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CZCW: The Journey To Cult

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I don't really have a good track record with 2 failed dynasties, but this one I guarantee that I will do this ATLEAST until I make it to cult. I WILL, do this to cult, its my personal quest. Lol.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling: The Journey To Cult



I, Cliff Anderson have been the owner of the Coastal Zone for a long time, and we've been sat at Regional, for a long time. Its 2014 now. I've looked at the top 3 powerhouses, all on some sort of decline. TCW and USPW are struggling at Cult, SWF are at National, but we, CZCW are still are Regional. We are #4 in the US definitely, in front of PSW. But our roster is bigger, preparing for the build up for cult. I've made sure by tinkering our product the tinest bit, by adding some comedy into our shows we get a lot of sponsorship money, and now we are comfortably getting 30-50k per month. We may have 1 million by 2015. Yesterday me and Mark(Fox Mask) updated the roster on our roster overview, where we review the roster and write about their performance.




Name: Donnie J

Age: 36

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 7-0-5


Donnie J from 2013-2014 has slowly fazed out of the "Fan Favorite" gimmick and will soon become a "bitter veteran." Now sooner or later we will inplement the Heel/Face division and this is why we are slowly introducing gimmicks to the fans. Donnie has had both wins and losses but some of his losses were to the "youth" to strength the gimmick change.




Name: Masked Cougar

Age: 30

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 8-0-3


As show by his 2013 Win-Loss record Masked Cougar has been on a roll, as well as being CZCW World Champion for most of the year. Cougar is going to hopefully be on of our top stars for when we go to cult and cementing his spot as a Main Eventer only strengthens that.


Name: Matthew Keith

Age: 24

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 8-0-0


Recommended by my ally from COTT(Confederation Of The Territories) Samuel Keith, Matthew Keith came to the Coastal Zone by defeating Donnie J to welcome himself to the Coastal Zone. He then formed a team with Steven Parker called "The Future" and they simply are stomping the competition and that is proven by his unbeaten record in 2013. He is being slowly built up with Parker.



Name: Steven Parker

Age: 29

Nationality: Canadian

Size: Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 9-0-0


Steven has been very impressive, coming into CZCW defeating the departing to SWF Frankie Perez, and his team with Matthew Keith is doing very successful. Parker is going to be a huge star in the Coastal Zone and I can't wait til his team with Matthew splits because their singles careers will be excellent.




Name: Fox Mask

Age: 33

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 7-0-4


Fox Mask is Mr. CZCW, the backstage leader of The Coastal Zone, and hes being off the title for a while, but hes keeping with a reasonable amount of wins and losses. I always worry that Fox may leave one day to the big leagues but for now hes is The King Of The Coastal Zone.


Name: Fumihiro Ota

Age: 39

Nationality: Japanese

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 2-0-1


Ota has had a decent start to CZCW, coming in thought to be Mikey James' mentor helping him against Acid, but after Acid left to WLW on a written, Ota turned on Mikey, and the two are in a feud currently. This should help Ota get settled in and will help him for the future. Ota is getting on but until I notice any time decline he has a safe future here at CZCW.



Name: Mainstream Hernandez

Age: 27

Nationality: Canadian

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 8-0-1

Hernandez has had a very successful start to CZCW, taking the Xtreme Title away from Air Attack Weasel, and his gimmick of being a general weirdo has helped bring more gimmicks to the Coastal Zone. Hernandez is a very promising talent and will be used more. His madman-weirdo gimmick is impressive and the fans are buying it.



Name: Marc Speed

Age: 30

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 7-0-3


Marc spent most of 2013 defeating midcarders, but 2014 will be a good year for him and Coleman(Shoot Club) as with our tag divison really coming up, him and Coleman are one of our best tag teams, so will most probably be getting a title shot sooner or later. Speed had a slow 2013, but will hopefully have a fast 2014. The fans do like his "Submission Challenges" though, where he challenges somebody to a submission match.



Name: Mikey James

Age: 27

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 4-0-5


Mikey's 2013 wasn't that strong, mostly because of me being afraid of SWF snatching him up. He lost the title originally to Greg Black, but Greg dropped it to Cougar because Black was leaving for WLW. Mikey will get repushed in 2014, and if he leaves, he leaves, but that will let us push Ota. So its a win-win situation. Mikey is a good wrestler though, and we may need him for the push to cult.



