevailed!


69 (C+)

: Maybe he
a superhero.



In the locker room of
, Randy Orton and Batista are at odds with one another, each blaming the other for Randy’s loss last week. They nearly come to blows over Orton’s arrogance, and Triple H actually has to break them up before anything physical occurs. Batista is looking rabid, wanting to get his hands on Orton, but Triple H calls for a limo and sends “The Animal” home for the night! He walks out with Batista and brings him to the parking lot, leaving Randy alone in the locker room to ponder.


86 (B+)

: None.



In the back, Todd Grisham is with
Jeff Hardy, Lita, and Mickie James
. They have some words for Tyson Rude and Trish Stratus – Lita says that she’s back and ready to go. After what Trish did to Mickie, Lita would be glad to show her who the real Women’s Champion is, and that starts tonight when she and Jeff Hardy fly all over Tyson and Trish!


65 ©

: None.





RVD and Benjamin ©
The Widow Makers


Stamboli and O’Haire looked to make their mark in the tag division by claiming the gold, but it wouldn’t be that easy against RVD and Shelton Benjamin. The powerhouses were able to ground Van Dam for a bit using their strength and leverage, but eventually he was able to make the hot tag to Benjamin. Shelton took it to Stamboli for a moment before getting blindsided by O’Haire. With the Widow Makers in control, The Dudley Boyz came out to the top of the ramp, returning the favor for their interference last week. Stamboli was caught off guard and Benjamin hit the T-Bone Suplex for the title defense!


68 (C+)

: Those damn Dudleyz.



In the back,
Shawn Michaels
is watching the show when
Chris Benoit
enters the frame. “The Heartbreak Kid” congratulates him on his big win over Randy Orton last week, and Benoit thanks him, but not before letting him know that it’s the first step on his road to taking that World Title right off of Michaels’ shoulder!


90 (A)

: None.



Elsewhere backstage,
Triple H
is angrily scouring the hallways, opening doors and looking around corners searching for a certain someone revealed to be Kane. He finds “The Big Red Machine” in the boiler room, slamming metal objects around still seemingly in pain over his loss to Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series. Hunter, unafraid, cuts right to the chase and tells him he’s got some real balls to attack Stephanie McMahon. Kane looks puzzled as Triple H continues to prod him, but then a smile crawls across Kane’s face and he starts to cackle. Kane tells Triple H that he wishes he could have seen the look on the face of “The Billion Dollar Princess” as she got taken out, but it definitely wasn’t him. Actually, he was beating on Jerry Lawler at the time. But Kane knows the smell of a setup, and tells “The Game” that if he really wanted to know who hurt his wife, he should simply take off the blinders – he just might find an “Animal” with its tail between its legs…


90 (A)

: None.




Damien Warlock w/William Regal


Regal’s protégé looked impressive here – despite an early flurry by Maven, Warlock forced the former Tough Enough winner to submit to a Bow and Arrow Lock.


After the match, Damien grabs a microphone and talks about how he and Regal deserve the opportunity to challenge for the World Tag Team Titles. There is no one on RAW that is more deserving of gold because they eat, sleep, and breathe professionalism and class, unlike the “cool dudes” Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin. Their world is going to come crashing down around them when they get into the ring with The Aristocracy.


47 (D) / 65 ©

: None.



We come back from a commercial break with
blaring throughout the arena.
Chris Jericho
makes his way out to the ring for the Highlight Reel, and begins by introducing the Hollywood phenomenon
The Rock
! Rocky, with his usual swagger, comes down the ramp and enters the ring. What ensues is a short interview about The Rock’s return, what he’s been up to, and his intentions here on RAW. He says that he’s got a ton of respect for Shawn Michaels, but obviously The Rock’s goal is to take his title back! Jericho mentions that Rock had a bit of a standoff with Kane last week, to which Rocky replies in his usual defiant manner; he tells “The Big Red Machine” that if he wants his jabroni ass whooped, The Rock won’t hesitate to kick his ass six ways from Sunday.


After a few moments, fire explodes from the stage as
clearly heard what The Rock had to say. He gets in the ring to have a standoff with “The Great One” as Jericho tries to defuse the volatile situation. As soon as The Rock looks back at Jericho, Kane attacks! Y2J tries to intervene, but gets thrown right out of the ring. Rock catches him with a few rights and goes to clothesline him over the top rope, but Kane launches him over with a back body drop! Rock crashes down to the floor as Kane begins to destroy the set of the Highlight Reel, flipping tables and knocking the (obscenely expensive) Jeritron 5000 off of its secure fastenings! Kane makes his way to the back as Jericho and Rock recover along the outside.


