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New Faces Question

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So I created my own complete data base with new companies and everything. Everything is going fine but on the "website" it constantly says that companies will be bringing in new faces soon and then they never do, but there are eligible guys unemployed still. And it does it all the time with just about every company. Do I have something set wrong or is that just a weird thing it does? Not a huge deal, doesn't seem to affect game play, more curious then anything else.


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It's worth taking a look at the promotions' hiring rules (if you've used them). If none of the workers fit those rules they won't hire anyone <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Also, it might be worth looking into the size of the current roster vs size of the company. If they have too few workers for their size could be one cause of the note. As far as them not hiring people despite the note, I think irule is right on the money.
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Or none of the remaining workers that the company want to hire will work for them (due to relationships, or the company being too risque for the worker). Or they all just suck too much/are unknown/unavailable to work in the company's home area. Or perhaps they just don't suit the company's product (if most of the unemployed guys are Cruiserweights and Spot Monkeys and the companies that are looking to bring in new faces have no Daredevil or Modern in their product, they're unlikely to want a Cruiserweight/Spot Monkey).
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