Name: Remmy Skye

Age: 29

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 5-0-5


Remmy's 2013 was decent, and his feud with Donnie J ended up with Donnie going over. Remmy and Fox's team Zone Out will go serious in 2014, getting wins and challenging for the Tag Titles. Remmy Skye is a good wrestler, and again I worry will be snapped up by the big leagues, but for now he is ours, and is a good Coastal Zone worker.



Name: Air Attack Weasel

Age: 32

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 6-0-3


Weasel is a good well, Weasel character and is a solid midcard stay for years to come. He wants to wreck havoc on the company(kayfabe) and is a good character/gimmick for a long time before it gets stale.



Name: Al Coleman

Age: 28

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 3-0-4

Sadly for Coleman, his attitude problems backstage are a HUGE stepback for his push, and annoy me dearly. He may be getting a 2014 push however, considering Shoot Club will be getting pushed as part of our newly improved Tag Division.



Name: California Love Machine

Age: 25

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 5-0-5


Going Coastal(California Love Machine and Frankie-Boy Fernandez) are an up and coming excellent tag team. They lost their titles to The Future, but we made sure their reign was a good one, beating the likes of Zone Out, Rich and Famous and others. He has lots of potential and will get pushed with Frankie, but he is noticeably the better man out of the duo.


Name: Insane Machine

Age: 39

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 4-0-1


Since joining CZCW, he tried reuniting with American Flash, but Flash told him no and that him and Matt Sparrow were on to better things. So Now Machine is looking for a new partner. Machine is a decent worker albeit quite old. I'm not seeing any time decline so he is safe for now.


Names: Jackpot Jordon and Jake Idol(Rich and Famous)

Age: Both are 27

Nationality: Both American.

Size: Jordon = Lightweight Idol = Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 3-0-7


Rich and Famous had a poor 2013, mostly because of lack of anything to do with them. In 2014 with the rising tag division they may get a push but things are uncertain. I like Jake Idol though more than Jordon in terms of talent, but both are decent workers and if found of something to do could go on to have a good 2014.


Name: Matt Sparrow

Age: 34

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 2-0-9


Matt's 2013 was worse than expected, but he never lived up to the "Upper Midcard" role so had to be dropped to the Midcard. He is similar to Air Attack Weasel in the fact that he'd be a decent midcarder in the long run.


Name: The American Flash

Age: 24

Nationality: American

Size: Small

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 2-0-9

Flash is like Sparrow, but has some youth to his side. He has some potential, and hopefully his team of "Flash Sparrow" will go on to become a solid team.


Name: Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Age: 22

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 5-0-5


Frankie is pretty much like California Love Machine, but CLM is a little better than Frank. Frank's tag title reign was good as him and California Love Machine will be solid parts of our tag division and will help us out on the Journey To Cult.



Name: Jacob Jett

Age: 27

Nationality: American

Size: Small

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 1-0-3


Jett's being welcomed by doing some jobs, but will eventually work his way up the card. He is PERFECT for our product and is a very good wrestler and nice backstage.



Name: Jonnie Perez

Age: 23

Nationality: American

Size: Small

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 0-0-7


Jonnie is on his way out, as seen by his loss record in 2013. With Frankie gone that means Jonnie has nobody else that gives him a reason to be in the roster, especially considering he has almost injured many people in the past.



Name: Masked Patriot

Age: 26

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 0-0-1


Patriot's just signed with us and is going to do a little bit of jobs, but getting the odd win. He is a talent signed by SWF, and if SWF had him that means he has potential. He is a good patriot character and again brings more gimmick to CZCW.


Name: Notorious(Miguel Rivera and Carlos Barrera)

Ages: Miguel = 21 Carlos = 20

Nationality: Both American

Size: Both Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 1-0-11

Notorious are young, and are gaining experience, but they are still jobbing and learning their place here. They got a win against Flash Sparrow thanks to Insane Machine which helped them quite a bit to. They are prospects for the future.


Name: Waylon Walls

Age: 22

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 0-0-5


Walls may be getting a push in 2014, but 2013 was a lesson of learning the ropes for him. Waylon's style doesn't really fit us, but we'll try to make it work and give him a push.