88 (B+)

: None.




Jeff Hardy and Lita w/Mickie James
Tyson Rude and Trish Stratus


Lita’s return to the ring was alongside her former Team Xtreme partner and she hit the ground running. As soon as she got in the ring against Trish, she ran circles around her, but Stratus was able to regain control and put a bit of a beating on the returning Women’s Champion. Hardy and Rude have had no love lost as of late, and those two came at each other with everything they’ve got as well. In the end, a Mickie James distraction led Trish into a small package, Lita picking up the win!


Before a commercial break, the announcers let us know that our main event will feature
Chris Jericho
going one-on-one with


73 (B-)

: This was a nice match to give heat to this feud.



After the break,
Billy Gunn
is standing in the ring as
Triple H
is set to make his entrance. As his music hits, suddenly “The Game” makes his way out to the ring with a microphone in his hand and street clothes on. He tells the people in the back to cut the music, because he has something to say. He explains that he has no desire to fight Billy Gunn right now; all he wants is to find out who attacked his wife. He says that Stephanie was assaulted and now she’s going to think about that night for the rest of her life; all Hunter wants is to bring the assailant to justice. So unless Billy Gunn is the man who attacked Stephanie, he doesn’t even want to fight. Triple H drops the mic, walking to the back as the crowd and Gunn are stunned and confused.


79 (B)

: The Emotional Assassin?



hits as
Chris Masters
again makes a picturesque, gaudy entrance as he continues his Masterlock Challenge. The man chosen for this week’s edition is named Jeremy, and he fares poorly just as Scott did last week. Masters swings him around the ring and he quickly submits, with the commentators hyping Masters’ potential to the moon once again.


64 ©

: None.




Chris Jericho


These two had faced each other plenty of times in the past, but this one was more personal for Jericho as Kane had destroyed his Highlight Reel set earlier in the night. However, Kane’s thirst for chaos seemed insatiable in this match, as he continued to inflict pain on Y2J at every turn. The gutsy Jericho hung in there and sporadically posted some offense with his unique offense. Although a springboard cross body turned into a Kane Powerslam, Jericho continued to give it his all. The referee was knocked to the ground trying to get out of the way of a Jericho clothesline in the corner, and the match took a turn from here. Kane went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair, putting it against Jericho’s throat and looking to cause internal damage. At this point, The Rock hit the ring and started a flurry of punches against “The Big Red Machine!” A chair shot to the skull knocked Kane out cold as Y2J hit the Lionsault; Chad Patton woke up just in time to count the three!


Jericho escapes immediately as Kane is coming to; Y2J celebrates his way up the ramp for a huge main event victory. Ross and Lawler tell us to stay tuned as we’ll see Christian say a few words about his World Title match next!


83 (B+)

: None.



hits and the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title,
, walks out to the ring. He gets in the ring with his Money in the Bank briefcase and picks up a microphone. He immediately begins trashing Shawn Michaels, saying that the old man is in for a world of hurt whenever Christian decides to cash in either of his title shots. He says it’s out with the old, and in with the new; Christian has been the most charismatic and talented superstar on RAW for a long time, and it’s about damn time he’s getting the chance to show all his Peeps around the world just how great “Captain Charisma” really is. After pausing to wink and point to his fans in the crowd (despite garnering massive heat), he refers to Shawn as a “washed-up, has-been” and insinuates that he’s going to embarrass him in front of his family when he takes the title from him.


Having heard enough,
Shawn Michaels
comes out for an interruption as he stands atop the ramp. Michaels lets Christian know that many have challenged him in the best, and many have fallen before him. Michaels says that if he could beat Kane, why should he be afraid of facing Christian once, twice, or a hundred times? He says that Christian doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, he goes by many names which you’ve all heard before…..but he says them anyway. He is “The Showstopper,” “The Main Event,” “The Iiiiiicon!” And—


All of a sudden, he’s rocked from behind by
Tyson Rude
, who snuck out of the backstage area to perpetrate an assault! He puts boots to the World Heavyweight Champion before throwing him into the RAW set. Christian makes his way up the ramp and starts to attack as well! Rude picks up the carcass of Michaels and hands him over to his buddy as Christian lays the champion out with an Unprettier on the ramp! With Michaels out, Christian takes a long, hard look at his Money in the Bank briefcase, but ultimately (and arrogantly) decides to save it, walking out with it to end the show!


