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International Event Booking

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I have reached low international popularity and I intended to do events in other side of the world. I play as KDM FC so my Asia popularity is low international and others are all low national. My question is, if I were to host a PPV event in America, is putting two stars with low national reputation enough for a main event?


The thing is, the fan feedback said it's only an undercard fight and I always thought that if I were to host a PPV in USA, then the feedback are based on my US popularity(low national) rather than my Asia popularity(low international). Am I correct? Or I must have low international stars in the US region to host a show there, even when my popularity there is merely low national?

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Best host a lower tier show first. Pop is based on the local numbers, which is odd as most of the people watching will be asians. Just hire a GAMMA reject or hire one of their workers and they should be able to give you a main event match, just not on PPV level as you should really have stars to host that at that level of pop.
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Ya unless you have someone popular enough I would go with what Blackman said and just run a TV show if you have one. Slowly you can work up to a PPV. This is what I did in my KDM FC game when I entered Russia and Canada. I was lucky enough to have a good main event so I was able to have a PPV in America.
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<p>Okay, just for confirmation that I understand this fully: As a low international company, the main event of my PPV has to be low international-worthy no matter where I host it. The pop is judged based on the region the show is hosted on so the game will look at Asia pop if I host an event in Asia, and USA pop if I host an event in America.</p><p> </p><p>

Do I get it right? And that's too bad, I actually thought I only need national level stars to hit the non-Asia market, turned out I need international stars anywhere I go.</p>

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<p>The people before have explained it the best. There are two ways of getting pop outside of your region.</p><p> </p><p>

1: Have a minor TV show that crosses borders, you will be able to use your lower card wimps to get popularity everywhere and in turn make those regions have higher pop towards you.</p><p> </p><p>

2: Sign local stars. It's an expensive deal, and it means you will only be able to effectively use them in their home region. But with that way you can hold PPV's in said regions and not suffer greatly due to your other fighters not being known.</p><p> </p><p>

3: It's not a true option, but you can always do the hard thing and put on PPV's without big talents. It will hurt your income a lot, but your fighters will keep growing whilst getting pop in the other regions.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Goliath764" data-cite="Goliath764" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36539" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Do I get it right? And that's too bad, I actually thought I only need national level stars to hit the non-Asia market, turned out I need international stars anywhere I go.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No, you DO profit from guys that are more popular in that region as the game takes into account the pop of the international region. It all depends on how popular you are. If there's a full level of pop between home region and the international region, it WILL matter if you hire someone with a lower discrepancy in pop. Normally that will be the case, unless you've had tv shows there for a while.</p><p> </p><p> For example: Li-Kong Ho has 'low international' in asia so 'low national' in america do to pop spillover effects. Having him main event there is the exact same thing as him main eventing in Asia. However, Ziskie might have 'high national' in USA and 'high regional' in asia, but the main event would be a much better draw than if Ho would've fought a 'high national' asian fighter in Asia.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36539" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>For example: Li-Kong Ho has 'low international' in asia so 'low national' in america do to pop spillover effects. Having him main event there is the exact same thing as him main eventing in Asia. However, Ziskie might have 'high national' in USA and 'high regional' in asia, but the main event would be a much better draw than if Ho would've fought a 'high national' asian fighter in Asia.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Using the same pop in the example, would the main event be very awesome in USA since it's "high national" vs "low national" over there?</p>
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<p>Right now in my current WCL dynasty, I managed to reach low international status, and at that level it's vital that:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

• Your main event fighters at least matches your promotion level.</p><p>

• Check your credibility level, if you don't have enough ranked fighters, your promotion will suffer penalties.</p><p>

• If you haven't already, go get a local TV deal. It will help your mid carders and young fighters gain popularity faster.</p><p>

• Every once in a while, do an international event, while your promotion will take a short term hit, it will help you in the long run.</p><p>

• When doing an international event, try to book some fighters from that particular area on that card.</p>

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The only thing I didn't do well enough among the list of yours is getting enough fighters to low international. Other than that, I am pretty much doing well. The game is pretty easy as it is and I have 51% of the credibility level with no LHW and HW division. I am spreading all over the world in terms of TV and PPV deal. I have local TV ever since high regional I think and now I am on my way of getting my 2nd TV show up. I want to do international event, it's the reason I rush low international(which I now know isn't a good move after opening and reading this thread).
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