Name: KC Glenn

Age: 22

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 0-0-0


Glenn just signed and hes a very good WRESTLER and has very strong psychology and performance skills. KC will be getting a push and may be a tag partner with one of our Main Eventers/Upper Midcarders.



Name: Simon Waves

Age: 19

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Win-Draw-Loss Record: 2-0-0


Simon Waves is going to evolve into the New James Prudence of The Coastal Zone, and is already in a team with Donnie J as "The New Fly Boys" and is getting good wins with Donnie. He is Donnie J's kayfabe protege and Simon is getting a solid push to start with.


And that is our roster, a very good roster in my opinion. As the owner of CZCW I decided its time to push on, time to push through to better levels, time to go on...


The Journey To Cult

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Coastal Zone</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

Size in the US:</p><p> </p><p>

South West: 45/D</p><p> </p><p>

Mid-South: 16/F+</p><p> </p><p>

North West: 14/F+</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We are aiming to get our South West overness into the C+ number, which will spillover into the North West and Mid-South, hopefully enough for the North West and Mid-South to spill over to other regions in the US.</p>

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CZCW Revolution Predictions:


Rich and Famous(Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordon) vs Shoot Club(Al Coleman and Marc Speed)


Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship:

Mainstream Hernandez© vs The American Flash


Coastal Zone World Tag Team Championships:

The Future© vs Going Coastal


Mikey James vs Fumihiro Ota


Coastal Zone Championship:

Masked Cougar© vs Remmy Skye

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Rich and Famous(Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordon) vs Shoot Club(Al Coleman and Marc Speed)


Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship:

Mainstream Hernandez© vs The American Flash


Coastal Zone World Tag Team Championships:

The Future© vs Going Coastal


Mikey James vs Fumihiro Ota


Coastal Zone Championship:

Masked Cougar© vs Remmy Skye

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Rich and Famous(Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordon) vs Shoot Club(Al Coleman and Marc Speed)

Really like the shoot club!

Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship:

Mainstream Hernandez© vs The American Flash


Coastal Zone World Tag Team Championships:

The Future© vs Going Coastal


Mikey James vs Fumihiro Ota


Coastal Zone Championship:

Masked Cougar© vs Remmy Skye

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<p><strong>Rich and Famous(Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordon)</strong> vs Shoot Club(Al Coleman and Marc Speed)</p><p> </p><p>

Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez©</strong> vs The American Flash</p><p> </p><p>

Coastal Zone World Tag Team Championships:</p><p>

<strong>The Future©</strong> vs Going Coastal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mikey James</strong> vs Fumihiro Ota</p><p> </p><p>

Coastal Zone Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Masked Cougar©</strong> vs Remmy Skye</p>

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Rich and Famous(Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordon) vs Shoot Club(Al Coleman and Marc Speed)


Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship:

Mainstream Hernandez© vs The American Flash


Coastal Zone World Tag Team Championships:

The Future© vs Going Coastal


Mikey James vs Fumihiro Ota

I think this one ends unclean to continue the storyline...


Coastal Zone Championship:

Masked Cougar© vs Remmy Skye

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CZCW Revolution




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The New Fly Boys defeated Notorious in 14:28 when Donnie J defeated Miguel Rivera by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach. 51/D+




<a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/JackpotJordan_zps4a002bb3.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/JackpotJordan_zps4a002bb3.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo JackpotJordan_zps4a002bb3.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/JakeIdol_alt1_zps27ff3b01.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/JakeIdol_alt1_zps27ff3b01.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo JakeIdol_alt1_zps27ff3b01.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo VS_zps49a5498c.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/AlColeman_zps7663244e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/AlColeman_zps7663244e.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo AlColeman_zps7663244e.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MarcSpeed_zpscb845fb6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MarcSpeed_zpscb845fb6.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo MarcSpeed_zpscb845fb6.jpg"/></a>