84 (B+)

: Shawn seems to have problems with Canadians.



84 (B+)

: A slight tick down from previous weeks, but there was definitely some good action on this show.


Quick Results


Non-Title Match

The Hurricane w/Rosey
vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin ©
vs. The Widow Makers


Maven vs.
Damien Warlock w/William Regal


Mixed Tag Team Match

Jeff Hardy and Lita w/Mickie James
vs. Tyson Rude and Trish Stratus


Billy Gunn vs. Triple H did not happen


Chris Jericho
vs. Kane


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Smasher1311 - 4

crackerjack - 4

Bad News Fryer - 4

jscotty - 4

packerman120 - 3

BHK6 - 3

Kijar - 3

Happy0wns - 3

thebest2427 - 3

Beejus - 3

michgcs - 2

Midnightnick - 2

The Lloyd - 1


SmackDown preview next!

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WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 1, December 2004


Kicking off the final month of 2004 is a jam-packed show including a main event where two participants in the Armageddon Hell in a Cell will face off! "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero takes on John "Bradshaw" Layfield in a non-title match which can decide a lot of momentum just ten days away from Armageddon!


Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd team up in tag action against Muhammad Hassan and Matt Hardy while Luther Reigns addresses the challenge of The Undertaker! Also, the WWE Tag Team Titles are on the line in a rematch; the Lords of the Ring attempt to regain their lost titles against Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!


Sorry guys, I've been working a lot and toying around with some other games (CVerse and real world) and maybe prepping for a side diary after my '96 WWF one failed
... it's all just speculative right now but it led to me neglecting this one for a week or so, but I should be back on track now.

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet



Comments on Previous Show:

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: With Londrick/Animals set, I think the champs retain


Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: I think he will Reign(s) supreme


Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Holly pins Hardy


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet

Comment: By DQ


Comments of Previous Show: I'm ready for that Christian title run, please!

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet


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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet



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Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: maybe via count-out?


Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Holly's the weak link


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet

Comment: Odds can't be in Eddie's favor


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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: They already have a rivalry revolving round the titles


Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Squash


Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Hassan does not lose on free TV


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero[/b[ vs. JBL w/The Cabinet

Comment: Latino Heat ... wait ... only four matches on TV - The Rock smells some long angles cooking


Comments on Previous Show: Do I get bonus points for guessing the finish of two of the matches? :)

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet


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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: With Hardy taking the fall maybe?


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet

Comment: JBL's got the Cabinet... But I think Eddie somehow uses them to his advantage!


Comments on Previous Show: Another truly awful show, as always...

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson (c]) vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: They win the match but not the titles DQ or count out finish


Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Hardcore Holly is the jobber in this match.


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: The Lords are not regaining the belts. Not tonight.


Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Death.


Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Because Hassan.


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet

Comment: Eddie gets a solid win en route to the Hell in a Cell Match.

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Just throwing down some quick picks so I don't get left out of this one :)


WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet


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Mysterio and Kidman w/Torrie Wilson © vs. Lords of the Ring



Brent Albright vs. Luther Reigns



Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/The Cabinet



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WWE SmackDown: Week 1, December 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 1, December 2004


The opening video, backed by "Rise Up" performed by Drowning Pool plays as Michael Cole and Tazz greet us from ringside. SmackDown is heating up on the road to Armageddon, and with just ten days before the big event, Cole and Tazz hype the announced matches. They let us know that we're kicking off the show with Tag Team Title action!


77 (B)

: None.





Mysterio and Kidman © w/Torrie Wilson
Lords of the Ring


Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman looked to defend their hard-earned gold against the team whom they defeated a couple of months back - but Lords of the Ring had other plans. As they methodically worked over their opponents, however, they would add in cheap shots and other questionable moral double team maneuvers. This would end up backfiring as Rhyno and the Big Show would make their way to ringside, allowing Lance Storm to be caught napping, rolled up by Rey Mysterio for the title defense!


66 (C+)

: None.



In the office of
Paul Heyman
, there's a knock at the door.
Luther Reigns
opens it up, and it's
Booker T
. The five-time WCW Champion notes that Scott Steiner has been a thorn in his side since they were on RAW earlier this year, and he wants him at Armageddon. Heyman lets him know that that isn't really possible, as Scott will be taking on John Cena for the United States Title, but gives Booker an ultimatum. If he can defeat "Big Poppa Pump" in that very ring tonight, Booker can play his way right into that US Title match - making it a Triple Threat! Booker seems pleased with this and thanks Heyman as he walks out.


