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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton

Comment: Legend Killer strikes again.


Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch

Comment: This one should help the champs look pretty strong.


Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria

Comment: I don't really know why I keep thinking Mickie will lose, her storyline just seems like it should have her drop a lot of matches until finally she turns on Lita, saying she was holding her back.


Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters

Comment: Glad to see you running with some of the people who didn't pan out IRL such as Masters.


Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane

Comment: Test fan as I am, nobody is stopping Kane's rampage yet.


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

Just can't really see them dropping this match.


Comments on Previous Show: Hell in a Cell continues to shape up nicely, I am almost smelling a new champion on the horizon.

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton



Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

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Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton

Comment: i like orton, iii wannanana seeee himm wiiiinn


Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch

Comment: no way, no way cade and murdoch win this, no way.


Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters

Comment: squash match much?


Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane

Comment: squash match much?


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


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Confirmed Match Preview


Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs. Randy Orton

Comment: I really think that Goldust has a shot at the upse-- AHAHAHAHA :rolleyes:


Non-Title Match

RVD and Benjamin vs. Cade and Murdoch

Comment: Cade & Murdoch can be built up as a formidable team, but not just yet


Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Spike Dudley vs. Chris Masters



Test w/Billy Gunn vs. Kane



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 2, December 2004



Monday, Week 2, December 2004


Highlights of last week play right before Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the show! JR runs down the docket of matches scheduled for tonight, including our main event -
Christian and Tyson Rude
in tag team action against
Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels
! They're cut off
and the #1 Contender makes his way out to the ring!


79 (B)

: None.



, along with
Trish Stratus
Tyson Rude
, makes his way out to the ring holding his Money in the Bank briefcase. He grabs a microphone and builds up to a big announcement. He says that as the #1 contender, he has been given the choice as to when he wants to take his title shot against Shawn Michaels. "Captain Charisma" says that even though he's wrestling here tonight, he wants to let everyone know that he
going to challenge for the World Title! As the fans go crazy expecting a title match here tonight, Christian smirks and elaborates; he won't be taking his moment of glory in front of
pack of trailer trash...but next week, in the great city of Toronto, Canada..."Captain Charisma" realizes his destiny and becomes World Heavyweight Champion!


100 (A*)

: The fans were so excited.......buuut they'll have to watch it at home.




Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler
Randy Orton


Randy Orton looked to get back on track here after a submission loss to Chris Benoit two weeks ago, but another veteran stood in his way as "The Bizarre One" gave "The Legend Killer" all he could handle. Every time Orton seemed to gather himself and get in control, the crafty veteran would counter. Orton came up with the ultimate reversal, however, as he spun out of a reverse DDT attempt, pulling off an RKO out of nowhere! He made the cover and was able to release some of his frustrations onto Goldust.


80 (B)

: These guys clash a bit with their lack of chemistry, but this one was aided by the previous segment.



In the back,
Triple H
is absentmindedly watching Orton's victory on his TV, his mind clearly elsewhere. There's a knock at the door, and entering the room is
Mr. McMahon
, his father-in-law. Hunter frantically says he's still on track of finding out who attacked his wife, and Vince cuts him off to try to calm him down. The Chairman thanks HHH for his loyalty and his effort in trying to find out who's done this to Vince's daughter. He says that he couldn't ask for a better son-in-law, and that he knows that Triple H is going to bring the assailant to justice. He just has one request...that once Triple H finds out who the attacker was...that he doesn't just beat them...but he beats them within an inch of their


89 (A)

: None.



Before the next match,
The Aristocracy
head out to the announce table to sit with Lawler and Ross. While RVD and Shelton Benjamin make their entrance for non-title action, Regal and Warlock explain why they should be the next challengers. As JR mentions the champions' athletic ability, Regal counters with the intellectual prowess of he and his partner. Warlock claims to be a Romanian rules chess grand champion, as well as having read and analyzed the works of Charles Dickens over fifteen times. Regal's credentials speak for themselves - he's been a former commissioner, he's in the inner circle of the Royal Family of England, he is simply worthy of gold.



RVD and Benjamin
Cade and Murdoch


The World Tag Team Champions showed that their credentials were quite adequate as well. Teaming against cousins Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, Shelton and Van Dam showed ever-improving experience with one another as they dispatched fairly quickly of the southern gentlemen. Van Dam hit a Five Star Frog Splash to Murdoch for a nice non-title victory.


70 (C+) / 58 (C-)

: None.



Again in the locker room of
, Triple H and Randy Orton are talking. Hunter says he looked good out there tonight, but there's something he wants to ask. He knows that Batista's not in the building, still angry after Hunter sent him out last week, but he questions Randy about the night Stephanie was attacked. The cryptic words from Kane last Monday insinuated that 'an animal has its tail between its legs' and he wonders if that means Batista had something to do with it. Stephanie doesn't remember, and Orton was there when it happened. Orton says he doesn't think it was Batista...although...Orton was in front of him when it happened. Randy says that between he and Hunter, he doesn't think Batista is...well...
enough to feign an outside assault and clear his name from suspicion. He's full of rage, but that's about it. Orton doesn't think it was Batista - but he's definitely been shady lately. The only option is for Hunter to call him out and see what happens. Orton thinks that Batista has to clear his name in front of Evolution in the middle of that ring. Triple H agrees.