MATCH TYPE: 2 vs 2 Ladder Match


REFEREE: Pee-Wee Germaine

AT RINGSIDE: Willow W/ Al Coleman


Shoot Club vs Rich and Famous


  • The match starts with Coleman going after Jake and Jackpot going after Marc
  • Jake Idol takes advantage of Al Coleman with a drop toe hold which drops Coleman's jaw flat onto the unforgiving steel steps.
  • Marc Speed has locked in a submission on Jordon, making sure he won't get out by locking his arms in a camel clutch type submission.
  • Jake comes for the save though, kicking Marc square in the back of the head, almost knocking him out.
  • The 2v1 advantage is good whilst medics look in at Colemans jaw at the outside, and Jordon and Jake land their respective finishers, "Cash In" and "Reality Check."
  • After both climbing up the ladder and taunting as they want to claim theirselves to a tag title shot, Marc Speed who is on the floor starts tipping the ladder to the outside, and Jordon and Jake hit the unforgiving steel and crash and burn.
  • Marc realises its his chance, and goes for the titles by slowly but surely reaching for the titles, and it all goes sweet from there, as Coleman rushes out and looks fine now as the medics have fixed him up.
  • Marc and Coleman grab both the titles and celebrate on top of the ladder!




Winner: Shoot Club

Ending Maneuver: Marc and Al retrieved the titles

Ending Time: 22:04




<a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MainstreamHernandez_zps527be9f3.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MainstreamHernandez_zps527be9f3.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo MainstreamHernandez_zps527be9f3.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo VS_zps49a5498c.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/TheAmericanFlash_zpsfc74ce15.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/TheAmericanFlash_zpsfc74ce15.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo TheAmericanFlash_zpsfc74ce15.jpg"/></a>


MATCH TYPE: 1 on 1 Tables Match

TITLE(S) ON THE LINE: Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


REFEREE: Pee-Wee Germaine



Mainstream Hernandez vs The American Flash


  • The match starts off with Hernandez and Flash locking up, and after some swift takedowns, Hernandez is already searching for the table!
  • Hernandez is so obsessed with putting Flash through the table that Flash eventually countered an irish wrip into one of his own, followed by a quick hurricanrana.
  • Flash was a fast crusierweight, and showed this with several quick maneuvers, followed by an inverted DDT.
  • Flash then grabbed the table and looked to put Mainstream through it, but in the suplex position Hernandez reversed it, landed on the other side of Flash and hit a backstabber.
  • Hernandez took control and by the 18 minute mark had Flash ready for a suplex through the table!
  • But an unbelieveable bit of athleticism from Flash allowed him to reverse the suplex into a HURRICANRANA! After this Flash hits his finisher The High Volocity Senton!
  • Flash has Hernandez where he wants him and, wait thats Insane Machine!
  • Machine comes out and attacks Flash with a Steel Chair. Flash is screaming in pain as Machine hits his Termination Kick!
  • Hernandez has by now recovered, and realiseing his opportunity picks Flash up and with a simple diving splash Hernandez has retained the CZCW World Title!




Winner: Mainstream Hernandez

Ending Maneuver: Diving Splash through the table

Ending Time: 21:31




Hernandez looks around before grabbing another table and does a little weird smirk.


Mainstream Hernandez sets up the table in almost the centre of the ring and looks at the top rope.


Hernandez climbs the ropes and does a flying splash, into the table for absolutely no reason at all...




Machine wonders backstage when hes jumped by none other than Matt Sparrow, with Matt telling him he shouldn't have cost Flash a chance at winning the title.


It turns into an all-out brawl and Sparrow throws Machine into the wall, but Machine ducks a huge fist and Sparrows hand hits the wall, and a dropkick to the leg takes Sparrow to his knees.


The camera fades as the two start brawling again.



<a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/CaliforniaLoveMachine_zps9c32710c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/CaliforniaLoveMachine_zps9c32710c.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo CaliforniaLoveMachine_zps9c32710c.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/Frankie-BoyFernandes_zps1c4bca24.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/Frankie-BoyFernandes_zps1c4bca24.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Frankie-BoyFernandes_zps1c4bca24.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo VS_zps49a5498c.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MatthewKeith_zpsfa22eb83.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MatthewKeith_zpsfa22eb83.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo MatthewKeith_zpsfa22eb83.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/StevenParker_zps9d6edaf0.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/StevenParker_zps9d6edaf0.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo StevenParker_zps9d6edaf0.jpg"/></a>


