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I've played TEW since 2005 but have never had a long lasting game where it flowed... except in 2010 where i exploited the angles with a user avatar with everything 100 and jobbed to upcomers.


I want to be realistic. As if this were a REAL promotion. But i need tips and help. Im working with 1987 JCP(renamed it WCW) and I've gone on signing sprees to pick up those that give me a nostalgic feeling. The roster isn't too over bloated, however after getting some storylines going what should i do with the leftover main eventers and upper mids?


Theres only about 10 of these maybe a few less and I'm going to rotate vacations for about 3-5 wrestlers.


Im horrible at booking for reality and if I'm going to actually dive into a diary full force ... this, along with storylines are my main problems


The help is appreciated!

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<p>I usually follow a format like this for storylines</p><p> </p><p>

World Title Feud</p><p>

Sub Main Event Feud</p><p>

Midcard Title Feud</p><p>

Sub Midcard Feud(Usually for the Number #1 Contender)</p><p>

Tag Title Feud</p><p>

Diva Feud</p><p> </p><p>

I usually take turns every month on the tag and diva feud so that leaves you with 5 feuds and then you could have the occasional feud where you have someone you want to push feud with one of the uppermids or main event. I would highly suggest planing out three ppvs ahead as well starting with the furthest away and working towards your upcoming ppv. The tv shows then can be filled into place. One last thing is your always going to need someone to lose to the people that are in feuds so that can also be what the extras could be used for. Not sure if this will help you but this is the format I use.</p>

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Right now i have a main, 3 sub mains, a tag feud, and still have to find someone to feud with luger for the southern heavyweight title and a feud for big bubba rogers over the US heavyweight title. Its pretty much a giant cluster when i start a new game and i never can get into any kind of rhythm . I need to writeup a solid to do list when starting a game lol
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Usually I'll just kinda let them fade into random matches or pre/post show until I find a use for them again. Either that or else give them a role in one of the feuds you have going already. For example, in JCP/WCW, if you need something for Lex to do, just insert him as support in one of the other Horsemen's feuds. For Rogers, maybe put him into one of your sub main feuds in order to make it for the US title, or even just put him in to make it a #1 contender feud until phasing someone out of it and just having it as Bubba and the winner.
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<p>Yeah i got my ME's sorted out and my UMC is mostly tag teams, so i have a 4way tag feud and my 4 singles feuds with 3 being for titles. there used to be 4 singles titles and 2 tag team but i unified some, but kept 2 midcard titles because the roster is pretty big and both titles will serve seperate purposes yet are basically equals aside from the prestige. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm torn on whether to add in a Jr. Heavyweight title with my surplus of juniors/cruiserweights...</p><p> </p><p>

Does anyone have a direct format as far as storylines? What decides who feuds with who? Anyone can feud with anyone... but to be realistic there has to be tension or some sort of personal backround. What is a good angle/way to build tension other than a heel cheating, dislike of a workers beliefs... as said above i'm looking to actually book good shows not just play the game by what i see.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="xXSegemoXx" data-cite="xXSegemoXx" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36774" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah i got my ME's sorted out and my UMC is mostly tag teams, so i have a 4way tag feud and my 4 singles feuds with 3 being for titles. there used to be 4 singles titles and 2 tag team but i unified some, but kept 2 midcard titles because the roster is pretty big and both titles will serve seperate purposes yet are basically equals aside from the prestige. <p> </p><p> I'm torn on whether to add in a Jr. Heavyweight title with my surplus of juniors/cruiserweights...</p><p> </p><p> Does anyone have a direct format as far as storylines? What decides who feuds with who? Anyone can feud with anyone... but to be realistic there has to be tension or some sort of personal backround. What is a good angle/way to build tension other than a heel cheating, dislike of a workers beliefs... as said above i'm looking to actually book good shows not just play the game by what i see.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Storylines in wrestling are the same as stories in real life. The first and biggest thing is that even though we all know the heel is a villain the heel doesn't go around thinking he's evil (unless you want to be really campy like Kai & Tai when they did the bad dubbing thing). The villain in his mind has just as legitimate a gripe as the face does.</p><p> </p><p> But the stories should be anything that strikes your fancy. Look at the gimmicks of the workers and then say I think it would be interesting if worker A who has a super hero gimmick, goes up against worker B who has a corrupt business man gimmick and I'll run a story like Superman vs. Lex Luthor.</p><p> </p><p> As an example I'm running SWF and using the three starter storylines plus three of my own. The Main Title story line is The Struggle for Supremacy.</p><p> </p><p> Steve Frehley (Champion) running a face Bad Ass gimmick</p><p> Remo running a heel Bad Ass gimmick</p><p> Christian Faith running a face Old School Face gimmick</p><p> Vengeance running a heel Vigilante gimmick</p><p> </p><p> So the first question, especially if you're going to be writing a diary, is how do you make Remo and Frehley seem different. Sure they're face and heel bu Remo and Frehley are both large black men who pummel things into the ground. So when writing Frehley I write him up more as a pretty laid back dude most of the time who just doesn't like to be pushed around so when push comes to shove he steps up to the plate. I write Remo more like a wild animal in a constant state of agitation ready to fly off the handle at any minute. Also Remo may be a heel but he's a competitor a fighter I have never had him cheat to win, but he does find himself getting disqualified for going to far in the ring from time to time.</p><p> </p><p> Then you have the other two, Christian Faith I write up as the old star still on top but he knows this is probably his last hoorah. So although he still does all the traditional face things in the ring, his promos are more self deprecating than anything else. Its not I'm the baddest there is I'm gonna do what it takes to come ut on top. Its I've ben around awhile and I may have lost a step but my mind is still sharp and I've forgotten more about wrestling than most of you know so I'm gonna not just ue my body but my brain to win.</p><p> </p><p> And then Vengeance still being somewhat supernatural doesn't really care about the title for the sake of the title he cares about it for what it represents it is the soul of SWF and to control SWF, to excise what he believes is a cancer in the company he needs to control the title. He calls Christian Faith the heart of the SWF and says by crushing him he can help clear the SWF of the cancer it has. So he doesn't see himself as evil he sees himself as a cure for what ails the SWF and he believes, even if he's wrong, that what he's doing is right.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="xXSegemoXx" data-cite="xXSegemoXx" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36774" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That helps a ton thanks! What would be a good definition of old school faces and heels? what exactly is it they do thats old school?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Old school faces are just quintessential good guys without any real gimmick around it. They never cheat always act honorably and try to be role models. Old School Heels always cheat, they never have a nice word to say about the faces and can really play up the bad guy a little more which is why the old school heel gimmick is a gimmicky gimmick and not say a realistic or just weaselly gimmick. Think every black hat, mustache twirling villain from old movies and that's your slightly over the top old school heel.</p>
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