78 (B)

: None.



Elsewhere backstage,
The Hurricane
is getting ready for an interview when he's rocked from behind by
Johnny Nitro
with the Intercontinental Title!
tries to pull him away, but Nitro lands a kick to the groin as he continues the assault! He talks about how the Hurricane embarrassed him last week, but he'll never take the Intercontinental Title from him. He tosses the superhero around the backstage area until he's pulled away by officials.


68 (C+)

: These guys have had solid ratings together, The Hurricane has been under-used so far for sure.




Mickie James w/Lita


Divas action was next, and Mickie took this one to Victoria early on. Looking to regain her footing after losing her Last Woman Standing match back at Taboo Tuesday, the vicious Victoria aimed to make Mickie suffer. After a pretty solid match, however, Mickie was able to come off the top rope with a Tornado DDT to finish Victoria off!


After the bell rings,
Trish Stratus
comes out from the crowd and attacks Mickie and Lita from behind! She shoves Lita out of the way and starts to attack Mickie for causing her loss last week, when all of a sudden "No Chance in Hell" blares over the PA system!
Vince McMahon
walks out to the top of the ramp and he says he thinks that Trish should reconsider her actions...because while she is the #1 Contender for the Women's Championship...she may want to watch what she does to the
for her Women's Title opportunity next week!


Trish stops as if she's seen a ghost, hand cocked back and the other grabbing the hair of the dazed Mickie. Trish drops Mickie's hair and considers what she's done as McMahon smirks and walks out!


57 (C-) / 72 (B-)

: None.



In the back,
Shawn Michaels
Chris Jericho
are warming up together. In a short, but effective segment, they touch upon their past as enemies but rather focus on their match tonight against Christian and Rude. They agree that all they want to do is slap that weasel smirk right off the face of Christian and that's exactly what Y2J and HBK are gonna do.


84 (B+)

: Short but effective indeed.




Spike Dudley
Chris Masters


In the debut match of "The Masterpiece," he took on the veteran Spike Dudley. However, Spike's years of experience couldn't help him in this one against the vastly more powerful 21-year-old. After a Polish Hammer, Spike Dudley found himself locked in the Master Lock, and there was no looking back from there. A quick win for Masters.


34 (E+)

: None.



From Spike to his brothers -
The Dudley Boyz
stand in the back and begin to talk about their recent confrontations with The Widow Makers. As the boys from Dudleyville talk about how they'll take them on anytime, anywhere,
Stamboli and O'Haire
attack them from behind! They lay the Dudleyz out with stomps, throwing the interview set on top of them and leave them out in the back!


60 ©

: None.



As we head back to the ring,
Triple H
Randy Orton
come out, still without Batista. Hunter gets into the ring and grabs a microphone. He says that he knows that there's been tension between Evolution over the past couple of months, he'd have to be an idiot to deny that. He says that he, Orton, and Batista haven't really been on the same page as of late, but he's here to rectify that. He wants to hear from Batista, and he wants to hear from him right now. He asks his friend Dave to come out to the ring and talk to him man-to-man, face-to-face.


After a long pause,
hits, and his Evolution mates expect him to make his way out to confront them. However, his music plays for about 30 seconds, and then cuts off. He's not coming to the ring. Triple H sighs and rubs his temples as he speaks into the microphone again. He sends a message to Batista - he says that he scouted him for a long time, and he knows the potential that "The Animal" has. He's stood by the side of "The Game" for many months now, and Triple H considers him one of the closest friends he has in this industry. He understands Batista' frustrations and not showing up to the arena tonight, but now he's going to put him on notice. Hunter says he's going to come to this ring right here next week and he's going to ask Batista to come out to the ring. If Dave doesn't come out next week, it doesn't matter if he had anything to do with Stephanie's attack - HHH is going to hunt him down if he doesn't come out and explain himself. Triple H says that he can consider their friendship history if Batista doesn't have the balls to show himself next week.


After Hunter drops the mic, we head to a commercial break.


92 (A)

: None.




Test w/Billy Gunn


After a main event loss last week thanks to The Rock, Kane looked to rebound this week, and that's exactly what he did. Test put in his best effort, but for every inch tall he was, Kane was taller; for all of his strength, Kane was that much stronger. Kane broke his way out of a Pump Handle Slam and landed a Chokeslam From Hell to Test for a victory.


After the match, Kane goes to beat up on Test a little bit more as Billy Gunn gets shoved to the side. All of a sudden,
The Rock
comes out with a microphone! The Rock says he knows Kane's mad that The Rock cost him his match last week, but hey, "The Great One" has some consolation for Kane: since he doesn't have his mask or hair anymore, there's nothing left for The Rock to smack right off Kane's face! Not only that, but when that steel chair hit Kane's head, The Rock swore he saw a crack come right down the front of his face - he thought egg yolk was gonna start drooling out of Kane's head!