Going Coastal vs The Future


Match Type: 1v1 Ladder Match

Time Limit: N/A

Referee: Pee-Wee Germaine

At Ringside: N/A


  • The match starts with Going Coastal trying to top The Future, getting any advantage with stiff kicks to the torso.
  • Matthew Keith takes advantage of Frankie-Boy Fernandes by dodging a dropkick and letting Parker land a huge superkick out of nowhere.
  • California Love Machine shows very promising signs of potential, and is kept strong thoughout the battle.
  • Steven Parker lands a Future Shock DDT on California Love Machine, but Frankie-Boy shocks him with a heal kick to the face.
  • Matthew takes advantage of the ladders though, and slams a ladder right into the chest of Frankie.
  • Keith tries to climb up the ladder, but in a stunning flashy move California Love Machine leaps up the ladder and does a (Think Dolph Ziggler) Huge DDT!
  • California Love Machine climbs the ladder, looking to regain Going Coastal's titles, when Steven Parker rushes up the ladder.
  • Machine and Parker start kicking and punching on the ladder, and Machine looks like he has an advantage.
  • But out of nowhere, Parker roundhouse kicks Machine off the ladder, sending him though the Spanish Announce Table on the outside. The Crowd Gasps.
  • A slight smirk is shown on Parkers face, as with Going Coastal both knocked out, its an easy climb, and The Future, retained...




Winner: The Future

Ending Maneuver: Parker grabs the titles after Roundhouse Kicking CLM off the ladder towards the Spanish Announce Table

Ending Time: 22:31




Matthew Keith: We retained the titles yet again...(Pause for crowd to boo) Me and my pal Steven here are no other, than the FUTURE. We are the next Supreme World Champions. CZCW is just a stepping stone.(Crowd Boos) Let me tell you all something, my Dad is Samuel Keith but I don't like to brag about it. I'm my OWN man. I have a lot of pressure on my back, to step up to my Dads fortunes and win a World Championship in a Major company. After CZCW, when Supreme, Hollywood, or Strong pick US up we will be all over the papers.(Smirks) Me and Steven here, are coming for greater things. Don't expect us here for long, as we plan on leaving CZCW soon for a major promotion, because this place is just another hole for us to dig up and take. Take all of your Championship gold...(Crowd Boos)


Steven Parker: Me and Matt here, we're friends. Good friends, and we're headed to the top of the mountain. We don't have to make much of an effort to climb, we have SO much talent that it's recognizable from a match with them POOR EXCUSES FOR WRESTLERS, GOING COASTAL.(Crowd boos heavily now) I don't have any Wrestling Family(Smirks) I didn't suck up to the right people either. I'm going to be a destiny, I'm going to be what you all HATE. But you'll have to put up with it, because I will be in the papers, on your TV, heck, I'LL BE EVERYWHERE, T-Shirts, THE WHOLE SHABANG.(Smirks and the crowd boos) Because me and Matt here, are headed, to the TOP.



<a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MikeyJames_zps42540641.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MikeyJames_zps42540641.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo MikeyJames_zps42540641.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo VS_zps49a5498c.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/FumihiroOta_zps44baa29b.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/FumihiroOta_zps44baa29b.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo FumihiroOta_zps44baa29b.jpg"/></a>


Mikey James vs Fumihiro Ota


Match Type: 1v1 Hardcore Match

Time Limit: N/A

Referee: Pee-Wee Germaine

At Ringside: N/A


  • The match starts with these two locking up, as Mikey wanted revenge, he thought Ota was his protege, helping him against Acid, and Ota turned on him.
  • Mikey goes straight for some stiff kicks to the chest, but Ota reverses that into his own kicks, showing his veteren presence.
  • Ota takes a little advantage, showing some technical wrestling as well as showing some cruiseweight action.
  • Ota brings the first weapon into the match, a Steel Chair.
  • Ota swings at Mikey and misses, and Mikey turns around and KICKS OTA IN THE FACE WHILST OTA WAS HOLDING THE CHAIR!
  • The Announcers can't really see, but they notice some blood dripping out of Ota's mask and onto the ring mat.
  • Mikey locks in what looks like a deadly submission, The Crossface, as he makes it look almost deadly.
  • Ota scrambles for a bit and reverses the move. Mikey stays on top for a bit, and pulls out a Table!
  • Ota stuns James with a DDT, and then throws Mikey out of the ring, catching his breath.
  • Ota gets ready, and suprises all by throwing himself OVER the ropes and landing on Mikey James! Ota throws James back in, and puts him on the table.
  • Ota gets ready but James catches him with a kick to the head, and James gets off the table.
  • James then puts Ota on the table, and to the shock of the fans does a Springboard Moonsault, and ultimately puts both men though the table.
  • James gets up, but Ota kicks in with veteren presence, and roll up! 1...2...3! James can not believe it!




