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Releasing wrestler from company?

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I have recently purchased TEW 2013. I downloaded WCW 2001 mod. Im having trouble releasing a wrestler from there contract. When I click negotiate it just says that I cant negotiate as hes on a written contract. There is no option to release him from the company?
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<p>Just as a sidenote, this question should go in the topic 'small questions that don't deserve their own thread' as it's probably already been answered.</p><p> </p><p>

However on the screen where your clicking negotiate, directly beside that there should be a button for 'release'. When you click that you get the option of releasing them. If their on a written contract you'll need to compensate them with a hefty paycheque, if their on a PPA deal you can release them for nothing.</p><p> </p><p>

For further clarification; on the roster screen, select the wrestler, click on the highlighted font beside where it says contract and release is in the middle of the 3 options in there.</p>

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<p>Since this is here and answered I'd like to ask why would you ever do that. You have to pay off the balance of their contract (the whole thing I believe). If the worker is a headache wait for an incident then fire them and owe nothing.</p><p> </p><p>

Just wondering ...</p>

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<p>Personally, if it's someone who I know is a backstage problem with drugs or steroids or that, I'll deliberately give them a straight test and then fire them.</p><p> </p><p>

To be fair, either way whether you fire them or not, they're still going to earn their entire paycheque and they can either do it whilst taking up valuable space on your roster or whilst sitting at home looking for a new job when they're no longer your problem... Different strokes for different folks.</p>

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