Kane - now pissed - climbs over the top rope as The Rock challenges that Humpty Dumpty son of a bitch to come fight him! Rock meets Kane halfway down the ramp and the two start to brawl! They battle up the ramp and to the back, with neither man getting a clear advantage!


72 (B-) / 88 (B+)

: None.



In the back,
Christian and Tyson Rude
are walking toward the ring when out of nowhere,
Chris Jericho's
face bursts onto the screen, startling Christian, Rude, and Trish. Y2J just chuckles and says he'll see them out there...creepy little bastard.



Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho
Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


All four guys really pulled out the stops here. This was the best match Rude's been involved with, and he spent a lot of it looking good by working over both Michaels and Jericho. Christian got a near fall on the champion after a reverse DDT, and after "Captain Charisma" and "The Problem Solver" got frustrated, Y2J and HBK started to gain some momentum. Jericho hit a springboard dropkick, sending Christian out off the apron onto Tyson on the floor, and then as they got up Michaels flung his body over the top rope to take them both out as well! The finale of the match came after a flurry of chaos; Jericho clotheslined himself and Rude outside of the ring and Christian rolled up Michaels while holding the ropes to steal a victory!


77 (B) / 89 (A)

: Great match. Honestly, all four guys should benefit from the quality of it, even though Michaels and Jericho lost.



As Christian celebrates his win, JR and "The King" take alternating sides of criticism towards his tactics; but they're cut off as Ross has to send it to the back - there's a developing situation going on!


Todd Grisham is running along the back with his microphone, letting us know that there's an emergency situation - when all of a sudden he slices through a crowd of medics to see the unconscious
Mr. McMahon
knocked out on the ground! He's laid out in a similar way to Stephanie a few weeks ago - and they load the Chairman into an ambulance in order to get him to a medical facility! Ross lets us know that there will be an update as soon as possible - but for now they have to go because they've run out of time! What dastardly human being could have done this?


100 (A*)

: Another whodunnit!



90 (A)

: One of the best shows in recent memory, and The Rock wasn't involved in either of the top segments. The Vince thing added some more intrigue to the mystery attacker storyline in the eyes of the fans as well. Really good effort all-around.


Quick Results


Goldust w/Val Venis and Stacy Keibler vs.
Randy Orton


Non-Title Match

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin
vs. Cade and Murdoch


Mickie James w/Lita
vs. Victoria


Spike Dudley vs.
Chris Masters


Test w/Billy Gunn vs.


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs.
Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

crackerjack - 12

packerman120 - 12

Kijar - 12

Smasher1311 - 11

Bad News Fryer - 11

Midnightnick - 10

Happy0wns - 10

jscotty - 10

thebest2427 - 10

Beejus - 9

michgcs - 10

BHK6 - 9

The Lloyd - 9

Hitman74 - 7

TheBigBad1013 - 4


Not one person gave Christian and Rude a chance! Really guys? SmackDown preview next!

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SmackDown Preview: Week 2, December 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 2, December 2004


The last show before Armageddon will be an explosive one! Per the order of General Manager Paul Heyman, we will have a Handicap main event! Edge and Eddie Guerrero must team up against Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle,
John "Bradshaw" Layfield! Will Edge and the WWE Champion be able to make it out of this one unscathed before Hell in a Cell?


Carlito Colon challenges for the Television Title, The Undertaker is in action against Orlando Jordan, and there's an interesting matchup involving the United States Title contenders. In a three-way tag team match, each of John Cena, Scott Steiner, and Booker T have chosen a partner to join them in their match tonight! Which side can push their momentum forward heading into the pay-per-view?


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL


Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones



4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

Comment: DQ.


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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

By DQ, maybe? Six-man scramble for the gold! I can see it now, "Rene Dupree, Interim Champion!" :D

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Matt Fact: Matt has never needed a Colon-oscopy.


Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak

Comment: I could kinda get behind a Steiner/Jindrak team, actually.


Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Poor Stevie :(


The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

That's some pretty hardcore odds to be up against.


Comments on Previous Show: I would say Dave's name should be fairly clear after Vince gets attacked while he wasn't in the building. Also I guess I need to start believing in Christian - hah!

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Matt Fact: Matt can't tell the difference between a Colon and a semi-Colon.


Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Moore Fact: Shannon is Fuct


John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL


Comments on Previous Show: Creepy Little Bastard! hahahaha!! :D

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Not Cool though


Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak

Comment: Very Interesting match-up. A toss-up for me


Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

This is realistically too difficult to win


Comments on Previous Show:

Dig the ending. Wrestling needs more Whodunits. Early Prediction - The attacker is obviously Linda McMahon

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL


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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: The Sensei of Mattitude


Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL


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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

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Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns



John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL


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WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: i like hardy


Shannon Moore vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: part of me wants to say: Squash match much?


John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak

Comment: this ones actually kinda difficult


Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: i'm assuming this is going to push him somehow


The Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree, Kurt Angle, and JBL

comment: Somehow I get the feeling these 2 are going to pull off the upset or DQ finish or something


Comments on Previous Show: tis good, tis good, I thought Christian and Rude stood no chance! (cause of like rude)

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