Winner: Fumihiro Ota

Ending Maneuver: Surprise Old-School Roll Up

Ending Time: 35:19



(Mikey can not believe it, he is fuming! But he has no time, as Ota swings at him with a Baseball Bat, which hits him square in the nose)


(James tries to fight back, but Ota ultimately has the advantage, and theres nothing James can do except from take the beating...)






<a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MaskedCougar_alt4_zpsbc3ed6ca.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/MaskedCougar_alt4_zpsbc3ed6ca.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo MaskedCougar_alt4_zpsbc3ed6ca.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/VS_zps49a5498c.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo VS_zps49a5498c.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/kieranforthewin/media/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/RemmySkye_zps84c08448.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y429/kieranforthewin/KIERANS-PC/CZCW/RemmySkye_zps84c08448.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo RemmySkye_zps84c08448.jpg"/></a>


Match Type: 1v1 Ladder Match

Time Limit: N/A

Title: CZCW Coastal Zone Championship

Referee: Pee-Wee Germaine

At Ringside: N/A


  • These two shake hands and get ready to fight.
  • Skye gets an advantage, when he gets out a ladder straight away and attacks Cougar with it.
  • Cougar gets his own slight advantage, when he hits a stunning superkick to Remmy Skye's face, which puts Remmy off-guard.
  • Cougar goes for the Early "I am Cougar, Hear me roar" but Remmy dodges into a dropkick off his own.
  • The huge first "spot" of the match is when Remmy is clinging to the title, trying to pull it time, but an almost animalistic spear from Masked Cougar from the top rope to the ground takes Remmy downtown towards the mat and smashes him down, Remmy was hurt.
  • Cougar now started working on Remmy, putting him down, and when he throws Remmy outside the ring, Cougar goes top rope, and HUGE MOONSAULT!
  • Its near the end of the match now, and Remmy and Cougar are trading fists, but a quick kick to the leg from Cougar catches Skye off-guard, and then I HUGE "I am Cougar, Hear me Roar" puts Skye down!
  • Cougar is literally climbing up the ladder, and after a few tugs, pulls it down!







Masked Cougar is celebrating in the ring, and shakes Remmy Skye's hand. They exchange a nod and a handshake before Remmy goes backstage. Cougar is cheering with his faces when...


Donnie J and Simon Waves are here! Donnie has Masked Cougars very own Coastal Zone Championship, and smashes it against the skull of Cougar.


Simon and Donnie get a few kicks in, shouting some stuff like "Thats my title" or "We are too good for you!" and such. Donnie smiles at his work but continues to stomp Cougar out when all of a sudden...


Fox Mask's music hits, and the fans go wild for the Coastal Zone Legend. Fox rushes out and takes it to Donnie J, and swiftly dispatches of Simon Waves with a quick Roundhouse Kick to the temple!


Donnie swings at Fox with a clothesline but missed, as Fox again takes Donnie out with a few right hands, a kick to Donnie's groin and clotheslining him out of the ring


The Show ends with Fox helping Cougar up, as The New Flyboys retreat to the locker room.




Quick Results:

Shoot Club Def. Rich and Famous - 64

Mainstream Hernandez Def. American Flash - 57

Hernandez madness - 53

Sparrow and Insane Machine Brawl - 28

The Future Def. Going Coastal - 60

The Future Promo - 61

Fumihiro Ota Def. Mikey James - 56

Ota beats down on James - 47

Masked Cougar Def. Remmy Skye - 56

New Flyboys attack Cougar, Fox Mask saves the day - 65

Final Show Rating: 58

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