86 (B+)

: None.



Amy Weber stands by with her guest,
. She wants to know what his thoughts are heading into Armageddon, and whether he'll look to form a coalition with Eddie Guerrero to fend off the other four men in the match. Edge remains unflinching in his ideals, however; he says that he respects Eddie, but he can't help a man who has what he wants. Eddie has a target on his back bigger than anyone else on SmackDown because he holds that WWE Title, and so Edge can't consider him an ally. He's going to go out there on his own, and --


Edge is cut off by
Brock Lesnar
, whom he defeated last week partially thanks to Guerrero. He says that Edge got lucky last week, and reminds him of the handful of times that Edge was on the receiving ends of senseless beatdowns at the hands of "The Next Big Thing." Brock tells Edge that the only thing that's going to feel as good as raising the WWE Title is going to be pulverizing Edge and Eddie Guerrero once again in front of the entire world.


77 (B)

: Lesnar struggled a bit here, but he got the point across. He's a beast.




Brent Albright
Luther Reigns


Albright was hyped as a fresh face out of regional affiliates of the WWE and the 26-year-old was touted by Cole and Tazz as a master technician. None of those words mattered, however, as Reigns looked hungry in this one, finishing it with the Reign of Terror.


After the match, Reigns grabs a microphone and directs a promo at The Undertaker. He talks about how he's never been afraid of anything in his life. He's been to prison, and until you've been behind bars you don't know the meaning of fear. He talks about the time he was stabbed in jail, and doesn't think that The Undertaker can do anything worse to him because Reigns says he's gonna kick the Deadman's ass. He knows some far worse dudes in prison than a walking, mascara-wearing zombie, and 'Taker is gonna find out at Armageddon just how bad Luther Reigns is.


43 (D) / 70 (C+)

: None.



In the back,
Kurt Angle
Rene Dupree
run into one another and trash talk about Hell in a Cell, making biting sarcastic comments toward one another. They banter about country loyalty; Dupree criticizes fat, disgusting Americans as Angle reminds him who saved his French ass during World War II!


80 (B)

: None.




Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd
Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan


Physical. That's the word that described the offense of Holly and Lloyd in this one. Hardy and Hassan worked pretty well early on, but Hassan decided he didn't want to take the heat - red bruises covered his chest and arms as he and Daivari headed for the back mid-match! This left Hardy all alone in the ring and he immediately fell victim to the Alabama Slam.


63 ©

: None.



After a commercial break,
Eddie Guerrero
makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone. He says that he's got a lot on his mind going into Armageddon, and he's finally coming to terms with the possibility that his title reign might be coming to an end. He says that he knows that in ten days,
, someone else might be walking out with this gold. But he knows one thing - and it's that nobody is taking that belt without Eddie Guerrero having given 110% of what's left in his body out in that ring! He says he owes it to his fans, he owes it to his
, and he owes it to himself, and if someone like JBL wants to pry this title from him, he's gonna have to tear him limb from limb! Eddie turns his "Latino Heat" on as he continues his impassioned promo, saying that Bradshaw, his opponent for later on tonight, is going to need a lot more than a suit and a ten gallon hat to become WWE Champion - he challenges JBL's heart and says that he will never be anything compared to Eddie Guerrero!


87 (B+)

: None.



is seen watching Guerrero's promo on a monitor as he's approached by
Paul Heyman
. Bradshaw thanks Heyman for the opportunity at Armageddon, clearly sucking up to him as Heyman soaks it in. Paul tells Bradshaw he's got some things to discuss with him in his office as he grins. JBL flashes a sinister smile as well, as he nods and the two walk offscreen.


87 (B+)

: What dastardly deed could these two be planning?




Booker T
Scott Steiner


Booker looked motivated heading into this one, with a shot at the United States Championship looming overhead. Steiner had defeated Booker a couple of weeks back, but Booker had the added revenge factor here, and wouldn't quit regardless of the beating "Big Poppa Pump" put on him. Scott looked for the Steiner Flatliner, but Booker wriggled out of it and rolled him up for the win!


73 (B-)

: None.



After the match, the commentators segue by letting us know that
Kidman and Mysterio
have accepted the challenge of
Paul London and Brian Kendrick
and will be putting up the WWE Tag Team Titles against them at Armageddon!


57 (C-)

: None.



In the back,
Matt Hardy
is stretching and recovering from his injuries earlier on in the night. The relentless
Hardcore Holly
enters the frame, demanding a rematch for the TV Title. Hardy laughs and refuses until Holly smacks him across the face! Hardy falls backwards into the wall and Hardcore glares at him before walking away.


70 (C+)

: Holly's put in decent performances to try and regain that momentum he had earlier in the year, and that continues here.



Booker T
is in the back with Amy Weber, and he's excited to stop treading water and get his career back on track here on SmackDown. He talks about regaining the US Title, but he's cut off by
John Cena
, to a huge pop. Cena congratulates Booker but puts him on notice - he's going to beat his ass for steppin' in that ring with him because that ring is
John Cena's
yard. It don't matter if it's Booker or Scott Steiner, Cena says someone's gettin' the F-U and "The Doctor of Thuganomics" is walking out with the US Title.


86 (B+)

: None.




Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero
JBL w/The Cabinet


JBL looked to make a statement heading into his WWE Title opportunity, and he was not alone. Not only was The Cabinet at ringside, but the other members of the Hell in a Cell (other than Edge) were hanging around as well. They were joined by a grinning Paul Heyman, as this was clearly the plan they'd settled on early tonight! The interlopers were eventually the deciding factors, as distractions abound led to a devastating Clothesline From Hell to the champion and a pinfall victory to John "Bradshaw" Layfield!


After the match, all hell broke loose as Guerrero was the victim of an assault. That was until
returned the favor from last week, running down the ramp with a steel chair as the assailants cleared the ring! Rene Dupree was unfortunately too slow, as he was blasted in the head with the chair by Edge and sent flying out of the ring! Edge lifts Guerrero to his feet as he feels the adrenaline, getting the crowd pumped up as we end SmackDown with just ten more days until the WWE Title match!


81 (B) / 93 (A)

: The overbooking hurt the match a bit, but the ending saved it. The crowd's getting behind Edge a lot, and the heels chosen are all doing well in this storyline.



84 (B+)

: The match action was a bit lackluster, but we build toward Armageddon successfully nonetheless.


Quick Results


WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman © w/Torrie Wilson
vs. Lords of the Ring


Brent Albright vs.
Luther Reigns


Hardcore Holly and Bryan Lloyd
vs. Matt Hardy and Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


Booker T
vs. Scott Steiner


Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs.
JBL w/The Cabinet


The current Armageddon card is as follows:


WWE Armageddon 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 2, December

(card subject to change)


WWE Championship

Hell in a Cell

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. JBL vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns


WWE United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


WWE Tag Team Championship

Mysterio and Kidman © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

crackerjack - 7

packerman120 - 7

Kijar - 7

Smasher1311 - 6

Bad News Fryer - 6

Midnightnick - 6

Happy0wns - 6

jscotty - 5

thebest2427 - 5

Beejus - 5

michgcs - 5

BHK6 - 4

The Lloyd - 4

Hitman74 - 3


RAW preview next!

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 2, December 2004



Monday, Week 2, December 2004


We press on toward the new year with a massive tag team main event! Christian and Shawn Michaels were given the chance to choose their tag team partners in a contest against one another. "Captain Charisma" has predictably chosen his "Problem Solver" Tyson Rude, while Shawn Michaels has picked "Y2J" Chris Jericho, Christian's fierce rival and former friend!


RVD and Benjamin are in non-title action, Goldust takes on Randy Orton, "The Masterpiece" makes his in-ring debut, and Triple H continues his quest to find the assailant of Stephanie McMahon!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton

Comment: Randy Orton is a young, talented main eventerv who could carry this company into the future, and although I like Goldust as much as the next guy, he is a 36 year old who paints his face and wears glitter.


Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch

Comment: Cade and Murdoch < Shelton Benjamin and RVD


Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria

Comment: She needs to win eventually


Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters

Comment: I don't believe that Spike Dudley will be the man who breaks out of the masterlock


Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane

Comment: Kane will crush him


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

Comment: Err...it's a gut feeling

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters

Comment: Urrrmmm...


Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


Comments on Previous Show:

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


Comments on Previous Show:

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton

Comment: Not so savvy, Goldie.


Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch

Comment: Cade and Murdoch will get there soon, but The Aristocracy is next in line for the belts.


Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria

Comment: Victoria's time is up on Lita's reign. Mickie's time is now.


Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters

Comment: This shouldn't be a masterpiece in ratings though.


Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane

Comment: Poor Test.


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

Comment: Rude is only here to be pinned and give HBK a point on this feud.

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